MPS5179 / MMBT5179 / PN5179 NPN RF Transistor

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PN5179MMBT5179CECBTO-92SOT-23ECBEMark: 3CTO-92BNPN RF TransistorThis device is designed for use in low noise UHF/VHF amplifierswith collector currents in the 100 µA to 30 mA range in commonemitter or common base mode of operation, and in low frequencydrift, high ouput UHF oscillators. Sourced from Process 40.Absolute Maximum Ratings*SymbolTA 25 C unless otherwise notedParameterValueUnits12VCollector-Base Voltage20VEmitter-Base Voltage2.5VICCollector Current - Continuous50mATJ, TstgOperating and Storage Junction Temperature Range-55 to 150 CVCEOCollector-Emitter VoltageVCBOVEBO*These ratings are limiting values above which the serviceability of any semiconductor device may be impaired.NOTES:1) These ratings are based on a maximum junction temperature of 150 degrees C.2) These are steady state limits. The factory should be consulted on applications involving pulsed or low duty cycle operations.Thermal CharacteristicsSymbolPDRθJATA 25 C unless otherwise notedCharacteristicTotal Device DissipationDerate above 25 CThermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient*Device mounted on FR-4 PCB 1.6" X 1.6" X 0.06." 1997 Fairchild Semiconductor 6UnitsmWmW/ C C/WMPS5179 / MMBT5179 / PN5179MPS5179

(continued)Electrical CharacteristicsSymbolTA 25 C unless otherwise notedParameterTest ConditionsMinMaxUnitsOFF CHARACTERISTICSVCEO(sus)Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage*IC 3.0 mA, IB 012VV(BR)CBOCollector-Base Breakdown VoltageIC 1.0 µA, IE 020VV(BR)EBOEmitter-Base Breakdown VoltageIE 10 µA, IC 02.5VICBOCollector Cutoff CurrentVCB 15 V, IE 0VCB 15 V, TA 150 C0.021.0µAµAON CHARACTERISTICShFEDC Current GainIC 3.0 mA, VCE 1.0 V25250VCE(sat)Collector-Emitter Saturation VoltageIC 10 mA, IB 1.0 mA0.4VVBE(sat)Base-Emitter Saturation VoltageIC 10 mA, IB 1.0 mA1.0V2000MHz1.0pFMPS5179 / MMBT5179 / PN5179NPN RF TransistorSMALL SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICSfTCurrent Gain - Bandwidth ProductCcbCollector-Base CapacitancehfeSmall-Signal Current Gainrb’CcCollector Base Time ConstantNFNoise FigureIC 5.0 mA, VCE 6.0 V,f 100 MHzVCB 10 V, IE 0,f 0.1 to 1.0 MHzIC 2.0 mA, VCE 6.0 V,f 1.0 kHzIC 2.0 mA, VCB 6.0 V,f 31.9 MHzIC 1.5 mA, VCE 6.0 V,RS 50Ω, f 200 MHz900VCE 6.0 V, IC 5.0 mA,f 200 MHzVCB 10 V, IE 12 mA,f 500 MHz15dB20mW253003.014ps5.0dBFUNCTIONAL TESTGpeAmplifier Power GainPOPower Output*Pulse Test: Pulse Width 300 µs, Duty Cycle 2.0%Spice ModelNPN (Is 69.28E-18 Xti 3 Eg 1.11 Vaf 100 Bf 282.1 Ne 1.177 Ise 69.28E-18 Ikf 22.03m Xtb 1.5 Br 1.176Nc 2 Isc 0 Ikr 0 Rc 4 Cjc 1.042p Mjc .2468 Vjc .75 Fc .5 Cje 1.52p Mje .3223 Vje .75 Tr 1.588nTf 135.6p Itf .27 Vtf 10 Xtf 30 Rb 10)3

(continued)h FE - DC CURRENT GAIN250125 C20015025 C100- 40 CV CE 5V50V BESAT - BASE -EMITTER VOLTAG E (V)00.0010.01I C - COLLECTOR CURRE NT (A)0.1Base-Emitter SaturationVoltage vs Collector Current1.21- 40 C0.825 C125 C0.6β 100.40.1IC11020 30- COLLE CTOR CURRENT ( mA)Collector-Emitter SaturationVoltage vs Collector Current0.2125 C0.125 C0.05110I C - COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA)20 30Base-Emitter ON Voltage vsCollector Current1- 40 C0.825 C0.6125 C0.4V CE 5V0.20.010.1110I C - COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA)50Power Dissipation vsAmbient Temperature625100VCBP D - POWER DISSIPATION (mW)I CBO - COLLECTOR CURRENT ( nA)- 40 C0.1Collector-Cutoff Currentvs Ambient Temperature 20V1010.125β 100.15VBE(O N)- BASE-E MITTER ON VOLTAGE (V)DC Current Gainvs Collector CurrentV CESAT - COLLE CTOR-EMITTER VOLTAGE (V)Typical Characteristics5075100125T A - AMBIENT TE MPERATURE ( C)150TO-92500SOT-2337525012500255075100TEMPERATURE (o C)125150MPS5179 / MMBT5179 / PN5179NPN RF Transistor

(continued)Test Circuit50 pF(NOTE 2)175 pF500 mHz OutputΩinto 50ΩRFC(NOTE 1)1000 pFΩ2.2 KΩ-VeeNOTE 1: 2 turns No. 16 AWG wire, 3/8 inch OD, 1 1/4 inch longNOTE 2: 9 turns No. 22 AWG wire, 3/16 inch OD, 1/2 inch long1000 pFMPS5179 / MMBT5179 / PN5179NPN RF TransistorRFCVCCFIGURE 1: 500 MHz Oscillator Circuit3

TO-92 Tape and Reel DataTO-92 PackagingConfiguration: Figure 1.0TAPE and REEL OPTIONFSCINT Label sampleSee Fig 2.0 for variousReeling StylesFAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR Y: 10000SPEC:D9842SPEC REV:FSCINTLabelB2QA REV:5 Reels perIntermediate Box(FSCINT)CustomizedLabelF63TNR Label sampleLOT: CBVK741B019FSID: PN222ND/C1: D9842D/C2:F63TNRLabelQTY: 2000SPEC:QTY1:QTY2:SPEC REV:CPN:N/F: FCustomizedLabel(F63TNR)3375mm x 267mm x 375mmIntermediate BoxTO-92 TNR/AMMO PACKING INFROMATIONPackingStyleQuantityEOL 5ZAMMO PACK OPTIONSee Fig 3.0 for 2 AmmoPack OptionsFSCINTLabelUnit weight 0.22 gmReel weight with components 1.04 kgAmmo weight with components 1.02 kgMax quantity per intermediate box 10,000 units327mm x 158mm x 135mmImmediate BoxCustomizedLabel(TO-92) BULK PACKING INFORMATIONEOLCODEDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYTO-18 OPTION STDNO LEAD CLIP2.0 K / BOXJ05ZTO-5 OPTION STDNO LEAD CLIP1.5 K / BOXNO LEADCLIP2.0 K / BOXNO LEADCLIP2.0 K / BOXTO-92 STANDARDSTRAIGHT FOR: PKG 92,94 (NON PROELECTRONSERIES), 96L34ZTO-92 STANDARDSTRAIGHT FOR: PKG 94(PROELECTRON SERIESBCXXX, BFXXX, BSRXXX),97, 98CustomizedLabelF63TNRLabel333mm x 231mm x 183mmIntermediate BoxBULK OPTIONLEADCLIPDIMENSIONJ18ZNO EOLCODE5 Ammo boxes perIntermediate BoxSee Bulk PackingInformation tableAnti-staticBubble SheetsFSCINT Label2000 units perEO70 box forstd option114mm x 102mm x 51mmImmediate Box5 EO70 boxes perintermediate Box530mm x 130mm x 83mmIntermediate boxCustomizedLabelFSCINT Label10,000 units maximumper intermediate boxfor std option 2001 Fairchild Semiconductor CorporationMarch 2001, Rev. B1


TO-92 Tape and Reel Data, continuedTO-92 Tape and Reel TapingDimension Configuration: Figure 4.0HdPPdbHaW1dLH1 HOL1SWOtW2Wt1P1 F1DOP2POUser Direction of FeedTO-92 ReelConfiguration: Figure 5.0ITEM DESCRIPTIONSYMBOLDIMENSIONBase of Package to Lead Bendb0.098 (max)Component HeightHa0.928 ( /- 0.025)Lead Clinch HeightHO0.630 ( /- 0.020)Component Base HeightH10.748 ( /- 0.020)Component Alignment ( side/side )Pd0.040 (max)Component Alignment ( front/back )Hd0.031 (max)Component PitchP0.500 ( /- 0.020)Feed Hole PitchPO0.500 ( /- 0.008)Hole Center to First LeadP10.150 ( 0.009, -0.010)Hole Center to Component CenterP20.247 ( /- 0.007)Lead SpreadF1/F20.104 ( /- 0 .010)Lead Thicknessd0.018 ( 0.002, -0.003)Cut Lead LengthL0.429 (max)Taped Lead LengthL10.209 ( 0.051, -0.052)Taped Lead Thicknesst0.032 ( /- 0.006)Carrier Tape Thicknesst10.021 ( /- 0.006)Carrier Tape WidthW0.708 ( 0.020, -0.019)Hold - down Tape WidthWO0.236 ( /- 0.012)Hold - down Tape positionW10.035 (max)Feed Hole PositionW20.360 ( /- 0.025)Sprocket Hole DiameterDO0.157 ( 0.008, -0.007)Lead Spring OutS0.004 (max)Note : All dimensions are in inches.ELECT ROSTATICSEN SITIVE D EVICESD4D1D2F63TNR LabelITEM DESCRIPTIONSYSMBOLMINIMUMMAXIMUMReel DiameterD113.97514.025Arbor Hole Diameter (Standard)D21.1601.200D20.6500.700Customized Label(Small Hole)W1Core DiameterD33.1003.300Hub Recess Inner DiameterD42.7003.100Hub Recess DepthW10.3700.570Flange to Flange Inner WidthW21.630Hub to Hub Center WidthW31.6902.090W3W2Note: All dimensions are inchesD3July 1999, Rev. A

TO-92 Package DimensionsTO-92 (FS PKG Code 92, 94, 96)1:1Scale 1:1 on letter size paperDimensions shown below are in:inches [millimeters]Part Weight per unit (gram): 0.1977 2000 Fairchild Semiconductor InternationalJanuary 2000, Rev. B

SOT-23 Tape and Reel DataSOT-23 PackagingConfiguration: Figure 1.0Customized LabelPackaging Description:SOT-23 parts are shipped in tape. The carrier tape ismade from a dissipative (carbon filled) polycarbonateresin. The cover tape is a multilayer film (Heat ActivatedAdhesive in nature) primarily composed of polyester film,adhesive layer, sealant, and anti-static sprayed agent.These reeled parts in standard option are shipped with3,000 units per 7" or 177cm diameter reel. The reels aredark blue in color and is made of polystyrene plastic (antistatic coated). Other option comes in 10,000 units per 13"or 330cm diameter reel. This and some other options aredescribed in the Packaging Information table.Antistatic Cover TapeHuman ReadableLabelThese full reels are individually labeled and placed insidea standard intermediate made of recyclable corrugatedbrown paper with a Fairchil d logo printing. One pizza boxcontains eight reels maximum. And these intermediateboxes are placed inside a labeled shipping box whichcomes in different sizes depending on the number of partsshipped.EmbossedCarrier Tape3P3P3P3PSOT-23 Packaging InformationPackaging OptionPackaging typeQty per Reel/Tube/BagStandard(no flow code)TNR3,000D87Z7" Dia13"187x107x183343x343x64Max qty per Box24,00030,000Weight per unit (gm)0.00820.0082Weight per Reel (kg)0.11750.4006Reel SizeBox Dimension (mm)SOT-23 Unit OrientationTNR10,000343mm x 342mm x 64mmIntermediate box for L87Z OptionHuman Readable LabelNote/CommentsHuman Readable Label sampleH uman readableLabel187mm x 107mm x 183mmIntermediate Box for Standard OptionSOT-23 Tape Leader and TrailerConfiguration: Figure 2.0Carrier TapeCover TapeComponentsTrailer Tape300mm minimum or75 empt y poc kets 2000 Fairchild Semiconductor InternationalLeader Tape500mm minimum or125 empty pocketsSeptember 1999, Rev. C

SOT-23 Tape and Reel Data, continuedSOT-23 Embossed Carrier TapeConfiguration: Figure 3.0P0P2D1D0TE1WFE2WcB0TcA0P1K0User Direction of FeedDimensions are in millimeterPkg typeA0B0SOT-23(8mm)3.15 /-0.102.77 /-0.10W8.0 /-0.3D0D1E1E21.55 /-0.051.125 /-0.1251.75 /-0.10F6.25min3.50 /-0.05P1P04.0 /-0.14.0 /-0.1K0T1.30 /-0.100.228 /-0.013Notes: A0, B0, and K0 dimensions are determined with respect to the EIA/Jedec RS-481rotational and lateral movement requirements (see sketches A, B, and C).Wc0.06 /-0.020.5mmmaximum20 deg maximumTypicalcomponentcavitycenter lineB05.2 /-0.3Tc0.5mmmaximum20 deg maximum component rotationTypicalcomponentcenter lineSketch A (Side or Front Sectional View)A0Component RotationSketch C (Top View)Component lateral movementSketch B (Top View)SOT-23 Reel Configuration: Figure 4.0Component RotationW1 Measured at HubDim AMaxDim AmaxSee detail AADim N7" Diameter OptionB MinDim CSee detail AAW313" Diameter OptionDim DminW2 max Measured at HubDETAIL AADimensions are in inches and millimetersTape SizeReelOptionDim ADim BDim CDim DDim NDim W1Dim W2Dim W3 (LSL-USL)8mm7" Dia7.00177.80.0591.5512 0.020/-0.00813 0.5/-0.20.79520.22.165550.331 0.059/-0.0008.4 1.5/00.56714.40.311 – 0.4297.9 – 10.98mm13" Dia13.003300.0591.5512 0.020/-0.00813 0.5/-0.20.79520.24.001000.331 0.059/-0.0008.4 1.5/00.56714.40.311 – 0.4297.9 – 10.9September 1999, Rev. C

SOT-23 Package DimensionsSOT-23 (FS PKG Code 49)1:1Scale 1:1 on letter size paperDimensions shown below are in:inches [millimeters]Part Weight per unit (gram): 0.0082 2000 Fairchild Semiconductor InternationalSeptember 1998, Rev. A1

TRADEMARKSThe following are registered and unregistered trademarks Fairchild Semiconductor owns or is authorized to use and isnot intended to be an exhaustive list of all such trademarks.ACEx Bottomless CoolFET CROSSVOLT DOME E2CMOSTMEnSignaTMFACT FACT Quiet Series FAST FASTr GlobalOptoisolator GTO HiSeC ISOPLANAR MICROWIRE OPTOLOGIC OPTOPLANAR PACMAN POP PowerTrench QFET QS QT Optoelectronics Quiet Series SILENT SWITCHER SMART START SuperSOT -3SuperSOT -6SuperSOT -8SyncFET TinyLogic UHC VCX DISCLAIMERFAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHERNOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN. FAIRCHILDDOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCTOR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN; NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICENSE UNDER ITS PATENTRIGHTS, NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS.LIFE SUPPORT POLICYFAIRCHILD’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORTDEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION.As used herein:1. Life support devices or systems are devices or2. A critical component is any component of a lifesupport device or system whose failure to perform cansystems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant intobe reasonably expected to cause the failure of the lifethe body, or (b) support or sustain life, or (c) whosesupport device or system, or to affect its safety orfailure to perform when properly used in accordancewith instructions for use provided in the labeling, can beeffectiveness.reasonably expected to result in significant injury to theuser.PRODUCT STATUS DEFINITIONSDefinition of TermsDatasheet IdentificationProduct StatusDefinitionAdvance InformationFormative orIn DesignThis datasheet contains the design specifications forproduct development. Specifications may change inany manner without notice.PreliminaryFirst ProductionThis datasheet contains preliminary data, andsupplementary data will be published at a later date.Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to makechanges at any time without notice in order to improvedesign.No Identification NeededFull ProductionThis datasheet contains final specifications. FairchildSemiconductor reserves the right to make changes atany time without notice in order to improve design.ObsoleteNot In ProductionThis datasheet contains specifications on a productthat has been discontinued by Fairchild semiconductor.The datasheet is printed for reference information only.Rev. G

Cover Tape Carrier Tape Note/Comments Packaging Option SOT-23 Packaging Information Standard (no flow code) D87Z Packaging type Reel Size TNR 7" Dia TNR 13" Qty per Reel/Tube/Bag 3,000 10,000 Box Dimension (mm) 187x107x183 343x343x64 Max qty per Box 24,000 30,000 Weight per unit (gm) 0.0082 0.0082 Weight per Reel (kg) 0.1175 0.4006 Human .

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