Aztec, Maya, and Incan WebQuestGoals of the WebquestDuring this webquest, you will complete the following tasks:1. On the map provided, you will identify where the Incan, Maya, and Aztec empires were located.2. You will also answer the questions pertaining to the religion, science, decline, and culture of each civilization.a. (This will be ONE timeline with all 3 civilizations on it, not 3 separate timelines).3. You will answer the following questions in paragraph form:a. Which of the 3 civilizations would you have wanted to live in? Give at least two reasons why.b. Of the two civilizations you would not want to have lived in, give one reason for each why you would nothave wanted to live in either of those.c. This must be in paragraph form, so there should be two paragraphs, one on the civilization you want to livein and one on why you would not want to live in the other two.Begin your webquest by using the links below to answer the questions and complete the tasks.
Begin your webquest here.1. Geography: On the map provided Identify where the Incan, Mayan, and Aztec civilizations were located. Label them on the map!o explorations/U4/U4 article1.cfm In what modern countries would you have found these civilizations? Label them on the map!o (Maya and Aztec)o (Inca)2. Religions: Were these empires polytheistic or monotheistic?o Name at least one god from each civilization. What they were the god of? Aztec Maya Inca- Use the following site to answer the next two questions:o mids-in-latin-america Why were the pyramids of the Aztec and Maya built? What happened at the Aztec and Mayan temples?
Aztecs: -reKSV69NCr9bk9PD3mzXRL2DFm80/edit#. What was the name of the Aztec capital/main city? Describe what the city was like in 3 sentences. Aztec ar.htmlo How many months did the Aztecs have?o How is their calendar alike and different from ours? Decline- ire.htmlo What were the main reasons for the fall of the Aztec Empire?o Who was Hernando Cortez and how did he help bring about the end of the Aztec civilization?Maya: Calendar- n.htmlo How many calendars did the Maya have? How accurate were they? Decline- (Watch the video and read the bottom of the article.)o Do we know why the Maya civilization declined?
Inca: -traps-incan-emperor-atahualpa Who was Atahualpa? Who was Francisco Pizarro and how did he help bring about the end of the Incan civilization? Religion- def/mythology/inti sun.htmlo Who was Inti? Technologyo Why were Inca roads so impressive? ire.htmlo Did Incans write and keep records? ting/a/quipu.htmo What is Macchu Pichu and who “found it”? ire.html
3. Civilizations Paragraphs:Write two paragraphs, one discussing the civilization you would have wanted to live in and the other paragraph shouldstate why you would not want to live in the other two. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TELL ME “I wouldn’t want tolive in any of them because I don’t like them, they aren’t modern, or any other reason like that”.
Aztec, Maya, and Incan WebQuest Goals of the Webquest During this webquest, you will complete the following tasks: _1.On the map provided, you will identify where the Incan, Maya, and Aztec empires were located. _2.You will also answer the questions pertaining to the religion, science, decline, and culture of each civilization. a.
Mayan, Incan, and Aztec Civilizations Incan Roads and Bridges INCAN ROADS AND BRIDGES The Incas built one of the an-cient world's best transportation sys-tems. They built roads and bridges to keep the empire together. The trans-portation system allowed the
Incan ruler was descended from the sun god, Inti, who would bring prosperity and greatness to the Incan state. Only men from one of 11 noble lineages believed to be descendants of the sun god could be selected as Incan leaders. Pachacuti Builds an EmpireAt first the Incan kingdom grew slowly. In 1438,
MAYA, AZTEC, AND INCA CIILIATIONS CHAPTER 2: Maya Science and Daily Life Big Question: Why is the 365-day solar calendar developed by the Maya particularly impressive? Between 200 and 900 CE, the Maya civilization reached its peak, building great cities with enormous pyramids and temples for the celebration of complex religious beliefs.
Aztec, Inca, and Maya, by Elizabeth Baquedano This book chronicles the history, beliefs, and everyday lives of the ancient Aztec, Inca, and Maya peoples. (Gr 3-5) Amazing Maya Inventions You Can Build Yourself, by Sheri Bell‑Rehwoldt This rich resource combines historical facts about the Maya with entertaining and educational craft projects.
Aztec Civilization The Aztec tribe lived in southern Mexico from about 900 CE (AD) to 1521. In the 1100s the Aztec settled in the Valley of Mexico on the swampy shores of Lake Texcoco and on a small island in the lake. The Aztec named this place Tenochtitlan (te noch tee TLAHN) and it eventually b
AZTEC ! The Aztec lived in central Mexico. Their capital was called Tenochtitlan and it was located on islands in a lake. Mexico City now stands on the ruins of the Aztec capital. ! The Aztec also practiced sacrifice and built large pyramids like the Maya. ! The Aztec empire flourished from 1400 to about 1520, when it was overthrown by the Spanish.
Maya FBX Plug-in Guide 1 1 Installation The Maya FBX plug-in is used by Maya to import, export, and convert files using the .fbx file format. This chapter describes how to install the Maya FBX plug-in on Windows , Mac OS X, and Linux systems. The Maya FBX plug-in comes with Maya and is
The American Osteopathic Board of Radiology will not require a written attestation as a requirement for examination or certification. No. 11 In the osteopathic profession, the American Osteopathic Board of Radiology reviews and approves the eligibility of candidates whose training has been reviewed and approved by the American Osteopathic College of Radiology (AOCR). In 1982, the AOCR training .