Sustainable Aviation FuelEvolution and prospects of sustainable aviation fuels in Australia
Avia%on Industry TargetsTechnologyRenewable FuelOpera4ons andInfrastructureEconomicMeasures
An Efficient Industryh t-of-the-week-14-oct-2016.pdf
Timeline 2007 - Virgin Blue introduces world’s first airline administered voluntary carbon offsetprogram 2009 – Forma4on of Australian Sustainable Avia4on Fuel User Group 2010/11 – “Flightpath to Sustainable Avia4on” Roadmap undertaken and released 2011 – Australian Ini4a4ve for Sustainable Avia4on Fuel 2012 – Carbon Price 2013 – Qantas/Shell SAF Feasibility Study Report 2013 – Strategic Avia4on Forum with Defence Dept 2016 – Virgin Australia/ANZ RFIQueensland Sustainable Avia4on Fuel Ini4a4veSustainable Mallee Jet Fuel Study
Roadmap Is there enough sustainable biomass available in theregion? Will it be economically viable to produce bio-derivedjet fuels? Refining pathways Competition for biomass What are the challenges? What are the benefits?
Sustainable biomass resources Feedstocks covered in study – Lignocellulosic – Forest and wood residues, crop stubble, bagasse,coppice eucalypts Algae, tallow, oil seed crops, pongamia Others not suitable for Australia or not enough data7
Key Findings Sustainable avia4on fuels derived from biomass are a feasible op4on There is sufficient exis4ng sustainable biomass to support a local bio-derived jet fuelindustry There will be challenges in the scale-up of economically viable feedstock produc4on There will be high demand among industries for biofuel Investment by the refining sector will be impacted by uncertainty8
Sources of LC biomass Exis4ng 9
Sources of LC biomass Emerging Advanced Biofuels Study, Strategic Direc7ons for Australia: LEK Consul7ng10
Scale of biomass resources rela%veto avia%on need in Australia 11
However, most resources are in the form oflignocellulose
Focus on research and cost reduc%onsPyrolysis andHTRCAT-
Building the Renewable Fuel Value ChainDE-RISK Biomass Ag and forest wastes MSW Regrowth, malleeFeedstockBiohubs Collect Aggregate Pre-process Process TransportBiorefineryTerminal &Blenders Exis4ng facili4esEnd user JUHI Tanker Airlines Military Gnd TransportResellersSignificant work has been undertaken on specific aspects especiallyfeedstock and Conversion (bio refinery).Focus is required on downstream elements and supply chain integra4on.And importantly DE-RISK.14
Brisbane BioPort} Partners: SkyNRG, Virgin Australia, Brisbane Airport Corpora4on} Focus on determining the most promising supply chain combina4on with the ul4mate goal ofproducing an investable business case and advancing to the construc4on phase.} The approach is unique in that no pre-comminng to a specific feedstock, logis4cs or technologycombina4on upfront. There are a number of very promising projects currently underway in theseareas in the state} It is important that we objec4vely assess all poten4al pathways with a robust and transparentmethodology. This will work towards minimising risk and maximising investment poten4al.} Two key elements: Get co-funding mechanisms in place (government incen4ves Corporate Program to bridgethe transi4on ) Development of a efficient regional supply chain (feedstock conversion technology) thatcan compete with fossil fuelBrisbane BioPort
Some things we know and some we think we knowThe key financial issue is to unlock capital – both debt and equityThere are some things we know and some things weare fairly confident of: To be economically viable renewable jet fuel must bepriced at a level the market will find acceptable. Tradi4onal jet fuel is forecast to become more expensive(how much/when?). Renewable fuel will become less expensive (how much/when). Government leadership, vision and support is required. Australia in par4cular has a unique opportunity.
Jet Fuel Prices ( /bbl)
Jet Fuel Prices ( /Gal)
SCENARIO FLIGHT FROM BRISBANE TO SYDNEY 1 BBL 159 litres 3.785L/US gal BNE-SYD about 3.5tonnes Jet-A burn in 737-800 about(4.4kL) Approx 27L/pax approx. 100kg CO2 per pax average At 2013 price 28/pax in fuel. Now if we use 20% biojet at 2/L it is 35/pax 7 PREMIUM To offset 20% of carbon normally would cost 0.20 at offset cost of 10/tonne.HOW DO WE BRIDGE THIS GAP?
Moving forwardSteps to make progress:1. Policy enablers are required to help de-risk public and private investment inrenewable jet fuels.2. Policy makers must level the playing field between avia4on and othersectors. Difficult as airlines pay no excise on Jet-A.3. Financial instruments for biojet produc4on (eg futures contract – lock inprice and vol to give certainty).4. Price on carbon ( 20/t carbon price approx. 6c/L fuel cost) – is thisenough?5. Consider extending MBM to domes4c avia4onIt is 8me for bold thinking.
Sustainable Aviation Fuel . 2009 – Formaon of Australian Sustainable Aviaon Fuel User Group 2010/11 – “Flightpath to Sustainable Aviaon” Roadmap undertaken and released 2011 – Australian Ini4ave for Sustainable Aviaon Fuel 2012 – Carbon Price .
BIOENERGY 2020 GmbH A T F Firmensitz Graz Inffeldgasse 21b, A 8010 Graz FN 232244k Landesgericht für ZRS Graz UID-Nr. ATU 56877044 V02 Manfred Wörgetter IEA Bioenergy ExCo 78 IEA Bioenergy Workshop „Biotreibstoffe für die Luft- und Seefahrt”
on Bioenergy, functions within a Framework created by the International Energy Agency (IEA). Views, findings and publications of IEA Bioenergy do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or of its individual Member countries . An introduction to the IEA
bioenergy into the market, with hard questions from the audience generating interesting debate. Topics included both global and Demonstrating sustainable bioenergy and Scaling it up Fig. 1: Biomass production and fuel storage in Sweden destined for transport diesel fuel. December 2017 IEA Bioenergy faction nfo: m /
IEA Bioenergy, Task 33 Workshop November 4th, 2014, Karlsruhe. . IEA AMF IEA Bioenergy Task 39 „Liquid Biofuels“ . within a Framework created by the International Energy Agency (IEA). Views, findings and p
IEA Bioenergy Task 37 IEA Bioenergy Task 37 meeting - UK 2. Work program 2016-2018 Objectives To carry out expert technical work on sustainable digestion of substrates, associated reactor configurations and utilisation of produced biogas To provide expert technica
1 IEA and CCFI (2020), Energy Investing: Exploring risk and return in the capital markets. IEA and CCFI. 2 IEA (2020), World Energy Outlook 2020. IEA. 3 IEA (2021), Global Energy Review: CO2 Emissions in 2020. IEA. 4 Steffen, B. (2020). Estimating the cost of capital for renewable energy projects. Energy Economics, 88, 104783. doi:10.1016/j.
IEA Bioenergy is one of two IEA Implementing Agreements with major relevance for Bioenergy/Biofuels (the other IEA-AMF . PDB: main goal is the production of one/more Bio-based Products; process residues are used to produce Bioenergy for internal/externa
and Career-Readiness Standards for English Language Arts. The second section includes the MS CCRS for ELA for kindergarten through second grade. The third section includes the MS CCRS for ELA for grades 3-5. The fourth section includes the MS CCRS for ELA, including Literacy in Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects. The final section .