Master‘s degree programInternationalInformation SystemsModule handbook –– winter semester 2019/2020Advanceknowled dgestartwintersemeste2014/20
ImpressumVerantwortlich: Prof. Dr. Karl WilbersStudiendekan Fachbereich rsität Erlangen-NürnbergLange Gasse 20, 90403 Nürnberg, Tel.: htsbelehrungAlle Angaben sind ohne Gewähr.Im Zweifelsfall gilt die Master-Prüfungsordnung.Wenden Sie sich bei Fragen bitte direktan den zuständigen Modulverantwortlichen.Stand: 30. September 2019International Information Systems (IIS) Master of Science Program Modulhandbuch Stand: 31.03.20191 of 40
InhaltsverzeichnisICustomized Introduction (20 ECTS) . 10Management introduction (20 ECTS) . 11Management I (10 ECTS). 12Foundations of international management I (FIM I) . 12Foundations of international management II (FIM II) . 14Management II (10 ECTS). 16Informatics introduction (20 ECTS) . 19Informatics I (10 ECTS) . 20Informatics II (10 ECTS) . 21Informatics II part 1 . 21Informatics II part 2 (Option 1) . 24Informatics II part 2 (Option 2) . 26IIForeign language skills . 28Foreign language skills. 29III Information Systems. 31IV Informatics . 34V Seminar International Information Systems . 37VII Master thesis . 39International Information Systems (IIS) Master of Science Program Modulhandbuch Stand: 31.03.20192 of 40
AbkürzungsverzeichnisECTSEuropean Credit Transfer SystemEKEinführungskursCoCourseshHours / hoice-TestminMinutesPPresentation / PräsentationProSProseminarSSeminarSSSummer Term / SommersemesterSWSTime a module will be held per week. One SWS is 45 min /SemesterwochenstundenÜExercise / ÜbungVLecture / VorlesungWSWinter Term / WintersemesterInternational Information Systems (IIS) Master of Science Program Modulhandbuch Stand: 31.03.20193 of 40
ModulübersichtCustomized Introduction to IIS (20 ECTS)InformaticsSemester 1ManagementManagement IManagement IIInformatics IInformatics IIForeign Language Skills (5 ECTS)Semester 2Foreign Language SkillsIIS Management (30 ECTS)Informatics (30 ECTS)Core Courses (15 ECTS)Core Courses (15 ECTS)Innovationand ValueCreation I *Services,Processes,IntelligenceI*DataManagement I *IT Management I *Electives (15 ECTS)Semester 3Innovationand ValueCreation II**Services,Processes,Intelligence g I *Electives (15 ECTS)DataManagement II **IT Management II **SoftwareEngineering II **AppliedSoftwareEngineering II **Extension Courses **Extension Courses **Study Abroad Courses **Study Abroad Courses **Seminar (5 ECTS)Sem. 4SeminarMaster Thesis (30 ECTS)Master Thesis* mandatory 5 ECTS / ** up to 15 ECTSInternational Information Systems (IIS) Master of Science Program Modulhandbuch Stand: 31.03.20194 of 40
Leitfaden zur StundenplangestaltungStudierende können sich ihren Stundenplan im elektronischen Vorlesungsverzeichnis univis selbstzusammenstellen. Hier sind alle Lehrveranstaltungen semesteraktuell nach bestimmten Themenoder einzelnen Lehrstühlen hinterlegt sowie die jeweiligen Dozierenden einsehbar. Über den Pfad Vorlesungsverzeichnis Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät (RW) Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften gelangen Sie zu den Lehrveranstaltungen amFachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften. An dieser Stelle ist es nun möglich, gezielt Bachelor- oderMasterveranstaltungen auszuwählen.Eine Hilfe zur Erstellung des Stundenplans ist hier zu finden: Information Systems (IIS) Master of Science Program Modulhandbuch Stand: 31.03.20195 of 40
Please note:According to section 3 subsection 4 of the examination regulations of the study programM. Sc. International Information Systems as amended on 05.06.2014 students are required to spend at least one semester abroad. Students can go on an exchange semesterto a foreign university, do their master’s thesis in cooperation with a foreign university orwith a company located outside of Germany.Bitte beachten Sie:Gemäß § 3 Abs. 4 der Fachprüfungsordnung des Masterstudiengangs International Information Systems in der Fassung vom 05.06.2014 müssen die Studierenden im Verlauf desStudiums mindestens ein Semester im Ausland verbringen. Hierfür kommt ein Studiensemester an einer ausländischen Hochschule, die Masterarbeit an einer ausländischenHochschule oder die Ausarbeitung der Masterarbeit bei einem Unternehmen im Ausland inBetracht.International Information Systems (IIS) Master of Science Program Modulhandbuch Stand: 31.03.20196 of 40
ECTSCustomized Introduction to International Information SystemsManagement orManagement IFoundations of international management IFoundations of international management IIManagement IICase solving seminarDigital Transformation ProjectInformaticsInformatics IAlgorithmen und DatenstrukturenInformatics IIKonzeptionelle ModellierungPraktische Softwaretechnik orSoftware development in large projectsForeign Language SkillsForeign language skillsForeign language skills (I II)Information SystemsCore Courses (Kernbereich)Modulbereich: Innovation and value creation IInnovation and leadership (WS)Modulbereich: Services, processes and intelligence I(choose one out of two options)ASM (SS)BI (SS)Modulbereich: IT Management I(choose one out of two options)MGP MIT (WS)MEITA (SS)Electives (Wahlpflichtbereich)Modulbereich: Innovation and value creation IIOrganizing for digital transformation (SS)Platform strategies (SS)Designing technology (SS)Service innovation (SS)Modulbereich: Services, processes, and intelligence IIASM (SS)APM (WS)BI (SS)CSS (WS, SS)SAWI (WS)IoTISS (SS)Modulbereich: IT management IIMGP MIT (WS)MEITA (SS)Modulbereich: Extension CoursesProcess Analytics (WS)Digital marketing and Innovation (WS)Social media marketing (SS)Praxisseminar Innovative Versich. (SS, WS)Digital change management (SS)Foundations of linked data (SS)Enterprise knowledge management (WS)Create your FinTech startup (SS)User experience in a business context (WS)Data analytics for information systems (WS)Modulbereich: Study abroad coursesSem. 1ECTSSem. 2ECTSSem. 3ECTSSem. onal Information Systems (IIS) Master of Science Program Modulhandbuch Stand: 31.03.20190-157 of 40
ECTSInformaticsCore Courses (Kernbereich)Modulbereich: Data management I(choose one out of two options)EBTEIS (WS)POIS (SS)Modulbereich: Software engineering I(choose one out of two options)SoSy3 Ü (WS)SWE-GL-Konstr Ü (SS)Modulbereich: Applied software Engineering I(choose one out of four options)SPM (WS)PROD-VUE (WS)PROD-PROJ (WS)OOAD (SS)FLOSS (SS)Electives (Wahlpflichtbereich)Modulbereich: Data management IIDWKDD (SS)EBTEIS (WS)POIS (SS)Modulbereich: Software engineering IISWE-PR Design patterns (SS)SoSy3 Ü (WS)SWE-GL-Konstr Ü (SS)SWE-ZUV (SS)SWE-PR Krypto (WS)Fehlertol. Softwarearchitekturen (WS)SWE-VV Ü (WS)SWE-GL Design Patterns (SS)SWE-GL SWE-PR (SS)Modulbereich: Applied software engineering IISPM (WS)AMOS (SS)ARCH (SS)PROD-VUE (WS)PROD-PROJ (WS)OOAD (SS)FLOSS (SS)TSWS (SS)ADAP (WS)NYT-VUE (SS)NYT-PROJ (SS)Modulbereich: Extension CoursesES DS (LS Inf 1, WS & SS)EinfITSec Ü (LS Inf 1, WS)HumSecPri Ü (LS Inf 1, SS)Verteilte Systeme (LS Inf 4, SS)Middleware – Cloud computing (LS Inf 4, WS)Simulation and modeling I (LS Inf 7, WS)Simulation and modeling II (LS Inf 7, SS)Rechnerkommunikation (LS Inf 7, SS)Kommunikationssysteme (LS Inf 7, WS)Dienstgüte von Kommunikationssystemen (LS Inf 7, SS)Fahrzeugkommunikation (LS Inf 7, SS)Smart grids und Elektromobilität (LS Inf 7, WS)Informationsvisualisierung (LS Inf 9, WS)Applied visualization (LS Inf 9, SS)Introduction to pattern recognition (LS Inf 5, WS)Pattern recognition (LS Inf 5, WS)Pattern analysis (LS Inf 5, SS)Human computer interaction (LS Inf 5, SS)IT-Modernisierung (LS Inf 5, SS)Sem. 1ECTSSem. 2ECTSSem. 50-150-150-15International Information Systems (IIS) Master of Science Program Modulhandbuch Stand: 31.03.2019Sem. 4ECTS8 of 40
Deep learning (LS Inf 5, WS SS)MOSES (LS Inf 7, WS)InnoLabor (SS)Modulbereich: Study Abroad CoursesSeminar International Information SystemsSeminar International Information Systems(choose one out of four options)Interdisciplinary business seminar (SS, WS)Nailing your Thesis (NYT) (WS)Value co-creation seminar (WS)Research seminar on data management (SS, WS)Digitalization of work and life (SS)IoTISS (SS, WS)User experience research (SS)Designing information systems for behavior change (WS)Master ThesisMaster Thesis0-150-155530120303030International Information Systems (IIS) Master of Science Program Modulhandbuch Stand: 31.03.201930309 of 40
ICustomized Introduction (20 ECTS)Depending on their previous field of study, students take one of these two options. The optionwill be assigned and cannot be chosen by the student. Students with a background in computer science and students with a background inbusiness information systems must take the “Management” option. Students with management background are required to study “Informatics”.Je nach Vorbildung belegen die Studierenden eine der zwei folgenden Optionen. Die Optionwird den Studierenden zugeteilt und ist nicht frei wählbar. Studierende mit Grundkenntnissen in Wirtschaftsinformatik oder Informatik belegen dieModule im „Management“ Bereich. Studierende, die BWL Grundkenntnisse haben, belegen die Option “Informatics“.International Information Systems (IIS) Master of Science Program Modulhandbuch Stand: 31.03.201910 of 40
Management introduction (20 ECTS)International Information Systems (IIS) Master of Science Program Modulhandbuch Stand: 31.03.201911 of 40
Management I (10 ECTS)Foundations of international management I (FIM I)1Module nameMIBS-37102Foundations of international management I5 ECTSCourses/lecturesIIS37101IIS37102Lect 1/S 1: Foundations of international management I(3 SWS)5 ECTS3LecturersProf. Holtbrügge and assistants4Module coordinatorProf. Holtbrügge5Contents1. Environment of International Management: History and MajorTrends2. Theoretical and Conceptual Foundations of International Management3. Theories of Internationalization4. Strategic management in International Corporations6Learning objectivesand skillsThe participants understand and analyze typical management problems of international firms. The participants will get to know moderntheories and methods of international management and will be ableto apply these to practical problems. They get a detailed overview ofthe current state of international management research and are ableto evaluate theoretical and empirical studies in this area critically.7Recommended prerequisitesEnglish language proficiency (C1)8 Integration in curriculumFirst semester9Master in International Information Systems: Module in the sectionCustomized Introduction to IIS (Management)Master IBS: core course (Pflichtbereich)Module compatibilityMaster Marketing: Wahlpflichtbereich der Modulgruppe „Management“Master Sozialökonomik: freier Vertiefungsbereich sowie im Pflichtbereich „Spezielle BWL“Master Arbeitsmarkt und Personal: WahlbereichMaster Economics: WahlbereichMaster Management: Vertiefungsbereich10 Method of examinationLect: Written examination 60 min. (Klausur 60 Min)S: Presentation (Präsentation)International Information Systems (IIS) Master of Science Program Modulhandbuch Stand: 31.03.201912 of 40
11 Grading procedureWritten examination result (Lect.) (80%), Presentation (S) (20%);Exam language: English(Klausurergebnis 80% und Präsentation 20%)12 Module frequencyEach WS13 WorkloadContact hours: 45 hIndependent study: 105 h14 Module duration1 semester15 Teaching and examination languageEnglish16 (Recommended) readingHoltbrügge, D./Welge, M.K.: Internationales Management. 6th ed.,Schäffer Poeschel: Stuttgart 2015 (chapters1-4).Cavusgil, S.T./Knight, G./Riesenberger, J.R.: International Business.Strategy, Management and the New Realities. 3rd Global edition.Pearson Prentice Hall: New Jersey 2014 (chapters 1-3, 6, 9-10, 1216).Holtbrügge, D./Haussmann, H. (Hrsg.): Internationalization Strategies of Firms. Case Studies from the Nürnberg Metropolitan Region.Augsburg-München 2017.International Information Systems (IIS) Master of Science Program Modulhandbuch Stand: 31.03.201913 of 40
Foundations of international management II (FIM II)1Module nameMIBS-37202Courses/lecturesFoundations of international management II5 ECTSLect/S: Foundations of international management II (3SWS)5 ECTS3LecturersProf. Holtbrügge and assistants4Module coordinatorProf. Holtbrügge5ContentsFoundations of International Management II:1. Organization of International Corporations2. Human Resources Management in International Corporations3. Public Affairs Management in International Corporations6Learning objectivesand skillsThe participants understand and analyze typical management problems of international firms. The participants will get to know moderntheories and methods of international management and will be ableto apply these to practical problems. They get a detailed overview ofthe current state of international management research and are ableto evaluate theoretical and empirical studies in this area critically.7Recommended prerequisitesSuccessful attendance of Foundations of International ManagementEnglish language proficiency (C1)8 Integration in curriculumFirst semester9Master in International Information Systems: Module in the sectionCustomized Introduction to IIS (Management)Master IBS: core course (Pflichtbereich)Module compatibilityMaster Management: VertiefungsbereichMaster Marketing: Wahlpflichtbereich der Modulgruppe „Management“Master Sozialökonomik: freier Vertiefungsbereich oder im Pflichtbereich „Spezielle BWL“Master Arbeitsmarkt und Personal: WahlbereichMaster Economics: Wahlbereich10 Method of examinationLect: Written examination 60 min. (Klausur 60 Min)11 Grading procedureWritten examination result (Lect.) (80%), Presentation (S) (20%);Exam language: English(Klausurergebnis 80% und Präsentation 20%)12 Module frequencyEach WSS: Presentation (Präsentation)International Information Systems (IIS) Master of Science Program Modulhandbuch Stand: 31.03.201914 of 40
13 WorkloadContact hours: 45 hIndependent study: 105 h14 Module duration1 semester15 Teaching and examination languageEnglish16 (Recommended) readingHoltbrügge, D./Welge, M.K.: Internationales Management. 6th ed.,Schäffer Poeschel: Stuttgart 2015 (chapters 5, 6, 8)Cavusgil, S.T./Knight, G./Riesenberger, J.R.: International Business.Strategy, Management and the New Realities. 3rd Global ed., Pearson Prentice Hall: New Jersey 2014 (chapters 5, 7, 8, 12, 19)Holtbrügge, D./Haussmann, H. (Hrsg.): Internationalization Strategies of Firms. Case Studies from the Nürnberg Metropolitan Region.Augsburg-München 2017.International Information Systems (IIS) Master of Science Program Modulhandbuch Stand: 31.03.201915 of 40
Management II (10 ECTS)1Module nameIIS-7250Case solving seminar2IIS70101Case solving seminar (2 2 SWS)5 ECTS5 ECTS3LecturersProf. Bodendorf and colleagues4Module coordinatorProf. Bodendorf5ContentsThe course relies on cases to understand and solve problems in realbusiness situations. Students may work in teams and apply theirtheoretical knowledge in solving the cases. This will provide the students an opportunity to develop key skills such as communication,group working and problem solving skills.6Learning objectivesand skillsThe students can independently analyze and solve problems in real-world situations. conduct the discussion of complex problem-solving approachesin groups and present their work results.7Recommended prerequisitesOnly students with a background in Business Information Systemsare allowed for this course.8 Integration in curriculumFirst semester9Master in International Information Systems: Module in the sectionCustomized Introduction to IIS (Management)orMaster in International Information Systems: Module in the sectionIISM – Services, Processes and Intelligence II (Elective)Module compatibility10 Method of examinationSeminar paper (Seminararbeit) and presentation (Präsentation)11 Grading procedureSeminar paper 100%12 Module frequencyEach semester13 WorkloadAttendance: 60 hSelf-study: 90 h14 Module duration1 semester15 Teaching and examination languageEnglish16 (Recommended) readingNoneInternational Information Systems (IIS) Master of Science Program Modulhandbuch Stand: 31.03.201916 of 40
1Module nameIIS-7170Digital Transformation Project5 ECTS2Courses/lecturesDigital Transformation Project (2 2 SWS)5 ECTSIIS701023LecturersProf. Dr. Möslein and colleagues4Module coordinatorProf. Möslein5ContentsIn this course, students will focus on developing and evaluating solutions for organizational challenges in the context of digital transformation. In doing so, they work together with organizations from various industries and gain in-depth experience in solving organizationalproblems using a systematic design science research process.Moreover, they will get familiar with empirical research methods andimprove their presentation as well as writing skills.6Learning objectivesand skillsThe students possess comprehensive, detailed, and specialized problem solving skills in the context of digital transformation can independently plan and carry out design science researchprocesses can situationally identify, collect and analyze relevant organizational data are familiar with the topic of digital transformation and its effectson organizational stakeholders7Recommended prerequisitesOnly students with a background in Business Information Systemsare allowed for this course.8 Integration in curriculumFirst semester9Master International Information Systems (from 2018/19): Module inthe section Information Systems – Digital Business (Elective)Module compatibilityMaster International Information Systems (from 2016/17): Module inthe section Customized Introduction to IIS (Management)Master in Management: VertiefungsbereichMaster Marketing: Wahlpflichtbereich der Modulgruppe „Management“10 Method of examinationResearch project and presentation (Projektarbeit und Präsentation)11 Grading procedureResearch project (partly group work) (100%)12 Module frequencyEach SS13 WorkloadAtten
Cavusgil, S.T./Knight, G./Riesenberger, J.R.: International Business. Strategy, Management and the New Realities. 3rd Global edition. . Lect/S: Foundations of international management II (3 SWS) 5 ECTS 3 Lecturers Prof. Holtbrügge and assistants 4 Module coordinator Prof. Holtbrügge
Independent Personal Pronouns Personal Pronouns in Hebrew Person, Gender, Number Singular Person, Gender, Number Plural 3ms (he, it) א ִוה 3mp (they) Sֵה ,הַָּ֫ ֵה 3fs (she, it) א O ה 3fp (they) Uֵה , הַָּ֫ ֵה 2ms (you) הָּ תַא2mp (you all) Sֶּ תַא 2fs (you) ְ תַא 2fp (you
What is Degree Works? Degree Works is an online advising tool to help monitor your progress toward degree completion. Degree Works matches Guam Community College's degree requirements to the coursework you have completed or have in progress in an easy-to-read worksheet that shows how those courses count toward degree requirements. Degree .
55 Rayalaseema College of Graduation Tirupati 56 RKM Degree College Penumuru 57 S.G. Govt. Degree College Piler 58 S.R. Govt. Degree College Punganur 59 S.V. Arts College (T.T.D.,) Tirupati 60 S.V. Oriental Degree College (T.T.D.,) Tirupati 61 SDHR Degree & PG College Tirupati 62 SEICOM Degree College Tirupati 63 SEICOM Degree College Bhakrapeta
a doctoral program that you are entering without having ever been enrolled in a master's program (i.e., direct-entry); a combined master's-doctoral program; a master's program that will transition to an eligible doctoral program, either before or after award activation, with no master's degree conferred (i.e., fast-track); or
MBA and business master's program types (46%). An additional 19 percent are only considering business master's program types. Over the last five years, consideration of the traditional business master's program types—including Master of Accounting, Master of Finance, and Master in Management—has remained stable or declined.
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