Updates On The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium

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Breakout Session #14Updates on the SmarterBalanced AssessmentConsortium and OtherAssessmentsSystems Accountability OfficeJuly 19, 20131

Cara Tanimura, Director, SystemsAccountability Office (SAO) Brian Reiter, Acting Administrator, StudentAssessment Section (SAS) Patricia Reiss, PhD.,Test DevelopmentSpecialist, SAS Carol Anton,Test Development Specialist,SAS2

Member States3

A Balanced Assessment System4

Smarter Balanced GroupHawaii Officials AssignedState LeadCara Tanimura, Systems Accountability Office(SAO)Co-Chair, Test Design and ValidationPatricia Reiss, PhD, SAO/SASMember, Technology Approach and ReportingMember, Sustainability Task ForceBrian Reiter, SAO/SASTeacher Involvement CoordinatorCarol Anton, SAO/SASMember, Formative Assessment Practices andProfessional Learning/Transition to CommonCoreMonica Mann, Office of Curriculum,Instruction and Student Support (OCISS)Member, Architecture Review BoardDavid Wu, Office of Information TechnologyServices (OITS)State Technology Assessment ReadinessCoordinatorMel Decasa, OITSHigher Education LeadLinda Johnsrud, PhD, University of Hawaii atManoaMember, Test Design and ValidationLaura Lyons, PhD, University of Hawaii atManoa5

Updated Smarter Balanced Timeline6

Smarter Balanced Pilot Test More than 5,000 schools from 21governing states participated (61 Hawaiischools)7

Smarter Balanced Field TestTentative window: March 18 – June 6, 2014 Testing dates will be assigned to each participatingschoolScientific sample – 20% of the population tested Minimum of one grade level and one content area Each student will take CAT and PTStandard Setting takes place in summer, 2014All items will be field testedTime required – approximately 4 hours percontent area8

Double TestingThe Department is exploring options to avoiddouble testing in SY 2013-14.Traditional Model – Field test students will take twosummative assessmentsBlended Model – State commits to an onlineparticipation rate for field test sample (20% ofstudents)Early Adopter – All students in grades 3-8 and 11participate in field tests of both ELA/literacy andMathematics9

Practice TestsPractice Test Available - May 29, 2013 Link to site is available from HIDOE web site homepage and through Smarter Balanced st/ Available for grades 3-8 and 11 in bothELA/literacy and mathematics Constructed to follow a test blueprint similar to theblueprint intended for the operational test, but doesnot encompass full range of content Online scoring is not available10

Practice Tests- Fixed form- Several accommodations are available forselect grades (i.e., TTS, Braille, Spanishglossary [math only])- General accessibility tools (e.g., highlight text,zooming in and out)- Not all accessibility features available for allgrades/content areas- Items come from Pilot Test pool11

Practice Tests Scoring Guides, Grades 3-8 and 11 Posted Monday, July 1, 2013 Link to site is available from HIDOE web site homepage Practice Test User Guide Overview of the Practice Test site Classroom Activity Administration Guidelines Gives students exposure to context before theycomplete a related Performance Task12

Practice TestsUpcoming Features Performance Tasks and classroomactivities for mathematics Scoring rubrics Accommodations for remaining grades American Sign Language translation13

Summative Assessments Mandatory comprehensive accountabilitymeasures that include:– computer adaptive assessments– performance tasks Administered in the last 12 weeks of the schoolyear ELA/literacy and Mathematics Grades 3-8 and 1114

Summative Assessments15

Types of Assessment Items Selected-response itemsStudents select one or more responsesfrom a set of options16

Selected ResponseSingle Response – Multiple ChoiceMany experts will tell you that television is bad for you. Yet this is anexaggeration. Many television programs today are specifically gearedtowards improving physical fitness, making people smarter, orteaching them important things about the world. The days of limitedprogramming with little interaction are gone. Public television andother stations have shows about science, history, and technical topics.Which sentence should be added to the paragraph to state the author’s main claim?A. Watching television makes a person healthy.B. Watching television can be a sign of intelligence.C. Television can be a positive influence on people.D. Television has more varied programs than ever before.17

Non-Traditional Selected Response ItemFor numbers 1a – 1d, state whether or not each figure has ⅖ of itswhole shaded.1a.1b.1c.1d.18

Types of Assessment Items Constructed-response itemsStudents produce a text or numericalresponse Short answer items require 1-2sentences or a number or equation Longer answer items requireextended writing or mathematicalexplanation19

Constructed ResponseThe table below shows the number of students in each third-grade classat Lincoln School.Students in Third-GradeClassNumber of StudentsMrs. Roy24Mr. Grant21Mr. Harrison22Ms. Mack25There are 105 fourth-grade students at Lincoln School. How many morefourth-grade students than third-grade students are at Lincoln School?Show or explain how you found your answer.20

Constructed ResponseExtended ResponseMs. McCrary wants to make a rabbit pen in a section of herlawn.Her plan for the rabbit pen includes the following: It will be in the shape of a rectangle. It will take 24 feet of fence material to make. Each side will be longer than 1 foot. The length and width will measure whole feet.Part ADraw 3 different rectangles that can each represent Ms.McCrary’s rabbit pen. Be sure to use all 24 feet of fencematerial for each pen.Use the grid below. Click the places where you want thecorners of your rectangle to be. Draw one rectangle at a time. Ifyou make a mistake, click on your rectangle to delete it.Continue as many times as necessary.Pen 1:Length:Width:Area:(feet, square feet)(feet, square feet)(feet, square feet)Pen 3:Length:Width:Area:(feet, square feet)(feet, square feet)(feet, square feet)Pen 2:Length:Width:Area:(feet, square feet)(feet, square feet)(feet, square feet)Part BMs. McCrary wants her rabbit to have more than 60 square feet of groundarea inside the pen. She finds that if she uses the side of her house as oneof the sides of the rabbit pen, she can make the rabbit pen larger. Draw another rectangular rabbit pen. Use all 24 feet of fencing for 3 sides of the pen. Use one side of the house for the other side of the pen. Make sure the ground area inside the pen is greater than 60 squarefeet.Use the grid below. Click the places where you want the corners of yourrectangle to be. If you make a mistake, click on your rectangle to delete it.Use your keyboard to type the length and width of each rabbitpen you draw. Then type the area of each rabbit pen. Be sureto select the correct unit for each answer.[Students will input length, width, and area for each rabbit pen.Students will choose unit from drop down menu.]Use your keyboard to type thelength and width of each rabbit penyou draw. Then type the area ofeach rabbit pen. Be sure to selectthe correct unit for each answer.Length:Width:Area:(feet, square feet)(feet, square feet)(feet, square feet)21

Types of Assessment Items Technology-enhanced items– Enter and edit text– Draw or move objects– Digital media –audio, images,animation, and video22

Technology-Enhanced ItemsGregory is installing tile on a rectangular floor. He is using congruent square tiles that each have a side length of ½foot. The area of the floor is 22 square feet. The width of the floor is 4 feet.Use the grid and the tile below to model the floor.What is the length, in feet, of the floor?Draw a line of symmetrythroughthe figure below.5.5 feet23

Types of Assessment Items Performance Tasks (PT)– Extended activities– involve significant interaction of students with stimulusmaterial and/or engagement in problem solving– Questions are based on a real-world situation– Gauge a student’s ability to integrate knowledge andskills across multiple standards– Better measure capacities such as depth ofunderstanding, research and writing, and complexanalysis24

Interim Assessments Smarter Balanced is continuing to finalizethe assumptions regarding the structure ofthe Interim Assessments.– Comprehensive– Content Cluster Results can be used to link to appropriateformative tools and strategies25

Formative Tools and Processes Provide resources for teachers on how tocollect and use information about studentsuccess in acquisition of the CCSS26

Resources in the Digital Library Assessment Literacy Modules Exemplar Instructional Modules Education Resources27

Assessment Literacy Modules Commissioned Professional Learning Modules Resources for educators, students, and families Frame the formative assessment process within aBalanced Assessment System Articulate the formative assessment process Highlight formative assessment practices andstrategies Provide tools to analyze the quality ofassessments in published materials28

Exemplar Instructional Modules Commissioned Instructional andProfessional Learning Modules Instructional materials for educators andstudents Demonstrate/support effectiveimplementation of the formativeassessment process Focus on key content and practice fromthe CCSS29

Education Resources High quality vetted resources and tools foreducators, students, and families Reflect and support the formativeassessment process Reflect and support the CCSS forELA/Literacy and Mathematics Create Professional LearningCommunities30

Digital Library Functionality31

What the Digital Library Is Not32

Composition of State Leadership Team April Goodwin, Higher EducationLinda Venenciano, Higher EducationDewey Gottlieb, OCISSMonica Mann, OCISSChristina Tydeman, DGOCarol Anton, SAOPatricia Reiss, SAOCara Tanimura, SAO33

Expectations of State Leadership Team Recruit, identify, and train the State Network ofEducators (SNE) Participate in 5 regional trainings and train SNEs tocontribute, review, and publish resources Monitor SNEs’ review of resources and make finalpublishing decisions Provide overall leadership to SNEs Provide feedback on publishing process, QualityCriteria, usability of software, and commissionedand supplemental resources34

Composition of State Network of Educators 70 – 150 K – 12 educators and higher educationfaculty per state Each state network has diverse expertise in:– CCSS for Mathematics, CCSS for ELA,Science, and Social Studies– General Education: Gifted and Talented;English Language Learners, and Studentswith Disabilities35

Expectations of State Network of Educators Participate in 5 trainings between September 2013 andSeptember 2014 Help populate the Digital Library in advance of the April2014 launch– Review supplemental resources using Quality Criteriaand submit additional resources for review– Use resources and collaboration tools for ownprofessional learning and instruction– Provide feedback on the resources in the library, thereview and publishing process, the Quality Criteria, andthe usability of the Library36

Smarter Balanced TeacherInvolvement ActivityDateNumber ofParticipantsSmall Scale Trial Item and StimulusReviewsSummer, 20124Small Scale Trial Item Content,Accessibility, and Bias/Sensitivity ReviewsSummer, 201211Small Scale Trial Range FindingFall, 20125Pilot Test Item AuthoringFall, 20127Pilot Test Item Data ReviewsSummer, 20131Pilot Test Range FindingSummer, 20134Summer/Fall, 201311Summer, 201320Summer/Fall, 201314Fall, 20132Field Test Item and Task AuthoringField Test Stimulus ReviewsField Test Item and Task ReviewsField Test Item Quality Reviews37

What to Expect in the Next Three Months38

Smarter Balanced CommunicationTask Force Provide consistent and compellingmessaging about the value of the CCSSand Smarter Balanced assessments. Customize and disseminate a set ofmaterials and tools to ensure thesuccessful implementation of the newSmarter Balanced Assessment System.39

Smarter Balanced CommunicationTask Force All SLT members plus:– Donalyn Dela Cruz, CCAO– Stephanie Shipton, OSR– Lyndsay Pinkus, Deputy Superintendent’sOffice– Liann Ebesugawa, Board of Education– Brian Reiter, SAO– Teri Yamashige, Higher Education40

State-Managed Item Development Governing States have an opportunity toparticipate in item development for theField Test. 8 states (including Hawaii) have submitteda letter of intent and will participate in itemdevelopment41

Smarter BalancedQuestions?42

Hawaii State AssessmentsOctober 14, 2013 – May 16, 2014 Bridge HSA in Reading and Mathematics Grades 3-8 and 10 Two opportunities Online HSA in Science Grades 4 and 8 Three opportunities43

Hawaii State AssessmentsOctober 14, 2013 – May 16, 2014 Bridge HSA for the Hawaiian Language ImmersionProgram - in Reading and Mathematics Grades 3 and 4 Two opportunities (One English/One Hawaiian or twoEnglish) Online HSA for the Hawaiian Language ImmersionProgram - in Science Grade 4 Three opportunities (Two English/One Hawaiian or threeEnglish)44

Hawaii State Alternate AssessmentsMarch 3, 2014 – May 16, 2014 HSA-Alt in Reading and Mathematics Grades 3-8, and 10 One opportunity HSA-Alt in Science Grades 4, 8 and 10 One opportunity45

Hawaii State Alternate AssessmentsMandatory Training Sessions Face-to-Face Training for TestAdministrators, Second Raters, andComplex Area Support Team Members Various locations statewide February 10 – 28, 201446

End-of-Course Exams All students enrolled in any of the coursesbelow are required to take the End-ofCourse Exam: Biology I US History I Algebra I Algebra II Expository Writing I47

ACT College and Career Readiness System EXPLORE (English, Math, Reading, Science) Grades 8 and 9 March 3, 2014- March 14, 2014 PLAN (English, Math, Reading, Science) Grade 10 March 3, 2014 – March 14, 2014 ACT Plus Writing Grade 11 March 4, 2014 (make up date is April 1)48


Smarter Balanced Communication Task Force Provide consistent and compelling messaging about the value of the CCSS and Smarter Balanced assessments. Customize and disseminate a set of materials and tools to ensure the successful implementation of the new Smarter Balanced Assessment System. 39

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