PUBLIKASI INDONESI DI JOURNAL YANG DISCONTINUED DI SCOPUSNAMA JOURNALAcademic Journal of Cancer ResearchAcademy of Marketing Studies JournalActa Bioquimica Clinica LatinoamericanaActa EndoscopicaActa Medica NagasakiensiaActa Pharmaceutica HungaricaActa Technica CSAV (Ceskoslovensk Akademie Ved)Actual Problems of EconomicsAdvance Journal of Food Science and TechnologyAdvanced Materials LettersAdvanced Materials ResearchAdvanced Science LettersAdvanced Studies In Theoretical PhysicsAdvances and Applications in Fluid MechanicsAdvances in Modeling and Analysis CAdvances in modelling and analysis. A, general mathematical andcomputer toolsAfrican Journal of Neurological SciencesAfrican Journal of Psychiatry (South Africa)African Journal of Traditional Complementary and Alternative MedicinesAgro Food Industry Hi-TechAir and Space Power JournalAktuality v NefrologiiAktualnosci NeurologiczneAlergieAmerican Journal of Agricultural and Biological ScienceAmerican Journal of Applied SciencesAmerican Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyAmerican Journal of Cancer ResearchAmerican Journal of Drug Discovery and DevelopmentAmerican Journal of Engineering and Applied SciencesAmerican Journal of Environmental SciencesAmerican Journal of Food TechnologyAmerican Journal of ImmunologyAmerican Journal of Infectious DiseasesAmerican Journal of Neurodegenerative DiseaseAmerican Journal of Pharmacology and ToxicologyAmerican Journal of Plant PhysiologyAmerican Journal of SemioticsAmerican Journal of Stem CellsAnalecta BollandianaAnales de la Real Academia Nacional de FarmaciaAnales Venezolanos de NutricionAnnals of Translational MedicineAnnual Research and Review in BiologyAnthropologistApplied Computing Conference - ProceedingsApplied Mathematical SciencesApplied Mechanics and MaterialsArchiv für KriminologieArchives of Clinical MicrobiologyArchivos de MedicinaArs PharmaceuticaAsian Agri-HistoryAsian Journal of Agricultural ResearchAsian Journal of Animal and Veterinary AdvancesAsian Journal of Animal SciencesAsian Journal of Applied SciencesAsian Journal of BiochemistryAsian Journal of Cell BiologyAsian Journal of Clinical NutritionAsian Journal of Crop ScienceAsian Journal of Earth SciencesAsian Journal of EpidemiologyAsian Journal of Information TechnologyAsian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental SciencesAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical ResearchAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health CareAsian Journal of PharmaceuticsAsian Journal of Plant PathologyAsian Journal of Poultry ScienceAsian Journal of Scientific ResearchAsian Social ScienceAStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches ArchivAtti della Societa Toscana di Scienze NaturaliAufbereitungs-TechnikAustralasian Medical JournalAustralian EntomologistAustralian Field OrnithologyBAG - Journal of Basic and Applied GeneticsBangladesh Journal of Plant TaxonomyJumlah kel 2018Jumlah ArtikelJumlah ArtikelIndonesiaITB -WaktuSubmissionAcceptancePublication Fee-free /* charge to downloadUSD 25/page---------- /- 4 bulan /- 3 bulan /- 3 bulan /- 2 bulan-freeUSD 500USD 625USD 625USD 625-110121512-361---194852 /- 2 bulanUSD 2012532056518102021134565221-28 /- 1 bulan /- 3 bulan /- 3 bulan-USD 100USD 625USD 175/page--1-
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NAMA JOURNALJumlah Artikel2017Jumlah ArtikelJumlah ArtikelIndonesiaITB 2017-20182017-2018JumlahArtikel 2018International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research962-184International Journal of Applied ChemistryInternational Journal of Applied Engineering ResearchInternational Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature180611-117-International Journal of Applied Research in Natural ProductsInternational Journal of Bio Science and Bio TechnologyInternational Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyInternational Journal of Biological ChemistryInternational Journal of Biomedical ScienceInternational Journal of BotanyInternational Journal of Business ResearchInternational Journal of Cancer ResearchInternational Journal of Celiac DiseaseInternational Journal of Chemical SciencesInternational Journal of Chemtech ResearchInternational Journal of Clinical and Experimental MedicineInternational Journal of Clinical and Experimental PathologyInternational Journal of Control Theory and ApplicationsInternational Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research2131040207314212--312-21-International Journal of Drug DeliveryInternational Journal of Drug Development and ResearchInternational Journal of Earth Sciences and EngineeringInternational Journal of Ecological Economics and StatisticsInternational Journal of Ecology and DevelopmentInternational Journal of Ecology and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Economic PerspectivesInternational Journal of Economic ResearchInternational Journal of Economics and Financial IssuesInternational Journal of Engineering and TechnologyInternational Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE)International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems for ElectricalEngineering and CommunicationsInternational Journal of Environmental and Science EducationInternational Journal of Green PharmacyInternational Journal of Grid and Distributed ComputingInternational Journal of High Performance Computing and nternational Journal of Human GeneticsInternational Journal of Imaging and RoboticsInternational Journal of Integrative BiologyInternational Journal of Intelligent Systems and ApplicationsInternational Journal of Mathematical AnalysisInternational Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in AppliedSciencesInternational Journal of Mathematics and Computers In Simulation37295---International Journal of Mobile CommunicationsInternational Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and GeneticsInternational Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous EngineeringInternational Journal of Network SecurityInternational Journal of Oceans and OceanographyInternational Journal of Osteoporosis and Metabolic DisordersInternational Journal of Pediatrics- MashhadInternational Journal of Pharma and Bio SciencesInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical ResearchInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research3281182255-352-11-International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research---1157-139-4---7583598716International Journal of Smart HomeInternational Journal of Soft ComputingInternational Journal of Software Engineering and its Applications-----International Journal of Soil ScienceInternational Journal of Systems Signal Control and Engineering Application-----38-9International Journal of PharmacologyInternational Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical SciencesInternational Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyInternational Journal of Pharmtech ResearchInternational Journal of Physiology, Pathophysiology and PharmacologyInternational Journal of PhytomedicineInternational Journal of Poultry ScienceInternational Journal of Pure and Applied MathematicsInternational Journal of Research In Ayurveda and PharmacyInternational Journal of Security and Its ApplicationsInternational Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and TechnologyInternational Journal of Tomography and Simulation-WaktuSubmissionAcceptancePublication Fee4--7-USD 250--1--USD 625USD 625-2 bulanUSD 50-100-------free /* charge to downloadfree /* charge to downloadUSD 400USD 150USD 300200 USD---168106922 bulan-free75---90-210-2.5 bulan /- 4 bulan-USD 400free /*charge to open access--------1201-2----- /- 2 bulan-free /*charge to open accessUSD 625--- /- 2 bulan-USD 625----48- /- 3 bulan-USD 625--USD 30/page----------7---free /* charge to download
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Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, baca Edisi Khusus ILO Jakarta tentang Gempa Bumi dan Tsunami Indonesia, April 2005. Menteri Tenaga Kerja Resmikan LKMNAD Publikasi Data dan Informasi tentang Hubungan Industrial: Tahun 2004 Publikasi ini merupakan satu kesatuan yang tidak terpisahkan dari pelaksanaan pembinaan hubungan industrial, yang .
akan dilakukan untuk data triwulanan, yaitu untuk posisi data Desember 2014, Maret 2015, Juni 2015, dan September 2015. Uji coba untuk publikasi dilakukan bersamaan dengan periode laporan publikasi triwulan I 2015 dan dicantumkan di website bank. Sementara untuk bank yang
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Politeknik Negeri Manado Politeknik Negeri Manado 0001085901 AGUSTINUS LUMETTU Buku Ajar (ISBN) 15,000,000 Publikasi Ilmiah Jurnal Internasional 15,000,000 0006106402 SUKANDAR SAWIDIN Publikasi Ilmiah Jurnal Internasional 15,000,000 0015077704 YONATAN
Berdasarkan Variasi Lama Pengeringan dengan Metode DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl). Naskah Publikasi : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan, Medan. Nindyasari. (2012). Pengaruh Suhu dan Waktu Penyeduhan Teh Hijau (Camellia sinensis) serta Proses Pencernaan In Vitro terhadap Aktivitas Inhibisi Lipase. Naskah Publikasi.
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ALBERT WOODFOX CIVIL ACTION (DOC# 72148) VERSUS BURL CAIN, ET AL NO. 06-789-D-M2 MAGISTRATE JUDGE’S REPORT This matter is before the Court on the original and amended petitions for writ of habeas corpus (R. Doc. 1 and 12) filed by petitioner, Albert Woodfox (“Woodfox”). The State has filed an answer and a memorandum in support of answer (R. Docs. 21 and 22), to which Woodfox has filed a .