The Impact Of COVID-19 On Higher Education Worldwide .

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The impact of COVID-19 on higher education worldwideResources for Higher Education InstitutionsUpdated 24 April 2020This document is compiled by the IAU and provides information on the impact of COVID-19on higher education around the worldThank you for sharing information you would wish to be taken up in the list.Content:-Calls p. 2Open access solutions / Initiatives / tools . p. 2Surveys . p. 8News by region and next by country . p. 10o International p. 10o Africa . p. 10o Arab Countries . p. 13o Asia and the Pacific . p. 14o Europe . p. 18o Latin America . . p. 21o North America .p. 22-Actions by IAU Member Organisations . p.23o International and Regional . p.23o National . p.25Impacts of covid-19 on HE worldwide - Resources for Universities and HEIs compiled by IAU - updated 24 April 20201

CallsAgence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)In response to the COVID-19 pandemic facing the world, the AUF has launched aninternational call for projects to support initiatives from students and researchers which islinked to the pandemic. Initiatives having a technological, economic or social impact areeligible. A fund of 500 000 euros is dedicated to this call. Projects may be submitted byhigher education institutions or research structures that are members of the AUF.Deadline: 3 /AUF AAP-COVID-19 EN.pdf d-19/ (French)Institute of International Education (IIE)The IIE’s Emergency Student Fund (ESF) is issuing a call specifically for IIE Memberinstitutions in the United States to nominate international students who are not able toreturn to their home countries over the summer because of the COVID-19 pandemic for anESF award. The ESF: COVID-19 Response will provide grants of 2,500 to selected students.Deadline: 26 t-Fund/Current-Funding-EffortsPossible solutions: initiatives/tools for use by allUNESCOUNESCO portal on COVID-19 Educational Disruption and Response to provide immediatesupport to countries as they work to minimize the educational disruption and facilitate thecontinuity of learning, especially for the most emergencies/coronavirus-school-closuresUNESCO’s 10 recommendations to plan distance learning solutions and ensure that learningremains uninterrupted during the COVID-19 O’s selection of national distance education platforms - classified by country - designedto support the continuity of curriculum-based sImpacts of covid-19 on HE worldwide - Resources for Universities and HEIs compiled by IAU - updated 24 April 20202

UNESCO’s list of educational applications, platforms and resources to help parents, teachers,schools and school administrators facilitate student learning and provide social care andinteraction during periods of school closure. Most are free (in multiple ESCO IESALC has published recommendations for higher education institutions in relationto the COVID-19 health crisis. These include the dissemination of reliable information toavoid alarmism; the use of institutional portals and social networks to inform on theevolution of research; the facilitation of open access courses for a higher quality of healtheducation; the coordination of actions with the recommendations of national authoritiesand; the preparation of a contingency plan at institutional 2020/04/COVID-19-EN-090420-2.pdf 2020/04/COVID-19-060420-ES-2.pdf ante-el-covid-19/Agence universitaire de la francophonie (AUF)The AUF (IAU Member) platform for distance teaching and ance-favoriser-continuitepedagogique/AUF is producing a weekly update monitoring publications related to the pandemic fromhigher education and partners of the AUF and related specifically to the health cherche-covid-19/The American Council on Education (ACE)ACE (IAU Member), has recorded a series of webinars this month related to the impact ofCOVID-19. They include a variety of topics surrounding finance in the higher educationsystem. These webinars are available in the Engage library on the ACE website here.Association of African UniversitiesThe AAU (IAU Member) has made available a resource page to help higher educationinstitutions plan for possible campus disruption by COVID-19, of covid-19 on HE worldwide - Resources for Universities and HEIs compiled by IAU - updated 24 April 20203

Association of Indian UniversitiesThe AIU (IAU Member) has created a platform for Indian Universities to share the e-content,approaches and strategies adopted by them for delivery of online tion of American Colleges and Universities (AACU)AAC&U is offering a series of webinars to support those at the forefront of efforts tomaintain the commitment to quality, equity, and inclusion: Democracy Despite Disruption:Improving Student Voter Engagement through Pedagogy (24 ough-pedagogyand Shaping Teaching and Learning to Address a Global Health Crisis: COVID-19 and GlobalHealth (1 May) lobal-healthBahamas GovernmentThe Ministry of Education has made available to students a virtual learning portal due to theclosure of schools in the context of the global COVID-19 mmission on Higher Education (CHED), PhilippinesThe Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has issued Guidelines for the Prevention,Control and Mitigation of the Spread of the 2019-Novel Coronavirus Acute RespiratoryDisease in Higher Education Institutions that provides information and guidance of all HEIsand CHED 19-Advisory-No.-1.pdfCouncil for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA)Covid-19 resources for institutions and s-institutions-and-accreditorsCouncil of EuropeA special webpage on COVID-19 was launched by the Education Department. It includes theCoE response to the crisis; good practices from Member States; Council of Europeeducation standards; and new and existing education resources.Impacts of covid-19 on HE worldwide - Resources for Universities and HEIs compiled by IAU - updated 24 April 20204

dil International University (DIU), BangladeshDIU is organizing the A Hackathon for Combating COVID-19 all over the world from 28-30 April,2020. Under this competition, students will be eligible to compete online and solve thechallenges brought on by the current pandemic. Prize: 25,000 to implement the gher Education Commission, PakistanThe Higher Education Commission (HEC) has developed a databank of online coursesavailable at the national and international level and shared it with universities, while theuniversity faculty has also been asked to prepare virtual courses for dissemination s/Pages/Corona-Crisis.aspxEuropean Association for International Education (EAIE) -(IAU partner)Two resources for higher education institutions:How higher education institutions can respond to tion-institutions-respond-covid-19.htmlSupporting students affected by udents-coronavirus.htmlEAIE has also published 'Coping with COVID-19: International higher education in Europe', areport that offers some preliminary perspectives on the impact of the coronavirus oninternational education. This new report brings together the results, from the more than 800survey responses from 38 different countries across the European Higher Education ean Students’ UnionThe ESU has published the COVID-19 Position Paper: A multidimensional crisis that affects usall which examines the implications for students and student welfare of the COVID-19 ional-crisis-that-affects-us-all.”-1.pdfImpacts of covid-19 on HE worldwide - Resources for Universities and HEIs compiled by IAU - updated 24 April 20205

Erasmus The Erasmus Virtual Exchange team is committed to supporting higher educationinstitutions and students, as they adapt their working arrangements to slow the spread ofcoronavirus. They are offering free of charge training and courses as well as a Masterclass on"How to enrich online teaching activities in higher education through Virtual sities-in-this-crucial-moment.htmlErasmus Student Network (IAU partner)Erasmus Student Network, has developed various initiatives to assess the impact of COVID19 on student exchange in Europe: to support students and higher education network-statement-covid-19-outbreakInstitute of International EducationIIE is organising a series of webinars linked to the Covid-19 crisis. May 7th 12:00pm EST – 1:00pm EST: Communicating Your Experience Abroad forFuture Opportunities. Register for webinar. May 26 12:00pm EDT – 1:00pm EDT: Maintaining International Partnerships DuringCrises. Register for the webinar. June 4 11:00am EST – 12:00pm EST: How Are Campuses Continuing to RecruitInternational Students? Register for webinar.The Inter-American Organization for Higher Education (IOHE)IOHE shares with its members a compilation of online educational resources that is availableand invites them to participate Starting on today in a series of webinars with experts inhigher education that will address issues that respond to the expectations of the currentsituation caused by COVID-19, in the context of the Latin American region. FoundationReadying for the Future: COVID-19, Higher Ed, and airness/Impacts of covid-19 on HE worldwide - Resources for Universities and HEIs compiled by IAU - updated 24 April 20206

NAFSA‘Coronavirus Critical Resources’ contains information for international educators andstudents, focusing on the United n/coronavirus-critical-resourcesOrganization of American States (OAS) (IAU partner)The call is open to institutions to incorporate their online courses into the Educational Portalof the -nea-al-portal-educativo-las-am-ricasOneHE (IAU partner)OneHE, a higher education organisation, are providing support and resources for academicsto move to online teaching. They are using #Onlineteaching and #teachingonline toencourage academics to share through Twitter. order to contribute to the search for a cure for the Coronavirus, the Latin American NationalResearch and Education Networks united through RedCLARA, are making their dataprocessing capabilities available to researchers and scientists, free of charge, for research inthe search for a solution to the Scholars at RiskSAR’s Dangerous Questions MOOC on academic freedom has a session starting on 20 April2020.Universities UKUUK has released a resource Coronavirus (COVID-19) - information for y-and-analysis/Pages/coronavirus.aspxUniversity of BergenThe research programme GRIP from the University of Bergen, an IAU Member, has launcheda series of interviews on global inequality as a response to the ongoing COVID-19 equality-age-corona-virusImpacts of covid-19 on HE worldwide - Resources for Universities and HEIs compiled by IAU - updated 24 April 20207

University of HelsinkiResources for students made available by IAU Member, the University of Helsinki, -situation-at-the-university-of-helsinkiWorld BankThe World Bank has produced several resources which analyse the global context of theimpact of COVID-19 on higher education, providing responses and implications foruniversities and systems, required actions for course delivery, research and operations, andlong-term ing-and-COVID-19.pdfWorld Digital LibraryThis open access resource from UNESCO and the Library of Congress contains over 19,000articles on 193 countries. University, China (IAU Member)A Handbook for COVID-19 Prevention and 19573a1987520/page.htmCOVID-19 outbreak: Hospital Response Strategy. This guidebook was co-produced by theuniversity’s Second Affiliated -manual/undefinedSurveysThe IAU Global Survey on the impact of COVID-19 on higher education will be publishedbefore the end of April.Impacts of covid-19 on HE worldwide - Resources for Universities and HEIs compiled by IAU - updated 24 April 20208

Bournemouth UniversityBournemouth University, an IAU Member, has launched a survey on the Impact of Covid-19lockdown on impact-of-covid-19-lockdown-on-academicsErasmus Student NetworkThis report provides the results of a survey of 22,000 international students in Europeregarding the impact of COVID-19 on their mobility ean Association for International Education (EAIE)EAIE has released a research and trends report based on a survey of higher educationinstitutions’ response to the COVID-19 --International-higher-education-in-Europe.htmlThe European School of Sustainability Science and Research and the Inter-UniversitySustainable Development Research Programme (IUSDRP)ESSSR and IUSDRP have launched a large study aimed at ascertaining how the crisis triggeredby COVID-19 is affecting the academic community round the world, entitled "Impacts of thesocial isolation caused by the COVID-19 crisis on University teaching staff and students". Thesurvey can be completed here: of International Education (IIE)IIE invites higher education institutions to take part in the second survey in the COVID-19Snapshot Series. This survey will focus on the overall effects of COVID-19 on internationalstudents in the United States, U.S. students studying abroad, and plans for the 2020/21academic year. The survey will close on 1 DThis first survey shows the effects that travel restrictions related to the outbreak of COVID19 (coronavirus) are having on international student mobility, U.S. study abroad programs,and international student recruitment for the fall 2020 semester. More than 230 U.S. highereducation institutions responded to this survey, which was conducted from February acts of covid-19 on HE worldwide - Resources for Universities and HEIs compiled by IAU - updated 24 April 20209

World Access to Higher Education Day (WAHED)WAHED launched a survey on the impact of Covid-19 on higher educationadmissions around the world which has now closed. The results will be soon disseminated byWAHED. (UK)Almost two thirds of university students approaching graduation have had job applicationspaused or withdrawn because of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a -withdrawn-a9465096.htmlNews by region and by countryInternationalUNESCOUNESCO monitoring of impact of COVID 19 on ergencies/coronavirus-school-closuresCOVID-19: Policy Statement - Science DiplomacyScientists from all over the world have put forward some proposals that could be promotedby the international community to take up the challenge of exercising multilateralgovernance in the health crisis of COVID-19. So far, the document has been signed by morethan 300 ebasic?pli cional/64768Africa9 AprilCOVID-19 will leave no sector in any country in the world unaffected, and its consequenceswill be felt for years to come. At a time when huge efforts were being deployed to transformand improve higher education in Africa, there is a danger that COVID-19 will destabilise theImpacts of covid-19 on HE worldwide - Resources for Universities and HEIs compiled by IAU - updated 24 April 202010

sector, with serious ost.php?story 202004070648502799 AprilNorth African student unions and academic communities have launched several civicengagement and social responsibility initiatives, ranging from fundraising and awarenesscampaigns to consultancy guidance and medical initiatives, in an effort to deal with theimpact of the coronavirus php?story 202004060809595012 AprilCOVID-19 – A vindictive messenger for /post.

2020. Under this competition, students will be eligible to compete online and solve the challenges brought on by the current pandemic. Prize: 25,000 to implement the idea Higher Education Commission, Pakistan The Higher Education Commission (HEC) has developed a databank of online courses

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