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10714 Ruth Reid cover6/1/012:11 PMPage 3MISSIONThe mission of the AKC Canine HealthFoundation is to develop significant resourcesfor basic and applied health programs withemphasis on canine genetics to improve thequality of life for dogsand their owners.GOALSThe AKC Canine Health Foundation will achieve the following goals: To help dogs live longer, healthier lives. To respect the dedication and interest of dog clubs,breeders and owners in health and continuously seekways to involve them in the work of the Foundation. To identify health issues of concern to dogbreeders and owners. To seek ways to integrate the observations andknowledge of dog owners, breeders and veterinarians To identify and sponsor research and educationprograms, with particular emphasis on canine genetics,and other scientists for the purpose of advancing thehealth of dogs.that:Have the greatest potential for advancing the healthof dogs.Have expectations for producing materials andapplications that are reasonable and affordable forbreeders and owners. To responsibly monitor grantees and make the resultsof their work available for public use throughpublication in scientific journals, and through sharingand dissemination of information and education withdog owners, breeders and veterinarians. To raise endowment funds for the Foundation’sprogrammatic purposes, and to invest these funds forboth growth of principal and income adequate toadvance the Foundation’s purpose.SQUARE CUT PHOTOS OF DOGS: AKC, PHOTOS BY MARY BLOOMMeet the highest scientific and educational standards.

10714 Text6/1/017:30 PMPage 1A Salute to Dog Clubs“Among the greatest championsof canine health are the dogclubs, who help us find newways of preventing and treatingcanine diseases.”Howard Falberg, President-Elect, AKC Canine Health Foundation1

10714 Text6/1/017:30 PMPage 2DOG CLUBS: VITAL LINKS IN ADVANCING CANINE HEALTHIn laboratories across the world,scientists funded by the AKC CanineHealth Foundation are unlocking thesecrets of canine genetics and probing newtreatments for innumerable canine diseases.Partnering with the scientists and the Foundation in keyto individual members to use in breeding or treating their dogs.scientific and fund-raising roles are the dog clubs, who playDog clubs of all types help scientists collect samples and pedigreescritical — and often unheralded — roles in working to conquerand use tests, such as those already developed for cystinuria,canine diseases.congenital stationary night blindness, von Willebrand’s diseaseHigh on the list are the National Parent Clubs who play anand X-linked progressive retinal atrophy. This is the first step inintegral role in determining which canine research projects areeventually eradicating these diseases. Increasingly, clubs areneeded — through the Parent Club survey in which dog clubsadding a health focus to their web sites as well.throughout the country identify their health interests and researchFinally, dog clubs go all-out to support the work of thepriorities. The Foundation uses the results in requesting proposalsFoundation — becoming Founder Clubs, creating their ownfor funding and, later, these surveys help in determining whichDonor Advised Funds to address key diseases affecting theirbreed specific proposals to fund. Help from clubs doesn’t end there.breeds, sponsoring research, contributing generously and hostingEvery two years breed clubs come together with Foundation mem-fund-raising events.bers and scientists to review the latest developments in scientificWith the all-out support these clubs provide, ourresearch at a National Parent Club Canine Health Conference.dogs will be assured of a healthy future.Information is passed on to their member clubs and in turn,1DOG CLUBFirsts1986First foundation for dogs established, Collie Club of America Foundation.1995First All Breed Club to become a Founder, Mahoning-Shenango Kennelst’sClub, Inc.1996First Donor Advised Club created, American Miniature Schnauzer Club.1996First collaboration on a single AKC Canine Health Foundation grant(epidemiological study-bloat) by eight breeds.1997First special bequest for canine research to AKC Canine Health Foundationby a club, Golden Retriever Club of America in Honor of Carol Buckman.1998First collaboration on genetic disease study (craniomandibularosteopathy) by three breeds.2THANKS TO:Agility Clubs,All Breed Clubs,Breed Foundations,Field Trial Clubs,Obedience Clubs,Parent Clubs,Regional Specialty Clubs

10714 Ruth Reid text AC1 6/5/01 4:27 PM Page 3Supporting Canine Health ReseaDisseminating Resear2000 DONOR ADVISEDFUND PARTICIPANTSAnonymous-KeeshondAnonymous-Siberian HuskyAkita Club of AmericaAmerican Belgian Tervuren ClubAmerican Bloodhound ClubAmerican Boxer Charitable Foundation, Inc.American Bullmastiff Association, Inc.American Fox Terrier ClubMapping the Canine GenomeGenetic ResearchClubs support the work of scientists and the AKC CanineHealth Foundation in completing the canine genome mapAmerican Maltese Association, Inc.— a monumental step toward eventually eradicatingAmerican Miniature Schnauzer Club, Inc.inherited diseases — and in the genetic research that isAmerican Sealyham Terrier Club, Inc.already producing remarkable results with the discoveryAmerican Shetland Sheepdog AssociationAmerican Water Spaniel - PartnersAustralian Sheepdog Club of the UnitedStates, Inc.of the genetic defects causing cystinuria, congenitalstationary night blindness and von Willebrand’s diseasein several breeds.Basenji Club of America, Inc.Basset Hound Club of America, Inc.Bearded Collie Club of America, Inc.Bearded Collie Foundation (BEACON)Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America,Inc.Bluegrass Jack Russell Terrier ClubBriard Club of America, Inc.Bulldog Club of America Charitable Fund,Inc.Ms. Janet York Fund for the CavalierKing Charles SpanielChinese Shar-Pei Club of AmericaCharitable TrustFunding: AKC Canine HealthFoundation and Grant Sponsors:Bull Terrier Welfare Foundation Golden Retriever Club of Americain Honor of Carol Buckman Newfoundland Club of AmericaCharitable Trust Miniature BullTerrier Club of America Norwegian Elkhound Association ofAmerica Pug Dog Club of AmericaCancerCollie Club of America, Inc.Ear and Eye DiseDeafness, CataraProgressive RetAtrophy (PRA), LeLuxation, GlaucomCongenital StationNight BlindnessEye diseases rank high on thfunding priorities list with goCataracts, various forms of proretinal atrophy and glaucoma acauses of blindness in purebredthree breeds have inherited cataracts, osuffer from the progressive rod cone deof PRA. Congenital deafness affects 60but can appear in any breed.Eight AKC Canine Health FoundationDachshund Club of America, Inc.The #1 disease killer of dogs was also the #1 priority of dogaddress these issues; many of them are cEnglish Setter Association of Americaclubs for funding in 2000. In addition to AKC Canine Healthsponsored. Clubs also promote the newFlat-Coated Retriever Society of America,Inc.Foundation funds, six different club sponsored AKC/CHFdeveloped for congenital stationary nighFrench Bulldog Club of Americagrants address distinct aspects of this disease in differentblindness and progressive retinal atrophGerman Shorthaired Pointer Club ofAmericabreeds, some of them with implications for human cancers.German Wirehaired Pointer Club ofAmericaFunding: AKC Canine Health Foundation and Grant Sponsors:Giant Schnauzer Club of America, Inc.Golden Retriever Club of America, Inc.,In Honor of Carol BuckmanGordon Setter Club of America, Inc.Great Dane Club of AmericaGreat Pyrenees Club of America, Inc.CONTRIBUTIONS TODONOR ADVISED FUNDS 400,000350,000300,000250,000200,000150,000American Boxer Charitable Foundation Briard Club ofAmerica Chinese Shar-Pei Club of America Charitable Trust Flat-Coated Retriever Foundation Golden RetrieverClub of America in Honor of Carol Buckman GreatDane Club of America Health Trust Fund Scottish TerrierClub of America Medallion Rottweiler Club Newfoundland Club of America Charitable Trust Pembroke WelshCorgi Club ofAmerica Rhodesian RidgebackClub of the UnitedStates RottweilerHealth Foundation Skye Terrier Club ofAmerica StaffordshireBull Terrier Club100,00050,000019951996 1997 1998 1999 20003Funding: AKC Canine Health Foundation aAlaskan Malamute Club of America BichAmerica Collie Club of AmericDalmatian Club of America FSetter Association of AmerKennel Club Miniature BAmerica Norwegian ElkhoAmerica Old English Sheep Papillon Club of America America Foundation SamAmerica Education and ReSiberian Husky Club of AKennel Club Tibetan TAmerica Versatility in

10714 Ruth Reid text AC1 6/5/01 4:28 PM Page 4DOG CLUBS — PARTNERS IN CONQUERING CANINE DISEASESearch Sponsoring Research Grants Creating Donor Advised Fundsearch Findings Collecting Samples Testing for Diseases HostingDiseases:taracts,Retinal, Lenscoma,tionarynesson the dog clubh good reason.f progressivema are the leadingebred dogs. Twentycts, over 20 breedse degeneration forms 60 breedstion grantsare clubnew testsnightrophy.ion and Grant Sponsors:Bichon Frise Club ofmerica Foundation ca Foundation EnglishAmerica Marion, Ohiore Bull Terrier Club ofElkhound Association ofheepdog Club of Americarica Poodle Club ofSamoyed Club ofnd Research Foundation of America South Baytan Terrier Club ofty in PoodlesDog Clubs have contributed 1.5 million to the AKC Canine HealthFoundation since 1995 — through Founder Club and individual clubdonations, sponsored research grants, donor advised funds, dogshows, Dollars for Dogs, fund raising events and benefits.EpilepsyEpilepsy, one of the most common canine nervous systemdisorders, can be physically devastating to dogs andemotionally wrenching for their owners. Dog clubsrepresenting thirty-eight different breeds named canineepilepsy as one of their top health concerns. Currently,ten clubs sponsor six grants addressing this disease.Funding: AKC CanineHealth Foundation andGrant Sponsors:American BelgianTervuren Club BelgianSheepdog Club ofAmerica English SpringerSpaniel Field Trial Association IrishSetter Club of America NationalBeagle Club Norwich and Norfolk Terrier Club Poodle Club ofAmerica Foundation St. Bernard Club of America Vizsla Clubof America Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of AmericaHeart, Kidney and Liver DiseasesFollowing on the heels of the discovery of the genetic defectthat causes cystinuria, Newfoundland clubs are encouraginguse of the new cystinuria test. Other clubs are funding grantsthey hope will have similar results for their breeds. Four clubsponsored grants study heart disease — another high priorityfor dog club funding. Two grants are for kidney diseaseresearch and three are for liver disease.Funding: AKC Canine Health Foundation andGrant Sponsors:American Boxer Charitable Foundation AmericanMaltese Association American Miniature SchnauzerClub Foundation of the Cairn Terrier Club of America Golden Retriever Club of America in Honor of CarolBuckman Great Dane Club of America Great DaneHealth Foundation Health Trust Fund Scottish Terrier Clubof America Mastiff Club of America NewfoundlandClub of America Heath Challenge Soft Coated WheatenTerrier Club of America Yorkshire Terrier Club of America4Orthopedicand Bone Diseases:Hip Dysplasia, ElbowDysplasia, CraniomandibularOsteopathy,Forelimb AnomalyCanine hip dysplasia is one of the topgenetic health problems in dogs and apriority focus for funding, since it occurs inover 100 breeds. Many of the larger dogbreeds often suffer from elbow dysplasia.Club sponsored grants are helping studyboth these diseases as well as craniomandibular osteopathy and forelimbanomaly in specific breeds.Funding: AKC Canine HealthFoundation and Grant Sponsors:Alaskan Malamute Club of America Bernese Mountain Dog Club ofAmerica Chinese Shar-Pei Club of AmericaCharitable Trust Foundation for theCairn Terrier Club of America Great Dane Club of America Health Trust Fund ScottishTerrier Club of America Medallion Rottweiler Club Newfoundland Club of AmericaCharitable Trust RottweilerHealth Foundation SamoyedClub of America Educationand Research Foundation Westie Foundation ofAmerica

10714 Text page 5 only6/4/013:58 PMPage 5Setting Funding Priorities Fund Raising Events 2000 DONOR ADVISEDFUND PARTICIPANTS,CONTINUEDIrish Setter Club of America, Inc.Thyroid DiseaseThyroid Disease was number four on the dogclub 2000 priority list for funding, underliningIrish Water Spaniel Club of AmericaIrish Wolfhound Club of AmericaJapanese Chin Club of AmericaKeeshond Club of America, Inc.Mastiff Club of America, Inc.its prevalence among purebred dogs of allMiniature Bull Terrier Club of Americabreeds. In 2000, one grant assessed ultrasonicNational Amateur Retriever Club/Nationaland cytologic evaluation of the thyroid gland inGolden Retrievers, which have an increased risk for the disease.Funding: AKC Canine Health Foundation and Grant Sponsor:Retriever Club/Retriever Field Trial NewsNational Beagle ClubNewfoundland Club of AmericaNorwegian Elkhound Association ofAmerica, Inc.Golden Retriever Club of America in Honor of Carol BuckmanNorwich and Norfolk Terrier Club ofAmericaOther Diseases and Health Issues:Autoimmune, Muscular, Neurological,Skin Diseases; Addison’s Disease,Behavior Disorders, PancreaticInsufficiency, Urinary Stones,Vaccine ImmunityOld English Sheepdog Club of America,Inc.Orthopedic Foundation for AnimalsPapillon Club of AmericaPembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America,Inc.Portuguese Water Dog Club of America,Inc.Pug Dog Club of America, Inc.A number of other diseases are fundedRhodesian Ridgeback Club of the UnitedStates, Inc.by the AKC Canine Health FoundationSaluki Club of America, Inc.with the support of dog clubs who spon-Samoyed Club of America Education andResearch Foundation, Inc.sor grants and contribute to the overallScottish Deerhound Club of America, Inc.work of the Foundation. All have beendetermined to be of concern to the dogworld. Fourteen grants address a varietyof these diseases, many of them clubsponsored. Review the AKC Canine Health Foundation Grantsbooklet for more detailed information on grants and on the scien-Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club ofAmericaStandard Schnauzer Club of AmericaTibetan Terrier Club of AmericaUnited States Kerry Blue Terrier Club, Inc.Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of America,Inc.Welsh Terrier Club of America, Inc.tists and institutions conducting the research.Funding: AKC Canine Health Foundation and Grant Sponsors:American German Shepherd Dog Charitable Foundation AmericanShetland Sheepdog Association American SpanielClub Anonymous in Memory of Pippin BassetHound Club of America Bearded Collie Club ofAmerica Bull Terrier Welfare Foundation Chinese Shar-Pei Club of America Charitable Trust Dalmatian Club of America Foundation EnglishSpringer Spaniel Field Trial Association Foundation German Shepherd Dog Club of America GreatDane Club of America Health Trust FundScottish Terrier Club of America OldEnglish Sheepdog Club of America Poodle Club of AmericaFoundation Versatility inPoodles Westie Foundationof AmericaDonor Advised Funds are health fundsrestricted to a breed or special healthpurpose by a donor. All donations are taxdeductible. Donor Advised Funds earninterest and appreciation and are alsoeligible for AKC/CHF matching funds.NUMBER OFDONOR ADVISED FUNDS90807060504030201005199519961997 199819992000

10714 Text6/1/017:31 PMPage 6FROM THE PRESIDENTDear Friends: Six years ago the AmericanKennel Club had a vision of creating an organization that would provide a focus for caninehealth development, research and education.DR. ROBERTThe AKC had been supporting various canine healthJ. HRITZOPRESIDENT90 donor advised funds established by individualsresearch programs for many years. However, theyand clubs, and a very significant increase in thesaw a need for an organization that would createnumber of clubs participating in health surveys. Themore resources and bring a new level of organization to canineFoundation currently supports health research studies in thehealth issues. AKC donated 1 million to establish an endow-leading health concerns in dogs such as cancer, epilepsy,ment for the new organization and has made an annual contri-heart disease, thyroid disease, hip dysplasia, progressive reti-bution of that sum every year since.nal atrophy and cataracts. Foundation donations have risenfrom 150,000 the first year to over 1 million in 2000, andOne of their significant charges to the new AKC Canine Healthwe have a sense that we are entering a new era of promise inFoundation was to advance the knowledge of canine geneticsterms of the health of our dogs.and genetic diseases. With the now fourth generation of thecanine genetic map and the development of ten new tests forGrowth in canine health research studies, education pro-genetic diseases, we have entered a new era in canine health.grams and support has been a hallmark of the FoundationOther benefits have been the increased activity regarding caninefrom its earliest days. I challenge you to help us continue ourhealth among dog clubs and individuals, as well as much morevision by sharing the mission of the Foundation with yourwidespread understanding of the issues in canine health.club and your friends in dogs. I thank you sincerely for yoursupport of our mission over the past five years. I know that,It has been a great privilege to oversee the growth and devel-if we all do our part, we can continue to make a difference inopment of a Foundation that has made such an impact on thethe lives of our dogs and in their future.community of dogs. All AKC Parent Clubs have health representatives that serve as liaisons to the Foundation. There areSincerely,6

10714 Text6/1/017:31 PMPage 7FROM THE EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENTDear Friends: This year I would like toshare with you a letter we received lastfall. It says more clearly than I couldexpress what we hope for every breed,every club and each individual in dogs.DEBORAH A. LYNCHEXECUTIVE VICEPRESIDENT20 October 2000Dear Deborah:When Greg Siner began inviting people to his place in RhodeGreg Siner’s generosity and those who were a part of it , weIsland for Rattail Days, it was one more excuse for Irish Waterwere able to raise 3225 which Greg has asked me to forward toSpaniel fanciers and their friends to come together to talk dogsyou as a donation to the AKC Canine Health Foundation in theand enjoy a weekend of good company.name of Rattail Days 2000. We want to say that we want to be apart of the things that are vital in seeing our dogs well no matterLast year we enjoyed a seminar by Dr. Betty Trainer, a matchwhat the breed.show with ribbons worthy of Westminster, a dinner, a barbecueand auction, a great deal of fun even though it was pouring rain!This year it wasn’t just the lush surroundings of Ashe PondIt was a time when we were beginning to get interested in Dr.Farm in Ashaway, Rhode Island or the big old trees in theirGary Johnson’s study on Epilepsy at the University of Missouri.bright colors that made for a lovely weekend. It was being withThe weekend raised 1275 which went to our Geneticthe kind of people who love dogs — any kind of dogs — andConcerns Committee to help fund our Donor Advised Fundwanted to wish them well in a very real way.and our upcoming IWS Canine Health Survey.We want to express our thanks to the AKC Canine HealthThe year 2000 found us in the same lush surroundings of Greg’sFoundation for the leadership it takes in helping all of us enjoyAshe Pond Farm in Ashaway, Rhode Island enjoying the dogs,healthier dogs.Sincerely,the talk, a barbecue, match show, dinner and auction and aGinny Spencerretriever workshop.Genetic Concerns ChairIn the final analysis, Rattail Days at Ashe Pond Farm throughIrish Water Spaniel Club of AmericaCurrently, approximately 90, or 60%, of breed clubs have established donor advised funds, and 25% of all breed and performanceclubs have made a donation to canine health. The devotion and dedication of those participating is amazing and makes everything wedo possible. Our vision for the future is to move to 100% Breed Clubs and 100% of All Breed Clubs — if that were true wewould be doing everything realistically possible to help our dogs become healthier.Best wishes to you and your canine companions7


10714 Text6/1/017:31 PMPage 9THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB (AKC)On October 22, 1884, a group of twelvededicated sportsmen representing differentdog clubs met in the rooms of thePhiladelphia Kennel Club and founded theAmerican Kennel Club. Its first President,Major James A. Taylor, described the neworganization asa “club of clubs.”From 1995 through 2000,The American Kennel Club hascontributed 5.3 million to thecanine health research andeducation programs of the AKCCanine Health Foundation. Thisfigure also includes their generoussupport of the Foundation’sadministrative costs.The description isAs we celebrate the role ofstill apt today, evendog clubs in advancingas the AKC’s role has expanded vigorouslycanine health, it is only fitting to recognize the AKC anduntil it is, today, in the forefront of anythingits Board of Directors; our founder, supporter and part-and everything involving purebred dogs, theirner — the governing body through which all dogowners, breeders and supporters.clubs realize common goals of advancing thesport and the well-being of purebred dogs.9

10714 Ruth Reid text AC1 6/5/01 11:08 AM Page 10HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR 2000SEARCHING FOR ANSWERSGrants. This year the AKC Canine HealthFoundation (CHF) awarded 21 grants totalingover 1 million to eleven veterinary schools.This brings the total number of grants awardedin the five year history of CHF to 100. Over 5 million has been raised for research since 1995.DR. C. RICHARD DORNFor the coming year, theFoundation received the largestnumber of proposals ever —113 requests for 8.4 million ingrants.Bloat Study Completed.A landmark AKC/CHF fundedSCIENCE OFFICER, AKC CANINE HEALTH FOUNDATIONPROFESSOR EMERITUS, THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGEOF VETERINARY MEDICINESince April, 1996, Dr. Dorn has provided invaluable service tothe AKC Canine Health Foundation — coordinating the peerreview of grants, evaluating grant progress and representing theFoundation at veterinary conferences and scientific meetings.Dr. Dorn has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship, the FogartySenior International Fellowship in London, England, and hasbeen a consultant to the U. S. Food and Drug Administrationand the National Institutes of Health.study on bloat, conducted by Dr.New PRA Test. A new test isavailable for X-linked progressiveretinal atrophy in Siberian Huskiesand Samoyeds, adding to the PRAtest for Irish Setters, a breed that isnow free of the disease.International MappersMeeting. Leading geneticLarry Glickman of Purdue University, was completed this past year.researchers at universities throughout the United States, GreatOver 1900 dogs were enrolled in the study, including these breeds —Britain, France and Norway convened for an International CanineGreat Dane, Irish Setter, Saint Bernard, Standard Poodle, Akita,Mappers Meeting, held March 8-9 in Seattle and sponsored by theCollie, Irish Wolfhound, Newfoundland, Rottweiler and Weimaraner.AKC Canine Health Foundation and the Ralston Purina Company.The volume of data will take several years to fully analyze and isVeterinary School Seminars. A program was presented by theexpected to prove valuable to veterinarians and pet owners.AKC and the AKC Canine Health Foundation to veterinary studentsGene Discovered. While working on a Foundation fundedat The Ohio State University and the University of California,grant, scientists at the University of Michigan discovered theDavis. The program, with presentations by Dr. Anita Oberbauer andgene that causes canine von Willebrand’s Disease in BerneseDr. Kathryn Meurs, AKC/CHF sponsored researchers, is a pilot forMountain Dogs — a breakthrough in this disease.a more extensive program on canine health research, genetics andpurebred dogs that will be presented jointly by AKC and AKC/CHF.Gene Tool Developed. During a CHF funded study on craniomandibular osteopathy at Michigan State University College ofLifetime Giving Wall. In recognition of its support for cancerVeterinary Medicine, a new way of quickly making SNP markersresearch, the AKC Canine Health Foundation has been recognizedwas developed, opening the door to automating a great deal of thewith a plaque on the Lifetime Giving Wall in the state-of-the-artmarker work needed to find disease genes.Thomas Building of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centerin Seattle.10

10714 Text6/1/017:31 PMPage 11HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR 2000SUPPORTING CANINE HEALTH AND RESEARCH 1 Million Plus. Contributions fromindividuals, clubs and corporations increased41%, topping the 1 million mark for the firsttime. A great achievement for canine health.2000 PUBLIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1,200,000More Donor Advised Funds.donated1,000,000Contributions to Donor Advised800,000copies of TheFunds more than doubled, reaching600,000Encyclopedia of400,000 396,465 in 2000. There are now 90of these funds, an increase of 35the Dog and200,000New York0199519961997 199819992000percent over 1999.City pet store Fetch provided dogtreats. The event was co-sponsored by Yorkshire Terrier breederIKC Show & Ralston Purina Charity Ball. This year overLisa Farmer and Ms. Tan. 87,000 was raised for the Foundation, thanks to the InternationalKennel Club Cluster of Dog Shows and the Ralston PurinaDodge Foundation Grant. TheCharity Ball. Two checks were awarded at the Ball on SaturdayFoundation has received a grant fromevening, from matching funds for entries, Ball ticket sales, andthe Geraldine Rockefeller Dodgedonations for Purina pet food samples and treats, part of a yearFoundation to support studies of thelong Ralston Purina initiative to raise funds for canine health.canine genome map.Dollars for Dogs. This popular program continued its momentum, inviting everyone who cares about dogs to give at least 1 tothe Foundation - using specially marked containers at AKCCanine Health Foundation booths or at InfoDog.com, the officialweb site of MB-F, Inc., where owners of dogs entered in showsare given the option of adding 1 to their show entry fee.TWO HUGE CHECKS WERE PRESENTED AT THERALSTON PURINA CHARITY BALL. L-R LEE ARNOLD,AMY TAN BENEFIT, TOP TO BOTTOM:DEBORAH LYNCH, BRUCE KORSON, DR. ROBERTEVENT CO-CHAIRS LISA FARMER ANDHRITZO, LOU AUSLANDER AND ERNIE PLANCKAMY TAN WTH THEIR YORKSHIRETERRIERS.Amy Tan Benefit. World renowned scientists and artists packedNOTED ARTIST WILLIAM WEGMANbest-selling author Amy Tan’s Manhattan SoHo residence onBETWEEN AMY HEMPEL (L) ANDFebruary 12 for a benefit that raised over 12,000 for theDOMINIQUE DEVITO (R)Foundation. The William Secord Gallery donated signed printsFORMER TIME MAGAZINE MAN OF THE YEAR DAVID HO AND HIS WIFE,of the Christine Merrill painting Angel Dogs, Howell BooksPRESIDENT DR. ROBERT HRITZOSUSAN (FRONT); NOBEL LAUREATE DR. ROBERT WILSON, AKC/CHF11

10714 Text6/1/017:31 PMPage 12HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR 2000CLUB FUN AND FUNDSWhat One Club Can Do. The AmericanBoxer Charitable Foundation has raised over 170,000 for the AKC Canine HealthFoundation in five years and is the largestsingle donor of any breed club.Every member participates. The clubmoney for the Foundation in conjunctionhosts auctions, dinners, 50/50 raffles,with the Thanksgiving Classic Cluster.promotes its Puddle of Puppies bronzeNew Challenges. The Siberian Huskystatues and a special edition Boxer bookClub of America, the International Kennelentitled My Life with Boxers.Club and the Keeshond Club of AmericaTibetan Terriers on a Tear. Going allout to conquer the diseases debilitatingtheir breed, the Tibetan Terrier Club ofAmerica has a two-fold campaign to raisefunds for the Foundation’s TibetanTerrier Fund and to build a DNA Bankparticipated in challenge grants asWESTERN RESERVE DOG SHOW:SANDY PHILIPSON, AUTHOR OFANNIE LOSES HER LEG BUT FINDSHER WAY, AUTOGRAPHS BOOKS ATTHE CHF BOOTH, ACCOMPANIEDBY HUSBAND ELLIOT AND DOGSMAX AND ANNIE.Foundation fund raising initiatives.Entries for Dollars. Many clubs nowtake part in the Dollar A Dog programinitiated by the Ladies’ Dog Club of Bostonto support canine health. These clubs raisefor research projects. They asked, notthe entry fee at dog shows by just oneonly for funds, but for blood samples from their dogs.dollar to benefit the Foundation.A World Series for Dogs. A fund raiser for canine healthRattail Days. The Irish Water Spaniel Club hosted Rattail Day

Tervuren Club Belgian Sheepdog Club of America English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association Irish Setter Club of America National Beagle Club Norwich and Norfolk Terrier Club Poodle Club of America Foundation St. Bernard Club of America Vizsla Club

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