Temple Cultural Centre Of The ACT (Incorp.)

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ॐ0Hindu Temple & Cultural Centre of the ACT(Incorp.)एकं सद ् िवूा ब धा वदि ‐ One Truth is variously spoken of by the Sages81 Ratcliffe Cres (Cnr Connah St), Florey ACT 62593057http://www.htcc.org.au/(PO Box 331, Civic Square, Canberra City 2608)Annual Report 2008‐091. Preface2. Condolence3. Acknowledgements and Thank you4. Devotional Activities5. Educational Activities6. Cultural Activities7. Food‐fairs & Stalls8. Shram Daan9. Projects10. Working with our Senior Citizens11. Executive Committee Activities12. Donations 2008-09

PrefaceWe have a great delight in presenting an account of the HTCC activities during the Financial Year 2008-09.It is said that Hindus have 366 festivals for the 365 days of the year. This was certainly felt veryacutely during the year. There was never a time when preparations were not being made for somecelebration or the other.This report contains a record of the activities we had during the year. The activities are listedunder a few different headings and the three chief divisions being Devotional, Educational, andCultural activities. It will be seen that a good balance was achieved during the year.Five aaratis were performed each day, most festivals were celebrated on the day itself, and manyother worship ceremonies took place.Educational activities include weekly Yoga classes, Hindi courses, weekly Sanskrit classes,meditation classes, and many special lectures and discourses.In cultural activities we had the second Ramayan Sammelan in Australia, Navarang, Dandia, Holi& Deepavali Melas, Girmit Day celebrations, food‐fairs, and many other programs.A few years ago HTCC started celebrating every festival on the day of the festival itself and notshifting it to the nearest weekend. This seems to have gone well with the devotees. At many of thefestivals on weekdays there has been a presence of up to two hundred devotees.On the days of almost all religious festivals bhojan‐prasad has been prepared by a few devoteespersuaded by Punditji. This humble service has been provided during both the Navratries and theweek leading upto Janmashtami. This will continue in future too. Devotees are requested to makeuse of this service and if they so wish they can provide this service in return to other devotees onthe days of their choosing.Devotees have been generous with their donations. It was remiss on the part of the committee notto have special fund‐raising campaign and yet due to the generosity of the devotees we againcrossed the hundred thousand mark. Here is a snapshot of the financial status of the organisation.

Devotees have been generous in financial donation and yet very miserly in one of the mostimportant community activity ‐ volunteer work. In spite of repeated requests for volunteers tohelp with maintenance, cleaning, and construction work, few devotees showed up. On mostoccasions Punditji was the most prominent volunteer cleaning, gardening, and doing all mannerof tasks!Everyone is busy and thatʹs perfectly understandable but what is needed is for people to set asideat least one hour a month to do volunteer work at the Temple. Devotees can work on projects ortasks of their own choosing. One doesnʹt have to do manual work as a part of volunteer service,your presence, appreciation and bringing a few cups of tea or coffee or drinks for the volunteersworking at the Temple is a gesture which will go a long way in encouraging the volunteers whowork with dedication. Please show your generosity by a pat on the back for the workingvolunteers or joining hands with them in devotional service around Temple.Monthly food‐fairs have started to attract larger numbers but most of them are not our members.Imagine the encouragement your will provide to the volunteers by your coming to the food‐fairand getting a good, tasty, healthy meal for yourself for five or six dollars. If you are not hungryjust come and buy a can of coke or a plate of pakoras. Even a little gesture as this is significant.Please come to the food‐fair and encourage our volunteers. This is such a simple task and yet thereturns are very high.We have a unique opportunity to create a culture of appreciation and encouragement. Unrealisedby many, the mere presence of positive thinking, appreciative, and encouraging devotees isenough to drive out the unfortunate culture of denigration and intimidation.Let us hope our members will be generous ‐ not only with their financial contributions but alsowith volunteer work for the Temple.We thank the community for providing us with an opportunity to serve. We seek forgiveness forthe mistakes committed during the course of service.CondolenceWe regretfully note the sad passing away of threemembers. We commiserate with their families in thisloss1. Smt Nirmal Chandra2. Shri Hari Narayan3. Smt Erica ArltAcknowledgementsIt is a pleasure to acknowledge the great helpprovided by the following devotees during the year.We ask for forgiveness from the devotees whosenames have been inadvertently omitted from this list.1. Pundit Anil Sharma and the ACTRamayan Mandali for Ramayan Paths atthe Temple and organising secondRamayan Sammelan. Shri Jagdish Trivedifor organising T‐ shirts for RamayanaSammelan.2. Shri Ravi Sood and Shri Pratap Khannafor conducting havans3. Smt Agnesh Kumar for grantapplications, Temple decorations forvarious festivals, and flyers for all majorfunctions,

4. Shri Jigar Goasi and Smt Anjali Goasi fordecorations on Hanuman Jyanati &Janmastami festivals.5. Shri Shiradi Sai Baba devotees forconducting regular Sai Baba pujas, andarranging Sai Singhasana. Shri BhagawatiKhanna, Smt Jyoti Jalota and Pdt RamaSharma for regular Hanuman Pooja onevery Tuesday and Lord Murgandevotees for regular Murguan Pooja.6. Shri Raju Khiani, Shri Shantubhai Jina, DrRamesh Patel, Shri Sripati, Shri NikhilSaksena, Shri Jayesh Mehta, Shri KrishGaunder, Shri Rakesh Patel, ShriShashank Ramakrishna for making of theretaining wall, clearing and concrete areafor Navgrah and help in othermaintenance works at the Temple.7. Shri Munesh Sahadeo, Shri AshokKumar, Shri Shantu Jina, Shri RameshBhalla, Shri Ananda Deo, for food‐fairsevery month.8. Sri Lakshmi Yantra Pooja ‐ All devoteeswho have taken participated in Laksmiyantra Pooja.9. Sincere thanks to both the BangladeshPuja Celebration Committee and theBengali Cultural Association for givingus the delight of participating in Durgapuja and sharing lovely prasad.10. Shri Vijay Arora for Yoga classes and ShriNagaraja for Kriya Yoga meetings.11. Shri Ravi Vaikyl, Shri Vishnu Sharma,Smt Beena Vaikyl, Smt Meghna Joshi,Smt Anjali Gosai, Smt Tejal Patel forhelping in various cultural programs.12. Shri Sanjay Sharma for electrical works.13. Shri Anil Gupta, Smt Abha Gupta, SmtRenu Sharma, Smt Anita Sharma, SmtMeenu Sharma for various Jhanki on theoccasion of various festivals.14. Shri Bhushan Sardana for Templesecurity and kitchen upgrade.15. Shri Shantu Jina for maintaining gardenand Templeʹs cleanliness.16. Shri Kanti Jinna for helping inMulticultural affairs and liaison withGovt Departments.17. Indian Senior Citizensʹ Association forcoordinating activities with the HTCC.18. Gujarati Group for helping in organisingNavarati functions.19. Shri Raj Satija for organising regularAmrit Vani path.20. Shri Tapan Biswas, Shri Tarun Agasatifor helping Rathyatra festival.21. Marathi Mandal for Ganesh Puja.22. Indian High Commission for helping invarious ways such as supportingfestivals, cultural events, and Hindi Day.23. Smt Anita Chowdhary, Smt Manju Bala,Smt Malati Jain, Brigadier RameshManchanda teaching Hindi at theTemple.24. Shri Gurdev Singh & Shri Jayesh Mehtafor developing initial plans for ShantiNiketan.25. Shir Vishun Sharma for organising visitof Triveni Sewa Mission. All devoteeswho have helped in organising 10 daysprogram for 10th anniversary of PranPratisha Mahotsav.26. Shri Niraj Mehta for helping newmigrants for settlement in Canberra.27. The ACT Government and the Office ofMulticultural Affairs for their supportboth financially and in kind.28. Dr Shiva and Dr Anil Paramadhathil fortalk on Healthy ageing.29. Shri Radhkishan Sharma for StressManagement workshop and forarranging the visit of SwamiNirliptanand ji.30. Seniors workshop ‐ All seniors whoparticipated in the workshop and helpedprepare the report.

31. Shri Munesh Sahadeo, Shri AshokKumar, , Pundit Anil Sharma and otherdevotees for the Girmit Day celebrationson 14 May 2009.32. The children who performed in variousfunctions and their parents.33. Shri Sanjay Pandey for maintaining theweb page and providing photographs forthis report.34. All community members and devoteeswho sponsored pujas and assisted inanyway.35. All members of the community for theirgenerous donations in cash and kindthroughout the year We must give specialtanks to Shri Lalaji Singh for his tirelesswork for looking after HTCC accounts.36. Special thanks to Ramesh Bhalla toprovide his help for all the functions thisyear.37. Thanks to all devotees who have helpedto manage daily araties during Punditjiʹsabsence during January‐March 2009.It would be remiss if we did not record withdeep gratitude our appreciation for theunwavering support and guidance of Punditji inour efforts to further strengthen the spiritual,cultural and ceremonial base of the HTCC. Withhis zealous and untiring devotion, beyond thecall of duty at times, our spiritual, cultural andceremonial undertakings have reached newlevels as witnessed by Sri Lakshmi yantra Pooja,Sri Hanuman Jayanti and Janamastami to namea few. It is our earnest hope that Punditji willremain in our midst for many years yet andcontinue to guide and lead us in ourendeavours.Devotional ActivitiesThe following devotional activities were heldduring the year.1. Navratri Celebrations ‐ Garba & Dandia ‐Tue 30 Sept Thur 9 Oct2. Dushehara Celebrations ‐ Thur 9 Oct 7pm3. Karva Chauth ‐ Fri 17 Oct 5.00pm4. Monthly Havan ‐ Sundays 19 Oct, 16Nov, 16 Nov, 21 Dec, 18 Jan, 15 February,15 March, 19 April, 24 May, 21 June, 19July, 23 August ‐ 11am.5. Kartik month havans Wed 15 Oct ‐ Thur13 Nov ‐ 7.00‐7:30am.6. Ramacharitamanas Recitations onFridays 24 Oct, 21 Nov30 Jan, 27 Feb, 27March, 24 April, 22 May, 19 June, 31 July,28 Aug ‐ 7.30‐9.00pm.7. Amrit Vani Paath ‐ Sundays 26 Oct, 30Nov, 28 Dec, 25 Jan, 22 Feb 10.30‐11.00am8. Shree Yantra Sadhana ‐ Dhan Teras ‐ Sun26 Oct 9am‐1pm9. Lakshmi Puja Tue 28 Oct 7.30‐8.30pm10. Govardhan puja Wed 29 Oct 7.30‐9pm ‐Chappan (56) Bhog11. Puja Sun 2 Nov 11am12. Bhagwan Mahavir Nirvan Puja ‐ Tue 28Oct ‐ 7.30‐9.00am13. Tulsi Vivah ‐ Mon 10 Nov 7.30‐8.30pm14. Deva‐Diwali, Kartika Purnima ‐Satyanarayan Katha ‐ Thur 13 Nov 7pm15. Guru Nanak Jayanti ‐ Thur 13 Nov ‐ 8pm16. Shirdi Sai Sthapana Divas Sat 6 Dec 200817. Gita Jayanti ‐ Tue 9 Dec 200818. Maha Mrityunjaya Havan Sun 7 Dec 0819. Devi Jagaran ‐ Mata Ki Choki ‐ Friday 19Dec 2008 ‐ 7pm Onwards

20. Satyanarayan Katha Satya ‐ Sun 11 Jan2009 ‐ 7‐8pm21. Lohadi Celebrations 7.30pm Mon 12 Jan22. Makar Sankranti Puja 7.30am Tue 13 Jan23. Saraswati Puja ‐ Sat 31 Jan24. Shirdi Sai Baba Abhishek ‐ 31 Jan 200925. Shivratri ‐ Mon 23 Feb 2009 ‐ 6.30pm26. Bhoomipujan Day Mon 9 March 7.30pm27. Holi Dahan Tuesday 10th March ‐7.30pm28. Navratri Fri 27th March ‐ Fri 3 April29. Hanuman Jayanti ‐ Thur 9 April 7pm30. Ananda Utsav ‐ 18‐19 April 200931. Triveni Sewa Mission Group 7 ‐ 20 April32. Punditji is Back ‐ Kshama Prathana Sun29 March 10.45am33. Tenth Anniversary of Pran Pratishtha ‐Fri 27 March‐Sat 9 May 200934. Navratri Fri 27th March ‐ Fri 3 April ‐Bhojan Prasad every night at 9pm35. Ram Navami ‐ Fri 3 April 7pm ‐Celebration & Bhojan Prasad36. Mahavir Jayanti ‐ Sun 5 April 9‐11am37. Hanuman Jayanti Thur 9 April 2009 7pm38. 10thAnniversary‐Swami Nirliptanandaji39. Tenth Anniversary Celebrations ‐Hanuman Jayanti, Sri Krishna Ras,Vaishakhi by Triveni Sewa Mission40. Hanuman Jayanti ‐ Thur 9 April 7‐10pm41. Shri Krishna Ras ‐ Sat 11 April ‐ 6.30‐9.00pm & bhojan prasad42. Vaishakhi ‐ Mon 13 April 7‐9pm & bhojan43. Sai Bhajans ‐Thur 16 April ‐ 7‐9pm bhojan44. Devi Mata Ki Chowki ‐ Fri 17 April 8pm‐12midnight45. Ananda Utsav for Tenth Anniversary ‐ 18April 2009 ‐ 6‐9pm bhojan Prasad46. Monthly Havan & Vastu Workshop ‐ Sun19 April 11am47. HIS Holiness Vedavyasa Priya Swami 6May 7‐9pm48. Akhanda Ramayan Path 10am Sat 16 May‐ 10am Sun 17 May49. Monthly Havan ‐ Sun 24 May 200950. Akhanda Ramayan Path Sat 16 May10am‐Sun 17 May 12noon51. Shri Swaminarayan Sanstha Satsang Sat 6June 5‐7pm ‐ BAPS52. Invitation from Punditji ‐ Bhajan Sandhya‐ Fri 19 June 7.15pm53. Monthly Havan & Satyanarayan Katha ‐Sun 21 June 2009 ‐ 11am‐1pm54. Lord Jagannatha Rath Yatra at theTemple ‐ Wed 24 June 7‐9pm ‐ Bhojan55. Guru Purnima Tue 7 July 7.00pm56. Ayyapa Pooja Sat 18 July 7pm57. Shravan Month Celebration ‐ ShivaAbhishek ‐ 8 July ‐ 5 Aug 6.30‐7.30pm58. Tulasidas Jayanti Tues 28 July 7.00 pm

59. Second Ramayana Sammelan, Sunday2nd August 9.00am to 3.30 pm11. Introduction ‐ Art of Living ‐ Sun 14 June12. ESA & AFP ‐ Information session ‐ Sat 20June 12noon‐1pm13. Satsang ‐ Talk on Gita and Vedanta on 16August 2009 ‐ 11am‐1pmCultural Activities60. Amrit Vani & Havan Sun 9 Aug 11am61. Hanuman Chalisa and Sankat MochanBhajans ‐ Sat 1 August , 10.30am‐12.30pm62. Janmashtami ‐ Fri 7 ‐ Fri 14 Aug 200963. Janmashtami Celebrations ‐ Fri 14 Aug64. Chath ‐ Wed 19 Aug ‐ 7‐8pm.1. Deepavali Mela & Open Day Sun 9 Nov10am‐2pm ‐ Jumping Castle &Entertainment for Children2. Bhajan Sandhya ‐ Fri 7 Feb 7.30‐9.30pm3. Bhajan Sandhya ‐ Fri 27 Feb 7.30‐9.30pm4. Holi Mela Sat 14 March, starting 10am5. Request for Integrating new migrants6. Hasya Hangama ‐ Fri 22 May 6:30pm7. Navrang on Sat 9 May 2009, 7‐10.30pmEducational Activities1. Hindi Lessons ‐ Wednesdays 6‐7.30pm2. Deepavali Mela & Open Day Sun 9 Nov10am‐2pm ‐ Exhibition on Hindusim3. Youth Education Camp ‐ 5‐9 Jan 20094. Hindi Classes Start Wed 25 Feb5. Discourse 12 April Sunday 11.30am ‐Param Pujya Kanu Dadaji6. Coaching for students Science & Maths7. Learning languages ‐ Sundays 3‐5pm8. Discourse 29 March Sunday 11.30am ‐Sanatan Sukha ki Khoj9. Swami Nirliptanandaji Maharaj ‐ Tue 14to Sat 18 April 200910. Raja Yoga at the Temple ‐ Saturdays 9‐10am ‐ starting 16 May8. Girmit Diwas Commemoration ‐ Thur 14May 2009 7pm9. Sur Sandhya Sat 13 June 5.00‐7.30pm10. Second Ramayana Sammelan, Sunday2nd August 9.00am to 5.00 pmFood-fairs & Stalls1. Food Fair ‐ Saturdays 18 Oct, 15 Nov, 20Dec, 17 Jan, 21 Feb, 20 June, 18 July, 22August ‐ 11am‐2pm

filled and levelled and concreted. A drawing forstructures to accommodate Navgrah has beenDeepavali Cleaning ‐ Sat 18 Oct 9am‐2pm prepared. Installation and pran pratishtha willbe done within next two to three months.Deepavali Cleaning ‐ Sat 25 OctWorking bee – Organisor ShantubhaiShikharHTCC Digital Documents ArchiveRetaining Wall Sat 1 Aug 9am onwardsThere is no progress with the shikhar fabricator.Concreting Sat 22 Aug 9am onwardsTwo meetings (on 3/03/09 and 6/04/09) wereheld of all past presidents and other proponentsof shikhar project to discuss a “way forward.”Shram Daan - Volunteer Service1. actions items were agreed in thosemeetings.1. As advised by ACT law society, HTCC tosend a demand letter to the shikharfabricator Mr Paul Grelis at his old as well asnew workshop address by registered post. Ifwe get his home address, a copy of letter tobe sent to his home address.Projects2. Paul Grelies home address to be searched.Contact Graham Downie (consumer voice)Kitchen renovationfor him to talk to Paul GrelisKitchen renovation is almost completed.3. A prototype model, approximately 1m high,Various lockable cupboards have been installedto be desgined and fabricated by Shri Rahulto allow proper and adequate storage ofVedi so that members can see if it is suitableutensils, food grains, spices, disposables, etc.for our needs.Additional cupboards have been made where4. The committee to consider theexclusive items for Bhog can be stored. New gasrecommendations and call a general bodycook top isinstalled and whole stainless steelmeeting to advise the status of currentbench in the middle work area is covered andproject and approval of the new proposedaluminium strips installed to allow storage ofShikhar. Meeting to be called afterlarge pots. Due to this installation large pots arecompletion of the prototype model.not visible from outside the kitchen or from theSubsequently, on 26 June, a registered letterside facing the fridge. The only outstandingsent to Paul Greliesʹ new work shop; olditem is the installation of hood, for which anworkshop, and his residence giving him theorder has been placed and it will be installednotice as reproduced below:within next few months.“Failing to respond to this notice by 24 JulyNavgrah2009, the “Sikhara” project deal with you standsterminated and HTCC will not be liable for anyMurties of Navgrah have arrived. An area fordues. However HTCC would consider to takeNavgrah installation is being prepared.appropriate legal action against you to recoverRetaining wall is complete. The area has beenthe 17935 bank interest for 7 years.”

All the three registered letters posted to Mr PaulGrelis have returned. He did not accept them.Shantiniketan10. Navrang & Hasya Hangama ‐ SeniorCitizen participation11. Senior Citizens ‐ One Day Workshop ‐ Sat30 MayA concept plan has been prepared whichincludes, Hall, Library, Storage room andChange room.A separate account has been opened and tilldate 22,076 has been raised.Following project team has been formed.Project Manager – Mr. Prakash MehtaArchitect – Mr. Gurudev SinghStructural Engineer ‐Mr. John SkurrDrafting – Knighttime drafting services.Current plan is to prepare the drawings forShantiniketan and get DA approval.ElectricalAdditional lights installed at notice board.In the Temple shrine area new type of floodlights which have long life and lessconsumptions installed.Lights installed underneath the Shrine.Floodlights installed on Pundtiji’s residence toilluminate parking area during night.Working with Senior Citizens1. class 8‐13 SeptemberFood‐fair for Seniors 20 SeptemberHealth Retreat ‐ Thur 29 & Fri 30 JanRetreat for Senior Citizens ‐ 20‐22 MarchWorkshop – Sanatan Sukh ki Khoj 29MarchBalancing Life and Stress 16 AprilHealthy Ageing ‐ Fri 24 April 8pmSeminar ‐ From Fear to Love ‐ Mon 13April 5.30‐7.00pmDr Shivakumaran and Dr AnilParamadhathil on Health & Ageing Fri 1May 8pmExecutive Committee ActivitiesThe following committee was elected unopposed atthe AGM in September 2008 but later in the yearquestions were raised by some members on thevalidity of AGM. A General body meeting was calledon 14 Feb 2009. The GBM approved all theproceeding of AGM held on 28 September.President: Shri Prakash Mehta (62595475)Vice Presidents: Smt Jyoti Jalota (62516053) &Shri Ashok Kumar (62595163)Manager: Shri Shantilal JinaPublic Officer: Shri Bhushan SardanaSecretary: Shri Himanshu Pota (62554460)Treasurer: Shri Lalji Singh (62622697)Asstt. Sec.: Shri Vishnu SharmaCommittee Members: Smt Beena Vaikyl, ShriLakhan Sharma, Smt Sobha Sharma ShriKrishnakumar Shankar, Smt Anjali Gosai, ShriSanjay Pandey, Shri Ramesh Bhalla1. Committee meetings were held every month,agenda items were requested from eachmember, minutes of the meeting wererecorded, draft minutes circulated, and theminutes were accepted at the next meeting.

2. Financial statements were presented in everymeeting and quarterly statements wereattached with the minutes for review andapproval of expenses.3. When decisions had to be taken urgently onimportant issues, a yahoo newsgroup wasused by the committee to discuss issues andmake decisions.4. E‐mail broadcast were sent every weekannouncing the forthcoming activities5. Committee has tried all available Govtgrants and could manage to get 7810.6. New user friendly website developed and allevent details updated regulatory.7. Committee has approached ACT Govt forallowing the adjacent land for overflow carparking. ACT Road Dept is currentlyaccessing the possibility of using that landfor car parking.8. Filing system established to keep all recordssystematically.9. Cleaning contract awarded to ensure thatpremises is professionally cleaned after eachmajor function and at least cleaned once in amonth.Himanshu R PotaThe SecretarySun 30 Aug 2009Donations for FY 2008-09Following donations are gratefullyacknowledged. They are listed in chronologicalorder. (Receipt Number, Donor, and Amount).Building Fund1689 Ajay Sharma 252.00, 1692 KrishnakumarShankar 101.00, 1693 RameshShankaranrayananan 252.00, 1696 Mr Dinkar 50.00, 1697 Prakash Mehta 100.00, 1700 B. S.Nagaraja 252.00, 1701 Malati Jain 251.00, 1702Kiran Bharti 31.00, 1703 Yogesh Parikh 11.00,1704 Raj Ashija 21.00, 1705 Vikash Mittal 101.00, 1706 Shanti Jinna 120.00, 1707 RakeshMalhotra 21.00, 1708 Bhusan Sardana 100.00,1709 Manoj Jain 22.00, 1710 Keshav Goel 251.00, 1711 Dr Ramesh Patel 51.00, 1713Awadhesh Prasad 101.00, 1714 Vinesh Maharaj 51.00, 1715 Vinesh Maharaj 100.00, 1716Prakash Mehta 301.00, 1717 Anil Kumar 51.00,1718 Anonymous 100.00, 1719 Anil Gupta 201.00, 1720 Vikram Bangur 51.00, 1721 UditGhera 50.00, 1722 Anonymous 51.00, 1723Mohit Satija 25.00, 1724 Manav Satija 25.00,1725 Uraj Singh 50.00, 1726 Mohini Lata 50.00,1727 Mahend Kumar 51.00, 1728 Lalji Singh 51.00, 1729 Hemant Kelsikar 51.00, 1732 Pt AnilSharma & Family 101.00, 1733 M NarayanUpadhyaya 51.00, 1734 Vijay Patki 50.00, 1735Ajay Limaye 51.00, 1737 Meeta and Uday Ladh 100.00, 1738 Rajdhani Marathi Mandal 401.00,1739 Jagdish Wable 101.00, 1740 Anonymous 55.00, 1742 Kumar Narain 51.00, 1747 Dr RaviVaikyl 51.00, 1748 Pradeep Sharma 101.00, 1749Dr HRK Arora 101.00, 1125 Magan Lal andFamily 51.00, 1126 Shaishav and Vidushi 25.00,1127 Dinah Benny 50.00, 1128 Vivek Agrawal 5.00, 1129 Dr Ravi Vaikyl 51.00, 1130 ManjuBala 21.00, 1131 Bangaladesh Pooja Committe 100.00, 1132 Ankur Vaidya & Viren Patel 51.00,1133 Anonymous 51.00, 1135 Nehal Trivedi 51.00, 1136 Rahul Tejani 151.00, 1137 AshokJain 100.00, 1138 K. Gaind 101.00, 1139 SanjayPandey 51.00, 1140 Prateek Maheshwari 5.00,1141 Seemal Reddy 100.00, 1142 Rajesh Nanda 51.00, 1143 Five Star Braddon Supermarket 101.00, 1144 Vijai Patki 50.00, 1145 Rahul HJoshi 25.00, 1146 Aditya Gogia 11.00, 1147Anirudh Gogia 11.00, 1148 Vikash Jinna 51.00,1149 Kanubhai Mahisuria 51.00, 1751 PradeepChopra 101.00, 1752 Narendra Tuteja 15.00,1753 Prateek Maheshwari 20.00, 1754 RavindraSingh 31.00, 1755 Anonymous 51.00, 1756Peadeep and Poonam Sharma 51.00, 1757 Peadeepand Poonam Sharma 11.00, 1758 Dr L Godara 21.00, 1759 Anonymous 230.01, 1760 Ms PriyaRaniga 101.00, 1761 Binesh Maharaj 51.00, 1764Damini Mehta 51.00, 1765 Bengali CulturalAssociation ACT 151.00, 1766 Hari Singh 101.00,1767 Anil Kumar 51.00, 1768 Anil Kumar 100.00,1769 Ramesh & Kala Govind 51.00, 1770 VishnuSharma 60.00, 1771 Sanjive Gosai 60.60, 1772 DrRamesh Patel 51.00, 1773 Sitesh Bhojani 50.00,1774 Rakesh Patel 51.00, 1775 Damini Mehta 51.00,1776 Rahul Tejani 150.00, 1777 Kanti Jinna 51.00,

1778 Dhiriben Raniga 51.00, 17779 AryaSenerivatne 50.00, 1780 K and M Advani 880.00,1782 Herbert ARLT 11.00, 1783 ASR PrasadTipirneni 1,116.00, 1784 Nakul Agarwal 250.00,1785 Mohana Bogadi 50.00, 1786 Mrs U Abbineni116.00, 1787 Lalji Singh 15.00, 1788 Anonymous105.00, 1789 Anonymous 344.42, 1791 PradeepSharma 101.00, 1792 Vinod Mahajan 50.00, 1793Sangita Kakwani 500.00, 1794 Lalji Singh 51.00,1795 Subhas Jalota 51.00, 1796 Subhash Dang 51.00,1797 Vishnu Sharma 51.00, 1798 Renu Sharma51.00, 1799 Dr Neela Nath 51.00, 1800 GulshanDang 31.00, 1801 Narendra Nath 51.00, 1802Sanjive Gosai 21.00, 1803 Sanjay Sharma 51.00,1804 Radhey Sharma 51.00, 1805 Vijai Arora 51.00,1806 Vir Kishan 11.00, 1807 Anil Gupta 51.00, 1808Naveen Bhatia 21.00, 1809 Girish Maheshwari50.00, 1810 Ashok Jain 51.00, 1811 Keshva Goel52.00, 1812 Jeevan Mohindra 21.00, 1813 HRK & VArora 101.00, 1814 Subhas Jalota 101.00, 1815Lalji Singh 101.00, 1816 Rahul Tejani 55.00,1150 Deepak Sharma 51.00, 1817 RamanathanVishwanathan 152.00, 1818 A. Mitra and R. Mitra 501.00, 1820 Anonymous 101.00, 1821 P. K.Khanna 301.00, 1822 Dr Ramesh Patel 51.00,1823 Vijay Patki 110.00, 1824 Ranjani Ram 51.00, 1825 Narayan Upadhyaya 100.00, 1827Amita Chatterjee 130.00, 1829 Ashwani KumarSharma 151.00, 1830 Sanjay Pandey 12.00, 1831Preeti Sharma 21.00, 1832 Prakash Mehta 101.00, 1833 Subhas Mohindra 201.00, 1835 IshSharma 200.00, 1836 Dhuva & Mohini Jinna 36.70, 1837 Prof Milind Sathye 101.00, 1838Ishwar Chand 51.00, 1839 Mahend Kumar 51.00,1840 R Chand 55.00, 1841 Satish Sikchasagar 51.00, 1842 Lalji Singh 51.00, 1843 Vishnu Singh& family 52.00, 1844 Yuvraj Singh 50.00, 1845Vijay Patki 45.00, 1846 Prakash Mehta 51.00,1847 Ramesh Bhalla 51.00, 1848 Mahend Kumar 51.00, 1849 Satish Chand 50.00, 1951 Vikramand Anita Bangur 60.00, 1952 Ashok Kumar 51.00, 1953 Vinod Lal 51.00, 1955 Benny 50.00, 1956 B. Khannah 201.80, 1957 LakhanSharma 51.00, 1958 Ashwani Sharma 51.00,1959 Jyoti Jalota 51.00, 1960 Anil Gupta 51.00,1961 Gulshan Dang 51.00, 1962 Udit Gera 102.00, 1963 Kehhava Goel 51.00, 1964 RajeshMakwana 50.00, 1965 Prakash Mehta 51.00,1966 Rajesh Satija 50.00, 1967 Subhash Jalota 101.00, 1968 Nand Awadhwal 51.00, 1969Anonymous 11.00, 1970 Girish Maheshwari 50.00, 1971 Mrs Saxena 11.00, 1972 Anonymous 10.00, 1973 Kernail Randhawa 50.00, 1974 AnilGupta 51.00, 1975 Subhash Dang 20.00, 1976Jayesh Mehta 25.00, 1977 Neeraj Mehta 25.00,1978 Lalit Guglani 51.00, 1979 Naresh Bhalla 11.00, 1980 Vishnu Sharma 51.00, 1981 ShaileshDiwedi 11.00, 1982 Anonymous 21.00, 1983Renu Sharma 51.00, 1984 Krish Gounder 50.00,1985 Lalji Singh 51.00, 1986 Murari Singh 25.00, 1990 Tushar Singh (Sydney) 51.00, 1988Kamal Sharma 51.00, 1987 Arvind C Amin 501.00, 1991 Ashok Jain 200.00, 1992 DLSA IncShivanand EF 500.00, 1993 Nita Mehta 51.00,1994 Prakash Mehta 251.00, 1995 Anonymous 93.00, 1989 Anonymous 25.00, 1996 Anonymous 501.00, 1998 Radha Krishna Sharma 51.00, 1999Lalji Singh 51.00, 2000 Dr Raghbendra Jha 51.00, 1901 Anonymous 101.00, 1902 NikhilSaxena 51.00, 1903 Prakash Mehta 251.00, 1904Shanta Ben Patel (USA) 100.00, 1906 Ravi Sood 501.00, 1907 Deepak Sanyal 51.00, 1909 VishalShah 250.00, 1910 Bharat Patel 51.00, 1911Malti Jain 251.00, 1912 Jeevan Mohindra 48.00,1914 B Reddy 51.00, 1915 Jatin Patel 25.00,1918 Akhilesh Kumar 590.00, 1920 Jayesh Mehta 51.00, 1921 Basu Banka 201.00, 1922 Dr SSivakumaran 250.00, 1923 Dr Anil Paramadhathil 250.00, 1927 Dr N. M. Upadhyaya 100.00, 1925S. C. Mohindra 101.00, 1929 Ashok Tulpule 300.00, 1930 Arun Venkatesh 101.00.Navagraha 1826 Mrs Reva Mitra 501.00, 1926Prakash Mehta 500.00.Shantiniketan Fund1695 Anonymous 500.00, 1690 Nitin Jhaveri 101.00, 1699 Neeaj Mehta 1,001.00, 1712Anonymous 665.90, 1731 Bhushan Sardana 500.01, 1741 Shanti Jinna 42.21, 1743Anonymous 70.00, 1745 Anonymous 182.54,1746 Anonymous 52.40, 1763 Shanti Jinna 14.65, 1790 Anonymous 24.39, 1828 Anonymous 92.14, 1834 Anonymous 22.40, 1954 AshokKumar 19.80, 1908 Vijay Gakhar 1,001.00, 1916Anonymous 587.90, 1917 Anonymous 124.60,1913 Dr Neela Nath 501.00, 1924 Lakhan Sharma 500.00.

6. Shri Raju Khiani, Shri Shantubhai Jina, Dr Ramesh Patel, Shri Sripati, Shri Nikhil Saksena, Shri Jayesh Mehta, Shri Krish Gaunder, Shri Rakesh Patel, Shri Shashank Ramakrishna for making of the retaining wall, clearing and concrete area for Navgrah and help in

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