Most Worshipful Grand LodgeFree and Accepted MasonsOf AlaskaProceedingsTwenty-EighthAnnual CommunicationFebruary 5 - 6, 2009
TABLE OF CONTENTSROLL CALL . 1SOLEMN CEREMONIES . 2MESSAGE OF THE MW GRAND MASTER . 3ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GRAND SECRETARY . 19REPORT OF THE FRATERNAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE . 221st Report . 222nd Report . 223rd Report. 23REPORT OF THE CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE . 25APPOINTMENT OF REGULAR COMMITTEES . 26REPORTS OF UNFINISHED BUSINESS. 29MOTIONS . 29RESOLUTIONS. 29Resolution 2009-1 . 29Resolution 2009-2 . 30Resolution 2009-3 . 32Resolution 2009-3 (Amended) . 34Resolution 2009-4 . 35Resolution 2009-5 . 37Resolution 2009-6 . 40Resolution 2009-7 . 41Resolution 2009-8 . 43Resolution 2009-9 . 44Resolution 2009-10 . 45Resolution 2009-11 . 48Resolution 2009-12 . 49REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES . 52
Jurisprudence Committee . 521st Report . 522nd Report . 523rd Report. 533rd Report (Amended ) . 534th Report . 545th Report . 556th Report . 557th Report . 568th Report . 569th Report . 5710th Report . 5811th Report . 5812th Report . 59Grievance and Appeals . 60Finance . 60Report of the Grand Treasurer 2008 . 60Report of the Finance Committee . 61Audit Committee Report . 62Balance Sheet . 62Budget for 2009 . 64Masonic Research and Education . 66Masonic Public Relations . 67Masonic Youth . 69Bylaws . 70Public Schools . 71REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES . 72Report of Grand Chaplain (Necrology) . 72Report of Grand Lecturer . 74Report of Grand Orator . 75Report of Grand Historian . 78Charters and Dispensations . 80Leadership Training . 80George Washington National Memorial . 80Russian Relations . 80Wills and Endowments . 82Long-Range Planning . 82Internet & Publications . 83
Segregation and Reference Committee . 83Alaska Masonic Code Review Committee . 84Reports of the District Deputies of the Grand Master . 84District 1 . 84District 2 . 85District 3 . 85District 4 . 85District 5 . 85Awards Committee . 86James A. Williams Award . 86Buckley C. Hazen Award . 86Military Recognition Award . 86Grand Master’s Award for Excellence . 86Mason of the Year . 86Report of Committee on Concordant Bodies Grand Lodge of Alaska – September29, 2008. 87MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS . 101Alaska Grand Lodge Masonic Corporation Meeting February 4, 2009 . 101Alaska Masonic Foundation For Children Meeting . 101Contributions to the Grand Lodge of Alaska 2009 Annual Communication. 105ELECTION OF GRAND LODGE OFFICERS. 107INSTALLATION OF GRAND LODGE OFFICERS . 108APPENDIX . 110
ROLL CALLGRAND LODGE OFFICERSGrand MasterDeputy Grand MasterSenior Grand WardenJunior Grand WardenGrand TreasurerGrand SecretaryGrand ChaplainGrand LecturerGrand OratorGrand HistorianGrand MarshalMW Jared S. DeckerRW John R. “Bo” ClineRW Johnnie L. WallaceRW Ronald L. AckermanRW James D. GrubbsRW Jerome P. WassonW Van O. ChaneyVW V. Clifford DarnellVW Jerry W. PinionW Roger A. BarnsteadVW Robert O. HomoleskiW Jim Griffith (Pro Tem)W John Paul JonesW Billy W. HarrisW Len Owens (Pro Tem)W Albert R. ShuergerW John K. BishopW Emil F. LentzW Ronald K. BowenW Dwight E. MorrisW Richard L. GrantSenior Grand DeaconJunior Grand DeaconGrand Standard BearerGrand Sword BearerGrand Bible BearerJunior Grand StewardGrand OrganistGrand TylerCONSTITUENT LODGES(Would the most Senior Representative please respond?)White Pass Lodge No. 1Tanana Lodge No. 3Valdez Lodge No. 4Mt. McKinley Lodge No. 5Seward Lodge No. 6Matanuska Lodge No. 7Kodiak Lodge No. 9Glacier Lodge No. 10Kenai Lodge No. 11Fairbanks Lodge No. 12Eagle River Lodge No. 13Aurora Lodge No. 15North Pole Lodge No. 16Anchorage Lodge No. 17Mt. Verstovia Lodge No. 18Ketchikan Lodge No. 19Iditarod Lodge No. 20Mt. Juneau-Gastineaux Lodge No. 21Sterling Lodge No. 22Petersburg Lodge No. 23MW Grand Master, all Grand Lodge Officers and 19 lodges are represented and we,therefore, have a Constitutional quorum to open Grand Lodge.1
RW Jerome P. “Jerry” WassonGrand SecretarySOLEMN CEREMONIESThe formal opening of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Communication of the Most WorshipfulGrand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alaska was called to order at 8:00 AM onFebruary 5, 2009, by Worshipful Brother Emil Lentz. The program for the openingincluded:Entrance of Grand Lodge OfficersPrayer by the Grand ChaplainPledge of AllegianceU.S. and Canadian National AnthemsThe Alaska Flag SongThe formal opening of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Communication of the MostWorshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alaska was opened by MostWorshipful Jared S. Decker, Grand Master of Masons in Alaska in Ample form.The first through fourth sessions of Grand Lodge were called to order by the followingbrethren respectively:First SessionWB Emil LentzSecond SessionWB Carl LindstromThird SessionWB Michael LerouxFourth SessionWB Nicholas ChoromanskiDistinguished Guests present included:Arizona, F. & A. MRW Brook Cunningham Junior Grand WardenCalifornia, F. & A. M.RW Bill Bray, Senior Grand WardenW Frank Loui, Junior Grand WardenPennsylvania, F. & A. M.RW Edward O. Weisser, Past Grand MasterW Martin H. Bayer, PMRepresentatives of Concordant Bodies present included:Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern JurisdictionWarren Miller, Sovereign Inspector Commander2
MESSAGE OF THE MW GRAND MASTERGRAND MASTER’S MESSAGETo the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alaska:Welcome to the twenty-eighth annual communication of our Grand Lodge. I welcome allMasons to the business and social activities of these sessions. A special welcome to ourvisitors from other jurisdictions, I am honored that you could join us here in Kodiak,which we Kodiakians euphemistically call the northern most Hawaiian Island. It is oursincere hope that your mid-winter visit to Alaska, specifically Kodiak, will be memorableand enjoyable. If there is anything we can do to make your stay more comfortable orpleasant please ask and we will do all we can to satisfy your needs.APPOINTMENTSI appointed the following brothers as indicated:Right Worshipful Jerome P. Wasson as Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge ofScotland.Worshipful John Bishop as Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge of IrelandRight Worshipful John R. “Bo” Cline as Grand Representative to the United GrandLodge of England.Very Worshipful Brother Darrell Windsor as Grand Representative to the Grand Lodgeof Philippines.Worshipful Brother O. D. Odsather as Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge ofSinoloa, MexicoDwight G. Morris as my Personal Representative to the Grand Lodge of Iowa.Worshipful Robert J. Wiseman as my Personal Representative to the Grand Lodge ofIdaho.Right Worshipful Ronald Ackerman as my Personal Representative to the Grand Lodgeof California.Right Worshipful John R. “Bo” Cline as my Personal Representative to the Grand Lodgeof MarylandMost Worshipful Don Chaffin as my Personal Representative to the Grand Lodge of NewYork.Worshipful Brother Jerry Lewis as my personal Representative to the Grand Lodge ofMain.Most Worshipful Thomas O. Mickey as my Personal Representative to the Grand Lodgeof Hawaii.I also made one very pleasing appointment this year. On the 100th anniversary of hisbirth, I appointed Worshipful Brother Walter Soboleff as a District Deputy (at large) ofthe Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons of Alaska. I have done this in recognitionof his most extensive service to the Fraternity, his community and his people. We allshould all feel honored to be able to call such a great man “Brother.”3
DISPENSATIONSThe following dispensations were granted:Seward #6, January 22 Dispensation hold a degree meeting at Kenai Lodge.Fairbanks #12, Feb 12 Dispensation to hold a special election to fill Junior Wardenposition.Seward #6, Mar 3, Dispensation to change place of meeting to conduct a Fellowcraftdegree.Juneau #12, Mar 3 Dispensation to change place of meetings.Fairbanks #12, March 30 Dispensation to change place of meeting for May Stated.Seward #6, April 2 Dispensation to change place of meeting to conduct a Master Masondegree.Kodiak #9, April 2 Dispensation to change meeting night this month.Fairbanks #12, May 2 Dispensation to change date of Stated meeting this month only.Sterling #22, May 6 Dispensation to confer all three degrees in one month.North Pole #16, June 18 Dispensation to hold outdoor degree.North Pole #16, August 26 Dispensation to hold an outdoor degree.Kenai #11, August 29 Dispensation to ballot on petition on non stated meeting.Kodiak #9, September 24 Dispensation to conduct all three degrees in two days.Seward #6, October 7 Dispensation to hold special communication at Kenai #11.Tanana #3, November 6 Dispensation to confer degree in less than two weeks.Aurora #15, November 11 Dispensation to wear Masonic regalia at school presentation.Anchorage #17 November 12 Dispensation to waive residency for a soldier.NECROLOGYMy Brothers this year 43 of our Brethren laid down their working tools and answered acall from the Supreme Architect of the Universe. They now reside in that Celestial Lodgeabove. We mourn their passing and share that sadness with their families. WorshipfulBro. Van O. Cheney our Grand Chaplain will conduct a memorial service later today.STATE OF THE CRAFTI wish that I could say that the state of the Craft in Alaska was excellent. However, Icannot. Because of outside influences, we have, during this past year experienced unrest,mistrust and dissatisfaction within this great fraternity of ours.In May of last year, I attended the World Conference of Grand Lodges in WashingtonD.C. During that conference one of the presenters talked about concordant and appendantbodies and their relationship to the Blue Lodges. His message was to “be aware” that theconcordant and appendant bodies do not begin to think that they are more important thatthe Blue Lodges. His message became reality because of actions perpetrated by two ofthese bodies within this jurisdiction. The Scottish Rite and the Order of the Eastern Star.We all know that there has been unease and mistrust surrounding the Scottish Rite andthe actions of the past Sovereign Grand Inspector General Mitchell R. Miller since hisappointment to that position. The situation prompted Grand Master Sam Medsker to4
recommend that I appoint a committee to investigate the relationship of all concordantand appendant bodies to the Grand Lodge. This proved to be an impossible task asvirtually everyone I approached about serving on the committee bore some ill feelingstowards the SGIG. As a result, the Deputy Grand Master volunteered to approach theproblem in a different way and prepare a report with the results. He will present his reportlater in this session.I will not review the various misdeeds attributed to the SGIG over the years, but willconfine my remarks to the ongoing situation in Juneau. Because of his actions theMasonic family in Juneau has experienced over 3 years of unrest and mistrust. Despitemeetings between Sovereign Grand Commander Ron Seals, Miller, and myself thesituation remained unresolved until the end of October.On October 22, 2008, SGIG Bob Hannon (AZ) and SGIG John Moyers (KY) traveled toJuneau on a fact-finding mission. I requested this fact-finding mission as a way to bringthe focus of the Scottish Rite to what I believed was a very serious problem within thejurisdiction of Alaska. I am happy to say that their mission appears to have been asuccess in that the Juneau Masonic family made some agreements within the Valley ofJuneau and it appears the healing process is progressing.The next stop for our two distinguished visitors was Anchorage for a meeting with theDeputy Grand Master, the Senior Grand Warden and I. During this meeting, the twoSGIGs wanted to know what it would take to settle the issue of my intentions to declarethe Scottish Rite in Alaska as not in amity with the Grand Lodge of Alaska. We discussedSGIG Miller’s role in the problems experienced in Juneau and past wrongs committed byhim. I informed them that I felt that the SGIG viewed himself as being above the GrandMaster. He had shown no respect for the Grand Master or the Office of Grand Master. Ialso told them that I could not allow the SGIG to continue to disrupt the fraternity as hehad done in Anchorage and Juneau. They agreed with me and said that they were meetingwith SGIG Miller that afternoon.Later in the day, I received a call from SGIG Hannon. MWB Hannon informed me thathe and MWB Moyers spoke with SGIG Miller and that Miller would call SGC Seale onthe following Monday and tender his resignation. On Tuesday, I received a letter fromSGIG Seal informing me that Miller had contacted him and tendered his resignationeffective December 15, 2008. Commander Seale said that he had accepted Miller’sresignation. I later found out that Miller had sent Commander Seale an e-mail rather thancalling him as promised. This did happen as scheduled.I take no joy in having solved a problem that has lingered for over three years. It is a sadday when a Grand Master has to use the power of his office to force a brother to resignfrom such a high and honorable office. I hope that this issue is dead and buried.In the case of the Order of the Eastern Star, we again have a situation where theappendant body considers its self above the Grand Lodge of Alaska. About mid-way inmy term as Grand Master, I received word that the Deputy of the Most Worthy Grand5
Matron for Alaska Claudia Ann Jones was going to Kodiak to close the local chapter ofthe OES for failing to hold regular meetings. When asked if she would reconsider thedecision to close the chapter until after this annual communication of the Grand Lodge asa favor to the Grand Master, the Deputy replied “what do I care, the Grand Master did notappoint me.” Afterwards, I contacted the Worthy Grand Matron Barbra Benton with thesame request. The Worthy Grand Matron replied that she must follow Eastern StarRegulations and the decision was final. The Kodiak Chapter of the Eastern Star no longerexists.The state of the craft in the individual lodges is a mixed bag. Lodges in the majorpopulation areas of Anchorage and Fairbanks have been busy throughout the year. Iparticularly single out Tanana # 3, Aurora Lodge #15 and Fairbanks #12 who in the lastyear had a combined total of over 50 degrees conferred with Fairbanks #12 leading thepack as of this writing. I also recognize the efforts of Anchorage Lodge #17, Glacier #10,and Eagle River #13 who put on a total of over 25 degrees between them. Unfortunately,the success stories are not there for our more remote lodges. Seven of these lodges failedto do any degree work at all.I would personally like to thank MWB Henry Dunbar, VWB Jerry Pinion, andWorshipful Brother John Bishop who traveled at their own expense to help the membersof your Grand Line put on a weekend class in Kodiak. As a result, Kodiak now has threenew Master Masons.Ritual work in our lodges is likewise a mixed bag. I have seen some excellent work puton by several lodges with new brothers sitting in the chairs. It is obvious who the lodgesare that hold regular practice sessions and who take great pride in their performances. Tothese lodges (and you know who you are) I say well done and keep up the good work.Good ritual work begets good ritual work.Unfortunately, we did not get to see some lodges do any ritual work. In a couple of casesthere were not enough brothers present to open the lodge. In these cases, my visitconsisted a meeting with the available brothers over dinner.We have dealt with some issues this year that are affecting our peace and harmony. Thelawsuit filed against this Grand Lodge in 2001 continues. It is now in the hands of theAlaska Supreme court and it appears that the opposing counsel may have exhausted hisrelentless requests for production of documents? However, the fact remains that thespecial assessment passed at the last Grand Communication is exhausted and legal feescontinue to add up. Therefore, I once again, assess each lodge ten dollars ( 10.00) foreach Master Mason on their rolls as of January 1, 2009. As in the past, I direct the GrandTreasurer and the Grand Secretary to maintain separate accounting of this money and useonly for legal fees. The financial report is on the schedule for later in this session. I willonly comment that what you will hear in that report is gloomy. The financial fiascoes ofthis last year are affecting our existence as a viable entity. The cost of operations hasincreased dramatically and the revenue has gone down in a same dramatic fashion. You,the individual brother have felt these financial uncertainties in your own life. These same6
uncertainties are amplified in an organization whose income depends on dues,investments, and donations. In order to replace falling revenues I recommend animmediate increase of 5.00 in the Grand Lodge per capita dues.This year I did not put a lot of emphasis on the youth groups or other Masonic bodies. Itis not that I do not believe in them or that I do not support them. I do! However, I felt thatit was better to spend my time and energy on Blue Lodge issues and problems. I did notfeel that I could justify supporting the efforts of concordant or appendant bodies whenthere are lodges in this jurisdiction that are on the verge of failure. One positive note isthat Worshipful Brother Gillilan is now The Executive Officer and the PersonalRepresentative of the Grand Master of the DeMolay.One of my first official acts as Grand Master was to send a letter to the Prince Hall GrandLodge of Alaska and its Jurisdiction, Incorporated, asking to maintain our treaty to sharejurisdiction of the territory and discontinue the limited recognition in favor of fullMasonic recognition. As of this writing, the Prince Hall Grand Lodge has not replied tomy request.One of the major accomplishments this year is the redesigned Grand Lodge Web Page. Ibelieve that those of you who have visited it find it more user friendly. The page containsmore information in addition to calendar and pictures. I would like to thank the DeputyGrand Master Bo Cline who headed up the development project and Worshipful BrotherTad Dean who did the actual development of the page. I say well done to both of them.In addition to my official visits to the lodges of this jurisdiction and the various otherGrand Lodges, I also attended three other conferences and meetings this year. In May, Iattended the Scottish Rite Leadership conference in Seattle, Washington. I wouldstrongly urge any brother who has to opportunity to attend this well planned event to doso.Also in May, I attended the World Conference of Grand Lodges in Washington, DC. Therepresentatives of over 120 Grand Lodges from around the world attended the event.Registration for the event exceeded 400 individuals. While at the conference, the GrandMasters of the Grand Lodges of the United States participated in a wreath layingceremony at the World War II memorial. I had the privilege of laying a wreath at thecolumn honoring Alaska Veterans.In July, I attended the Imperial Shrine in Saint Louis, Missouri. A highlight of this eventwas a Grand Master’s tour of the local Shrine Hospital. An interesting observation aboutthe hospital was the lack of in house patients. When asked about it, the tour guideexplained that hospital policy was to let the patients go as soon as possible. This results inspeedier recoveries and happier patients.7
GRAND MASTER'S EDICTS, ASSESSMENTS, & RECOMMENDATIONSGrand Master's Assessment: I assess each lodge ten dollars ( 10.00) for each MasterMason on their rolls. I direct the Grand Treasurer and the Grand Secretary to maintainseparate accounting of this money and permit it to be used only for legal fees in defenseof civil suit 3SW-04-85 CIV.Recommendation one: I recommend that the per capita authorized by Section 9.04(3)Bylaw of the Alaska Masonic Code be increased by five dollars ( 5.00). The dues paidby the lodges to Grand Lodge for 2008 will be twenty-seven dollars and fifty cents( 27.50) for each Master Mason on its rolls.Grand Master’s 2008 JournalDateFeb 8Feb 9Feb 10Feb 11Feb 12Feb 13Feb 14Feb 15Feb 16Feb 18EventInstalled as Grand Master by MW Brother Joe Dees.Met with all elected and appointed officers. Laid out my agenda for thecoming year and impressed upon all the importance of keeping contactinformation current. Masonic Public Relations Committee Chairmanpresented a brief outline of considerations for conducting a public relationscampaign at the local lodge level.Travelled to Las Vegas, Nevada – Personal time. Drove 105 miles, Flew 2399miles.Granted permission for Alaska Prince Hall Masons to join the AlaskaNational Sojourners.Granted permission for Fairbanks 12 to hold a special election to elect andinstall a JW on the same night.Granted permission for Alaska Masons to wear their regalia in theRendezvous parade.Traveled to Louisville, KY to attend the Western Conference of GrandMasters and the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America.Drove 75 miles Flew 2010 miles.Attended the Western Conference of Grand Masters where I presented a paperon Masonic Ritual.Met with elected Grand Line to discuss the following items.1. Scottish Rite situation in Juneau and the fact that the Valley of Juneauvoted unanimously to support the Double Eagle Corporation (one dissentingvote).2. Changing the SE visit-to-visit Skagway via road and ferry to Juneau.3. Including a recommendation in the Grand Master’s Message aboutrecognizing all Prince Hall Grand Lodges that are recognized by the localPrince Hall Grand Lodge.4. Suspending Cordova’s Charter per Masonic Code Section 15.09.5. Establishing a ritual competition.I met with Sovereign Grand Commander Ron Seals over the schism in Juneauabout the Double Eagle Corporation and the investment of Scottish Rite8
Money therein. Commander Seals has no objection to the building orpurchase of an existing building. His only concern is that the Scottish Rite’sinvestment therein be protected in case the Double Eagle Corporation ends upfailing. He also felt that the Scottish
The formal opening of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alaska was opened by Most Worshipful Jared S. Decker, Grand Master of Masons in Alaska in Ample form. The first through fourth sessions of Grand Lodge were called to order by the following brethren respectively:
Grand Lodge Officers -2020 & 21 Most Worshipful Douglas Vernon Jones Grand Master Right Worshipful James Winfield Golladay, Jr. Deputy Grand Master Right Worshipful Donald Ellis Strehle Grand Senior Warden Right Worshipful Jack Kayle Lewis Grand Junior Warden Most Worshipful Reese Edward Carroll, Jr. Grand Treasurer
Grant Recipient: Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Federal Tax ID: 94-3188217 of Alaska Project Title: Project Type: Other Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Anchorage F. & A.M., Alaska - Advancement Challenge Program State Funding Requested: 56,600 House District: Anchorage Areawide (16-32) Future Funding May Be Requested
MOST WORSHIPFUL PRINCE HALL GRAND LODGE FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS STATE OF ILLINOIS 809 East 42 nd Place (Prince Hall Way) Chicago, IL 60653-2900 773-373-2725 FAX 773-624-6031 Office of the Grand Secretary To: Most Worshipful Brother Dwayne A. Smith, Grand Master; Right Worshipful Brother Aubrey K.
Jan 19, 2018 · Most Worshipful Grand Master in order to ascertain his desire. If the Grand Lodge does not have a table, the Most Worshipful Grand Master his guest and Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master will sit at the host leader’s table. 3. Whenever the Most Worshipful Grand Master (or his representative) is
THE PRINCE HALL SENTINEL The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Editor From The Editor's Desk Official Publication of F&AM, State of New York Elected Grand Lodge Officers M. . W. . Walter C. King Jr. (44) Grand Master R. . W. . Gregory R. Smith Jr. (1)The issue o Deputy Grand Master R. . W. . Darren M. Morton (64) Grand Senior Warden
WORSHIPFUL PRINCE HALL GRAND LODGE OF VIRGINIA, FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS, INC. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY of ELECTED & APPOINTED OFFICERS for 2018- 2020 Most Worshipful Grand Master Richard Townes Averett Union Lodge #235, PO Box 1358, Clarksville, VA 23927, 804 374-0019
GRAND LODGE OF MICHIGAN: Most Worshipful Brothers Charles S. Moulthrop Jr., William Skrepnek, Wayne E. Turton, Walter F. Wheeler, David H. Flucke and Michael J. Jungel, Past Most Worshipful Grand Master’s. Worshipful Brother William E. LeVeque, Worshipful Senior Grand Deacon of the Gran
Spring Lake Elementary Schools Curriculum Map 2nd Grade Reading The following CCSS’s are embedded throughout the year, and are present in units applicable: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.2.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.2.2 Recount or describe key ideas or .