December 2016/January 2017NewsletterChurch Celebrates 60th AnniversaryAspecial “thank you” from the 60th Anniversary Committee, to allwho contributed and/or attended the celebration of the 60thanniversary of our church. The event was well attended and everythingwent off as planned. The service went smoothly and on time. The slideshow, put together by Andy Wagner, was impressive. Pastor SteveHokuf was the Master of Ceremony, as we emphasized the history ofour church in 10 year increments, from the 1950s to the 2000s.In the 1950s, we recognized the founding members. Ray Sommersgave his testimony for the 1960s. To recognize the 1970s, ConnieSommers provided special music and we had a musical tribute for the1980s. Pastor Dan Mohler presided for the 1990s, and Bobby Hudlerpresented about Operation Christmas Child. For the 2000s, our daycaredirector Sandy Jackson presided, with special music by A udience ofOne. The message was given by Rev. Phil Meekins (a former memberof our church) of New Beginnings Church and was well done.After the program, we retired downstairs to a wonderful meal that wasprovided by the church. We want to thank the Social Committee,headed by Wendy Clough, for all the work done to prepare the meal forus. Also, we want to thank Linda Gocolinski and those who took timeto decorate and set up the tables and chairs on Saturday. Anotherthanks goes out to Tom Hall, for all the extra tables. As we observed,there didn’t appear to be any empty seats. Sometimes we miss or forgetto recognize someone who helped, but God doesn’t forget and you willbe rewarded.In closing, I would like to thank the 60th Anniversary Committee fortheir contribution to the planning and carrying out of activities.Committee members include the following: Ray Sommers (Chairman),Pastor Steve Hokuf, Pastor Dan Mohler, Edna Miller, Wendy Cloughand Eric Jackson. Kathy Gray also helped at our meetings.Vol. 48 No. 3A Little AcornWhile working in ourchildren’s program, Ishared a story called “The Oakinside the Acorn” by MaxLucado. It was about a littleacorn trying to figure out what hewas supposed to be doing. I feltlike that little acorn, not surewhat I was to do. God knew.I moved to Maryland in 1965; ayoung mother of two little ones,away from home for the firsttime. I have always gone tochurch and became a Christian atthe age of 16. I watched thischurch building being built, andtold my husband that I wanted togo there when it was finished.The first Sunday that I came tochurch, I had four little ones intow.Two ladies, DorothyHudler and Jeanna McGhee, tookmy little ones and said theywould watch them. I thought Ihad died and gone to Heaven! Ifound out that they had serviceson Sunday and Wednesdaynights and started coming to allof them. On Wednesday nights,Patsy Delp would pick me up and
The Lamplighter, December 2016/January 2017 Page 2Dear church family,Greetings in the precious nameof our Lord, Jesus Christ.We, the staff of the church, wishyou all a very Merry Christmas anda happy New Year. It is surely oneof my most favorite times of theyear. I hope I never let the hustleand bustle of the season steal awaythe joy and true meaning of the day.I imagine that is something we allneed to guard against.The 60th Anniversarycelebration was sospecial.Everythingseemed to go quitesmoothly. Everyoneworked together and had a lot offun, too. Just about everybodystayed after the service and joinedin the fellowship meal downstairsas well. Someone counted 144! Abig thank you to Wendy Clough,The LamplighterPublished 10 times a year.An electronic version of our newsletteris available on our website as a pdf fileand may be emailed to you uponrequest. It will be emailed to youinstead of a mailed, printed copy.First Baptist Churchof North East206 Mechanics Valley RDNorth East, MD 21901-3824Phone: 410 287-6247E-mail: fbcne@verizon.netWebsite: www.fbcne.orgFind us on FacebookDr. Stephen D. Hokuf, PastorDan Mohler, Associate PastorTim Bayer, Youth AssociateJess Wagner,Editor/Ministry AssistantMailing Assistants: Lois Bevins, Carol Evans,Linda Gocolinski, Jimmy Hall, Bernice Jackson,who organized, cooked and servedall of that delicious food. She had alot of help, especially from hermother Peggy, Bernice Jackson andTim Bayer. Due to theirresponsibilities they were not ableto be in the service upstairs, but wecouldn’t have done it without them.Praise the Lord for all who had apart in the proceedings. A specialthanks to Ray Sommers, whochaired the 60th AnniversaryCommittee. I encourage you to readhis article on page 1. Andy Wagnerput together a wonderful slide showthat many of you have asked about.He was able to put those pictureson our website, as well as otherthings relating to the celebration.Please take a few minutes to checkit out at were especially blessed to havePastor Phil Meekins, of NewBeginnings Fellowship Church, asour keynote speaker. Brother Philhad been a vital part of our churchfor over a decade, serving asSunday school teacher, youthdirector, trustee, deacon and otherthings along the way. For the pastfive years he has been a bivocational pastor, planting thatchurch in our community. We wereglad to hear an update of that work.They are now a fully constitutedchurch, reaching many persons forChrist and are now a contributingand cooperating Southern BaptistChurch. Praise the Lord. They havehelped so many men and womenstruggling with addictions. Theyoperate several half way houses forboth men and women, and conducta 12-step recovery program calledCelebrate Recovery.Now we begin on the next 60 years,should the Lord tarry.I will be taking the teens to snowcamp over the New Year’sweekend. We covet your prayers aswe travel and for decisions that willbe made by all who attend.May God bless you all thisChristmas and into the New Year.Your brother in Christ,Pastor Steven D HokufAcorn(continued from page 1)Soon, I was asked to teach the 3rdgrade class. I loved it and did it foryears. My children grew, and Igrew closer to God. In the 1970s,my children were all older andrestless in adult worship. I prayedfor there to be something for thekids.That’s when Children’sWorship was born. Earl Simmerscame and trained a staff. I took thetraining but did not volunteer.My children loved it, and I lovedsitting in adult worship. However,that didn’t last long. I could hearthe music and wanted to bedownstairs. I volunteered to be ahelper,“crowdcontrol”,encouraging the children to sitquietly.Soon after that, our Children’sWorship leaders resigned. I startedto fill in with the help of ourdeacons. I worked with manywonderful workers; Patsy Delp,Hazel Manul, Kathy Gray, RaySommers, Robert Hudler Sr., andElwood Foster. Soon I became theActivities Director, with RaySommers as our leader. Patsy,Kathy and Hazel were in charge of
The Lamplighter, December 2016/January 2017 Page 3The Lamplighter, December 2016/January 2017 Page 4
The Lamplighter, December 2016/January 2017 Page 524252627December Events242528307:30 PM Chr istmas EveCandlelight ServiceMerry Christmas!!!10:30 AM CombinedService. NO SundaySchool & NO Youth.NO Kids Klub4 PM Youth leave forreBoot @ Skycroft.December Birthdays13478910121415161819202123Wendy CloughEllen VanSiceRonald JohnsonJason WeickselDave VanSiceOlivia BladesEvelyn NeavesDarrell HamiltonKen Hodanics, Jr.Grace ShoresEden MarvelKevin GillJoshua BaezPeggy CloughRebecca BibeyCarol LovingBlake MilburnViolet OsborneMararita JacksonSamantha JohnstonLucias SandersDavid NaggieAshley SextonDavid Arthur, Jr.Wayne LannenSylvia HobsonJoseph Clemons28293031Bessie FinnefrockStephanie RomanRichard MeekinsKatie AyersDean FinnefrockTina GibsonSharon HodanicsMelissa (Perry) LannenRobert RomanAngela WhitmoreDonald BoanCraig HudlerEric JacksonKayla LewisKelly MeekinsJohn David HamiltonVicki ChestnutKaren BrownDecemberAnniversaries56910January Events1Pastor Dan Mohlerpreaching @ both services.9:30 AM Br eakfast.12 PM Youth r etur n fr omreBoot @ Skycr oft.4Deacons Mtg following6:30PM Pr ayer /BibleStudy8Communion Sunday11Business Mtg following6:30PM Pr ayer /BibleStudy22February Lamplighterarticles due.297:30 PM Deacons MtgVideo #5 Pentecost fromThe Mission of JesusJanuary BirthdaysGregory & Danita Walker1Dorsey & Jane Brandenburg 2Brad & Jessica HollandLarry & Linda Thornton41159182129Duane & Faye CombsCraig & Audrey (Beman)HammondTimothy & Amanda(Leffew) SmithMike & Cheryl MarvelAndy & Jess Wagner1112131415161720212223Dorcas DeaverDon LawrenceAsia LewisEd EvansBen HokufRosetta (Ewing) BarnesAmanda HobsonMichele (Chesnet) BeckSarah CainAmber RhoadesStacie Marie RhoadesSandy JacksonBrad HollandMelissa DeaverAaron SimpkinsMike StroheckerWanda HollermanFolashade Johnson-AremuJess WagnerAbigail HilamanS.J. Hall, Jr.Carl DavisSophie HodanicsTony MurrayHarold Harris, Jr.Devon ShortDwane (Tony) Taylor
The Lamplighter, December 2016/January 2017 Page 6Acorn (continued from page 2)What now?Our pastor had a heart for mission work and planned atrip to New York. I felt God was leading me to go, butdid not know what to expect. I came home feeling moreblessed than any blessing I could have been to others. Iwas hooked! It opened doors for me to lead missionteams to Canada, working with the Arabic Church andPastor Walid. Each year, God provided a wonderfulgroup of adults to go and help. I also led teams of youthto Ocean City, Maryland’s Campground Mission. After10 years, I felt God closing the doors to these ministries.A friend advised me to take some time to “rest and pray.”So that is what I did. Not knowing God had a new husbandfor me and after 7 years as a widow, I decided to startdating again after 40 years. Beware when asking God for anew ministry. Jim says he is my new ministry. We bothlove the Lord and seek his leadership. This “little acorn”has grown up and hopefully helps other “little acorns”realize that there is “great oak” inside of them, waiting tobe what God has made them to be.First Baptist Church of North East206 Mechanics Valley RoadNorth East, MD 21901Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!Non-Profit Org.U.S. PostagePAIDNorth East, MD21901RETURN SERVICE REQUESTEDRegular Church aWORSHIP9:20a9:30aBreakfast (1st Sun, monthly) Bible Study/Sunday School10:30aWORSHIP/Children’s Worship6pMonthly Last Sunday WORSHIP6pYouth Ministry Mtgs.Budget Status: 6,130.Tuesday11a6pWorship Committee Mtg. (4th Tues) Praise & Worship Team PracticePARKING LOT FUNDreceived to date: 33,640.Wednesday6:30-7:30pKids’ Klub—grades 2-66:30-8p Prayer/Bible StudyThursday10aBudget/General FundWeekly Average as of12/11/16(50 wks): 3,697.Needed Weekly: 3,603.We have 3 revised parking lotfund goals: 20,000 (Praisethe Lord); 30,000 (Gloryto God); 40,000BUSINESS Mtg (2nd Wed—after Prayer Mtg)(Hallelujah!).Choir PracticeAverage morning worship
God knew. I moved to Maryland in 1965; a young mother of two little ones, away from home for the first . Ray Sommers (Chairman), The Lamplighter, December 2016/January 2017 Page 2 . Jimmy Hall, Bernice Jackson, The Lamplighter, December 2016/January 2017 Page 3 The Lamplighter, December 2016/January 2017 Page 4 .
To Mom Belt, Our love and best wishes to you on your church’s 50th Anniversary. Love, John, Bernice, Cathy & Elaine Roberts . 50th Church Anniversary CONGRATULATIONS TO The Naomi Temple African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church Pastor, Officers and Members On Your 50th Church Anniversary We pray God’s continued blessings as you moveFile Size: 2MB
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