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COMMENCEMENTMAY 11, 2020N10303 HEA-064-Commencement-2020-program-050620.indd 15/6/20 10:59 AM

Peter J. Deckers, M.D.2020 UConn Health Commencement SpeakerPeter J. Deckers, M.D. is a surgical oncologistand Dean Emeritus at UConn Health. Heserved as Dean of the School of Medicine from1995-2008 and Executive Vice President forHealth Affairs from 2000-2008. A graduate ofthe College of the Holy Cross, Deckers earnedhis medical degree from the Boston UniversitySchool of Medicine and Medical Center, wherehe received the Outstanding Physician Award. He completed his residency in generalsurgery, a fellowship in surgical oncology in the Surgical Branch of the NationalCancer Institute at the NIH, and was a U.S. Public Health Service trainee inacademic surgery at Boston University where he began his career and advanced tothe position of professor and vice-chair for surgical education. He joined theGraduate School DegreesMASTER OF DENTAL SCIENCEBakhsh, KhabbabChang, PhilipHabib, Lamia Ahmed Nour El DinLomboy, Jonathan AndrewMago, JyotiPalo, LedjoPuri, DivyaGraduates, August 24, 2019Al-Abedalla, KhadijehAzami, NiloufarBabalola, KehindeFossum, AndrewHarris, Kayla AnneKwon, TaeLee, JosephLoewenstein, Alison GailLuu, BillMainkar, AnshulMutalik, Sunil SubhashNanda, AnjaliSarsour, Rawan Jehad JamilSeong, ChristinaSlauch, RobertStangler, Michael DavidGraduates, December 15, 2019Kilbride, CarolynMeethil, Archana PalakkalMASTER OF PUBLIC HEALTHBaker, Precious MarieBlondin, AudreyBlondin, MatthewBoland, Dae-ZhanéCarew, Kirsten SaegerCasey, Linda D.Fignon, Aniella mary Jane GenevieveFrenis, Elizabeth AdeleGuralnick, Stephanie Lee BeronHasan, Rabale*Holovatska, Marta M.Jui, Shanjida ArbieKane, OdiaN10303 HEA-064-Commencement-2020-program-050620.indd 2Health Center in 1987 after three years as Director of Surgery at Hartford Hospital.Deckers’ honors are many, and they include the Sanctae Crucis Award of HolyCross College, the Kaiser-Permanente Teaching Award, the Carole and Ray NeagMedal of Honor, and the Robert U. Massey Award for Distinguished Service toname just a few. Dr. Deckers is a past President of the New England Cancer andNew England Surgical Societies. He received an Honorary Degree from AssumptionCollege. Deckers also has an award at UConn Health bearing his name, theDr. Peter J. Deckers Employee Appreciation Award. This award recognizes oneoutstanding employee, annually, who consistently demonstrates commitment andpassion, strong leadership, exemplary professional skills, and commendable personalattributes, all in support of the UConn Health mission. This is among the highesthonors awarded to UConn Health employees.Katz, Miriam EstherLaBrecque, HollyLarson, AnnaLoftus, Cory JamesMeinert, MaryMisiorski, Adam CharlesNadeau-shadon, AllisonOhemeng, Kwaku Konadu*Ortiz, Maria ClemenciaPantoja, LuisPhaneuf, Lindsay maeRoane, Kaitlin AnneShankar, KritikaSharma, Ambika**Shefraw, Ruth TeshomeSmith, Lina EliseTheriault, Kayla MarieUde, Franklin ChidubemVicéns Cardona, Carolina*Wilson Reardon, Miryam Hannah**Recipient of M.D./M.P.H. combined degree**Recipient of D.M.D./M.P.H. combined degreeGraduates, August 24, 2019Andresen, Christian D.Bieri, Ramon WhitneyLake, Willow ElizabethLowney, Erin MarilynMalcolm, Jessica A.Matthews, Andria DanielleRoy, NikitaMASTER OF SCIENCE,BIOMEDICAL SCIENCEGarcia-Munoz, John CamiloPeterson, Jaliyah AshanteGraduates, December 15, 2019Abblett, RebeccaMontgomery, Aundrya BrookeMASTER OF SCIENCE, CLINICALAND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCHBartels, Chantal BarbaraKhangura, Raminder KaurDOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY,BIOMEDICAL SCIENCEAdamson, Scott IanDoctoral Dissertation: FunctionalCharacterization of Empirically IdentifiedSplicing Regulatory Elements (Major Advisor:Brenton R. Graveley; Area of Concentration:Genetics and Developmental Biology)Adhikari, BanditaDoctoral Dissertation: Mathematical Modelingof Iron Regulation in Monocyte-DerivedMacrophages During Aspergillus Infection(Major Advisor: Reinhard Laubenbacher; Areaof Concentration: Cell Analysis and Modeling)Baena Echeverri, ValentinaDoctoral Dissertation: Intercellular Communicationin the Mouse Ovarian Follicle Analyzed byThree-Dimensional Electron Microscopy (MajorAdvisor: Mark R. Terasaki; Area of Concentration:Cell Biology)Chen, XinDoctoral Dissertation: Role of GlucoseMetabolism in Human T Cell Activationand Functions(Major Advisor: Derya Unutmaz; Area ofConcentration: Immunology)George, Mariam MathewDoctoral Dissertation: Defining the Phenotypesof Tumor-Infiltrating CD8 T Lymphocytesin Mice Immunized with Neoepitopes(Major Advisor: Pramod K. Srivastava; Areaof Concentration: Immunology)Hrdlicka, Henry CharlesDoctoral Dissertation: microRNA Family 29: aPositive Regulator of Osteoclastogenesis (MajorAdvisor: Anne M. Delany; Area of Concentration:Skeletal Biology and Regeneration)Keilich, Spencer RyanDoctoral Dissertation: Influenza-InducedMuscle Degradation: Mechanism of Flu-InducedDisability with Aging (Major Advisor: LauraHaynes; Area of Concentration: Immunology) Commencement Student SpeakerGraduates, August 24, 2019Trapp, Christine5/6/20 10:59 AM

Lafontaine, Adam ThomasDoctoral Dissertation: From Patient to Pathways:An SH2-Based Workflow for Studying Signalingin Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia UsingBiochemical Data and Computational Methods(Major Advisor: Bruce J. Mayer; Areaof Concentration: Cell Analysis and Modeling)Lorenzo, Erica CorinneDoctoral Dissertation: Examining the AgedImmune System: Elucidating the UnderlyingMechanisms that Promote More EffectiveInfluenza Responses and Regulate CD4 TCell Subsets (Major Advisor: Laura Haynes;Area of Concentration: Immunology)Ryan, Joseph Michael*Doctoral Dissertation: Improving CombinationCancer Immunotherapy with a Novel, DualSpecific Immunotherapeutic Platform thatLinks T Cell Costimulatory Pathways (MajorAdvisor: Laura Haynes; Area of Concentration:Immunology)Vijaykumar, AnushreeDoctoral Dissertation: Roles of Wnt/ß-CateninSignaling in Odontoblast Differentiation andReparative Dentinogenesis (Major Advisor:Mina Mina; Area of Concentration: SkeletalBiology and Regeneration)Yu, Albert Sae*Doctoral Dissertation: TRP Channels inCardiovascular Disease (Major Advisor: LixiaYue; Area of Concentration: Cell Biology)Zambrello, Matthew Alfred**Doctoral Dissertation: ComputationalApproaches for Assessing Spectral Quality inNMR Spectroscopy (Major Advisor: Jeffrey C.Hoch; Area of Concentration: Molecular Biologyand Biochemistry)*Recipient of M.D./Ph.D. combined degree**Recipient of D.M.D./Ph.D. combined degreeGraduates, August 24, 2019Behl, BharatDoctoral Dissertation: Intracellular Host Defensein Microbial Infections (Major Advisor: VijayRathinam; Area of Concentration: Immunology)Osman, Ahmad SuleimanDoctoral Dissertation: Encoding of Sound Shapein Rat Auditory Cortex (Major Advisor: BrentonR. Graveley; Area of Concentration: Genetics andDevelopmental Biology)Rizzo, AlessandroDoctoral Dissertation: Assembly and Inhibitionof the Rev1/Polȗ Mutasome (Major Advisor:Dmitry M. Korzhnev; Area of Concentration:Molecular Biology & Biochemistry)Yasko, Jessica RoseDoctoral Dissertation: Transcriptional Profilingof Non-Injured Nociceptors After Spinal CordInjury Reveals Diverse Molecular Changes(Major Advisor: Richard Mains; Area ofConcentration: Neuroscience)Graduates, December 15, 2019Knight, BrittanyDoctoral Dissertation: Role of Tissue Inhibitor ofMatrix Metalloproteinase-1 in the Developmentof Hypersensitivity Using an Animal Model ofCutaneous Inflammation (Major Advisor: KyleBaumbauer; Area of Concentration: Neuroscience)Qendro, VenetaDoctoral Dissertation: Investigation of PotentialCancer Therapeutic Elements (Major Advisor:Linda H. Shapiro; Area of Concentration:Cell Biology)Sharma, TulikaDoctoral Dissertation: Molecular Signature ofCherubism in Murine Bone Marrow StromalCultures (Major Advisor: Peter F. Maye;Area of Concentration: Genetics andDevelopmental Biology)DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY,PUBLIC HEALTHGraduates, August 24, 2019Namazi, SaraDoctoral Dissertation: An Examination of theImpact of Work and Family Stressors onCorrectional Supervisors’ Family Life andMental Health (Major Advisor: Richard H.Fortinsky; Area of Concentration: Occupational& Environmental Health Science)Dental School GraduatesAdzenyah, Akosua AmpomaaGeneral Practice ResidencyInterfaith Medical Center, Brooklyn, NYARIF, YUMNAAdvanced Education in General DentistryProvidence Veterans Affairs Medical Center,Providence, RIBADZIAI, ANASTASIYAPeriodonticsUniversity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA American Academy of Periodontology AwardBalloch, JamesEndodonticsUniversity of Connecticut School of DentalMedicine, Farmington, CT American Association of EndodontistsStudent Achievement AwardBarbar, Joseph W.General Practice ResidencyState University of New York at Stony Brook,Stony Brook, NYBERNSTEIN, JILLIAN LEEGeneral Practice ResidencyDanbury Hospital Dental Services,Danbury, CT Horace Wells Senior Student Award from theAmerican Dental Society of AnesthesiologyBIBBER, ERIN MARIEPediatric DentistryOhio State University/Nationwide Children’sHospital, Columbus, OH American Academy of Pediatric DentistryCertificate of Merit The Eleanor J. Bushbee Senior DentalStudent AwardBorgueta, MicaAdvanced Education in General DentistryUniversity of Connecticut School of DentalMedicine, Farmington, CT Olmstead Prize in GeriatricsSpencer Keilich — The Graduate School Student SpeakerFor the past five years, Spencer Keilich has beenstudying a very common and deadly virus. Keilichand his research mentor Dr. Laura Haynes, arenowned immunologist, wanted to know whyolder adults become disabled when they contractinfluenza and how that can be prevented.“We just got a paper accepted that shows how theloss of certain muscle fibers during flu infectioncan lead to disability, but with vaccination you canprevent these events from happening,” he says.Keilich, who is being awarded a Ph.D. in Biomedical Science with a concentrationin immunology, says he’s always had a “scientific brain.” When he told his parents —both computer programmers — that he liked science but not computers, theywere supportive.“They were fine with whatever I wanted to pursue, whatever I was most passionateabout,” says Keilich, who grew up in Windsor, Connecticut.N10303 HEA-064-Commencement-2020-program-050620.indd 3While earning his undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering at WorcesterPolytechnic Institute, he began taking biology classes as a minor. “It bloomed intoan understanding of viruses and the immune system which fascinated me withhow complicated it was and all the moving parts.”This led him to UConn and its highly ranked immunology program. “I shoppedaround for graduate schools all over the country,” Keilich says. “It seemed like theresearch was most interesting here, and I felt better connections with the professorsand faculty. For me it just seemed like a better fit.”Keilich is already pursuing the next stage of his career. He’s a staff scientist atQCD-x LLC in Farmington, part of the Technology Incubation Program atUConn Health, where he’s investigating how to isolate and identify rare tumorcells in patient’s blood to detect early cancers.“My goal was always to try and use my engineering skills and my knowledgeof immunology and biology to fix some of the things going on in diseases or inconditions such as cancer,” he says. “So my work at QCD-x is really the perfectopportunity for me.”5/6/20 10:59 AM

Brainard, Danielle LynnGeneral Practice ResidencyHartford Hospital, Hartford, CT American Academy of Esthetic DentistryStudent Award of Merit American Academy of Oral Medicine AwardBrodeur, FeliciaAdvanced Education in General DentistryUniversity of Connecticut School ofDental Medicine, Farmington, CTCamiel, Ross EvanOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryBoston University - Goldman School,Boston, MA American Association of Oral and MaxillofacialSurgeons Dental Student AwardChaluparambil, MariammaOrthodonticsUniversity of Connecticut School ofDental Medicine, Farmington, CT 2019 ASDA Award of ExcellenceChen, HenryGeneral Practice ResidencyUniversity of California - San Francisco,San Francisco, CADalal, Tapan PareshOral and Maxillofacial Surgery Intern YearMassachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MADe La Torre, Liana MariaOral and Maxillofacial Surgery Intern YearAscension Macomb Hospital, Detroit, MIDeFilippo, Anthony JohnGeneral Practice ResidencyMorristown Medical Center, Morristown, NJ Academy of General Dentistry SeniorStudent Dental AwardDinesh, AnjaliOrthodonticsMontefiore Medical Center/EinsteinCollege of Medicine, Bronx, NY Certificate in Social Determinantsof Health and Disparities Dr. Surender Nanda Memorial AwardDonovan, Callan ElizabethOrthodonticsUniversity of Louisville, Louisville, KY American Association of Orthodontists Award International Congress of Oral Implantologists/Dentsply Student Achievement AwardEstrada, DemitriaGeneral Practice ResidencyHartford Hospital, Hartford, CTEtemad, Lily ShivaOrthodonticsOhio State University, Columbus, OH Allan B. Reiskin Award South Park Inn Dental Clinic AwardFaraj, Mohaad AmarProsthodonticsUniversity of Connecticut School ofDental Medicine, Farmington, CT Hanau TM Best of the Best Prosthodontic Award Phi Chi Chapter of Omicron Kappa Upsilon2020 InducteeN10303 HEA-064-Commencement-2020-program-050620.indd 4Figueroa-Ortiz, Jeremy X.Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Health Careers Mentorship Award The Dr. Loeb Prize FundFitzgerald, Daniel RobertGeneral Practice ResidencyState University of New York at Stony Brook,Stony Brook, NY American Academy of Oral and MaxillofacialPathology Dental Student Award International College of Dentists StudentLeadership AwardGambino, Dominic RaymondGeneral Practice ResidencyDanbury Hospital Dental Services,Danbury, CT The Alumni Relations AwardGreco, Brian RobertGeneral Practice ResidencyNew York Veterans Administration MedicalCenter, New York, NY American Academy of Implant DentistryStudent Award Northeastern Society of Periodontists Award Phi Chi Chapter of Omicron Kappa Upsilon2020 Inductee The Quintessence Award for ResearchAchievementHarris, Lisa IlenePediatric DentistryUniversity of Connecticut School ofDental Medicine, Farmington, CTJimenez, RichardAdvanced Education in General DentistryNew York University Langone Health,Tacoma, WA Health Careers Mentorship AwardKeller, Emily LaurenGeneral Practice ResidencyMountain Area Health Education Center,Asheville, NCKosakowski, MaciejOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryNew York Presbyterian Hospital,Weill Cornell Campus, New York, NY Academy of Dental Materials Award Academy of Osseointegration OutstandingDental Student in Implant Dentistry American Academy of Oral and MaxillofacialPathology Dental Student AwardKwok, Abraham HeungAdvanced Education in General DentistryNew York University Langone Health,Flatbush Family Health Center,Brooklyn, NYLutaaya, AlfredGeneral Practice ResidencyDanbury Hospital Dental Services,Danbury, CT Academy of Operative Dentistry Award American College of ProsthodontistsAchievement AwardMillington, GrethelGeneral Practice ResidencyNew York Veterans Administration MedicalCenter, New York, NY Academic Achievement Award 2020 Sponsoredby the Provost’s Commission on the Status ofWomen, The UConn Alumni Association, andthe Women’s Center Kohrman Award Phi Chi Chapter of Omicron Kappa Upsilon2020 Inductee The Quintessence Award for ClinicalAchievement in Periodontics The Quintessence Award for ClinicalAchievement in Restorative DentistryMorrin, Robert DanielOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryUniversity of Kentucky, Lexington, KY Connecticut Society of Oral and MaxillofacialSurgeons Award Dr. Richard G. Topazian Prize International College of Dentists StudentHumanitarian AwardOkafor, Chidinma B.OrthodonticsUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MIOuyang, HuiyaoGeneral Practice ResidencyFlushing Hospital and Medical Center,Flushing, NYPacelli, Ashley MarieGeneral Practice ResidencyDanbury Hospital Dental Services,Danbury, CTParisi, Daniel F.Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Intern YearUniversity of Connecticut School ofDental Medicine, Farmington, CTPeracchio, Nicholas VincentGeneral Practice ResidencyIcahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,New York, NY University of Connecticut School of DentalMedicine Professional Development AwardPray, Nicholas WartonPediatric DentistryUniversity of Connecticut School ofDental Medicine, Farmington, CT Special Care Dentistry Association/Academy ofDentistry for Persons with Disabilities AwardQuevedo, Bridget NicoleMaster’s in Business AdministrationUniversity of Connecticut Business School,Hartford, CTQuinones, Erica LaurenGeneral Practice ResidencyNew York Medical College, Valhalla, NY Commencement Student SpeakerRess, Eric MichaelOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryUniversity of Florida - Jacksonville,Jacksonville, FL American Association of Oral and MaxillofacialSurgeons Dental Implant Award5/6/20 10:59 AM

Erica Quinones — School of Dental Medicine Student SpeakerErica Quinones was only 8 years old when shetold her parents she wanted to be a dentist whenshe grew up. She gives her mom, a dental hygienist,full credit for the decision.Quinones is from Trumbull, Connecticut and received her undergraduate degreefrom Hartford’s Trinity College. When she started applying to dental schools,she was pleased to learn that one of the best was in her own backyard. Even so,proximity wasn’t the reason she decided on UConn.“I was with her in the office a lot as a kid and Isaw how much she loved the profession,” saysQuinones. “Even though she encouraged meto look at other careers, I held steadfast, and it’sworked out. But it was 100% because of my mom.”“It’s really about the community that UConn brings together,” she explains.“Being smaller, all the faculty know you. You’re not just a number.”So it was extra special that Quinones was able toshare her greatest experience in dental school with her mother. When Quinones leda service trip to Puerto Rico last year, her mom came along, and they helped providemuch needed dental care for residents still suffering after Hurricane Maria hit theisland in 2017.“My mom was doing cleanings, and I was working on patients,” explains Quinones.“I am Puerto Rican, and I have family on the island, so I’m glad we had theopportunity to help. Many dentists left the island after the hurricane, so thereare still a lot of access to care issues, especially in the rural areas.” American College of Dentists Outstanding StudentLeadership Award (Yankee Dental Congress) American Prosthodontic Society Award Friends of the School of DentalMedicine - Fox Award Phi Chi Chapter of Omicron Kappa Upsilon2020 InducteeRoh, SamuelOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryUniversity of Connecticut School ofDental Medicine, Farmington, CTRudman, Jessica AshleyEndodonticsTexas A&M University, College of Dentistry,Dallas, TX American Academy of Oral and MaxillofacialRadiology Award Phi Chi Chapter of Omicron Kappa Upsilon2020 Inductee The Pierre Fauchard Academy AwardSalm, Eric LudwigGeneral Practice ResidencyIcahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,New York, NYSharma, AmbikaOrthodonticsUniversity of Louisville, Louisville, KY American Association of Public Health DentistryShenoi, Aarya UmeshGeneral Practice ResidencyWest Palm Beach Veteran Affairs MedicalCenter, West Palm Beach, FL Certificate in Social Determinantsof Health and DisparitiesStaples, Ryane NicholasOral and Maxillofacial SurgerySan Antonio Military Medical Center,San Antonio, TX Certificate in Social Determinantsof Health and DisparitiesSullivan, Emily RoseGeneral Practice ResidencyCambridge Health Alliance, Cambridge, MAN10303 HEA-064-Commencement-2020-program-050620.indd 5Quinones says the COVID-19 pandemic has made it clear what a good decisionthat was.“From the very start of the crisis, the faculty got together with the fourth yearstudents and said ‘no matter what happens, you’re going to be okay, we haveyour back.’ Deans and department heads have been in constant communication —making sure we complete assignments and satisfy graduation requirements.”As Quinones prepares next for her general practice residency at New York MedicalCollege, she’s grateful for her time at UConn. “Having that small community isa really big thing, especially when you’re going through something as tough asfinishing dental school during a pandemic.”Tsui, Stephanie Neim-YungGeneral Practice ResidencyHartford Hospital, Hartford, CT Dr. Robert G. Levine Award The Brian D. Stone Student Memorial AwardBarresi, Nicholas VincentPediatricsYale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesWard, Zachary DavidAdvanced Education in General DentistryUniversity of California Los AngelesDental Center at Venice, Venice, CABarros, Anastasia MariePediatricsChildren’s National Medical Center,Washington, DC Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesZambrello, Matthew AlfredAdvanced Education in General DentistryUniversity of Connecticut School ofDental Medicine, Farmington, CTMedical School GraduatesAbbott, LaurenInternal MedicinePortsmouth Regional Hospital,Portsmouth, NHAlday, SantiagoInternal MedicineUniversity of Connecticut School of Medicine,Farmington, CTAronow, Benjamin EthanMedicine-PreliminaryUniversity of Connecticut School of Medicine,Farmington, CTThen, AnesthesiologyBoston University Medical Center, Boston, MAAtteh, Elizabeth OmoladePediatricsDuke University Medical Center, Durham, NC Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesBaron, Samuel LewisSurgery-PreliminaryUniversity of Connecticut School of Medicine,Farmington, CTBartholomeo, Adam MayoPediatricsMedical University of South Carolina,Charleston, SC Student Affairs Award Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesBeauvais, Daniel EricOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryUniversity of Connecticut School ofDental Medicine, Farmington, CTBellas, Nicholas JosephOrthopaedic SurgeryUniversity of Connecticut School of Medicine,Farmington, CT Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand Disparities The Ramanlal and Kanchan Bulsara FellowshipBergamo, Patrick WalkerAnesthesiologyUniversity of Connecticut School of Medicine,Farmington, CT Gold Humanism Honor Society Inductee Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesBoivin, Zachary StevenEmergency MedicineUniversity of Connecticut School of Medicine,Farmington, CT Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand Disparities5/6/20 10:59 AM

Buller, Dylan MaxUrologyUniversity of Connecticut School of Medicine,Farmington, CT School of Medicine Award for Excellencein Urology Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesCalafiore, Rebecca LynnNeurological SurgeryWake Forest Baptist Medical Center,Winston-Salem, NC Connecticut Chapter of American Collegeof Surgeons Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesCaplash, SonnyTransitional YearUPMC Medical Education, Pittsburgh, PAThen, OphthalmologyUniversity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA School of Medicine Award for Excellencein OphthalmologyCaranfa, Jonathan ThomasTransitional YearEastern Connecticut Health Network,Manchester, CTThen, OphthalmologyNew England Eye Center, Boston, MA Gold Humanism Honor Society Inductee Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand Disparities School of Medicine Professionalism AwardChen, EricPsychiatryTufts Medical Center, Boston, MA Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesCheng, ChristopherOrthopaedic SurgeryCase Western University Hospitals ClevelandMedical Center, Cleveland, OHCrooks, Samuel RobertPediatricsUniversity of Alabama Medical Center,Birmingham, AL Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesCusano, Sean AnthonyInterventional Radiology-IntegratedAlbany Medical Center, Albany, NYDao, Quynh-LanInternal MedicineRhode Island Hospital/Brown University,Providence, RI Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesDeMarsilis, Antea JeanInternal MedicineBeth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,Boston, MA Academic Achievement Award forOutstanding Women Deans’ Award for Overall AcademicAchievement Gold Humanism Honor Society Inductee Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesDesai, Shyam IshvarPediatricsNew York Presbyterian Hospital/ColumbiaUniversity Medical Center, New York, NY Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award Gold Humanism Honor Society Inductee Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesDeWane, MadelineInternal Medicine Medicine – PreliminaryYale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CTThen, DermatologyMassachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA Gold Humanism Honor Society Inductee University of Connecticut Health CenterAuxiliary AwardDiCosmo, Alyssa MarieTransitional YearBeth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,Boston, MAThen, Radiology-DiagnosticUniversity of Vermont Medical Center,Burlington, VTDiFrancesco, Alice A.AnesthesiologyHospital of the University of Pennsylvania,Philadelphia, PA School of Medicine Professionalism AwardDonaghey, Faith HoilinPsychiatryHarvard South Shore, Brockton, MA Gold Humanism Honor Society Inductee Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesDuong, Michelle Thuy MaiInternal MedicineMedStar Georgetown University Hospital,Washington, DC Carl F. Hinz, Jr. Award - For Excellence inScholars in Medicine Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesFerrari, Camillo A.Family MedicineEastern Connecticut Health Network,Manchester, CTFerrigno, Bryan WilliamInternal MedicineBeth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,Boston, MA Internal Medicine Award Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesFrederico, Nicholas M.Emergency MedicineUniversity of Connecticut School of Medicine,Farmington, CT Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesKathryn Topalis — School of Medicine Student SpeakerFor Kathryn Topalis and her classmates, the finalweeks of medical school have been drasticallydifferent than what they expected before thecoronavirus changed our world. And for manyof them, including Topalis, they’ll soon be amongthe frontline providers battling COVID-19.Topalis is doing her residency in family medicineat Thomas Jefferson University Hospital inPhiladelphia. She will be doing her first rotationin the hospital at about the same time coronaviruscases are expected to peak there.Because of coronavirus concerns, the class of 2020 isthe first to have a virtual Match Day and Commencement ceremony. But it will alsobe remembered as the first class to embark on the school’s new MDelta curriculum,which focuses on team-based learning and advanced clinical skills training.“It’s always hard being the first of anything, but I don’t think I would have gottento know my classmates as well if we hadn’t been interacting so closely in theclassroom,” says Topalis. “It really is a valuable and forward-thinking approach.N10303 HEA-064-Commencement-2020-program-050620.indd 6You can see it in action now as health care providers across the spectrum areteaming up to battle the coronavirus.”Topalis grew up in Simsbury, Connecticut and says that even though both of herparents work in health care — her mom is a nurse and father a pharmacist — herdecision to enter medicine was not an easy one.Some of her experiences during and after college focusing on sustainability andpublic health issues made her realize that medicine was an avenue where shecould pursue all of her interests.“Going into medicine, I could continue looking into environmental issues fromthe public health perspective and really learning about people’s lives, theirbackgrounds, where they live, and how that impacts their health and overallwell-being,” she says. “My dream is to remain a clinical provider but also toeventually have a large public health research component to my practice.”A goal we can appreciate as we all face the deadly challenges of a global pandemic.“It’s impossible now to unlink medicine and public health,” she adds. “It’s oneand the same. And even though we try to remain in our silos, I think we cansee that we need a strong public health system now more than ever.”5/6/20 10:59 AM

Giuliano, Alexander SebastianEmergency MedicineAlbany Medical Center, Albany, NY Gold Humanism Honor Society Inductee Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesGupta, SimranInternal MedicineMayo Clinic School of Graduate MedicalEducation, Scottsdale, AZHale, Jennifer RoseGeneral SurgeryUniversity of Connecticut School of Medicine,Farmington, CT Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesHarabasz, Agata KatarzynaFamily MedicineMiddlesex Hospital, Middletown, CT James E.C. Walker, M.D. Medicine and SocietyAward - Primary Care Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesHarris, Nia MariePsychiatryNew York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill CornellMedical Center, New York, NY Health Career Opportunity ProgramsBridge Mentoring Award Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesHarry-Hernandez, SalemInternal MedicineJohns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD James H. Foster, M.D. Teaching Award Gold Humanism Honor Society Inductee Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesHasan, RabaleObstetrics and GynecologyStony Brook Teaching Hospitals,Stony Brook, NY Gold Humanism Honor Society Inductee Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesJackvony, Taylor NicolePediatricsNew York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill CornellMedical Center, New York, NY Linda Ives Award Certificate in Social Determinants of Healthand DisparitiesKerins, Gerard JosephAnesthesiologyDartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center,Lebanon, NH Gold Humanism Honor Society InducteeKozal, Jared MichaelFamily MedicineUniversity of Connecticut School of Medicine,Farmington, CTLawson, Jennifer AshleyPediatricsYale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT James H. Foster, M.D. Teaching Award

COMMENCEMENT MAY 11, 2020 N10303 HEA-064-Commencement-2020-program-050620.indd 1 5/6/20 10:59 AM

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