Officer Certification ProgramKnowledge Exercise Study Guide1. What year was GWRRA Established?a. Established in , (what year?) the Gold Wing Road Riders Association provides anatmosphere for fun, safety, and knowledge to Gold Wing & Valkyrie motorcycle owners.2. What is the motto of GWRRA? Our motto is: “ ”3. Name three (3) Members benefits:a.b.c.4. Name the three (3) primary Core Teams in GWWRA:a.b.c.5. The Director of GWRRA and the appropriate Deputy Director interview and co-appoint the. The and the appropriate Deputy Director interview andco-appoint the Assistant Region Director.6. The Region Director and appropriate Deputy Director interviews and appoints all .7. The and Region Director interviews and co-appoints all Chapter Directors.8. How long is the probationary period for Officers?a. Officers are appointed for a probationary period of (how long?)9. How long can an Officer serve in a position?a. At the end of the probationary period, the tenure may be extended an additional six (6)months and may be extended thereafter, subject to the approval of theappointing Officer.10. The Chapter Directors within the District serve on the District Team.Page 1 of 11GWRRA OFFICER CERTIFICATION PROGRAMJanuary 2015
11. The District Directors serve on the Operations Core Team of the.12. Region Directors serve on the Core Team of the .13. What is the primary function of all Officers of GWRRA?a.14. TRUE OR FALSE:a. It is understood that monies raised in the name of GWRRA are intended only for theoperations of the Chapter, District or Region. At no time shall any Officer or representative ofGWRRA assume that funds or GWRRA property may be used for personal gain.Answer:15. Does the GWRRA Officer have any protection from personal Liability?a. The chapter charter fee covers the annual insurance premium that provides the GWRRAOfficer and their designated third party with a dollar liability insurancecoverage.16. The District Director will coordinate the collection of Charter fees from all Chapters in the District byDecember 1 of each year. How much is the annual Chartering fee for Chapters? /year17. When is the Chapter Charter fee due at the Home Office?a. January of each yearb. This fee, sent to the Business Office via the Regional Director, and District Director, mustbe paid or the Chapter Director could be removed from office and/or the Chapter Chartersuspended.18. How does a Chapter furnish proof of insurance for a Chapter event if required?a. If a Chapter Director is requested to furnish proof of liability insurance, a certificate will beissued for the event. The processing fee for the proof of liability insurance certificate is for “fund raising” events, and for “public relations” (no fee) events. This isin addition to the charter fee.b. A generic form is available on the Officer OConnect if the facility does not require theirname to be listed as an additional insured entity.19. What is required in order for the financial report to be accepted?a. Financial reports are required to have the Cover Sheet andattached. The IRS requires accounting for all income and expenses.20. Is it permissible to use the name or logo GWRRA to make a personalgain? a.21. Who signs the Chapter’s annual financial report and responsible for the content therein? a.The Annual Financial Report should be compiled by the Chapter Treasurer, and signed bythe and , showing that the Chapter Director is approvingits content and submitted to the District Director by 1/31 of the New Year.Page 2 of 11GWRRA OFFICER CERTIFICATION PROGRAMJanuary 2015
22. What is GWRRA’s status with the IRS?a. GWRRA holds a not for profit status with the Internal Revenue Service as a “Notfor Profit” Corporation and is not subject to income tax on specific portions of income.23. Do Regions, Districts, and Chapters have an exempt status of their own?a.24. What is the purpose of a Social & Welfare Organization?a. To benefit the or as a whole, not just the organizations membersand their families or other selected individuals25. How does GWRRA qualify as a Social & Welfare Organization?a. To qualify, we must operate primarily to further the common good and General welfare ofthe people of the community–i.e. .26. As a 501(c)4 (as pertains to subordinates), what percentage of GWRRA activities must focuson Rider Education?a.% of activities must be geared toward compliance and motorcycle related educationof our members and public is the focus of these activities.27. TRUE OR FALSE:The organization cannot be operated as “a Social Welfare Organization for the benefit, pleasure, orrecreation of its members” However, social functions for the benefit of members may be carried outif they are incidental to the organizations primary purpose. Answer:28. Name 3 Examples of activities geared toward 501(c)4 compliance:a.b.c.29. Name the 4 categories of IRS Filing Requirements that apply to Chapters, Districts, and Regions?a. Formb. Formc. Form (e-postcard)d. Form30. How do we insure Chapter gatherings are FUN!a. We make it a relaxed, , , friendly place where there are NoStrangers just good food, interesting people and educational programs.31. How does the Region/District Director differ from a Chapter Director?a. A Region/District Director is much more of an and a Mentor than aChapter Director is.b. A Chapter Director is a Director.Page 3 of 11GWRRA OFFICER CERTIFICATION PROGRAMJanuary 2015
32. Whose signature(s) are required on all District checking accounts?a. The District Director, upon appointment, shall establish a checking account in the name ofthe District, and the approved signatures are to be the , theand the.33. Name 3 Training Resourcesa.b.c.34. Do GWRRA Chapters have Members?a. CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP is - . Our Members and guestsmake their own decisions as to the Chapters they wish to support. they are Membersof the Association and can participate with any Chapter that exists within GWRRA.35. Name two of the three following Chapter Positions and the Appointment Process to that position:a. Assistant Chapter Director appointment will be recommended by the Chapter Director butCo-appointed by the .b. The Chapter Educator is co-appointed by the .c. The Chapter Treasurer is appointed by the Chapter Director and cannot be aof the Chapter Director or Assistant Chapter Director and cannot live in thesame.36. What is the most integral component of our organization?a. The GWRRAand the37. What should Chapter web pages include:a. The GWRRA and either the words orthe acronym“”b. The , , andwhere the chapter is locatedc. A link to the home page38. Do Members pay for newsletters?a. Newsletter should be available at to all interested Members.Newsletter costs should be charged off as an operating to the Chapter andpaid for from the Chapter operating funds.39. How often should Chapter newsletters be distributed?a. Newsletters should be distributed at least to all Chapter participants andinterested parties.Page 4 of 11GWRRA OFFICER CERTIFICATION PROGRAMJanuary 2015designat
40. Why GWRRA is purposely designed to be free of religious persuasion and ceremony?a. This is not because the Association is opposed to religion but religion is, and should be,a choice.41. TRUE OR FALSE:a. A GWRRA Chapter is designed to operate as a politically free, social unit of our Association.Answer:42. Why don’t we vote on things?a. As Officers, it’s our responsibility to maintain a environment. If wehave “voting,” two things will happen.1) First, Chapter Members assume the responsibility which lies with theChapter Director;2) Voting starts the process that leads Chapters out of the GWRRA Chapter conceptand back into the club format, resulting in the loss of GWRRA Chapterhood.43. Define “Phantom” Member:a. A visiting Guest is not a Phantom Member. Usually it is a past Member or maybe a spouseof a Member who get benefits ; they did not to participate.b. It is suggested visitors may attend (how many?) gatherings to determinetheir interest in joining GWRRA.44. Name two types of Membership/Area Reports.a. Area Reportb. Area Report45. What is the purpose of the Area Report?a. “ Tool” for Membership retention46. What type of information is included in the Monthly Area Report?a. Membersb. Membersc. Membershipsd. Membershipse. Unassigned Codes47. All Area Report information is Confidential. What must be signed by the MembershipEnhancement Coordinator?a. A Memorandum of Understanding OR must be signedby Membership Enhancement Coordinator.48. What is the Couple of the Year Program?a. It is GWRRA program designed to provide an opportunity for Chapters to anda special couple each yearb. Establishes a way to identify outstanding couples in GWWRAPage 5 of 11GWRRA OFFICER CERTIFICATION PROGRAMJanuary 2015
49. Does the Chapter Director manage the Chapter funds?a. . Chapter funds should be managed by a Chapter who is appointed bythe Chapter Director.50. Can the Spouse of the Director be the Treasurer?a. . The Chapter, District or Regional Treasurer must be a Member (Individual, Familyor Associate) and may be a Director or Assistant Director, spouse of either nor livein the same household.51. Is it okay for a Chapter to have an interest bearing checking account?a. . Each chapter should have a - Checking Accountbearing account.b. Our not for profit tax exempt status requires we use a - bearingchecking account.52. The Checking Account Signature Card should have which signatures for the account?a.b.c.53. How many Check Signatures are required to validate a check?a. The requirement is (how many) signatures to validate a check.54. When the Chapter “books” are made available to Members?a. The "books" should be available during meetings and maybe shown after the meeting or gathering to any GWRRA Member.55. TRUE OR FALSE:a. Chapter participants DO NOT "vote" on what are reimbursable expenses. Answer:56. What IRS form is to be submitted by every incoming Chapter Director?a. Each incoming Chapter Director MUST submits Form # ( ofform.)57. TRUE OR FALSE:a. Contributions of the Members time and money toward fund raising should always bevoluntary. Answer:58. How much money should be in the Chapter treasury?a. As a rule of thumb, the treasury should contain enough money to cover the Chaptersanticipated expenses for to months.Page 6 of 11GWRRA OFFICER CERTIFICATION PROGRAMJanuary 2015
59. What should an Officer do when he/she retires from their current position?a. When an officer retires, he/she shall instruct the to close out the booksb. Prepare a current statementc. Transfer authority of funds to theird. A l l o b t a i n e d w i t h G W R R A f u n d s M U S T b e t r a n s f e r r e d .60. An opening financial statement should be prepared by the incoming Officer's Treasurer andthis statement should reflect information which corresponds to the outgoing Treasurersclosing statement.a. The transfer of funds should be completed not more than (how many?) daysfrom Officer change over.b. A copy of the # to the new Treasurer & CD and submit an “ Change Form”c. Submit IRS Form 8822 Change of Address.61. How can having excessive funds be a source of greater problems than having inadequatefunds? a. Excessive funds are moneys in excess of approximately (how many?)years operating expense.1) Excessive funds have a tendency to become a problem as participantsbecome pre-occupied with finances.2) One mark of a successful Chapter Director is to have adequate Chapter funds,but not excessive or surplus funds.3) Surplus funds can be returned to participants by providing "no cost" socialactivities such as parties and other social events.62. What are the three (3) DO NOT’s for Excessive funds:a. They are NOT to be used by the CD for his/her use or gain:b. They are NOT be used for purposes:c. They are NOT to be used to assist Organizations or any purpose thatdoesn’t benefit the entire Chapter63. What form is to be sent to the Region Directors and the Home Office if a Chapter is closed?a. “ Application”1) If a chapter closes for any reason; all funds, final financial report, equipment list,are to be turned over to the appointing Officer or their designee for return to theChapter upon its reorganization. Copies of the “Application” are to be sent to Region Director and Home Office.64. The income posted in the first four columns of the GWRRA Annual Financial Report isGWRRA Business Related Income. What are they?a.b.c.d.Page 7 of 11GWRRA OFFICER CERTIFICATION PROGRAMJanuary 2015
65. What does GWRRA include with the Chartering fee for a new Chapter?a. Charter Memberb. Officer and .c. Most importantly, it covers an annual premium that protects the GWRRA Officer and adesignated third party (mall, meeting place, cosponsoring authority, etc.) with a two milliondollar insurance policy.66. What is the difference between ‘COMMERCIAL’ and ‘OFFICER’ use of ‘MARKS’?a. If the item is not used to generate income and is used only for identification of GWRRAMember events, approval is not needed and is considered “ ” use of marks.b. If is generated, ‘COMMERCIAL’ use will be adhered to. Requests areautomatically granted if the following criteria are met:1) The reproduction of the ‘National Logo’ is exact and utilized on highquality products that convey a positive image of GWRRA.2) The reproduction is used only for GWRRA events.3) When using, the ‘Logo’, only the proper rendition is thatthe word ‘International’ and registration/copyright mark, do not appear.4) There is no income or “sale” of the item.5) Authority to approve marks utilization can only come from the GWRRAHome Office in Phoenix.67. What is the only official back patch for GWRRA?a. The only official back patch is the inch National LOGO. The National LOGO cannot besubordinate to any other68. What is the GWRRA Policy on alcoholic beverages?a. GWRRA CANNOT:1)2)3)4)69. Member Grievance Procedurea. It allows any Member with a legitimate concern to get the District or Region Directorinvolved to clarify points and/or settle their concerns.b. Before entering into Level 1 of the Member Grievance Policy, a Letter of shallbe submitted to an appropriate arbitrator (approved by parties concerned) listing thecomplaint of the aggrieved.70. The Officer Grievance Policya. The Officer Grievance Policy is normally to be used in cases of extreme personalmatters between a member and an officer.b. The first step in the Officer Grievance Policy is a written complaint, hard copy and signed,with any supporting documentation, US Postal mailed or hand delivered to their AppointingOfficer. copies are not allowed.c. The Appointing Officer, when the complaint is received, is required to contact BOTHparties within hours to discuss the issue.Page 8 of 11GWRRA OFFICER CERTIFICATION PROGRAMJanuary 2015
These are new questions that have been added. You can find the answers to these onthe answer key. Please note the number at the end of the question a1. A basic Teambuilding Concept is that people to be , want, and want a say in.a. involved, responsibilities, decisionsb. asked, to feel important, how it should be donec. important, power, leadershipd. entertained, fun, activities(answer 76 on Study Guide with Answers)2. Three (3) characteristics of a successful team are:a.b.c.(answer 69 on Study Guide with Answers)3. It’s easy to hire a friend but it can be a loss if you have to fire themorneed to fire them and.a. terrible to, don’t, dob. tragic painful, seeing, can’tc. life long, worse, don’td. unforeseen tragic, upsetting, shouldn’t(answer 77 on Study Guide with Answers)
71. An officer who recognizes their mistake and is willing to make amends and stop the behavior shouldbe considered for aand or.72. Officers become adept at recognizing and addressing performance-related issues BEFORE theybecome problems. Two main areas of consideration should always be involved in OfficerRemovals. They are:a.b.73. Some causes for Officer Discipline or Removala. Abuse of Member feelings or GWRRA policies.b. Failure to submit the required report at year-end or upon request.c. Failure to submit the annual Chapter Fee.d. Misuse of GWRRA .e. Actions an Officer of GWRRA.f. Lack of compliance with the of74. Region Directors and District Directors should manage Regions/Districts to achieve win-win resultsby thinking in a mindset instead of a mindsetNote: The following questions are allowed to be answered in a few words or bullets, theyare intended to make sure the Officer or Officer Candidate understand the principles andprocedures in the areas discussed.SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS – choose 275. Name 3 examples of Activities geared toward 501(c)4 compliance76. In GWRRA, how can having excessive funds can be a source of greater problems thanhaving inadequate funds? Name 277. Explain the 501(c)4 “not-for-profit” status GWRRA, Inc. holds with the Internal Revenue Service.78. What happens when an Officer’s tenure expires?79. Member Grievance Procedure (briefly describe)80. The Officer Grievance Policy (briefly describe)Page 10 of 11GWRRA OFFICER CERTIFICATION PROGRAMJanuary 2015
81. Some causes for Officer Discipline or Removal. - Name 382. Membership Enhancement Program is the program of GWRRA that is responsible for: - Name 383. How a New GWRRA Chapter is Organized - Name 384. Give 4 examples of why “GWRRA is not a motorcycle club.”A CLUB usually consists of:A GWRRA CHAPTER usually consists of:Page 11 of 11GWRRA OFFICER CERTIFICATION PROGRAMJanuary 2015
Knowledge Exercise Study Guide 1. What year was GWRRA Established? a. Established in _ , (what year?) the Gold Wing Road Riders Association provides an atmosphere for fun, safety, and knowledge to Gold Wing & Valkyrie motorcycle owners. 2. What is the motto of GWRRA? Our motto is: “_” 3.
INDEX PRESENTATION 5 THE THUMB 7 MECHANICAL EXERCISES 8 SECTION 1 THUMB Exercise 1 12 Exercise 2 13 Exercise 3 - 4 14 Exercise 5 15 Estudio 1 16 SECTION 2 THUMB WITH JUMPS Exercise 6 17 Exercise 7 - 8 18 Exercise 9 19 Exercise 10 20 Exercise 11 - 12 21 Estudio 6 22 SECTION 3 GOLPE Exercise 13 23 Exercise 14 24 Exercise 15 25 Exercise 16 - 17 26 Exercise 18 27 .
Chapter 1 Exercise Solutions Exercise 1.1 Exercise 1.2 Exercise 1.3 Exercise 1.4 Exercise 1.5 Exercise 1.6 Exercise 1.7 Exercise 1.8 Exercise 1.9 Exercise 1.10 Exercise 1.11 Exercise 1.12 Fawwaz T. Ulaby and Umberto Ravaioli, Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics c 2019 Prentice Hall
certification as a school security officer is required in order to remain eligible for employment as a school security officer. If the school security officer recertification application is on file with the department 30 days prior to expiration, the school security officer may continue to operate in the school security officer capacity pending .
Candidates that fail a certification level must reapply by submitting a new completing a Registration for a new test and an Application for Certification Testing Date, including paying appropriate application fees. Fire Officer I Certification Process: The certification examination process for becoming certified as a Fire Officer I is as follows:
HSEEP Volume III: Exercise Program Management and Exercise Planning Process helps planners establish an exercise program and outlines a standardized design, development, conduct, and evaluation process adaptable to any type of exercise. HSEEP Volume IV: Sample Exercise Docume
CLIMATE-SMART AGRICULTURE TRAINING MANUAL iv Exercises Exercise A.1 Introduction to the training course 18 Exercise A.2 Weather and climate 18 Exercise A.3 Global Warming 18 Exercise A.4 Changes in rainfall 18 Exercise A.5 The greenhouse effect 19 Exercise A.6 Climate change in your area 19 Exercise B.1 Understanding the effects of future climate change 43
TRX Power Stretch. Round 4, Exercise 1 Round 4, Exercise 2 Round 4, Exercise 3 Round 4, Exercise 4 Round 4, Exercise 5 Round 4, Exercise 6. Block 5 – Hamstring/Folds (Adjustment: mid length) EXERCISE SETS REPS / TIME SET REST TRAN
2. Selecting an exercise 4 2.1 Scoping the exercise 4 2.2 Setting the aims and objectives 4 2.3 Types of exercise 5 2.4 Choosing the type of exercise 6 2.4.1 What is being tested? 6 2.4.2 What resources are available? 7 3. Planning the exercise 9 3.1 Exercise management team 9 3.2 Exercise plan 9 3.3 Target audience 10