Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level (IAL)

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Endorsed published resources for thePearson Edexcel International A Level (IAL)The print and digital resources for the Pearson Edexcel IALs are written for the latestspecifications, so you can be confident that you are covering all aspects of the specification,providing your students with the best chance of succeeding.With appropriate international content, all resources include a strong focus on progression,recognition and transferable skills, allowing learning in a local context to a global standard.Subjects with Student Books & Online Teacher Resource PacksMathematicsScience: Biology, Chemistry & PhysicsSee pages 4–5See pages 6–7Endorsedby PearsonEdexcelAccountingBusinessSee pages 8–9EconomicsSee pages 8–9See pages 8–9PEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL AS / A LEVELSTUDENT BOOK 1ALAN HEWISONTRACEY JOADPearson Edexcel International AS / A Level Economics Student Book 1 providescomprehensive coverage of the first year of the International A Level qualification aswell as the full International AS Level qualification. It is designed to provide studentswith the best preparation possible for the examination: Written by highly experienced economics teachers and examinersContent is fully mapped to the specification to provide comprehensive coverageand easy referenceEngaging and relevant international content in a real-world contextExam practice at the end of each chapterSignposted transferable skills to prepare for further education and employmentReviewed by a language specialist to ensure the book is written in a clear andaccessible styleGlossary of key economics terminologyeBook includedIAL ECONOMICSStudent Book 2ISBN: 9781292239187An Online Teacher Resource Pack (ISBN 9781292239248) provides further planning,teaching and assessment support.PEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL AS / A LEVELACCOUNTINGFor Pearson Edexcel International AS / A Level Economics specification(XEC11/YEC11) for first teaching 2018.TEACHER RESOURCE PACK 1PEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL AS / A LEVEL ECONOMICS STUDENT BOOK 1ECONOMICSeBookincludedPEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL AS / A LEVELECONOMICSSTUDENT BOOK 1ALAN HEWISONTRACEY JOADwww.pearsonglobalschools.comiAS iAL Economics Covers.indd 1-323/05/2018 15:50Subjects with online Teacher Resource Packs onlyOur stand-alone online Teacher Resource Packs* (TRPs) are curriculum-matched, up-to-date teacherresources, designed to save you time, enabling you to deliver a high-quality experience to your students,ensuring the best possible learner outcomes.For the below IAL subjects, our resources are for teachers only. Student Books are not available.lEnglish LiteraturelInformation rabiclGeographylFrenchPEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL AS / A LEVELENGLISH LITERATURETEACHER RESOURCE PACKPEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL AS / A LEVELPEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL AS / A LEVELPEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL AS / A LEVELPEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL AS / A LEVELPEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL AS / A LEVELPEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL AS / A LEVELPEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL AS / A LEVELPEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL AS / A LEVELTEACHER RESOURCE PACKTEACHER RESOURCE PACKTEACHER RESOURCE PACKTEACHER RESOURCE PACKTEACHER RESOURCE PACKTEACHER RESOURCE PACKTEACHER RESOURCE PACKTEACHER RESOURCE PACKPSYCHOLOGYHISTORYBRITAIN, s are available as one or two-year subscriptions depending on the subject. See page 14 for a more detailed overview of what’savailable for each TRP.2

What makes Pearson’s IAL resourcesspecial? Matched to the latestspecifications Signposted transferableskillsThese new resources are written specifically to offera complete match to the content, structure andmodular approach of the latest specifications .Offering support to a qualification that is fullycomparable to the reformed UK A levels, asconfirmed by NARIC*, and recognised by leadinguniversities worldwide.Transferable skills, needed for progression intohigher education and employment, are embeddedthroughout the Student Books. Skills are explicitlysignposted, so students understand what skills theyare developing and therefore go on to use theseskills more effectively in the future. Internationally appropriatecontentAppropriate international content puts learningin a real-world context, to a global standard, andincludes a range of relevant contexts, photos,examples and currencies – making it engaging andrelevant for all learners. Language is reviewed by aspecialist to ensure materials are written in a clearand accessible style. Lots of exampracticeExam practice provides opportunities to assessunderstanding and progress, so students can makethe best progress they can. Supporting learning beyondthe classroomEach Student Book provides access to anActiveBook, which is a digital version of the StudentBook, and can be accessed online, anytime,anywhere. Better supportfor youThe Online Teacher Resource Packs provide a rangeof planning, teaching and assessment resources,saving you valuable time. Latest specifications as at January 2020. For more informationabout which specifications our resources match, please seeindividual product info in this guide.*UK’s National Agency responsible for providing information andopinion on academic, vocational and professional qualificationsfrom across the

These resources support the updated PearsonEdexcel International Advanced Level (IAL)in Mathematics, Further Mathematics andPure Mathematics, for first teaching fromSeptember 2018.PEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL A LEVELMECHANICS 2STUDENT BOOKPearson Edexcel International A Level Mechanics 2 Student Book provides comprehensive coverage of the Mechanics 2unit. This book is designed to provide students with the best preparation possible for the examination: Content is fully mapped to the specification to provide comprehensive coverage and easy referenceEngaging and relevant international content in a real-world contextExam-style questions at the end of each chapter, and an exam practice paper at the end of the book, provide practicefor exam writing techniqueSignposted transferable skills prepare for further education and employmentReviewed by a language specialist to ensure the book is written in a clear and accessible styleGlossary of key Mathematics terminology, and full answers, included at the back of the bookInteractive practice activities also includedAn Online Teacher Resource Pack (9781292244785) provides further planning, teaching and assessment support.This Student Book supports the following qualifications:Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Subsidiary in Mathematics (XMA01)Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Subsidiary in Further Mathematics (XFM01)Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level in Mathematics (YMA01)Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level in Further Mathematics (YFM01)For first teaching September 2018IAL MECHANICS 1Student BookISBN: 9781292244679Student BooksllllIAL MECHANICS 3PEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL A LEVEL MECHANICS 2 STUDENT BOOKIAL MathematicsInternational AS/A Level MathematicsMATHEMATICSeBookincludedPEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL A LEVELMECHANICS 2STUDENT BOOKStudent BookISBN: 14 books: one for each unit of the Pearson EdexcelInternational A Level 2018 specification.IAL MathsMechanics2 Cover.indd 1-3 Each Student Book includes 3-year access to an onlineActiveBook. Packed with hints and worked examples to helppreparation for examinations. Lots of practice of exam-style questions and each bookcontains a complete practice exam paper.Online Teacher Resource Packslll 14 online Teacher Resource Packs available – toaccompany each Student Book.Available as an annual subscription. Range of planning, teaching and assessment resources,helping to save you time.CHAPTER 9CONSTANT ACCELERATION379.3 Constant acceleration formulae 1A standard set of letters is used for the motion of an object moving in a straight line with constantacceleration. s is the displacement.uav u is the initial ty a ert seconds v is the final velocity. a is the acceleration.sInitial position t is the time.Position a er t secondsYou can use these letters to label a velocity–time graph representing the motion of a particle movingin a straight line accelerating from velocity u at time 0 to velocity v at time t.Velocityvv uGradient of line tv ua tRearranging v u at v u at1u v s ( )t22v–uu1O2HintFormula 1 does not involve s andformula 2 does not involve a.You need to know how to derive these formulaefrom the velocity–time graph.Exampletu vShaded area ( )t2u vts (2 )TimeLinksThese formulae can also be derivedusing calculus. Chapter 114A cyclist is travelling along a straight road. She accelerates at a constant rate from a velocity of4 m s21 to a velocity of 7.5 m s21 in 40 seconds. Find:Exam hints draw learners’ attention to potentialpitfalls in the exam and give practical hints aboutpreparing for the exams, answering questions inthe correct format, and checking work.a the distance she travels in these 40 secondsb her acceleration in these 40 seconds.4 m s–17.5 m s–1su 4, v 7.5, t 40, s ?, a ?Start by drawing a diagram.Model the cyclist as a particle.Write down the values you know and the valuesyou need to find.Sample page from Edexcel International A Level Mechanics 1 Student Book4IAL MathematicsWorked examples show how to work throughquestions, and how to lay out calculations.27/09/2018 13:25

PUREMECHANICSEdexcel International A Level MathematicsPure 1 Student Book978 1 292244 79 2 21.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsMechanics 1 Student Book978 1 292244 67 9 21.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsPure 1 Teacher Resource Pack978 1 292244 83 9 100.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsMechanics 1 Teacher Resource Pack978 1 292244 68 6 100.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsPure 2 Student Book978 1 292244 85 3 21.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsMechanics 2 Student Book978 1 292244 76 1 21.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsPure 2 Teacher Resource Pack978 1 292244 90 7 100.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsMechanics 2 Teacher Resource Pack978 1 292244 78 5 100.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsPure 3 Student Book978 1 292244 92 1 21.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsMechanics 3 Student Book978 1 292244 81 5 21.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsPure 3 Teacher Resource Pack978 1 292244 93 8 100.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsMechanics 3 Teacher Resource Pack978 1 292244 82 2 100.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsPure 4 Student Book978 1 292245 12 6 21.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsPure 4 Teacher Resource Pack978 1 292245 13 3 100.00FURTHER PUREIAL MathematicsDownload samples online ordering information see page 15.STATISTICSEdexcel International A Level MathematicsStatistics 1 Student Book978 1 292245 14 0 21.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsStatistics 1 Teacher Resource Pack978 1 292245 15 7 100.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsFurther Pure 1 Student Book978 1 292244 64 8 21.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsStatistics 2 Student Book978 1 292245 17 1 21.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsFurther Pure 1 Teacher Resource Pack978 1 292244 58 7 100.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsStatistics 2 Teacher Resource Pack978 1 292245 16 4 100.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsFurther Pure 2 Student Book978 1 292244 65 5 21.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsStatistics 3 Student Book978 1 292245 18 8 21.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsFurther Pure 2 Teacher Resource Pack978 1 292244 62 4 100.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsStatistics 3 Teacher Resource Pack978 1 292245 19 5 100.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsFurther Pure 3 Student Book978 1 292244 66 2 21.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsFurther Pure 3 Teacher Resource Pack978 1 292244 63 1 100.00DECISIONEdexcel International A Level MathematicsDecision 1 Student Book978 1 292244 56 3 21.00Edexcel International A Level MathematicsDecision 1 Teacher Resource Pack978 1 292244 57 0 100.00Answers to activity questions and exam practice in the Student Books will be availableonline. Visit

IAL Science: Biology, Chemistry, PhysicsInternational AS/A Level Science: Biology,Chemistry and PhysicsThese resources support the updated Pearson EdexcelInternational Advanced Levels (IALs) in Biology, Chemistryand Physics, for first teaching from September 2018.Student Booksl Provides comprehensive coverage of the specification content.l Each Student Book includes 3-year access to an online ActiveBook.lll Student Books feature Checkpoint questions, Thinking Bigger spreadsand Practical Skills boxes to support understanding and key concepts. Exam practice provided at the end of each chapter, and sample examanswers in the back of the book. Subject vocabulary is collated in a glossary at the back of the books foreasy reference.Online Teacher Resource Packslllll Comprehensive teaching plans for every section of the book. Practice assessments and accompanying mark schemes for everychapter follow exam format. Student book answers to the Checkpoint and Exam Practice questions. Practicals support for core practicals includes student worksheets,exam style questions and teacher and technician notes. Guide to Thinking Bigger.An introduction to the chapter to helpstudents think about the concepts they will beintroduced to.TOPIC 18 ORGANICCHEMISTRY: ARENES A ARENES: BENZENEYour study of organic chemistry so far has been limited to aliphatic compounds. These are compoundscontaining just unbranched or branched chains of carbon atoms.In this topic you will extend your knowledge of organic chemistry by looking at aromatic compounds. Theseare compounds that contain one or more benzene rings. These compounds are also called arenes or aromaticcompounds.Aromatic compounds play a very important role in helping to keep us healthy. For some people,pharmaceuticals mean a better quality of life. For others, they mean the difference between life and death. Inboth cases, aromatic compounds play an essential part. Phenol, for example, is used as a starting material tomake 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (TCP) and also paracetamol. Salicylic acid is used to make aspirin.Today we want our clothes to be warm, but not thick and itchy. Or we want them to keep us cool, especiallywhen we are exercising. We want them to be colourful, but we do not want the colour to fade after a fewwashes. We do not want them to crease after a few hours’ wear, but we do want them to be supple and soft onthe skin. We want them to be wear-resistant, too.All this has been made possible by the new fibres that have been created thanks to the input of the aromaticsindustry. Have a look at the labels on your clothes: acrylic fibres, polyester, nylon. These substances are veryoften added to luxurious fibres such as linen, silk and cashmere wool to give them more resistance to wear.Topics 4, 5, 10 (IAS: Book 1), 15 How to use different kinds of formulae torepresent organic compounds Using IUPAC rules to name organic compounds Recognising different types of isomerism,including geometrical isomerism How to convert one organic compound intoanother How to write reaction mechanismsWhat will I study in this topic? How aromatic compounds are different fromaliphatic compounds Why benzene undergoes substitution reactionsrather than addition reactions The mechanism of electrophilic substitutionreactions into a benzene ringPEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL A LEVELPHYSICSSTUDENT BOOK 2MILES HUDSONPearson Edexcel International A Level Physics Student Book 2 providescomprehensive coverage of the second year of the International A Levelqualification. The book is designed to provide students with the best preparationpossible for the examination:What will I study later?Topic 19 Aromatic amines Benzenediazonium ions and azo dyesAromatic compounds are used today in most of our sports equipment, from polyurethane footballs to nylonparachutes, from light running shoes to polyester swimwear.The world as we know it today would be very different if there were no aromatics industry. Written by a highly experienced teacher, examiner and author Content is carefully mapped to the specification to provide easy reference andcomprehensive coverage Engaging and relevant international content in a real-world context Exam practice at the end of each chapter, and sample exam answers in the backof the book Signposted transferable skills to prepare for further education and employment Reviewed by a language specialist to ensure the book is written in a clear andaccessible style Glossaries of key terminology and command words used in the examination eBook includedIAL PHYSICSLab BookISBN: 9781292244754An Online Teacher Resource Pack (ISBN 9781292244808) provides further planning,teaching and assessment support.For Pearson Edexcel International A Level Physics specification (YPH11) for firstteaching 2018.IAS / IAL PHYSICSStudent Book 1ISBN: 9781292244877PEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL A LEVEL PHYSICS STUDENT BOOK 2Modern transport depends on the products manufactured from aromatic compounds. If all of the componentsof a car, lorry or aircraft made from aromatic-based products were removed, all of those might cease to exist!Car body parts, bumpers, dashboards, seats and upholstery are generally all made from products derived fromaromatic compounds. Synthetic rubbers, also derived from aromatics, give tyres better road-hugging ability,especially on wet roads, and also increase tyre mileage.What prior knowledge do I need?eBookinsidePEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL A LEVELPHYSICSSTUDENT BOOK 2MILES HUDSONwww.pearsonglobalschools.comIALPhysics Cover.indd 1-3Sample page from Edexcel International AS/A Level Chemistry Student Book 16IAL Science14/01/2019 08:17

1.A 1 VELOCITY AND ACCELERATIONSPECIFICATIONREFERENCE1.3.1LEARNING OBJECTIVES Explain the distinction between scalar and vector quantities. Distinguish between speed and velocity and define acceleration. Calculate values using equations for velocity and acceleration.Movement is fundamental to the functioning of our universe. Whether you are running to catch abus or want to calculate the speed required for a rocket to travel to Mars or the kinetic energy of anelectron in an X-ray machine, you need to be able to work out how fast things are moving.RATE OF MOVEMENTOne of the simplest things we can measure is how fast an object is moving. You can calculate anobject’s speed if you know the amount of time taken to move a certain distance:distance (m)speed (m s 1) time (s)dv tLearning tips help learners to focus theirlearning and avoid common errors. Exam hintsdraw learners’ attention to potential pitfalls in theexam and give practical hints about preparing forthe exams.Did You Know boxes in the science booksfeature interesting facts to help studentsremember the key concepts.Learning objectives at the beginning of eachsection/chapter highlight what students needto know and under

Edexcel International A Level Mathematics Pure 3 Student Book 978 1 292244 92 1 21.00 Edexcel International A Level Mathematics Pure 3 Teacher Resource Pack 978 1 292244 93 8 100.00 Edexcel International A Level Mathematics Pure 4 Student Book 978 1 292245 12 6 21.00 Edexcel International A Level Mathematics Pure 4 Teacher Resource Pack

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