Live Streaming For Social Media

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AResourceLive Streamingfor Social MediaA how-to guide for building strategy,execution, and engagement

Table of ContentsIntroduction3How to get started with social media streaming4LinkedIn Live5Facebook Live6YouTube Live7Periscope/Twitter7Instagram Live85 Tips for Connecting with Live Viewers9Best Practices for Marketing Your Live Stream11Ready to try it for yourself?12About Vimeo1202 Live Streaming for Social Media

IntroductionSocial media streaming has made the leap from novelty to necessity. Channels like Twitter,Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are integrating live video into their platforms, and brandsare adjusting their social strategies accordingly. According to a Forrester report, in 2018brands spent more than 90 billion on video content, much of it going to social mediamarketing. By 2023, that number is expected to rise to more than 100 billion.Live streaming to social media networks creates eye-catching content that improves yourpositioning in news feed algorithms. In fact, Facebook announced updates to the way it ranksvideo, basing it on three factors:1. Loyalty and intent2. Video and viewing durations3. Originality“These changes will benefit video distribution for Pages that create original content people wantto watch and come back to,” wrote David Miller, product management director at Facebook.It’s undeniable that live video adds a human touch to posts. And, live streaming is onlygetting bigger. In 2018, an estimated 47% of global consumers reported an increase in theirlive streaming from the previous year. And that number is only set to grow — Cisco estimatesthat 82% of all internet traffic will be video by 2022. Read on to learn where, why, and howto stream to social media and grow engagement for your organization.“Live video is a great way to humanize your brand. As an eCommercecompany, a lot of people think that we’re either robots or overseas,but we’re right here in Houston — we’re real humans. Wheneverwe’re able to put human faces on the screen, customers are ableto see who we are and that we know our stuff.”Abigail SawyerManager of Social Media and Influencer Marketing, Blinds.com03 Live Streaming for Social Media

How to get started withsocial media streamingSometimes maintaining a social media presence can feel a bit like spinning plates. With somany platforms competing for attention, it’s hard to focus your energy on just one. Manyorganizations struggle to give equal time to each platform.Luckily, it doesn’t have to be this way – streaming across social media platforms is easierthan you think. Here’s a primer on how to get started streaming across various platforms.Start slow, and know your audienceWhen you first begin experimenting with social media streaming, remember to take thingsone step at a time. It’s better to channel your efforts into one great live event than a handful ofhard-to-manage, simultaneous video posts. You also want to make sure you have someonedesignated to manage and respond to comments or take questions on each channel.Depending on your audience, they might prefer one platform over another, or have a presenceon many places at once. After you become more familiar with social media streaming, it’ll beeasy to expand your strategy to include these other destinations.Diversifying is a great way to reach viewers on multiple channels – your strategy shouldaccommodate those viewers. With tools like Simulcast from Vimeo, it’s easy to branch outand take your live video strategy to new heights by distributing your live stream to multiplechannels at once.04 Live Streaming for Social Media

LinkedIn LiveHow to stream to LinkedIn LiveWith more than 645 million members across200 countries and territories, and 30 millionbusinesses represented on the networkingsite, live streaming on LinkedIn presents aunique opportunity for companies of all sizesto engage professional audiences with highquality live content. LinkedIn also prioritizeslive events in their feed, making the potentialto reach more eyeballs even greater.As of publication, LinkedIn is piloting itslive streaming functionality. Whether you’relooking to live stream from an individual orcompany page, you must apply in order toaccess live streaming on LinkedIn. You canlearn more about best practices with LinkedInLive in this handy guide from the LinkedInteam themselves.What’s more, Vimeo Enterprise subscriberscan stream natively to LinkedIn, straight fromthe platform. With the click of a button, youcan easily live stream while simulcasting toan embedded Vimeo player, Facebook Live,LinkedIn Live, YouTube, and any customRTMP-enabled social destination such asPeriscope.05 Live Streaming for Social MediaTo get started with live streaming to LinkedInfrom Vimeo, create your live event, then goto the “Destinations” tab. Click “Connect” (or“Reconnect”) next to LinkedIn, and you’ll bebrought to the connected apps page in yourVimeo account settings to authenticate theLinkedIn app.Then, login to your LinkedIn account andselect the profile you want to stream to. If youhave administrator privileges for a companypage you can stream to that page, too. OnceLinkedIn is synced to Vimeo, selected theLinkedIn page you desire and make sure thetoggle is switched “on.”

Facebook LiveHow to stream to Facebook LiveWith more than 2.4 billion users worldwide,it’s no surprise that publishers and brandshave flocked to Facebook. According to FidjiSimo, Facebook’s head of video, 20% of allFacebook videos in 2017 were broadcastlive. What’s more, live videos on Facebookexperienced six times as many interactionsas regular videos on average.If you’re streaming using a desktop computeror laptop, click inside the status update box atthe top of your newsfeed and choose the “livevideo” icon from the menu. A browser windowwill open up, activating your computer’swebcam. For mobile users, you can usethe Facebook app. Simply tap the “live”icon beneath the status update box. Write adescription for your video, set your audience(Public, Friends, etc.), choose a filter, andpress “start live video.”Streaming to Facebook Live should be part,but not all, of your live video strategy. Goinglive directly to Facebook is good for a shortstream, but lacks the qualities and featuresof a professional live stream.Combining Facebook Live with a dedicatedlive video solution, like Vimeo, opens newpossibilities for your content. Vimeo’s livestreaming functionality lets you seamlesslystream a portion of your live event to Facebook,before directing them back to your ownproperties. And with lead capture tools likeforms, you can turn your live event into asource of revenue for your organization.06 Live Streaming for Social MediaWith Simulcast from Vimeo,you can stream your content toVimeo and Facebook Live at thesame time with a simple toggle.Learn more about simulcastingto Facebook from Vimeo here.

YouTube LivePeriscope/TwitterYouTube has been playing catch-up withFacebook Live and Twitter’s Periscope. Rightnow, anyone can live stream to YouTube fromtheir desktop, but live streaming from a mobiledevice is limited to verified content creatorswith over 1,000 subscribers.Twitter integrated Periscope into their desktopand mobile sites back in 2016. The up-to-theminute algorithm of Twitter, plus Periscope’sease of use, have made both platforms adestination for organizations of every kind.How to stream to YouTubeIf you’re streaming to YouTube using adesktop, simply click on the recorder icon,followed by “Go Live.” Next, select “Webcam,”enter a title and description for your stream,and choose a privacy setting. Streaming toYouTube via the “Events” dashboard is ideal ifyou prefer to announce a planned event beforeit goes live. You can access or schedule alive stream via the Live Control room.Vimeo Enterprise customers can push astream from Vimeo to YouTube through itsnative integration. Simply connect to yourYouTube account under the “Destinations”tab in your live event on Vimeo to get started.Learn how to to sync your accounts here.07 Live Streaming for Social MediaHow to stream to PeriscopeUsers can stream directly to Periscopefrom a mobile device, or an encoder withPeriscope Producer, a program designed forcontent creators and streamers. Streamingto Periscope from a mobile device is simple:when you open the app, tap the “Broadcast”button or the camera icon and you’re live. Whileyou can use your mobile device’s camera orcomputer webcam, using Periscope Produceropens up its API to third-party streamingencoders. This means, you can effortlesslystream from Vimeo to Periscope.Our Simulcast feature lets you easily addan RTMP link from Periscope to your Vimeoaccount. This help center article has stepby-step instructions to get you started.

Instagram LiveHow to stream to Instagram LiveFollowing on the heels of Facebook Live,Instagram rolled out its own live video functiona few years back. Housed within the app’spopular Instagram Stories section, the featureallows users to engage and interact withfollowers in real time with streaming content.A “live” badge will appear on your profilepicture to alert followers of your broadcast.Your story will also move to the first spot ofthe Stories queue at the top of your feed.There are a number of ways to access thelive video feature in the Instagram app. Tostart a live video you can either tap on thecamera icon in the top left corner, swipe righton your feed, or tap to add to your story.From there, choose “live” from the bottommenu, then tap “Go Live” to begin streaming.You’ll see the number of viewers at the topof the screen and comments at the bottom.More than 500 million people use Instagramdaily, and more than 200 million Instagrammersvisit at least one business profile daily.Instagram reports an 80% increase in timespent watching video on the app, and athird of the most viewed stories are frombusinesses. With the right live video strategy,brands can use Instagram Live to help driveengagement with their target audience, andeven boost the bottom line.08 Live Streaming for Social MediaAfter you end your live video, you have theoption of sharing a replay in Instagram Stories.Simply tap “Share” at the bottom of the screenafter you’ve ended your live video. Unlessyou save the story to your highlights, it willdisappear from your feed after 24 hours.

5 Tips for Connecting with Live Viewerson Social Media1. Connect with your audienceSocial media should be a back and forth conversation, not just a one-wayprojection. Don’t shout into the void: If you see you have viewers tuning in,ask them questions, answer their questions, and poll them for responses.Live, immediate interaction is the real value of live video and will incentivizepeople to stay tuned in.It might be helpful to have someone off-camera flag comments to you or filterthrough them so you can respond to the best ones. Facebook’s algorithmranks videos based on stickiness and repeat views. While you’re streamingtry to find ways to involve your viewers and get them to share your post.2. Don’t forget about the new viewersSince many people will tune in after you’ve already started streaming, youwant to make sure you get them up to speed. If you see a bump in viewership,welcome those viewers and recap them on what you’ve been discussing.You can’t control when your viewers join, and you’ll want to use call-outsplus graphics and enhanced video to help people navigate the narrative ofyour stream.09 Live Streaming for Social Media

3. Embrace the nature of liveThis is live video! Your audience isn’t tuning in to watch something stiff andscripted. Feel free to have a little fun or be a bit spontaneous. The moreauthentic your connection with your audience the better. The beauty of livevideo is that audiences are not expecting a polished final product.4. Broadcast for at least 10 minutes (and say “goodbye”when you end)The longer you broadcast, the more viewers and likes you can get, the morelikely you will rise in the news feed algorithm. We recommend broadcasting forat least 30-45 minutes. Here at Vimeo we do 30 minutes of live presentationand then about 15 minutes of Q&A. Then, have another live stream scheduled,remind them to tune in later and subscribe to updates.5. Boost your postHad a great stream? Once your social media live stream ends, you canboost it. Allocating even a small amount of spend can gain you additionalon-demand viewers and extend the reach of your video.Did you know?Vimeo has handy built-in graphics features tocreate on-screen graphics in a cinch.10 Live Streaming for Social Media

Best Practices for Marketing YourLive StreamDiversify your distributionMost brands post to several social medianetworks. Why wouldn’t you stream to multipleplatforms? With Vimeo you can simulcast toFacebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitch, andPeriscope (here’s our help guide), as wellas embed the live stream on your website.Shifting sandsSocial media algorithms are always changing,making it an unsteady place to build a brandor content strategy on its own. As all socialmedia platforms change based on audiencebehavior, it’s hard to build a reliable strategywhen you don’t control the platform.Convert viewers into customersTurn viewers into traffic to your website bysampling content on your live stream andencouraging them to visit your page. By doingso, you can collect more information. Andit will get you closer to the most importantoutcome: new customers of your business.Support qualityVideo quality is the most important factor for67% of viewers when watching a live streambroadcast. Vimeo offers round-the-clocksupport for Enterprise customers. If you haveissues with your stream, we’re just a phonecall or email away.Control the messageVideo in a fully branded portal with customcalls to action is more likely to convert. Viewersare less likely to be distracted by other thingshappening on the platform. Vimeo offersflexible customization tools to make our videoplayer all your own.LimitationsFacebook streams can only be four hourslong. For a day-long conference or productlaunch, four hours will not cut it. And ifyou’re streaming to Facebook from a mobiledevice, you can’t incorporate graphics or anyadditional visuals or production elements.11 Live Streaming for Social Media

Ready to upgrade your social medialive streaming experience?Streaming on social media is a great gateway tool for brands and organizations getting startedwith live video. On top of reliable live streaming to social media, Vimeo Enterprise offers manymore ways to level up your interaction, engagement, and communication with your audience.Contact our friendly team today1-877-977-8732EmailChatAbout VimeoVimeo empowers more than 90 million video creators of all kinds to connect with theiraudiences and communities. We provide professional software, tools and technology fororganizations to host, distribute, live stream, and monetize their videos. Our end-to-endlive streaming solution offers organizations everything they need to share events live, onlineor privately, including software, hardware, production services, and best-in-class support.Headquartered in New York City and with offices around the world, Vimeo is an operatingbusiness of IAC (NASDAQ: IAC).555 W 18th St, New York, NY 10011 1-877-977-8732Learn more at

Facebook Live With more than 2.4 billion users worldwide, it’s no surprise that publishers and brands have flocked to Facebook. According to Fidji Simo, Facebook’s head of video, 20% of all Facebook videos in 2017 were broadcast live. What’s more, live videos on Facebook experienced six

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