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Mount Vernon’s Hometown Newspaper A Connection NewspaperDecember 26, 2019Krissia Ceron Pacas-5th grade,Fort Hunt ElementaryPRSRT STDU.S. PostagePAIDAlexandria, VAPermit r:Time-sensitivematerial.Requested in home12/27/19Children's & Teens'Gazette 2019Mount Vernon Gazette Children’s & Teens’ Connection 2019-2020 1

It’s beyond selling homes.When McEnearney Associates was formed in 1980, John McEnearney knew that he wanted to create a firm that went above andbeyond just selling and buying homes for clients. He wanted to give back to the communities that helped grow the firm to morethan 350 Associates today. Every Associate that joins our firm stands behind a brand that invests in the communities that we liveand work in. They are responsible for our enviable reputation. They are McEnearney Associates.With sincere gratitude, thank you to these organizations and non-profits that we have worked withto strengthen our communities for the past 40 years.OUR 2019 COMMUNITY PARTNERS INCLUDE: ACT for Alexandria Alexandria Little League Alexandria Rotary Foundation Alexandria Sportsman Club Boys & Girls Club Carpenter’s Shelter Community Lodgings George Washington Parkway ClassicHistoric Alexandria Foundation Hopkins House Inova Blood Donor Services Mt Vernon-Lee Chamber of Commerce National BreastCancer Foundation One Warm Coat Rebuilding Together Alexandria SCAN of Northern Virginia Scholarship Fund of AlexandriaSenior Services of Alexandria Special Olympics of VA Symphony Orchestra League of Alexandria Tall Ship Providence FoundationThe Campagna Center The Fund for Alexandria’s Child The TwigOld Town Office 109 S. Pitt Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 703.549.9292 #WeAreAlexandriaEqual Housing Opportunity2 v Mount Vernon Gazette v December 26 - January 8, 2020

Children’s & Teens’ GazetteAbout This“Chilling Out” by Olivia Webster - Age 8,Grade 2, Stratford Landing Elementary SchoolDear Readers:This week, the Mount Vernon Gazette turns over its pages to theyouth and students.We asked children and teens from the area to contribute theirwords, pictures and photos for our annual Children’s & Teens’ Issue.While we were unable to publish every piece we received, we didour best to put together a paper with a sampling of the submittedstories, poems, drawings, paintings, photographs and other works ofart.We appreciate the extra effort made by school staff to gather thematerials during their busy time leading up to the holidays. We’dalso like to encourage both schools and parents to mark their 2020calendars for early December, the deadline for submissions for nextyear’s Children’s & Teens’ Gazette. Please keep us in mind as yourchildren continue to create spectacular works of art and inspiringpieces of writing in the coming year.This student issue is only a part of our year-round commitment tocover education and our local schools. As always, the Gazettewelcomes letters to the editor, story ideas, calendar listings andnotices of local events from our readers. Photos and other submissions about special events at schools are especially welcome for ourweekly news pages.Our next print edition will come out on Jan. 8, 2020. Happy NewYear!Reach us at editors@connectionnewspapers.comMary KimmMount Vernon GazetteEditor and Publisher“Dutch Landscape” by SophiaWebster - Age 14, Grade 8,Carl Sandburg Middle School“Sweet Christmas” by BenjaminWebster - Age 10, Grade 4,Stratford Landing Middle SchoolHoly Family by the Owls class at Washington Street United Methodist Church Preschool.TWENTY-FOUR DAYSMason Choi, Alexandria. Age 9.3rd grade, St. ThomasMore school inArlington, teacher Ms.Veronica Fernandez.-Drawing: Box JellyfishJulia Choi, Alexandria. Age 10.5th grade, St. Thomas Moreschool in Arlington, teacherMs. Stephanie Pacheco.-Drawing: The Season r days, twenty-four days!Counting the days are making a maze!Christmas is coming, this I know,but maybe this year it will come and then go?Days and nights, skies and snow,Christmas will come, but eventually go.Time is ticking,clocks are clicking,time is racing by.And then finally! Christmas is nigh.Poem:24 Days(Advent)By MasonChoi,Alexandria.Age 9It seems like I had some patience,but maybe I let it go.Perhaps I’ll remember it and then I’ll never know.Christmas will come some other time,but for now I feel like the world is mine.Mount Vernon Gazette Children’s & Teens’ Connection 2019-2020 3

Children’s & Teens’ GazetteSadia Hussain,2nd Grade, Age 7Caroline Lehman,4th Grade, Age 10Ryan Kremer,1st grade, Age 6Ellie Harris,2nd Grade, Age 8Evelyn Bryan,2nd grade, Age 7AlexandriaCountry DaySchoolSenecaBaytosh,7th grade,Age 12Zethan Hazel, 4th grade, Age 104 Mount Vernon Gazette Children’s & Teens’ Connection 2019-2020See Alexnadria CountryDay School, Page

Children’s & Teens’ Gazette“In the School Garden with Mrs. Buchanan”by Isabel Andersonage 6Hollin Meadows Elementary SchoolTeacher: Mrs. AvilaSeason’sGreetingsArtworkby Eliza Andersonage 105th gradeHollin Meadows Elementary SchoolTeacher: Mrs. JohnsonDuring the Holiday Season,I find myself reflecting on thepast year and on those who havehelped us shape our business.Thank you for yourcontinued support.Alexandria Country Day SchoolAlexander Kocsis, 4th grade, Age 9Vivian Kocsis, 6th Grade, Age 12Wishing you and yoursa Happy Season anda New Year filled withPeace and ProsperityRex and Doris Reiley, Liz Reiley,Kelly Palmer, and Jay HuttonSabrinaDunton,5th grade,Age 11DJ Heiber, 7th grade, Age 12www.ConnectionNewspapers.comMount Vernon Gazette Children’s & Teens’ Connection 2019-2020 5

Stratford Landing Elementary SchoolChildren’s & Teens’ GazetteJulia Schickel, Art TeacherIndia Learner – 1st grade, Shooting StarsLayauna Walker, 1st grade - FlowersGwen Latham, 1st grade – oil pastel flowersHanna Gunlycke, 2nd grade –Happy PicnicAaliyah Williams, 3rd grade – SelfPortraitKailyn Trejo, 3rd grade – TheSummer DayAudrey Charlton, 3rd grade – TheNatsOwen Kerr, 4th grade – Self PortraitCamp Waldock, 5th grade SelfPortraitElin Gunlycke, 5th grade – AbstractPeaceAlexis Alvarez-Perez, 4th grade –Monopoly GameSol Blaylock, 4th grade – SelfportraitGrace Barrett, 4th grade – SelfPortraitSophia Tinsley, 4th grade – SelfPortrait6 Mount Vernon Gazette Children’s & Teens’ Connection 2019-2020Ella Pribble, 5th grade

Children’sDay of the DeadSugar Skull PaintingT.C. WilliamsHigh SchoolMinnie Howard CampusAcrylic paintings from the Day of theDead Sugar Skull Painting unit. The students are 9th graders in Art I from T.C.Williams High School Minnie Howard.Anna Davila, Visual Arts TeacherMichelle Hernandez YanezDaniel AckahCindy AlvaradoMaryum Ramzanwww.ConnectionNewspapers.comMount Vernon Gazette Children’s & Teens’ Connection 2019-2020 7

Children’s & Teens’ GazetteMarie Peck-KindergartenCaleb Kamara-1st gradeBrady Lewis-KindergartenNicole Quarles-1st grade1st GradeMila Saleh-1st gradeBethany Sutton-2nd gradeLeyla Ike-2nd gradeKindergarten2nd & 3rd GradeIsla Nolton-2nd gradeCecilia Parilla-KindergartenLochlan Edwards-3rd gradeEvelyn FergusonKindergartenAnna Buckler-3rd gradeLiam Espinosa Luna-1st grade4th GradeAmanda Salgado-1st gradeTalia Sigalov-1st gradeDaisy Linden-3rd gradeTimothy Childers-3rd gradeAinsle Schielke-4th gradeAlly Cabell-4th gradeErika Reistad-4th gradeKristeen Schlak-4th grade5th GradePetra Adonteng-4th gradeLilah Goel-3rd gradeKyana Canizalez- 3rd gradeMaicy Nealy- 3rd gradeErin Conroy-6th GradeSophia Rainey-6th GradeFort Hunt ElementaryCurated by Andrew Green, Fort Hunt Elementary Art Teacher6th GradeSophy Cutter-Felizzola-5th gradeParker Schroeder-5th gradeKrissiaCeronPacas-5thgradeCharles Campbell-5th gradeKayla Canizalez-5th gradeMena Martineau-6th gradeKip Bryant-5th grade8 Mount Vernon Gazette Children’s & Teens’ Connection nNewspapers.comJeremy Lacey-Kline-6thMount Vernon Gazette Children’s & Teens’ Connection 2019-2020 9

Children’s & Teens’ GazetteElla Rae Beckner Grade 3Charlie Douglas Grade 3Pendleton FraleyGrade 2Ellie Minor Grade 9Nat Johnson Grade 11St. Stephen’s andSt. Agnes SchoolBrady Hendy Grade 2Zach Gunn Grade 1110 Mount Vernon Gazette Children’s & Teens’ Connection 2019-2020Sophie Atkisson Grade

Children’s & Teens’ GazettePoetryPoem by Mateus Garbaliauskas, age 11, from Alexandria. 6th grader atMs. Huber’s class, Clermont Elementary School, Alexandria. School Counselorand supporter of our son’s creative writing: Ms. Paula Treger.SunshineWhy am I the only raincloud?The only raincloud in the room?Thunder roars and lightning burns.And my wish is that the table turns.Why am I the only sunshine?The only sunshine in the room?The thunder roars and lightning does call.But I’m the only one to stall.Why am I the only raincloud?The only raincloud in the room?Someone told me there is always light.But all the storm will do is fight.Why am I the only sunshine?The only sunshine in the room?I see a boy all lonely and sad?Maybe I can spread my sunshine, make him glad.Why am I the only raincloud?The only raincloud in the room?There’s a girl, walking by.I really wonder why she’d try.www.ConnectionNewspapers.comWhy am I the only sunshine?The only sunshine in the room?I walk to the boy.Hoping to spread my joy.Why am I the only raincloud?The only raincloud in the room?The girl smiles and so do I.And all of a sudden there goes my urgeto cry.Why am I the only sunshine?The only sunshine in the room?I spread my joy to one.And the kindness will never be done.Why am I the second sunshine?One of two in the room?Time to spread the kind.To those who are happy-blind.Mount Vernon Gazette Children’s & Teens’ Connection 2019-2020 11

Children’s & Teens’ GazetteStratford Landing Elementary SchoolMrs. Sharon Burke – Art TeacherShanzah Mumtaz KindergartenElena Paschalis KindergartenMax Goozit–KindergartenGrace Toohey –3rd GradeGiana Storelli KindergartenGarrett Chang– 3rd GradeKaitlyn Hoewing– 3rd GradeEliana Mellon – 3rd GradeGeorge Howell– 3rd GradeNorah Crowley #2 –4th GradeNorah Crowley #1 – 4th GradeReese Myers –4th Grade12 Mount Vernon Gazette Children’s & Teens’ Connection

Children’sDay of the DeadSugar Skull PaintingT.C. WilliamsHigh SchoolMinnie Howard CampusAcrylic paintings from the Day of theDead Sugar Skull Painting unit. The students are 9th graders in Art I from T.C.Williams High School Minnie Howard.Anna Davila, Visual Arts TeacherLeila AbarcaKathryn RutherfordEvelyn IpsenFrank Agama Perezwww.ConnectionNewspapers.comMount Vernon Gazette Children’s & Teens’ Connection 2019-2020 13

NowWe WaitBy KENNETH B. LOURIEThe doctor told me that I’ll probably receiveYLZ\S[Z MYVT [VKH »Z IPVWZ PU Ä]L [V ZL]LU days. The pathologist will send the results to myoncologist who presumably will email them tome. Now whether that new information willcause a change in my treatment, I certainly don’tknow. However, I would imagine that knowingthe genetic mutation/biomarker would cause animmediate change. We’re not exactly waiting forGodot here. And neither is the process rocketscience. It’s medicine. It’s research. It’s years ofclinical trials. All of which has led to the FDA’sapproval of more drugs for the treatment of lungcancer in the last three years than in the previousthree decades, according to LUNGevity. Lungcancer research, after years of comparativeULNSLJ[ PZ ÄUHSS NL[[PUN [OL YLZWLJ[ HUK KVSSHYZ it deserves. After all, lung cancer is by far theleading cause of cancer deaths annually with upto 200,000 new cases diagnosed every year.“Targeted Therapy” is what I’m talking about.(UK P[»Z H ZPTWSL HZ PZ ZV\UKZ ( ZWLJPÄJ TLK icine is more effective when given to a patient P[O H ZWLJPÄJ IPVTHYRLY [ WL VM [\TVY" [OL »YL not all the same). Eleven years ago when I wasÄYZ[ KPHNUVZLK T\[H[PVUZ LYL UV[ L[ H WHY[ VM the oncologist’s playbook. Now, they’re on pageone. After years of receiving treatment basedVU VSK PZO JVU]LU[PVUHS TL[OVKZ 0 HT HIV\[ to move to the head of the class. Maybe evenILJVTL [OL [LHJOLY»Z WL[ 0»T HSYLHK T VUJVS ogist’s prize cow.) This is not experimental stuff,this is state of the art, so to speak. And soon, ifI’m lucky, I will join the ranks.([ [OPZ Q\UJ[\YL 0 RUV ]LY SP[[SL ZWLJPÄJHSS about what might happen next. I have learnedduring my years of treatment and meetings withmy oncologist that future scenarios are rarelydiscussed. Sure, we’ve occasionally mappedout, generally speaking, a course of action/reaction, but my oncologist prefers not to gettoo far ahead of where we are at present. Onenew symptom and/or unexpected result from aCT scan or a brain MRI and once again, it willbe “Katie, bar the door.” Accordingly, I havebecome a patient patient. That’s not double talk,that’s years of experience. I’d like to think it’s partof the reason I’m still alive.Another reason I’m still alive is the TeamLourie philosophy: hoping Kenny can stay alive\U[PS YLZLHYJO JH[JOLZ \W VY L]LU WHZZLZ V\ I which then enables you to take advantage of thenext big thing/new drug. Over the last 11 years,0»]L ILLU [OL ILULÄJPHY VM YLZLHYJO [OH[ OHZ provided drugs which allowed me to live yearsbeyond my original “13 month to two year”WYVNUVZPZ PU X\V[LZ ILJH\ZL [OH[»Z OH[ T VUJVSVNPZ[ ZHPK 5V 0 OVWL [V IL [OL ILULÄJPH ry once again of the latest and greatest treatment:“Targeted Therapy.” If so, another 11 years wouldZ\P[ TL Q\Z[ ÄUL To say I’m excited would not exactly describemy state of mind. Hopeful, of course. Anxious,for sure, because I think my oncologist, per ourlast meeting, was anticipating my future a bit andswitching from my present opdivo immunothera W [V ZVTL[OPUN IYHUK UL VY H UL JVTIPUH tion of medicines) seemed timely to him. Ergo,my needle biopsy today at the Interventionalradiologist. I guess you could say “I’m pleased asW\UJO ¹ [OV\NO [V X\V[L /\ILY[ /VYH[PV /\T phrey Jr., the 38th Vice President of the UnitedStates, that I had this procedure. It opens up/creates new treatment possibilities which for aULHYS LHY JHUJLY Z\Y]P]VY PZ SPRLS H TVYL important than I realize. After all, my oncologistKPK JOHYHJ[LYPaL T UVU ZTHSS JLSS S\UN JHUJLY stage IV diagnosis as “terminal.” A disease forwhich my oncologist also said that he “couldtreat, but that he couldn’t cure.” Well, I don’tsuppose he can cure me now with whatevertargeted therapy matches my tumor’s biomarkerso I’m counting on these new drugs being ableto treat me some more. I could live with independent, locally owned weeklynewspaper deliveredto homes and businesses.Published byLocal Media Connection LLC1606 King StreetAlexandria, Virginia 22314Free digital edition delivered toyour email box. Go DEPARTMENT:gazette@connectionnewspapers.comJean CardProduction Editorjcard@connectionnewspapers.comAndrea WorkerContributing Writeraworker@connectionnewspapers.comJeanne mannMediaADVERTISING:For advertising 431Debbie FunkDisplay Advertising/National ulie FerrillReal Estate, 703-927-1364jferrill@connectionnewspapers.comHelen WalutesDisplay Advertising, 703-778-9410hwalutes@connectionnewspapers.comDavid GriffinMarketing .comClassified & EmploymentAdvertising703-778-9431PublisherJerry Editor & PublisherMary ign:Laurence Foong, John Heinly,Ali KhalighProduction Manager:Geovani FloresCIRCULATIONCirculation Manager:Ann Olivercirculation@connectionnewspapers.comA Connection NewspaperKenny Lourie is an Advertising Representative forThe Potomac Almanac & The Connection Newspapers.14 Mount Vernon Gazette Children’s & Teens’ Connection

SPECIAL SAVINGSFOR YOUR TOYOTA11/30/19.WELCOME TO ALEXANDRIA TOYOTA’SPERSONALIZED CAR CARE EXPERIENCE1/31/20.ALEXANDRIA TOYOTAwww.ConnectionNewspapers.comMount Vernon Gazette Children’s & Teens’ Connection 2019-2020 15

16 Mount Vernon Gazette Children’s & Teens’ Connection Mount Vernon Gazette Children’s & Teens’ Connection 2019-2020 1 Attention ter: e material. ome 12/27/19 T STD tage PAID Alexandria, VA Permit #482 Mount Vernon’s H

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