Build Your Own Rain Garden - Chesapeake Bay Foundation

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RainGarden Guide5/29/039:16 AMPage 1Student BaySavers ProjectsBuild Your OwnRain Garden

RainGarden Guide5/29/039:16 AMPage 2What Is a Rain Garden?A rain garden is designed to catch rainwater and slow, decrease, andimprove the quality of storm water runoff. A rain garden can take manydifferent forms and, for the most part, is limited only by the resources andtime you have to put into it. It can be large, complicated, and expensive—or small and relatively simple. Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s rain gardendesign, described here step-by-step, is inexpensive and easy enough formost students to complete with minimal help from adults. And while thisrain garden project is specifically written with the schoolyard in mind, itwould work just as well at a home, community center, religious center, orany other private property.Scientists have found that nutrient and sediment pollution are the largestthreats to water quality in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Here is somethingyou can do about it!Why Create a Rain Garden?Virtually every school has a substantial amount of impervious surface (areathat rainwater cannot soak into) that affects the quality of storm waterrunoff. When rain lands on an impervious surface, it cannot soak into theground and eventually enters a storm drain or a nearby creek. This excesswater (called runoff) causes the soil in its path to erode more rapidly thanit would naturally. Gravity then causes this runoff to flow downhill andinto the closest stream or other waterway, carrying with it the sediment,pesticides, fertilizers, and other pollutants it encounters along the way.Rain gardens contain plants that intercept and slow down the storm waterrunoff and absorb or trap much of what it contains. Rain gardens alsorestore wildlife habitat by attracting creatures such as insects, butterflies,toads, and predators like hawks. Creating a rain garden also helps buildenvironmental stewardship in students.

RainGarden Guide5/29/039:16 AMPage 3Getting StartedGetting started isn’t as difficult as you might think.Just follow these steps: First, get a teacher or adult leader involved. Askif he or she would be interested in helping youand your fellow students create a rain garden byproviding advice, supervision, and support. Before you build anything on the school grounds,you will need to get the approval of the schooladministrators, such as your principal. It is alsoimportant to discuss your plans with the custodialstaff at your school—they may even be able tohelp you with your project, and they will probablywant to approve the exact location of your raingarden. Some schools have PTA members thatare involved in making decisions about the schoolyard; if there are any such groups at your school, itwould be a good idea to speak with them as well. Next, you will need to choose a location for yourgarden. This might be partly determined by yourprincipal and/or maintenance staff. The mostimportant aspect in choosing a good spot,however, is figuring out where the rain gardenis needed most.Choosing a LocationDeciding where to put your rain garden can bealmost as much fun as building the rain gardenitself. There are some great activities in theChesapeake Bay Foundation’s curriculum materialsthat can help you do this—copies of two activities,Schoolyard Report Card and The Bay Starts Here, areincluded in your packet. You might find it useful tocomplete one of these before you begin.Your goal is to find places in the schoolyard whererainwater regularly runs off of an impervioussurface, such as a parking lot, a downspout fromthe roof, a hardened footpath, or a basketball court.Where does that water go? You should position yourrain garden between the source of the rainwaterrunoff and the nearest waterway or storm drain. Agreat way to really see what happens to runoff onyour campus is to walk the school grounds while it’sraining—just remember to wear a raincoat!Choosing Your PlantsOne factor that will determine how much moneyyou will need is the plants you choose to put in yourrain garden. Depending on the time of year whenyou are building your rain garden, you may eitheruse potted plants or seed. You can seed your raingarden any time after the last frost in the spring orbefore the first frost in the fall. Normally, you shoulduse potted plants only if you will be building yourrain garden in the summer, when seeds would havetrouble growing. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Servicebooklet Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat is anexcellent resource for choosing which plants to putin your rain garden. Ernst Conservation SeedsCompany also offers a native seed mix that is perfectfor use in your rain garden. Both the Native Plantsbooklet and the Ernst seed mix chart are provided inthis packet.Whatever plants you choose, they should be able towithstand periods of heavy water along with timeswhen there isn’t much moisture at all. Becausenative plants are accustomed to the conditions inyour area, by using native plants you will greatlyincrease the chance of your garden’s survival. Nativeplants are also great for attracting local wildlife.Funding Your ProjectOnce you have received permission from the rightpeople, figured out where you want to place yourrain garden, and determined what sorts of plantsyou will use, you’re almost ready to start building.But first, you will need materials, like lumber, tools,soil, and plants to complete your rain garden, and

RainGarden Guide5/29/039:16 AMPage 4these materials cost money. There are many ways toget funding for all of the things you will need tobuild your rain garden. For example, you could hold afundraiser at your school, or you could ask yourprincipal if there is money in the school’s budget. Youcould also write a grant requesting money from anorganization like the Annapolis, Maryland–basedChesapeake Bay Trust.However you decide to raise the money for your raingarden, you will need to have a good idea of howmuch your supplies will cost. Your actual costs willdepend on the size of your rain garden and theplants you choose. The materials list below will helpyou estimate how much money you will need. Ablank version of this budget is provided on the insideback cover of this guide.(Note: The prices below are estimates. Actual costsmay vary.)Materials List three sections of 2x12 #1 treated pine (lengthsdepend on the size of the rain garden you plan tobuild)—about 15.00 for one eight-foot boardten two-foot long sections of steel reinforcing bar(rebar)—about 10.00two stainless steel elbow brackets with four 1.5inch stainless steel wood screws— about 15.00screwdrivers and a hammer—about 20.00shovels and rakes—about 100.00topsoil (how many bags you will need dependson the size of your rain garden)—about 3.00 for a40 lb. bagmulch or straw—about 3.00 for a 40 lb. bag or 5.00 for a bale of strawsand—about 5.00 for a 20 lb. Bagplants—last but not least, plant costs will varygreatly depending upon the quantities andvarieties you chooseBuild Your Own Rain GardenSample Materials BudgetMaterialQuantityPrice EachTotal PriceSource2 x 12 #1 treated pine board3 15.00 45.00Hardware store2 foot steel rebar10 .96 9.60Hardware storeStainless steel elbowbrackets w/screws2 7.00 14.00Hardware store40 lb. Bag topsoil4 3.00 12.00Donated by Nice GuyLandscaping Co.20 lb. Bag sand1 5.00 5.00Donated by Nice GuyLandscaping40 lb. Bag mulch1 3.00 3.00Donated by Nice GuyLandscapingStraw bale1 5.00 5.00Donated by Sally’s DadScrewdriver1 4.00 4.00Borrow from JanitorHammer1 12.00 12.00Borrow from JanitorShovels3 20.00 60.00Borrow from homeRakes2 10.00 20.00Borrow from homeTotal 189.60 costs of plantsand flowersThese prices are just estimates and will vary, depending on where you buy them. You may not need to buy everything onthis list, and you may decide that you need items not included here. Your budget will also depend on the kinds of plantsyou decide to use, how many, and what size garden you design! And remember, if you are able to borrow materials, orhave them donated, you can subtract them from the actual cost of the project. In other words, the total in this samplebudget is 189.00, but the group only needs to raise 68.60 because many of the items have been donated or borrowed!One more thing: don’t forget to include the costs of your plants and flowers!

RainGarden Guide5/29/039:16 AMPage 5Building Your Rain GardenOnce you have chosen your site, selected your plants, received permission, and collected all of thematerials you will need, you’re ready to start building and planting your rain garden!1. Decorate Your BoardsBefore you start building, you maywant to decorate the sides of your 2x12boards. You can paint pictures of the plants youwill grow, of the animals that might use your raingarden for habitat, or maybe even a picture storyshowing how a rain gardenhelps to keep our streams andrivers clean. If you decide to paint on your2x12 boards, make sure they dry completely beforeyou proceed any further.2. Dig Your Rain GardenTo determine how large an area to dig, outline thearea that you want your rain garden to cover withthe 2x12 boards to get an idea of your garden’s size.Use your shovels to dig up the top layer of dirt andgrass inside the outline you made with the 2x12boards. Turn the soil over so you can’t see the grass—this is a very important step. If you don’t turn thegrass over it may grow up through your rain gardenand compete with your native plants for water andnutrients. Use your shovels to break the big clumpsof dirt apart. This will make it easier for your nativeplants to take root. If runoff is heavily focused intoyour rain garden, you may want to place some gravelat the source of the runoff so young plants do notwash away.3. Build the FrameThe frame, built with the 2x12 boards, will provide awall to keep your soil and plants in the rain garden.The bottoms of the boards should be buried aboutone or two inches in the ground to keep the soilinside the rain garden from coming out underneath.The frame needs to be fairly level, so you will have toadjust how deep the boards are buried in the grounddepending on the slope of the earth where you buildyour rain garden. Use the stainless steel elbow brackets and screws to fasten the corners of the boardstogether. Then use the two-foot long sections of steelreinforcing bar (rebar) to stabilize the boards. Havean adult help you hammer the rebar pieces into theground up against the boards of the frame. Alternatethe pieces of rebar on the inside and then the outside of the frame every two to three feet. Hammerthem down so they are below the top of the frame.You will then need to fill in the frame with topsoil upto a few inches from the top of the boards.

RainGarden Guide5/29/039:16 AMPage 64. Plant Your Rain Garden:Now you are ready to put your plants or your seed inthe rain garden. If you are using potted plants, youwill need to dig holes in the soil of the rain gardendeep and wide enough to hold the roots of the plant.Spread your plants around so they cover the wholerain garden. Be very careful not to compact the soilin your rain garden while you are doing this. If thesoil gets too packed down, your plants will have trouble rooting. If you are using seed, mix the seed withan equal amount of sand first and then broadcast itevenly around the whole rain garden. Whether youuse potted plants or seed in your rain garden, be sureto put down a layer of mulch, like pine bark strips orstraw. The mulch will keep in moisture and protectyour plants/seeds from weeds. Finally, water the raingarden thoroughly.5. Maintain and Care For Your Rain GardenNow that you have successfully planted your raingarden, all you have to do is take care of it so it willdo what it is supposed to do. Because thenative plants you chose can tolerateperiods of dry weather, you won’tneed to water your rain gardenunless it doesn’t rain for a long time (two to threeweeks). Weeds will probably grow in your rain gardenand you will need to pull them out so they donot compete with your plants. This can bedone about once a month.Congratulations! You’ve just built your very ownrain garden and you know how it will help protect our streamsand rivers from storm water runoff and restore wildlife habitat.So if someone asks you, “What is a rain garden?” youcan tell them and show them.

RainGarden Guide5/29/039:16 AMPage 7Rain Garden BudgetMaterialQuantityPrice EachTotal PriceSource

RainGarden Guide5/29/039:16 AMPage 8HeadquartersPhilip Merrill Environmental Center6 Herndon AvenueAnnapolis, MD 21403410/268-8816410/269-0481 (from Baltimore metro)301/261-2350 (from D.C. metro)Maryland State OfficePhilip Merrill Environmental Center6 Herndon AvenueAnnapolis, MD 21403410/268-8833410/269-1870 (from Baltimore metro)301/261-1131 (from D.C. metro)Pennsylvania State OfficeThe Old Water Works Building614 North Front Street, Suite GHarrisburg, PA 17101717/234-5550Virginia State OfficeCapitol Place1108 E. Main StreetSuite 1600Richmond, VA 23219804/780-1392Web site: savethebay.cbf.orgE-mail: chesapeake@cbf.orgMembership information: 1-888-SAVEBAY

Dig Your Rain Garden To determine how large an area to dig, outline the area that you want your rain garden to cover with the 2x12 boards to get an idea of your garden’s size. Use your shovels to dig up the top layer of dirt and grass inside the outline you made with the 2x12 boards. Turn the soil over so you can’t see the grass—

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