Health Care For A Change!

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The 2nd Annual ConferenceOctober 4-6, 2013 - MilwaukeeHealth Care for a Change!The Family Medicine Midwest Foundation Leadership:Board Chair:Janice Benson, MD, University of Chicago/NorthShoreVice Chair:David Deci, MD, University of WisconsinTreasurer:Andrew Slattengren, DO, University of MinnesotaExecutive Director:Vincent D. Keenan, CAE – Illinois Academy of Family PhysiciansDirectors:David Walsworth, MD, Michigan Academy of Family PhysiciansRisheet Patel, MD, Indiana Academy of Family PhysiciansWendy Biggs, MD, University of KansasIn association with

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Health Care for a Change!Thank you to the 2013 Family Medicine Midwest Host Committee for their outstanding work in fundraising for studentscholarships and recruiting our amazing plenary speakers.Chair: David Deci, MD, University of Wisconsin (Madison, WI)Valerie Gilchrist, MD, University of WisconsinTimothy Meidl, University of WisconsinSuzanne McGuire, University of WisconsinNancy Havas, MD, Medical College of Wisconsin (Milwaukee)Catherine DeGrandville, Aurora HealthCare, WisconsinJessica Byrnes, Aurora University of Wisconsin Medical GroupMorgan Rabatine Nagel, Bellin Hospital (Green Bay, WI)Bharat Gopal, MD, Carle Foundation Family Medicine Residency (Urbana, IL)Lori Larson, Central Minnesota Area Health Education CentersJudi Gravdal, MD, Chicago Medical School (North Chicago, IL)Matthew Bernard, MD, Mayo Medical SchoolLisa Regehr, Minnesota Academy of Family PhysiciansLori Rodefeld, Monroe Clinic Family Medicine Residency (Wisconsin)Deborah Clements, MD, Northwestern University – Feinberg School of Medicine (Chicago)Kathleen Macken, MD, United Family Medicine Residency (Minnesota)Ravi Balasubrahmanyan, MD, United FMRJanice Benson, M.D., University of Chicago/NorthShore UniversityAaron Goldstein, University of Illinois at Chicago studentMustafa Alavi, University of Illinois at Chicago studentFarion Williams, MD, University of Illinois at RockfordVivek Kataaya, MD, University of Illinois at RockfordAndrew Slattengren, DO, Univ. of Minn./Minnesota Academy of Family PhysiciansTherese Zink, MD, Univ of MinnesotaThank you to the 2013 Planning Committee for their amazing work in creating a dynamic schedule for this eventCo-chair Janice Benson, MD, University of Chicago/NorthShore,Co-chair Judith Gravdal, MD, Advocate Lutheran General/Chicago Medical School,Juliann Binienda, Ph.D., Wayne State UniversityAndrew Slattengren, DO, Minnesota AFP and University of MinnesotaBecky Killop, Michigan Academy of Family PhysiciansElizabeth Garrett, MD, University of Missouri - ColumbiaDane Schaleben-Boateng, student, University of MinnesotaDavid Deci, MD, University of WisconsinDavid Schneider, MD, St. Louis UniversityDavid Walsworth, MD, Michigan Academy of Family PhysiciansJoshua Shapiro, student, Rush UniversityKathleen Macken, MD, United FM Residency Lori Larson, Central Minnesota AHECLubna Madani, MD, resident, University of Chicago/NorthShoreMatthew Bernard, MD, Mayo Medical SchoolMelissa Lewis, Indiana Academy of Family PhysiciansMonica Fudala, MD, resident, University of Chicago/NorthShoreRavi Balasubrahmanyan, MD, United FM ResidencyWendy Biggs, MD, Kansas University Medical Center FM ResidencyFamily Medicine Midwest Foundation Member OrganizationsIllinois Academy of Family Physicians Foundation*Indiana Academy of Family Physicians*University of Minnesota *Carle Foundation Family Medicine Residency Program (IL) * United Family Medicine Residency Program (MN) *Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians * Cook County/Loyola Provident Faculty Development Program * RosalindFranklin University -Chicago Medical School * Michigan Academy of Family Physicians * University of WisconsinFamily Medicine Midwest 20133

2013 Conference ScheduleAt-a-GlanceFriday October 4, 20138:30 amRegistration opens9:00 am - 1:00 pmCancer Survivorship workshop12:00 - 2:00 pmFMM Foundation Meeting2:00 - 5:00 pmGO! Diabetes2:00 - 5:30 pmMaternal Health CollaborativeSuper Utilizers CollaborativePalliative Care CollaborativeGlobal Health Collaborative4:00 pmExhibitors for reception set-up5:30 - 9:00 pmWelcome Reception (Open to all attendees)Saturday October 5, 20136:30 amRegistration opens7:00 amBreakfast opens7:30 - 8:45 amPlenary #19:00 amStudent Lounge opens9:00am - 12:00 pm Educational SessionsStudentResidentFaculty DevelopmentClinicalUrban / Global HealthWorkshop IWorkshop II10:00 - 11:00 amMaternal Care Coll Roundtable12:00 - 1:15 pmLunch & Plenary 21:30 - 3:30 pmEducational Sessions3:30 - 4:00 pmPoster Session I & Break4:00 - 7:00 pmResidency Fair in Exhibit Hall6:00 - 6:30 pmPoster Session II6:30 - 8:00 pmStudent Tailgating & FMIG DinnerDinner on your own for all other attendees8:30 - 10:00 pmMovie Night! Showing of Escape Fire documentarySunday October 6, 20137:30 amBreakfast & Plenary 39:00 amStudent Lounge opens9:00 - 9:30 amPoster Session III9:30 - 10:45 amPaper Presentation IPaper Presentation IIPaper Presentation IIIPaper Presentation IV11:00am - 12:15pm Research Presentation IResearch Presentation IIResearch Presentation IIIResearch Presentation IV12:30 - 1:30 pmHost & Planning CommitteeWrap-up meeting & lunch4Family Medicine Midwest 2013Lobby FoyerExecutive CPere MarquetteMilwaukee RoomExecutive AExecutive BExecutive CExecutive DLakeshore A/B/B & foyerLakeshore A/B/CLobby foyerRegency CDRegency CDPere MarquetteLakeshore AExecutive CLakeshore BExecutive AExecutive BMilwaukee RoomLakeshore CRegency CDRegency CDAtriumRegency ABAtriumRegency CDMilwaukee RoomRegency CDPere MarquetteAtriumExecutive AExecutive BExecutive CExecutive DExecutive AExecutive BExecutive CExecutive DMilwaukee Room

Thank you to our2013 Family Medicine Midwest Conference SupportersPlatinum Sponsors:Allina HealthHealthcare Resume ReviewThrivent Financial ServicesWheaton Franciscan HealthcareGold Sponsors:Affinity Medical Group/Ministry Medical GroupAspirus Clinics, Inc.Bellin HealthCerner CorporationDivine Savior HealthCareDynaMed/EBSCOGundersen Health SystemLaboratories C.O.P./ Ideal ProteinMetCare/Continucare of FloridaOSF HealthCareThedaCare, Inc.UW HealthWheaton Franciscan HealthcareFriday Evening Welcome Reception Sponsors & HostsIllinois Academy of Family PhysiciansThe Kinetix GroupMedical College of Wisconsin Department of Family and Community MedicineMichigan Academy of Family PhysiciansTelligenUW Health - Department of Family MedicineConference Support also provided by:The AAFP Foundation and the Family Medicine Philanthropic ConsortiumChallenger CorporationEli Lilly and CompanyNorthShore University Health SystemsFamily Medicine Midwest 20135

CME Information for this MeetingAccreditationThe Illinois Academy of Family Physicians / Family Practice Education Network is accredited by theAccreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical educationfor physicians.Credit DesignationAMA PRA Category 1 - The Illinois Academy of Family Physicians/Family Practice Education Networkdesignates this live activity, 2013 Family Medicine Midwest Conference for a maximum of 13 AMA PRACategory 1 credits .Prescribed - This live activity, 2013 Family Medicine Midwest Conference has been reviewed and isacceptable for up to 13 Prescribed credits by the American Academy of Family Physicians.Faculty Disclosure StatementThe Illinois Academy of Family Physicians adheres to the conflict of interest policy of the ACCME and theAMA. It is the policy of Illinois AFP to ensure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in allits educational activities. All individuals in a position to control the content in our programs are expectedto disclose any relationships they may have with commercial companies whose products or Services maybe mentioned so that participants may evaluate the objectivity of the presentations. In addition, anydiscussion of off-label, experimental, or investigational use of drugs or devices will be disclosed by thefaculty. Only those participants who have no conflict of interest or who agree to an identified resolutionprocess prior to their participation were involved in the CME activity.It’s Good To Be GreenWe have gone green for this meeting - all handouts and evaluations are only available online!Thank you to Allina for sponsoring free wi-fi access for Family Medicine Midwest 2013WI-FI INSTRUCTIONS - Here is how you log in:·Connect to the Hyatt Conference WIFI connection through your laptop or smartphone·Click on Internet Explorer or Firefox Explorer and select any internet page of your choice.·There are 2 tabs to sign into the internet. It will default to Charge to Room. You will need toselect the tab next to it that says Enter Password·Please enter in username: fmmc·Please enter in password: allina·Select LoginHow to access handouts, evaluations & claim CME creditAll evaluations and handouts are available online at the 2013 Family Medicine Midwest Meeting website.A link to this website, along with your username & password, was emailed to you prior to the conference.Please check your inbox! You can also access this website by scanning the QR code using yoursmartphone or typing the URL into your web COUNT IAFPUsername: (enter your email address for the username)Password: familymedicineOnce logged into the website you can fill out the evaluation for each session youattended and claim credits. Handout materials, including copies of thepresentations, can also be found online listed with each session. Once you havecompleted the evaluations for each session you have attended and claimedcredits you can print a CME certificate or a certificate of attendance. Yourinformation will also be stored on the website for one year, so you may accesshandouts or your CME credits at any time.If you registered onsite, your information will be added to the website at the end of the conference day.Questions or problems? Please see staff at the registration desk for help.6Family Medicine Midwest 2013

Pre-Conference WorkshopsCancer Survivorship WorkshopFriday October 4, 2013 9:00am - 1:30pmTo facilitate the critical competencies that should be part of the routine care of cancersurvivors and their families, and to address this gap in medical education, Carol ARosenberg, MD has created the Living in the Future Cancer Survivorship Course, aframework for the dissemination of the science of survivorship. The curriculum providesemerging health professionals, as well as those who are in long standing practice, with afoundation of attitude, knowledge and skills related to survivorship care.GO Diabetes – GOing Forward: Tips and Tools You Didn’t Get in TrainingFriday October 4th 2:00pm - 5:00 pmThis 3-hour interactive workshop is being presented by the GO! Diabetes project, anationalinitiative founded by the Georgia and Oklahoma Chapters of the AAFPin 2008. The workshop will include an update on the 2013 American Diabetes AssociationGuidelines, an opportunity to learn and then practice various practice improvement tools,gather a sample of data and then understand how to use that data to improve care andprovide practical tips and tools to educate your patients in self-management of their diabetesCollaborative Communities—FREE to all registered attendeesFriday October 4th from 2:00 pm - 5:30 pmMaternal and Child Health Care Collaborative CommunityDedicated to enhancing preconception, prenatal and postpartum care. We intend togenerate awareness of existing tools/resources and develop new projects which aim toimprove maternal and child health.Palliative Care Collaborative CommunityThrough the creation of a family medicine collaborative community in Palliative Care, we seekto create a network of family physicians with an interest in strengthening all primary careproviders’ ability to offer high quality, end-of-life and palliative care services to their patientsand in their communities.Super Utilizers Collaborative CommunityFamily physicians that have developed strategies that demonstrate the ability to reduce thecost of care while improving the quality of care for high service use patients will share theirwork with healthsystem leaders.Global Health Collaborative CommunitiesThe goal is to further global health education that advocates for Family Medicine and primaryhealth care solutions primarily in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) by usingresponsible, ethical, and humble approaches to partnerships with longitudinal relationships.We will bring together students, residents and faculty interested in global health to emphasizethe importance of global health education into all medical curriculumFamily Medicine Midwest 20137

Change Inspired by our Plenary SpeakersThe Family Medicine Midwest Host Committee invited these three family medicine leaders toshare their stories and their wisdom to challenge and inspire you in your future as a physician.No matter what road you take, family medicine is essential to a better and healthier future.Message to patients: PCMH4URichard Roberts, MD, JDProfessor, University of Wisconsin Department of Family Medicine,BellevilleA large and growing body of evidence demonstrates consistently that health caresystems based on family medicine and primary health care have better outcomesand lower costs than specialist-dominant systems. The Patient-Centered MedicalHome (PCMH) was developed to transform andrenew primary care to meet changing societal needs. This session will present thehistory, promise, and limits of the PCMH. Richard Roberts is Professor and past chair in the Departmentof Family Medicine at the University of Wisconsin and a past president of the World Organization ofFamily Doctors and the American Academy of Family Physicians. He has been a teacher and consultantfor primary care redesign in more than 50 countries.In the Community and Around the World:The Contribution of Family MedicineCynthia Haq, MD—Professor, Departments of Family Medicine andPopulation Health Sciences, and Director of the Center for Global Health,University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WisconsinFamily physicians can apply their skills to promote healthy communities in anyenvironment. Dr. Haq will share stories of how family medicine has strengthenedprimary health care and transformed the lives of individuals, families, communities.Cindy Haq has provided full spectrum family medicine and has designed and ledmedical educational programs in rural Belleville, Madison and Milwaukee WI, and in Pakistan, Ugandaand Ethiopia. She trains family medicine residents, provides care for families, the uninsured andhomeless, and leads the Training in Urban Medicine and Public Health (TRIUMPH) program for UWmedical students in Milwaukee.The Power of Advocacy and the Role ofFamily PhysiciansJerry Kruse, MD—CEO and Executive Associate Dean, Southern IllinoisUniversity Health CareDr. Kruse will share his story on how he started as an advocate at a local area, forrural health and rural health research as well as access to care, and how that ledto his role as a “kitchen cabinet” adviser to U.S. Senator Dick Durbin. Find out howstudents, residents and all family physicians can—and must— participate inadvocacy. You don’t have to be a career lobbyist to be a great health care lobbyist! Family physicians atevery level, including students, are among the best advocates in the health care legislative arena.8Family Medicine Midwest 2013

2013 Schedule Day by DayAll attendees are invited to any session in any track. Please notethat some workshops have a limit on the number of people whocan be accommodated.Friday, October 4 – Preconference WorkshopsTIMEEVENTLOCATION8:30 am9:30 am – 1 pm11:00 amNoonRegistration opensPC01 Cancer Survivor WorkshopFamily Medicine Midwest Foundation meetingHost and Planning Committees meetingLobby FoyerExecutive CPere MarquettePere Marquette2:00 pm - 5:30 pmPre-Conference WorkshopsAll attendees are invitedMore information on the Pre-Conference Workshops is available on page 7PC02 Maternal Health CollaborativeExecutive APC03 Super-Utilizers CollaborativeExecutive BPC04 Palliative Care CollaborativeExecutive CPC05 Global Health CollaborativeExecutive DPC06 GO! Diabetes WorkshopMilwaukee Room(This session is designed for residency programs)3:30 pm - 4:30 pmBreak5:30 pm - 9:00 pmWelcome ReceptionLakeshore BallroomOpen to all attendees and guestsThank you to our reception hosts:-Telligen-Michigan Academy of Family Physicians-Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Family andCommunity Medicine-University of Wisconsin Department of Family Medicine-The Kinetix Group- Illinois Academy of Family PhysiciansSaturday and Sunday complete schedule of sessions follows on the next pages.Please see the Education Sessions appendix for speaker information and learningobjectives for each of the sessions, research papers, and poster presentationsFamily Medicine Midwest 20139

10Family Medicine Midwest 2013CL02-Choosing Wisely: Carethat May Not Help EveryoneFD02-Initiating and ImplementingIntegrative Medicine Into Educationand Clinical CareST02- Crucial Conversationswith PatientsRE02-Access & Continuity inthe PCMHW101 - LARC & The FamilyPhysicianFD03-How to Use Text Messaging CL04 Embracing Clinical QualityUG03-Preparing for InternationalReportingto Teach ResidentsHealth ExperiencesRE03-Office Management ofEarly Pregnancy LossW104 - Office Based ManualVacuum AspirationFD05-Finding time to Write:Stratgies for succesST05-Vascular Access inPatients with no Aval PeripheralVeins2:30 PMCL06-Umilical Cord CuttingCL05-Innovative TelehealthInitiative for Low Volume HIVProvidersW106-Abnormal PapSmears/Colposcopy: New in PapManagementRE05-Geriatrics UnderMedicareRE04-Resident & AttendingsDriving Each Other CrazyW201 - ComphrensiveMiscarriage ManagementPoster Session (Students, Residents, Fellows & Physicians) I & Break in the AtriumResidency Fair (Regency AB)Fellowship Fair (Regency AB)Resident Poster Session II & Break in the AtriumStudent Tailgating Dinner & FMIG Leaders Dinner in Regency CD - Dinner on your own for all other attendeesMovie Screening - Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare in the Milwaukee RoomFD04-Skills to Engage in FM /Community Health PartnershipsST04 - Geriatric Pharmacology1:30 PMRegency CD - Lunch & Plenary: In the Community and Around the World: the Contribution of Family Medicine - Cynthia Haq, MDBreak in the AtriumLakeshore BExec AExec BExec CMilwaukee RmST03 - Intro to Building a PCMHLakeshore A3:30-4:00 PM4:00-7:00 PM6:30 PM6:00-6:30 PM6:30 PM 8:30 PMUG02-Developing a GlobalHealth Area of Concentration forYour ResidencyUG01-A Resident-NeighborhodRE01-Caring for the Caregiver:Partnership for HealthTools for StressImprovementWorkshop IMilwaukee RmW103 - Intro to UltrasoundW102- MusculoskeletalProcedural Skills forFamily PhysicianWorkshop ILakeshore C(4-5pm in Exec C)ADFM MeetingW108 - Teaching OsteopathicManipulation to AllopathicStudents & PhysiciansW107-Removal ofEpidermoid CystLakeshore CW105-Commuicating withthe Geriatric PatientBONUS SESSION CL03 - FMM Maternal Care Collaborative Roundtable -Regency C. If you couldn't make Friday's Pre-Conference Workshop, join the conversation on Saturday morning!CL01-Moving FORWARD tocombat Pediatric ObesityFD01-How to Give EffecitiveLearner FeedbackST01- Putting Health Back intoHealthcare thru IntegratedMedicineStudentLakeshore ARegistration Opens (Lobby Foyer)Breakfast Opens - Regency CDPL01 - Opening Plenary: Message to Patients:PCMH4U - Richard Roberts, MD, JDStudent Lounge - Pere Marquette Room - OpenBreak in the AtriumFaculty DevelopmentClinicalUrban / Global HealthResidentLakeshore BExec AExec BExec C12:00 PM1:15ROOM11:00 AM10:00 AM10:00 AM9:00 AM6:30 AM7:007:30 AM8:30 AM8:45TRACKFamily Medicine Midwest 2013 Saturday Conference Schedule

Family Medicine Midwest 201311RP14 - Assessing & Nurturing Cultural SensitivtyRP10 - Community Asset Mapping in Milwaukee CommunityClinicRP06 - Caring for Patients Outside the Clinic:Executive CRP15 - Diagnostic Reasoning Steps for a Patient with anUndifferentiated IllnessRP11 - Measuring the Impact of Medicine Cabinets &Education of caregiver in UgandaRP07 - Ingrating community Medicine training into Res CirrRP03 - Increasing Diabetic Foot ExamsResearch PresentationsRP02 - FM & Pharmacist CollaborationExecutive BPA12 - When Opportunity Knocks: Family Medicine asLeaders in Implementing TeamSTEPPsPA09 - Avoiding Rehospitalizations: A GeriatricPerspectivePA06 - Increasing Urban Underserved Cancer ScreeningRP12 - Coding & Payment for ResidentsRP08 - Compliance with ACOG guidelinesfor Tdap ImmunizationRP04 - Dabigattran vs. WarfarinExecutive DW109 - More ThanMoney Matters - FinancialPlanning WorkshopThriventExecutive DHost & Planning Committee Wrap-up Meeting (Milwaukee Room) Join us if you'd like to help plan the 2014 Family Medicine Midwest October 10-12.RP13 - Barriers to Prenatal Care11:55 AM 12:10 PMRP05 - Role of Social Media Among ResidentRP01 - Seeking Health Care at the EmergencyDepartment vs. Convenient Care vs. Primary CareExecutive ARP09 - EFFoRT: Email Feedback for ResidentTeaching12:30 PMPA08 - Understanding Preconception Healthcare for Womenof Childbearing Age in a Midwest Rural State.PA10 - Quality Improvement Project to Decrease thePA11 - Cut the Cycle! Domestic Violence Training for BeautyRate of Uterine Perforation Related to IUD InsertionProfessionalsat a Family Medicine Residency CenterPA07 - Barriers in Medical Profession Faced whenReporting Child Abuse11:35 AM 11:50 AM11:15 AM 11:30 AM10:55 AM 11:10 AM10:35 AM 10:50 AM10:15 AM 10:30 AMPA05 - Performing Arts Primer for Family MedicineExecutive CPA03 - The Complex Patient PanelPaper Presentations Session9:50 AM - 10:10 PA04 - Accelerated MD Program in Family MedicineAMExecutive BPA02 - Communication & Complementary MedicineExecutive ARegistration - Lobby Foyer Breakfast Opens in Regency CDPL03 - Closing Plenary: The Power of Advocacy and the Role of Family Physicians - Jerry Kruse, MDBreakStudent Lounge Open (Pere Marquette)Student Poster Sessions III in the AtriumPA01 - Balint-like Experiences in the M3 Clerkship9:30 AM 9:45 AM9:30ROOM7:30 AM7:45 AM8:45 AM9:00 AM 9:00Family Medicine Midwest 2013 Conference Sunday Schedule

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Corporate Exhibitors located throughout the AtriumAcuteCareAffinity MedicalGroup/Ministry MedicalGroupAllina HealthAspirus Clinics, Inc.Bellin HealthCerner CorporationDivine SaviorHealthCareDynaMed/EBSCOGundersen HealthSystemHealthcare ResumeReviewThe Kinetix Group(Friday Reception Sponsor)Laboratories C.O.P./Ideal ProteinMetCare/Continucare ofFloridaOSF HealthCareState Primary CareOffices for Minnesotaand ArizonaTelligen(Friday Reception Sponsor)ACUTE CARE, INC. is a physician practice management company based in Des Moines, Iowa. Thecompany was formed in 1989 by Dr. Mark C. Menadue who, as a practicing Emergency Physician, sawan opportunity to provide critical Emergency Department staffing solutions and value added services tosmall and rural hospitals.Affinity Medical Group and Ministry Medical Group are an integrated system of hospitals, clinics andphysicians located throughout Wisconsin. Our physicians enjoy leading edge technology, state-of-theart facilities and a generous compensation and benefit package. We are currently seeking BC/BEFamily Medicine physicians to multiple locations.Allina Health is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of illness and enhancing the greater health ofindividuals, families and communities throughout Minnesota and western Wisconsin.A not-for-profit health care system, Allina Health cares for patients from beginning to end-of-life through90 clinics, 12 hospitals, 14 pharmacies, and specialty medical services.Aspirus is a non-profit, community-directed health system based in Wausau, WI. With more than 6000employees, Aspirus serves people in Wisconsin and Upper Michigan through an extensive hospital andclinic network, home health, pharmacies, critical care, medical goods, nursing homes, a philanthropic &research foundation and an affiliated physician network.Consider joining a nationally recognized health system. Bellin Health is seeking BC/BE FM physiciansto practice in primarily an outpatient setting, obstetrics optional in Green Bay. Bellin Health's large PCteam is dedicated to the training of future providers. Our medical education program works with variousschools while ensuring that we are providing the highest quality of care for our patientsFor more than 30 years Cerner has been executing its vision to make health care safer and moreefficient. Cerner Ambulatory in turn delivers intuitive solutions with customizable workflows to 40 specialties. Learn about our certified Electronic Health Record with Integrated Practice Management,EDI Services, Patient Portal and Mobility.Divine Savior Healthcare has excellent Family Medicine opportunities with flexible practice options! Traditional or Outpatient only With or without OB Full or part-time Located in Portage, Wisconsin (30minutes north of Madison), Divine Savior includes a hospital, clinic and aging services facilitiesconnected on one campus!DynaMed is a clinical reference tool created by physicians for physicians and other health careprofessionals for use at the point-of-care. With clinically -organized summaries for thousands of topics,DynaMed provides the latest content with validity, relevance and convenience, making DynaMed anindispensable resource for answering most clinical questions.You’ll be joining a physician-led, not-for-profit health system with a top-ranked teaching hospital andone of the largest multi-specialty group practices with about 700 physicians and associate medical staff.Visit us online: Resume Review is a trusted resource for your job search needs, at any career stage.Weoffer a variety of services to help kick start or augment your job search. Our services include: ResumeReview, Cover Letter Writing, Social MediaThe Kinetix Group (TKG) is a firm committed to drive healthcare delivery innovation though ourknowledge, relationships and passion that improves the lives of patients. Through our healthcaredelivery expertise, TKG empowers clients to develop and operationalize strategies that optimize patientcare in the changing healthcare landscape.Ideal Protein is a medically designed protocol that contains 2 key components- weight loss and ahealthier lifestyle education provided by licensed healthcare professionals.Metropolitan is a growing health care company that provides health care services for MedicareAdvantage, Medicaid, and other customers through its primary care businesses, MetCare, Continucare,and Symphony Health Partners. Metropolitan currently owns and operates numerous medical centersand contracts with a network of independent primary care practices. Visitwww.metropolitanhealthnetworks.comOSF HealthCare, owned and operated by The Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis, Peoria, Illinois,consists of eight hospitals and OSF Medical Group’s primary care physician network consists of morethan 600 physicians, and advanced practice providers. We have family medicine openings in eightcommunities in Illinois. www.osfhealthcare.orgState Primary Care Offices

Join our mul ‐specialty group including: Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Physical Medicine and Rehab, Occupa onal Medicine, Sports Medicine, Pulmonology, Cri cal Care, Sleep Medicine, General and Orthopedic Surgery, Podiatry, Pedia

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