In Search Of The Riemann Zeros

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In Searchof the Riemann ZerosStrings, Fractal Membranesand Noncommutative Spacetimes

In Searchof the Riemann ZerosStrings, Fractal Membranesand Noncommutative SpacetimesMichel L.Lapidus

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. P rim a ry 1 1 A 4 1 , 1 1 G 20, 1 1 M 06 , 1 1 M 26 ,1 1 M 4 1 , 28 A 8 0, 3 7 N 20, 4 6 L 5 5 , 5 8 B 3 4 , 8 1 T 3 0.F o r a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n a n d u p d a te s o n th is b o o k , v of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataLapidus, Michel L. (Michel Laurent), 1956–In search o f the R iem ann z ero s : string s, fractal m em b ranes and no nco m m utativ e spacetim es /Michel L. Lapidus.p. cm .Includes b ib lio g raphical references.IS B N 97 8 -0 -8 2 18 -4 2 2 2 -5 (alk . paper)1. R iem ann surfaces. 2 . F unctio ns, Z eta. 3 . S tring m o dels. 4 . N um b er theo ry . 5. F ractals.6. S pace and tim e. 7 . G eo m etry . I. T itle.Q A 3 3 3 .L3 7 2 0 0 7515 .93 — dc2 22 0 0 7 0 60 8 4 5Cop ying and rep rinting. Indiv idual readers o f this pub licatio n, and no npro fi t lib rariesacting fo r them , are perm itted to m ak e fair use o f the m aterial, such as to co py a chapter fo r usein teaching o r research. P erm issio n is g ranted to q uo te b rief passag es fro m this pub licatio n inrev iew s, pro v ided the custo m ary ack no w ledg m ent o f the so urce is g iv en.R epub licatio n, sy stem atic co py ing , o r m ultiple repro ductio n o f any m aterial in this pub licatio nis perm itted o nly under license fro m the A m erican Mathem atical S o ciety . R eq uests fo r suchperm issio n sho uld b e addressed to the A cq uisitio ns D epartm ent, A m erican Mathem atical S o ciety ,2 0 1 C harles S treet, P ro v idence, R ho de Island 0 2 90 4 -2 2 94 , U S A . R eq uests can also b e m ade b ye-m ail to 2 0 0 8 b y the A m erican Mathem atical S o ciety . A ll rig hts reserv ed. T he A m erican Mathem atical S o ciety retains all rig htsex cept tho se g ranted to the U nited S tates G o v ernm ent.P rinted in the U nited S tates o f A m erica. T he paper used in this b o o k is acid-free and falls w ithin the g uidelines estab lished to ensure perm anence and durab ility .V isit the A MS ho m e pag e at 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 113 12 11 10 0 9 0 8

God made the integers, all else is the work of man.L eop old K ronec ker, 1 8 8 6(quoted in [Web], [Bell,p.477] and [Boy,p.617])S tring theory carries the seeds of a basic c hange in ou r ideasabou t sp acetime and in other fu ndamental notions of p hy sic s.E dward W itten, 19 9 6 [Wit15 ,p.2 4]

ContentsPrefacexiiiA ck n o w led g em en tsxv iiC red itsxxiiiO v erv iewxxvA b o u t th e C o v erxxixC h ap ter 1 . In tro d u ctio n11 .1 . A rith m etic an d S p acetim e G eo m etry11 .2 . R iem an n ian , Q u an tu m an d N o n co m m u tativ e G eo m etry21 .3 . S trin g T h eo ry an d S p acetim e G eo m etry31 .4 . T h e R iem an n H y p o th esis an d th e G eo m etry o f th e Prim es61 .5 . M o tiv atio n s, O b jectiv es an d O rg an iz atio n o f T h is B o o k9C h ap ter 2 . S trin g T h eo ry o n a C ircle an d T -D u ality : A n alo g y w ith th eR iem an n Z eta F u n ctio n212 .1 . Q u an tu m M ech an ical Po in t-Particle o n a C ircle242 .2 . S trin g T h eo ry o n a C ircle: T -D u ality an d th e E xisten ce o f aF u n d am en tal L en g th2 .2 .1 . String Theory on a Circle2 .2 .2 . Circle D u ality (T-D u ality for Circu lar Sp acetim es )2 .2 .3 . T-D u ality and the E x istence of a F u nd am ental L ength262934432 .3 . N o n co m m u tativ e S trin g y S p acetim es an d T -D u ality2 .3 .1 . Target Sp ace D u ality and N oncom m u tativ e G eom etry2 .3 .2 . N oncom m u tativ e Stringy Sp acetim es : F ock Sp aces, V ertexA lgeb ras and Chiral D irac O p erators4548552 .4 . A n alo g y w ith th e R iem an n Z eta F u n ctio n : F u n ctio n al E q u atio nan d T -D u ality2 .4 .1 . K ey P rop erties of the R iem ann Z eta F u nction: E u lerP rod u ct and F u nctional E q u ation2 .4 .2 . The F u nctional E q u ation, T -D u ality and the R iem annH yp othesis752 .5 . N o tes80C h ap ter 3 . F ractal S trin g s an d F ractal M em b ran esix666789

xCONTENTS3.1. Fractal Strings: Geometric Zeta Functions, Complex Dimensionsand Self-Similarity3.1.1. The Spectrum of a Fractal String911023.2. Fractal (and Prime) Membranes: Spectral Partition Functions andEuler Products3.2.1. Prime M embranes3.2.2. Fractal M embranes and Euler Products1031041093.3. Fractal Membranes vs. Self-Similarity: Self-Similar Membranes3.3.1. Partition Functions View ed as Dynamical Zeta Functions1231383.4. Notes145Chapter 4. Noncommutative Models of Fractal Strings: FractalMembranes and Beyond1554.1. Connes’ Spectral Triple for Fractal Strings1574.2. Fractal Membranes and the Second Quantization of Fractal Strings4.2.1. An Alternative Construction of Fractal M embranes1601654.3. Fractal Membranes and Noncommutative Stringy Spacetimes1704.4. Towards a Cohomological and Spectral Interpretation of(Dynamical) Complex Dimensions4.4.1. Fractal M embranes and Q uantum Deformations: A PossibleConnection w ith Haran’s Real and Finite Primes1834.5. Notes183174Chapter 5. Towards an ‘Arithmetic Site’: Moduli Spaces of Fractal Stringsand Membranes1975.1. The Set of Penrose Tilings: Quantum Space as a Quotient Space2005.2. The Moduli Space of Fractal Strings: A Natural Receptacle forZeta Functions2055.3. The Moduli Space of Fractal Membranes: A Quantized ModuliSpace of Fractal Strings2085.4. Arithmetic Site, Frobenius Flow and the Riemann Hypothesis5.4.1. The M oduli Space of Fractal Strings and Deningers’sArithmetic Site5.4.2. The M oduli Space of Fractal M embranes and(Noncommutative) M odular Flow vs. Arithmetic Site andFrobenius Flow5.4.2a. Factors and Their Classifi cation5.4.2b. M odular Theory of von Neumann Algebras5.4.2c. Type III Factors: Discrete vs. Continuous Flow s5.4.2d. M odular Flow s and the Riemann Hypothesis5.4.2e. Tow ards an Extended M oduli Space and Flow5.5. Flows of Zeros and Zeta Functions: A Dynamical Interpretation ofthe Riemann Hypothesis5.5.1. Introduction5.5.2. Expected Properties of the Flow s of Zeros and ZetaFunctions215217219220223227231236241241243

CONTENTS5.5.3. Analogies with Other Geometric, Analytical or PhysicalFlows5.5.3a. Singular Potentials, Feynman Integrals and RenormalizationFlow5.5.3b. KMS-Flow and Deformation of Pólya– Hilbert Operators5.5.3c. Ricci Flow and Geometric Symmetrization (vs. ModularFlow and Arithmetic Symmetrization)5.5.3d. Towards a Noncommutative, Arithmetic KP-Flow5.6. Notesxi254255261270293294Appendix A. V ertex Algebras315A.1. Defi nition of V ertex Algebras: Translation and Scaling Operators315A.2. Basic Properties of V ertex Algebras318A.3. Notes321Appendix B.The W eil Conjectures and the Riemann Hypothesis325B.1. V arieties Over Finite Fields and Their Zeta Functions325B.2. Zeta Functions of Curves Over Finite Fields and the RiemannHypothesis335B.3. The W eil Conjectures for V arieties Over Finite Fields338B.4. Notes344Appendix C.The Poisson Summation Formula, with Applications347C.1. General PSF for Dual Lattices: Scalar Identity and DistributionalForm348C.2. Application: Modularity of Theta Functions350C.3. K ey Special Case: Self-Dual PSF352C.4. Proof of the General Poisson Summation Formula356C.5. Modular Forms and Their Hecke L-SeriesC.5.1. Modular Forms and Cusp FormsC.5.2. Hecke Operators and Hecke FormsC.5.3. Hecke L-Series of a Modular FormC.5.4. Modular Forms of Higher Level and Their L-Functions358358361362366C.6. Notes371Appendix D.Generalized Primes and Beurling Zeta Functions373D.1. Generalized Primes P and Integers N373D .2 . B eu rling Z eta F u nc tio ns ζP374D .3 . A nalo gu es o f th e P rim e N u m b er T h eo rem375D .4 . A naly tic C o ntinu atio n and a G eneraliz ed F u nc tio nal E q u atio n fo rζP378D .5 . P artial O rderings o n G eneraliz ed Integers385D .6 . N o tes387A p p endix E . T h e S elb erg C lass o f Z eta F u nc tio ns389

xiiCONTENTSE.1. Definition of the Selberg Class390E.2. The Selberg ConjecturesE.3. Selected ConsequencesE.4. The Selberg Class, Artin L-Series and Automorphic L-Functions:L anglands’ R eciprocity L aw sE.4.1. S e lbe rg ’s O rth o n o rm a lity C o n jec tu re a n d A rtin L-S e rie s :A rtin ’s H o lo m o rp h y C o n jec tu reE.4.2. S e lbe rg ’s O rth o n o rm a lity C o n jec tu re a n d A u to m o rp h icR e p re se n ta tio n s : La n g la n d s’ R ec ip ro c ity C o n jec tu reE.4.2a. A d e le s kA a n d Lin ea r G ro u p G Ln (kA )E.4.2b. A u to m o rp h ic R e p re se n ta tio n s a n d A u to m o rp h ic L-S e rie sE.5. Notes393394The Noncommutativ e Space of Penrose Tilings andQ uasicrystalsF.1. Combinatorial Coding of Penrose Tilings, and Consequences398399400400401407Appendix F.F.2. Groupoid C -Algebra and the Noncommutativ e Space of PenroseTilingsF.2.1. G ro u p o id s : D e fi n itio n a n d E x a m p le sF.2.2. T h e G ro u p o id C o n v o lu tio n A lg e b raF.2.3. G e n e ra liza tio n : G ro u p o id s, Q u a sic ry sta ls a n dN o n co m m u ta tiv e S p a ce sF.3. Q uasicrystals: Dynamical H ull and the Noncommutativ e BrillouinZoneF.3.1. M a th e m a tica l Q u a sic ry sta ls a n d T h e ir G e n e ra liza tio n sF.3.2. T ra n sla tio n D y n a m ica l S y ste m : T h e H u ll o f a Q u a sic ry sta lF.3.3. T y p ica l P ro p e rtie s o f A to m ic C o n fi g u ra tio n sF.3.4. T h e N o n co m m u ta tiv e B rillo u in Z o n e a n d G ro u p o idC -A lg e b ra o f a Q u a sic ry sta lF.4. phy453Conv entions491Index of Symbols493Subject Index503Author Index551

PrefaceHypocrite lecteur,—mon semblable,—mon frère![H y p o c rite re a d e r,— m y fe llo w c re a tu re ,— m y b ro th e r!]C h arles B aud elaire, 1 8 6 1 , in : L es F leurs d u M al [B a u ,p .1 6 ]T h is b o o k (o r e ssa y ) is th e re su lt o f m o re th a n fi fte e n y e a rs o f re fl e x io n a n dre se a rch o n o r a ro u n d th e su b je c t m e n tio n e d in th e p rim a ry title , In S earch of th eR iemann Z eros. W e fo c u s o n th e q u e st fo r th e u ltim a te m e a n in g a n d ju stifi c a tio n o fth e c e le b ra te d R iemann Hypoth esis, p e rh a p s th e m o st v e x in g a n d d a u n tin g p ro b le min th e h isto ry o f M a th e m a tic s.A s is w e ll k n o w n , th e R ie m a n n H y p o th e sis (o r R ie m a n n ’s C o n je c tu re ) sta te sth a t th e c o m p le x z e ro s (a lso c a lle d th e R iemann zeros in th is b o o k ) o f th e R ie m a n nz e ta fu n c tio n ζ ζ(s) m u st a ll lie o n th e critical line R e s 21 . T h is p ro b le m w a sfu rtiv e ly fo rm u la te d in 1 8 5 9 in R ie m a n n ’s in a u g u ra l a d d re ss to th e B e rlin A c a d e m yo f S c ie n c e s. T h e la tte r is c e rta in ly o n e o f R ie m a n n ’s m a ste rp ie c e s a s w e ll a s h is o n lyp u b lish e d p a p e r d e a lin g w ith n u m b e r th e o ry , sp e c ifi c a lly , th e a sy m p to tic p ro p e rtie so f th e p rim e n u m b e rs.R ie m a n n ’s C o n je c tu re h a s so m a n y d e sira b le a n d im p o rta n t c o n se q u e n c e s inm a th e m a tic s a n d b e y o n d , a n d h a s b e c o m e so e n g ra v e d in o u r c o lle c tiv e p sy ch e ,th a t fe w e x p e rts n o w d o u b t th a t it is tru e . F u rth e r, it h a s b e e n n u m e ric a lly v e rifi e du p to a stro n o m ic a l (a lb e it, fi n ite ) h e ig h ts; i.e ., fo r Im s T , w ith T v e ry la rg e ,n o le ss th a n tw o trillio n . In a d d itio n , c o u n te rp a rts o f th e R ie m a n n H y p o th e sis inth e sim p le r re a lm o f fi n ite g e o m e trie s (te ch n ic a lly , c u rv e s a n d h ig h e r-d im e n sio n a lv a rie tie s o v e r fi n ite fi e ld s) h a v e b e e n fi rm ly e sta b lish e d a b o u t 5 0 a n d 3 0 y e a rs a g ob y A n d ré W e il a n d P ie rre D e lig n e , re sp e c tiv e ly , th e re b y p ro v id in g v a lu a b le in sig h tin to w h a t m ig h t b e tru e a n d w h ich stru c tu re s sh o u ld b e e x p e c te d in th e m u ch m o rec o m p le x a n d e lu siv e a rith m e tic re a lm o f th e o rig in a l c o n je c tu re . In p a rtic u la r,th e o ld P ó ly a – H ilb e rt d re a m o f fi n d in g a su ita b le spectral interpretation fo r th eR ie m a n n z e ro s h a s fo u n d a n a tu ra l p la c e in th is se ttin g . W h e th e r o r n o t it c a n b etu rn e d in to a su c c e ssfu l p ro o f o f th e R ie m a n n H y p o th e sis still re m a in s to b e se e n .M o re re c e n tly , fu rth e r e v id e n c e to w a rd s su ch a sp e c tra l in te rp re ta tio n h a s b e e nd isc o v e re d in a d iff e re n t a n d se e m in g ly u n re la te d c o n te x t. It re lie s o n in trig u in ga n d still q u ite m y ste rio u s a n a lo g ie s b e tw e e n th e sta tistic s o f a to m ic o r m o le c u la r(q u a n tu m m e ch a n ic a l) sp e c tra a n d th a t o f th e a v e ra g e sp a c in g b e tw e e n th e R ie m a n n z e ro s a lo n g th e c ritic a l lin e . T h is is n o w p a rt o f ra n d o m m a trix th e o ry , afa sc in a tin g su b je c t w h ich w ill n o t b e m u ch d isc u sse d h e re b u t a b o u t w h ich th ein te re ste d re a d e r w ill b e a b le to fi n d se v e ra l re fe re n c e s in th e te x t.F in a lly , a n d m o st im p o rta n tly , a s is o fte n th e c a se in m a th e m a tic s, th e sim p lic ity a n d a e sth e tic q u a lity o f R ie m a n n ’s C o n je c tu re is p e rh a p s th e m o st p o w e rfu lx iii

xivPREFACEargument in its favor. Indeed, as is well known and will be further explained in theintroduction, the Riemann Hypothesis can be poetically (but rather accurately)reformulated as stating that Q, the field of rational numbers, lies as harmoniouslyas possible within the field of real numbers, R. Since the ring of integers, Z—and hence, its field of fractions, Q—is arguably the most basic and fundamentalobject of all of mathematics, because it is the natural receptacle for elementaryarithmetic, one may easily understand the centrality of the Riemann Hypothesisin mathematics and surmise its possible relevance to other scientific disciplines,especially physics. (We note that for some physicists, only Q truly exists. Y et, inpractice as well as in theory, all measurable quantities are given by real numbers,not just by rational numbers.)O ne of our original proposals in this book is that a helpful clue for unravellingthe Riemann Hypothesis may come from surprising and yet to be fully unearthed orunderstood connections between different parts of contemporary mathematics andphysics. This may eventually result in a unification of aspects of seemingly disparateareas of knowledge, from prime number theory to fractal geometry, noncommutativegeometry, arithmetic geometry and string theory.A fil d’Ariane (or connecting thread) throughout our present search has beenprovided by the striking analogies between the key symmetry of the Riemann zetafunction (and its many number theoretic counterparts), as expressed analyticallyby a functional eq uation, and the various dualities exhibited by string theories intheoretical physics. (For simplicity and due to our own limitations, we will focusprimarily in this book on only one such notion of duality, called T -duality.)O ne of the author’s long-term dreams would be to use such analogies to deducesomething seemingly intractable—such as the conjectured location of the Riemannzeros on the critical line—from a much simpler fact on the other side of the mirror(say, from within the region Re s 1, where both the series and the E uler productdefining ζ(s) converge). Similarly, string theoretic dualities, in their multiple forms,are often used to transform an apparently impossible problem into one that is moretransparent and much simpler to solve within the dual (or mirror) string theory.N ear the end of the main part of this book (Chapter 5), we will discuss a conjectural flow (called the modular fl ow ) on the ‘moduli space of fractal membranes’—along with its natural counterpart on the Riemann sphere, the fl ow of zeros—thatwould help realize this idea in a more abstract and global context.1 In particular,conjecturally, it would enable us to explain why the Riemann Hypothesis is true.Moreover, it would show how seemingly very different fractal-like geometries andarithmetic geometries are all part of a common continuum, namely, the orbits ofthe modular flow. Accordingly, arithmetic geometries would represent the ultimateevolution of the modular flow (and also correspond to its stable and attractive fixedpoints). Similarly, the Riemann zeros would be the attractor of the flow of zeros (ofzeta functions)—and hence, because of the aforementioned connections betweensymmetries and dualities, would have to lie on the critical line (or, equivalently,on the E quator of the Riemann sphere), as stated by the Riemann Hypothesis.Still conjecturally, an analogous reasoning would apply in order to understand andestablish the G eneralized Riemann Hypothesis, corresponding to other arithmeticgeometries and to the critical zeros of their associated zeta functions.1 As the subtitle of this book indicates, Strings, fractal membranes and noncommutativesp acetimes, a substantial am ount of p rep aration w ill be needed before w e can reach that p oint.

PREFACExvWe note that the cover of this book provides a symbolic depiction of the flows ofzeta functions and of their zeros induced by the modular flow on the moduli spaceof fractal membranes. See also, respectively, Figures 1 and 2 near the beginning ofSection 5.5.2 .As will be abundantly clear to the reader and is probably already apparentfrom the preceding discussion, this book is not a traditional mathematical researchmonograph.2 In particular, we absolutely do not claim to provide a complete solution to the original enigma, let alone full proofs or even partial justifications for ourmain proposals and conjectures. At best, in many cases, we can only offer heuristicarguments based on mathematical or physical analogies. It should be plainly understood from the context (either in the text itself or in the notes) whether a givenclaim is a physical or heuristic statement, a reasonable expectation, a conjecture, amathematical theorem, or neither. For example, at this stage, the existence of themodular flow and its expected properties are purely conjectural. They rely partlyon analogies with physical theories and constructs (string theories and dualities,as reformulated in the language of vertex algebras and noncommutative geometry, conformal field theories, quantum statistical physics, renormalization groupflow) and on mathematical concepts and theories (moduli spaces of quantized fractal strings, the author and his collaborators’ theory of complex fractal dimensions,Deninger’s spectral interpretation program and heuristic notion of ‘arithmetic site’,modular theory in operator algebras, and Connes’ noncommutative geometry). Onthe other hand, as will be further discussed in the text (namely, in Section 4 .2 ), thenotion of a fractal membrane (or quantized fractal string) introduced in Chapter 3of this book can now be put on a rigorous mathematical footing. As a result, otherstatements in Chapter 3 have become true theorems.In some sense, this book should be viewed partly as a research program topursue (rather than to complete) the above quest, and partly as a contribution toa continuing dialogue between mathematicians, physicists and other geometers of‘reality’. As such, it is written in multiple tongues, sometimes in mathematicallanguage and sometimes in physical language. Appeals to both rigor and intuitionalternate, in no particular order, without apparent rhyme or reason. J ust as importantly, even within our more mathematical discussions, the boundaries betweent

2.4. A nalogy w ith the R iem ann Z eta Function: Functional E quation and T -D uality 66 2.4.1. K ey P roperties of the R iem ann Zeta Function: E uler P roduct and Functional E quation 67 2.4.2. The Functional E quation, T-D uality and the R iem ann H ypothesis 75 2.5. N otes 80 C hapter 3. Fractal Strings and Fractal M em branes 89 ix

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