Higher National Unit specificationGeneral informationUnit title:Engineering Mathematics 3 (SCQF level 7)Unit code:H7K2 34Superclass:RBPublication date:August 2014Source:Scottish Qualifications AuthorityVersion:01Unit purposeThis Unit is designed to develop a greater breadth mathematical skills required of learnersseeking to use a Higher National Diploma in Engineering as a pathway to further studies inmathematics at an advanced level, including articulation to university degree study. The Unitwill provide learners with opportunities to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills toapply a range of differential and integral calculus techniques to the solution of mathematicalproblems.OutcomesOn successful completion of the Unit the learner will be able to:12Use differentiation techniques to solve mathematical problems.Use integration techniques to solve mathematical problems.Credit points and level1 Higher National Unit credit at SCQF level 7: (8 SCQF credit points at SCQF level 7)Recommended entry to the UnitEntry requirements are at the discretion of the centre. However, it would be advantageous iflearners had a knowledge and understanding of basic differentiation and integrationtechniques together with sound algebraic skills. This knowledge and understanding may beevidenced by possession of the HN Unit Engineering Mathematics 2 or Higher Mathematics.H7K2 34, Engineering Mathematics 3 (SCQF level 7)1
Higher National Unit Specification: General information (cont)Unit title:Engineering Mathematics 3 (SCQF level 7)Core SkillsAchievement OF this Unit gives automatic certification of the following Core Skillscomponent:Complete Core SkillNoneCore Skill componentUsing Number at SCQF level 6There are also opportunities to develop aspects of Core Skills which are highlighted in theSupport Notes for this Unit specification.Context for deliveryIf this Unit is delivered as part of a Group Award, it is recommended that it should be taughtand assessed within the subject area of the Group Award to which it contributes.The Assessment Support Pack (ASP) for this Unit provides assessment and markingguidelines that exemplify the national standard for achievement. It is a valid, reliable andpracticable assessment. Centres wishing to develop their own assessments should refer tothe ASP to ensure a comparable standard. A list of existing ASPs is available to downloadfrom SQA’s website ty and inclusionThis Unit specification has been designed to ensure that there are no unnecessary barriersto learning or assessment. The individual needs of learners should be taken into accountwhen planning learning experiences, selecting assessment methods or consideringalternative evidence.Further advice can be found on our website www.sqa.org.uk/assessmentarrangements.H7K2 34, Engineering Mathematics 3 (SCQF level 7)2
Higher National Unit specification: Statement of standardsUnit title:Engineering Mathematics 3 (SCQF level 7)Acceptable performance in this Unit will be the satisfactory achievement of the standards setout in this part of the Unit specification. All sections of the statement of standards aremandatory and cannot be altered without reference to SQA.Where evidence for Outcomes is assessed on a sample basis, the whole of the content listedin the Knowledge and/or Skills section must be taught and available for assessment.Learners should not know in advance the items on which they will be assessed and differentitems should be sampled on each assessment occasion.Outcome 1Use differentiation techniques to solve mathematical problems.Knowledge and/or Skills Product and Quotient RulesImplicit DifferentiationParametric DifferentiationDifferentiation of Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsOptimisationOutcome 2Use integration techniques to solve mathematical problems.Knowledge and/or Skills Partial FractionsIntegrals with infinite limitsIntegration by SubstitutionIntegration by PartsVolumes of Revolution and Curved LengthsH7K2 34, Engineering Mathematics 3 (SCQF level 7)3
Higher National Unit specification: Statement of standardsUnit title:Engineering Mathematics 3 (SCQF level 7)Evidence Requirements for this UnitA sampling approach will be used in the assessment of the Knowledge and/or Skills in thisUnit. Learners will need to provide written and/or recorded oral evidence to demonstrate theirKnowledge and/or Skills across all Outcomes by showing they can:Outcome 1Provide evidence of three out of five Knowledge and/or Skills in this Outcome. The followingevidence should be provided for the particular Knowledge and/or Skill items sampled: Solve one problem that requires the use of the product rule and one problem that needsthe use of the quotient ruleSolve one problem that involves implicit differentiationSolve one problem that involves parametric differentiation (either where, t, can beeliminated or cannot be eliminated)Solve one problem that involves the differentiation of an inverse trigonometric functionSolve one optimisation problem using at least one of the techniques shown aboveOutcome 2Provide evidence of three out of five Knowledge and/or Skills in this Outcome. The followingevidence should be provided for the particular Knowledge and/or Skill items sampled: Represent in partial fraction form and integrate any two of the following:— A proper fraction with linear factors— A proper fraction with recurring linear factors— A proper fraction containing a quadratic factor— Improper fractionsSolve one definite integral that has an infinite limitSolve one indefinite integral or one definite integral by the method of substitutionSolve one problem involving the integration of the product of two functions usingintegration by parts (the problem may involve either an indefinite or definite integral)Use integration techniques to solve one problem which involves finding the volume of anobject or the length of a curveIt is recommended that the assessment for both Outcomes takes places at a single end ofUnit assessment event. Outcomes may also be assessed individually. All re-assessmentsshould be based on a different assessment instrument. This should re-assess bothOutcomes or a full individual Outcome reflecting the format of the original assessment. Allre-assessments should be based on a different sample of Knowledge and/or Skills.All assessments should be unseen, closed-book and carried out under supervised, controlledconditions.Computer algebra must not be used in the assessment of this Unit.H7K2 34, Engineering Mathematics 3 (SCQF level 7)4
Higher National Unit Support NotesUnit title:Engineering Mathematics 3 (SCQF level 7)Unit Support Notes are offered as guidance and are not mandatory.While the exact time allocated to this Unit is at the discretion of the centre, the notionaldesign length is 40 hours.Guidance on the content and context for this UnitThis Unit is one of a suite of five Units in Mathematics developed for Higher NationalQualifications across a range of Engineering disciplines. The five Units are:Engineering Mathematics 1Engineering Mathematics 2Engineering Mathematics 3Engineering Mathematics 4Engineering Mathematics 5In the development of this Unit a list of topics expected to be covered by lecturers has beenidentified. Recommendations have also been made on how much time lecturers shouldspend on each Outcome. The use of this list of topics is strongly recommended to ensurecontinuity of teaching and learning and adequate preparation for the assessment of the Unit.Consideration of this list of topics alongside the Assessment Support Pack developed for thisUnit will provide clear indication of the standard expected in this Unit.Outcome 1 (13 hours)Use differentiation techniques to solve mathematical problems State the product and quotient rules: for example:For y ( x) u ( x)v( x)dydudv v udxdxdxand for y ( x) or y vu uv u ( x)v( x)dudvv udy dx 2 dxdxvorvu uv v2H7K2 34, Engineering Mathematics 3 (SCQF level 7)5
Higher National Unit Support Notes (cont)Unit title:Engineering Mathematics 3 (SCQF level 7) Solve problems involving the use of the product and quotient rules (eg x2 sin x , t 2 1 e2x cos x,etc)t2 1x3Explain the difference between y being expressed explicitly in terms of x and y beingexpressed implicitly in terms of xSolve a range of problems involving implicit differentiation (eg x2 3y2 4x – 5y 7) 4x 9 e 3x , Extend to higher order differentials if time allowsExplain what is meant by a parameter and parametric differentiationSolve parametric differentiation problems where t can be eliminated and where it cannotbe eliminated (eg x 1 – t, y 2t2 5t 7, y t3 cost, x et t)Identify the derivatives for inverse trigonometric functions on a table of standardderivativesSolve a range of problems involving the differentiation of functions that include inversetrigonometric functionsApply differentiation to optimise a parameter or parameters of a problem using at leastone of the differentiation techniques used in the OutcomeOutcome 2 (10 hours)Use integration techniques to solve mathematical problems Explain that partial fractions involve breaking down complicated fractions into the sum ofsimpler fractionsExplain the difference between proper and improper fractionsSolve a range of integration problems which involve the partial fraction representationsof the following forms of fractions:— A proper fraction with linear factors— A proper fraction with recurring linear factors— A proper fraction containing a quadratic factor— An improper fractions Solve integrals with an infinite limit(s) of integration (eg e x dx )0 Solve a range of indefinite and definite integrals using the method of substitution(eg 5x 2 dx, cos 4x 1 dx, x62x 1dx , x1 x2dx etc)Solve problems involving the integration of the product of two functions using thefollowing formula (integration by parts): dv u dx dx(eg x e2 2x du uv v dx dx dx , e x sin xdx , 3 ln xdx )H7K2 34, Engineering Mathematics 3 (SCQF level 7)6
Higher National Unit Support Notes (cont)Unit title: Engineering Mathematics 3 (SCQF level 7)Solve integration problems involving volumes of revolution (volumes of cones, spheres,etc)Solve problems involving the length of curves using the following formulab a2 dy 1 dx dx Guidance on approaches to delivery of this UnitThis Unit provides many of the core mathematical principles and processes required whenstudying Engineering at a more advanced level. Given the nature of the subject matter in theUnit it is advisable that the Unit is not delivered until learners have studied EngineeringMathematics 2.Centres may deliver the Outcomes in any order they wish, but given the nature of the subjectmaterial in the Unit it is recommended that Outcome 1 is delivered first followed by Outcome2.It is recommended that Unit delivery is principally undertaken using a didactic approach. Allteaching input should be supplemented by a significant level of formative assessment inwhich learners are provided with the opportunities to develop their knowledge, understandingand skills of the differentiation and integration techniques covered in the Unit. Computersoftware and computer algebra may be used to support learning (eg to confirm the solutionsof mathematical problems), but it is strongly recommended that such learning resources areonly used in a supportive capacity and not as the principal means of delivering Unit content.Guidance on approaches to assessment of this UnitEvidence can be generated using different types of assessment.A recommended approach is the use of an examination question paper. The question papershould be composed of an appropriate balance of short answer, restricted response andstructured questions.All assessment papers should be unseen by learners prior to the assessment event and at alltimes, the security, integrity and confidentiality of assessment papers must be ensured.Assessment should be conducted under closed-book, controlled and invigilated conditions.The questions in the examination should not be grouped by Outcome or be labelled in termsof the Outcomes they relate to when a single end-of-Unit examination is used.H7K2 34, Engineering Mathematics 3 (SCQF level 7)7
Higher National Unit Support Notes (cont)Unit title:Engineering Mathematics 3 (SCQF level 7)The summative assessment of both Outcomes — whether individually or at a singleassessment event - should not exceed two hours. When assessing a learner’s responses tosummative assessment lecturers should concentrate principally on the learner’s ability toapply the correct mathematical technique and processes when solving problems. Learnersshould not be penalised for making simple numerical errors. An appropriate threshold scoremay be set for the assessment of this Unit. If Outcome level assessment is used a thresholdscore should be used for each assessment.Learners should be provided with a formulae sheet appropriate to the content of this Unitwhen undertaking their assessment. Computer algebra should not be used in theassessment of this Unit.It is the learners’ responsibility to ensure that any calculator they use during assessment arenot designed or adapted to offer any of the following facilities: language translatorssymbolic algebra manipulationsymbolic differentiation or integrationcommunication with other machines or the internetIn addition, any calculator used by learners should have no retrievable information stored inthem. This includes: databanksdictionariesmathematic formulaeCentres are reminded that prior verification of centre-devised assessments would help toensure that the national standard is being met. Where learners experience a range ofassessment methods, this helps them to develop different skills that should be transferable towork or further and higher education.Opportunities for e-assessmentE-as
mathematics at an advanced level, including articulation to university degree study. The Unit will provide learners with opportunities to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to apply a range of differential and integral calculus techniques to the solution of mathematical problems. Outcomes On successful completion of the Unit the learner will be able to: 1 Use differentiation .
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1.1 Purpose of the Course Tutor Guide 3 2 Setting up the course 4 3 The SQA Advanced Diploma Structure 5 3.1 General SQA Advanced Diploma Qualification Framework 5 3.2 Core Skills 7 3.3 Graded Units 9 . SQA Credits with a mixture of SCQF level 6, 7 and level 8 Units. The SQA
SQA Credits with a mixture of SCQF level 7 and Level 8 units. Each unit is assigned a SQA Credit value of 1, 2 or 3. This credit value is based . — Course Tutor Guide 4 For SQA Advanced Diploma courses each unit is also assigned an SCQF level which will be 6, 7 or 8. These levels indicate the degree of difficulty of the work for that unit.
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SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN TEMPLATE TM-SQA-01 V2.0 DECEMBER 16, 2003 Systems Engineering Process Office, Code 212 Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center San Diego 53560 Hull Street San Diego, CA 92152-5001 Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited SQA Plan Template TM-SQA-01 v2.0 12/16/03 ii PREFACE
2018 Accounting Higher Finalised Marking Instructions Scottish Qualifications Authority 2018 The information in this publication may be reproduced to support SQA qualifications only on a non-commercial basis. If it is reproduced, SQA should be clearly acknowledged as the source. If it is to be used for any other purpose, written permission must be obtained from permissions@sqa.org.uk. Where .
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Doctorate* Masters* Honours Degree* Ordinary Degree* Higher National Diploma Higher National Certificate . Customer Contact Centre 0345 279 1000 customer@sqa.org.uk AD7071 The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) . and Computing to Care.