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Nombre -:-- --- Clase Fecha -,-CAPITULOCDiEmpecemos!VOCABULARIO 1/GRAMATICA 11Trisha is talking to a new student at school. Match each thing that Trisha says(in the left column) with an appropriate response (in the right column). Useeach response only once.1. Me lJ.amoTrisha.a.Nos vemos:b. Soy de Mexico.c. 1 es mi profesor de espanol.d.Mucho gusto. e. Estoy bien, gracias.i f. Me llamo Rosario.2. lC6mo tellamas?3. lC6mo estas?4. lDe d6nde eres?5. lQuienes el?6. Hasta luego.2 Look at the drawing that goes with each sentence and tell whether the sentenceis cierto (true) or falso (false). The first one has been done for you.1. Estoy regular.2. Estoy mas 0 menos. 3 Estoy bien.4. Estoymatcierto3 Unscramble the following words tO,make sentences. Be sure to add punctuationand capitalize words when appropriate.MODELO companera / Alisha / declase / es unaAlisha es una compaftera de clase.1. es / esta / la senorita White2. senor/dfas/buenos --- - - - - - - - - - - - -3. es / la muchacha / quien,· 4. unam o/es/el/Chile/de---- ------------------5. estudiante / est Kanial ---'-- ------ ----Holt Spanish 1Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved,Cuaderno de actividades

NombreClase - - FechaCAPiTULOVOCABULARIO 1/GRAMATlCA4CDtComplete the following conversations by providing the missing sentences.Senor Ricci(1) -.,- ,-,,-,Senora Flores Me llamo Carmen Flores.Senora Sol Hola, (:hristian.Christian Estoy bien.Olga Este esJamal.Jamal Encantado.PabloAmber Buenas tardes, senora Rios.Senora Rios ,Estoy bien, gracias. tY tu?Grace. Whitney Ella es mi mejpr amiga.'5 Write an additional sentence about each of the following ,people, using the information given in parentheses. Use the correct subjectipronoun to replace theperson's name.,MODELO Este es Ricardo. (estudiante)El es estudiante.1. Esta es Lucia. (mi amiga)2. Este es Marcos. (un compafiero de cla e)3. Esta es Mirta. (de Cuba),. ,4. Este es el senor Sosa. (mi profesor de ciencias). Holt Spanish 1, Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Wmston. All rights reseI;\red.Cuaderno de actividadesCD

Nombre --'-ClaseFechaCDVOCABULARIO 1/GRAMATICA 16John is introducing himself and his friend Pedro to their teacher on the first dayof school. Complete their conversation by filling in the missing phrases.JohnBuenos dias,. sefiorAmal. Me llamo (1) Senor AmalJohnSefiorAmalPedroSenor Anial7Igualmente.{3) ---,- lC6mo estas,Pedro?(4) ---''-----,-- --'- - - - - - - - - (5) '-- --.-:. ' ' 'Mauro is answering Mr. Garza's questions about some of the people at school.Provide Mauro's responses; using the appropriate subject pronouns.MODELO lDe d6nde es Maribel? (Argentina) Ella es de Argentina.1. lQuien es la muchacha? (Maria) ---'- ---'-2. lQuien es el muchacho? (Chepe)3. lC6mo se llama la muchacha? (Gina) .,. . ,. . .4. lDe d6nde es usted? (Mexico) --'- ---,--8Solve the following crossword puzzle by writing the Spanish pronouns you would·use to replace the names and pronouns. Use unaccented capital letters to fill incrossword puzzles in Spanish. The first one has been done. for you.HORIZONTAL23. Carlos y Yolanda45. Laura y Jessica6. Marisol, Juan y tu(in Spain)VERTICAL1. Rodney2. Mary, Leroy y tu3. mi amiga Juana4. Roberto y yoHolt Spanish 1Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.Cuaderno de actividades

Nombre -- ClaseFecha -'- -'-CDiEmpecemos!CULTURA9Imagine that you are going to Spain on vacation. Answer the following questions .1. Where would'you go·to see large buildings and monuments?2. Where would you go to enjoy a typical feria? 3. Spain is surrounded by water on three sides. If you were on the westerncoast, what oce.an could you swim in? -'----4. If you were on the eastern coast, where could you swim?5. If you stood on the .southern tip of Spain, what country would be the dosest?6. If you traveled north and crossed the Pyrenees, what cquntry would youfind yourself in? 1011If you were touring Spain with someone interested in architecture, what placeswould you visit and why? Write a mini-essay in 'English. Be sure to nameat least three places.Spanish-speaking people have different ways of addressing each other."Statewhether the following statements are cierto (true) or falso (false).1. A teenager wquld probably address his young friend Rosa asdona Rosa.2. Someone nicknamed Jorgito probably has the formal nameof Jorge.t'3. Senor Cristancho could be called don Cristancho.4. Senora Acelas and dona Carmen could be the same person.5. A nickname for Sara would be Sarita.Holt Spanish 1Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.Cuaderno de actividades. .-"

Nombre --'---7- ------ --C e FechaCApITULOCOiEmpecemos!VOCA8ULARIO 2/GRAMATICA 212Write a question for each of the foUowing answers.MODELO· Es el veinte de septiembre. tQue fecha es hoy?1. Es dos-veintitres-cero-cuatro-quince.2. Se escribe ene-o-che-e. -'--3. Es Klaus5@car.net.4. Es el primero de enero. - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - 5. Hoyes domingo. -'-- : - - - - - - - - - - -6. Esmedianoche. 13After each group of words, write the word that doesn't be10ngin that group.MODELO enero-'':;;''-.14octubremiercoles1. viernesJuniOJueves2. sabadoseptiembrediciembre3. marzomartesnoviembre4. febreroagosto: domingo5. sabadoabril·lunesmiercolesWrite sentences in Spanish to tell what the following dates are.MODELO U.S. Independence DayEs el cuatro de julio.1. New Year's Day -'-- - - - - ' 2. Your birthday -'- - -' 3. Today's date -'-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4. April Fool's Day "'-- ---,- -,-5. Valentine's Day --- - -:- ------------15Your study-group pals are giving you their phone numbers so you can make acontact list. Write the telephone numbers they give you in numerals.MODELO cinco-veintiocho-veinte-trece 5:.28-20-131. siete-treinta y uno-veintitres-treinta2. ocho-veintiseis-dieciocho-quince -'-- -3. cuatro-veintinueve-once-veintiuno4. seis-veintid6s-doce-cero-tres - - - -HoltSpanish 1''''pyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All tights reserved.Cuaderno de actividades

elaseNombre --'- --,.'---'- 'FechaCAPiTULOmVOCABULARIO 2/GRAMATICA 2.t16 Look at the following illustrations and write in Spanish what time is displayed oneach watch. Write in complete sentences. and don't forget to include time of daywhen appropriate.I.:MODELO Son las seis de ]a mafiana.,.nn PrI'-UUUse correct forms of ser to complete Elena's e-mail about the SpanishConversation Club.Hola, Alberto. Yo (1)(2}Elena Belos. En el club de espanol nosotrossiete estudiantes. EdgaryChico (3)Colombia. Mi amiga Lucia (4)",de Bolivia, no? Los mu hach9s ( )Las muchachas y yo (7)18u 1/0: 15 Pfli3. I 1:30 Rfli4.'I C:SO PJ'l15. IIC:OO PJ'l13.176-0 n Rrlidede Puerto Rico. Til (5} de 9 grado (ninth grade),de 8 grado.Spell each item below in Spanish.1. your teacher's name --'- -'------'"'-'----'-2. your favorite singer's name ' - ---'-----'-3. the city or town where you live -'- --'-19 When you printed your Spanish homework, the font was converted to all capitalsand the punctuation disappeared. Rewrite the same sentences in capitals andlowercase letters using the corr ct punctuation, accents, and tildes.I.QUIENESEL ----2.QUEDIAESHOY ---- ------- ----------3. COMO SE ESCRIBE SENOR --,-4.QUETAL 5.HASTALUEGO - - - - - - - - - - - - - Holt Spanish 1Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.C;uaderno de actividades

Nombrec ,-,- --:- Clase FechaCApfTULOCDVOCABULARIO 2/GRAMATICA22021!Write a brief note about yourself. Give the date and time; then state your name,where you are. from, your telephone number, and your e-mail address. Be sure touse complete sentences.Solve the following crossword puzzle by writing the Spanish words that aredescribed in the clues below.·Fill in the puzzle with unaccented capital letters.2346HORIZONTAL6. A word a man might use whenintroduced to someone8. 12:00 P.M.9. Number of fingers on one hand57VERTICAL1. The last month of the year2. Singular form of you, formal3. 12:00 A.M.10. The last day of class before the weekend4. In this month, Mother's Dayis celebrated in the U.S.11. Nighttime5. Good-bye12. The day that comes after Wednesday7. Number of months in a yearHolt Spanish 1Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Wmston. All rights reservedCuaderno de actividades

Nombre ---- ---- r-- Clase - - - - Fecha -'-CAPiTULOCDi Empecemos!LEAMOS22The students in Mrs. Acevedo's Spanish class have recently started correspondingwith students from a school in Spain as a class project. Read Oscar's introductionof himself and ansWer the questions that fol1()w in English.lunes, el 25 de agostoiH01a !,C6mo estas? Me lIamo 6scary soy de San Antonio, Texas. Soy estudiantede espanol. Mi profesora se llama Carmen Acevedo yes de Madrid. Somostreinta estudiantes en la clase.Dos muchachas son de Corea y un muchachoes de Vietnam. Hay (There are) dos muchachas de Europa. Una es deFrancia y unaes de PortugaLPablo; mi mejor amigo, tambi m (also) esestudiante de espanol. EI es de California. Otro companero esEsteban,un muchacho de Alaska. iSom6s amigos de diferentes culturas! Mi correoelectr6nico es oscar@mail.net.Son las cinco menos cinco dela tarde. Tengo que irme.jHasta luego!6scar1. What day does Oscar send his letter?2. How many students in the class come from foreign countries?3. What countries are the European students from?4. Who is Oscar's best friend?5. Why does Oscar think his Spanish class is interesting?6. What time is it when. Oscar finishes his letter?Holt Spanish 1Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.Cuaderno de actividadEls

Nombre - Clase - - - - - - FechaCAPiTULOm, iEmpecemos!INTEGRACI6N231.Below are several short co1Jversations. Indicate the correct order for each set ofsentences by numbering them. The first one has been done for you.33. ' Estoy bien, gracias. Y tLi?Igualmente.2 Encantada.1,Ella es mi mejor amiga.Estoy regular.4. Soy de Panama.2. Tengo que irme. '24Hola. C6mo est.as?Son las cinco menos cuarto.Me llamo Alan. Encantado., Que hora es?'Hasta pronto.' Hola. Soy}acinta. C6mo te llamas?, Ded6nde e:t;es?Choose the logical response for each of the following questions. Write the lett rof your answer on the line provided.1. Quiena.es el?Es miamigo Jll;an.2. C6mo te llamas?a. Te llamas Adriana.3.h. Es de Puerto Rico.c. Es la una de la tarde.h. Soy Yoko.c. Es Aminata.h. Es treinta y uno.c. Es el cinco de abril.b. Es de Mexico.c. Eres de Ecuador. 'b. Es el2 de agosto.c. Hoy es martes. Quefecha es hoy? .a. Hoy es martes.4. De d6nde esEva?a. Sois de Espana.5. Que hora es?a. Es mediodfa.25Write a conversation using all the expressions in the box. 'tComo . ?eresestudiantemellamoHolt Spanish 1 'Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reservedtDedonde. ?Buenos dias.Soy de.Adios.Cuaderno de actividades

Nombre . :. :. Clase Fecha ---'INTEGRACI6N26Write complete sentences to tell what time y:ou think it is in each of the followingillustrations. Be sure to include the time of day (morning, afternoon, etc.) in yourresponses. The first one has been done for you.1. Es mediodra.4. 272. 3.5.Write a short paragraph to your new pen pal in Peru. Introduce yourself. Thentell where you are from, your e-mail address, and who yourbest friend is. Also,ask your pen pal at least one question.Holt Spanish 1Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Wiflslon. All rights reserved.Cuaderno de actividades

CAPiTULO . VOCABULARIO 1/GRAMATlCA . t . CD . 4 . Complete the following conversations by providing the missing sentences. . VOCABULARIO 1/GRAMATICA 1 : CD : 6 : . Write a question f

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