Detection And Classification Of Plant Leaf Diseases By .

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Special Issue - 2018International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)ISSN: 2278-0181ICONNECT - 2k18 Conference ProceedingsDetection and Classification of Plant Leaf Diseasesby using Deep Learning AlgorithmM. AkilaP. DeepanPG StudentDepartment of CSEArasu Engineering College,Kumbakonam, IndiaAssistant Professor,Department of CSEArasu Engineering CollegeKumbakonam, IndiaAbstract—Plant leaf diseases and destructive insects are a majorchallenge in the agriculture sector. Faster and an accurate prediction ofleaf diseases in crops could help to develop an early treatment techniquewhile considerably reducing economic losses. Modern advanceddevelopments in Deep Learning have allowed researchers to extremelyimprove the performance and accuracy of object detection andrecognition systems. In this paper, we proposed a deep-learning-basedapproach to detect leaf diseases in many different plants using images ofplant leaves. Our goal is to find and develop the more suitable deeplearning methodologies for our task. Therefore, we consider three mainfamilies of detectors: Faster Region-based Convolutional Neural Network(Faster R-CNN), Region-based Fully Convolutional Network (R-FCN),and Single Shot Multibox Detector (SSD), which was used for the purposeof this work. The proposed system can effectively identified differenttypes of diseases with the ability to deal with complex scenarios from aplant’s area.Keywords— Plant Leaf Diseaases, Deep Learning, faster R-CNN,FCN, SSDR-I.INTRODUCTIONAgriculture is the mainstay of the Indian economy.Immense commercialisation of an agriculture has creates a verynegative effect on our environment. The use of chemicalpesticides has led to enormous levels of chemical buildup inour environment, in soil, water, air, in animals and even in ourown bodies. Artificial fertilisers gives on a short-term effect onproductivity but a longer-term negative effect on theenvironment, where they remain for years after leaching andrunning off, contaminating ground water. Another negativeeffect of this trend has been on the fortunes of the farmingcommunities worldwide. Despite this so-called increasedproductivity, farmers in practically every country around theworld have seen a downturn in their fortunes. This is whereorganic farming comes in. Organic farming has the capabilityto take care of each of these problems. The central activity oforganic farming relies on fertilization, pest and disease control.Plant disease detection through naked eye observation ofthe symptoms on plant leaves, incorporate rapidly increasing ofcomplexity. Due to this complexity and to the large number ofcultivated Crops and their existing phytopathological problems,even experienced agricultural experts and plant pathologistsmay often fail to successfully diagnose specific diseases, andare consequently led to mistaken conclusions and concernsolutions. An automated system designed to help identify plantdiseases by the plant’s appearance and visual symptoms couldbe of great help to amateurs in the agricultural process. Thiswill be prove as useful technique for farmers and will alertthem at the right time before spreading of the disease over largearea.Volume 6, Issue 07Fig.1 Diseases affected leaf imagesDeep learning constitutes a recent, modern technique forimage processing and data analysis, with accurate results andlarge potential. As deep learning has been successfully appliedin various domains, it has recently entered also the domain ofagriculture. So we will apply deep learning to create analgorithm for automated detection and classification of plantleaf diseases. Nowadays, Convolutional Neural Networks areconsidered as the leading method for object detection. In thispaper, we considered detectors namely Faster Region-BasedConvolutional Neural Network (Faster R-CNN), Region-basedFully Convolutional Networks (R-FCN) and Single ShotMultibox Detector (SSD). Each of the architecture should beable to be merged with any feature extractor depending on theapplication or need. We consider some of the commercial/cashcrops, cereal crops, and vegetable crops and fruit plants such assugarcane, cotton, potato, carrot, chilly, brinjal, rice, wheat,banana and guava, these leaves images are selected for ourpurpose. Fig. 1 shows images of the diseased affected leaves onvarious crops. The early detection of plant leaf diseases couldbe a valuable source of information for executing properdiseases detection, plant growth management strategies anddisease control measures to prevent the development and thespread of diseases.Published by, www.ijert.org1

Special Issue - 2018International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)ISSN: 2278-0181ICONNECT - 2k18 Conference ProceedingsII. RELATED WORKHere, we take some of the papers related to Plant leafdiseases detection using various advanced techniques and someof them shown below,In paper[1], author described as an in-field automatic wheatdisease diagnosis system based on a weekly supervised deeplearning framework, i.e. deep multiple instance learning, whichachieves an integration of identification for wheat diseases andlocalization for disease areas with only image-level annotationfor training images in wild conditions. Furthermore, a new infield image dataset for wheat disease, Wheat Disease Database2017 (WDD2017), is collected to verify the effectiveness ofour system. Under two different architectures, i.e. VGG-FCNVD16 and VGG-FCN-S, our system achieves the meanrecognition accuracies of 97.95% and 95.12% respectively over5-fold cross validation on WDD2017, exceeding the results of93.27% and 73.00% by two conventional CNN frameworks,i.e. VGG-CNN-VD16 and VGG-CNN-S. Experimental resultsdemonstrate that the proposed system outperformsconventional CNN architectures on recognition accuracy underthe same amount of parameters, meanwhile maintainingaccurate localization for corresponding disease areas.Moreover, the proposed system has been packed into a realtime mobile app to provide support for agricultural diseasediagnosis.In paper [2], author discussed and to perform a survey of 40research efforts that employ deep learning techniques, appliedto various agricultural and food production challenges.Examine the particular agricultural problems under study, thespecific models and frameworks employed the sources, natureand pre-processing of data used, and the overall performanceachieved according to the metrics used at each work understudy. Moreover, study comparisons of deep learning withother existing popular techniques, in respect to differences inclassification or regression performance. Findings indicate thatdeep learning provides high accuracy, outperforming existingcommonly used image processing techniques.In paper [3], author discussed about convolutional neuralnetwork models were developed to perform plant diseasedetection and diagnosis using simple leaves images of healthyand diseased plants, through deep learning methodologies.Training of the models was performed with the use of an opendatabase of 87,848 images, containing 25 different plants in aset of 58 distinct classes of [plant, disease] combinations,including healthy plants. Several model architectures weretrained, with the best performance reaching a 99.53% successrate in identifying the corresponding [plant, disease]combination (or healthy plant). The significantly high successrate makes the model a very useful advisory or early warningtool, and an approach that could be further expanded to supportan integrated plant disease identification system to operate inreal cultivation conditions.In paper [4] author describes a methodology for early andaccurately plant diseases detection, using artificial neuralnetwork (ANN) and diverse image processing techniques. Asthe proposed approach is based on ANN classifier forclassification and Gabor filter for feature extraction, it givesbetter results with a recognition rate of up to 91%. An ANNbased classifier classifies different plant diseases and uses thecombination of textures, color and features to recognize thosediseases.Volume 6, Issue 07In paper [5] authors presented disease detection in Malusdomestica through an effective method like K-mean clustering,texture and color analysis. To classify and recognize differentagriculture, it uses the texture and color features those generallyappear in normal and affected areas.In paper [6] authors compared the performance ofconventional multiple regression, artificial neural network(back propagation neural network, generalized regressionneural network) and support vector machine (SVM). It wasconcluded that SVM based regression approach has led to abetter description of the relationship between the environmentalconditions and disease level which could be useful for diseasemanagementIII. PROPOSED METHODOLOGYPlants are susceptible to several disorders and attackscaused by diseases. There are several reasons that can becharacterizable to the effects on the plants, disorders due to theenvironmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity,nutritional excess or losses, light and the most commondiseases that include bacterial, virus, and fungal diseases.Those diseases along with the plants may shows differentphysical characteristics on the leaves, such as a changes inshapes, colors etc. Due to similar patterns, those above changesare difficult to be distinguished, which makes their recognitiona challenge, and an earlier detection and treatment can avoidseveral losses in the whole plant. In this paper, we arediscussed to use recent detectors such as Faster Region-BasedConvolutional Neural Network (Faster R-CNN), Region-basedFully Convolutional Networks (R-FCN) and Single ShotMultibox Detector (SSD) to detection and classification ofplant leaf diseases that affect in various plants. The challengingpart of our approach is not only deal with disease detection, andalso known the infection status of the disease in leaves and triesto give solution (i.e., name of the suitable organic fertilizers)for those concern diseases.A. Faster Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network(Faster R-Cnn)Faster R-CNN is one of the Object detection systems,which is composed of two modules. The first module is a deepfully convolutional network that proposes regions. For trainingthe RPNs, the system considers anchors containing an object ornot, based on the Intersection-over-Union (IoU) between theobject proposals and the ground-truth. Then the second moduleis the Fast R-CNN detector [13], [14] that uses the proposedregions. Box proposals are used to crop features from the sameintermediate feature map which are subsequently fed to theremainder of the feature extractor in order to predict a class andclass-specific box refinement for each proposal. Fig. 2 showsthe basic architecture of Faster R-CNN. The entire processhappens on a single unified network, which allows the systemto share full-image convolutional features with the detectionnetwork, thus enabling nearly cost-free region proposals.Published by, www.ijert.org2

Special Issue - 2018International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)ISSN: 2278-0181ICONNECT - 2k18 Conference ProceedingsOVERVIEW OF THE SYSTEMFig. 2. Basic architecture of Faster R-CNNFig. 3. System designB. REGION-BASED FULLY CONVOLUTIONAL NETWORK(R-FCN)We develop a framework called Region-based FullyConvolutional Network (R-FCN) for object detection. WhileFaster R-CNN is an order of magnitude faster than Fast RCNN, the fact that the region-specific component must beapplied several hundred times per image led [12], [13], [16],[19] to propose the R-FCN (Region-based Fully ConvolutionalNetworks) method which is like Faster R-CNN, but instead ofcropping features from the same layer where region proposalsare predicted, crops are taken from the last layer of featuresprior to prediction. R-FCN object detection strategy consists of:(i) region proposal, and (ii) region classification. This approachof pushing cropping to the last layer minimizes the amount ofper-region computation that must be done. The object detectiontask needs localization representations that respect translationvariance and thus propose a position-sensitive croppingmechanism that is used instead of the more standard ROIpooling operations used in object detection [13], [20]. Theyshow that the R FCN model could achieve comparableaccuracy to Faster R-CNN often at faster running times.C. Single Shot Detector (Ssd)The SSD approach is based on a feed-forwardconvolutional network that produces a fixed-size collection ofbounding boxes and scores for the presence of object classinstances in those boxes, followed by a non-maximumsuppression step to produce the final detections. This networkis able to deal with objects of various sizes by combiningpredictions from multiple feature maps with differentresolutions [13], [15]. Furthermore, SSD encapsulates theprocess into a single network, avoiding proposal generation andthus saving computational time.IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTIn our system processing starts with Data collection,through some the pre-processing, feature extractor steps to beallowed and then finally detect the diseases from image. Fig. 3shows the overview of our proposed system.Volume 6, Issue 07D. DATA COLLECTIONDataset contains images with several diseases in manydifferent plants. In this System we consider some of thecommercial/cash crops, cereal crops, and vegetable crops andfruit plants such as sugarcane, cotton, potato, carrot, chilly,brinjal, rice, wheat, banana and guava. Diseased leaves,healthy leaves all of them were collected for those above cropsfrom different sources like images download from Internet, orsimply taking pictures using any camera devices or any else.E. IMAGE PRE-PROCESSINGImage annotation and augmentationImage annotation, the task of automatically generatingdescription words for a picture, is a key component in variousimage search and retrieval applications. But in this system, wemanually annotate the areas of every image containing thedisease with a bounding box and class. Some diseases mightlook similar depending on its infection status.Fig. 4. Annotated ImageAnnotation process might able to label the class andlocation of the infected areas in the leaf image. The outputs ofthis step are the coordinates of the bounding boxes of differentsizes with their corresponding class of disease, whichconsequently will be evaluated as the Intersection over-Union(IoU) with the predicted results during testing. Fig. 4 shows theannotated image.Published by, www.ijert.org3

Special Issue - 2018International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)ISSN: 2278-0181ICONNECT - 2k18 Conference ProceedingsImages are collected from various sources were in variousformats along with different resolutions and quality. In order toget better feature extraction, images are intended to be used asdataset for deep neural network were pre-processed in order togain consistency. Images used for the dataset were imageresized to 256 256 to reduce the time of training, which wasautomatically computed by written script in Python, using theOpenCV framework [7], [8].In machine learning, as well as in statistics, overfittingappears when a statistical model describes random noise orerror rather than underlying relationship [9]. The imageaugmentation contained one of several transformationtechniques including affine transformation, perspectivetransformation, image rotations [10] and intensitytransformations (contrast and brightness enhancement, color,noise). Fig 5 and Fig 6 shows an example for affinetransformations and simple rotations.SSDSSD generates anchors that select the top most convolutionalfeature maps and a higher resolution feature map at a lowerresolution. Then, a sequence of the convolutional layercontaining each of the detection per class is added with spatialresolution used for prediction [13], [15]. Thus, SSD is able todeal with objects of various sizes contained in the images. ANon-Maximum Suppression method is used to compare theestimated results with the ground-truth.G. Feature ExtractionThere are some conditions that should be taken intoconsideration when choosing a Feature Extractor, such as thetype of layers, as a higher number of parameters increases thecomplexity of the system and directly influences the speed, andresults of the system. Although each network has beendesigned with specific characteristics, all share the same goal,which is to increase accuracy while reducing computationalcomplexity. In this system each object detector to be mergedwith some of the feature extractor. [13]The system performanceis evaluated first of all in terms of the Intersection-over-Union(IoU), and the Average Precision (AP) that is introduced in thePascal VOC Challenge [17]A BIoU(A, B) A B Fig. 5. Affine transformationsFig. 6. RotationsF. IMAGE ANALYSISOur system main goal is to detect and recognize theclass disease in the image. We need to accurately detect theobject, as well as identify the class to which it belongs. Weextend the idea of object detection framework to adapt it withdifferent feature extractors that detect diseases in the image.Faster R-CNNFaster R-CNN [13], [14] for object recognition and itsRegion Proposal Network (RPN) to estimate the class andlocation of object that may contain a target candidate. The RPNis used to generate the object a proposal, including their classand box coordinates.R-FCNSimilar to Faster R-CNN,[13], [16], [20] R-FCN uses aRegion Proposal Network to generate object proposals, butinstead of cropping features using the RoI pooling layer it cropsthem from the last layer prior to prediction.Volume 6, Issue 07(1)where A represents the ground-truth box collected in theannotation, and B represents the predicted result of thenetwork. If the estimated IoU outperforms a threshold value,the predicted result is considered as a true positive, TP, or if notas a false positive, FP. TP is the number of true positivesgenerated by the network, and FP corresponds to the number offalse positives. Ideally, the number of FP should be small anddetermines how accurate the network to deal with each case is.The IoU is a widely used method for evaluating the accuracy ofan object detector. [13][17]The Average Precision is the areaunder the Precision-Recall curve for the detection task. As inthe Pascal VOC Challenge, the AP is computed by averagingthe precision over a set of spaced recall levels [0, 0.1, . . . , 1],and the mAP is the AP computed over all classes in our task.1𝐴𝑃 11 𝑟𝜖{0,0.1, ,1} 𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑝 (𝑟)(2)pinterp (r) max p(r̃)(3)̃r̃ rr:where p(r̃) is the measure precision at recall r̃ .Faster R-CNN for each object proposal, [14]we extract thefeatures with a RoI Pooling layer and perform objectclassification and bounding-box regression to obtain theestimated targets. We used batch normalization for each featureextractor, and train end-to-end using an Image Net Pre trainedNetwork.To perform the experiments, our dataset has been dividedinto training set, validation set and testing set. Evaluation isperformed on the Validation set after that training is process isperformed on the training set and then final evaluation done intesting phase. As in the Pascal Visual Object Classes (VOC)Challenge [17], the validation set is a technique used forminimizing over fitting and is a typical way to stop the networkfrom learning. We use the training and validation sets toperform the training process and parameter selection,respectively, and the testing set for evaluating the results onunknown data.Published by, www.ijert.org4

Special Issue - 2018International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)ISSN: 2278-0181ICONNECT - 2k18 Conference ProceedingsV. CONCLUSIONCrop protection in organic agriculture is not a simplematter. It depends on a thorough knowledge of the crops grownand their likely pests, pathogens and weeds. In our systemspecialized deep

network (ANN) and diverse image processing techniques. As the proposed approach is based on ANN classifier for classification and Gabor filter for feature extraction, it gives better results with a recognition rate of up to 91%. An ANN based classifier classifies different plant diseases and uses the

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