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DO .v n li ROT HSX HOODPUBL I CATI ONBROTHERHOODW H I T E T E M P L E , f j , c.,160 0 L O G A N - D E N V E R f C O L O O fL U I

t h en e o p h y t eA N DT HEP AT HByDorealThis very instructive Book is a sequal to"Instructions of a master to HisChela",and is entirely devoted to theattitude, mental processes, occult devel opment, techniques, etc., necessary forstudents who desire to contact the Mas ter s.Following are chapter titles of thisgreat Book.Discourse 1.it2.it?.u4.tt5.w6,it7.tt8.tt9.it10.ttititA Word to the Neophyte.Duty and Realization.Reason and Faith.Reincarnation.Discrimination.Contacting the Masters.Masters & How they Work.Illumination and Oneness.Conquest of Fear.Life and Balance on theThree Planes.11. The Fourth Dimension andAstral Projection.12. How to Relax, Mentally,andPhysically.115. Opening the Occult Centers.Price - 1.00.THIS IS A MUST BOOK.


ASTRO-CHEMICAL ANALYSISDoreal 29METAPHYSICS DEFINED, . . . . .Ramose 30SYMBOLISM OF THE GREAT SEAn OFTHE U.S.Doreal & Ramose- 31.GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON»S .V I S I O N . .(A Reprint) 32SYMBOLISM Oi THE iTEFE OFJESUS.Eiranda 33SCIENCE OF HEALTH. Doreal 34"LITTLE TEMPLE LIBRARY”BOOK SERIES. . . .AS A N A k B R E A T HMAN T R AMANDByDorealA Book on the technique *fYoga, adopted for the Westernmind and body.This work is technique only- no unnecessary teachings aregiven.It aiso contains the SecretHindu Rejuvenation System,RriceL.&3.0035

T H FFOURG O SPELSA NEW SPIRITUAL AND OCCULT IN TERPRETATION OF THE TEACHINGSOF JESUS AS FOUND IN THE GOS PELS AND OTHER SOURCES,ByDorealThi3 Interpretation of the FOURGOSPELS, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,is the answer to the crying need of theAge for a comprehensive exolanation ofthe Teachings of Jesus.It gives theTRUE Teachings as they were originallytaught and it explains away the manyERRORS which have crept into the modernversions due to interpolation, numeroustranslations and later attempts at re vision to fit special doctrines.The FOUR GOSPELS explains the "Mys teries" behind the sayings of Jesus.The time is at hand for the "hiddenthings" about the life of Jesus and hisTeachings to be made clear.The SecretTeachings of Jesus need no longer remainobscure.Dr. Doreal has so simply andclearly explained the Four Gospels thatanyone can perfectly understand the won derful message of Truth the Master Jesuscame to give.No other Bible Scholar has ever had-5-

AT E X T B O O KO FTHEANCIENTWISDOMByDorealtee textbookof the ancient wisdomstater what the Brotherhood of the WhiteTemple teaches and the manner its teach ings shall be taughtto comply with theDecrees of the Supreme Order o f the GreatWhite Lodge.SECTION 1.The Brotherhood has certainPrincipleswhich form the basis of itsOuter Work.This large section is de voted to the explanationof these Prin ciples.SECTION 2.The Ritualand Ceremony ofthe Brotherhood for all Classesof theNeophyte and Temple Grades.SECTION 3. The Proclomation.Powers cfthe Supreme Council and Officers.Vest ments of the Council.Officers and Mem bers.Temple, Group and Membership R e g ulations.SECTION 4. General Information;givingthe manner of dispensation of Truth, re quired contribution for National Member ship, and the regulations for the forma tion of Temples and Group Centers.-8-

This book has been published for thestudent’s understanding of the foundingof the Brotherhood of the White Temple,the Powers of its officers(the SupremeCouncil),its teachings,its rules andby-laws and its Temple regulations.Itis a textbook whereby the student mayknow the aims and purposes of the Broth erhood and study the principles of Truthwhich it teaches.This large book contains the fullRitual and Ceremony to be conducted inthe Temples of the Brotherhood and itgives the Fundamental Principles of Cos mic Law' and Truth as they art tobetaught. Under this department the fol lowing subjects are explained: Shambalia,and the Great White Lodge, Illumination,Mastership, The Three Divisions of Con sciousness, Reincarnation,Cause andEffect,The Astral World, Vibration,Positive and Negative Polarities, TheOccult Centers, Spiritual Entities,Healing, - price 2.00.R I T U A LANDC E R E M O N YByDorealThe Ritual and Ceremony of theBrotherhood of the White Temple is con tained in the Textbook of the AncientWisdom,It is published inseparatebinding for the student’s convenience,- Price 50(2?.-9-

-------- s p i r i t u a lp o w e rM A G N E T I CH E A L I N G -----DorealThe S c i e n c e o f H e a l t h ,the healingof o n e ’s se l f a n d o f others is so plainlyexplainedin t h i s b o o k t h a t a n y b o d y canl e a r n h o w to u s e the S p i r i t u a l bower forhealing.The b o o kis w r i t t e nin twoparts;the f i r s t p a r tg i v e s the law ofM a g n e t i c H e a l i n g a n d h o w it is a p p l i e d tothe m e n t a l , n e r v o u s a n d p h y s i c a l anat o m yof man.In thesecondp a r t specificcases are g i v e n w i t h t h e i r c o r r e s p o n d i n gtreatments,W i t h the p r i n c i p l e sgivenin thisb o o k the r e a d e r w i l l b e a b l e toacqu i r ethe S p i r i t u a l powerto h e a l h i m s e l f andothers.He is sho w nh o w theMagneticH e aling V i b r a t i o n is sent to the a f f e c t e dparts and h o w to c o r r e c t the c a u s e . W h e nthe causeis t r e a t e dandremovedthesymptoms willdisappear.When treatingwiththis m e t h o dwhich Dr. D o r e a l o ut lines,the heal e r is t a u g h tto h e a l b yremoving the cause of the sick n e s s , — sothat the same symptomsorotherswillnot later appear.SpiritualPoweris abookwhichevery heal ershould have.This m e t h o dof Magnetic Healingis sosimplethatany studentcan learnto use it.Fromthe information contained inthis bookhe can immediately heal himself and otherswithout any previous training 1.00.-10-

F O U RP L A N E SOFH E A L I N GByDcroalA common mistake among most Spirit ual Healersis that they use one methodfor the treatment of all ills.Thislimits them and is usually the reasonfor their failure in healing many caseswhich come to them for treatment.There are four planes of man's beingwhich should be considered in SpiritualHealing;the physical, mental, psychicand spiritual planes. A symptom may ap pear in the physical which has its causein any one or more of these four planes.The treating of symptoms alone will notremove the cause. ' 'hen the cause is noteliminated,even though the symptom hasdisappeared,the patient has not beenreally healed for the same symptoms oranother may later appear if the cause isallowed to remain.It is for this reason that when theheal’,r has learned how to operate on thefour planes, he is dole to reachthecause and permanently heal his patients.One method cannot be successfully usedfor all ailments or conditions. With theknowledge of Four Planes of Healing thehealer may expect to wisely treat thepatient for any condition which may bebrought to him.-11-

Four planes of Healingis a Text book for Healers,It describes the Lawsof Healing,;giving the methods for em ploying them and cites a largo number ofexamples which explain how they are tobe used.Dr. Dorealgives the methodsfor diagnosing both the symptomsandtheir causes and fully explainsthetreatment for each.This large book Is not written forthe healer alone but may be used for selftreatment as well. The beginning studentin thestudy of Spiritual Healing mayread FOUR PLANES OF HEALING and begin im mediately to practice its principles andheal the sick. All students who wish tolearn how to heal either themselves orothersshould read this book.(Former ly 10.00 - Now, Second Issue 3.00.)M A S T E R SV I S I B L EANDI N V I S I B L EByDorealMASTERS, Visible and Invisible con tains inestimable information about theMasters which every student of Truthshould know. So many varied Ideas havebeen given about the Masters that the-IP-

average student has little or no realunderstanding of them. This work elimi nates the hypothetical concepts w M c h somany have been lead into believing andexplains the natural life and manifesta tions of the Masters.This writing gives valuable infor mation about the Masters of the GreatWhite Lodge,trie Children of Light, andthe Angels or Logoi of the Seven Spirit ual Planets which circle the centralSpiritual Sun. Dr.Doreal shows the ninezones of Color and Light and hov; the Mas ters, such as hhoot Hoomi, Iviorya, Hilarion and others manifest in these zones,teaching and helping those bound in dark ness. He explains why the Visible Mastersmay appear in either sex and why they haveappeared more often as men than as women,and why the Invisible Masters are saidto be neither male nor female.And in addition to the above price less information, Dr. Doreal gives thefour aspects of the foul as it is taughtin the Kabbaia and other teachings ofthe Ancients. These four aspects of thefoul, and how Michael and famuel, thegood and evil angels or forces in man,may be balanced to form the fpiritualImage of Divine Power are explained withdiagrams and charts.You will find it instructive to re fer to this book from time to time whilestudying your lessons on Truth or whenreading other books relative to the Mas ters and fpiritual Attainment - price 1,00.MARION SKIDMORE LBRARtLILY DALE, N. Y.

VITAMENSANDELEMENTSDorealWe wish to callthe attention ofour students and friends to the very in formative book by Dr. Doreal,ontheVitamins and Elements.The knowledge of fooda andtheirvalue can be of inestimable value to theSeeker of Light, for often the Student'sdevelopment is impaired through improperfeeding.Unless the proper food valuesare given in their proper combinations,the vitality and harmony of the body maybe deficient to meet the demands of theconsciousness for the attainment of b a l anced, spiritual unfoldment.This is just the book for. which theDietitian has been looking for in hissearch for a compendium of food values.It gives the twenty-twochemicalsub stances in man and the foods which con tain them.The corresponding physicalcondi tions which appear when the body has adeficiency or an excess of thetwelvemaster chemicals,are given with a listof foods which should be eaten in eachinstance.VITAMINS AND ELEMENTS contain a com plete classification of foods and theircombinations. Every person who is inter ested in food and how to get well througheating should have this book, - price 50/.-14-

T H ET A B L E T Se m e r a l dT H O TO FH - T H E - A T L A N T EANSome 38,000 years ago Thoth, an AtlanteanPriest-King, t-ha coloniser ofAncient Egypt (Land of Kher.) , builder ofthe Great pyramid of Gizeh, (erroneouslyattributed to Cheops)auto-biogrnphically wrote the legend-fsmous EmeraldTablets of the mighty "Magic-Science”and V isdotn of' Atlantis.These Tablets are posited in one ofthe yet unopened chambers of the GreatPyramid. They are form'd of an EmeraldGreen Substance, created through alchem ical transmutation.They are imperish able for the atomic and cellular struc ture is fixed and inoxiditable, and inthis respect violate the material law ofionization.The Tablets are fastenedtogether with hoops of golden coloredalloy suspended from a rod of the samematerial.Tsoth was a native son of AncientAtlantis.He was born in the city ofKeor,on the Island of Undal.He wasinstructed in the Elder Mysteries by hisfather Thotme, who was the Keeper of theGreat Temple and a Mouthpiece to Horlet,Master of Unal and Ruler of Atlantis.Thoth was chosen from the sons of menand was taught the bath to Amenti and-15-

received the Key to Perpetual Life. Lat er, after the sinking of Atlantis, heand his followers immigrated to AncientEgypt.Upon arriving in Egypt,they foundthe land inhabited by a barbarous racewhom they collected togetherand laterraised to a high degree of civilization,For some 16,000 yearsThoth ruledthisAncient race,from approximately 50,000B.C. to 36,000 B.C.Thoth was immortal;that is, had conquered death,passingonly when he willed,and even then, notthrough death. His vast wisdom made himruler over the various Atlantean C o l onies,including the ones in South andCentral America,When the time camefor Thoth toleave Egypt, he erected the Great Pyra mid over the entrance to the Great Hallsof Amenti,placed in it his records andcertain mechanical devices.He then ap pointed from among the highestof hispeople guards to protect his mighty sec rets.In later times the descendants ofthese guards became the Pyramid Priests,while Thoth was deified as the God ofWisdom,the Recorder, by those in thea e of darkness which followed his pas sing.In legend,the Hallsof Amentibecame the Under-world, the Halls of theGods where the soul passed after death,for judgment. During later ages the egoof Thoth passed into the bodies of menin the manner described in the Tablets.As such he incarnated three times,andin his last he was known as Hermes, the-16-

Thrice-born.Some thirteen hundred yearsR.C.,'Sypt,the Ancient Khern, was in turmoil nd there wore many emigrations of prieststo other partsof the world.In one oftheseemigrationsthe Emerald Tabletsweretaken bysomePyramid Priests toSouth America,nd in the tenth centurythe MayanPriestsplaced them beneaththe altar of one of the great temples ofthePun God.After the conquest of theHavas bythe Spaniardsthe cities were abandonedand the tr.asuron of the temples forgot ten.Dr.Dorcalwhohas a connectionwith theGreat White Lodge,v/hich alsoworks throughthe PyramidPriesthood,was instructedto recover and return tothe Great Pyramidthe AncientTablets.Before returning them he was given pe r mission totranslate and retaina copyof the Wisd o m engraved on the Tablets.This was done in 1925and only nowhas permission been given for this bookto be published.It is expected that many will scoff,yet the true studentwillread betweenthe lines and gain wisdoms,If the lightis in you,the lightwhich is engravedin these Tablets will respond,and thatwhich is strangeand beyondthe beliefof the modern scientist will he revealed.The Emerald Tabletsare so writtenthat the words respond to attuned thought-17-

Iwaves,rele asin gthe a s s o c i a t e d mentalvibration in the mind of the reader. A n dthus the magnanimous w i s d o m of the authoris revealed.The Emerald Tablets s h o u l d be read,not once,but a h u n d r e d timesfor onlythus can their true m e a n i n g be d i s c o v e r ed, A casual reading will give glimpsesof beauty, but more intensive study willopen,to the Truth Seeker,avenuestothe most intrinsic wisdom; w i s d o m of u n utterable majesty and beauty.The Brotherhoodpublicat io nshasproduced a mostattractivebi nd ing ofDr. D o r e a l ’s translation - pr inted on anEmerald-jadegreenpaperwitha han dcolored cover designof theoriginalTablets. The demand for this b o o k on theAtlantean Mysteries has beenso greatthat already it is in itssecondissueof publication, - price 2.00.S Y M B O LTHEO FG R E A TISMP Y R A M I DByDorealThe Great Pyramid of Gizeh,some times alluded to as the Mystery in Stone,la not a mystery to the Great Occultists.-18

Its b u i l d e r s ,hov; it w a s e r e c t e d , w h e n ,a n d the p u r p o s e s of its e r e c t i o n are d e f initely known.The pyramidwas neveru s e d as a tomb ? n d t h e c h a m b e r s o p e n e d tothe p u b l i c a r e b u t a few of t h e many y e tunopened c h a m b e r s .T h e w o r l d h a s y e t tole arnof the a r e a ts i g n i f i c a n c e ol theKabbalistic,Alchemical and Occult S y m b o l i s m c o n t a i n e d in the G r e a t P y r a m i d .Y o u willfindthisextraordinarybookthe m o s t i n s t r u c t i v e e x p o s i t i o n ofthis m o n u m e n t a l w o n d e rof the a p e s t h a thas ever been'written.It is a c o m p e n d i u m of O c c u l t f a c t s , n e v e r b e f o r e g i v e nto the p u b l i c at l a r g e - m a n y of the A n cient PyramidMysteriesar erevealed.This b o o k e s t a b l i s h e s c ertain facts thatw i l l a s t o u n d the m o s t l e a r n e d a n d s c i e n tific E g y p t i a n A r c h e o l o g y s t u d e n t s .Af ter y o u h a v e r e a d this b o o k y o u will w a n tit in y o u r l i b r a r y for f u r t h e r s t u d y a n dreference.S c o r e s of b o o k shave beenwrittena b o u t the G r e a t P y r a m i d ,b u t the w r i t e rof t is r e v i e w h a s n o t se e n one bock u p o nthe P y r a m i d that c o n t a i n s e v e n a p a r t ofthe i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d in S y m b o l i s m ofthe G r e a t P y r a m i d . It c o n t a i n s c h a r t s ofthe k n o w n and u n k n o w n c h a m b e r s - al s o theSymbolic Significanceof the S p h i n x an dits c o n n e c t i o n w i t h the P y r a m i d - 1 . 0 0 .-19-

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answers to Seaton's questions) - so viv-.idly given, the reader feelsthat he is*seated at S e a t o n ’s side and is instruct ed with him.The Brotherhood of Illuminated Unitsof Consciousness,ortheGreat WhiteLodge,is the subject of the First dis course,Shamballa,the Secret City ofthe Masters,its locationand descrip tion,- and how the student may go there,were some of the things discussed in theSecond Discourse.The Discourses which followaremore than Discourses,becausesome ofthem are given while Seaton’s Conscious ness is free of the body.The main sub jects discussed and places visitedareas follows: THE SECRET CITIES, or "SevenCities of St.John (or Cibola)", THE COS MIC WHITE LODGE,THE SECRET FLAME,THEINNER EARTH (The Inner Templeand theBlue Race),TIME AND SPACE, LAW OF LIFE,THE EMOTIONS, THE CHELA,INSTRUCTIONS OF A MASTER TO HISCHELA is.an unforgettable book, It liftsthe reader into such heightsof con sciousnessthat often the Spirituallyevolved student can contact the GreatMasters through the attunement which maybe derived from its reading. The studentwishing to enter into the Teachings ofthe Inner Mysteries MUST read this bookfor it shows the Path others have taken- the Path all Occult Students must take.You may obtain a copy of this wonderfulboo

The Science of Health, the healing of one’s self and of others is so plainly explained in this book that anybody can learn how to use the Spiritual bower for healing. The book is written in two parts; the first part gives the law of Magnetic Healing and how it is applied to the mental, nervous and physical anatomy of man.

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