ICSE Class 10 Physics Reduced Syllabus For The Year 2022

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ICSE Class 10 Physics Reduced Syllabusfor the Year 2022SCIENCE (52)PHYSICSSCIENCE Paper - 1CLASS XThere will be one paper of two hours durationcarrying 80 marks and Internal Assessment ofpractical work carrying 20 marks.The paper will be divided into two sections, SectionI (40 marks) and Section II (40 marks).Section I (compulsory) will contain short answerquestions on the entire syllabus.Definition of Power, P W/t; SI and cgsunits; other units, kilowatt (kW), megawatt(MW) and gigawatt (GW); and horsepower(1hp 746W) [Simple numerical problemson work, power and energy].(iv) Different types of energy (e.g., chemicalenergy, Mechanical energy, heat energy,electrical energy, nuclear energy, soundenergy, light energy).Section II will contain six questions. Candidateswill be required to answer any four of these sixquestions.Note: Unless otherwise specified, only SI Units areto be used while teaching and learning, as well asfor answering questions.Mechanical energy: potential energy U mgh (derivation included) gravitational PE,examples; kinetic energy K ½ mv2(derivation included); forms of kineticenergy: translational, rotational andvibrational - only simple examples.[Numerical problems on K and U only incase of translational motion]; qualitativediscussions of electrical, chemical, heat,nuclear, light and sound energy, conversionfrom one form to another; commonexamples.1. Force, Work, Power and Energy(i) Turning forces concept; moment of a force;forces in equilibrium; centre of gravity;[discussions using simple examples andsimple numerical problems].Elementary introduction of translationaland rotational motions; moment (turningeffect) of a force, also called torque and itscgs and SI units; common examples - door,steering wheel, bicycle pedal, etc.;clockwise and anti-clockwise moments;conditions for a body to be in equilibrium (translational and rotational); principle ofmoment and its verification using a metrerule suspended by two spring balances withslotted weights hanging from it; simplenumerical problems; Centre of gravity(qualitative only) with examples of someregular bodies and irregular lamina.(v) Machines as force multipliers; load, effort,mechanical advantage, velocity ratio andefficiency; pulley systems showing theutility of each type of machine.Functions and uses of simple machines:Terms- effort E, load L, mechanicaladvantageMA L/E, velocity ratioVR VE/VL dE / dL, input (Wi), output (Wo),efficiency (η), relation between η and MA,VR (derivation included); for all practicalmachines η 1; MA VR.Pulley system: single fixed, single movable,block and tackle(Pulleys using singletackle); MA, VR and η in each case.(ii) Uniform circular motion.As an example of constant speed, thoughacceleration (force) is present. Differencesbetween centrifugal and centripetal force.(vi) Principle of Conservation of energy.Statement of the principle of conservation ofenergy; theoretical verification that U K constant for a freely falling body.Application of this law to simple pendulum(qualitative only); [simple numericalproblems].(iii) Work, energy, power and their relation withforce.Definition of work. W FS cosθ; specialcases of θ 00, 900. W mgh. Definition ofenergy, energy as work done. Various unitsof work and energy and their relation withSI units. [erg, calorie, kW h and eV].1

2.Lightimages - principal rays or constructionrays; location of images from ray diagramfor various positions of a small linear objecton the principal axis; characteristics ofimages. Sign convention and directnumerical problems using the lens formulaare included (derivation of formula notrequired).(i) Refraction of light through a glass block anda triangular prism - qualitative treatment ofsimple applications such as real andapparent depth of objects in water andapparent bending of sticks in water.Applications of refraction of light.Partial reflection and refraction due tochange in medium. Laws of refraction; theeffect on speed (V), wavelength (λ) andfrequency (f) due to refraction of light;conditions for a light ray to pass undeviated.Values of speed of light (c) in vacuum, air,water and glass; refractive index µ c/V, V fλ. Values of µ for common substancessuch as water, glass and diamond;experimentalverification;refractionthrough glass block; lateral displacement;refraction through a glass prism, simpleapplications: real and apparent depth ofobjects in water; apparent bending of a stickunder water. Simple numerical problemsand approximate ray diagrams required.Scale drawing or graphical representationof ray diagrams not required.Power of a lens (concave and convex) – onlydefinition and basic understanding based onthe curvature or thickness of lens.Applications of lenses.(iv) Using a triangular prism to produce a visiblespectrum from white light, Electromagneticspectrum.Deviation produced by a triangular prism;dependence on colour (wavelength) of light;dispersion and spectrum; electromagneticspectrum: broad classification (names onlyarranged in order of increasingwavelength); properties common to allelectromagnetic radiations; properties anduses of infrared and ultraviolet radiation.(ii) Total internal reflection: Critical angle;examples in triangular glass prisms;comparison with reflection from a planemirror (qualitative only). Applications oftotal internal reflection.3. Sound(i) Reflection of Sound Waves; echoes: theiruse; simple numerical problems on echoes.Transmission of light from a denser medium(glass/water) to a rarer medium (air) atdifferent angles of incidence; critical angle(C) µ 1/sin C. Essential conditions fortotal internal reflection. Total internalreflection in a triangular glass prism; raydiagram, different cases - angles of prism(60º,60º,60º), (60º,30º,90º), (45º,45º,90º);use of right-angle prism to obtain δ 90ºand 180º (ray diagram); comparison of totalinternal reflection from a prism andreflection from a plane mirror.Production of echoes, condition forformation of echoes; simple numericalproblems; use of echoes by bats, dolphins,fishermen, medical field. SONAR.(ii) Natural vibrations, Damped vibrations,Forced vibrations and Resonance - a specialcase of forced vibrations. Meaning andsimple applications of natural, damped,forced vibrations and resonance.(iii) Loudness, pitch and quality of sound(iii) Lenses (converging and diverging)including characteristics of the imagesformed (using ray diagrams only);magnifying glass; location of images usingray diagrams and thereby determiningmagnification.Definition of each of the characteristics andfactors affecting them.4. Electricity and Magnetism(i) Ohm’s Law; concepts of emf, potentialdifference, resistance; resistances in seriesand parallel, internal resistance.Types of lenses (converging and diverging),convex and concave, action of a lens as a setof prisms; technical terms; centre ofcurvature, radii of curvature, principal axis,foci, focal plane and focal length; detailedstudy of refraction of light in sphericallenses through ray diagrams; formation ofConcepts of pd (V), current (I), resistance(R) and charge (Q). Ohm's law: statement,V IR; SI units; graph of V vs I andresistance from slope; ohmic and non-ohmicresistors, factors affecting resistance2

5. Heat(including specific resistance) and internalresistance; super conductors, electromotiveforce (emf); combination of resistances inseries and parallel. Simple numericalproblems using the above relations. (Simplenetwork of resistors including not more thanfour external resistors. Internal resistancemay be included).(i) Calorimetry: meaning, specific heatcapacity; principle of method of mixtures;Numerical Problems on specific heatcapacity using heat loss and gain and themethod of mixtures.Heat and its units (calorie, joule),temperature and its units (oC,, K); thermal(heat) capacity C' Q/ T. (SI unit of C'):Specific heat Capacity C Q/m T (SI unitof C) Mutual relation between HeatCapacity and Specific Heat capacity, valuesof C for some common substances (ice,water and copper). Principle of method ofmixtures including mathematical statement.Natural phenomenon involving specificheat. Consequences of high specific heat ofwater. [Simple numerical problems].(ii) Electrical power and energy.Electrical energy; examples of heater,motor,lamp,loudspeaker,etc.Electrical power; measurement of electricalenergy, W QV VIt from the definition ofpd. Combining with ohm’s law W VIt I2Rt (V2/R)t and electrical power P (W/t) VI I2R V2/R. Units: SI andcommercial; Power rating of commonappliances, household consumption ofelectric energy; calculation of total energyconsumed by electrical appliances;W Pt (kilowatt hour kW h) - simplenumerical problems.(ii) Latent heat; loss and gain of heat involvingchange of state for fusion only.Change of phase (state); heating curve forwater; latent heat; specific latent heat offusion (SI unit).Simple numericalproblems. Common physical phenomenainvolving latent heat of fusion.(iii) Household circuits – main circuit; switches;fuses; earthing; safety precautions; three-pinplugs; colour coding of wires.House wiring (ring system) (diagrammaticrepresentation excluded), main circuit (3wires-live, neutral, earth) with fuse / MCB,main switch and its advantages, need forearthing, fuse, 3-pin plug and socket;Conventional location of live, neutral andearth points in 3 pin plugs and sockets.Safety precautions, colour coding of wires.6. Modern PhysicsRadioactivity and changes in the nucleus;background radiation and safety precautions.Brief introduction (qualitative only) of thenucleus, nuclear structure, atomic number (Z),mass number (A). Radioactivity as spontaneousdisintegration. α, β and γ - their nature andproperties; changes within the nucleus. Oneexample each of α and β decay with equationsshowing changes in Z and A. Uses ofradioactivity - radio isotopes. Harmful effects.Safety precautions. Background radiation.(iv) Magnetic effect of a current (principlesonly, laws not required); electromagneticinduction (elementary).Oersted’s experiment on the magnetic effectof electric current; magnetic field (B) andfield lines due to current in a straight wire(qualitative only), right hand thumb rule –magnetic field due to a current in a loop;Electromagnets: their uses; comparisonswith a permanent magnet; conductorcarrying current in a magnetic fieldexperiences a force, Fleming’s Left HandRule and its understanding, Simpleintroduction to electromagnetic induction; amagnet moved along the axis of a solenoidinduces current, Fleming’s Right Hand Ruleand its application in understanding thedirection of current in a coil and Lenz’s law,Comparison of AC and DC.Radiation: X-rays; radioactive fallout fromnuclear plants and other sources.Nuclear Energy: working on safe disposal ofwaste. Safety measures to be strictly reinforced.3

When the unit is named after a person, the symbolhas a capital letter.A NOTE ON SI UNITSSI units (Systeme International d’Unites) wereadopted internationally in 1968.Standard prefixesFundamental unitsDecimal multiples and submultiples are attached tounits when appropriate, as below:The system has seven fundamental (or basic) units,one for each of the fundamental quantities.Fundamental ilogramkgLengthmetremTimesecondsElectric currentampereATemperaturekelvinKLuminous intensitycandelacd10-6microµAmount of ved unitsThese are obtained from the fundamental units bymultiplication or division; no numerical factors areinvolved. Some derived units with complex namesare:DerivedquantityINTERNAL ASSESSMENT OFPRACTICAL WORKUnitVolumeNamecubic metreSymbolm3Densityki

on work, power and energy]. (iv)Different types of energy (e.g., chemical energy, Mechanical energy, heat energy, electrical energy, nuclear energy, sound energy, light energy). Mechanical energy: potential energy U mgh (derivation included ) gravitational PE, examples; kinetic energy

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