E*Way Intelligent Adapter For SAP (ALE) User’s Guide

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e*Way Intelligent Adapter forSAP (ALE) User’s GuideRelease 5.0.5 for Schema Run-time Environment (SRE)SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

The information contained in this document is subject to change and is updated periodically to reflect changes to the applicablesoftware. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document, SeeBeyond Technology Corporation(SeeBeyond) assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear herein. The software described in this document is furnishedunder a License Agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such License Agreement. Printing,copying, or reproducing this document in any fashion is prohibited except in accordance with the License Agreement. The contentsof this document are designated as being confidential and proprietary; are considered to be trade secrets of SeeBeyond; and may beused only in accordance with the License Agreement, as protected and enforceable by law. SeeBeyond assumes no responsibility forthe use or reliability of its software on platforms that are not supported by SeeBeyond.SeeBeyond, e*Gate, e*Way, and e*Xchange are the registered trademarks of SeeBeyond Technology Corporation in the United Statesand/or select foreign countries. The SeeBeyond logo, SeeBeyond Integrated Composite Application Network Suite, eGate, eWay,eInsight, eVision, eXchange, eView, eIndex, eTL, ePortal, eBAM, and e*Insight are trademarks of SeeBeyond TechnologyCorporation. The absence of a trademark from this list does not constitute a waiver of SeeBeyond Technology Corporation'sintellectual property rights concerning that trademark. This document may contain references to other company, brand, and productnames. These company, brand, and product names are used herein for identification purposes only and may be the trademarks oftheir respective owners. 2005 SeeBeyond Technology Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This work is protected as an unpublished work under thecopyright laws.This work is confidential and proprietary information of SeeBeyond and must be maintained in strict confidence.Version 20050406032103.e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE) User’s Guide2SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

ContentsContentsPreface8Intended Reader8Organization8Nomenclature9Online Use9Writing Conventions9Chapter 1Introduction10SAP Interface Options10The ALE Interface11SAP Intermediate Document Format11NomenclatureStructure1111The SAP ALE e*Way13Overviewe*Gate to SAPSAP to e*GateFeaturesComponents1313141515Supported Operating Systems15Chapter 2Installation17System Requirements17Environment Configuration17External System Requirements18External Configuration Requirements18Installing the e*Way19Windows Systemse*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE) User’s Guide193SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

ContentsInstallation ProcedureSubdirectories and FilesUNIX SystemsInstallation ProcedureSubdirectories and Files1921222222Chapter 3System Implementation24Overview24Pre-Implementation TasksImplementation TopicsImplementation SequenceViewing e*Gate Components24242525Creating a Schema26Creating Event Types27Creating Event Type Definitions28Downloading the IDoc Description FileUsing the Monk ETD Editor’s Build ToolUsing the Java IDoc WizardAssigning ETDs to Event Types29323739Defining Collaborations41Creating Intelligent Queues42Known Limitations42Sending a NAK to SAP42Chapter 4SAP R/3 Configuration43Overview43SAP Hierarchies43Distribution Model Configuration45Naming the Logical SystemSpecifying the Distribution Model4547Communications Configuration50Defining the RFC DestinationDefining the Communications PortCreating a Partner ProfileConfiguring a Partner Profile50535556Security Issuese*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE) User’s Guide604SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

ContentsChapter 5Setup Procedures61Overview61Setting Up the e*Way62Creating the e*WayModifying e*Way PropertiesConfiguring the e*WayUsing the e*Way EditorSection and Parameter ControlsParameter Configuration ControlsCommand-line ConfigurationGetting HelpChanging the User NameSetting Startup Options or SchedulesActivating or Modifying Logging OptionsActivating or Modifying Monitoring Thresholds626364656666676768687071Troubleshooting the e*Way72Configuration ProblemsSystem-related Problems7273Chapter 6Operational Overview74e*Way Architecture74RFC Communications75Events and Collaborations76The IDoc/DXOB Converter77Data Flow and Event Processing78e*Gate to SAPSAP to e*Gate7881Chapter 7Configuration Parameters84Overview84General Settings85Data Direction (SAP to e*Gate)Data Direction (e*Gate to SAP)Interface Name (SAP to e*Gate)Interface Name (e*Gate to SAP)Incoming Raw Message Journal (SAP to e*Gate)Outgoing Translated Message Journal (e*Gate to SAP)Message Journal Archiving ScheduleRejected Message Journal (SAP to e*Gate)e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE) User’s Guide58585858586868687SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

ContentsALE/RFC Setup88SAP System TypeSAP IDoc VersionProgram ID (SAP to e*Gate)SAP Load Balancing Usage (e*Gate to SAP)SAP Application Server (e*Gate to SAP)SAP Router String (e*Gate to SAP)SAP System Number (e*Gate to SAP)SAP Gateway Host (SAP to e*Gate)SAP Gateway Host (e*Gate to SAP)SAP Router String (SAP to e*Gate)SAP Gateway ServiceRFC Trace OnValidate SAP Sender Identity (SAP to e*Gate)SAP System Number (SAP to e*Gate)SAP System ID (SAP to e*Gate)SAP Client Number (SAP to e*Gate)SAP User Name (SAP to e*Gate)SAP User Language (SAP to e*Gate)SAP System Client Number (e*Gate to SAP)Logon User Name (e*Gate to SAP)Logon Password (e*Gate to SAP)Logon Language (e*Gate to SAP)SAP Message Server (e*Gate to SAP)SAP Destination System (e*Gate to SAP)SAP Application Server Group (e*Gate to 9595Communication Setup96Time to Wait Before Becoming Server (SAP to e*Gate)e*Gate System Polling Interval (SAP to e*Gate)Time to Wait Before Attempting Connection (e*Gate to SAP)Connection Duration Strategy (e*Gate to SAP)Idle Interval Before Disconnecting (e*Gate to SAP)Connection Error Resend Strategy (e*Gate to SAP)Maximum Resend Attempts (e*Gate to SAP)Transaction Processing99Enforce Transactional RFCTransactional ID Verification Database (SAP to e*Gate)Transactional ID Verification Database (e*Gate to SAP)Verification Database Operating ModeDatabase Purge ScheduleDatabase Entry LifetimeExpunge Database Entry On ConfirmTransaction Identification and Translation (SAP to e*Gate)Transaction Identification and Translation (e*Gate to SAP)Translation Status Monk VariableOutput File Monk VariableOutput Record Delimiter Monk VariablePersistent Memory File Monk VariablePersistent Memory File Name (SAP to e*Gate)SAP IDoc Syntax Error Code (SAP to e*Gate)SAP IDoc Translation Error Code (SAP to e*Gate)SAP e*Way General Error Code (SAP to e*Gate)Advanced Monk 7107108Load Custom Monk File NameStartup Monk Function Name (SAP to e*Gate)Positive Acknowledgment Monk Function (SAP to e*Gate)Positive Acknowledgment Function (e*Gate to SAP)Negative Acknowledgment Function (SAP to e*Gate)Negative Acknowledgment Function (e*Gate to SAP)e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE) User’s Guide969696969797986108108108109109109SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

ContentsAppendix AUtilities110stcjdump.exe110Appendix BIDoc Java s111111112112112113113113Indexe*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE) User’s Guide1157SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

PrefaceThis Preface contains information regarding the User’s Guide itself.P.1Intended ReaderThe reader of this guide is presumed to be a developer or system administrator withresponsibility for maintaining the SeeBeyond e*Gate Integrator system, and have aworking knowledge of: Operation and administration of the appropriate operating systems (see SupportedOperating Systems on page 15) Windows-style GUI operations SAP ALE and IDoc format Integrating SAP R/3 with external systemsP.2OrganizationThis User’s Guide is organized into two parts. The first part, consisting of Chapters 1-5,introduces the e*Way and describes the procedures for installing the e*Way andimplementing a working system incorporating the e*Way. This part should be ofparticular interest to a System Administrator or other user charged with the task ofgetting the system up and running.The second part, consisting of Chapters 6-7 and the Appendix, describes thearchitecture and internal functionality of the e*Way. This part should be of particularinterest to a Developer involved in customizing the e*Way for a specific purpose.Information contained in this part that is necessary for the initial setup of the e*Way iscross-referenced in the first part of the guide, at the appropriate points in theprocedures.e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE)User’s Guide8SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

Section P.3NomenclaturePrefaceP.3NomenclatureNote that for purposes of brevity, the e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE) isfrequently referred to as the SAP ALE e*Way, or simply the e*Way.P.4Online UseThis User’s Guide is provided in Adobe Acrobat’s Portable Document Format (PDF).As such, it can be printed out on any printer or viewed online. When viewing online,you can take advantage of the extensive hyperlinking imbedded in the document tonavigate quickly throughout the Guide.Hyperlinking is available in: The Table of Contents The Index Within the chapter text, indicated by blue printExistence of a hyperlink hotspot is indicated when the hand cursor points to the text.Note that the hotspots in the Index are the page numbers, not the topics themselves.Returning to the spot you hyperlinked from is accomplished by right-clicking themouse and selecting Go To Previous View on the resulting menu.P.5Writing ConventionsThe writing conventions listed in this section are observed throughout this document.Monospaced (Courier) FontComputer code and text to be typed at the command line are set in Courier as shownbelow:Configuration for BOB Promotionjava -jar ValidationBuilder.jarVariables within a command line are set in the same font within brackets as shownbelow:stcregutil -rh host-name -un user-name -up password -sfBold Sans-serif Font User Input: Click Apply to save, or OK to save and close. File Names and Paths: In the Open field, type D:\setup\setup.exe. Parameter, Function, and Command Names: The default parameter localhost isnormally only used for testing; the Monk function iq-put places an Event into an IQ.e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE)User’s Guide9SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1IntroductionThe SeeBeyond e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE) has been designedspecifically to connect e*Gate to SAP enterprise-management software within anetwork of diverse hardware and software systems. Using one or more SAP e*Ways,e*Gate can act as a bus, linking SAP applications and other software systems, ordifferently-configured SAP systems. This e*Way allows bidirectional data exchangebetween e*Gate and an SAP system via SAP’s Application Link Enabling (ALE)interface method, which employs SAP’s Intermediate Document (IDoc) Format.1.1SAP Interface OptionsSAP offers several interface options, including Application Link Enabling (ALE),Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI), and Electronic Data Interchange(EDI). The Batch Data Communication (BDC) interface actually is a user-emulationmethod that can be either batch or event-driven.Figure 1 SAP Interface OptionsSAP nIDocSAP R/3All of these interfacing methods are supported by SeeBeyond, for both SAP-inboundand SAP-outbound data transfer.e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE)User’s Guide10SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1Introduction1.1.1Section 1.2SAP Intermediate Document FormatThe ALE InterfaceReal-time communications with an SAP system is accomplished through the use ofSAP’s ALE layer running on top of SAP’s Remote Function Call (RFC)—SAP’s versionof Remote Procedure Call. To guarantee uniqueness of transactions, SAP offers aversion of RFC called Transactional RFC (tRFC). SAP provides the API libraries for: Enabling connection to the SAP system, given the appropriate Host andIdentification parameters Marshalling of arguments to and from the SAP system Executing (client-mode) or defining (server-mode) RFC Services on the SAP systemALE supports the transfer of information between applications by means of messaging,rather than file transfer. Transactions are exchanged using the SAP IntermediateDocument (IDoc) format, which is basically a fixed message. The IDoc file is interpretedby correlating with an IDoc Description file, which specifies all relevant fields.1.2SAP Intermediate Document FormatIntermediate Documents are used as containers for information, and are used to uploaddata to and download data from other systems. IDocs allow independence between theformat and content of the message.1.2.1NomenclatureSeveral hundred IDocs are supplied with each R/3 system, serving as templates for awide variety of applications. The IDoc hierarchy is represented by the followingterminology: Message Types are related to specific applications such as Orders. IDoc Types are different versions of standard Message Types, such as Orders forspecific items or services.1.2.2StructureA typical SAP IDoc consists of Control, Data, and Status records, as shown in Figure 2on page 12. Status records, however, are not used by the ALE interface.e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE)User’s Guide11SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1IntroductionSection 1.2SAP Intermediate Document FormatFigure 2 SAP IDoc StructureControl RecordSenderRecvrMessg. TypeIDoc-TypeStatusData CXXXXXXXSUBITEMDXXXXXXACCUMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXStatus Record‘To be processed’14:33:48‘Processing successful’14:33:57e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE)User’s Guide12SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1Introduction1.3Section 1.3The SAP ALE e*WayThe SAP ALE e*WayThe SAP e*Way controls the communication protocol layer between the SAP host ande*Gate, and can be configured to process data in either direction. As with most otherSeeBeyond e*Ways, it contains its own Monk engine to process Collaborations withoutdrawing on e*Gate resources.The e*Gate system, in turn, connects to another application through an e*Way designedspecifically for that system. This external system may be either another (differentlyconfigured) SAP system or a non-SAP system.1.3.1Overviewe*Gate to SAPFigure 3 ALE SAP-Inbound Data FlowSAP R/3 SystemALE InterfaceIDocIDoc to SAP ALEe*Waye*GateIntegratore*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE)User’s Guidee*Way13SourceApplicationSeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1IntroductionSection 1.3The SAP ALE e*WayAn application external to the SAP system generates a transaction designated for anSAP application. The e*Gate system receives the transaction through an e*Way,performs any necessary processing or routing, and sends the information to the SAPALE e*Way. This e*Way converts the data to SAP IDoc format and sends it to the SAPsystem’s ALE Interface. Here, it is converted to the correct internal data format andstored in the application database.SAP to e*GateFigure 4 ALE SAP-Outbound Data FlowSAP R/3 SystemALE InterfaceIDocData to SAP ng routine operation, some application on the SAP system generates a transactiondesignated for an external system. The ALE Interface converts the data from theinternal data format to the IDoc format, and sends it to the SAP ALE e*Way. The e*Gatesystem receives the transaction from the e*Way, performs any necessary processing orrouting, and sends the information to another e*Way connected to the recipient system.Here, it is converted to the correct format for the target application.e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE)User’s Guide14SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1Introduction1.3.2Section 1.4Supported Operating SystemsFeaturesThe SAP ALE e*Way provides the following: Inbound/outbound access to SAP R/3 System via ALE (Application LinkingEnabling). Monk-enabled connection to the SAP system, given the appropriate host andidentification parameters. Emulates/calls ABAP/4 INBOUND IDOC PROCESS function on SAP R/3 Systemusing Transactional RFC (tRFC). Executing (client-mode) or defining (server-mode) RFC Services on the SAP system.1.3.3ComponentsThe SAP ALE e*Way incorporates the following components: An executable file, stcewsapale.exe An accompanying dynamic load library, librfc32.dll (lbrfccm.sl for UNIX), containingRFC extensions Default configuration files, stcewsapalein.def and stcewsapaleout.def SeeBeyond utilities stcjdump.exe and stcpxcmd.exe Monk and Java-based Wizards used to build Event Type DefinitionsFor a list of installed files, see Chapter 2.1.4Supported Operating SystemsThe e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP ALE currently supports the followingcombinations of operating systems and releases of SAP R/3.Table 1 English-language VersionOperating System4.0B4.5B4.6B4.6CWindows 2000 and Windows Server 2003XXXXHP-UX 11.0, 11i (PA-RISC), and 11i v2.0 (11.23)XXXXIBM AIX 5.1L and 5.2XXXXSun Solaris 8XXXXe*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE)User’s Guide15SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1IntroductionSection 1.4Supported Operating SystemsTable 2 Japanese-language VersionOperating System4.0B4.5B4.6B4.6CWindows 2000 and Windows Server 2003---XHP-UX 11.0, 11i (PA-RISC), and 11i v2.0 (11.23)---XSun Solaris 8---XTable 3 Korean-language VersionOperating System4.0B4.5B4.6B4.6CHP-UX 11.0, 11i (PA-RISC), and 11i v2.0 (11.23)---XIBM AIX 5.1L and 5.2---XSun Solaris 8---Xe*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE)User’s Guide16SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2InstallationThis chapter describes the requirements and procedures for installing the e*Waysoftware. Procedures for implementing a working system, incorporating instances ofthe e*Way, are described in Chapter 3.Note: Please read the readme.txt file located in the addons\ewsapale directory on theinstallation CD-ROM for important information regarding this installation.2.1System RequirementsTo use the e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP ALE, you need the following:1 An e*Gate Participating Host.2 A TCP/IP network connection.3 Sufficient free disk space to accommodate e*Way files: Approximately 2.6 MB on Windows systems Approximately 4.6 MB on Solaris systems Approximately 5.4 MB on HP-UX systems Approximately 6.3 MB on AIX systems Approximately 5.9 MB on Tru64 UNIX systemsNote: Additional disk space is required to process and queue the data that this e*Wayprocesses; the amount necessary varies, based on the type and size of the data beingprocessed.2.1.1Environment ConfigurationNo changes are required to the Participating Host’s operating environment to supportthis e*Way.e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE)User’s Guide17SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2Installation2.2Section 2.2External System RequirementsExternal System RequirementsThe e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP ALE supports the following applications (seealso Supported Operating Systems on page 15).English SAP R/3, version 4.0B, 4.5B, 4.6B, and 4.6C2.2.1External Configuration RequirementsYour SAP R/3 system must be configured to communicate with the SAP ALE e*Way(see SAP R/3 Configuration on page 43).e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE)User’s Guide18SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2InstallationSection 2.3Installing the e*Way2.3Installing the e*Way2.3.1Windows SystemsInstallation ProcedureNote: The installation utility detects and suggests the appropriate installation directory.Use this directory unless advised otherwise by SeeBeyond.To install the e*Way on a Microsoft Windows system1 Log in as an Administrator on the workstation on which you want to install thee*Way (you must have Administrator privileges to install this e*Way).2 Exit all Windows programs and disable any anti-virus applications before runningthe setup program.3 Insert the e*Way installation CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.4 Launch the setup program.A If the CD-ROM drive’s Autorun feature is enabled, the setup program shouldlaunch automatically. Follow the on-screen instructions until the ChooseProduct dialog box appears (see Figure 5). Check Add-ons, then click Next.Figure 5 Choose Product Dialog BoxB If the setup program does not launch automatically, use the Windows Exploreror the Control Panel’s Add/Remove Applications feature to launch thefollowing file on the CD-ROM drive (bypassing the Choose Product dialog):setup\addons\setup.exee*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE)User’s Guide19SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2InstallationSection 2.3Installing the e*Way5 Follow the on-screen instructions until the Select Components dialog box appears(see Figure 6). Highlight—but do not check—eWays and then click Change.Figure 6 Select Components Dialog Box6 When the Select Sub-components dialog box appears (see Figure 7), check the SAPALE e*Way.Figure 7 Select e*Way Dialog7 Click Continue, and the Select Components dialog box reappears.8 Click Next and continue with the installation.e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE)User’s Guide20SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2InstallationSection 2.3Installing the e*WaySubdirectories and FilesBy default, the InstallShield installer creates the following subdirectories and installsthe following files within the \eGate\client tree on the Participating Host, and the\eGate\Server\registry\repository\default tree on the Registry Host.Table 4 Participating Host & Registry isapale.ctlBy default, the InstallShield installer also installs the following file within the\eGate\Server\registry\repository\default tree on the Registry Host.Table 5 Registry Host OnlySubdirectories\e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE)User’s GuideFilessapale.ctl21SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2Installation2.3.2Section 2.3Installing the e*WayUNIX SystemsInstallation ProcedureNote: You are not required to have root privileges to install this e*Way. Log on under theuser name that you wish to own the e*Way files. Be sure that this user has sufficientprivilege to create files in the e*Gate directory tree.To install the e*Way on a UNIX system1 Log onto the workstation containing the CD-ROM drive and, if necessary, mountthe drive.2 Insert the CD-ROM into the drive.3 At the shell prompt, typecd/cdrom4 Start the installation script by typing:setup.sh5 A menu appears, with several options. Select the install e*Way option, and followany additional on-screen instructions.Note: The installation utility detects and suggests the appropriate installation directory.Use this directory unless advised otherwise by SeeBeyond. Note also that no spacesshould appear in the installation path name.Subdirectories and FilesThe preceding installation procedure creates the following subdirectories and installsthe following files within the /eGate/client tree on the Participating Host, and the/eGate/Server/registry/repository/default tree on the Registry Host.Table 6 Participating Host & Registry HostSubdirectoriesFiles/bin/lbrfccm.sl (HP-UX xtstcewsapalein.defstcewsapaleout.defe*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE)User’s Guide22SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2InstallationSection 2.3Installing the e*WayThe preceding installation procedure also installs the following file only within the/eGate/Server/registry/repository/default tree on the Registry Host.Table 7 Registry Host OnlySubdirectories/e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE)User’s GuideFilessapale.ctl23SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3System ImplementationIn this chapter we take a more detailed look at the information presented in theIntroduction, and describe the steps required for setting up a working systemincorporating the SeeBeyond e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE). Please refer tothe e*Gate Integrator User’s Guide for additional information.3.1OverviewThis e*Way provides a specialized transport component for incorporation in anoperational schema. The schema also contains Collaborations, linking different data orEvent types, and Intelligent Queues. Typically, other e*Way types also are used ascomponents of the schema.3.1.1Pre-Implementation Tasks Installation of SeeBeyond softwareThe first task, of course, is to install the SeeBeyond software as described inChapter 2. Modification of SAP R/3 environmentAfter you have installed the SeeBeyond software, your existing SAP R/3 systemmust be configured to interact properly with the SAP ALE e*Way. See Chapter TopicsThe following topics are discussed in this chapter:Creating a Schema on page 26Creating Event Types on page 27Creating Event Type Definitions on page 28Defining Collaborations on page 41Creating Intelligent Queues on page 42Known Limitations on page 42e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE)User’s Guide24SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3System Implementation3.1.3Section 3.1OverviewImplementation Sequence1 The first step is to create a new Schema—theCreate Schemasubsequent steps apply only to this Schema (seeCreating a Schema on page 26).2 The second step is to define the Event Types youDefine Event Typesare transporting and processing within theSchema (see Creating Event Types on page 27).3 Third, you need to associate the Event TypesGenerate Event TypeDefinitionscreated in the previous step with Event TypeDefinitions (ETDs) derived from the applicableBusiness Rules (see Creating Event TypeDefinitions on page 28).Create & Configuree*Ways4 The fourth step is to create and configure therequired e*Ways (see Chapter 5).Define & ConfigureCollaborations5 Next is to define and configure the Collaborationslinking the Event Types from step 2 (see DefiningCollaborations on page 41).CreateIntelligent Queues6 Now you need to create Intelligent Queues tohold published Events (see Creating IntelligentQueues on page 427 Finally, you must test your Schema. Once youTest & Deploy3.1.4have verified that it is working correctly, you maydeploy it to your production environment.Viewing e*Gate ComponentsUse the Navigator and Editor panes of the e*Gate Schema Designer to view the variouse*Gate components. Note that you may only view components of a single schema atone time, and that all operations apply only to the current schema. All procedures inthis chapter should be performed while displaying the Components Navigator pane.See the e*Gate Integrator User’s Guide for a detailed description of the features and use ofthe Schema Designer.e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE)User’s Guide25SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3System Implementation3.2Section 3.2Creating a SchemaCreating a SchemaA schema is the structure that defines e*Gate system parameters and the relationshipsbetween components within the e*Gate system. Schemas can span multiple hosts.Because all setup and configuration operations take place within an e*Gate schema, anew schema must be created, or an existing one must be started before using thesystem. Schemas store all their configuration parameters in the e*Gate Registry.To select or create a schema1 Invoke the Open Schema dialog box (Figure 8) and Open an existing schema, orclick New to create a new schema.Figure 8 Open Schema Dialog2 Clicking New invokes the New Schema dialog box (Figure 9).Figure 9 New Schema Dialog3 Enter a new schema name and click Open.4 The e*Gate Schema Designer then opens under your new schema name.5 From the Options menu, click on Default Editor and select Monk.6 Select the Components tab, found at the bottom of the Navigator pane of the e*GateSchema Designer window.7 You are now ready to begin creating the necessary components for this newschema.e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE)User’s Guide26SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3System Implementation3.3Section 3.3Creating Event TypesCreating Event TypesWithin e*Gate, messages and/or packages of data are defined as Events. Each Eventmust be categorized into a specific Event Type within the schema.To define the Event Types1 In the e*Gate Schema Designer’s Navigator pane, select the Event Types folder.2 On the Palette, click the New Event Type button.3 In the New Event Type Component box, enter the name for the input Event Typeand click Apply. Use this method to create all required Event Types, for example: InboundEvent ValidEvent InvalidEvent4 After you have created the final Event Type, click OK.e*Way Intelligent Adapter for SAP (ALE)User’s Guide27SeeBeyond Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3System Implementation3.4Section 3.4Creating Event Type DefinitionsCreating Event Type DefinitionsBefore e*Gate can process any data to or from an SAP system, you must create an EventType Definition to package and route that data within the e*Gate system. The ETDEditor automatically creates an Event Type Definition file based upon structuralmetadata, using a Wizard-driven build tool.With e*Gate release 4.5, two options are

ALE/RFC Setup 88 SAP System Type 88 SAP IDoc Version 88 Program ID (SAP to e*Gate) 88 SAP Load Balancing Usage (e*Gate to SAP) 89 SAP Application Server (e*Gate to SAP) 89 SAP Router String (e*Gate to SAP) 90 SAP System Number (e*Gate to SAP) 90 SAP Gateway Ho

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