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LIST OF DEGREE GRANTING INSTITUTIONS IN MALAYSIAAS OF 1 FEBRUARY 2017PUBLIC UNIVERSITIESNO.NAME REGISTERED IN MQR1.International Islamic University Malaysia2.Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia3.University of Malaya4.Universiti Malaysia Kelantan5.Universiti Malaysia Pahang6.Universiti Malaysia Perlis7.Universiti Malaysia Sabah8.Universiti Malaysia Sarawak9.Universiti Malaysia Terengganu10.Sultan Idris Education University11.Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia12.Universiti Putra Malaysia13.Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia14.Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin15.Universiti Sains Malaysia16.Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka17.Universiti Teknologi Malaysia18.Universiti Teknologi MARA19.Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia20.Universiti Utara MalaysiaNOTES1 List of Degree Granting Institutio ns Malaysia

LIST OF DEGREE GRANTING INSTITUTIONS IN MALAYSIAAS OF 1 FEBRUARY 2017PRIVATE UNIVERSITIESNO.21.NAME REGISTERED IN MQRAIMST University22.Albukhary International University23.Al-Madinah International University24.Asia Metropolitan University25.26.NOTESClosed operation 15 August 2016. It isproposed that this institution to beremained in the list for another one year forpublic referenceAsia Pacific University of Technology andInnovationBinary University of Management andEntrepreneurship27.City University College of Science andTechnology28.DRB-HICOM University of AutomotiveMalaysia29.GlobalNxt University30.HELP University31.Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur32.International Centre for Education in IslamicFinance33.International Medical University34.INTI International University35.International University of Malaya-Wales36.Limkokwing University of CreativeTechnology37.MAHSA University38.Malaysian Institute for Supply ChainInnovationThe institution is yet to submit application tochange its new name in the MQRCurrent name: City University2 List of Degree Granting Institutio ns Malaysia

LIST OF DEGREE GRANTING INSTITUTIONS IN MALAYSIAAS OF 1 FEBRUARY 2017NO.NAME REGISTERED IN MQR39.Malaysia University of Science andTechnology40.Management and Science University41.Manipal International University42.Multimedia University43.Nilai University44.Perdana University45.Putra Business School46.Quest International University Perak47.Raffles University Iskandar48.SEGI University49.Sunway University50.Taylor’s University51.UCSI University52.UNITAR International University53.Universiti Kuala Lumpur54.Universiti Selangor55.Sultan Azlan Shah Islamic University CollegeNOTESThe institution is yet to submit application tochange its new name inthe MQRCurrent name : Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah56.Universiti Teknologi Petronas57.Universiti Tenaga Nasional3 List of Degree Granting Institutio ns Malaysia

LIST OF DEGREE GRANTING INSTITUTIONS IN MALAYSIAAS OF 1 FEBRUARY 2017NO.NAME REGISTERED IN MQR58.Universiti Tun Abdul Razak59.Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman60.University Malaysia of Computer Scienceand EngineeringNOTESPRIVATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGESNO.NAME REGISTERED IN MQR61.Allianze University College of MedicalSciences (AUCMS)62.BERJAYA University College of Hospitality63.Cyberjaya University College of MedicalSciences64.First City University College65.INSANIAH University College (KUIN)66.International Islamic University CollegeSelangor67.International University College of Arts andScience (I-UCAS)68.Twintech International University College ofTechnology69.KDU University College70.KPJ Healthcare University College71.Kuala Lumpur Metropolitan UniversityCollege (KLMUC)72.Lincoln University CollegeNOTESClosed operation on 6 February 2016. It isproposed that this institution to be remainedin the list for another one year for publicreferenceClosed operation on 26 January 2016. It isproposed that this institution to be remainedin the list for another one year for publicreference4 List of Degree Granting Institutio ns Malaysia

LIST OF DEGREE GRANTING INSTITUTIONS IN MALAYSIAAS OF 1 FEBRUARY 2017NO.NAME REGISTERED IN MQR73.Linton University College74.North Borneo University College75.Southern University College76.TATI University College77.Tunku Abdul Rahman University College78.Bestari University College79.University College of Agroscience80.University College of Islam Melaka81.University College of Technology SarawakNOTESThe institution is yet to submit application tochange its new name in the MQRUniversity College Shahputra82.Current name: Widad University College83.Vinayaka Mission International UniversityCollegeThis institution is yet to be listed in MQR dueto programmes offered are still at theProvisional Accreditation status.Nevertheless, it was in the list since Mac 2013OTHER DEGREE GRANTING INSTITUTIONSNO.NAME REGISTERED IN MQR84.Akademi Seni Budaya dan Warisan Kebangsaan (ASWARA)85.Institute of Teacher Education Malaysia5 List of Degree Granting Institutio ns Malaysia

Universiti Putra Malaysia 13. Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia 14. Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin 15. . The institution is yet to submit application to change its new name in the MQR Current name : Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah 56. Universiti Teknologi Petronas 57. Universiti Tenaga Nasional . LIST OF DEGREE GRANTING INSTITUTIONS IN MALAYSIA .

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