Experian GlobalIntelligenceLocation and Consumer Intelligence to help businessesfind the best locations and customers across the globe
IntroductionBusinesses wishing to drive sales andincrease their market share, alongsidea need to mitigate risk, are increasinglysetting their sights on internationalexpansion, and looking for growth acrossa multi-channel environment. Domesticpressures are also forcing somecompanies to look abroad for growth, anda successful market breakthrough can beextremely lucrative.Yet this endeavour can be fraught withchallenges – not least the lack of marketknowledge or access to good intelligenceto prioritise the best opportunitiespresented by the market.Experian supports clients around theworld in understanding local marketsand consumers in order to reduce capitalinvestment risks, identify market potential,acquire and retain customers, and gaincompetitive advantage.Experian understands the need for reliableand consistent intelligence on people andplaces, and importantly, that businessesrequire actionable insights not data.Experian solutions to support your businessA. Location andmarket analysis City and location catchments Demographics/economics Business landscape Competitors and co-tenants Location potential and rankings Sales and share predictionsB. Customer insight Who are my customers? Consumer behaviour Profile (ethnicity, age etc.) Means of engagement Existing penetration of target typesC. Specialist advice Setting up location analysis tools Design of market entry and Setting up location teamslocation strategies Location planning training Developing local intelligenceD. Multi-channelmarketing analytics Database management Marketing fulfilment CRM creation Website intelligence Social Media insightAt Experian we help many businessesdevelop robust market and location planningstrategies, whether their focus is their homemarket or multiple opportunities acrossthe globe. We do this by providing data ledintelligence based on dependable market,location and consumer insights.Supporting businesses across sectors suchas Retail, Automotive, Leisure, Retail Banking,Consumer Brands, Telcos, and Gaming, andacross global geographies, Experian empowerclients to compare different opportunities andtheir intrinsic risks with greater confidence.Experian - Global Intelligence 3
Which types of business can benefit? GroceryMajor fashion chainsFranchise networksTechnology retailersDepartment storesConvenienceRetail banking Electronics Food and drink Consumer health care,and health and beauty Clothing, footwear, andother fashion brandsConsumerBrandsRetailers Quick servicerestaurants Major chains Gyms andsports clubs LifestylemanagementRestaurantsand barsUnderstandyour customersand localmarketpotentialReal Estate AgentsOwnersInvestorsDevelopersCentre operatorsLeisureAutomotiveOnline Dealers Manufacturers Map and understand yourglobal customer penetration& distribution4 Experian - Global Intelligence
A: Location and market analysisExperian is able to provide multiscaled global support to businesses,recognising that decisions aboutentering or expanding in newmarkets typically require a macrolevel ‘scan’ of a country or regionbefore drilling down to the finer levelof city or location.For clients considering the pros andcons of different countries, Experiandraws on extensive demographicand economic data intelligence tohelp establish the best ‘fit’ to theirstrategy based on macro-economics,outlook, the business environment,and consumer profile. Experian alsohelps clients identify those regionswithin countries offering greatestpotential across both demand andsupply factors.Further applications include Mergers & acquisitions:Understand competitor locationtypes and potential Improve store performance:Benchmark new locations againstthe existing network to focus onthe most profitable location types Omni-channel strategydevelopment: Identify new marketsegments and optimal distributionstrategy, including new formats.Drive international presenceand growth via a ‘right-fit’ marketapproach Online customer insight: Geocodeand map your global customerbase to derive insight into whichareas/regions have highest onlinecustomer penetrationFor clients looking for helpidentifying the best global retailcentres and locations, Experianhelp reveal the business landscaperelevant to the appropriate sector,identify consumer demographics,monitor competitors, calculateexisting market share, predict sales,and ascertain available headroom.Multi-level global support for consumer and location based decisionsGlobal/CountryRegional marketSub-region/CityLocation Insight Macro-economics,outlook and risk Competition andbusiness environment Consumer demandand profile Regions of greatestpotential Regions ingrowth/decline Competitive andbusiness environment Consumer demandand profile Market size and supply Cities of greatestpotential City rankings basedon catchments andpotential Competitive andbusiness environment Consumer demandand profile Demography Market size and supply Area classifications Territory hunting maps Identify best sitesfor new locations Consumer demandand profile Demography Competitiveenvironment Points of Interest,distribution points,co-tenants Sales and shareestimatesExperian - Global Intelligence 5
A: Location and market analysisExperian work with clients usinga range of location intelligencetechniques to deliver the right levelof business support. The use of finelevel population grid squares (e.g.1km, 5km etc.) for example enablesthe creation of accurate catchmentand consumer demand estimatesat the most appropriate level, evenin countries where good data aretraditionally scarce.Combined with comprehensiveconsumer datasets, Experianlocation data paint a detailed pictureof the demand and supply factorscharacterising any location. Experianholds population data for the entireworld at local level, and has furthersegmented more than 2.3 billionconsumers in over 30 countries,including major emerging marketssuch as Brazil and India using moredetailed information.The development of simple buteffective segmentations of localareas for any global market using acombination of demand and supplyfactors such as population, ageprofile, presence of transportationhubs, proximity to retail centres,road network, provides clients withvaluable insight into the types ofplaces under consideration.Experian’s tools and solutions aredesigned to deliver powerful insight,yet are always easy to use. These aretailored to the specific requirementsof our clients, and includeprioritisation lists of highest potentialareas/locations, location insightreports, sales prediction models,and maps.6 Experian - Global IntelligenceDubai – Retail Demand & SupplyMoscow – Selected RestaurantDemand & Supply HotspotsLima – Residential DemandSurfaceAssessing market demand inChina (Hong Kong)Bespoke reporting
Experian has exclusiveaccess to the latestglobal populationdatabase, giving themost accurate basepopulation and demand data foranalysis in any international market.Population estimates at 1km grid resolutionfor India, Mexico and Brazil (available forany country)Wherever across the world a business is focussing investment, Experian hasthe data intelligence to support location based decision making.Basedemographic dataat fine geographiclevel for everyglobal marketSegmentationdata on over 2.3billion consumers,spanning 30 ofthe worlds mosteconomicallyactive countriesOnline behaviourdata for 25 millioninternet usersacross 5 millionwebsitesConsumerdemandestimates at a finegeographic levelOver 23,000 citytrade areas builtto date across theglobe, coveringmega cities tosecond tier citiesExperian - Global Intelligence 7
B: Customer insightBefore entering a new market it isimperative that organisations developan excellent understanding ofpotential customers. A clear vision ofthe current customer base may existtoday, so the aim could be to findsimilar people in new markets. Thisis easier said than done given thecultural and economic differencesbetween countries, so it is importantto understand who they are, how theybehave, and their likes and dislikes indetail, to avoid costly mistakes.Experian Mosaic: rich consumer insight for 27 major UKGERMANYREPUBLIC OFIRELANDCANADAPOLANDBELGIUMCZECH LINDIATAIWANHONG ableIn DevelopmentManaging customerdata can beproblematic acrossboth single andmultiple markets. Experian’sexpertise lies in turning datainto intelligence, and our clientsgenerate greater value from theircustomers through the use ofthe tools, data and insightExperian provide.By utilising unique data linkagesolutions, with data hygiene andmanagement, Experian help itsclients develop and maintaina single view of customersacross one or more markets. Bycombining customer data withExperian’s wealth of consumerdata and multi-channel customerengagement capabilities,Experian can deliver a singleplatform from which to improvecustomer engagement andincrease revenues.8 Experian - Global Intelligence
Experian consumerintelligence helpsunlock revenuepotential across thecustomer baseBoost sales using the bestmarket segmentationsolution in BrazilExperian utilises an unrivalledbreadth and depth of data to helpclients develop a detailed andaccurate understanding of existingand potential customers. The MosaicGlobal consumer segmentation is apowerful customer insight solutionproviding organisations with anability to understand detailedcharacteristics of customers in eachlocal market, as well as providing anumbrella view of customers acrossmarkets to aid benchmarking andmarket comparison. Spanning 30of the world’s most economicallyactive countries to date, Experian’scustomer intelligence capabilitieshelp clients drive value fromcustomer data; Support targeted marketing acrosschannels (store, web, mobile, callcentre, direct) to improve resultswhilst minimising costs Develop cross market strategiesbased on a common understandingof customersOptimise the value of customers and locations in India, now and in the future Identify the characteristics ofyour best customers and identifywhere there are more of themacross focus markets to supportcustomer acquisition andlocation planning Visualise the geographicdistribution of customers tosupport location based decisions,such as new outlets, acquisition,home delivery, or catchmentcannibalisation Increase customer value bydeveloping more appropriatetreatment strategies for groupsof customers based on a deeperunderstanding of their needsand preferences Enhance the value of yourcustomer database to reduce thecost of customer acquisition anddrive retentionExperian - Global Intelligence 9
C: Specialist adviceThe development of aninternational strategycan be challenging.Not only does itrequire the creation of a soundunderstanding of markets,consumers, locations, and areasof greatest potential, but alsoexpertise in translating anddeploying this insight.Data can be scarcer than expected,especially in emerging economiessuch as China and Russia. Thisnecessitates the design of solutionsbased on a minimum level ofinsight to steer your business to thebest opportunities. Furthermore,collecting data from multiplesources can be a time consumingand difficult task, especially wherethere is no in-house expertise.Given these challenges, Experianworks in partnership with clientsdirectly and/or their consultancies/agencies to help develop aninternational market strategy.Experian’s experienced consultantscan advise on setting up theinfrastructure, best practices, andprocesses to manage the sometimesconsiderable demands of extractingstrategic insight from global marketdata. Furthermore, Experian’s globaldata assets enable our clients toapproach multiple markets in aconsistent manner.Working closely with many of theworld’s top businesses, Experian helprun location strategies, advise oncustomer acquisition, train analyticalstaff, and even in some cases helpsupport the set up and recruitment ofspecialist in-house teams.D: Multi-channel marketing analyticsThe ever increasingnumber ofoptions availableto consumersto fulfil their purchasing needsmakes appropriate multi-channelengagement ever more important.Experian is uniquely positionedto provide a consistent view ofconsumers across channels, spanning‘bricks, clicks and flicks’ and tohelp clients identify and adopt themost appropriate channels for eachshopper, maximising the value of eachcustomer contact.From websites to social media,mobile devices to market places,and of course shopping centresand retail districts – the consumernow has a multitude of channelsto engage through.Experian Hitwise provides access torich online traffic data generated bythe online movements (upstream anddownstream) of millions of internetusers. Globally, Experian tracks theonline behaviour of 25 million internetusers across 5 million websites.Fortunately Experian can helpclients navigate this ever changinglandscape, across differentmarkets. We have worked withmany companies to enhance theirunderstanding of the impacts andsynergies of each and every channel,and the interaction of the endconsumer across those channels.Experian can uniquely report onthis traffic both in terms of itsdemographics, socio-economicgrouping (Mosaic) and regionallocation. This customer insight helpsour clients begin to understand thelinkage across consumer activity, whichin turn can be fed into country specificmarketing and location strategies.10 Experian - Global IntelligenceExperian can support client’s socialmedia strategy by leveraging theinsight developed by ExperianTechlightenment, social mediaspecialists. This insight empowersclients to tailor the way they connectwith customers through social mediabased on the brands they ‘like’ andtalk about.Ultimately, Experian can helpclient’s link traditionally disparatechannels such as online, social,and location, empowering you todesign fully informed and connectedcommunication and investmentstrategies, in different marketsacross the world.
About ExperianExperian is the leading global information services company, providing dataand analytical tools to clients in more than 80 countries. With over 25 yearsexperience of delivering location and consumer intelligence, the company helpsbusinesses make best use of and protect scarce resources by targeting locationsand consumers, managing credit risk, preventing fraud, and automating decisionmaking. Experian also helps individuals to check their credit report and creditscore, and protect against identity theft.Experian plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange (EXPN) and is a constituentof the FTSE 100 index. Total revenue for the year ended 31 March 2012 was US 4.5billion. Experian employs approximately 15,000 people in 41 countries and hasits corporate headquarters in Dublin, Ireland, with operational headquarters inNottingham, UK; California, US; and São Paulo, Brazil.For more information, visit www.experianplc.comExperian - Global Intelligence 11
80 Victoria StreetCardinal PlaceLondonSW1E 5JLwww.experian.co.uk/internationalEmbankment HouseElectric AvenueNottinghamNG80 1EH160 Dundee StreetFountainbridgeEdinburghEH11 1DQ Experian Limited 2012.The word “EXPERIAN” andthe graphical device are trademarks of Experian and/or itsassociated companies andmay be registered in the EU,USA and other countries. Thegraphical device is a registeredCommunity design in the EU.All rights reserved.
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