Unlocking Golf’sTrue PotentialGlobal Customer InsightsThe Global EconomicValue of Increased FemaleParticipation in Golf1
Unlocking Golf’sTrue PotentialSyngenta is a global agriculture company,employing more than 28,000 people in90 countries.For more than 30 years we have also been amarket leader in the global golf industry creatinginnovative turf management solutions for golfcourses in 43 countries.As an industry leader, we care not only for thehealth, quality and consistency of your fairwaysand greens, we care about the health of thegame itself and the industry’s long-termbusiness sustainability.That’s why Syngenta is investing in golf from theground up with the aim of Unlocking Golf’s TruePotential. Our objectives are focused on:Dear Reader,Welcome to ‘The Global EconomicValue of Increased Female Participationin Golf’, the first in a new series ofGlobal Customer Insights reportscommissioned by Syngenta.A target of 30% for worldwide female participation ingolf would be a good start, but why not 50%? As anindustry, I believe this is a target we should aspire to.We believe this is the first market study to addressthe opportunity of female participation on a globalscale. More than 14,000 respondents in eightcountries including the United States, the UK andJapan completed our survey, conducted by anindependent international market research company.We welcome your feedback and ideas. Please docontact us at: golf.syngenta@syngenta.comFor the first time, we have been able to assessworldwide latent demand for golf among womenand estimate the potential economic value to theglobal golf industry.We present customer insights that inform practicalsolutions on how to retain and optimize the value ofexisting female golfers, as well as how to recruitnew customers.This survey has also given us the opportunity toexamine the perceived link between females andjuniors to see if women could be more effectivethan men at bringing their children to golf andwhether there is a Female-Junior multiplier effectin terms of participation.Globally, approximately a quarter of existing golfers arefemale. Yet, as our survey shows, millions of womenworldwide could be interested in taking up golf withinthe next two years.This is a huge opportunity for the golf industry.However, realizing this opportunity requires golfto listen to and address the specific needs of itsdifferent king with golf coursesuperintendents aroundthe world to deliver thebest playing conditionsfor their customers2Supporting our customersand stakeholders withnew knowledge, skillsand tools to create strong,dynamic, customer-centricgolf businessesEnhancing the environment,increasing biodiversity, andengaging with customersand stakeholdersWorking together, we canUnlock Golf’s True PotentialGender diversity is good for sport – and it is goodfor business. It is also something that a modern,globalized society expects.As an industry, golf has become increasingly awareof the need to address gender diversity and thereare some excellent female-centric participationinitiatives in place. However, more can be done.We hope this report and our upcoming seriesprovides insights that can be turned intopositive action.Jeff CoxSyngenta Global Headof Lawn & Garden“As a professional golfer who has been fortunateenough to travel all around the world, I know thatgolf is a game with global appeal to both men andwomen. I also know, as a mother of two children,that golf is a wonderful way to share time with family.I’m very proud to be working with Syngenta, helpingturn market research into action with love.golf,a social group coaching program designedspecifically for women (see page 19). Introducingthis to Sweden in the past year, I’ve been amazedat the responses of both coaches and customersto a completely different way of bringing new femalegolfers to the game. While it’s social and relaxing, itis also empowering and confidence-giving. For me, ithas underlined the value of listening to what peoplewant and not just doing what we have always donein golf. So please read and reflect on this report anduse the information to do something at your golfcourse or in your golf business that will bring morewomen and families into the game.”Carin KochSyngenta GolfAmbassadorTo find out more, join Syngenta GolfAmbassador Carin Koch for a specialon-course video presentation at:www.unlockinggolfstruepotential.co.uk3
ContentsMethodologyMethodologyPage 51. The Economic Value of Female GolfGlobal Female ParticipationPage 6Global Latent DemandPage 6What is the Value of the Female Golfer?Page 8What is the Global Economic Value of Increased Female Participation?Page 92. Realizing the Value of Female Golfersi) Retaining Existing CustomersWhat would Encourage Female Golfers to Play More?Page 10How to Optimize the Value of Existing Female GolfersPage 11Why do Women Leave Golf?Page 12More than 14,000 people participated in thisworldwide survey, including golfers (female andmale), female non-golfers, lapsed female playersand women who had tried the sport two or threetimes but then gave up.The survey was carried out in eight countries/regions – USA, Canada, UK & Ireland(combined), Sweden, France, South Korea,Japan and Australia.Some mature golf markets, notably Germany,were not included in this study, but our sampleof eight countries represents 78% of the world’stotal golf course supply (NGF 2016).Clearly, total latent demand, and thereforethe potential economic value of increasedfemale participation globally, could actually besignificantly higher if additional countries withgolf courses were included. Furthermore, thissurvey does not take into account potentialfuture demand for golf in countries where boththe number of golf courses and the populationis growing.However, focusing on eight mature golf marketsthat currently account for the majority of theworld’s golf supply was a practical approach totackling a golf study of this scale.Covering North America, Europe and Asia, this isboth a broad and representative global study witha margin of error in each country of less than 2%.The quantitative study included almost 5,000research hours and was supplemented byqualitative questions and comments, as well astwo face-to-face focus groups.We believe it to be one of the largest in-depthglobal golf studies ever undertaken and the firstto look at the economic opportunity of increasedfemale participation worldwide.ii) Recruiting New CustomersWhat Attracts Women to Golf?Page 14What would Encourage Women to Try Golf?Page 15Journey of a New CustomerPage 16Did Prospective Golfers Watch Olympic Golf?Page 18Case Study: love.golf Social Group CoachingPage 193. Could Female Golfers be a Catalyst for Junior Participation?4Who do Children Play Golf With?Page 20Is there a Female-Junior Multiplier Effect?Page 21Global Customer Insights SummaryPage 225
The Economic Value of Female GolfHow many female golfers are there and what proportion of the total number of adultgolfers do they account for? We wanted to create an overview of golf participationworldwide. We also wanted to map latent demand and show the prospective numberof female golfers in each of our eight sample markets.Global Female Participation*MARKETFEMALE GOLFERS (%)FEMALE GOLFERS (MILLIONS)USA23%5.50Canada30%1.71UK & 75South Korea29%1.54Australia21%0.25TOTAL24%11.14*Total number of adultfemale golfers in eachmarket, rounded to nearestthousand. Proportion offemale golfers expressedas a split of adult male/female golfers: juniorplayers excluded.CANADASWEDENTotal players*: 5,700,000Male players: 3,990,000 (70%)Female players: 1,710,000 (30%)Total players*: 430,000Male players: 307,000 (71%)Female players: 123,000 (29%)Female latent demand: 24%Prospective Female Golfers:1.49 millionFemale latent demand: 25%Prospective Female Golfers:0.5 million*Source: National AlliedGolf Associations*Source: European Golf AssociationUK & IRELANDJAPANTotal players*: 1,018,000Male players: 856,000 (84%)Female players: 162,000 (16%)Total players*: 7,600,000Male players: 5,850,000 (77%)Female players: 1,750,000 (23%)Female latent demand: 29%Prospective Female Golfers:3.79 millionFemale latent demand: 17%Prospective Female Golfers:2.54 million*Source: European Golf Association*Source: Japan Productivity Center24%PROPORTIONOF FEMALEGOLFERSGlobal Latent DemandWe surveyed female non-golfers aged 18-64 in our eight sample markets about their level of interestin golf. The below is the proportion of females who said they are ‘very interested’ or ‘interested’ intaking up golf in the next two years, as well as the equivalent number of prospective female golfersin those countries based on population size.In total, 29% of non-golfers and lapsed players we questioned said they would be very interestedor interested in taking up golf in the next two years, equivalent to 36.9 million prospective newfemale customers.MARKET6LATENT DEMAND (%)PROSPECTIVE FEMALE GOLFERS (MILLIONS)USA31%17.38Canada24%1.49UK & 54South NLATENTFEMALEUSASOUTH KOREATotal players*: 24,100,000Male players: 18,600,000 (77%)Female players: 5,500,000 (23%)Total players*: 5,310,000Male players: 3,770,000 (71%)Female players: 1,540,000 (29%)Female latent demand: 31%Prospective Female Golfers:17.38 millionFemale latent demand: 45%Prospective Female Golfers:5.66 million*Source: National Golf Foundation*Source: Korean Golf AssociationFRANCEAUSTRALIATotal players*: 368,000Male players: 265,000 (72%)Female players: 103,000 (28%)Total players*: 1,210,000Male players: 958,000 (79%)Female players: 252,000 (21%)Female latent demand: 40%Prospective Female Golfers:4.45 millionFemale latent demand: 25%Prospective Female Golfers:1.09 million*Source: European Golf Association*Source: Golf AustraliaGOLFERS7
What is the Value of the Female Golfer?What is the Global Economic Value of Increased Female Participation?To calculate the global economic value of increased female participation in golf, we needed tounderstand the value of an individual female golfer.With the equivalent of 36.9 million women saying they would be ‘very interested’ or ‘interested’in taking up golf in the next two years, what is the potential economic value of these new customersto golf globally?A total of 3,271 female golfers were asked a series of questions based on their expenditure in thepast year (2016). This included six expenditure categories. 35 BILLIONNaturally, expenditure varies from customer to customer and country to country. However, the dataenabled us to create a picture of the female golfer and a mean annual spend value:GREEN FEES/ ERSHIP FEEANNUAL MEMBMARKETESCLOTHES & SHONTGOLF EQUIPMEGOLF BALLSGOLF LESSONS 148 248 39 103 949Insight: Comparing current male and female players in our survey, men typically spend morethan women on golf each year, especially in terms of green fees ( 424), but only slightly more onequipment ( 256). However, women spend nearly 25% more than men on golf lessons. Theamount a new female golfer might spend in her first year may be more or less than our valuationof 949. However, we believe this to be a reasonable valuation.8INCREASED FEMALE PARTICIPATION 92DRINKS & FOODTOTALGLOBAL ECONOMIC VALUE OF 319LATENT DEMAND VALUE ( BILLION)USA16.49Canada1.41UK & Ireland3.60Sweden0.48France4.22Japan2.41South Korea5.37Australia1.03TOTAL 35.01Insight: The United States has by far thehighest number of prospective female golfers(equivalent to 17.38 million players) and,accordingly the largest economic opportunity( 16.5 billion). South Korea and France bothhave significantly higher than average levelsof latent demand, 45% and 40% respectively.Of course, the reality is that only a fractionof these prospective customers will actuallytake up the game, for a variety of reasons,including some of the perceived and realcultural challenges golf faces, as well as mixedsuccess in converting players who sample thegame. However, what the numbers underlineis a very significant and strong interest amongwomen in golf – and if the industry can addressthe needs of prospective female customers andproactively develop its value proposition, thereis a global 35 billion opportunity available.9
Realizing the Value of Female GolfersLong-term business sustainability requires the global golf industry to (i) retain existingplayers and (ii) recruit new customers. We asked female golfers and lapsed playersworldwide what would encourage them to play more or start golf.(i) Retaining Existing GolfersWill Golfers Play More or Lessthis Year?What would Encourage Golfers toPlay More?We asked 3,271 female golfers how much golfthey would play this year compared to last year.We then asked golfers the specific factors thatwould encourage them to play more next year.A total of 87% said they would play the sameamount or more, suggesting most female playersare gaining value from their golf experiences.Nearly a third, 30%, said they would actuallyplay more next year while more than half,57%, said they would play the same amount.However, 13% said they would play less.37%22% Better weather17% The game took less time16% A club or course closer to my home15% If I could see more improvement in my game14% My spouse/significant other played the game13% Relaxed dress code11% Play more, save more program11% Less expensive instruction/coaching11% New equipment was more affordableWe then asked golfers the reasons for theamount they would play in the coming year.“It is something social that the wholefamily enjoys, so we go golfing whenwe have time available.”“I might play a little bit more becausenow I have two kids and I’m sure theywould love to get on the course andrun around and play as I play golf.”“I have really found it to be somethingI enjoy doing and would like to seeif I can improve my game.”10The game was more affordableHow to Optimize the Value of Existing Female GolfersWe wanted to find out what really matters to female golfers during a golf experience and whichamenities and services add the most value to their visit.Key Customer TouchpointsWe asked female golfers what was mostimportant to them in terms of amenities,products and services. While differentcustomers in different countries have varyingpreferences, seven standout touchpoints forfemale golfers worldwide are: Locker roomAdded ValueNext, we wanted to identify the touchpoints thatcan create (or lose) the most value, dependingon whether a golf course has delivered positiveor negative customer service. Ultimately, whichtouchpoints should golf courses focus on?- Customer Service Course website / app1. Signage Course conditions Food & beverage facilities Valet parkingDestroysValue2. Website3. CourseCreatesValue4. Clubhouse Time / flexible play options Signage (parking, clubhouse & course)Insight: Interestingly, signage – welcomingand directing the customer from the parkinglot, to the clubhouse, to the golf course – canadd significant value to the female customer’sexperience. This may be to do with givingwomen confidence and making them feelcomfortable in what is often a male dominatedenvironment. The broader findings underline theneed to understand the golf experience from afemale perspective and enhance the navigationevery step of the way, from the website andbooking experience in advance, to customerservice in and around the clubhouse. Coursesthat understand the female customer and canadd value through excellent service can alsogenerate more revenue.Other notable factors include 9-hole green fee(10%), course conditions (9%) and my childrenwere able to play with me whenever I play (7%).“As I get older I have become a fairweather player. I live on the coast in thenorthwest of the United States, so wedon’t get nice weather so often.”11
Why Do Women Leave Golf?While some mature golf markets have suffered higher rates of attrition in recent times, we wanted tolearn more about golfers who had given up the game (‘lapsed players’). We also wanted to hear fromcustomers who had tried golf two or three times but then did not take it up (‘non-retained players’).Lapsed PlayersWe asked 654 lapsed female players why they had stopped playing golf.30% Overall cost of the game30% Family responsibilities27% The time it takes to play19% Work commitments have not allowed me to play17% Took up another sport or found another hobby I enjoy more than golf17% My friends stopped playing golf16% I did not improve enough to justify continuing play12% Golf is too slow for me; I need a sport or hobby that is faster9% The game is too frustrating or difficult8% I did not have easy access to affordable golf coaching5% There are too many rules and regulations5% Staff were intimidating4% Fellow golfers or members were intimidating3% Golf lessons or coaching was not female focused2% Coaching seemed too technical13% Other“A lot of time is invested in playing golfand I had children. I needed to spendtime with my kids before spendingthree or four hours on a golf courseenjoying myself.”12Non-Retained PlayersWe also surveyed 1,214 women who had tried golf but had given up after two or three tries.Why didn’t they continue with golf?37% Overall cost of the game30% The game was not fun26% The time it takes to play20% Took up another sport or found another hobby I enjoy more than golf18% I did not improve enough to justify continuing play17% The game is too frustrating or difficult15% Golf is too slow for me; I need a sport or hobby that is faster12% Family responsibilities12% The courses are set up for experienced golfers, not beginners8% Work commitments have not allowed me to play7% My friends stopped playing golf7% The game was too intimidating4% There are too many rules and regulations8% Other“I wasn’t very good and I nevergot any better.”“Golf is very expensive. I wouldrather spend the money on mychildren or other sports that area nominal fee or free.”“The people that I was playing with,we were in our twenties.Life just started happening fasterand there was less leisure time.Everybody just sort of disbanded andnever really got back into it.”Insight: Cost is frequently a key factor inconsumer surveys for all manner of productsand services, so it is not a surprise to seecost at the top of these lists for golf. However,this doesn’t necessarily mean golf generally istoo expensive or that golf courses and clubsshould systematically discount play, whichcan sometimes be the default reaction ofgolf venues. Providing solutions that addresscustomer challenges – including familyresponsibilities, time, flexibility and ability toimprove – could enhance the game’s valueproposition and result in better retention aswell as a higher conversion rate among themany who are interested and trying golf forthe first time.13
(ii) Recruiting New CustomersWhat would Encourage Women to Try Golf?With significant latent demand, what might be the best ways to recruit new female golfers?Understanding what actually interests new players about the game, how they are first exposed to thesport and what would encourage them to give golf a try, could inform how new golfers are recruited.Prospective PlayersWe asked 3,515 non-golfers and lapsedplayers, ‘What about golf piques your interest?’.The most appealing factors to these prospectivecustomers are:1Being outdoors2Relaxation or stress relief3 3 5 5 I can play the game at whatever ageI choose unlike other sportsIt presents a mental challengeSpending time with my familyand friendsWe also asked how non-golfers and lapsedplayers had been exposed to golf. Ultimately,this may provide indications of what golf’spotential touchpoints are, as well as entrypoints to the sport.62% Television43% Friends who golf24% Putt Putt/Crazy Golf17% My spouse/significant other plays13% Work colleaguesIt presents a physical challenge“When I see golf on TV, it looks sorelaxing, and it lo
Syngenta Global Head of Lawn & Garden Carin Koch Syngenta Golf Ambassador Unlocking Golf’s True Potential Syngenta is a global agriculture company, employing more than 28,000 people in 90 countries. For more than 30 years we have also been a market leader in the global golf industry creating innovative turf management solutions for golf
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