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Chapter 12FLAGS, PENNANTS,HONORS, CEREMONIESAND ectionSectionSectionSection1.2.3.4.GeneralHonors to National Anthems and National EnsignsHand Salutes and Other Marks of RespectGun Salutes5. Passing Honors6. Oftlcial Visits and Calls7. Formal Occasions Other Than Ot%cial Visits8. Display of Flags and Pennants9. Special Ceremonies, Anniversaries and Solemnities10. Deaths and Funerals115

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Chapter 12FLAGS, PENNANTS, HONORS, CEREMONIESAND CUSTOMSSection 1. GeneralContentsArtickAnickAuthorityfor Oispenshg WithHcxnm . . . . . .Honm-sRestrictedm w h ernmca. . . . . .1201. Authorityfor Dkpensing1201HonorsRestricted.1203. . . . . . . . . . . . .1202With Honors.The honors and ceremonies prescribed in theseregulationsmay be dispensedwith whendirected by the Sscretary of the Navy or whenrsquested by an individual to whom such honorsand ceremonies are due.1202.lnt.xnstimal H.morsModifiedby Agreementto RecognizedGovernments.No salute shall be fired in honor or any nation orof any officialof any nation “ot formallyrecognized by the Governmentof the UnitedStates. Except as authorized by the Secretary ofthe Navy, no other honorsor ceremoniesprescribed in these regulations shall be renderedor exchanged with such nations or dbyShould the required number or frequencyofinternationalsalutes, offtcial visits or otherhonors or ceremonies bs deemed excessive.thesenior officer present in the United States navalservice may make, subject to the requirements ofinternationalcourtesy,such modificationascircunwmnceswarrant and as may be agreedupan with the responsible offkials or the seniorOfficer pressnt of the nation involvsd.117

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Chapter 12FLAGS, PENNANTS, HONORS, CEREMONIESAND CUSTOMSSection 2. Honors to National Anthems and National EnsignsContentsArtic&ManneroiPiaying National&uhems . . . . . . . . . .Prom&u. DuringPlayingofNai.nalAnlhem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1204.Manner of PlayingAnthems.1204Momimgand Evmimg Colm. . . . . . . .12061205SAluresrntheNatioml Em@n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘Hail malw ChiU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12071208National1. The Nationsl Anthem of the United States,“The Stsr Spangled Banner,” when played by aoaval band, shaIl bs played in its entirety aswritten and as prescribed in the official U.S.Navy Band arrangement,which is designatedthe official Department of Defense arrangement.2. The playing of the National Anthem of theUnited Ststes, or of any other country, as a partofa medley is prohibited.3. When a foreign national anthem is prescribedin connection with honors, and it is consideredappropriate W perform the National Anthem ofthe UnitedStates therewith,the NationalAnthem of the United Skates will bs performedlast.4. On other occasions when a foreign mtionalanthem (or anthems) is performsd, the NationalAnthem of the United Ststes will be performedlast, except when performed in conjunction withmorning colors, as described in Article 1206.10.1205.ProcedureDuringNationsl Anthem.Playingof1. Whenever the National Anthem k played, al Inaval ssrvice psrsonnel not in formation shal Istand at atksntion andIn the event that thedisplayed,they shallmusic, When covered,Articleface the nations] ensign.national ensign is notface the source of thethey shall come to thesalute at the first note of the anthem, snd shallremain at the sslnts until the Isst nets of theanthem.Persons in forrrrstioo m-s broughttoorder arms or callsd tmattention ss apprnptita.The formation commandersbafl face in thedirection of the ensign or, in the abaencs of theensign, shsll fats in the direction of the musicand shall render the appropriate ssfuts for theunit. Perzmns irr formationparticipatingin aceremonyshall,on command,followtheprocedurs prescribed for the ceremony. Personsin vehicles or in boaIs shall follow the procedurearticle for suchprescribedin the followingpersons during colors.Persons in civilianclothes shall comply with the roles snd custamsestsblishsd for civilians.2. The sane marks of respect pmsmibed duringthe playing of the NationalAnthem shall berihown during the playing of a foreign nationalanthem.1206.Morningand EveningCnlors.1. The ceremonial hoisting and lowering of thenational cosign at 0800 and sunsst at a navalcommand ssbore or abaard a ship of the Navynot under way shall be known ss morning agdevening colors, respectively, and shall bs carriedout as prescribed in this article.2. Tbe gusrd of the day and the &and shall beparsded in the vicinity of the point of hoist of theensign.119

IFLAGS,PENNANTS,HONORS,3. “Attention” shall resounded,followad by theplaying of the National Anthem by the band.4. At morning colors, the ensign shall hs stsrtadup at Lhe beginning of the music and hoistedsmartly to the psak or truck. At evening colors,the ensign shall be started from the peak ortruck at the beginningof the music and thelowering so regulated as to he completsd at thelast note.5. At the completionshall be sounded.of the music, “Can-yOn”6. In the absence of a band, or an appropriaterecordingto bs played over a public addresssystem, “To the Colors” shall be played by thebugle at morningcolors,and “Retreat”atevening colors. The ss)ute shall be rendered asprescribed for the National Anthem.7. In the absence of music, “Attention”and‘Carry On” shsll be the signals for renderingand terminating the sslute. “Carry On” shall bssounded as soon as the ensign is completelylowered.8. During colors, a boat under way within sightor hearing of the ceremony shsll lie to, or shallprocsed at the slowest safe speed.The boatoffker, or the mxswain in the absence of the boatofficer,shall stand and salute except whendaagerous ta do so. Other persons in the hoatshsll remain seated or standing md shall notsalute.9. Duringcolors, vehicleswithinsight orhearingof the ceremonyshall be stopped.Persons riding in such vehicles shall remainseated at attention.10. After morning colors, if foreign wsrships arepresent, the national anthem of each nation anrepresented shall be played in the order in whicha sa um would be fired to, or exchangedwith, the senior ofiicial or officer present of eachsuch nation, provided that, when in a foreignport, the national anthem of the port shall beplayedimmediatelyafter morningcolors,followedby the nationalanthemsof otherforeign nations represented.1207.%duiesto the NationalEnsign.1. Each person in the naval service,uponcoming on board a ship of the Navy, shall salutethe national ensign if i t is flying. He or she shallstop on reaching the upper platformof the120CEREMONIESAND CUSTOMSaccommodation ladder, or the shipboard end ofthe brow, face the national ensign, and renderthe salute, sfter which he or she shail salute theoflicer of the clack. On leaving the ship, be or sheshall render the salutes in inverse order. Theotlicer of’ the deck shall return both aalu&s ineach case.a. After rendering the appropriate salute tothe national ensign, an officer coming on board aship to which he or she is attached shall reporthIs or her return. An ofllcer coming on board aship tn which he or she is not attached shallrequest permission to come on board and shallAn enlisted personstate his or her business.shall request permission to come on hoard, andshall state his or her business iC the ship is notthe one to which he or she is attached.b. After rendering the appropriate salute tothe ofllcer of the deck, an ofiicer shall state thathe or she hsa permission to leave. An enlistedperson shall request permission @ leave.2. A membernot in uniformapPrOPriati honorsfacing the flag andthe right hand overshall remove theirhand md hold it atbeing over the heart,shallrenderto the national ensign bystanding at attention withthe hear If covered, menheaddress with the rightthe left shoulder, the hand3. Each person in the naval service in uniform,upon being passed by or passing a mi Iitaryformation carrying the national ensign uncasedshall render the hand salute. A member not inuniform being passed by or passingsuch aformationshall face the flag and stand atattention with the right hand over the heart. Ifcovered, men shall remove the headdress andhold it at the left shoulder, the hand being overthe hesrtPeracm.s in vehicles or boata shallfollow the procedure prescribed for such personsduring CO1OI-S.4. The sslut,es prescribed in this article shallalso be rendered ta foreign national flags andensigns and aboard foreign men-of-war, unlessto do so would causeembarrassmentormisunderstanding.Aboard foreign men-of-war,the practice of the host nation maybe followsd, ifknown.1208.“’Hail to the Chief.”1. The traditional music selection ‘“Hail lx theChier is designated as a musical tribute ta the

FLAGS, PENNANTS,HONORS, CEREhlONIESPresident oftbe United States, and as such willnot be performed by naval bands as a tribute toother dignitaries.The same honors as accordedduring renditions of the National Anthem or “Tothe Colors” will be given to ‘Hail to the ChieF’by naval personnel.AND CUSTOMS2. When performed by naval bands, renditionsof ‘Hail h the Chie shall be as prescribed inthe official U.S. Marine Band arrangement,which is designated as the ofiicial Department ofDefense arrangement.121

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Chapter 12FLAGS, PENNANTS, HONORS, CEREMOMESAND CUSTOMSSection 3. Hand Salutes and Other Marks of RespectContentsA&kArtkkExchangec!fHand 12o9. . . . . .1210of Hand SSIut.es.1. The hand salute is the Iong-established farmof greeting and recognition exchanged betweenpersons in the armed services. All pm-sons in thenaval service shsll be alert to render or returnthe acluta as prescribed in these regulations.2. The salute by persons in the naval serviceshall be rendered and returned with the righthand, when practicable. With arms in hand, thesalute appropriate thereto shall be rendered orreturned.3, Juniors shall salute first. All salutca receivedwhen in uniform and covered shall hs returned;at othertimes salutesreceivedshall beappropriately acknowledged.Persons uncoveredsha[[ not salute, except when failure to do sowouldcauseembarrassmentormis undera@ntig.4. Civiliansmay be saluted by personsinuniform when appropriate, but tbe uniform hator cap shall not be raised as a form of salutation.5. A person in the navai service not in uniformshall, in renderingsalutes or exchanginggreetings, comply with tbe rules and customsestablishedfor a civilian,except that, whensaluting another person in the armed services,the hand scluts shall be used.1210.Occasions%lutea.for RenderingHand1. SaI”tes shall bs rendered by persons in thenaval service ta off]cers of the armed services ofOther Mmbaffkapca. . . . . . . . . .1211the United States, the National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration,the Public H4thScrvics cnd foreign armed services.2. All persons in the naval seshall aalutcall oflicsrs senior to themselves an each occasionof mesting or passing near or when addrscaingor beiig addresacd by such ofi ,except thata. On board ship, sclutes sbsll & dispenssdwith cftsr the first daily meetiag, excsptforthose rendered to the commanding offksrandofiicem senior to him or her, & visiting officers,to oKicers making inspections, cnd to officerswhen addressing or being add-bylhem.b. When such proceduredoes not conflictwith the spirit of theas regulations, at crowdedgatherings or in congested areas, salutes sbal)he rendered only by a person addressing or beingaddresacd by an officer who is -“orto him orher.c. Persons at work or engagsd in gamesshall salute only when addressed by an 05cersenior b them cnd then only if circu ceswarrant.d. Persons in formationmmmc.nd.shall salute only one. Whenboatspass each otherwithembarked offmers or oflicialsin view, handsclutes shall be rendersd by the senior ofi%erand coxswain in each boat. O&crsseatiinboa!s shall not rise when salu coxswainsshall rise unless it is dangerous or impracticableto do so.123

IFLAGS, PENNANTS,HONORS,LPersans qm.rsting moving motor vehiclesshould not render or return salutes. Passengerswill render and -return salutes.g. PersonsSslmte.1211.guardingprisonerswillnotOther Marks of RespecL1. Juniors sbaU show deference ta seniors at al}times by recognizingtheir presenceand byemployinga amrteous and respectful bearingand made ofqedtoward them.2. JuniorssheU stand at attention,unlessseated at mess, or unless circumstancesmakesuch action impmcticahle or inappropriateaWhenthem.V24zuiiressedby an officerseniortoCEREMONIESAND CUSTOMSb. When sn ofllcer of flag or general rsnk,the commanding officer, or sn officer senior tntbe commandingofficerin the chainofcommand,or an officermakingan officialinspection enters the rnam, compartment or deckspace where they may be.3. Juniors shall walk or ride on theseniors whom they sre accompanying.leftof4. Off]cersshall enter boats,aircraftandautomobiles in inverse order of rsnk snd shallleave them in order of rank, unless there isspecial reason tn the cnntrary. The seniors shallbe scsordsd the more desirsble seats.5. Subject to the requirements of the rules forpreventing collisions, junior boats shaIl avoidcrawding or embarrassing senior baats.

Chapter 12FLAGS, PENNANTS, HONORS, CEREMONIESAND CUSTOMSSection 4. Gun SalutesContentsA rideArticleSduungSbipsand Suwions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gunsalutes mtie Flag ofthe Pmsidentorthe1212GunSd.tes when several Heads ofSecremqofsuue. . . . . . . . .Gun5iuteE to theFlagof theSemefxmyofIZ13Awhmity m Fire Gumsalutes ta IMkrsin tieUtit.ed Staces Nr,val Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gw%l.wtitie%nior O%mr Rewm.Gun Salutes to Foreign Fle.g Offirs.NmifkaticmofGunSalute. . .Procedure During Gun Snlura . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I bili @&deror&mati&l . .ffeturninga Gun Salute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .&mrkt.ionsonGunsulut.es. .Defense, Deputy Surer.aryofDefemea, thesecretary of tbe Navy, an Under %cretaty ofDefense, an tantsecretary of Defense, tieGneral Counsel of the Oeparunent ofOefense. the Under secretary of tbe Navy or anAssisuintSecreaaryoftieNavy . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gun Sa[ucesms Foreign Naticw . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Returning S.4. to tie NE.tinn fired byForeignWarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gun%lu m tie Flag of mForeign president,Swer.tgn or Member of a Saigni.gSoynl Fumily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1212.Saluting il13ti#Lcep W”L12141215sslukShips and Gun Salutes to the Flag of the.President or the Secretary of Stats.1. A Z]-gunthe President.12181216Saluting ships and ststions of the mval serviceare those designated as such by the Secretary ofthe Navy or by the Secretary’s duly authorizedrepresentstive.The gun salutes prescribed inthese regulations shall be fired by such shipsand stations. Other ships snd stations shall nottire gun salutes unless directed to do so by thesenior ofiicer present on exceptional occasionswhen courtesy requires.1213. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .be tired ta the flag ofship fallingin with a shipa.by eachdisplaying such flag, arriving at a place wheresuch flag is displayed ashore or present whensuch flag is broken;b. by a naval station when a ship displayingsuch flag arrives at the naval station, or whensuch flag is broken by a ship pr-n andc. by a flag or general oficerassumingcommand or, while in command, breakingtheflag of am increased grade, in tie presence of aship or naval ststion displaying the flag of thePresident.2. Under the circumstancesprescribed by thisarticle, a 19-gun aaluts shall & fiisd ta the flagof the Semet.my of State when acting as specialforeign representative of the President.1214,Gun Salutes b the Flag of the Secretary of De fensa. Deputy Secretary ofDefense. the Secretary of the Navy,an Under Secretary of Defense. amAssistant Secretary of Defense, the.General Counsel of the Departmentof Defense, the Under Seeretary ofthe Navy or an Assistant Secretarg ofthe Navy.1. A 19-gun salute shall be fired ta the flagthe Secretaryof Defense,Deputy %cretsryofof125I

IFLAGS,PENNANTS,HONORS,Defense,the Secretaryof the Navy, UnderSecretaryof the Navy, Under SecretaryofDefenss, the Gene-d Counsel of the Departmentof Defense,or the Under Secretaryor anAssistant Sscretary of the Navya. by each ship fallingin with a shipdisplaying such flag, arrivingat a place wheresuch flag is displayed ashore or present whensuch flag is broken. When two or more ships arein company, only the senior shall salutqb. by a navsl station when a ship displayingsuch Dag an-iv at the naval ststion, or whensuch ffag is broken by a ship presen andc. by a flag or general officer assumingcommand or, while in command, breaking theflag of an incressed grade, in the presence of aship or naval station displaying the flag of suchofiiciak provided that such 05cer is the seniorofficer pressnt or the senior ofiker present onshore.2. When the fisgs of two or more such oK1cialsare displayedunderthe circumstancespresaibsdby this srticle, only the flag of thesenior shall be ssluted.1215.1. When a ship enters a port of a foreign nation,the government of which is formally recognizedof the Unitedshall fireunlessof 21 gunsa.Lhere is presentwarshipsaluk,b.a salutsSts&sisheto that nationno salutingbattsryof that nstion capable of returningortheorthe ship is returningabsencefrom a temporaryfrom port, when,Iocaf authorities,with-by agreementwiththe salute may bs dispensed2. when a ship is passing through the territorialwaters of a foreign nation with no intsntion ofanchoring tierein, the salute to the nation nssdnot be fired unless unusual circumstances makeit desirable to do so.3. In cass of two or more ships arriving in port orPSSi%tbrOugh territorial waters of a foreignnation in company, only the ssnior shall fire thesalute prescribed in this article.4. The saluts to the nation, if fried, shall precedeany salutes fired in honor of individuals.1261216.AND CUSTOMSReturningSaluts to the Nationby Foreign Warship.firedA saluts to the mstion fried by a foreign warshipentering a port of the United States shall bereturned by the senior ship present, pmvidsd nosaluting battsry of an armed serviceof theUnited States, designated to return such sal”tss,is present in the area.1217.Gun Salutes to the Flag nf a ForeignPresident, Sovereign or Member of aReigning Royal Family.1. A 21-gun saluts shall bs fired by a ship orstation to the flag or standard of the president,Wvereign or membsr of a reigning royal familyunder the circumstancesprescribedin theseregulations for firing a salute to the flag of thePresident of the United States.2. In some foreign countries it is the custom tofire spscial 21-gun salutes on certsin occasionsin honor of Lbe president, sovereign or memberof the reigning royal family. in such casss, shipsshall conform ta the nationalcuatam whenrequestsd by the proper local authorities.121S.Gun %dut.es to a Foreign Nation.by the GovernmentCEREMONIESGun Salutes When Several Heada ofState Are PreaenL1. Each ship, upan entering a port where thepsrsonal flags or standards of several presidents,sovereigns or membens of reigning royal familiesare displayed, shall tire a 21-gun saluts to eachof the several flags or standards displayed, in thefollowing ordena. the president, sovereign or member of thersigning royal family of the nation to which theport belon ,b.the President of the United S&tes c. the presidentsor sovereignsof othernations, in alphabetical order of the names of thenations in the Englih lsnguag andd. members of reigning royal familiesother nations,in the same orderassubpar

1210. Occasions for Rendering Hand %lutea. 1. SaI”tes shall bs rendered by persons in the naval service ta off]cers of the armed services of theUnited States, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Public H4th Scrvics cnd foreign armed services. 2. All persons in the naval se- shall aalutc all oflicsrs senior to themselves an .

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