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WHITEPAPER CONTENTS1.INTRODUCTION032. GAMEPLAY042.1 Collect052.2 Breed062.3 Evolve072.4 Season Reward082.5 Battle092.6 Trading103.DPET TOKENS124.TECHNOLOGY155.RISKS16MY DEFI PET / WHITEPAPERRelease 1/Version 1

031. INTRODUCTIONMy DeFi PetA virtual pet game that combines DeFi,collectibles and your personality."My DeFi Pet" is theinitiative for our vision ofa mass-adoptionblockchain game. Thename encompasses thethree characteristics ofthe game: “Pet” raisinggame, “DeFi” featuresintegrated, and “My”personalisation.MY DEFI PET / WHITEPAPERKitoRelease 1/Version 1

042. GAMEPLAYSpidoo"My DeFi Pet" revolves around a core loop of engaginggaming activities such as collecting, breeding, evolving,battling with, and trading/socialising for pets. We use theconcept of Season to break down the game progress intosmaller parts. This mechanism complements our humantendency for short term rewards.MY DEFI PET / WHITEPAPERRelease 1/Version 1

052.1 CollectThere are two primary ways to obtain a pet.- Summon: you can obtain a random egg by consuming acertain amount of DPET tokens.summon(uint256 genes)Creates a new gen0 pet with the given genes andcreates an auction for it.Parameters:- genes-Auction: A new pet is born every hour, and bidding (withDPET tokens) lasts for 24 hours. After the bidding period,any unclaimed pet will remain at the Altar for laterpurposes.altarSummon(uint256 genes, address owner)Create petsParameters:- genes: the encoded genes of the petto becreated, any value is accepted- owner: the future owner of the created pets.genes is a 256 bit integer, which is randomly assigned based onthe blockhash (for altarSummon) or transaction hash (forsummon). Each pet's gene decide its unique features and stats,such as:Colour, Shape, Type, Aura, Mutation, Rarity, HP, MANA, ATK, DEF,INT, CRIT, etc.MY DEFI PET / WHITEPAPERRelease 1/Version 1

062.2 BreedCombine any 2 pets will create a new pet that inherits itsparents' genes.breed(uint256 matronId, uint256 sireId)Breed a pet you own (as matron) with a sire that youown, or for which you have previously been given Siringapproval. Requires a pre-payment of the DPET tokenfee given out to the first caller of giveBirth()Parameters :-matronId: The ID of the pet acting as matron (willend up pregnant if successful)-sireId: The ID of the pet acting as sire (will beginits siring cooldown if successful)giveBirth(uint256 matronId)The new pet is assigned to the current owner of thematron. Upon successful completion, both the matronand the new pet will be ready to breed again. Note thatanyone can call this function (if they are willing to paythe gas!), but the new pet always goes to the mother’sowner.MY DEFI PET / WHITEPAPERRelease 1/Version 1

072.3 EvolveEach pet has certain evolution levels and capabilities dependingon its rarity. Players can level up their pet by feeding them DPETtokens.evolve(uint256 petId, uint256 newGenes)The evolved pet is assigned a newGenes according toits oldGenesMY DEFI PET / WHITEPAPERRelease 1/Version 1

072.4 Season RewardThe first season will start with a 100,000 USDT prize, locked bythe DPETs team in a smart contract. The amount is claimable byfinding the NFTs with the exact specifications as prescribed inthe contract, and then sending these to the contract to claim thereward. The particular requirements will be decided after launch.Tentatively, the prize requires 10 legendary pets with maxedlevel.Deposit (1)TeamRelease (5)Prize100,000 USDTLocked (2)Claim (3)PlayerSmart Contract: Grand Prize SS1Own:Legendary Pet 1Legendary Pet 2 Legendary Pet nMY DEFI PET / WHITEPAPERRequirementsCompare (4)MatchLegendary Pet 1Legendary Pet 2 Legendary Pet nRelease 1/Version 1

092.5 Battle*The battle system is being tested and finalised before added tothe whitepaper.MY DEFI PET / WHITEPAPERRelease 1/Version 1

102.6 TradingWe implement an auction marketplace to facilitate the tradingactivities between players. All major web browsers are supported.Create sale auctionPet core SMCSellerCreate auctionwith NFT IDBidBuyersMY DEFI PET / WHITEPAPERSale clock auctionSMCRelease 1/Version 1

112.6 Tradingbid(uint256 tokenId) payableBids on an open auction, completing the auction andtransferring ownership of the NFT if enough KAI/BNB/USDT issupplied.Parameters :- tokenId: ID of token to bid on.cancelAuction(uint256 tokenId)Cancels an auction that hasn’t been won yet. Returns the NFTto the original owner.Parameters:- tokenId : ID of the token on auction.getAuction(uint256 tokenId)Returns auction info for an NFT on auctionParameters:- tokenId : ID of the NFT on auction.Returns:- seller- startingPrice- endingPrice- duration- startedAtgetCurrentPrice(uint256 tokenId)Returns the current price of an auction.MY DEFI PET / WHITEPAPERRelease 1/Version 1

123. DPET TOKENSThe native digital cryptographically-secured utility token of MyDeFi Pet (DPET token) is a transferable representation ofattributed functions specified in the protocol/code of My DeFiPet, and which is designed to be used solely as an interoperableutility token on the platform.DPET token is a non-refundable functional utility token whichwill be used as the medium of exchange between participantson My DeFi Pet in a decentralised manner. The goal ofintroducing DPET token is to provide a convenient and securemode of payment and settlement between participants whointeract within the ecosystem on My DeFi Pet, and it is not, andnot intended to be, a medium of exchange accepted by thepublic (or a section of the public) as payment for goods orservices or for the discharge of a debt; nor is it designed orintended to be used by any person as payment for any goods orservices whatsoever that are not exclusively provided by theissuer. DPET token does not in any way represent anyshareholding, participation, right, title, or interest in theCompany, the Distributor, their respective affiliates, or any othercompany, enterprise or undertaking, nor will DPET token entitletoken holders to any promise of fees, dividends, revenue, profitsor investment returns, and are not intended to constitutesecurities in Singapore or any relevant jurisdiction. DPET tokenmay only be utilised on My DeFi Pet, and ownership of DPETtoken carries no rights, express or implied, other than the right touse DPET token as a means to enable usage of and interactionwithin My DeFi Pet.MY DEFI PET / WHITEPAPERRelease 1/Version 1

133. DPET TOKENSDPET token provides the economic incentives which will bedistributed to encourage users to contribute and maintain theecosystem on My DeFi Pet, thereby creating a win-win systemwhere every participant is fairly compensated for its efforts. DPETtoken is an integral and indispensable part of My DeFi Pet,because without DPET token, there would be no incentive forusers to expend resources to participate in activities or provideservices for the benefit of the entire ecosystem on My DeFi Pet.Given that additional DPET token will be awarded to a userbased only on its actual usage, activity and contribution on MyDeFi Pet, users of My DeFi Pet and/or holders of DPET tokenwhich did not actively participate will not receive any DPETtoken incentives.The DPET economics has been designed to incentivize andmaximise the interaction between the players and the game. Forexample, users will be rewarded with DPET and random rewardsto encourage them to spend on activities within the systemwhich would promote adoption of the platform, such asspending on purchasing, breeding or evolving pets, or spendingtime playing games. DPET may be spend by players tosignificantly enhance their progress and experience in-game.So as to promote decentralised community governance for thenetwork, DPET token would allow holders to propose and voteon governance proposals to determine features and/orparameters of My DeFi Pet, with voting weight calculated inproportion to the tokens staked. For the avoidance of doubt, theMY DEFI PET / WHITEPAPERRelease 1/Version 1

143. DPET TOKENSright to vote is restricted solely to voting on features of My DeFiPet; the right to vote does not entitle DPET token holders to voteon the operation and management of the Company, its affiliates,or their assets or the disposition of such assets, and does notconstitute any equity interest in any of these entities. Thisarrangement is not intended to be any form of joint venture orpartnership.It is the community members which would drive development ofMy DeFi Pet, so DPET token incentives would need to bedistributed to compensate them for their time, expertise andeffort. Only users which have participated in submission ofproposals, commenting, reviewing and/or voting will be entitledto receive DPET token governance rewards.PlayersPlay to earnIn-game currencyBuy eggs, itemsLevel up petRandom participation rewards(eggs, items, DPET tokens, fee)DPET userMy DeFi Pet GameNew configs and features1. Lock to voteGovernance SystemMY DEFI PET / WHITEPAPERRelease 1/Version 1

154. TECHNOLOGY"My DeFi Pet" is a combination of top tier traditional gamedevelopers and a leading blockchain team. All DPET tokens andNFT tokens will be available and tradable cross-blockchain,currently Binance Smart Chain and KardiaChain. Utilising thenon-invasive interoperability from KardiaChain, we can offer thegame to any major blockchain’s community, such as Ethereumand Polkadot.Binance Smart ChainDPETTokensPet NFTTokensKardiaChainItem NFTTokensDPETTokensPet NFTTokensItem NFTTokensKardiaChain DualNode techEthereumDPETTokensPolkadotPet NFTTokensItem NFTTokensDPETTokensPet NFTTokensItem NFTTokens*Future SupportMY DEFI PET / WHITEPAPERRelease 1/Version 1

165. RISKSYou acknowledge and agree that there are numerous risks associatedwith acquiring DPET token, holding DPET token, and using DPET tokenfor participation in My DeFi Pet. In the worst scenario, this could lead tothe loss of all or part of DPET token held. IF YOU DECIDE TO ACQUIREDPET token OR PARTICIPATE IN MY DEFI PET, YOU EXPRESSLYACKNOWLEDGE, ACCEPT AND ASSUME THE FOLLOWING RISKS:a) Uncertain Regulations and Enforcement Actions: The regulatorystatus of My DeFi Pet, DPET token and distributed ledger technology isunclear or unsettled in many jurisdictions. The regulation of digitalassets has become a primary target of regulation in all major countriesin the world. It is impossible to predict how, when or whether regulatoryagencies may apply existing regulations or create new regulations withrespect to such technology and its applications, including DPET tokenand/or My DeFi Pet. Regulatory actions could negatively impact DPETtoken and/or My DeFi Pet in various ways. The Company, the Distributor(or their respective affiliates) may cease operations in a jurisdiction inthe event that regulatory actions, or changes to law or regulation, makeit illegal to operate in such jurisdiction, or commercially undesirable toobtain the necessary regulatory approval(s) to operate in suchjurisdiction.b) Inadequate disclosure of information: As at the date hereof, My DeFiPet is still under development and its design concepts, consensusmechanisms, algorithms, codes, and other technical details andparameters may be constantly and frequently updated and changed.Although this whitepaper contains the most current informationrelating to My DeFi Pet, it is not absolutely complete and may still beadjusted and updated by the DPETs team from time to time. The DPETsteam has no ability and obligation to keep holders of DPET tokeninformed of every detail (including development progress and expectedmilestones) regarding the project to develop My DeFi Pet, henceinsufficient information disclosure is inevitable and reasonable.MY DEFI PET / WHITEPAPERRelease 1/Version 1

175. RISKSc) Competitors: Various types of decentralised applications and networksare emerging at a rapid rate, and the industry is increasinglycompetitive. It is possible that alternative networks could be establishedthat utilise the same or similar code and protocol underlying DPETtoken and/or My DeFi Pet and attempt to re-create similar facilities. MyDeFi Pet may be required to compete with these alternative networks,which could negatively impact DPET token and/or My DeFi Pet.d) Loss of Talent: The development of My DeFi Pet greatly depends on thecontinued co-operation of the existing technical team and expertconsultants, who are highly knowledgeable and experienced in theirrespective sectors. The loss of any member may adversely affect My DeFiPet or its future development. Further, stability and cohesion within theteam is critical to the overall development of My DeFi Pet. There is thepossibility that conflict within the team and/or departure of corepersonnel may occur, resulting in negative influence on the project inthe future.e) Failure to develop: There is the risk that the development of My DeFiPet will not be executed or implemented as planned, for a variety ofreasons, including without limitation the event of a decline in the pricesof any digital asset, virtual currency or DPET token, unforeseen technicaldifficulties, and shortage of development funds for activities.f) Securityweaknesses: Hackers or other malicious groups ororganisations may attempt to interfere with DPET token and/or My DeFiPet in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, malware attacks,denial of service attacks, consensus-based attacks, Sybil attacks,smurfing and spoofing. Furthermore, there is a risk that a third party ora member of the Company, the Distributor or their respective affiliatesmay intentionally or unintentionally introduce weaknesses into the coreinfrastructure of DPET token and/or My DeFi Pet, which could negativelyaffect DPET token and/or My DeFi Pet. Further, the future ofcryptography and security innovations are highly unpredictable and .MY DEFI PET / WHITEPAPERRelease 1/Version 1

185. RISKSadvances in cryptography, or technical advances (including withoutlimitation development of quantum computing), could presentunknown risks to DPET token and/or My DeFi Pet by renderingineffective the cryptographic consensus mechanism that underpins thatblockchain protocol.g) Other risks: In addition, the potential risks briefly mentioned above arenot exhaustive and there are other risks (as more particularly set out inthe Terms and Conditions) associated with your participation in My DeFiPet, as well as acquisition of, holding and use of DPET token, includingthose that the Company or the Distributor cannot anticipate. Such risksmay further materialise as unanticipated variations or combinations ofthe aforementioned risks. You should conduct full due diligence on theCompany, the Distributor, their respective affiliates, and the DPETsteam, as well as understand the overall framework, mission and visionfor My DeFi Pet prior to participating in the same and/or acquiring DPETtoken.MY DEFI PET / WHITEPAPERRelease 1/Version 1

Thank you!

Tentatively, the prize requires 10 legendary pets with maxed level. 2.4 Season Reward Team Prize 100,000 USDT Smart Contract: Grand Prize SS1 Requirements Legendary Pet 1 Legendary Pet 2 Legendary Pet n Player Own: Legendary Pet 1 Legendary Pet 2 Legendary Pet n Deposit (1) Release (5) Locked (2) Claim (3) Compare (4) Match

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