ORGANIZATIONPagesCentral Administration2Faculties and Allied Institutions3Research and Academic CentersPEOPLE4–5PagesDegree Student Enrollment6–9Degrees Conferred10 – 14International Students15 – 16Summer School and Non-Degree Students17Faculty18 – 19Staff20 – 21RESOURCESPagesTuition, Fees, and Financial Aid23 – 26Sponsored Programs27 – 31Library32 – 33Physical Plant34 – 35Environmental Performance36 – 39FY2007 Income and Expenses41 – 43Endowment44 – 45The Harvard University Fact Book is published annually by:The Office of Institutional ResearchHolyoke Center 780Cambridge, MA 02138The address for the electronic version is:http://www.provost.harvard.edu/institutional research/factbook.phpIf you would like more information about data contained in the Fact Book, contact:Jason DeWitt, Senior Data Resource Specialist(617) 495-0591, E-mail: jason dewitt@harvard.eduDarrick Yee, Data Resource Specialist(617) 496-5165, E-mail: darrick yee@harvard.eduChanges to content after publication are reflected on the web version of the Fact Book.Copyright 2008 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College
ALLSTON DEVELOPMENTGROUPOffice for SponsoredProgramsUniversity DevelopmentOfficeHarvard University PressArnold ArboretumHarvard MagazineALLIEDSUniversity Planning OfficeTransportation ServicesOperations CenterRisk Management andAudit ServicesOffice of TreasuryManagementOffice of the ControllerOffice of Budgets andFinancial PlanningFinancial AdministrationSystems SolutionsUniversity PoliceDepartmentTotal Rewards and HRServicesOffice of Labor RelationsInformation ManagementServicesCommunicationsCenter for WorkplaceDevelopmentAMERICAN REPERTORYTHEATREInstitutional ResearchVP POLICYCommencementUNIVERSITY MARSHALThe President of Harvard is also a member of theHarvard Corporation. The Central Administrationincludes those departments under the President,Provost, and Vice Presidents in support of Universitywide functions.Departments in italics are separately incorporated.News and Public AffairsFederal RelationsVP HUMANRESOURCESUNIVERSITY LIBRARYCommunity RelationsVP GOVERNMENT,COMMUNITY, & PUBLICAFFAIRSUNIVERSITYINFORMATIONSERVICESOffice of the GeneralCounselInternational OfficeVP GENERAL COUNSELOffice of the RecordingSecretaryDevelopment Servicesand AdministrationAlumni AssociationCommunicationsFacilities Maintenance OperationsHarvard Green Campus InitiativeEnvironmental Health andSafetyEngineering and UtilitiesUniversity OperationsServicesHarvard Real EstateServicesFaculty ClubDining ServicesVP FINANCEPROVOSTPRESIDENTUNIVERSITY HEALTHSERVICESHARVARDMANAGEMENT CO.TREASUREROMBUDS OFFICEVP ALUMNI AFFAIRS &DEVELOPMENTUnited MinistryMEMORIAL CHURCHVP ADMINISTRATIONUniversity DisabilityServicesAdministrative FellowshipProgramEEO/AA PlanningASSOCIATE VPFOR EEO/AASECRETARYHARVARD CORPORATIONAND BOARD OFOVERSEERS
HarvardFaculty of Arts andSciencesCollegeGSASSchool of Engineering andApplied SciencesDiv. of ContinuingEducationDiv. of Medical Sciences*Harvard College LibraryAthleticsAFFILIATEINSTITUTIONSCenter for HellenicStudiesDumbarton OaksHarvard CollegeObservatoryHarvard RVARD CORPORATION &BOARD OF OVERSEERSHarvardGraduate Schoolof DesignPRESIDENTPROVOSTHarvardGraduate Schoolof EducationHarvardKennedySchoolInstitute of PoliticsHarvardSchool of PublicHealthHarvard China FundCenter on the Developing ChildFrancois-Xavier Bagnoud Center forHealth and Human RightsAdvanced Leadership Program atHarvard (pilot program)Program on Health SystemsImprovementProgram in Health PolicyOrigins of Life InitiativeMind/Brain/Behavior InitiativeMicrobial Sciences InitiativeHarvardMedicalSchoolHarvard Humanitarian InitiativeReal Estate Academic InitiativeHarvardLawSchoolHarvard Initiative for Global HealthDavid Rockefeller Center for LatinAmerican StudiesHarvardSchool ofDental MedicineHarvard Stem Cell InstituteEdmond J. Safra Foundation Centerfor EthicsINTERFACULTYINITIATIVES*University Art MuseumsHarvard University Asia CenterSouth Asia CenterJoint Center for HousingStudies*ALLIED INSTITUTIONSVilla I TattiHarvard University Center for theEnvironmentUniversity Committee on HumanRights StudiesAmerican RepertoryTheatre*These areas represent collaborations between two ormore schools.Harvard University Committee onAfrican StudiesNieman FoundationAdditional information regarding each School’s academic andresearch programs can be found at the following website:www.harvard.edu/academicsHarvard University Program inEthics and HealthHumanities CenterHarvard University Native AmericanProgramA list of research and academic centers affiliated with theSchools can be found on pages 4-5 of the Fact Book.Departments in italics are separately incorporated.Executive DevelopmentCenterPublishing DivisionMuseum of ComparativeZoologyPeabody MuseumSemitic MuseumInitiative in Innovative ComputingInstitute for Quantitative SocialScienceRadcliffeInstitute forAdvanced Study
Harvard University Research and Academic CentersFACULTY of ARTS and SCIENCESAga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture(1)Carpenter CenterCenter for American Political StudiesCenter for Brain Science*Center for Hellenic StudiesCenter for Jewish StudiesCenter for Middle Eastern StudiesCenter for Nanoscale SystemsCenter for Systems BiologyDavis Center for Russian and Eurasian StudiesW.E.B. Dubois Institute for African and African-AmericanResearchDumbarton OaksFairbank Center for East Asian ResearchFilm Study CenterMinda de Gunzburg Center for European StudiesHarvard University Asia Center***Harvard College ObservatoryHarvard ForestHarvard Smithsonian Center for AstrophysicsHarvard University Center for the Environment***Harvard University Committee on African Studies***Harvard-Yenching InstituteHumanities Center***Institute for Quantitative Social Science***(2)Center for Geographic Analysis(2)Harvard-MIT Data CenterInstitute for Theory and ComputationKorea InstituteLaboratory for Particle Physics and CosmologyProgram for Evolutionary DynamicsEdwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese StudiesDavid Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies***Society of FellowsSouth Asia Initiative at Harvard***Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program***Ukrainian Research InstituteCharles Warren Center for Studies in American HistoryWeatherhead Center for International Affairs(3)Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies(3)Program on U.S. - Japan RelationsBUSINESSCalifornia Research CenterC. Roland Christensen Center for Teaching and LearningGlobal InitiativeAsia-Pacific Research CenterEurope Research CenterIndia Research CenterJapan Research OfficeLatin America Research Center(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)BUSINESS (cont.)Health Care InitiativeInstitute for Strategy and Competitiveness*Leadership InitiativeArthur M. Rock Center for EntrepreneurshipSocial Enterprise InitiativeDESIGNAga Khan Program at the Graduate School of DesignCenter for Technology and EnvironmentJoint Center for Housing Studies*Real Estate Academic Initiative***DIVINITYCenter for the Study of World ReligionsSummer Leadership InstituteWomen’s Studies in Religion ProgramEDUCATIONAchievement Gap Initiative*Change Leadership GroupCollaborative Group on Academic Careers in HigherEducationExecutive Leadership Program for Educators at HarvardUniversity (ExEL)*Harvard Family Research ProjectPrincipals’ CenterProject for Policy Innovation in EducationProject ZeroPublic Education Leadership Project*(4)WIDE WorldENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCESCenter for Research on Computation and SocietyHarvard Institute for Biologically Inspired EngineeringInstitute for Quantum Science and EngineeringKavli Institute for Bionano Science and EngineeringMaterials Research Science and Engineering CenterNanoscale Science and Engineering Center(5)Rowland InstituteGOVERNMENTRoy and Lila Ash Institute for Democratic Governanceand InnovationRobert and Renee Belfer Center for Science andInternational AffairsCarr Center for Human Rights PolicyCenter for International Development **Center for Public LeadershipHarvard Environmental Economics Program**Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations**Institute of PoliticsJoint Center for Housing Studies*The Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture is a joint program with M.I.T.These Programs are housed and administered within the Institute for Quantitative Social ScienceThese Programs are housed and administered within the Weatherhead Center.WIDE is the Wide-scale Interactive Development for Educators.The Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center is a joint program with M.I.T., U.C.S.B., and the Boston Museum ofScience.* These Programs represent collaborations between two or more Schools.** These Programs are housed in particular Schools and report to a dean, but have been granted University-Wide Status.*** These initiatives have a joint reporting structure to the Provost and to the dean of their home School.SOURCE: SCHOOLS, OFFICE OF THE PROVOST
Harvard University Research and Academic CentersGOVERNMENT (cont.)Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and GovernmentJoan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and PublicPolicyA. Alfred Taubman Center for State and Local Government(1)Malcolm Wiener Center for Social PolicyWomen and Public Policy ProgramMEDICINECenter for Biomedical InformaticsCenter for Craniofacial Tissue EngineeringCenter for Excellence in Women’s Health*Center for Genetics and Genomics, Harvard Medical SchoolPartners Healthcare*Center for Health and the Global EnvironmentCenter for Hereditary Deafness*Center for ImmunodeficiencyCenter for Integration of Medicine and Innovative TechnologyCenter for Magnetic Resonance*Center for Mental Health and Media*Center for Neurofibromatosis and Allied Disorders*Center for Palliative CareDana Farber/Harvard Cancer Center*Division for Research and Education inComplementary and Integrative Medical TherapiesDivision of AIDS*Division of Emergency MedicineDivision of Health Policy Research and Education*Division of Health Sciences and TechnologyDivision of Medical Ethics*Division of Nutrition*Division on Primary Care*Division of Service LearningDivision of Sleep MedicineHarvard Clinical Research InstituteHarvard-Mahoney Neuroscience Institute*Harvard NeuroDiscovery CenterHarvard Skin Disease Research CenterInstitute of Chemistry and Cell Biology and Initiative forChemical Genetics*Institute of Proteomics(2)JDRF Center for Immunological Tolerance at HarvardNew England Primate Research CenterNew England Regional Center of Excellence for Biodefenseand Emerging Infectious Diseases*LAWBerkman Center for Internet and Society***Child Advocacy ProgramEast Asian Legal Studies ProgramEnvironmental Law and Policy ProgramEuropean Law Research CenterFund for Tax and Fiscal Policy ResearchCharles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and JusticeHuman Rights ProgramLAW (cont.)Islamic Legal Studies ProgramLabor and Worklife ProgramLegal History ProgramJohn M. Olin Center for Law, Economics and BusinessPetrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology,and Ethics*Program on Corporate GovernanceProgram on International Financial SystemsProgram on NegotiationProgram on the Legal ProfessionPUBLIC HEALTHFrancois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and HumanRights***Center for Health CommunicationHarvard Center for Population and Development StudiesHarvard Center for Society and HealthHarvard Injury Control CenterHarvard School of Public Health AIDS InitiativeRADCLIFFE INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDYRadcliffe Institute Fellowship ProgramArthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History ofWomen in AmericaUNIVERSITY INTERFACULTY INITIATIVES(3)Advanced Leadership Program at Harvard (pilot program)Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and HumanRights***Berkman Center for Internet and Society***Center on the Developing ChildHarvard China FundHarvard Humanitarian InitiativeHarvard Initiative for Global HealthHarvard Stem Cell InstituteHarvard University Asia Center***Harvard University Center for the Environment***Harvard University Committee on African Studies***Harvard University Committee on Human Rights StudiesHarvard University Native American ProgramHarvard University Program in Ethics and HealthHumanities Center***Initiative in Innovative ComputingInstitute for Quantitative Social Science***Microbial Sciences InitiativeMind/Brain/Behavior InitiativeOrigins of Life InitiativeProgram in Health PolicyProgram on Health Systems ImprovementReal Estate Academic Initiative***David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies***Edmond J. Safra Foundation Center for EthicsSouth Asia Initiative at Harvard***Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program***(1) The Taubman Center includes the Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston.(2) JDRF is the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.(3) These Initiatives report to the Provost.* These Programs represent collaborations between two or more Schools.** These Programs are housed in particular Schools and report to a dean, but have been granted University-Wide Status.*** These initiatives have a joint reporting structure to the Provost and to the dean of their home School.SOURCE: SCHOOLS, OFFICE OF THE PROVOST
Degree Student Head Count: Fall 2007Counts taken as of October 15, 2007MaleFemaleTotalFull-Time s (2)SeniorsSubtotalGSAS (3,4)Division of Med. Sci.All GovernmentLawMedicalPublic HealthExtensionUndergraduateGraduateSubtotal, All ,2819,67419,95518,7691,18619,955Adj. for Joint duate(College)52%1st ProfessionalFemaleMale(DMD, JD, MDiv, MD)(1) Students in the Advanced Standing Program are counted as Juniors in their second year and Seniors in their thirdand fourth year. College total excludes students who are studying abroad.(2) Counts for Juniors include 27 undergraduates unclassified by year.(3) Candidates for the Ph.D. are enrolled in GSAS but may cross register for courses in other faculties.(4) GSAS and Harvard College include engineering students.SOURCE: REGISTRAR OFFICES
Historical Enrollments: Fall 2002 - 2007Degree Student Head Count by School(1)Counts taken as of October 80766784818809Public 7619,68319,76919,82020,07819,955Enrollment Level LawExtensionSubtotal, All DegreeStudentsAdj. for Joint 07,0026,8802207,1006,8372447,081Graduate 19,73519,82719,88520,15020,0291st Professional DegreeFull-TimePart-TimeSubtotalTOTAL(6)(1) Several Harvard schools enrolled students displaced by Hurricane Katrina during Fall 2005. These students are includedin the counts for non-degree students on page 17.(2) College totals exlcude students who were studying abroad at the time data was compiled.(3) Candidates for the Ph.D. are enrolled in GSAS but may cross register for courses in other faculties.(4) Counts for GSAS and Harvard College include engineering students.(5) Includes degree candidates from the Extension School. Not adjusted for joint degree students.(6) 1st Professional degrees include DMD, JD, MDiv, and MD.SOURCE: REGISTRAR OFFICES
Student Enrollment by Degree: Fall 2007Counts taken as of October 15, 2007MaleCollege (1,2)GSAS LawMedicalPublic HealthExtensionA.B., S.B.A.M., S.M., ch.M.A.U.D., 142604337009,7296029,11458420,029M.P.A. .M.Sc.M.P.H., M.O.H.M.S.D.P.H.D.S.A.A., A.L.B.A.L.M., Grad. Cert.TOTAL 711212137920615(1) College total excludes students who are studying abroad.(2) Harvard College and GSAS include engineering students.(3) M.P.A. Program includes the two-year M.P.A. program and the one-year M.P.A. Mid-Career program.(4) Not adjusted for joint degree students.SOURCE: REGISTRAR 1147412042330405987543215823965056732315
Degree Student Enrollment by Ethnicity: Fall 2007Counts taken as of October 15, 2007CogelleSSAGAsian/Pacific national e 4%TOTAL 8542506024539059301,9668097971,13320,029Percentage of Minority and International Students by Enrollment nationalNative AmericanUndergraduateGraduate(College)(1) Not adjusted for joint degree students. Harvard College and GSAS include engineering students.SOURCE: REGISTRAR OFFICES1st Professional(DMD, JD, MDiv, MD)
Degrees Conferred by SchoolAcademic Year ucationGovernmentLawMedicalPublic %47%53%54%Undergraduate1st Professional(College)(DMD, JD, MDiv, MD)Female(1) Not adjusted for joint degree students.SOURCE: REGISTRAR OFFICESMale
Degrees Conferred by Program: Academic Year .D., 5915319GovernmentM.P.A. (1 YEAR)M.P.A. (2 73,34191061891136,992Public HealthExtensionA.A.A.L.B.A.L.M.Graduate CertificatesTOTAL(1) Not adjusted for joint degree students.SOURCE: REGISTRAR OFFICESTotal1,67125
Harvard College Undergraduate Degrees Conferred by ConcentrationAcademic Year 2006-2007HumanitiesConcentrationEnglish and American Literature and LanguageHistory and LiteratureVisual and Environmental StudiesPhilosophyRomance Languages and LiteraturesLiteratureHistory of Art and ArchitectureNear Eastern Languages and CivilizationsClassicsMusicLinguisticsComparative Study of ReligionEast Asian StudiesSlavic Languages and LiteratureSanskrit and Indian StudiesClassical ArcheologyGermanFolklore and MythologyClassics (Greek)Classics (Latin)Humanities 875333221342Natural SciencesBiochemical SciencesBiologyApplied MathematicsComputer ScienceEngineering Sciences (S.B. and A.B.)MathematicsPhysicsChemistryNeurobiologyHuman Evolutionary BiologyEnvironmental Science and Public PolicyChemistry and PhysicsEarth and Planetary SciencesAstronomy and AstrophysicsOrganismic and Evolutionary BiologyStatisticsNatural Sciences 1611552319790804334345045252219191813641503Social SciencesEconomicsGovernmentPsychologySocial StudiesHistoryAnthropologySociologyHistory of ScienceAfrican and African American StudiesStudies of Women, Gender and SexualitySocial Sciences 03761,696Special Concentrations SubtotalGrand Total(1)Joint ConcentratorsUnduplicated Student Count(1) Both concentrations for joint concentrators are included. An adjustment is provided to obtain the total unduplicated student count.SOURCE: REGISTRAR OFFICES
Degrees Conferred by Student Ethnicity: Academic Year 2006-2007 (1)gelleoCAsian/Pacific onal e 76,992Percentage of Degrees Conferred to Minority and International %Native American15%10%5%0%Undergraduate(College)(1) Not adjusted for joint degree students.SOURCE: REGISTRAR OFFICESGraduate1st Professional(DMD, JD, MDiv, MD)
Degrees Conferred: Academic Year 2002-2007 (1)Academic D.M.M.Sc.D.M.S.Cert.SubtotalDesignM. Arch.M.A.U.D., .A.S.SubtotalGovernment M.P.A. (1 Year)M.P.A. (2 .D.SubtotalMedicineM.D.MMSc.SubtotalPublic Health M.P.H.M.S., M.O.H.D.P.H., D.S.SubtotalExtensionA.A.A.L.B.A.L.M.Grad. Cert.SubtotalTOTAL(1) Not adjusted for joint degree students.SOURCE: REGISTRAR 14742189232122201255239791061891134176,992
International Enrollment: Fall AmericaOceania icalPublic HealthExtensionTOTAL(1) Counts include full-time degree and non-degree students only, which include transfer and special students, visiting undergraduates,and Extension School enrollees. Counts exclude executive education and professional development programs.SOURCE: INTERNATIONAL OFFICE
Historical Enrollment of International Students: Fall 2002 - 2007AfricaGhanaKenyaNigeriaSouth h yItalySpainUnited KingdomOtherSubtotalLatin alMiddle h AmericaCanadaMexicoSubtotalOceaniaAustraliaFijiNew 3,913(1)Africa Other: Algeria, Benin, Botswana,Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Camoros, Côted'Ivoire, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea,Eritrea, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi,Mauritius, Morocco, Niger, Rwanda,Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Swaziland,Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia,Zimbabwe.Asia Other: Afghanistan, Bangladesh,Bhutan, Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), HongKong, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia,Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines,Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand,Uzbekistan, Vietnam.Europe Other: Albania, Armenia,Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium,Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, CzechRepublic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,Ireland, Jersey, Latvia, Liechtenstein,Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia,Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands,Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden,Switzerland, Ukraine.Latin America Other: The Bahamas,Barbados, Bermuda, Bolivia, Costa Rica,Dominica, Dominican Republic,Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala,Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica,Panama, Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago,Uruguay, Venezuela.Middle East Other: Bahrain, Iraq,Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,Syria, United Arab Emirates, West Bank.(1) Counts include full-time degree and non-degree students only, which includes transfer and special students, visiting undergraduates,and Extension School enrollees. Counts exclude executive education and professional development programs. Countries listed arefor Fall 2007. Information on countries for enrollments in prior years can be obtained from the International Office.SOURCE: INTERNATIONAL OFFICE
Summer School Enrollment: Summer 2002 - 2007Harvard Students by 298307365354339387Other Harvard Schools1710211116147037297858869121,077Secondary 020022003200420052006MaleSubtotalOther Students by Educational Level (2)UnknownNon-Degree Headcount: Fall 2002 - 2007 6849262248Medical---1----Public Health1--225628Extension 3295,1164,8215,1325,6282,6003,0615,661Law(1) Counts include matriculating Harvard students enrolled in Harvard courses during the summer session.(2) Beginning with 2004, high school students are counted as undergraduates instead of Secondary School students.(3) Non-degree enrollments include all students enrolled on October 15 in at least one class that is creditable toward a degree or formal award.2005 counts include 58 graduate students and 36 College students displaced by Hurricane Katrina.(4) Counts are for the first semester only. This significantly underco
Harvard Business School Harvard Medical School Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences Harvard School of Public . Publishing Division Joint Center for Housing Studies* American Repertory Theatre . WIDE is the Wide-scale Interactive Development for Educators. (5) The Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center is a joint program with M.I.T., U.C.S .
Life science graduate education at Harvard is comprised of 14 Ph.D. programs of study across four Harvard faculties—Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard Medical School, and Harvard School of Dental Medicine. These 14 programs make up the Harvard Integrated Life Sciences (HILS).
Sciences at Harvard University Richard A. and Susan F. Smith Campus Center 1350 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 350 Cambridge, MA 02138 617-495-5315 gsas.harvard.edu Office of Diversity and Minority Affairs minrec@fas.harvard.edu gsas.harvard.edu/diversity Office of Admissions and Financial Aid admiss@fas.harvard.edu gsas.harvard.edu/apply
Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University Class of 2018 LEGEND Harvard Buildings Emergency Phones Harvard University Police Department Designated Pathways Harvard Shuttle Bus Stops l e s R i v e r a C h r YOKE ST YMOR E DRIVE BEACON STREET OXFORD ST VENUE CAMBRIDGE STREET KIRKLAND STREET AUBURN STREET VE MEMORIAL
Harvard University Press, 1935) and Harvard College in the Seventeenth Century (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1936). Quotes, Founding of Harvard, 168, 449. These works are summarized in Three Centuries of Harvard (Cambridge: Harvard U
danbjork@fas.harvard.edu HARVARD UNIVERSITY Placement Director: Gita Gopinath GOPINATH@HARVARD.EDU 617-495-8161 Placement Director: Nathan Nunn NNUNN@FAS.HARVARD.EDU 617-496-4958 Graduate Administrator: Brenda Piquet BPIQUET@FAS.HARVARD.EDU 617-495-8927 Office Contact Information Department of Economics
Kuan ebrandin@harvard.edu akuan@fas.harvard.edu Donhee Ham MD B129, MDB132 Dongwan Ha dha@seas.harvard.edu Lene Hau Cruft 112-116 Danny Kim dannykim@seas.harvard.edu Robert Howe 60 Oxford, 312-317,319-321 Paul Loschak loschak@seas.harvard.edu Evelyn Hu McKay 222,226,232 Kathryn Greenberg greenber@fas.harvard.edu
2003-2006 Lincoln LS FORD: 2006 Zephyr 2001-2007 Crown Victoria 2007 MKZ 2002-2007 Taurus 2003-2005 Aviator 2004-2007 Focus 2003-2007 Navigator 2005-2007 Five Hundred, Freestyle, Mustang 2006-2007 Mark LT 2006-2007 Fusion 2001-2003 Explorer Sport MERCURY: 2001-2007 Explorer Sport Trac 2001-2007
Advanced Engineering Mathematics Dr. Elisabeth Brown c 2019 1. Mathematics 2of37 Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Other Disciplines Computer-Based Test (CBT) Exam Specifications. Mathematics 3of37 1. What is the value of x in the equation given by log 3 2x 4 log 3 x2 1? (a) 10 (b) 1(c)3(d)5 E. Brown . Mathematics 4of37 2. Consider the sets X and Y given by X {5, 7,9} and Y { ,} and the .