FILEDJanuary- 6,2004NEW J RS Y STATE BOARDOF MEDIC& EXAMINERSPETER C . HARVEYATTORNEY GENE OF NEW JERSEYDivision of Law - 5th F l o o r1 2 4 Halsey S t r e e tP.O. Box 4 5 0 2 9Newark, New J e r s e y 07101NEW JERSEY STATE BOARC)OF MEDICAL EXAMINER STATE OF NEW JERSEYDEPARTMENT OF LAW AND PUBLIC SAFETYDIVISION OF CONSUMER AFFAIRSSTATE BOARD OF MEDICAL EXRVINERSDOCKET NO.: BDSME 09434-2002NIN THE MRTTER OF THE SUSPENSIONOR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE OF:))Admi nistrative Action1Michael G. Ashkar, M.D.License No. MA 43615)1TO PRACTICE MEDICINE 6 SURGERYIN THE STATE OF NEW J E R S E YCONSENT ORDER-.--)IT h i s matter was opened to t h e N e w Jersey State Board ofMedical Examiners ( h e s e i n a f t e r t h e “Board”) by way of VerifiedAdministrative Compiaint filed on June 28, 2002, by David mpanyingdocuments sought emergent relief by way of temporary 45:1-22,N.J.S.A.againstMichael( h e r e i n a f t e r “Respondent“) alleging,N.J.A.C. 13:35-7.2(a), N . J . S . A .G.andrequestedAshkar,M.D.inter al i a , violations-of4 5 9 - 6a n d N.Z.S.A.45:1-21(b),--
( d ) , ( h ) and ( i ).(c),Respondent has d e n i e d t h e allegations oft h e Complaint rendering t h e matter a contested c a s e a s d e f i n e d byN.3.S.A. 52r14b-1, et. seq.Following a h e a r i n g on t h e Attorney General's applicationf o r emergentrelief,Suspension on July 1 7 ,engagingin t h eplenary hearing.theOfficeOfBoardthe2002,practicee n t e r e d a n Order of Temporarywhich r e s t r i c t e d Respondentof medicineandsurgeryfrompendingaT h e r e a f t e r , t h e Board transmitted t h e matter toAdministrative Law f o rhearing.a plenaryhearing was scheduled to commence on November 13, 2 0 0 3 istrative Law i n Quakerbridge, N e w J e r s e y .2003,the AttorneyOfficeofOn August18,theGeneral filed a notion f o r P a r t i a l SummaryDecision which was d e c i d e d by t h e Honorable Joseph F. F i d l e r ,on November 1 2 ,A.L.J.genuinelydisputed2003factsandconcluded that there were noas to C o u n t sI, I1 andVerified Complaint of as to violations of N . J . R , C .N.J.A.C.13:35-7.2(a)Respondent,111 ofthe?3:35-6(b),and N.J.A.C. 13:35-?.6(a) -beingdesirous of r e s o l v i n g t h e w i t h i n matterwithout formal p r o c e e d i n g s , and the Board finding t h a t Respondentengaged in c o n d u c t violative of t h e aforementioned statutes a n dregulationsa n d t h e within O r d e r adequately p r o t e c t i v epublic health,safetyand w e l f a r e ,- 2 -fortheof t h ereasons expressed
h e r e i n and o t h e r good cause h a v i n g been shown, it is, thereforeon this 13th d a y of, 2003NovemberORDERED AND AGREED THAT:1.M.D.Thelicense i s s u e d to Respondent,Michael G. A s h k a r ,is hereby suspended f o r a p e r i o d of five y e a r s , retroactiveto t h e date of July 1 7 ,2002. Said suspension s h a l l be a c t i v e l yserved for a p e r i o d of two years with the remaining t h r e e y e a r sto be served as a period of p r o b a t i o n .2.Respondent shall enroll in and s u c c e s s f u l l y complete anethics course approved by the New J e r s e y State Board O F MedicalExaminers within one year of t h e d a t e of e n t r y of this O r d e r .Successful completion means that all sessions were attended, a l lassignments wereproperlyandappropriatelycompletedandap a s s i n g grade wa3 achieved which w a s unconditional and w i t h o u treservation 3.Respondent shall e n r o l l i n and s u c c e s s f u l l y complete arecord keeping c o u r s e approved by t h e New Jersey State Board ofNedical Examiners w i t h i n one year of t h e d a t e of e n t r y of t h i nditional a n d without reservation.4.Respondentshallparticipate- 3 -inindividualtherapy
p u r s u a n t to recommendations made by t h e J . J . Peters Institute.5.RespondentshallcontinuePhysician's Health Program ("PHP")6.tobebythe.Respondent s h a l l e n s u r e that the PHP p r o v i d e q u a r t e r l yr e p o r t s to the Board regarding Respondent's7.monitoredprogress.Respondent is assessed an aggregate civil penalty offor the o f f e n s e s s e t f o r t h in Counts 1 t h r o u g h IV a n d 20,000.00costs in t h eamountinvestigativecostsof 7 , 2 7 6 . 0 0and 1,8O0.00consistingof 5,476.00in e x p e r tfe-es. Respondentinshall p a y to the Board a t t o r n e y fees pursuant to N.J.S.A. 4 5 : l ".-2 5 ( d ) in t h e amount of 34,524.00.Board O f f i c e ,Orderrndregar ing1 4 0 East F r o n t Street, P . O .7STatt - n e yBOXb e r m - e d th#oees,xpery- 4 -fee/'and183, T r e n t o n ,NJ,
Nov-14-200304:39pmFrom- DIV OF LAWf-760201- 648- 7462P OCEi'017F-BC7of atrorney fees due and owing, then towards satisfaction ofcosts due and owing, a n d then towards satisfaction of assessedpenalties-10.I n t e r e s t s h a l l accrue in a c c o r d a x e wi-ch Rule 4:42-11.All payments s h a l l be made by c e r t i f i e d c h e c k o r money orderpayable to the S t a t e of New J e r s e y .11.withinIn the event thz:Eive( 5 ) dzysofa monthly i n s t a l l m e n 7 Fs n o t receivedtheduedate,theentireofcivilpenalties, COS: and fees shall become due and owing.12.TorRespondentphysicianswhos h a l l comcly with t h e a t t a c h e d re h a s been accepeed by r A e Board, which a r e i n c o r p o r a t e dherein by reference.NZW JE?SEY SYATE BQARD OFMEDICAL ZXAMINERS -201 E49 7462PPE.Ba
I have read and understoodt h e within order a n d a g r e eto b e b o u n d by i t s terms.Consent is hereby g i v e n t ot h e Board to enter t h i s Order.Consented to as to form:,nBy :- 6 -
I'.-I.- .//-.,."-.I-.I./r. .-I /.--a--
.Nou-14-200304:4Qprn701-648-1462OF LAWFrom-DIVPETER C . HARVEYATTOELVEY GENERAL O F NEW JERSEYDivision of Law-gfh Flcor124 Halsey StreetP . O . Box 4 5 0 2 9Newark, New Jersey 07101STATE OF NEW JERSEYBZPARTMENT OF LAW AND PUBLIC SAFETYDIVISION OF CONSUME3 AFFAIRSSTATE BOARD -OF MECICAL, EXAMINZXD O C m T No.: 33SME 04434-2002NIN THZ YATT'ER OF THE SVSPENSLONOR REVOCATION OF THS LICENSE OF:Adnicistrative ActionMichael G, Ashkar, M . D .License No. MA 43615CONSEN? ORDERTU PRACTICE M E D I C I N E & SURGERYTN THE STATE OF NEW JEKSEYThis matter was opened to r h e New J e r s e y State Bead ofMedical Examiners(hereinafter t h e "Board") byof VerifiedwayAdministxative Camplaint f i l e d on June 28, 2002, by D a v l d aring.NewAdrianaE.The Complain:Baudry,andDeputyaccor,panyingdocuments sought emergent r e l - e 5 by way of temporary s u s p e n s i o gainst45:i-22,Michael( h e r e i n a f t e r "Respondent") a l l e g i r - g ,G.requestedandAshkar,M, alia, violationsofN.J.A.C. 13:35-6.3, N.J.A.C. 1 3 : 3 5 - 6 . 5 { b ) , N.J.A.C. 1 3 3 5 - 7 . 6N.J.A.C.13:35-7,2(a),N-J.S.A.45:9-6and N.J.S.A.4511-212E? 649 7462PRGC. 11
Nov-14-2003( c ) , ( c ]IIh) and (i)-P 012/DlfT-ICU2 0 1-648-7462From- PIV OF LAW04:40pmRespondent has denied t h e allegationsthe Complaint r e n d e r i n g :heCI matter a contested case as d e f i n e 5 byN.J.S.A. 52:1Zb-1, et. seq.on the Attorney General'sFollowing a o r emergent relief, t h e Board ectered an OrderS u s p e c s i o n on July 1'7, 2002,engagingin the p r a c t i c eplenary hearing.whichofapplicztior.3fT@mporaryrestricred Respondentmedicinefromanc: surgery p e n d i n g aT h e r e a f I e r , t h e Board t r m s m i t t e d t h e matter tothe Office 3 2 A d n h i s t r z ' t i v e Law f o r a plenary h e a r i n g ,kearin5 was schedJLed t o comvence on Novenber 13, 2003,Abefore inlstrztive Law i n Q u a k e r b r i d g e , New Jersey. On A u g u s t 18,2003,t h e AtTorneyGeneral filed a motion Sor P a r t i a l SumnaryDecision which was decided by che Honorzble Joseph F. F i d l e r ,A.L.J.02Noverber :2,G e n u i n e l y disputed2003 and concluded that t h e r e were r,of z c r s asLOCountsI, I 1 2nd I11 ofVerified Compleint o r as to violations c?f K.G.A.C.W.J.A.C. 13:35-7.2(a)Respocdezt,anc! N . J . A . C .the13:35-6(b),13:35-7.6tz}.beir.9 uesiroQs of resolving t h e w i t h i n marterwithout fcrrnal proceedings, and t h e Boarc! f i c d i n g t h z t Respondentengaged ir, c o n d u c t v i o l a t i v e of t h e aforementioned s t a t u z e s 2ndr e g u l a t i o n s and t h e w i t h i n Order aaequately protective of t h epcblic h e a l t h ,s a f e t y and welfare,for tF.ereasonsexpressed- 2 -PRGE. 12
Nov-14-200304:40 mFrom-DIV OF LAWherein and other good czuse h a v i n g been shown, it is, t h e r e f o r eon this 13Y1 day of November, 2003ORDERED AVD AGRSED THAT:1.M.D.T3elicense issued to Respondent, Yichael G . Ashkar,is hereby suspended f o r a period of five years, retroactivet o t h e d a t e of J u l y 1'7, 2002.S a i d suspension s h a l l be activelyse-Ted f o r 2 2 e r i o d of t w o years w i t h the remaining three y e a r st o be serveu as a periodRespondent s h a l l e n r o l l in a n a successfully cornplete an2-ethicsof probation.COUZS approver! by r h e N e w Jersey S t a t e Boaid of MedicalExaminers w i t h i n o r e y e a r of tfie date 05 m z r y of c h i s Order.SGccessful complerion nears t h a t a l l s e s s i m s w e r e a t t e n d e d andapassing grade w a s achieved w h i c h was u c c o n d i t i o n a l a n d w i t h o u treservation.3.Respandent s h a l l e n r o l l in and scccessfully complete ar e c o r d k e e p i n g ccurse approved by the New J e r s e y S t a t e Board ofMedical Exarr,iners w i r h i n one year cf the date of e n t r y of Gradewassessionsachievedwereappropriatelywhichwasu n c o n d i t i o n a l a n d w i t h o u t reservation.4.Respor-den:shallparticipate inindividuzl t h e r a p y- 3 -N2U Id 2PT3201 648 7462PAGE. 13
Nov-14-2003From- BIV01:41pmP.OIUO171-76320 1-649-7462OF LAWFEE7pursuar-t to recorrmendetions maae by the J.3. P e t e r s I n s t i t u t e n‘s Bezlth Program (“PHP”) .iiespondent shall ensure thet t h e PBP provide q u a r r e r l y6.reportsto t h e Borne regarding Xespondent‘s progress.Respondent i s assessed an a g g r e g a t e civil penalty of7. 23,000.OUcostsf o r t h e offenses s e t f o r t h in C o u n t s I t h r o u g h fV endin t h eamoun-, of 7,276.00investiqztive c o s t sandc o n s i s t i n g of 5 5 , 4 7 6 . 0 0 1,600.00 in e x p e r tfees.Respondents h a l l pay to the 3oard a t t o r n e y fees pcrsuant to N.J.S.A.25 ( d )in45:l-in the m o u n t of 3 4 , 5 2 4 . O O .8.All f o r m of costs 2nd penalties t o t z l i r 4 6 1 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 ,shall be p a i d a s s e t f o r t h in Schedule A, a t t a c h e d h e r e t o a t t h eBoard Office, 140 Ezst F r o n t S t r e e t , P . O .09625,NJ,A Certificate o f Dabt f o z t h e above ainoun’k s h a l l be f i l e c !pzrsuant: to N.Z.S.A.the9ox 183, T r e n t o n ,approvalof45:i-24.rh e 3oarciSaid schedule s h a l l be s u b j e c t tofollowing receigt of a financialsyatemenc in t h e form a t t a c h e d ,t h r e e years,and t a xreLurnsf o r t h e pas’,t o be submitted w i t h i n 13 days o f the d a t e of thisOrder.9.X azdtowardsthentowardsthentowards- 4 -PQGE. 14
NOV-14-2003201- 648- 7462From-PIV OF LAWO4:4lpIs a t i s f a c t i o n 02 zssessed penalties.10.I n t e r e s t s h a l l bccrue in accordance ' w i t h R u l e 4:42-11.AL1 paymentsmcney o r a e rs h a l l be made by certified checkp a y a b l e to t h e S t a t e of New Jersey.11.withinIn t h e event t h a tfive( 5 ) daysaf2monthly installment is n o t r e c e i v e dthe duedate,thee n t i r e of civilg e x l t i e s , c o s t s 2nd fees shall 5ezcme due and owing.12.fcrRespondentPhysicimswhcshallarecomply with the atrached Directivesdisciplinedorwhosesurrender oflicer-sure h a s been accepted by the Bozrd, which are incorporated -:h e r e i n by r e f e r e n c e .N3:W X R S Z Y STATE 3OARD OFMEDICAL EXAKINERSBy:G L J N N A. FARREX, ESQ.VICE-PRZSIDENT- 5 -NDU 14 200315:56201 646 7462PGGE. 15
Nov-14-200304:41pmFrom- DIV OF LAWI have read and understoodt h e w i t k i n o r d e r and agreeto be bound by i t s t e r m s .Consent is h e r e b y given T Ot h e Board to e n t e r this Order.DATED: -Michzel. G . Ashkzr, M.D,C m s e n t e d to as to form:3y :Szeven I. K e r n , Esq.DATED:--NCLl 14 2003 15:566 -2Oi 648 746.2PFIGE. 16
Nov-14-2g05From-PIV OF LAW04:41pmSchedule A 2,738.00payable w i t h i nten(15))days of e x e m t i o nof tkisOrderpayable withir. twer,ty 2,738.00( 2 0 1 days cf executionof t h i sOrder. 687.50on o r before January 1, 2004. 687.59on 3r before February I, 2004. 687.50on or before March 1, 2004.5687.50cn or b e o r e April I, 2004. 6 8 7 . 5 0 on o r before May 1, 2004.C’or. o r before J u n e 1, 2 0 0 4 . 683.50 6 8 7 . 5 0 on o r b e z c r e J u l y 1, 2 0 0 4 .o n o r before Ailgust 1, 2 0 0 4 . 687.50SI.,OOC.OCon o r b e f a r e SepLember 1, 2 0 0 4 . 2,000-0002or b e f o r eOctoberI,2004. 3,OOC.O3 on o r befcse Kcvenber I, 2 0 0 2 . 4,000.00on r b e f o r e DecemSer i , 2CO4.55,000.00or. or before tznuary 1, 2 0 0 5 . 6,2100.00on or b e f o r e February I, 2 0 0 5 . 7,000.00on CT before March 1, 2 0 0 5 . , 0 0 . 0 3on o r before %lanceApril I, 2 3 0 5 . Qn or b e f o,r e May 1, 3005. - on o r before Jur.e 1, 2 0 0 5 .- 7 -NOU 14 2003 5 : 5 ?201 648 7462PQGE. 17
Jul 01, 2019 · New Jersey Is An Equal Opportunity Employer State of New Jersey NEW JERSEY STATE PAROLE BOARD P.O. BOX 862 PHILIP D. MURPHY TRENTON, NEW JERSEY 08625 Governor TELEPHONE NUMBER: (609) 292-0845 SHEILA Y. OLIVER SAMUEL J. PLUMERI, JR. Lt. Governor
In June 2020, New Jersey became the first state in the U.S. to incorporate K-12 climate change education across content areas when the State Board of Education adopted the 2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards. New Jersey First Lady Tammy Murphy was a strong supporter of this initiative, and praised the State Board for its action.
Figure 1-10 New Jersey Rail System–Post Conrail 1-18 Figure 1-11 New Jersey Rail System–The Aldene Plan 1-21 Figure 1-12 New Jersey Transit Rail System 1-24 Figure 1-13 U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions in 2009 by Economic Sector 1-26 Figure 2-1 New Jersey Rail System Ownership 2
White, M. Campo, M. Kaplan, J. Herb, and L. Auermuller. New Jersey's Rising Seas and Changing Coastal Storms: Report of the 2019 Science and Technical Advisory Panel. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Prepared for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. Trenton, New Jersey.
A Publication of New Jersey - The New Jersey Society of Architects New Jersey 2007 Design Awards Winners AIA New Jersey's Michael Graves Lifetime Achievement Award J. Robert Hillier, FAIA 12 19 Member News New Licensee Distinguished Service Award David DelVecchio, AIA Architect of the Year Hugh Boyd, FAIA Architectural Firm of the Year NK .
new jersey state board of medical examiners state of new jersey department of law & public safety division of consumer affairs state board of medical examiners in the matter of the suspension or revocation of the license of administrative action philip b. may, m.d. interim con s license no.
Society of Interventional Pain Physicians, American Academy of Family Physicians, New Jersey Society of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, New Jersey Chapter of the American College of Cardiology, the New Jersey Rheumatology Association, the New Jersey Academy of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery and the New Jersey Academy of Facial Plastic .
The threat profile for SECRET anticipates the need to defend against a higher level of capability than would be typical for the OFFICIAL level. This includes sophisticated, well resourced and determined threat actors, such as some highly capable serious organised crime groups and some state actors. Reasonable steps will be taken to protect information and services from compromise by these .