MathematicsGeneralStage 6Syllabus2012
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Contents1The Higher School Certificate Program of Study.52Rationale.53Continuum of Learning for Stage 6 Mathematics General Students .74Mathematics in Stage 6.84.1Courses.84.2Statistics in the Mathematics General Syllabus .115Aim .126Objectives .127Objectives and Outcomes .138Preliminary Mathematics General/HSC Mathematics General 2 Pathway .15910*8.1Pathway Structure.158.2Employability Skills .168.3Use of Technology .168.4Course Requirements .178.5Presentation of Content .17Preliminary Mathematics General Course Content* .21Strand:Financial Mathematics.22Strand:Data and Statistics .30Strand:Measurement .38Strand:Probability.46Strand:Algebra and Modelling.50Focus Study:Mathematics and Communication .56Focus Study:Mathematics and Driving .62HSC Mathematics General 2 Course Content .71Strand:Financial Mathematics.72Strand:Data and Statistics .78Strand:Measurement .86Strand:Probability.94Strand:Algebra and Modelling.98Focus Study:Mathematics and Health.106Focus Study:Mathematics and Resources.114Satisfactory completion of the Preliminary Mathematics General course may be followed bystudy of either the HSC Mathematics General 2 course or the HSC Mathematics General 1course. (Note: The HSC Mathematics General 2 course is a Board Developed Course(examined at the HSC), while the HSC Mathematics General 1 course is a Content EndorsedCourse (not examined at the HSC)).3
Mathematics General Stage 6 Syllabus11HSC Mathematics General 2: Assessment and Reporting .12212Preliminary Mathematics General/HSC Mathematics General 1 Pathway .12312.1Pathway Structure.12312.2Employability Skills .12412.3Use of Technology .12412.4Course Requirements .12512.5Presentation of Content .12513Preliminary Mathematics General Course Content (see Section 9).12814HSC Mathematics General 1 Course Content.1291516Strand:Financial Mathematics.130Strand:Data and Statistics .134Strand:Measurement .142Strand:Probability.146Strand:Algebra and Modelling.150Focus Study:Mathematics and Design.156Focus Study:Mathematics and Household Finance .162Focus Study:Mathematics and the Human Body .168Focus Study:Mathematics and Personal Resource Usage .176HSC Mathematics General 1: Assessment and Reporting .18415.1Requirements and Advice.18415.2Assessment of Stage 6 Content Endorsed Courses.18415.3Assessment Components, Weightings and Tasks.185Post-school Opportunities.1874
Mathematics General Stage 6 Syllabus1The Higher School Certificate Program of StudyThe purpose of the Higher School Certificate program of study is to: provide a curriculum structure that encourages students to completesecondary education foster the intellectual, social and moral development of students, in particulardeveloping their: knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes in the fields of study they choose capacity to manage their own learning desire to continue learning in formal or informal settings after school capacity to work together with others respect for the cultural diversity of Australian societyprovide a flexible structure within which students can prepare for: further education and training employment full and active participation as citizens provide formal assessment and certification of students’ achievements provide a context within which schools also have the opportunity to foster students’physical and spiritual development.2RationaleMathematics is deeply embedded in modern society. From the numeracy skills requiredto manage personal finances, to making sense of data in various forms, to leading-edgetechnologies in the sciences and engineering, mathematics provides the framework forinterpreting, analysing and predicting, and the tools for effective participation in anincreasingly complex society.The need to interpret the large volumes of data made available through technology drawson skills in logical thought and skills in checking claims and assumptions in a systematicway. Mathematics is the appropriate training ground for the development of these skills.The thinking required to enhance further the power and usefulness of technology in real-worldapplications requires advanced mathematical training. The rapid advances in technologyexperienced in recent years have driven, and been driven by, advances in the disciplineof mathematics.The development of mathematics throughout history has been catalysed by its utility inexplaining real-world phenomena and its inherent beauty. In this way, the discipline hascontinued to evolve through a process of observation, conjecture, proof and application.Effective participation in a changing society is enhanced by the development of mathematicalcompetence in contextualised problem-solving. Experience in such problem-solving is gainedby students gathering, analysing and interpreting mathematical information, and applyingmathematics to model situations.5
Mathematics General Stage 6 SyllabusThe opportunities for creative thinking, communication and contextualised problem-solvingwithin the Preliminary Mathematics General course, the HSC Mathematics General 2 courseand the HSC Mathematics General 1 course assist students in finding solutions for the broadrange of problems encountered in life beyond secondary schooling.The purpose of the courses is to provide an appropriate mathematical background forstudents who wish to enter occupations that require the use of a variety of mathematicaland statistical techniques. As well as introducing some new mathematical content, thevarious Focus Studies within the courses give students the opportunity to apply, and developfurther, the knowledge, skills and understanding initially developed in the various Strands:Financial Mathematics, Data and Statistics, Measurement, Probability, and Algebra andModelling. Through the Focus Studies, students develop the capacity to integrate theirknowledge, skills and understanding across the Strands in contemporary contexts chosenfor their ongoing relevance to the students’ everyday lives and likely vocational pathways.The Preliminary Mathematics General course, the HSC Mathematics General 2 courseand the HSC Mathematics General 1 course are highly contextualised. The PreliminaryMathematics General course contains the five Strands as well as two Focus Studies:Mathematics and Communication, and Mathematics and Driving. It is structured to provideappropriate pathways to both the HSC Mathematics General 2 course and the HSCMathematics General 1 course.Preliminary Mathematics General provides an appropriate course of study for students whohave demonstrated competence in mathematics up to and including at least Stage 5.1 by theend of Year 10. The two Focus Studies within the course have been designed for one-thirdof the course time.The HSC Mathematics General 2 course has been written on the assumption that studentshave demonstrated a high level of competence in the Preliminary Mathematics Generalcourse. The two Focus Studies within the course – Mathematics and Health, andMathematics and Resources – have been designed for one-third of the course time.The course provides students with the opportunity to develop an understanding of andcompetence in further aspects of mathematics through a large variety of real-worldapplications for a range of concurrent HSC studies, such as in the life sciences, thehumanities and business studies. The course also provides a strong foundation forvocational pathways, in the workforce and in further training, and for university coursesin the humanities, nursing and paramedical sciences.The HSC Mathematics General 1 course has been written to meet the needs of studentswho have demonstrated competence in the Preliminary Mathematics General course.The four Focus Studies within the course – Mathematics and Design, Mathematics andHousehold Finance, Mathematics and the Human Body, and Mathematics and PersonalResource Usage – have been designed for two-thirds of the course time. The courseprovides students with the opportunity to develop an understanding of and competencein further aspects of mathematics through a large variety of real-world applications forconcurrent HSC studies, such as in vocational education and training courses, otherpractically oriented courses, and some humanities courses, and for vocational pathways,in the workforce or in further training.6
Mathematics General Stage 6 Syllabus3Continuum of Learning for Stage 6Mathematics General Experienceinproblem-
Mathematics General Stage 6 Syllabus4Mathematics in Stage 64.1CoursesFor the Higher School Certificate, there are three Board Developed mathematics courses forstudy as Preliminary Year courses: (in increasing order of difficulty) Preliminary MathematicsGeneral, Preliminary Mathematics (‘2 Unit’), and Preliminary Mathematics Extension. Thereare four Board Developed Courses and one Content Endorsed Course (CEC) for studyas HSC Year courses: (in increasing order of difficulty) Mathematics General 1 (CEC),Mathematics General 2, Mathematics (‘2 Unit’), Mathematics Extension 1, and MathematicsExtension 2.Students of the two Mathematics General pathways study the preliminary course, PreliminaryMathematics General, followed by either the HSC Mathematics General 2 course or theHSC Mathematics General 1 course.Mathematics (‘2 Unit’) consists of the courses Preliminary Mathematics (‘2 Unit’) and HSCMathematics (‘2 Unit’). Students studying one or both Extension courses study the course,Preliminary Mathematics Extension, before undertaking the study of HSC MathematicsExtension 1, or HSC Mathematics Extension 1 and HSC Mathematics Extension 2.The following assumptions and recommendations regarding Stage 5 Mathematics, typicallyundertaken by students in Years 9 and 10, are provided in relation to the suite of Stage 6Mathematics courses.The Preliminary Mathematics General course has been constructed on the assumptionthat students have studied the content and achieved the outcomes of the MathematicsYears 7–10 Syllabus (2002) up to, and including, the content and outcomes of Stage 5.1.For students who intend to study the HSC Mathematics General 2 course, it is recommendedthat they experience at least some of the Stage 5.2 content, particularly the Patterns andAlgebra topics and Trigonometry, if not all of the content.The Mathematics (‘2 Unit’) course has been constructed on the assumption that studentshave studied the content and achieved the outcomes of the Mathematics Years 7–10Syllabus (2002) up to, and including, the content and outcomes of Stage 5.2. Wherepossible, it is recommended that they also experience the topics Real Numbers, AlgebraicTechniques and Coordinate Geometry, as well as at least some of Trigonometry fromStage 5.3 (identified by §), if not all of the content.The Preliminary Mathematics Extension and HSC Mathematics Extension 1 courses havebeen constructed on the assumption that students have studied the content and achieved theoutcomes of the Mathematics Years 7–10 Syllabus (2002) up to, and including, the contentand outcomes of Stage 5.3. Where possible, it is recommended that they also experience theoptional topics (identified by #) Curve Sketching and Polynomials, Functions and Logarithms,and Circle Geometry.The Mathematics Extension 2 course consists of an HSC course (only) and may beundertaken following completion of the Preliminary Mathematics (‘2 Unit’) and PreliminaryMathematics Extension courses. Students may study the Mathematics Extension 2 courseconcurrently with, or following completion of, the HSC Mathematics Extension 1 course.The preliminary and HSC courses undertaken by students who study the PreliminaryMathematics General/HSC Mathematics General 1 pathway, the Preliminary MathematicsGeneral/HSC Mathematics General 2 pathway, or Mathematics (‘2 Unit’), and by studentswho study mathematics in Stage 6 to Mathematics Extension 1 or Mathematics Extension 2level, are illustrated on the following pages.8
Mathematics General Stage 6 SyllabusPreliminary Mathematics General/HSC Mathematics General 1 pathwayPreliminaryMathematics General*HSCMathematics General 1Units: 2Indicative hours: 120Units: 2Indicative hours: 120Total indicative hours: 240Preliminary Mathematics General/HSC Mathematics General 2 pathwayPreliminaryMathematics General*HSCMathematics General 2Units: 2Indicative hours: 120Units: 2Indicative hours: 120Total indicative hours: 240Mathematics (‘2 Unit’)HSCMathematics (‘2 Unit’)PreliminaryMathematics (‘2 Unit’)Units: 2Indicative hours: 120Units: 2Indicative hours: 120Total indicative hours: 240*Satisfactory completion of the Preliminary Mathematics General course may be followed bystudy of either the HSC Mathematics General 2 course or the HSC Mathematics General 1course. (Note: The HSC Mathematic
as HSC Year courses: (in increasing order of difficulty) Mathematics General 1 (CEC), Mathematics General 2, Mathematics (‘2 Unit’), Mathematics Extension 1, and Mathematics Extension 2. Students of the two Mathematics General pathways study the preliminary course, Preliminary Mathematics General, followed by either the HSC Mathematics .
IBDP MATHEMATICS: ANALYSIS AND APPROACHES SYLLABUS SL 1.1 11 General SL 1.2 11 Mathematics SL 1.3 11 Mathematics SL 1.4 11 General 11 Mathematics 12 General SL 1.5 11 Mathematics SL 1.6 11 Mathematic12 Specialist SL 1.7 11 Mathematic* Not change of base SL 1.8 11 Mathematics SL 1.9 11 Mathematics AHL 1.10 11 Mathematic* only partially AHL 1.11 Not covered AHL 1.12 11 Mathematics AHL 1.13 12 .
50 TRX mining cost), with stage 2 beginning once total mined reaches 2M tokens. The mining cost breakdown for each stage is the following: Stage #: Mining Cost, Stage Beginning Token Supply Stage 1 (beginning): 50 TRX, 100K Stage 1: 50 TRX, 1M Stage 2: 200 TRX, 2M Stage 3: 450 TRX, 3M Stage 4: 800 TRX, 4M Stage 5: 1.25K TRX, 5M
2. 3-4 Philosophy of Mathematics 1. Ontology of mathematics 2. Epistemology of mathematics 3. Axiology of mathematics 3. 5-6 The Foundation of Mathematics 1. Ontological foundation of mathematics 2. Epistemological foundation of mathematics 4. 7-8 Ideology of Mathematics Education 1. Industrial Trainer 2. Technological Pragmatics 3.
1. P274-0100-C — 1-stage cool, 1-stage heat for air- conditioning systems only. 2. P274-0200-C — 1-stage cool, 2-stage heat for a single speed heat pump, or an air conditioner with 2-stage heat. 3. P274-0300-C — 2-stage cool, 2-stage heat for 2-speed air-conditioning systems, or 2-stage cool, 3-stage heat for 2-speed heat pump systems.
JNC 1, 2 (1977, 1980) 105 JNC 3 (1984) 160 90-104 mild 105-114 moderate 115 severe JNC 6 (1997) 140-159 stage I 160-179 stage II 180 stage III 90-99 stage I 100-109 stage II 109 stage III JNC 7 (2003) 120-140 pre-HTN 140-159 stage I 160 stage II 90-99 stage I 10
Ancient History Stage 6: Guide to new NSW Syllabus 1 GUIDE New Stage 6 Syllabus ANCIENT HISTORY The new Ancient History syllabus has been developed using the established NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) syllabus development process.
9758 MATHEMATICS GCE ADVANCED LEVEL H2 SYLLABUS . 6 . CONTENT OUTLINE . Knowledge of the content of the O-Level Mathematics syllabus and of some of the content of the O-Level Additional Mathematics syllabuses are assumed in the syllabus below and will not be tested directly, but it may be required indirectly in response to questions on other .
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