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3ScrewcompressorsQUALITYAND INNOVATIONSMADE IN GERMANY.Decades of experience and excellent performanceALMiG is one of the leading compressed air technology system providers and has decades of experience delivering premium products in the compressed air sector. Companies all around the world trust in our customerfocused solutions, our quality, innovation and flexibility. Our advanced compressor technologies combine excellence with the quietest possible running performance, optimal energy efficiency and particularly carefulconservation of resources.Ongoing development and comprehensive industry knowledgeConstant research and development form the essential foundation for the efficiency of every system manufactured by ALMiG. Only these constant enhancements and improvements enable us to react quickly andflexibly to individual customer wishes. This attitude is complemented by a comprehensive understanding of thesector: we understand the challenges that our customers are faced with and the requirements that arise as aconsequence. ALMiG offers effective solutions for a wide range of applications – from small craft workshopsto medium-sized companies to big industry.Complete service and maximum availabilityThe highest quality technological solutions deserve an equally high level of service. The ALMiG service provisions offer our customers a complete service programme: from providing comprehensive advice to ensuringavailability, improving cost-effectiveness and developing energy-saving potential. As an expert partner,ALMiG offers its customers advice and support on all issues. Our goal is to contribute to your economicsuccess with our service offerings.ALMiG:Compressor SystemsMade in GermanyPiston compressorsScrew compressorsTurbo compressorsScroll compressorsSpecial installationsControllersCompressed air treatmentServices

4ScrewcompressorsSCREWCOMPRESSORSFrom 3 kW to 500 kW Maximum reliability in continuousoperation Minimise your operating costs withenergy-efficient compressorsCompact andcost-effective ALMiG probably has the mostcomprehensive range of screwcompressors on the marketCOMBI series5,5 – 22 kWp. 14 The right drive concept for anyapplicationHigh performance withdirect driveDIRECT series37 – 315 kWp. 22Compressoroutput withenduranceBestefficiencyin classPowerfuland versatileG-DRIVE and V-DRIVE30 – 75 kWG-DRIVE T90 – 250 kWBELT series4 – 37 kWp. 6S. 10p. 18

5ScrewcompressorsOil-freecompressed airof outstandingqualityCompact,quiet andpowerfulFLEX series5,5 – 30 kWLENTO series15 – 130 kWp. 30p. 38High deliveryvolume thatpacks a punchEnergysavingswith SCDtechnologyGEAR series30 – 500 kWVARIABLE series16 – 355 kWp. 26p. 34

6ScrewcompressorsG- / V-DRIVECompressor output with high enduranceThe G-DRIVE and V-DRIVE series offer consistently highperformance as well as numerous features for particularlyreliable, energy-efficient operation and convenient maintenance. There are various useful extensions available forthe latest generation of ALMiG screw compressors: anefficient heat recovery system with a constant temperature, an integrated refrigeration dryer which is preciselydesigned for the delivery volume of the system, as well asthe latest controllers to network your entire compressedair station. The system extensions do not affect the footprint of the compressor at all.Optional integrated refrigeration dryerIn this version, the refrigeration dryer is integrated in thesystem to save space. The compressor is used to supplythe dryer with power, control it and protect it againstfreezing if operated at "underload". The parameters of therefrigeration dryer are exactly tailored to the respectivekW class and the dryer cannot be "bypassed".Energy-saving speed controlAll variants are also optionally available with energysaving speed control.This is where the highly efficient direct drive comes intoplay: the high-frequency drive motor operates with outstanding efficiency over the entire speed range.The operating pressure can be adjusted steplessly from5 to 13 bar. The high-quality frequency inverter is easy toaccess in the control cubicle – an optimised cooling airguide provides optimum ventilation. Inverters and cablesare electro-magnetically shielded.Heat recovery systemAll our systems are designed so that an integrated heatrecovery system can be fitted into them – either directlyat the factory or as a subsequent retrofit. With thissystem, the energy consumed for the generation ofcompressed air can be converted almost entirely to usableheat; for example, as hot water for feeding into heatingsystems or for heating process water or industrial water.The constant temperature of the heat recovery systemensures reliability.Reduced service costsThe G-DRIVE and V-DRIVE screw compressors are veryeasy to maintain: all components are easily accessiblefrom one side and the large sound-insulating doors areeasy to remove. This reduces the maintenance and downtimes to a minimum, and ensures that the service costsare completely manageable.ApplicationIndustryPower output30 kW - 75 kWVolume flow acc. to ISO 1217(Annex C-1996)G-Drive: 3.92 – 13,54 m3/minV-Drive: 1.77 – 13.00 m3/minOperating pressure5 – 13 bar; stepless settableCoolingAir-cooled (standard)Water-cooled (option)DriveV-Drive: Direct and speed-controlledG-Drive: GearboxMotorEnergy efficiency class IE 3; IP 55protection, protection class F The latest controllers are used to network the entire compressed air station Modular system concept developed formaximum energy efficiency An efficient heat recovery systemwith a constant temperature An integrated refrigeration dryer whichis precisely designed for the deliveryvolume of the system

7ScrewcompressorsMaintenance-friendlydesignAir ControlSmart controller that monitors,visualises and documentsOptional heatrecovery systemSuitable controllers:AIR CONTROL BStandardAIR CONTROL POptionalAIR CONTROL HEHighly efficient motorcompressor unitOptionalEnergy efficiency class IE 3Base frameTorsion-resistant, liquid-tightControllers starting on p. 42

8ScrewcompressorsG-DRIVE / V-DRIVEG-DRIVE 30/3750 HzG-DRIVEVolume flowacc. to ISO 1217 (Annex C-1996)Ratedmotor powerLengthWidthHeightWeight8 bar10 bar13 1.9510.51752300138019502241

9ScrewcompressorsV-DRIVE 30/3750 HzV-DRIVEVolume flowacc. to ISO 1217 (Annex C-1996)Ratedmotor powerLengthWidthHeightWeight8 bar10 bar13 barModelm3/minm3/minm3/minkWmmmmmmkg301.84 - 5.161.81 - 4.621.77 - 3.883017029591635720371.84 - 6.211.81 - 5.581.77 - 4.743717029591635740382.42 - 6.762.37 - 5.892.30 - 4.94371900110017251050452.43 - 7.902.39 - 6.982.32 - 5.91451900110017251200563.99 - 10.023.91 - 8.953.80 - 7.75552300138019501941753.96 - 13.003.89 - 11.583.77 - 9.62752300138019502041

10ScrewcompressorsG-DRIVE THighest efficiency in classWith the two stage G-Drive T series ALMiG sets newstandards in energy efficiency. By compressing air in twostages they achieve a specific performance which is atthe highest level. Therefore, the G-Drive T compressorseries offers a higher volume flow with a lower inputpower consumption, in comparison to an equivalent singlestage compressor. Low rotational speeds and lower internalcompression ratios within the compressor stages increasethe efficiency, reliability and lifetime of the compressorelements. State of the art efficiency, coupled with a lowsound level and low service costs, makes the 2-stagetechnology very interesting for industrial compressed airusers.The G-Drive T offers all these benefits, plus a compactfootprint due to its well-thought-out design. With a lookto Industry 4.0, the controller of the compressor has allthe required functionalities to communicate with commonindustrial company systems. Or simply use the cloudservice to monitor the compressor from anywhere.Advantages:Application Due to the high efficiency of the compressor maximumenergy savings can be achieved and the life cycle costsof the machine can be reduced Up to 15% greater energy savings in comparison to asingle stage compressorIndustryPower output90 – 250 kWVolume flow acc. to ISO 1217(Annex C-1996)14,6 – 51,5 m3/min Durable and reliableOperating pressure Low differential pressures5 – 13 bar Reduced heat loadCooling Easy maintenance and serviceThe unique design of the airend integrates the first andsecond stage into one compressor element. The rotors ofboth air ends achieve the optimal speed due to the geardrive.An efficient compression is achieved by using a cooling oilmist for interstage cooling. This controlled amount ofoil enables at the same time to avoid condensate in thesecond stage. A complicated and expensive separateinterstage cooling is not necessary and y efficiency class IE 3; IP 55protection, protection class F Efficient screw compressor technology Low rotational speeds together withlower internal pressure ratios ensurea long durability Efficiency and ease of maintenancemade for lower life cycle costs

11ScrewcompressorsOil lubricated two stagecompressionHeavy duty suction filterBest possible filtration and easymaintenanceBest possible efficiency, integratedgear drive and robust durable designIndustry 4.0Smart controller that monitors,visualises and documentsEnergy-efficient IE3 Motorwith long bearing lifeAIR CONTROL HEStable base frameSealed against leaks, withvibration dampenersStandardControllers starting on p. 42

12ScrewcompressorsG-DRIVE TG-DRIVE T50 HzG-DRIVE TModell90Volume flowacc. to ISO 1217 (Annex C-1996)Ratedmotor powerLengthWidthHeightWeight8 bar10 bar13 0229020305500

13Screwcompressors50 HzG-DRIVE TModell200Volume flowacc. to ISO 1217 (Annex C-1996)Ratedmotor powerLengthWidthHeightWeight8 bar10 bar13 1,545,340,02503350235024007000

14ScrewcompressorsCOMBIThe cost-effective 4-in-1 compact systemOur COMBI screw compressors are a highly cost-effective4-in-1 solution: The compressed air station combines a compressor, compressed air receiver (with manual shut-off, and alsowith an automatic condensate drain as an option), refrigeration dryer and pre- and after-filtersOther benefits of these compact systems include their lowweight and therefore the ease of transport. All it takes isa lifting truck or a fork-lift truck to install the ready-toconnect and ready-to-use compressed air station on site.The product rangeApplicationTrade, small-scale industryPower outputCOMBI II: 5.5 – 15 kWCOMBI III: 15 – 22 kW2 different system sizes:Volume flow acc. to ISO 1217 COMBI 6 – 15: 270 l standard / 500 l optional(Annex C-1996):in one housing as standard. The series thus fulfils thehigh quality requirements for compressed air for pneumatic applications specified by DIN ISO 8573-1. COMBI 16 – 22: 500 l standard8 bar: 0.82 – 3.24 m3/min10 bar: 0.72 – 2.75 m3/min13 bar: 0.62 – 2.54 m3/minAll the compressors in the series are available:Operating pressureRequiring the smallest possible space and emitting verylow noise levels, the machines of the COMBI series canbe installed exactly where the compressed air is needed,saving your company major investments in expensivepressure lines. The belt-driven systems of the COMBIseries are used in applications ranging from practicaltrades to heavy-duty industry. with/without receiver5 – 13 bar with/without refrigeration dryerCooling with/without compressed air filterAir-cooled (standard) with various controllers to suit your needsDriveIn small-scale workshops, the compressors guarantee areliable supply of compressed air while, in industry, theCOMBI products serve as an individual decentralizedcompressed air solution.V-beltMotorEnergy efficiency class IE 3;IP 55 protection,protection class F 4-in-1: compressor, compressed airreceiver, refrigeration dryer,pre-/after-filter Fulfils quality requirements forcompressed air according toDIN ISO 8573-1 Small space requirements Low noise level Easy to transport due to low weight

15ScrewcompressorsCompressor stagewith low speedsAir ControlMaintenance-friendlydesignSmart controller that monitors, visualisesand documentsSuitable controllers:AIR CONTROL MINIStandard (6 – 22 kW)AIR CONTROL BOptional (6 – 22 kW)AIR CONTROL POptional (6 – 22 kW)AIR CONTROL HEReceiverDrive motorTreatmentEnergy efficiency class IE 3Optional (6 – 22 kW)Controllers starting on p. 42

16ScrewcompressorsCOMBICOMBI 6 – 1550 HzCOMBIModelVolume flowacc. to ISO 1217 (Annex C-1996)8 bar10 bar13 barm3/minm3/minm3/minRatedmotor HPinchinchinchlbs60 HzModel100 psig125 psig150 psig190 psigacfmacfmacfmacfm6/8302825217.544.127.044.46288 / 10373735291044.127.044.463911 / 15595548421544.127.044.465015 / 20726863562044.127.044.467216 / 21868172642058.370.154.1100118 / 251049890832558.370.154.1104322 / 30124113102973058.370.154.11144

17ScrewcompressorsCOMBI 16 – 22Compressor dryerCOMBIDimensionsWeightModelmminchkglbs81180 x 770 x 112844.1 x 27.0 x 44.4345717111180 x 770 x 112844.1 x 27.0 x 44.4350728151180 x 770 x 112844.1 x 27.0 x 44.4360750161480 x 780 x 137558.3 x 70.1 x 54.14941098181480 x 780 x 137558.3 x 70.1 x 54.15131131221480 x 780 x 137558.3 x 70.1 x 54.15591232Compressor receiver (270 litres / 71 gal)without dryerwith dryerModelmminchkglbskglbs61180 x 770 x 168044.1 x 27.0 x 66.142088245595981180 x 770 x 168044.1 x 27.0 x 66.1425893460970111180 x 770 x 168044.1 x 27.0 x 66.1430904465981151180 x 770 x 168044.1 x 27.0 x 66.1440926475100374.8 x 27.0 x 66.148510255201102Compressor receiver (500 litres / 132 gal)61900 x 770 x 168081900 x 770 x 168074.8 x 27.0 x 66.149010365251113111900 x 770 x 168074.8 x 27.0 x 66.149510475301124151900 x 770 x 168074.8 x 27.0 x 66.150510695401146161900 x 780 x 195074.8 x 30.7 x 76.863914096791497181900 x 780 x 195074.8 x 30.7 x 76.865814516981539221900 x 780 x 195074.8 x 30.7 x 76.870415527441640

18ScrewcompressorsBELTPowerful for versatile applicationsThe unique design concept of the BELT series makes itcost-effective in every kW class and therefore highlysuitable for versatile applications.With its robust and proven components, the seriesensures a high compressor output and reliability aroundthe clock. The tenacious compressors are fitted with alow-maintenance V-belt drive, which transfers the 4 to200 kW of power with virtually no losses.The BELT series enables very cost-effective and reliableusage in a volume flow range of up to 5.78 m³/min. Thefixed speed concept of the series also delivers longservice lives and low maintenance costs, making thescrew compressors especially well suited for use asbase load compressors in continuous operation.The product rangeApplicationIndustry3 variants with various outputs and volume flows:Power output BELT 4 – 37BELT I: 4 – 37 kW BELT 4 – 37 "PLUS"*Volume flow acc. to ISO 1217(Annex C-1996): BELT 4 – 37 "O"**8 bar: 0.65 – 5.78 m3/min10 bar: 0.54 – 5.15 m3/min13 bar: 0.43 – 4.42 m3/min* "PLUS" variant with attached compressed air refrigerationdryer, can also be retrofitted.** "O" variant with attached compressed air refrigerationdryer and filter system comprising 1x depth filter and2x active carbon filter for generating technically oil-freecompressed air.Operating pressure5 – 13 barCoolingAir-cooled (standard)Water-cooled (option as of 11 kW)DriveV-beltMotorEnergy efficiency class IE 3; IP 55protection, protection class F Versatile use thanks to numerouspossible extension options Proven V-belt drive Low maintenance costs due to longservice lives

19ScrewcompressorsMaintenance-friendlydesignAir ControlSmart controller that monitors,visualises and documentsEfficient coolingair guideSuitable controllers:AIR CONTROL BStandardAIR CONTROL POptionalAIR CONTROL HEHorizontalseparating tankOptionalWith external fineControllers starting on p. 42separator cartridgesCoolantfilterBase frameTorsion-resistant,liquid-tight design

20ScrewcompressorsBELTBELT 4 – 3750 HzBELTModelVolume flowacc. to ISO 1217 (Annex C-1996)8 bar10 bar13 barm3/minm3/minm3/minRatedmotor 90560375.785.154.423712708901190590Systems are air-cooled as standard / water-cooled as an option; heat recovery systems available for all models (as of 11 kW);intermediate pressures on request

21ScrewcompressorsBELT 4 – 37 "PLUS"60 HzBELTModelVolume flowacc. to ISO 1217 (Annex C-1996)100 psig125 psig150 psig190 psigacfmacfmacfmacfmRatedmotor 197 / 10434137301040.227.636.645211 / 15646053461540.227.636.648515 / 20877872622040.227.636.651816 / 219791836220503546.995918 / 25113101947825503546.999222 / 301271201129830503546.9106930 / 4017415614812240503546.9127937 / 5020318217616050503546.91312

22ScrewcompressorsDIRECTHigh performance with direct driveALMiG's DIRECT series is setting standards in the worldof compressed air systems with direct drives: the motor'soutput is transferred directly to the compressor stage, i.e.without the loss experienced with a V-belt or gear drive.This type of drive is around 99.9% efficient and is therefore much more efficient than standard drives.The unique design concept of the DIRECT series makes itincredibly cost-effective in every kW class and thereforehighly versatile. It ensures that your company benefitsfrom compressed air generation at minimum operatingcosts around the clock.Advantages when combined with VARIABLE: Same system designApplicationIndustryPower output Same componentsDIRECT II: 37 – 55 kWDIRECT III: 75 – 160 kWDIRECT IV: 280 – 315 kW Same supply of spare parts Same handling Outstanding cost-effectivenessVolume flow acc. to ISO 1217(Annex C-1996):6.80 – 48 m3/minOperating pressure5 – 13 barWhen these compressors with direct drive are combinedwith the VARIABLE and V-Drive series, they form an unbeatable energy-saving duo.CoolingAir (standard)Water (option as of 37 kW)DIRECT 315 only water-cooledDriveDirectMotorEnergy efficiency class IE 3; IP 55protection, protection class F Loss-free transmission of the drivepower to the compressor stage –nearly 100% efficient Highly versatile due to unique designconcept High performance and reliability atminimum operating costs Unbeatable energy efficiency in combination with VARIABLE and V-Drive

23ScrewcompressorsSeparation systemOutstanding compressed airquality from proven multi-stageAir ControlseparationSmart controller thatmonitors, visualises anddocumentsDrive systemHighly efficient, loss-freedirect driveSuitable controllers:AIR CONTROL PStandardAIR CONTROL HEOptionalControllers starting on p. 42Cooling unitLarge cooler for minimumcompressed air outlettemperatures and optimumcoolant temperaturesCompressorHigh-performance,excellent efficiency

24ScrewcompressorsDIRECTDIRECT 37 – 5550 HzDIRECTOperatingoverpressureVolume flowModelbarm 51750108016001100751111.58752300140018601970acc. to ISO 1217 (Annex C-1996)3Ratedmotor 02200132823.90132270016861

Piston compressors Screw compressors Turbo compressors Scroll compressors Special installations Controllers Compressed air treatment Services QUALITY AND INNOVATIONS MADE IN GERMANY. Decades of experience and excellent performance ALMiG is one of the leading compressed air technology system providers and has decades of experience de-

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