Carlow National Tourism ConferenceEthna MurphyTracey Coughlan
The two dominant drivers of tourism in Europe are MediterraneanBeaches and Alpine Ski Slopes.Despite having neither of these facilities, Irish Tourism has performedstrongly in European terms.
The Landscape and Seascapes of the Ireland
What we are going to cover Adventure 2014 – Some Facts Shift from Product to Experiences Building Ireland’s Adventure Story Adventure Trade World Summit (ATWS), Killarney, October 2014
10 facts about the Adventure Tourism Market
1Adventure Tourism is bigbusiness One quarter (26%) of global travel isAdventure Tourism and it is growing! ATTA measures 17% annual sector growthSource: MCCP TrendStreamTM /ATTA Reports
2Adventure has high value potential to Ireland Overseas sector worth over 1 billion to Ireland in2012 Activity travellers spend 45% more than other visitorson their trip.Source: MCCP TrendStreamTM /ATTA Reports
3Ireland targeting 5 of top 6 spenders2011 DataSource: MCCP TrendStreamTM /UNWTO
490% of Adventure is “soft”Traditionally adventure is viewed as high octanehard core activities for thrill seekers.In reality 90% of adventure travel is ‘soft’ and itincludes walking, cycling, fishing, bird watching,archaeology and meeting the locals.Source: MCCP TrendStreamTM /ATTA Reports
5Ireland is mostly soft adventure 90% of Irish adventure is ‘soft adventure’ This covers a broad range of activities including walking,cycling, fishing, water sports, archeology and bird watching.Source: MCCP TrendStreamTM /ATTA Reports
6Walking is currently a key driver for Ireland Key activities in Ireland are walking & hiking with 33% citing walkingas a key choice factor for IrelandSource: MCCP TrendStreamTM /ATTA Reports
7People “think” hard adventure and “do” softIntentions are 8:1 softto hard adventureExperience is 16:1Source: MCCP TrendStreamTM /ATTA Reports
8Ireland is about adventure activities – notadventure holidays Travellers selecting adventure trips want more than theactivity Ideal adventure “trip” includes interaction with nature, interaction with culture, outdoor activity Intersection of all 3 is a full service adventure holidayexperienceSource: MCCP TrendStreamTM /ATTA Reports
9Adventure customers are “not young men”!42% are aged between 41 and 6051% are womenSource: MCCP TrendStreamTM /ATTA Reports
1078%The Peer 2 Peer Movement is manifesting itselfdifferent industries. Adventure tourism is oneindustries. Tourists are not asking the travelinformation, they are going online, onto blogsnetworks.acrossof thoseagents forand socialSource: MCCP TrendStreamTM /ATTA Reports
New Stratagy .
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Building Ireland’s AdventureStoryAdventure Tourism Trends
Irelands Competitive Setfor adventure tourism Our key competition is our neighbours England, Scotland, Wales Also Iceland The challenge is to get travellers to makethe trip to Ireland
Long haul destinationsmust sell the “completeadventure” package. Countries such as Australia, New Zealandand Canada are competing in a differentspace to Ireland. They are selling a “once in a lifetime”proposition.
Source: MCCP TrendStreamTMGlobal Consumer Holiday Trends
1. Immersive Adventure Tourism
Immersive Adventure Tourism is about building up to theadventure activity with soft immersion in the natural andculture assets that make a place distinct from any other.The aging population is a big driver of this trend.42%Of travellers cite adventureactivities as the focus oftheir holidays, the lionsshare of which are “soft”activities2/3rd’sOf adventure tourists holidaycosts, on avg. are spent directly inthe destination as against approx10-15% of package holiday costsSource: MCCP TrendStreamTM
2. Environmental Adventurists
1 of the top 3concernsOf adventure tourists isnot impacting negativelyon the local environmentAdventure seekers want to know that what they are doingwill impact positively on the place in which they'regoing. A big driver of this trend is the growth ofurbanisation.Source: MCCP TrendStreamTM
3. Take Home Adventurer
The tourists go for the adventure but what becomes moreimportant is that they leave with a learning. It is alsoreally important that the experiences people go home withare easily transferable online e.g. images and videos. Thesetrips will become catalysts of change for the tourist.73%22%Of Adventure travellersplan to participate inadventure activity ontheir next tripOf Adventure travellersplan on doing the sameactivity as their last tripSource: MCCP TrendStreamTM
4. Off the Track Adventurers
This tourist seeks smaller groups of service providers andwant adventure based holidays with customised itinerariesjust for them but inspired by the local natural beauty.1 of the top 3prioritiesWas a customised offeringTailored to the adventuretravellerSource: MCCP TrendStreamTM
3 segments are priorities for all 5 marketsCulturallyCuriousSocial EnergiserGreat Escaper
What do Social Energisers want fromexperiences?Spontaneous - unplanned‘Out of the Ordinary’‘Packed’ Experiences – busy day to night‘New’ thingsFestivals and Street Events‘In’ Places where the locals go
Social Energisers &Adventure Activities and sociability. They are ideal targets for high energy activitieswith a social outlet in the evenings.
What do the Culturally Curious want fromexperiences?Authentic & Mind Broadening ExperiencesTo feel like they’ve ‘done’ a place – not just dipped their toe inTotal ImmersionGetting off the beaten trackConnecting with natureThe Local Specialities
Culturally Curious & Adventure Ideal - 90% Soft Adventure They are attracted to walking, hiking, cycling etc. Offf the beaten track.
What do Great Escapers want fromexperiences?Multi-Sensory ‘earth beneath their feet’ & breath-taking attractionsQuality time to connect & bondRebalancing – come home refreshed and revitalisedDown time with some Peace & Quiet
Great Escapers & Adventure Great & Remote Outdoors Adventure is of a nature that they enjoy – walking inSheep’s Head, Cycling on the islands
Adventure Proposition
Key Themes
Experience Development Toolkit and Supports available
Adventure Travel World Summit UpdateKillarney, Co Kerry , 6 – 9 October 2014 650 delegates attending, representing influential top global media and buyers 200 delegates expected to attend Pre Summit Adventures (PSA’s) for 3, 4 and 5 days prior to ATWS.
Thank You !
Immersive Adventure Tourism is about building up to the adventure activity with soft immersion in the natural and culture assets that make a place distinct from any other. The aging population is a big driver of this trend. 2/3 rd’s Of travellers cite adventure 42% costs, on avg. are spent directly in activities as the focus of their holidays, the lions share of which are “soft .
Carlow APT200041C Ann McGrath Carlow APT200024C Arwen Bird Carlow APT200042C Brendan McGarry Carlow APT200012C Caroline Kehoe Carlow APT200036C Catherine Byrne . Cork DPT200101C Glenn Kelleher Cork DPT200044C Gordon Bryan Cork DPT200002C HART Homeless Animal Rescue Team . 10 Cork DPT200132C Helen O'Sullivan
Another U.S. partner, Carlow University, Pittsburgh has, over the past decade, co-operated with the College on postgraduate courses, workshops and round-table discussions. The University began sending undergraduates to Carlow College in September 2011 and they intend to act as a gatew
2 Destination Geography World geography Tourism regions Cultural and social attributes 3 Advanced Tourism and Hospitality Tourism Tourism and the Tourist (Unit Three of T&T S4-5 syllabus) The Travel and Tourism Industry (Unit Four of T&T S4-5 syllabus) Attractions development Social tourism issues Food and Beverage Division
5. Tourism and the UK economy 17 5.1 Economic output 17 5.2 Employment 18 5.3 International comparisons of tourism employment 19 6. Brexit and tourism 20 6.1 Opportunities 20 6.2 Challenges 21 7. Tourism policy 23 7.1 Tourism Sector Deal 23 8. The ‘tourism landscape’ in England 26 VisitEngland and VisitBritain 26File Size: 492KB
a key player in tourism development. The Role of Creativity and Local Wisdom in Tourism Village Development The tourism village is one example of alternative tourism development that aims to build sustainable villages in the tourism sector. This tourism development is influenced by people's lifestyles, economic, physical, and social conditions .
This publication presents the OECD country review of tourism issues and policies in Mexico. It forms part of the programme of work of the OECD Tourism Committee and has been prepared by the Secretariat of the OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Local Development and Tourism. The report is part of a series of reviews on tourism
Tourism is one of the biggest job creators for women and youth. The tourism sector employs more women and young people than most other sectors. The age profile of workers in the tourism sector is young. Just under a half (47%) of people working in tourism in European OECD countries are between 15 and 34 years of age, compared to a third (32% .