Index to Indiana Statistics in the Decennial CensusesContents3rd Census of the United States (1810)24th Census of the United States (1820)35th Census of the United States (1830)46th Census of the United States (1840)57th Census of the United States (1850)78th Census of the United States (1860)109th Census of the United States (1870)1710th Census of the United States (1880)26Prepared by the Indiana State Data Center, Indiana State Library
Indiana Statistics in the Decennial Census PublicationsCensus / Description of StatisticsPage Number3rd Census of the United States (1810)p.d. 317 Un10a (oversized) – Data Center (with Agricultural Censuses)Free white males, free white females, all other free persons,slaveso State1o County, township, town, age853rd Census of the United States (1810) – Arts and ennial/1810.htmManufactures, by type – Territory of Indiana2Manufactures, by type – Territory of Indiana, by division162Indiana State Library
Indiana Statistics in the Decennial Census PublicationsCensus / Description of StatisticsPage Number4th Census of the United States (1820)p.d. 317 Un20c (oversized) – Data Center (with Agricultural 20.htmFree white persons, foreigners, employments, slaves,colored persons, all other persons, by sex, by ageo Stateo County, parish, divisiono Recapitulation, state139*39(b)Note: Pagination for the online version differs from the print version.When using the online version, use the following pages:o State18o County, parish, division155o Recapitulation, state156Indiana State Library
Indiana Statistics in the Decennial Census PublicationsCensus / Description of StatisticsPage Number5th Census of the United States (1830)p.d. 317 Un30f (oversized) – Data Center (with Agricultural Censuses)Free white persons, slaves, free colored persons, all otherfree persons, by sex; 1790-1820o State, county20Free white persons, slaves, free colored persons, deaf anddumb, blind, aliens (foreigners), by sex, by age:o County, township, town144o Epitome of state1465th Census of the United States (1830) – Abstract of Returnsp.d. 317 Un30abs – 3rd floor across from map 830.htmAggregate, free persons, slaves, by sex, by raceo State, countyIndiana State Library34
Indiana Statistics in the Decennial Census PublicationsCensus / Description of StatisticsPage Number6th Census of the United States (1840) - Populationp.d. 317 Un40s (oversized) – Data Center (with Agricultural Censuses)Free white persons; free colored persons; slaves; totalpopulation; employments; deaf, dumb, blind, and insane;schools, etc., statistics of;o By county, township, town, ward; by age; by sexo By county, by age, by sexo Epitome of the whole population3463703746th Census of the United States (1840) - Industries & Resourcesp.d. 317 Un40st (oversized) – Data Center (with Agricultural Censuses)Statistics of mines, agriculture, horticulture, commerce,fisheries, products of the forest, and manufactureso By county and township3286th Census of the United States (1840) - Compendiump.d. 317 Un40c (oversized) – Data Center (with Agricultural ial/1840.htmCounty & principal towns; by age, by sexo Free white personso Free colored personso Slaveso Total populationo Employmentso Deaf, dumb, blind, and insaneo Schools, etc., statistics ofCountyo Mines, statistics ofo Agriculture, statistics ofo Horticulture, statistics ofo Commerce, statistics ofo Fisheries, statistics ofo Products of the forest, statistics ofo Manufactures, statistics of80818282838383286287289289290290290Appendix: Tables of Apportionmento Representatives, as fixed by the Constitution beforethe first enumeration, and prescribed according tothe 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Censuses.o Representatives each state will be entitled toaccording to the 6th Censuso Abstract of each preceding CensusIndiana State Library366368370
Indiana Statistics in the Decennial Census PublicationsCensus / Description of StatisticsPage Number7th Census of the United States (1850)p.d. 317 Un50 – 3rd floor across from map 850.htmIntroductory statistics, by ive Table of population, 1790-1850Abstract of the Militia force of the U.S.Population, square miles and densityRepresentatives assigned to Congress, 1790-1850Place of birth – native populationPlace of birth – foreign born populationNativities of white & free colored populationBirths of persons under 1 year of ageBirths, marriages, deaths, dwellings, familiesClassification of ages of white populationClassification of ages of free colored populationClassification of ages of slave populationRelative rank by class of population and by squaremilesChange in white population, 1790-1850Change in free colored population, 1790-1850Change in slave population, 1790-1850Deaf and dumb, blind, insane, and idiotic population,totals and nativityComparative population of largest citiesNumber of churches, by denominationValue of church property, by denominationChurch accommodationsAttending school, by race, by sex, by nativityColleges, academies, schoolsIlliterate population, by sex, by raceEducation statistics, 1840LibrariesNewspapers, 1840Newspapers and PeriodicalsOccupations of male inhabitantsEmployments of free males over 15 yearsOccupations of free and slave population, bothsexes, 1840Productions of agricultureRatio of population and certain productsAgricultural returns, 1840Proportion of white males to femalesRatio of increase in population, 1790-1850Indiana State lixlxlxilxilxiii & xxvii
Indiana Statistics in the Decennial Census PublicationsCensus / Description of Statisticso Ratio of several classes to the total population,1790-1850o Indian statistics, 1789, 1825 and 1853Page NumberlxxxixxcivTable of counties, districts, and parishes:o White, free colored, slave population, foreign born,dwellings, familiesPopulation of places (towns) included in the CensusxcvciiiStatistics of Indianao Counties – Population by age, by race, by sexo Townships and towns – population by age, by race,by sexo State – nativities, by race, by sexo Counties – Births, marriages, deaths, dwellings,familieso State – Change in population, by race (incl. slaves),1800-1850o State – Deaf and dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, byrace, by sex, by nativityo Counties – Colleges, academies, schools, teachers,pupils, income, etc.o Counties – Attending schools, by sex, by race,native, foreign borno Counties – Illiterate population, by sex, by race,native, foreign borno State – Professions, occupations, and trade of maleso Counties – Farm and implements, stock, products,home manufactures, etc.o State – Newspapers & periodicals, by type, number,circulation, numbers printed, how often usedo Counties – Libraries, other than private, number,volumes, by typeo Counties – Churches, church property, bydenominationNotes on Indiana, by tableIndiana State 021
Indiana Statistics in the Decennial Census PublicationsCensus / Description of StatisticsthPage Number7 Census of the United States (1850) – Abstractp.d. 317 Un50a – 3rd floor across from map roomStatistics by state:o Nativities – native populationo Nativities – foreign-born populationo Deaf and dumb – by race (incl. slaves), by sexo Blind – by race (incl. slaves), by sexo Insane – by race (incl. slaves), by sexo Idiotic – by race (incl. slaves), by sexo Paupers – native, foreign-born, annual cost ofsupporto Churches – number, ratio to population,accommodations, property value, averageproperty valueo Churches – number, accommodations, propertyvalue, by denominationo Valuation of real and personal estateo Acres of improved and unimproved land, cash value,and average cash value per acreo Farmland - acres of farmland, cash value, valueof farming implements and machineryo Livestock – number (by type) and valueo Produce, by type (grains, tobacco, cotton, crops,fruits, dairy, sugar, home-made manufactures,slaughtered animals, etc.)o Miles of railroad, land area, population, andpopulation densityo Miles of railroad in operation and in progresso Amount expended upon railroadso Telegraph charges from Washington, D.C., toIndianapolis and New Albany (miles and rates)o List of telegraphso Area in square miles, population, and densityper square mileo Deaths – number and ratio to the number livingo Population – Total and ratio of increase, 1790-1850,Representatives in Congresso Cotton goods – various statisticso Woolen goods – various statisticso Pig iron – various statisticso Castings – various statisticso Wrought iron – various statisticso Malt and spirituous liquors – various statisticso Population, by race (incl. slaves), and representationin 33rd CongressIndiana State 134140150154155156157158159160
Indiana Statistics in the Decennial Census PublicationsCensus / Description of StatisticsthPage Number7 Census of the United States (1850) – Compendiump.d. 317 Un50co – 3rd floor across from map 850.htmStatistics by state:o Comparative expense to each State and individual,1840 and 1850o Land area – square miles, percent of total, ranko Geographical and political classification of the stateso Aggregate population and densityo Representation in Congress, 1790-1850o Population (aggregate, families and dwellings,sex, age, births, marriages, deaths, deaf, dumb,blind, etc., occupations, nativities)o White populationo Free colored populationo Slave populationo Total populationo Religious worship / Churcheso Education / Schoolso The Press – Newspapers and Periodicalso Librarieso Charities / Pauperso Average wageso Crimeo Agricultureo Manufactureso Commerceo Railroads and canalso Real and personal estate taxes, annual taxeso Comparative populations of large 9186189190192Statistics of Indianao Counties – Adams through Lawrenceo Counties – Madison through Whitley224231Populations of cities & towns338Age & sex, white and free colored population, Indianapolis395Ages of persons who died between 6/1/1849 and 6/1/1850400Indiana State Library
Indiana Statistics in the Decennial Census PublicationsCensus / Description of StatisticsPage Number8th Census of the United States (1860)p.d. 317 Un60 – 3rd floor across from map 860.htmVolume 1: PopulationIntroduction:ooooooooooooooPopulation by stateColored populationWhite males – between ages 18 and 45DwellingsForeign residentsPercentages of native/non-native, English, Irish, andGerman populationsMigrations of native free populationCourse of internal migrationFree persons married during the yearPopulation and percentage of persons under 1 yearof ageDeaths during the yearInstitutions for the blind; proportion of blind personsInsane populationHospitals for the iixlilxxiiilxxviiixcviiiStatistics for Indiana, by county:o Population, by age, by sex, by raceo Population, by color, by condition, by sexo Population of townships, cities, towns, by race,by sexo Population, native and foreign born, by race, by sexo Nativities (state)o Occupations (state)106112113128130130Recapitulation, by state:ooooooooWhite population, by age, by sexFree colored population, by age, by sexCivilized Indians, by age, by sexPopulation, by color and condition, with rate ofincrease and representation in CongressPopulation, 1790-1850, with rate of changeIndian populationPopulation, native and foreign-born, by sex, by colorNativities of free population – native bornIndiana State Library592594596598600605606616
Indiana Statistics in the Decennial Census PublicationsCensus / Description of Statisticso Nativities of free population – foreign-borno Deaf and dumb – by age, by race, by sexo Deaf and dumb – nativities, by race, by sexo Blind – by age, by race, by sexo Blind –nativities, by race, by sexo The insane – by age, by race, by sexo The insane –nativities, by race, by sexo The idiotic – by age, by race, by sexo The idiotic –nativities, by race, by sexo OccupationsPage Number620624626631634639642647650656Volume 2: AgricultureIntroduction:Acres of land in farms, and cash valueFarming implements and machinery in use, value ofWheat productionIndian corn productionRye productionOats productionBarley productionBuckwheat productionPeas and beans productionIrish potato productionSweet potato productionDairy productsWool productionFlax productionFlax-seed productionRice productionHops productionTobacco productionCane sugar, maple sugar, sorghum molasses,honey, etc.o Domestic animalso Value of livestockoooooooooooooooooooStatistics for Indiana, by 8Recapitulationo Farms containing three acres or moreo Farms, acres of land improved, unimproved,average number of acres, number of countiesDetailed topic index for Indiana statisticsIndiana State Library221222263
Indiana Statistics in the Decennial Census PublicationsCensus / Description of StatisticsPage NumberVolume 3: ManufacturesIntroduction:ooooooooooooooooooCotton goods produced during the yearWoolen goods“Wool Carding“Clothing (Men’s)“Boots and shoes“Millinery“Hemp and Manilla cordage“Paper“Printing“Bookbinding and blank books“Musical instruments “Hats and caps (including hat bodies) “Coal mined during the yearCoal, bituminous, mined “Pig iron produced “Bar, sheet, and railroad iron produced “Sewing machines“Agricultural implements tics for Indiana:o Manufactures, by type, by county – number ofestablishments, capital invested, cost of materials,employees, cost of labor, value of productso Recapitulationo Manufacture of leather, (omitted), by countyo Manufacture of leather, (included), by countyo Manufacture of leather, (added)o Errata for Indiana114142659660661746Volume 4: Mortality, Property, etc.Introduction:o Population and manufactures of Indianapolis,New Albany, Evansville, and Fort Wayneo Population rank by state, 1790-1860o Mean temperature, New Harmonyo Population, total and nativities, by stateo Nativities of foreigners, by stateo Foreigners and their proportion to total whitepopulationo Nativities of Americans (native population), by stateIndiana State Libraryxviiixxxxxliliiilvilxi
Indiana Statistics in the Decennial Census PublicationsCensus / Description of StatisticsPage NumberMortality:o Deaths in year ending June 1, 1860o Deaths in year ending June 1, 1860, by type, Indianao Deaths in year ending June 1, 1860, by age, by sex,by typeo Deaths in year ending June 1, 1860, by age, by sex,by type, District IV (incl. Indiana)o Deaths in year ending June 1, 1860, by sex,by montho Deaths in year ending June 1, 1860, by sex,by month, by disease or by typeo Population, reported death, and ratio to living,1850 and 1860o Number and proportion of deaths, by cause, to totaldeaths from known causes, by districto Ratio of deaths from consumption, by districto Deaths by suicide, by method, by districto Rank, by ratios of death from specified causes andclasses of causes to total deathso Ratio of deaths, by age, to total deaths, by districtBanks and Insurance:3194480129164212217244253254270292Real and Personal Estate, value of:o By stateo By county294300Newspapers and Periodicals, by type:321Railroads:o Mileage, cost of construction, by railroad,1850 & 1860o Recapitulationo Number of Railroads in operation, by year,1850-1860o Number of miles of Railroads brought into use, byyear, 1850-1860Canals and River Improvements:Land area, by type, and number of inhabitants persquare mile:Families and Free Population:Indiana State Library330331333334336 339
Indiana Statistics in the Decennial Census PublicationsCensus / Description of StatisticsPage Numbero Number of families and free population, by county 343o Families, by size351Churches, total number, aggregate accommodations,property value, by denomination:o By countyo By state381497Libraries, colleges, schools, academies and other schools,total number, volumes, teachers, pupils, income, by type:oooooBy stateAttending school, by race, by sexIlliterate populationColleges, by special characterPublic schools – number, teachers, pupils, cost505507508510510Taxes, by type:511Pauperism, Crime, and Wages:512Population over 100 years of age, by race:513Fisheries:5508th Census of the United States (1860) – Preliminary Reportp.d. 317 Un60p – 3rd floor across from map roomPopulation of stateRepresentation in the 38th CongressDeaths for the year ending June 1, 1860Institutions for the blind – number of pupils and blindemployed, IndianapolisBlind persons – total number and proportion to totalpopulationInsane personsIdiotic persons2202243445758Banks – year of adoption of free banking principle, stocksheld, circulation78Diagram showing relative course and position of populationrank, 1790-1860120State rankings by area, population, density, mean ratio,increase in population121Indiana State Library
Indiana Statistics in the Decennial Census PublicationsCensus / Description of StatisticsPopulation and rate of change, by race, 1790-1860Population, by race, by sexIndiana populationDeaths from June 1, 1959 to May 31, 1860, bymonth, by age, by sexDeaths from June 1, 1959 to May 31, 1860, by cause,by sex 146Violent deaths, by sex, by typeDeaf and dumb personsValue of agricultural implements produced during yearPig iron producedBar and other Rolled Iron producedSteam engines and Machinery producedIron FoundingCoal producedPrintingSawed and Planed Lumber producedFlour and Meal producedSpirituous Liquors producedMalt liquors brewedCotton Goods producedWoolen Goods, (including Carding and Fulling and MixedGoods,) producedLeather producedBoots and shoes producedFurniture producedIlluminating Gas producedFisheriesSoap and Candles producedProducts of Industry – number of establishments, capitalinvested, value of raw material, employees,value of productBanks – capital, loans, specie, circulation, deposits,1850 & 1860 192Assessed value of real estate and personal propertyTrue value and change in value of real estate and personalproperty, 1850 & 1860Productions of Agriculture – Land, cash value of farms,value of implements and machinery, live stock,crops, wine, dairy, beeswax, honey, sugar,slaughtered animals, etc.Horses, Asses and Mules, Neat Cattle, Sheep, and SwineNewspapers and Periodicals, by typeRailroads – mileage and cost of construction, by railroad,1850 & 1860Railroads – Capitulation, 1850 & 1860Indiana State LibraryPage 6230
Indiana Statistics in the Decennial Census PublicationsCensus / Description of StatisticsMiles of Railroads in operation, by year, 1850-1860Miles of Railroads brought into use, by year, 1850-1860Page Number235237Canals and River ImprovementsPopulation and change of population, 1850 & 1860,Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, La Fayette, La Porte,Madison, RichmondPopulation, by county, by race, by sex241Indiana State Library242254
Indiana Statistics in the Decennial Census PublicationsCensus / Description of StatisticsPage Number9th Census of the United States (1870)p.d. 317 Un70 – 3rd floor across from map 870.htmVolume 1, Part 1: Statistics of the PopulationIntroduction:o Representation in Congresso True population, by race (White, Colored, Chinese,Indians)o Unknown causes of dea
Index to Indiana Statistics in the Decennial Censuses Contents 3rd Census of the United States (1810) 2 4th Census of the United States (1820) 3 5th Census of the United States (1830) 4 6th Census of the United States (1840) 5 7th Census of the United States (1850) 7 8th Census of the United States (1860) 10 9th Census of the United States (1870) 17
May 02, 2018 · D. Program Evaluation ͟The organization has provided a description of the framework for how each program will be evaluated. The framework should include all the elements below: ͟The evaluation methods are cost-effective for the organization ͟Quantitative and qualitative data is being collected (at Basics tier, data collection must have begun)
Silat is a combative art of self-defense and survival rooted from Matay archipelago. It was traced at thé early of Langkasuka Kingdom (2nd century CE) till thé reign of Melaka (Malaysia) Sultanate era (13th century). Silat has now evolved to become part of social culture and tradition with thé appearance of a fine physical and spiritual .
[This Page Intentionally Left Blank] Contents Decennial 2010 Profile Technical Notes, Decennial Profile ACS 2008-12 Profile Technical Notes, ACS Profile [This Page Intentionally Left Blank] Decennial 2010 Profile L01 L01 Decennial 2010 Profile 1. L01 Decennial 2010 Profile Sex and Age 85 and over 80 84 75 79 70 74
On an exceptional basis, Member States may request UNESCO to provide thé candidates with access to thé platform so they can complète thé form by themselves. Thèse requests must be addressed to esd rize unesco. or by 15 A ril 2021 UNESCO will provide thé nomineewith accessto thé platform via their émail address.
̶The leading indicator of employee engagement is based on the quality of the relationship between employee and supervisor Empower your managers! ̶Help them understand the impact on the organization ̶Share important changes, plan options, tasks, and deadlines ̶Provide key messages and talking points ̶Prepare them to answer employee questions
Dr. Sunita Bharatwal** Dr. Pawan Garga*** Abstract Customer satisfaction is derived from thè functionalities and values, a product or Service can provide. The current study aims to segregate thè dimensions of ordine Service quality and gather insights on its impact on web shopping. The trends of purchases have
Spanish and Mexican Colonial Censuses Spanish and Mexican colonial censuses exist for 1750, 1790, 1802, 1816, 1822, 1823, 1826, 1827, 1830 and 1845. The colonial censuses include the wife's maiden name. These censuses are incomplete and do not include all families in New Mexico.
C. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD In 1973, an independent full-time organization called the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) was established, and it has determined GAAP since then. 1. Statements of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) These statements establish GAAP and define the specific methods and procedures for