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\'- fcdfa CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OFFOOD & AGRICULTUREKoren Ross, SecretoryApril 19, 2013DMS NOTICEQC - 13 - 06DISCARD: RETAINTO:WEIGHTS AND MEASURES OFFICIALSSUBJECT: L’Oreal USA S/D Inc.Enclosed is a copy of the final judgment, stipulation for entry of final judgment, andcomplaint against L’Oreal USA S/D, Inc. The case was filed by the District Attorney’sOffice of Fresno County in conjunction with the District Attorneys of Sacramento, LosAngeles, and Shasta Counties on January 24, 2013 for deceptive packaging/nonfunctional slack fill of L’Oreal products in violation of California Business and ProfessionsCode Section 12606.The California Department of Food and Agriculture, Division of Measurement Standardsworked with the Sacramento County Office of Weights and Measures. The total settlementwas for 509,700. Civil penalties amounted to 461,409 and agency costs were 49,291.Fresno County should be sure to report these penalties on the County Monthly Report. Allparticipating counties should separately record their individual investigative costreimbursements in the appropriate columns on the report.We appreciate the fine work done by the District Attorney’s Offices along with the stateand county investigators that documented and caused to be prosecuted these violations.If you have any questions, please contact Kathy de Contreras, Supervising SpecialInvestigator, Quantity and Weighmaster Programs, Enforcement Branch at(916) 229-3047, or n J. MaceyDirectorEnclosurecc: Gary Leslie, County/State Liaison, CDFACDFA Division of Measurement Standards 6790 Florin-Perkins Road, Ste. 100 Sacramento, CA 95828-1812State of CaliforniaTelephone: 916.229.3000 Fax: 916.229-3026 www.cdfa.ca.gov/dmsEdmund G. Brown Jr., Governor

123456789101112ELIZABETH A. EGANDistrict Attorney, County of FresnoEDWARD T. BROWNE, State Bar No. 167638Deputy District Attorney929 L StreetFresno, California 93721Telephone: (559) 600-3156fF lLE\D)JAN 2 4 2013FRESNO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURTByJAN SCULLYDistrict Attorney, County of SacramentoRUTH YOUNG, State Bar No. 133606Deputy District Attorney906 G Street, Suite 700Sacramento, CA 95814Telephone: (916) 874-6174DEPT.402JACKIE LACEYDistrict Attorney, County of Los AngelesSTUART C. LYTTON, State Bar No. 114241Deputy District Attorney201 N. Figueroa Street, l i11 FloorLos Angeles, CA 90012Telephone: (213) 580-3234131415161718STEPHENS. CARLTONDistrict Attorney, County of ShastaEARL LOWERY, State Bar No. 190384Deputy District Attorney1355 West StreetRedding, CA 96001Telephone: (530) 245-6300Attorney's for PlaintiffThe People of the State of California192021SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF FRESNO2223THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA,24Plaintiff,252627vs.L'OREAL USA S/D, INC.,Defendant.28Page I of 4The People of the State of California v. L'Oreal USA Inc. - Final JudgmentNO .1 3 CE CG OO2 3 5FINAL JUDGMENT

1Plaintiff, THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, having filed its complaint2herein, through their attorneys, ELIZABETH A. EGAN, District Attorney of Fresno County, by3EDWARD T. BROWNE, Deputy District Attorney; JAN SCULLY, District Attorney of4Sacramento County, by RUTH YOUNG, Deputy District Attorney; JACKIE LACEY, District5Attorney of Los Angeles County, by STUART C. LYTTON, Deputy District Attorney;6STEPHENS. CARLTON, District Attorney of Shasta County, by EARL LOWERY, Chief7Deputy District Attorney and defendant L'OREAL USA S/D INC., (hereafter "L'OREAL,") a8Delaware corporation, through its attorney, JAMES M. MATTESICH, a member of the9California State Bar, having stipulated that this Final Judgment can be entered without the taking10of proof, without this stipulated Final Judgment constituting evidence or an admission of liability11by defendant, with defendant having waived its right of appeal and good cause appearing12therefore;13IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED THAT:141.This court has jurisdiction over the subject matter hereof and the parties hereto.152.Pursuant to Business and Professions Code sections 17203 and 17535, L'OREAL,16its successor(s), officers, employees, agents, representatives, and all persons acting in concert or17participation with any of them, with actual or constructive notice of this Final Judgment, are18permanently enjoined and restrained from directly or indirectly packaging products in violation of19California Business and Professions Code §§ 17200 and 17500, which includes, but is not20limited to, the following:2122(A)Code§ 12606(a),(B)232427Packaging products m violation of California Business & ProfessionsCode § 12606(b),2526Packaging products in violation of California Business and Professions(C)Packaging products in violation of Health and Safety Code § 110375(a),(D)Packaging products in violation of Health and Safety Code § 110375(b).and28Page 2 of 4The People of the State of California v. L 'Orea! USA Inc. - Final Judgment

123.Defendant shall comply with the prov1s10ns of this Final judgment in the3packaging of its products. Defendant L' Oreal shall have twenty (24) months from the entry of4judgment to bring its current packaging into compliance with the terms of this judgment.54.Defendant shall use its good faith efforts to make available and fully and clearly6explain the injunctive language of this Final Judgment, including the terms and conditions7thereof, to its management involved in supervising packaging designs for packages which will8contain defendant's products offered for sale to California consumers.95.Defendant shall pay 509,700.00 in settlement of this matter as set forth below and10pursuant to Business and Professions Code sections 12015.5, 17206 and 17536. Delivery shall be11made, on or before the expiration of sixty (60) days following Entry of Judgment, to the Office of12the Sacramento County District Attorney, 906 G Street, Suite 700, Sacramento CA 95814, attention13Ruth Young.(A)1415Attorney's Office of which 115,352.25 is for civil penalties and 10,000 is for costs.(B)1617(C)A check for 125,352.25 payable to the Los Angeles County DistrictAttorney' s Office of which 115,352.25 is for civil penalties and 10,000 is for costs.2021A check for 125,352.25 payable to the Fresno County District Attorney' sOffice of which 115,352.25 is for civil penalties and 10,000 is for costs.1819A check for 125,352.25 payable to the Sacramento County District(D)A check for 125 ,352.25 payable to the Shasta County District Attorney'sOffice of which 115,352.25 is for civil penalties and 10,000 is for costs.(E)22As reimbursement for the costs of investigation, defendant will make checks23payable to the following agencies in the following amounts which total eight thousand two hundred24and ninety one dollars ( 8,291.00):25Sacramento County Department of Weights & Measures 8,000.0026Fresno County Department of Weights & Measures 291.0027286.Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, each party shall bear its ownattorney's fees and costs.Page 3 of 4The People of the State of California v. L'Oreal USA Inc. - Final Judgment

17.The language used for the obligations set forth in the Final Judgment are solely2for the purposes of settlement and compromise and are in no way intended to be an alteration of3California law in any other action.48.Jurisdiction is retained for the purpose of enabling any party to the Stipulated5Final Judgment to apply to the Court for such further orders and directions as may be necessary6and appropriate for the construction and carrying out of the Stipulated Final Judgment, for the7modification or dissolution of any injunctive provisions hereof, for enforcement of compliance8herewith, or for the punishment of violations hereof.99.This Judgment has been reviewed by the Court, and based upon the10representations of the parties, the Court finds that it has been entered in good faith and is, in all11respects, fair, just, and equitable to protect the public and the individuals who may have been12affected by the issues related as more fully described in the Complaint.13141510.The parties waive the right to appeal this Judgment both as to form and contentand the serving and filing of a notice of Entry of Judgment.11.The clerk is directed to enter this Stipulated Final Judgment forthwith.1617DATED:JEFFREY Y. HAMILTON JR.18JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT19202122232425262728Page 4 of 4The People of the State of California v. L'Oreal USA Inc. - Final Judgment

1234ELIZABETH A. EGANDistrict Attorney, County of FresnoEDWARD T. BROWNE, State Bar No. 167638Deputy District Attorney929 L StreetFresno, California 93721Telephone: (559) 600-3156JAN 2 3 2013FRESNO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT567891O· 1112ByJAN SCULLYDistrict Attorney, County of SacramentoRUTH YOUNG, State Bar No. 133606Deputy District Attorney906 G Street, Suite 700Sacramento, CA 95814Telephone: (916) 874-6174-DEPUTYJACKIE LACEYDistrict Attorney, County of Los AngelesSTUART C. LYTTON, State Bar No . 114241Deputy District Attorney201 N. Figueroa Street, lih FloorLos Angeles, CA 90012Telephone: (213) 580-3234131415161718STEPHENS. CARLTONDistrict Attorney, County of ShastaEARL LOWERY, State Bar No. 190384Chief Deputy District Attorney1355 West StreetRedding, CA 96001Telephone: (530) 245-6300Attorney's for PlaintiffThe People of the State of California192021SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF FRESNO2223THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA,24Plaintiff,252627NO.I 3 CE CG OO2 3 5STIPULATION FOR ENTRYOF FINAL JUDGEMENTvs.L'OREAL USA S/D, INC.,Defendant.28Page I of4The People of the State of California v. L'Oreal USA Inc. - Stipulation for Final Judgment

1IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED BETWEEN plaintiff, THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE2OF CALIFORNIA, having filed its complaint herein, through their attorneys, ELIZABETH A.3EGAN, District Attorney of Fresno County, by EDWARD T. BROWNE Deputy District4Attorney; JAN SCULLY, District Attorney of Sacramento County, by RUTH YOUNG, Deputy5District Attorney; JACKIE LACEY, District Attorney of Los Angeles County, by STUART C.6LYTTON, Deputy District Attorney; STEPHENS. CARLTON, District Attorney of Shasta7County, by EARL LOWERY, Chief Deputy District Attorney and defendant L'OREAL USA8S/D INC., (hereafter "L'OREAL,") a Delaware corporation, through its attorney, JAMES M.9MATTESICH, a member of the California State Bar, that the proposed judgment, a copy of10· 11which is attached hereto and incorporated by this reference as Exhibit A, may be signed by theCourt and entered as the Final Judgment in the above-entitled matter.12IT IS FURTHER STIPULATED that the Final Judgment may be signed by the Court13without the taking of proof, without this Stipulated Final Judgment constituting evidence or an14admission of any liability by defendant L'Oreal, with defendant having waived its right of appeal15and having approved the final judgment as to form and content.1617It is further stipulated that the final judgment entered into by the parties is entered into ingood faith, upon the representations presented to plaintiff in this matter.18Defendant has received notice that it must pay the four hundred thirty-five dollars19( 435.00) filing fee to the "Fresno Superior Court," to present this proposed Final Judgment to20the Court.21DATED:Respectfully submitted,22ELIZABETH A. EGANDISTRICT ATTORNEY2324252627By: T.BROWNEDeputy District AttorneyAttorney for Plaintiff28Page 2 of4The People of the State of California v. L' Oreal USA Inc. - Stipulation for Final Judgment

1DATED:/- 7- (3Respectfully submitted,JAN SCULLYDISTRICT ATTORNEY2345By:6 RUTH YOUNGDeputy District AttorneyAttorney for Plaintiff78DATED:Respectfully submitted,9JACKIE LACEYDISTRICT ATTORNEY101112By:13STUART C. LYTTONDeputy District AttorneyAttorney for Plaintiff1415DATED:Respectfully submitted,16STEPHENS. CARLTONDISTRICT ATTORNEY171819By:2021EARL LOWERYChief Deputy District AttorneyAttorney for Plaintiff2223DATED:L'OREAL USA, INC.,2425By:Officer Authorized to Act on BehalfOf Aforementioned Corporation2627Print Name:Title:Christo2her J. Corbett, Vice PresidentL'Oreal USA, Inc.28Page 3 of4The People of the State of California v. L'Oreal USA Inc. - Stipulation for Final Judgment

1DATED:Respectfully submitted,JAN SCULLYDISTRICT ATTORNEY2345By:6RUTH YOUNGDeputy District AttorneyAttorney for Plaintiff78DATED:Respectfully submitted,9JACKIE LACEYDISTRICT ATTORNEY101112By:13JiN:l tJ ,(oC #'-S ARLYTTONDeputy District AttorneyAttorney for Plaintiff1415DATED:Respectfully submitted,16STEPHENS. CARLTONDISTRICT ATTORNEY171819By:2021EARL LOWERYChief Deputy District AttorneyAttorney for Plaintiff2223DATED:L' OREAL USA, INC.,2425By:Officer Authorized to Act on BehalfOf Aforementioned Corporation2627Print Name:Title:Christo12her J. Corbett, Vice PresidentL'Oreal USA, Inc.28Page 3 of4The People of the State of California v. L' Oreal USA Inc. - Stipulation for Final Judgment

1DATED:Respectfully submitted,JAN SCULLYDISTRICT ATTORNEY2345By:6RUTH YOUNGDeputy District AttorneyAttorney for Plaintiff78DATED:Respectfully submitted,9JACKIE LACEYDISTRICT ATTORNEY10. 1112By:13STUART C. LYTTONDeputy District AttorneyAttorney for Plaintiff1415DATED:I·- l-7( Respectfully submitted,16STEPHENS. CARLTONDISTRICT ATTORNEY1718r?-----19By:2021EARL LOWERYChief Deputy District AttorneyAttorney for Plaintiff2223DATED:L' OREAL USA, INC .,2425By:Officer Authorized to Act on BehalfOf Aforementioned Corporation2627Print Name:Title:Christo2her J. Corbett, Vice PresidentL ' Oreal USA, Inc.28Page 3 of 4The People of the State of California v. L 'Orea! USA Inc. - Stipulation for Final Judgment

DATED:Respectfully submitted,JAN SCULLYDISTRICT ATTORNEY2345By:6RUTHYOUNGDeputy District AttorneyAttorney for Plaintiff78DATED:Respectfully submitted,9STEVE COOLEYDISTRICT ATTORNEY101112By:13STUART C. LYITONDeputy District AttorneyAttorney for Plaintiff1415DATED :Respectfully submitted,16STEPHENS. CARLTONDISTRICT ATTORNEY171819By:20212223DATED:IL}EARL LOWERYChief Deputy District AttorneyAttorney for Plaintiff,e,/(L-12425By:Officer uthorized to Act on BehalfOf Aforementioned Corporation2627Print Name:Title:Christopher J. Corbett Vice PresidentL'Oreal USA. Inc.28Page 3 of4The People of the State of California v. L'Orcal USA Inc.-· Stipulation for Final Judgment

1DATED:1 By:2M. MATICHtto ey for Defendant, Bar No. 54069G nberg Traurig, LLP1202 K Street, Suite 1100Sacramento, CA 95814-3938(916) 728Page 4 of 4The People of the State of California v. L'Orea I USA Inc. - Stipulation for Final Judgment

1234567891O· 1112ELIZABETH A. EGANDistrict Attorney, County of FresnoEDWARD T. BROWNE, State Bar No. 167638Deputy District Attorney929 L StreetFresno, California 93721Telephone: (559) 600-3156JAN SCULLYDistrict Attorney, County of SacramentoRUTH YOUNG, State Bar No. 133606Deputy District Attorney906 G Street, Suite 700Sacramento, CA 95 814Telephone: (916) 874-6174JACKIE LACEYDistrict Attorney, County of Los AngelesSTUARTC. LYTTON, State Bar No. 114241Deputy District Attorney201 N. Figueroa Street, l i11 FloorLos Angeles, CA 90012Telephone: (213) 580-3234131415161718STEPHENS. CARLTONDistrict Attorney, County of ShastaEARL LOWERY, State Bar No. 190384Deputy District Attorney13 5 5 West StreetRedding, CA 96001Telephone: (530) 245-6300Attorney's for PlaintiffThe People of the State of California192021SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF FRESNO2223THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA,24Plaintiff,252627NO.FINAL JUDGMENTvs.L'OREAL USA S/D, INC.,Defendant.28Page I of4The People of the State of California v. L'Oreal USA Inc. - Final JudgmentEXHIBIT A

1Plaintiff, THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, having filed its complaint2herein, through their attorneys, ELIZABETH A. EGAN, District Attorney of Fresno County, by3EDWARD T. BROWNE, Deputy District Attorney; JAN SCULLY, District Attorney of4Sacramento County, by RUTH YOUNG, Deputy District Attorney; JACKIE LACEY, District5Attorney of Los Angeles County, by STUART C. LYTTON, Deputy District Attorney;6STEPHENS. CARLTON, District Attorney of Shasta County, by EARL LOWERY, Chief7Deputy District Attorney and defendant L'OREAL USA S/D INC., (hereafter "L'OREAL,") a8Delaware corporation, through its attorney, JAMES M. MATTESICH, a member of the9California State Bar, having stipulated that this Final Judgment can be entered without the taking10of proof, without this stipulated Final Judgment constituting evidence or an admission of liability· 11by defendant, with defendant having waived its right of appeal and good cause appearing12therefore;13IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED THAT:141.This court has jurisdiction over the subject matter hereof and the parties hereto.152.Pursuant to Business and Professions Code sections 17203 and 17535, L'OREAL,16its successor(s), officers, employees, agents, representatives, and all persons acting in concert or17participation with any of them, with actual or constructive notice of this Final Judgment, are18permanently enjoined and restrained from directly or indirectly packaging products in violation of19California Business and Professions Code §§ 17200 and 17500, which includes, but is not20limited to, the following:2122(A)Code§ 12606(a),2324(B)27Packaging products m violation of California Business & ProfessionsCode §12606(b),2526Packaging products in violation of California Business and Professions(C)Packaging products in violation of Health and Safety Code § 110375(a),(D)Packaging products in violation of Health and Safety Code§ 110375(b).and28Page 2 of 4The People of the State of California v. L'Oreal USA Inc. - Final Judgment

123.Defendant shall comply with the prov1s10ns of this Final judgment in the3packaging of its products. Defendant L'Oreal shall have twenty (24) months from the entry of4judgment to bring its current packaging into compliance with the terms of this judgment.54.Defendant shall use its good faith efforts to make available and fully and clearly6explain the injunctive language of this Final Judgment, including the terms and conditions7thereof, to its management involved in supervising packaging designs for packages which will8contain defendant's products offered for sale to California consumers.95.Defendant shall pay 509,700.00 in settlement of this matter as set forth below and10pursuant to Business and Professions Code sections 12015 .5, 17206 and 17536. Delivery shall be· 11made, on or before the expiration of sixty ( 60) days following Entry of Judgment, to the Office of12the Sacramento County District Attorney, 906 G Street, Suite 700, Sacramento CA 95814, attention13Ruth Young.1415(A)Attorney's Office of which 115,352.25 is for civil penalties and 10,000 is for costs.(B)1617(C)A check for 125,352.25 payable to the Los Angeles County DistrictAttorney's Office of which 115,352.25 is for civil penalties and 10,000 is for costs.(D)2021A check for 125,352.25 payable to the Fresno County District Attorney'sOffice of which 115,352.25 is for civil penalties and 10,000 is for costs.1819A check for 125,352.25 payable to the Sacramento County DistrictA check for 125,352.25 payable to the Shasta County District Attorney'sOffice of which 115,352.25 is for civil penalties and 10,000 is for costs.(E)22As reimbursement for the costs of investigation, defendant will make checks23payable to the following agencies in the following amounts which total eight thousand two hundred24and ninety one dollars ( 8,291.00):25Sacramento County Department of Weights & Measures 8,000.0026Fresno County Department of Weights & Measures 291.0027286.Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, each party shall bear its ownattorney's fees and costs.Page 3 of 4The People of the State of California v. L'Oreal USA Inc. - Final Judgment

17.The language used for the obligations set forth in the Final Judgment are solely2for the purposes of settlement and compromise and are in no way intended to be an alteration of3California law in a

FRESNO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT By DEPT.402 JAN SCULLY District Attorney, County of Sacramento RUTH YOUNG, State Bar No. 133606 Deputy District Attorney 906 G Street, Suite 700 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 874-6174 JACKIE LACEY District Attorney, County of Los Angeles STUART C. LYTTON, State Bar No. 114241 Deputy District Attorney

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