SIMATIC Process Control System PCS 7, Getting Started - Part 1

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Preface, ContentsSIMATICProcess Control System PCS 7Getting Started - Part 1ManualRequirements for Getting Started1Overview of PCS 72First Steps in the Project3Creating CFC Charts4Creating SFC Charts5Compiling, Downloading,and Testing the Charts6Configuring the Operator Station7Working in the Process Mode8The Additional Task9Starting and Adaptingthe Sample ProjectIndexEdition 03/2003A5E00164244-0110

Safety GuidelinesThis manual contains notices intended to ensure personal safety, as well as to protect the products andconnected equipment against damage. These notices are highlighted by the symbols shown below andgraded according to severity by the following texts:!Danger!Warning!Cautionindicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial property damage will result if properprecautions are not taken.indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial property damage can result if properprecautions are not taken.indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.Cautionindicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.Noticedraws your attention to particularly important information on the product, handling the product, or to aparticular part of the documentation.Qualified PersonnelOnly qualified personnel should be allowed to install and work on this equipment. Qualified persons aredefined as persons who are authorized to commission, to ground and to tag circuits, equipment, andsystems in accordance with established safety practices and standards.Correct UsageNote the following:!WarningThis device and its components may only be used for the applications described in the catalog or thetechnical description, and only in connection with devices or components from other manufacturerswhich have been approved or recommended by Siemens.This product can only function correctly and safely if it is transported, stored, set up, and installedcorrectly, and operated and maintained as recommended.TrademarksSIMATIC , SIMATIC HMI and SIMATIC NET are registered trademarks of SIEMENS AG.Third parties using for their own purposes any other names in this document which refer to trademarks mightinfringe upon the rights of the trademark owners.Copyright Siemens AG 2003 All rights reservedDisclaimer of LiabilityThe reproduction, transmission or use of this document or itscontents is not permitted without express written authority.Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rightscreated by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design,are reserved.We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement withthe hardware and software described. Since deviations cannot beprecluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full agreement. However,the data in this manual are reviewed regularly and any necessarycorrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions forimprovement are welcomed.Siemens AGBereich Automation and DrivesGeschaeftsgebiet Industrial Automation SystemsPostfach 4848, D- 90327 Nuernberg Siemens AG 2003Technical data subject to change.Siemens AktiengesellschaftA5E00164244-01

PrefacePurpose of the ManualPCS 7 Getting Started provides you with an initial overview of the process controlsystem PCS 7 and helps you to create a simple project yourself. You can configurethe project on an existing SIMATIC Station.Getting Started – Part 1 is intended for newcomers to PCS 7 active in the followingareas: Configuration Commissioning and serviceRequired ExperienceYou should already have experience in the following areas: Microsoft operating system Windows 2000 Functions and configuration of SIMATIC S7 (S7-400, STEP 7) Functions and configuration of SIMATIC NET (network components,transmission media)Scope of the ManualGetting Started applies to the "PCS 7 Engineering Toolset V 6.0".Process Control System PCS 7, Getting Started - Part 1A5E00164244-01iii

PrefaceGuide to the ManualGetting Started explains the individual steps required to create the "color gs"project. You will find the most important background information required tounderstand the steps in Getting and detailed instructions on how to work throughthe steps.You also receive the finished "color gs" project as a sample project in the form of afile. This is installed along with the system documentation of PCS 7. You can openthis project on an existing engineering system (ES) to view the configuration dataand compare the data with your own configuration data. You can activate theproject on an operator station (OS) to control and monitor the process.NoteTo test the sample project in the process mode, you may need to adapt thehardware configuration of the project to the hardware that is actually installed; inother words, you must replace the hardware components of the sample projectwith the actual existing hardware components.For more detailed information on opening the sample project, refer to "Starting andAdapting the Sample".Notes on Getting StartedIn Getting Started, all the instructions are explained based on the full menucommands. You can also activate the majority of functions with the contextsensitive menu or by double-clicking.In PCS 7, you can use standard Windows functions in many situations: Multiple selection with the "CTRL" and "Shift" keys Sorting columns in tables by clicking on the column header Using Drag & Drop instead of Copy and PasteIf you open the HTML version of Getting Started, you can open video sequences.These video sequences show the exact steps that you can follow on screen beforeperforming them yourself. Video sequences are indicated by the following icon:VideoClick on the word "Video" to start a video sequence. You can freeze, stop andrestart video sequences. You have buttons available similar to those of theWindows Media Player.One tutorial in Getting Started leads on to the next and you will create a completePCS 7 project yourself step by step. This makes it essential to work through thetutorials in the correct order.ivProcess Control System PCS 7, Getting Started - Part 1A5E00164244-01

PrefaceFurther InformationYou will find more detailed information and wider-ranging topics in the configurationmanuals "Process Control System PCS 7, Engineering System" and "ProcessControl System PCS 7, Operator Station" and these will be useful to you as asource of reference.These manuals are located on the CD "SIMATIC Process Control System PCS 7 V 6.0, ElectronicManuals[0]". in the PCS 7 Software in the SIMATIC Manager[0]. You can open thedocuments with the menu command "Start SIMATIC Documentation [required language] ".Here, you will also find other manuals on specific topics, for example on SFC, CFC.Further SupportIf you have any technical questions, please get in touch with your Siemensrepresentative or agent nerTraining CentersSiemens offers a number of training courses to familiarize you with BATCH flexibleand the Process Control System PCS 7. Please contact your regional trainingcenter or our central training center in D 90327 Nuremberg, Germany for details:Telephone: 49 (911) 895-3200.Internet:http://www.sitrain.comProcess Control System PCS 7, Getting Started - Part 1A5E00164244-01v

PrefaceA&D Technical SupportWorldwide, available 24 hours a day:NuernbergBeijingJohnson CityWorldwide (Nuernberg)Technical Support24 hours a day, 365 days a yearPhone: 49 (0) 180 5050-222Fax: 49 (0) 180 5050-223E-Mail:adsupport@siemens.comGMT: 1:00Europe / Africa (Nuernberg)United States (Johnson City)Asia / Australia (Beijing)AuthorizationTechnical Support andAuthorizationTechnical Support andAuthorizationLocal time: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 to 17:00Local time: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 to 17:00Local time: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 to 17:30Phone: 49 (0) 180 5050-222Phone: 1 (0) 423 262 2522Phone: 86 10 64 75 75 75Fax: 49 (0) 180 5050-223Fax: 1 (0) 423 262 2289Fax: 86 10 64 74 74 8:00The languages of the SIMATIC Hotlines and the authorization hotline are generally German and English.viProcess Control System PCS 7, Getting Started - Part 1A5E00164244-01

PrefaceService & Support on the InternetIn addition to our documentation, we offer our Know-how online on the internet rtwhere you will find the following: The newsletter, which constantly provides you with up-to-date information onyour products. The right documents via our Search function in Service & Support. A forum, where users and experts from all over the world exchange theirexperiences. Your local representative for Automation & Drives via our representativesdatabase. Information on field service, repairs, spare parts and more under "Services".Process Control System PCS 7, Getting Started - Part 1A5E00164244-01vii

PrefaceviiiProcess Control System PCS 7, Getting Started - Part 1A5E00164244-01

Contents1Requirements for Getting Started.1- of PCS 7 .2- for Working through Getting Started.1-1Hardware Required for Getting Started .1-1Software Required for Getting Started.1-2Brief Overview of PCS 7 .2-1What Belongs to PCS 7? .2-1Introduction to the SIMATIC Manager .2-2What is the Basic Structure of the SIMATIC Manager?.2-2What Does View Mean in the SIMATIC Manager?.2-3How to Open the SIMATIC Manager .2-3First Steps in the Project .3- the Project .3-1The 'color gs' Project.3-1The Task for Getting Started.3-2Structure of the Plant for the 'color gs' Project.3-3Overview of the Steps in Configuration.3-4Hardware Settings.3-5Hardware Settings outside the SIMATIC Manager .3- to Check the Hardware Settings . 3-5How to Set the PG/PC Interface. 3- the Project .3-11Using the 'New Project' Wizard .3-11Background Information on the PCS 7 Wizard .3- to Create the 'color gs' Project . 3-12How to Open and Close the 'color gs' Project . 3-18How to Work in the Various Views . 3- the Hardware .3-19Configuring the Hardware .3- to Configure the Hardware - PLC. 3-20How to Download the Hardware Configuration . 3-23How to Configure the Hardware - OS. 3- in the PH .3-29Settings in the Plant Hierarchy.3- to Make the Settings for the PH . 3-303.5.2Structuring in the Plant View .3-323. to Adapt the Default Names . 3-33How to Insert Further Hierarchy Folders . 3-353.5.33.6Exchange of Information between PLC and OS .3-36The Current Status of Your Project.3-37Process Control System PCS 7, Getting Started - Part 1A5E00164244-01ix

Contents4xCreating CFC Charts .4- of CFC Charts and the CFC Editor .4-1Working with Libraries .4-2CFC Charts and the Master Data Library.4-2Storage of Objects in the Master Data Library.4-3Working with the Master Data Library.4- to Open Libraries .4-5How to Insert Blocks in Your Library.4-6How to Insert Process Tag Types in a Library .4-84.2.4Showing and Hiding Libraries .4- to Hide and Show .7CFC Charts in the PH .4-12Working with CFC Charts.4-12Which Charts do You Require in the 'color gs' Project? .4-12Technological Significance of the 'CFC SETP' Chart .4-13Technological Significance of the 'CFC FC111' Chart .4-13Technological Significance of the 'CFC LI111' Chart.4-14Technological Significance of the 'CFC NP111' Chart.4-14Technological Significance of the 'CFC NK11x' Chart .4- to Rename CFC Charts in the PH .4-14How to Insert New CFC Charts in the PH.4-16How to Insert the 'MOTOR' Process Tag Type .4- Current Status of Your Project. .4-18Working with the CFC Editor.4-18Introduction to the CFC Editor.4-18The Chart in the CFC Editor.4-19The Catalog in the CFC Editor .4-20Overview of the Configuration Steps for CFC Charts .4- to Open the 'CFC SETP' CFC Chart.4-214.5.5Assigning Parameter Values to the Blocks in CFC Charts .5.7How to Insert the Blocks in 'CFC SETP' .4-22How to Assign Parameter Values for the Blocks in 'CFC SETP'.4-24How to Insert the Blocks in 'CFC FC111' .4-26How to Assign Parameter Values for the Blocks in 'CFC FC111' .4-27How to Insert the Blocks in 'CFC LI111'.4-29How to Assign Parameter Values for the Blocks in 'CFC LI111' .4-30How to Assign Parameter Values for Blocks in 'CFC NP111' .4-314.5.6Interconnecting the Blocks in the CFC Charts .4-314. to Interconnect Blocks in 'CFC FC111' .4-32How to Interconnect Blocks in 'CFC LI111' .4-344.64.6.1CFC Charts in the Process Object View .4-35Using the Process Object View for Controlling Valves .4-354. to Define I/Os for the Process Object View.4-35How to Insert the 'VALVE' Process Tag Type.4-37How to Adapt the Parameters for 'CFC NK11x' .4-38How to Specify the Type of Block Icon .4-404.7The Current Status of Your Project. .4-42Process Control System PCS 7, Getting Started - Part 1A5E00164244-01

Contents56Creating SFC Charts .5- of SFC Charts .5-1Working with the SFC Editor .5-1Introduction to the SFC Editor.5-1The Main Functions of the SFC Editor .5-2Properties of Steps and Transitions .5-2Overview of the Configuration Steps for SFC Charts .5- to Move an SFC Chart . 5-4How to Rename the SFC Chart. 5-4How to Open the 'SFC RMT1' SFC Chart . 5-55.2.5Technological Structure of the Sequential Co

Getting Started applies to the "PCS 7 Engineering Toolset V 6.0". Preface Process Control System PCS 7, Getting Started - Part 1 iv A5E00164244-01 Guide to the Manual Getting Started explains the individual steps required to create the "color_gs" project. You will find the most important background information required to

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