Limestone County Water &Sewer AuthorityAt LCWSA we are committed to providing ourcustomers with quality drinking water & sewerservices.LCWSA FactsLCWSA Infrastructure LCWSA was formed in 1980 from 4 small watersystems. LCWSA has 17,478 Water Customers LCWSA has 334 Sewer Customers LCWSA has 8 sewer plants and a large transferstation. Gravity systems are currently beingdesigned and built to take advantage of theseresources. The plants and transfer station combined offer 5million gallons per day of treatment capacity. LCWSA has 1,070 miles ofwater Line. LCWSA has approximately 49.58 miles ofsewer line.1
Current System InventoryWe are currently in the process of performing a County widewater and wastewater inventory to ensure we have the most upto date GIS system.Infrastructure NumbersWater Valves: Water4425 (3100)Water Line: 5,652,501.06 (5,347,982.86) Feet or 1070 (1,013)Fire Hydrants: 1497 (1260)Miles1 Inch:3,780.46( 1,212.70) Feet 2,567.76Feet2 Inch: 39,755.35(31,723.18) Feet 8,032.17Feet3 Inch: 1,402,674.56 (1,468,899.60) Feet-- 66,255.04Feet4 Inch: 209,140.04 (174,821.02) Feet 34,319.02FeetJuly 2006618Inch:2,608,924.93 (2,569,140.80) Feet 39,784.13 5FeetVolume of Water in Pipe Alone1 Inch Pipe154.242407 US Gallons2 Inch Pipe6,488.06 US Gallons3 Inch Pipe515,060.89 US Gallons4 Inch Pipe136,526.30 US Gallons6 Inch Pipe3,831,979.98 US Gallons8 Inch Pipe1,816,136.11 US Gallons10 Inch Pipe543,156.48 US Gallons12 Inch Pipe2,168,351.76 US Gallons16 Inch Pipe1,436,760.25 US Gallons20 Inch Pipe77,270.94 US Gallons24 Inch Pipe15,363.14 US GallonsTotal10,547,248.15 US GallonsSewer CustomersWater Customer InformationBased on maintaining the 4%-5% growth rate25,00020 % Growth er Base364400Customer 09201020112
Developments 7/06 – 7/07Completed and Platted LotsSubdivisions Since July ‘06 433 Lots Constructed with LC Water &Sewer 29% OF TOTAL 515 Lots Constructed with LC Water & Huntsville Sewer 35% of Total 532 Lots Constructed with LC Water Only 36% of TotalNW: 21 water0 sewer1 Subdivision1480 newwaterNE: 307 water55 sewer9 Subdivisions433 newsewerSW: 26 Water6 Sewer2 SubdivisionsSE:1136 water372 sewer19 SubdivisionsFY 08 DevelopmentsLCWSA Water Sources 1130 Lots to be Constructed with LC Water & Sewer 50% 834 Lots Constructed with LC Water & Huntsville Sewer 37% 200 Lots Constructed with LC Water & City of Madison Sewer 9% 111 Lots to be Constructed with LC Water Only LCWSA produces waterfrom several sources. Elk River 1 Underground Spring 2 Wells We also purchase waterfrom Athens & Decatur. 5%3
Future Water Sources(Demand Driven) 1. Add 4 MGD expandable to 8 MGD using Mixpretreatment and Pall microfiltration at NLTF.Total cost 6 million. 2. Convert BTWTF to surface water treatmentand increase capacity with pretreatment µfiltration. Water from Tennessee River. 3. Surface water plant at Little Elk withpretreatment and membrane filtration. 4. Currently researching cost estimates and afeasibility study.LCWSA has 74 Employees We have many jobs at LCWSA. Here are justsome of the jobs: Accounting Laboratory Water/Sewer Utility Workers Water/Wastewater Plant OperatorsLCWSA JobsPlanning and ConstructionDepartment Customer ServiceGIS DepartmentHuman ResourcesManagementMeter ReadersWe plan, review, coordinate and inspect allengineering and construction projectsaffecting LCWSA. We strive to ensure allconstruction projects are planned andexecuted to a high standard. Our strongsense of purpose and duty will giveLimestone County a superior water andsewer system.4
FY 2007ProjectsWater Projects Line A Water Transmission Line – 56,000’ of 16” waterline and 11,000’ of 12” water Line. Line A runs from TTF to the NewCut Tank. Line C Water Transmission Line – 25,000’ of 16” waterline. Line C runs from Mooresville Rd to Burgreen Rd.2007 Projects Continued Contract B Limestone Creek Forced Main – 57,000’ of 14” forced mainsewer and also 47,000’ of 18” water line. This project begins at the Anderson Cemeteryand travels to Hwy 31 at Saginaw. Limestone County Schools Sewer – Owens School, West LimestoneHigh School and, Johnson Elementary have sewer plant projects currently underway.Facilities New Customer Service Facility – LCWSA renovated the former bankbuilt in 1961 to help serve our Customer’s better.Sewer Projects Limestone Creek Trunk Sewer – 22,474 of sewer line. Meter Service Facility – LCWSA has purchased the house behindour new customer service building to house our Meter Service group.Renovations will occur as budget allows.Project runs from Hwy 72 to Anderson Cemetery. Limestone Creek Pump Station – Pump Stationat Anderson Creek and 3,000’ of 14” Sewer line.One of the really important jobs we do at LCWSA is makeclean and safe drinking water.Here is how we do it:5
FiltersMore LCWSA ProjectsConstruction in progress forthe new Raw Water IntakeNew Clearwell at NLTFWe continue to upgrade our system to keep up with therapid growth of Limestone County.Pinedale Road Water TankPepper Road Water TankNew State of the Art TurnerTreatment FacilityMembranes units where water passesthrough and is cleaned.Front view of Turner WaterTreatment Plant and the tank6
Package Wastewater Plants atLimestone County SchoolsEast Limestone WastewaterTreatment Facility80,000 gpd currentcapacity.96 MGD dischargepermitCapacity will need to beincreased within 3 years.Future Wastewater Treatment OptionsConstruction of Owens W/W Plant(Demand Driven) 2 MGD Plant on Limestone Creek2 MGD Plant South of Canebrake on Piney CreekExpansion of South Transfer StationExpansion Of East Limestone PlantDevelopment of Partnerships with Other Agencies7
New Customer Service Building Our New Customer Service Building opened March 19, 2007. TheCustomer Service Building is located at 520 South Jefferson Street.Water Education ProgramWe will visit your school and discussvarious water related topics. Here aresome of the details:Grades K-5 Show a short video. Speaker from LCWSA will speakon topics from the video and answerany questions. Each child will receive an activity booklet and agoody bag. A special visit from the LCWSA MascotThank You8
Limestone County Water & Sewer Authority At LCWSA we are committed to providing our customers with quality drinking water & sewer services. LCWSA Facts LCWSA was formed in 1980 from 4 small water systems. LCWSA has 17,478 Water Customers LCWSA has 334 Sewer Customers LCWSA has 8 sewer plants and a large transfer station.
DFAS - Limestone Talking Points The DFAS Limestone Field Site is located in an exemplary facility with state-of-the-art technology, highly trained and motivated employees, and provides base level premier finance and accounting services. DFAS Limestone has a proven track record of efficiently and effectively performing its
E. F. Giberson and Company Stone Cutting Works Indiana Limestone Company Donnelly Mill Page 51 Indiana Limestone Company Purdue Mill Page 51 Indiana Limestone Company Donato Mill C. D. Donato Cut Stone Company Mill Hoosier Cut Stone Company Mill Indiana Limestone Company A. W. Stone Mill Page 51 - Brooks Mill Page 52
Chatham County Chattahoochee County Chattooga County Cherokee County Clarke County Clay County Clayton County Cobb County Coffee County Colquitt County Columbia County Cook County Coweta County Crisp County 320 6 2 1 2 4 1 10 12 6 4 43 1 1 3 2 4 11 4 1 5 6 6 5 60 1 1 7 22 1 58 51 7 3 8 4 6 5 19.80% .37% .12% .06% .12% .25% .06% .62% .74% .37% .
Cement, portland-limestone: a product obtained by intergrinding portland cement clinker and limestone, to which the various forms of calcium sulphate, water, and processing additions may be added at the option of the manufacturer (CSA A3001). In Canada, CSA recognizes six types of portland cement under Standard A3001, as follows,
Catalogue Remineralisation of SWRO Ras Abu Fontas 3, Qatar, 168000 m 3 /d Upflow limestone contactors of constant height for the remineralisation of desalinated water. 2 LIMESTONE CONTACTOR IN FRP/PP TANKS Diameter (mm) Max. height (mm) Flow* (m3/d) Material 600 3580 20 - 80 FRP (Hand lay-up) 800 3580 35 - 140 FRP (Hand lay-up)
adams county 376,750 alamosa county 18,435 boulder county 23 costilla county 334 delta county 464 jackson county 28,172 jefferson county 50,160 lake county 762 larimer county 522 mesa county 60 moffat county 12,075 rio grande county 24,304 saguache county 33,128
kandit Limestone" and "Systematic Paleontology." 2 STRATIGRAPHY, PALEONTOLOGY, TAHKANDIT LIMESTONE, EAST-CENTRAL ALASKA 0 10 20 KILOMETERS 64"30' FIGURE 1.-Location of type section of Tahkandit Limestone. PREVIOUS WORK Tahkandit, an Indian name for the Na
American Revolution, students are exposed to academic, domain-specific vocabulary and the names and brief descriptions of key events. Lesson 2 is a simulation in which the “Royal Tax Commissioners” stamp all papers written by students and force them to pay a “tax” or imprisonment.