Dr. Valerie WrightAugust 21, 2013IDS 210HM – Culture Through Literature: The Story of CinderellaGraphic OrganizerDirections: Complete the graphic organizer using the Disney version of Cinderella, along with two other versions from two different cultures. DO NOT use any ofthe fractured fairy tale versions. You can just type your information into the graphic organizer. It may be useful to bullet each of your points of information. Oncethis graphic organizer is complete, you will synthesize the information into a PowerPoint/Prezi presentation. Both the graphic organizer and PowerPoint will beturned in for grading.Disney VersionStory ElementsComplete Title/AuthorCountry/Origin/YearMain CharactersSequence of EventsCinderellaBased on the Charles Perrault versionFranceDisney Movie 1950Version 1Mufaro’s Beautiful DaughtersBy John SteptoeAfrica/Zimbabwe – inspired by African folktalefirst printed in 1895. Mufaro (father) Nyasha (daughter) Manyara (daughter) Nyoka (garden snake) King Mufaro has two beautiful daughters –Nyasha and Manyara. Manyara always has a bad temper andbelieves she will be the Queen one day,and Nyasha is always kind and gentle. Nyasha worked in the garden andbefriended a small garden snake thatlived there. The Great King announces that he islooking for The Most Worthy andBeautiful girl to become his Queen. Mufara announces that both hisdaughters will travel to the city to meetthe King. Manyara leaves for the city during thenight while everyone is asleep. Manyara encounters a hungry boy andan old woman. She is rude to both ofthem. Nyasha and her father leave for the cityalong with the wedding party. Nyasha encounters the poor boy andVersion 2
Resolution Motif ElementsMagical Guardian Magical Aspects AnimalsHeroine’s WishLost ItemCultural Elements (specific to time period of folktale)Setting/Geography/Natural Resources woman but is kind to them.Nyasha and Mufaro arrive at the city tosee Manyara running out of theenclosure crying. She warns Nyashanot to go in because there is a monsterin there – a snake with five heads.Nyasha enters the enclosure to findNyoka, her pet garden snake.Nyoka tells Nyasha that he was thepoor boy and the old lady sheencountered on the way to the city.Nyoka changes into the King and tellsNyasha that she has been deemed themost worthy and most beautiful girl andasks her to be his wife.They marry and Manyara becomes aservant in the Queen’s household.There isn’t a guardian like the fairyGodmother in the Disney version, butthe old lady they both encounter on theway to the city gives them advice onhow to get to the city safely.Talking snake.Laughing trees.King that changes into a snake, boy,and old woman.Talking snake.Wish to marry the Prince.NA The story indicates that it takes place ina village in Africa.Plateau with extensive areas of woodedsavannahs; temperate climate.Village was in the forest just outside thecity.Round thatched mud huts.Natural resources include mud bricksand grass for the huts and citystructures; millet, sunflowers, yams andvegetables; farming; cattle herding;cotton.
Food Dress Language Religion/Celebrations In the story Nyash tends a garden withmillet, sunflowers, yams andvegetables.Other important African foods aresorghum, bread, groundnuts, maize,fruits, termites and caterpillars.Millet and sorghum (the principle grains)are ground into thick porridge to eatwith green vegetables or meat.Taboo foods: eggs for females sincethey were believed to cause infertility;meat from clan’s totem pole aretraditionally avoided.Celebration foods: roasted and stewedmeat; ox, cow or goat depending on theevent; beer made from millet; roastedgroundnuts.Type of clothing depends on where theylive in Africa; most are weaved fromcotton grown by the family or tribe.Men wore cotton cloth in long narrowstrips stitched into large pieces, andthen wrapped the long piece of clotharound the waist and looped it over theshoulder like a toga.Women wore long flowing dressescalled irobirin made from long pieces ofcolored material wrapped around andtucked in around the hips.According to the dedication page of thebook, the character’s names come fromthe Shona language. Mufaro means“happy man”; Nyasha means “mercy”;Manyara means “ashamed”; and Nyokameans “snake.”Shona people believe in God but alsothat their ancestral spirits are theirsupernatural protectors.Believe that the spirit of a deceasedperson returns to the tribe and has apowerful influence on family life.Past ancestors are honored inceremonies to celebrate a good harvest
Family Structure Societal Roles (asdetermined bygender, age, andclass) Societal Values or in appeal to deal with misfortune.One year after the death a finalceremony is held at which the spiritbecomes a spirit guardian of the family.These spirits provide direction andmoral guidance in building goodcharacter.Family unit is composed of husband,wife or wives, children, members ofextended family.Some marriages are polygynous wherea man can have more than one wife.Tribal society: people of the same tribeusually speak the same language, wearthe same kind of clothing, eat the samekind of food, and live in the same kindof dwelling.Men typically hunt, fish and herd cattle.Women cook, care for the children, andweave cloth; some also do planting.Children are given chores early on;boys tend to animals, and go huntingand fishing with the men; girls helpmothers with taking care of the house,planting, and with younger children.Kitchens had a bench around the rightside for men to sit on, while women saton the floor on the left.Practice of bride prices or lobola, wherean amount of money or property orwealth is given to the parents of thebride upon marriage.Authority is vested in men and wisdomis vested in age (elders are moreinfluential).Patrilineal society in which descent isthrough the male line and after marriagethe woman moves into her husband’shome.Shona favor a life of unhu or virtue.Use of taboos to instill good characteror unhu (similar in a way to proverbs)For example,” If you imitate a lame
person, you will become lame too” or “ifyou kill a frog, heavens will fail to bringdown rain.”Unhu taught by parents, elders and thecommunity to help make people worthymembers of the community.SLU Core Value of Respect Connection to Assignment{Narrative}SourcesBallas, Donald, J. “Africa.” The New Book of Knowledge. 1 Vols. Danbury, CT: Grolier Incorporated, 1990. Print.“Culture of Zimbabwe.” Countries and Their Cultures. Every Culture, n.d. Web. 20 Aug. 2013.Masaka, Dennis and Munamato Chemhuru. “Moral Dimensions of Some Shona Taboos (Zviera).” Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 13.3. (2011): 132148. Web. 20 Aug. 2013.Steptoe, John. Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters: An African Tale. New York: Scholastic, 1987. Print.“Tribes and People Groups: Shona.” Shona People Traditions and Culture. African Crafts Market, n.d. Web 20 Aug. 2013.
the fractured fairy tale versions. You can just type your information into the graphic organizer. It may be useful to bullet each of your points of information. Once this graphic organizer is complete, you will synthesize the information into a PowerPoint/Prezi presentation. Both the graphic organizer and PowerPoint will be turned in for grading.
August 2, 2021 15 August 2, 2021 16 August 2, 2021 17 August 3, 2021 18 August 4, 2021 19 August 5, 2021 20 August 6, 2021 21 August 9, 2021 22 August 9, 2021 23 August 9, 2021 24 August 10, 2021 25 August 11, 2021 26 August 12, 2021 27 August 13, 2021 28 August 16, 2021 29 August 16, 2021 30 August 16, 2021 31
Clark State College _ Accounting Associate of Applied Business to Wright State University _ Organizational Leadership Bachelor of Science Wright Path Articulation Agreement ( CREATED September 8, 2021) 1. Students interested in Wright Path program benefits will apply to the program through Wright State website at. wright.edu/wrightpath .
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LeonJ. Testas ltestas@wright.edu . Assistant Directors Ellen Reinsch Friese . efriese@wright.edu Lori Gabriel lgabriel@wright.edu . Grants and Contracts Specialist Jackie A . Frederick jafreder@wright.edu Secretary for Compliance RSPStaff Christine Piekkola cpiekkol@wright.edu . Sponsored Programs Assistants . Cheryl Nickoson cnickoso@wright.edu
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