A Series Of Lectures On Approximate Dynamic Programming

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A Series of Lectures onApproximate Dynamic ProgrammingDimitri P. BertsekasLaboratory for Information and Decision SystemsMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyLucca, ItalyJune 2017Bertsekas (M.I.T.)Approximate Dynamic Programming1 / 24

Our AimDiscuss optimization by Dynamic Programming (DP)and the use of approximationsPurpose: Computational tractability in a broad variety of practical contextsBertsekas (M.I.T.)Approximate Dynamic Programming2 / 24

The Scope of these LecturesAfter an intoduction to exact DP, we will focus on approximate DP for optimalcontrol under stochastic uncertaintyThe subject is broad with rich variety of theory/math, algorithms, and applicationsApplications come from a vast array of areas: control/robotics/planning, operationsresearch, economics, artificial intelligence, and beyond .We will concentrate on control of discrete-time systems with a finite number ofstages (a finite horizon), and the expected value criterionWe will focus mostly on algorithms . less on theory and modelingWe will not cover:Infinite horizon problemsImperfect state information and minimax/game problemsSimulation-based methods: reinforcement learning, neuro-dynamic programmingA series of video lectures on the latter can be found at the author’s web siteReference: The lectures will follow Chapters 1 and 6 of the author’s book“Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control," Vol. I, Athena Scientific, 2017Bertsekas (M.I.T.)Approximate Dynamic Programming3 / 24

Lectures PlanExact DPThe basic problem formulationSome examplesThe DP algorithm for finite horizon problems with perfect state informationComputational limitations; motivation for approximate DPApproximate DP - IApproximation in value space; limited lookaheadParametric cost approximation, including neural networksQ-factor approximation, model-free approximate DPProblem approximationApproximate DP - IISimulation-based on-line approximation; rollout and Monte Carlo tree searchApplications in backgammon and AlphaGoApproximation in policy spaceBertsekas (M.I.T.)Approximate Dynamic Programming4 / 24

First LectureEXACT DYNAMINC PROGRAMMINGBertsekas (M.I.T.)Approximate Dynamic Programming5 / 24

Outline1Basic Problem2Some Examples3The DP Algorithm4Approximation IdeasBertsekas (M.I.T.)Approximate Dynamic Programming6 / 24

Basic Problem Structure for DPDiscrete-time systemk 0, 1, . . . , N 1xk 1 fk (xk , uk , wk ),xk : State; summarizes past information that is relevant for future optimization attime kuk : Control; decision to be selected at time k from a given set Uk (xk )wk : Disturbance; random parameter with distribution P(wk xk , uk )For deterministic problems there is no wkCost function that is additive over time(EgN (xN ) N 1X)gk (xk , uk , wk )k 0Perfect state informationThe control uk is applied with (exact) knowledge of the state xkBertsekas (M.I.T.)Approximate Dynamic Programming8 / 24

Optimization over Feedback Policieswkuk µk (xk )Systemxkxk 1 fk (xk , uk , wk )µkFeedback policies: Rules that specify the control to apply at each possible state xkthat can occurMajor distinction: We minimize over sequences of functions of stateπ {µ0 , µ1 , . . . , µN 1 }, with uk µk (xk ) Uk (xk ) - not sequences of controls{u0 , u1 , . . . , uN 1 }Cost of a policy π {µ0 , µ1 , . . . , µN 1 } starting at initial state x0(Jπ (x0 ) EgN (xN ) N 1Xgk xk , µk (xk ), wk) k 0Optimal cost function:J (x0 ) min Jπ (x0 )πBertsekas (M.I.T.)Approximate Dynamic Programming9 / 24

Scope of DPAny optimization (deterministic, stochastic, minimax, etc) involving a sequence ofdecisions fits the frameworkA continuous-state example: Linear-quadratic optimal controlLinear discrete-time system: xk 1 Axk Buk wk , k 0, . . . , N 1xk n : The state at time kuk m : The control at time k (no constraints in the classical version)wk n : The disturbance at time k (w0 , . . . , wN 1 are independent randomvariables with given distribution)Quadratic Cost Function(ExN0 QxN N 1Xxk0 Qxk uk0 Ruk) k 0where Q and R are positive definite symmetric matricesBertsekas (M.I.T.)Approximate Dynamic Programming11 / 24

22p2n2n11nn2(n1)1)(n C1)(n1)(n p1)np22p2(np2(npCp(nSB / CCC1)CCDCC1)(nBC1)(n1) yACBACDCABCABCCCCABCDACCCDCnnADDBABADCDBDDBAB 1 1)CCBDpatp2n CkpCCDpDAp(nCDAwk xk uk Demandp at Periodk Stockk2(nat Period22 Period2(n1) p(n1)n pnnp2(npnn02nd0Stock1 p1.50.52nd11)(n1 1)0.51.50 222 p2n p2(n 1) 0/ TimidGame/ BoldPlay1) 1 pGame(n0 1)(n1)(nPlay1)n12Cost of Period k Stock Ordered at pair10 20CnBDnp11pC12p.1(nPlayk 1DB02 C1/CD1 1 aypPlay2nd/22CDPlay2ndGame/p11)BoldPlayr(uk )Discrete-State cuk xk 1 xk u Deterministick wCGameCCGameCC221)(nk notABRepairDABDDBABDoRepair1C1stp2(np1)12p2(n1st/ ADTimidPlayPlaypGameppC1 1)pC. p(n 1)111nSTimidSn/ BoldCCC /pp(nC.wBC1) w2(ndk 1(ndAB PlayABACCD emandkp1(nPeriod2 Do3 k RepairRepair2atnPeriod11np Stockp12pUp11n121)2(nproblem approximationu1kSystemu2ndukRepairuw4kkGameu/15kx RelaxationU2nd GameTimidPlay/unBoldGame/kConstraint/µnBold1xwk xk uTailStockatd kUk 1stk2ndfPeriod(x,PlayuxPlayw1st(x11ku)Playwk Demand at Period k Stock at Periodkk 1k )(xku kkkµ p(xr(ucuxkkk 1xu wk p22Periodpk2npk2(np, pµnn 1xpkk 1Costof Period k Stock Ordered atInventorySystemµk) 2(n1)1)System(nf 1)ku,pw(nk1)(nk , k )11)nkk k.)0010011.50.510.51.51057839612wk atx Periodu Demandat Periodkp02nat01stPeriodkCAStockatPeriod/ TimidPlayBoldPlaypdpC1n1/ dp12k 1Stockk 1 ypdp1(n/1stPlayPlpGamep0.50 kDo1 kpC2(n0 AB1AC1.51Game0.50p1/nn22C1.5CCGameC.pAB1)1st2(n1) 2nd1)(n1)ABADr(u) k cukk xk 1 xk up wRepairn t/ BoldPlaypDB1pnnpdpnotpRepairp02(nppnnd 1)ppGamepDemandp1(nk1)np(n222n pPlay2(n1)Game1)(n1)(n222nk 1 k2(n1)1)(n2(n1)1)1st Game/ tockatPeriodkStod 1pw010011.50.510.51.502kkk3 5Game2 4CostPeriodk 1BoldInitialA Ck2nd/ 6TimidPlay/ OrderedPlayStatePeriodk2 GameStockat Period32of5Stock2 4 at62ndkp 0 0f1kp0kPlay1kInventory0,System1upSystem1.50.51k (x1,wu0.51.501.5CostPeriod CABk Stockatxk 1PeriodACBof ACDCADOrderedCDAx /k 1 xpABCf)0.5,w) u1)np2µnnkGamekk (xk2) 2n0r(u1uk2(n00kDo11)(n1.51nn1st/BoldTimidPlay/ Bold2(n1)(n1)(nk)kxkkk 1) ukkkp1)Stockat Periodk 1k 2ndInitialStateABACCDpGamep2n/GamepApatk me1.50.5112Play11st1.50 p0112 PlayRepairRepair20.51 e/nµBoldPlaywCostxkk ofuDemandat uPeriodStockPeriodk1 StockPeriodPeriodk StockOrderedatwPeriodkInventorySystemkcur(uk ) xkk 1 x kw001000.510.51.50kkSystemx f(x,w)u (x)µwk12Pxk 1k k k kStockk 1kk kk Stockuk5 DemandPeriodatAt atStatexFiniteProblemsk xk Periodwkkw x1k xuk uDemandPeriodk kStockk atStockPeriodatk PeriodStockatCAB1stGameTimidPlaypdCDA1k pat107/Horizon8 103 atPlay2 9Ch.59ACB76 1st81ACD3Game6/ Bold1 Period2CADd pPeriodkCostStockatPeriodk k) kk Demandr(uxCk 1 CxatuC k wk ofPeriodkBoldOrderedatSystemxCk 1 5fk2(xPlay, u6kStock, 2ndwupkd 1µ/k Bold(xµSAk cuSBCkGameCCBk 1k2 C1BCk4k ) Gamek )pPeriodk1 wkpkwxkInvenABACCA idPlayStockatPeriodk 1InitialStateACABACBACDCABCADCDASystemx f(x,u,w)u e/BoldPlayk 1k 1kkpkukkpk 1)k(xk1)(nkkwkxSystemx f(x,u,w)u µ)µppp1stGame/TimidPlay1stGame/BoldPlayp1pp1k 2nr(u) cux x kwwwdd2(n1)2(n(n1)(n1)ndkkk 1kkatPeriodk 1InitialStateACABACCACDABCwk ystemxk 1 k ofk Period k Stock Orderedk (xk , u3k , System5wk2) 4uk 6 2µk (xk ) µk wk xkCostat Periodk fInventoryDeterministicProblemsCh.SB 0.5CABCBC0 System0AC1 CA0 0 CD1SA1.51 12CAC0.5 C1.52CA 0 CCDStockatPeriodk Inventoryk Cost1r(ukC) cuk CxADxkDA u CkCDwk C0BD33 1of59 1.52Period4 160.52k 1 Stockk 1 CCostOrderedk Inventory hedule1036Play11Bold2Ch.CABCCAC 10C1stC/ABTimid/11stBold1Ap0.5pw nventorySystemABCA0GameBCCDr(uk ) Costcuk xof SxAEmptyukB kStockw Ordereddk d25Gamef9Play(x,CADwk 1Periodk SHorizonGame/wTimidGamePla0Game12/ 181 0.52)Ck 1kProblemskkk10(x11st020.50k3xk 1.50.51kCDA1.52)datInitialStateAC11.5ACBACDCABk kCAD3 5 CDA2 Period4 6k )02 k1cuStockr(uxPerioduProblems 1051.57 861at2Periodk xk 1kk Ch.wPeriodStockatatHorizonPeriodk xk uk Demandwxk ACuk SystemDemandatPeriodkk , 9uStockk(xStockatwkPeriodr(uxk 1 ACDxatkk u kwk ABCCCCCxDBx f(x,w)u µ)µCkBDk ) cuk ACBkABADDACDk 1kkkkkkkStochasticProblemsStockatPeriod 1InitialStateACCACDABCCAB OrderedCAD CDACost of Period k Stockat Period10k 5InventorySystem.7839612k 1. 0.5fCD,pu1.5)0.5 1)µ(xwC 1 CACStock at Periodk 1 CInitialStateABABCkkCk, wkkB1k ) Cµk xk2 CCDS2(nCCABCC12not RepairRepair1 A2 kkCnSystempk 1p pu0x1CA0DB0p(x1k66ABBC2 PlayADu CkDACD10 k ) Docu f51(n(x,u)4 (xw10532System fu6,µuProblemsw)1C0µCAuk0.5 Gameµk CDwCk CBx211kCADACBCABkk9kkµ21.5k k/)0CAkkkkx(xSAk xSk 1C xk CCwC0atC2710 C5 CD7System8CBC3 0x9k 16CBStockPeriodk kk ABACCAACBACDABCAD StateCDAFiniteStockSat Periodk CAB 1 InitialACHorizonABACCACD3Problems5Perfect-State2 4CFinite6Ch.2 CBCDDonotRepairRepair12n1np11ACD kCABCADCDA at3 PeriodCost ACBof PeriodStockOrderedkofInventorySystemk ℓ deredatPeriodkInventorySystem."C#)k 1).uCµCD 0.5p22 atp2np2(n k1) 1p2(np(n 1)(npf2nnx (xu,4w)0C2ADu1CµProblems(xwxk)1 CABDABDDB1) State1)nk 1k3k k6ABCk 2 Systemx k 1fAB 1CDµC(xwkCxSCCCC1.5DoRepair1 System2BCn1(nnpStochasticpProblems ABk (xkk1)k1.5k2kBC µ1kCCBkCDApuB1nACCA ,6r(uk ) cuk Stockxk 1xC u kAC InitialwC11Sx12CSABCRepairCCC1058pk2(n3k0CDA1(n1), uCABCADSPeriodCnotCCkCACr(uCkADDACDBDA BABCDming4Finite(x)0kC gwx(x cuxk 1 w7HorizonCh.19m µmm ), wm J k ℓ (xk )CkECBkkABk ,ACDDeterministicProblemsCh.ACDCABCDA105k k7 Horizon8kProblems32 9Problems6 1 k2 Ch.uCAD,µ,.,µSA ACBSBCABCABCCACCCBCDBCCD CACCDBCCCADCCCBDFinite1 p2(nkCk 1k ℓ lemsCh.1m k 1Problems Ch. 2105 5/7Bold84 392 6 Deterministic1 22ndGame/TimidPlay2ndGamePlay326CAB ACDCpCCDCBDC1)DBABCABInfoCh.System fkC(xu23k1C, wkC) 1 uCµk (xCABCAD105 371)CA9 6C61Perfect-StateDA p2(n107823CxCA9k 12BDCCStateCkCk notRepairRepair1, BCnp11p12k ) pµp(npAD1DACDStock atACBPeriodkAD n2nn1) pS8pBCCCC.A6ACCDABCB ABCD ABCatSAPeriodkCD 1 (npABp2(nStochasticDACDSA DoCCACnCDCCC11Problems121n1(n 1) Info1) . 3BAB CCAC CBDCBCDDeterministicProblems2. Ch.2nd Game/ TimidPlay 2nd Game / BoldStochasticProblemsDeterministicProblemsCh.2 .1) blemsCh.11st/ TimidPlay1stGame/ Boldp3.21 2 pp4w 6 Ch.1057Play83pd 91Play6. ppd1wProblemsFinite1 s 1) p(n 1)(n 1) p(n 1)n pDoSGamenot RepairRepair1C2CAn Play1CCDn 2ndp11pCBpHorizon52nCABCCpGame12 p1nC1(nC1)C2(n1)BACBCp 2ndGame/ DCCDCnDB{Φr rBD} x1 CABDA10571)CD3S6CDA1C212 p2ℜACBCABCADProblemsDonotRepairRepairnx̃ABp11 p12 p1n 1 2Cn 11)Cn ADCCp1(n2n Repairnn1112DB1n2(n2(n2(n1) p(n msCh.1Problems1stGame/TimidFiniteHorizonCh. 13Play 1st 1Game / Bold fect-StateInfoCh.222nnn2(n1)2(n 1) 1)(n1(n1) 1)(n1)(n1)np22 lemsCh.2 / Bold Playnn Deterministic01001021) p12(n 1.51) p(n0.51)n p1.5ProblemsCh.2103 pw9C6 must1 2GameCADCDACCB,CDCDCCDBDA,ABPlay2nd1stPlay1stGame/ BoldPlayp2nd1 Gamep5d Cp7/3wTimidSA psequenceSCBABCACC/pCTimidCCd InfoFind optimaloperationsC,(AmustprecedeB81 CC1)(nPerfect-State2(n1) of1) CA(n1)(n 2nd1) p(n1)npCh.pCpn.pCDA/ABpCA Ch.CB 1)CCD22CAC2n meBoldPlay2(n1)(n p(n 1)nnotRepair22(nn31)pp1np pnn p11 p12FiniteHorizonProblems1 12ProblemsPerfect-StateInfoCh.Do 0010011.50.5 11(n 11) 0.52(nDeterministicCh.211121n1(n1)2(n1)2nd/ TimidPlay Play2nd Game/GameBold PlayPerfect-StateInfoPlayCh. 32ndGameGame/ x,u,w)u µ)µwx. Timidk / Boldk withk fixedkkk Parametrick1stPerfect-StateInfo /Ch.3 Play 1st imationtheendPlayMon/CTimidGamePlayGame/ Boldpd0 k 10Play1 k2nd0 CkSimulation0BD1 nCk1.51 C121 p0.51.50StochasticCAB2ndCGameCRepairCABADDACDDB1 / atDonotGameRepair1 21st1 n0.5pBoldpp1(npp22(nCCC11)CAB11 pGame/pw2(nTimidGameBold1nnPlayAD 1nCCDBD.pPlayDB 2ndDP ProblemFormulation1)StochasticProblems1st/ TimidPlayGame/ABp2nd12(np1)ppPlaypCdDAd Ch.22 p2n1) w(n 1)(n 1) p(n 1)n pDeterministic2SystemPlay 1)1stpGame/ BoldPlaypProblemspwFinitew 1p22 1stp1stp2(n/ Timidp2(np(nd 1 pProblemsd pStochasticHorizonProblemsxk 1, uk ,1wk ) uk µk (xkProblems2nGamenn1)(n1st1)(n1) Stochastic1)n1 fk (xkCh.Game/TimidPlayGame/BoldPlayp1pp1pwwdd1st Game / Timid Play 1st Game / Bold Play pd 1 pDeterministicp w 1 pwInfoPerfect-StateInfoCh.1 30.5 1 1 0.5 1.5 .00. xdecisions1k Ch.0 30Ch.12 1.5System xk 1 Controls:fpk (xk , uk , wk )Stageuk d µPerfect-State(x) p0.5nn1stTimid/ BoldPlay pd 1 .pd1) 0.51)(n1)nDo notp22Repair211.5n1.51 (n0.5p111p112 1.5p1n2ndp1.5. n 2ndPerfect-StateInfo00p2n00 1pRepair12(n0 001)0 11p2(n1 0.50Ch.232(nGame/pGameTimidGame/12BoldPlay1n λ)(c)2ndGame/TimidPlay2ndGame/BoldPlayProblems2 1) p2(n 1) .Perfect-StateInfoCh.3Perfect-StateInfo3T(x) T(x)x P(x)0 0 the0.5 1.51 into0 0 10 0 00 1 1 1.50.51 11.51 0.501 20.5 1.5 0 2DP )Finite HorizonProblemsCh. 1StochasticProblemsSystemx f(x,u,w)u µk (xk ) µkk 1kkkkkx/k 1 fk (x, uk,, 2ndwuk) puµk/(xw)kGame2ndSystemGameTimidPlayBoldk(xk )µ µ(x0Timid0 1st1 1.50.51 Play1 0.5pd 1.5p22 p2npSystempkPlayukk ), wGame µxkk01)w/kCh.x1k 0Play1stGame/ Bold1 p0 p2 1nnk 1kkp22kp2(n 1) xp2(n 1)fkp(nk 1)(n1)(n1)npk2nPerfect-State2(nInfo1) p(n 11)n pnnSystemxk 1 last fkx(xdecisionuk µk (xk/) Bold1st Game/ TimidGameppd2(np3w1)Stochastic1p(nFinitep 1)(n Problems1 1 d wk , uPlayk , wk ) 1stkµ x(xk pd 1Start fromtheandSystemuµkkbackwards wPlayHorizon Problems Ch.k 1 fk (xk , uk , wk )gok k ) µk w k xk1 wDeterministic Problems Ch. 211Perfect-StateInfo3Problems1Play1st Game/FiniteTimidPlay1stGame/ Ch.Bold1 0pd0 pxwk 111.5pfwk (x Ch.)0.5uk 1.5µk (xk , w1kPlay2nd Game/ TimidPlayHorizon2nd Game/ BoldPlay0 p0d 1System12nd0.5k ,/u1Bold0 k ) 2 µk w k xkGame0 0 1 0 0 1 1.5 0.5 1 1 2nd0.5 Game1.5 /0 Timid2 Play Perfect-StateInfo Ch.3DeterministicProblemsCh. 2Bertsekas (M.I.T.)Approximate Dynamic Programming12 / 241

ayBoldPlayxBD Repairf2(n(x,1kRepairukpn,(nwPlay) 1u tk1nk 1k/nkatk1knnk Periodk 1.p1(n1)2(nk2kCABSA ckppwADDBAB2n121n1)1)1)(n1)(npDApRepairp1wpkCp12SB / CCCC1)CCC222nnn2(n2(n1)1)(n1) CAD1)nABACCABCCB2nd ADCDBD C/DBABkpC/CD 1C1)DApatp2npDAp(nCDApnnwk xk uk Demandp at Periodk Stockk2(nStockatCPeriod22 PeriodCCCC2(n1) p(n1)(n n1)(n 1)(n1)(nPlay1)n 2nd Game / Bold Playost of Period k Stock Orderedk0notInventory0 at02(nPeriod1 1)0Do1Repair1.50.511/CD0.51.52121ABp/1nC0DAC1st101 20CnBDp011pCp.1(nPlayk 1ABDB02 C1 1 1.50.51Bold0.5211) . p1) 2npGamep22ppPlayp/np1)(nnnPlay. e/BoldpTimidppp2nd/22CDPlay2ndGameBoldPlay cuk xk 1 xk u k wCGameCCCC2n.2(n1)2(n1)(n1)1)nk notABRepairDABDDBABDoRepair1n1nppppp1st/ TimidPlay1stGame/BoldPlayp1pp1p1112 C1nS/TimidSBPlayCABC//CACpC. CBCCDwwBC1(n1) C2(ndACCD nPeriodp111pd12pStock. pkd1)Stockk 1(n2nd GameTimidPlay/uPlay1stGame/k2Timidwk xk uk Demand at Periodk Stockat Periodk 2ndStockatPeriodd k1pxkpd pw p 1,Playu w1st)(xu,k µ)PlaywDo2k nkxGame1 pk k)(xkpkkµpp1n11121(n1)2(n) fk cuuxkkkk 1xkk 1u,n kk)(xwpRepairp1, pwpµnn1xpRepair pkfnot,0 r(uuInventory,0 µ)µwxCost of Period k StockSystemOrderedxk 1atpSystemkk )(n1)nk 11 /Game21.52nd/2(nTimidPlay2ndBoldPlaywk atx Periodu Demandat Periodkp02nat01stPeriodkCAStockatPeriod/ Gamenn2/2ndp0.5p112tockk 1 InitialStateAStockABCDw1)w 11)d1Game/17(nTimidPlayBoldPlaypdp1(np 10pp2(n/1stPlayBoldPlaypGamep0.50 kDo1 1) 2nd1)(nABADDABDr(u) k cukk xk 1 xk up wRepairnp e/0C2Timid1st/ 1BoldPlaypDB1pnnpd dpw w1 ppnotpRepairppp01st01011.50.510.51.52d 01)ppppp222n pPlaynn2(n1)2(n1)(n1)(n1)(n1)n222n1 k2(n1)2(n1)(n1)(n1)(n1)n1st Game/ atPeriodkStockatPeriww1k 20 0 1 1.5 d0.5 1 d 1 0.5 1.5 0 2k02 k43p2225Gamep2n0CostpStockp(nStatepnnCk ABStockatPeriod 1BoldInitialAAC/p6TimidPlay/ OrderedPeriodk2 Gameat1)nPeriodInventor3 of51)2 p42(n62nd2(n1)(n k 1)(n1) Play3 5at2Period4k 0 62nd1/0kPlay1kInventory0,System1upSystem1.50.51k (x1,wu0.51.5011.5CostPeriod CABk StockACBof ACDCADOrderedCDAx /k 1 xpABCf)0.5,w)pdu1)n1stTimidPlay1stGame/ Boldp0dk amewkSystemx2n .51nn2) 1µkppw1st/BoldTimidPlay/ Bold1 xp1)(n1)(nk 1k)kkkPlaykk x2(n 1)ukkPlayStockatPeriodk 1InitialStateABACCDppppp1)k 12Play11st1.50µnnDoRepairRepair20.5nkBold1k )npk112wpk12 xpk1nd Game/PlaywCostxkk ofuDemandat uPeriodStockk1 StockatPeriodx f(x,u,w)u µ(xPeriodStockPeriodkInventorySystemkcu xkk 1 xk k k 0k Orderedw0atGame01.50.510.51.50k 1kkkkkk0 1 at PeriodSystemxk 1 Periodfk (xk ,kukStock, Ch.wk ) 1atukPeriod µk (xkk ) Stockµk watxkwuk5DemandFiniteProblemsk xk Perioduk uDemandat Periodk Stockk atStockPeriodatk PeriodStockatCABGameTimid1stPlaypPlay1 pdk D3Game9 Game6/ Bold1 at2/CADw 1dCDA2ndGameTimid2ndBoldPeriodkStockatPeriodk cukk Demand)x CxatuC k w10 5C7 2System81st39k CostofPeriodkBoldOrderedPeriod 1.5(xPlay, u6kStock,12ndwupk0.5 1µ/k1.5(xµSB xCk 1CkGamek 1k ) 1Gamek )p0k12wkpkwxkInventory SysteAABACCA 1stCDCBCD/1BCTimidPlay1stGame/kk4PlaypState3x5f0 k 2at2u3CAD5 k204CDA60 2nd1C0 0xC1Stock0.5wdInitialdµGame/TimidBoldPlayPeriodk 1ACABACACBACDCABSystemxf(x,u,w)u (x)µwx010011.50.5110.51.50 pCA2 1C2ndGame/TimidPlay2ndGame/BoldPlayk 1kkkkkkkkSystemf(x,,w)u k 1kkukµkpkx1)pd/pk(nk1)(nk1)kd(n 1k1stGame/TimidPlay1stGameBoldPlay222nr(u) cux x kww pw kpdpnnd2(n1)2(n1)nwkkk 1kkStockatPeriodk PeriodkStockatPeriodSystemx f(x,u,w)u µ(x)w352462kkk 1 k Inventoryk k 3k Systemkkk5 k2 4 k 6 2 k kCost of Period k Stock Ordered at PeriodDeterministicProblemsCh.SB 0.51stCABC1.50 1st0AC1 CA0 /0Timid1SA1.51 Game12CAC0.52p CCA 0 CCDBCp CpCB 11 InitialStateC 3ABABCGamePlay/ Boldf StockPeriodk PeriodStockOrderedat Periodk AInventorywd 1 Systemd cuk CxatxkDA ku Ck59System2Period4 160.52k 1 CDk 1 CCostStockOrderedk wPlayInventoryABADCD wk 0CD8C3Timid6Play2105839612Ch.ACBCABCADCDASystemx f(x,uw)u (x)1AµCABCAC 10C1stCCC/1stGame/BoldPlayppkw pwkpCAGame/TimidPlay1stGame/BoldPlayp/xpt xofPeriodkInventorySystemCA0GameBCCBCDk 1kkkkkkkkpk SxAk SukB kStockwk Ordereddd1uABd1µ352462352462Systemx f(x,uw)C)d µpkwCDw1k ABxk 02 1cuFinite0 Stock0 010Horizon1 1.50.5110.51.5k 1kProblemskk ,02ndk2kk10(x010011.50.5110.51.52atPeriodk xx u k57839612k Horizonk10 k 1kkDemandat Periodk eriodukStockx xu kwkk ACk SystemCkDACABxk 1 SystemfkC(xAB,w µkC(xwk CxDBk 1kk 1CABkADCDk , u.kCk) uk ) µCkBDkStochasticProblemsat PeriodInitialOrderedStateA CDACCACDABCACBACDCADtk ofPeriodk Stockat ABPeriodkInventory0 5kABC18 k3)0 u90k 0.51.5 0 2106 1µ1k1.52k ) µ. 0.5fCD,07u1.5(xw1Cx1k2 0.5 1 CACat Periodk 1 CInitialStateABkk, wkSubproblemS2(nCCDCCABCDonot RepairRepair1 A2 kkCnSystempk 1p p315CA0DB0p(x166B11.5ABBC2 PlayADu CkDACD10 n111n30xBD2C124106 5Ch.1stGame/.(xTimidPlay1stBoldpd C1CD pd f51(n(x,u)4 (xw52System fu6,µCuProblemsw)1C0µCAuk0.5 Gameµk CDwCk CBxABC5Deterministic211kCADACBCABkkk 1k9kkµ21.5k k/)0CAkkkkx(xkSuAk xSk 1C xk CCwC0atC2710 C5 CD7System8CBC3 0x9k 16CBStockPeriodk BACCAACBACDABCABCAD lemsCh.1kSat Periodk 1InitialACABACCACDABC3 C5Perfect-State2 4CFinite6CD2 otRepairRepair1k (x2 kn) µ1Systemn p p p1n pACD kCABCADCDA at3 PeriodPeriodStockOrderedSystemSystemxCk 1 )CfukProblems(x,atu(x, w)Ch.u1kkwC InventoryµxHorizonkPeriodk wk11 xk125 Cost2 1)4 p2(n k1) 1p2(np(n 1)(npf2nn (x,9u,06 k0,CµABDA Ch.CDBDFinite1C22 at1) State1)nk 1k3k k6k, uk ACCACDABC3n5CpAB25ACB6CD10785kHorizon2 4w2ADSystemx3 k 1fAB(xw)19 1CDµkk2(x)1 CµDBwkCABxSCCkkBCC1.5DoRepair1 System2BC1xn4FinitepStochasticppProblemsk1kk1)kCD 0ACCAxC u kAC 1)ACDCABCADS 1SPeriodCnotCCkCACr(uCkADABDACDBDABA BABCD cuDBxk 1 xAupBkCw7Ch.Problemsk )Ck Stochastic105 7 Horizon8 3 9Problems6 1 2 Ch. 1CAB CCADCBCCCBCDBCCD CProblemsBCABACCDCCACBDFiniteDA CCCDFiniteABp22Problemsp2n ProblemspCh.p2(nDeterministicCh. 1)2 p(n 1)(n 1) p(n 1)n pnn2(n1)HorizonProblemsCh.16 3524nd/ TimidPlayGame/CBold3 p5102 54 Play6 82pC3109 CCABGameCpCC2ndC1)DBProblemsCh.2Ch.InfoSystem fkC(xu23k1C, wkC) 1 uCµk (xw1(nCBACDCABCAD61Perfect-StateDA p2(nCDBD7823CxCA9k 12BDCCkCk k pk x1)knotRepairRepair1, BCnp11p12k ) pµpAD1nDACDPeriodkAD rfect-State2(nAB41)n2nn1) p(n AB1)CASDeterministicCCCC.A6BACCDABCB ABCD ABCatSAPeriodkCD 2(nStochasticDACDCCACnCDCCC11Problems121n1(n 1)1) . 3BAB CCAC CBDCBCDPerfect-StateCh.3 InfoDeterministicProblems2. Ch.2ndGame/ TimidPlay 2nd Game / Bold StochasticProblems11121n1(n2(n1) 1Ch.DeterministicProblemsFiniteProblemsCh. 1105pHorizon831Horizon21 2st/ TimidPlay1stGame/ Boldp.1)1057Play83pd1)96. p72wProblemsFiniteCh.DoSGamenot RepairRepair1C2CAn Play1CCDn 2ndp11pCB29pp2(n4w6CCABCCpGameC1Play12 p1nC1(n2(n1)BACBCpd1p52n2ndGame/ Timid/StochasticBoldStochastic22ACDCABCADCDA1)1) pC1) p(n 1)n pnnCACDCCnDBABDA1071)CD33Problems6CDA1 6 BD212 p22(nACBCABCADProblemsDonotRepairRepair1 n(nABp1)(np12p1n p1(n 1) p2(n 1)11 1FiniteProblemsCh.1 9CCDp22pCpCDpp(npADRepair1 2Cn 11)Cn n2n Repairnn1112DB1n2(n2(n2(n1) p(n Ch.11stGame/TimidPlay1stGame/ Bold Play pd eterministicProblemsCh. 2 Ch.2(n1)2(n 1) 1)(n1(n1) 1)(n1)(n1)np22 lemsCh.2nn Deterministic1001021) p12(n 1.51) p(n0.51)n p1.5Problems2105d p7/Ch.81 33 pw9 6 2nd1 2Game / Bold PlayCADCDACCACCDBCAB13wTimid.B CpCDCCDBDCBCPlay1st/CTimidPlay1st/ BoldPlayp2nd1 GamepCh.C pGameCd InfoPerfect-StateCBCDpCnnn ABSAGameSBDoCC.pCDC1BCC1)(nPerfect-State2(n1) AC2(n1) p(n1)(n 2nd1) p(n1)npRepairpCh.pCpppABCAInfoCBp 1)CCD22CAC2n Repairnn lay2(n1)2(n1)(n(n1)nnot12nnppp11121n1) ateInfoFiniteHorizonnotRepairRepair1Play2 nGame1 .2Problems01Problems0 1 3 0Ch.0 121 1.5 0.5 11(n 11) 0.52(n 1.50 2DeterministicCh.11Play121) p2(n1)2ndGame/ oblemsCh.1ystemxk 1Play fk2nd(xkGame, uk , w(xk Finite) µwHorizon. Timidk ) uPlayk µk Problemsk xk1stPerfect-StateInfo /Ch.3 PlayProblemsStochasticProblemsame/CTimid1st/ BolddecisionPlay pd 1 pd p0each0CRepair1state0 C0BD1 /nCBold1.51k pC121 p0.51.50Stochastic2GameCABD AtDACDDBAB1 GamenotRepair1of2stage1 CCCC11 record1nC2ndGame/TimidPlay2ndGame/BoldPlayAD pDACDBDDBAB1(n1)2(n1)1StochasticProblems1stGame/ TimidPlay1stGame/Playp1pp1pppppppwwd 2(n 1)d Ch.222nnn2(n1)(n 1)(n 1)(n 1)nDeterministic2Problems1stPlay 1)1stpGame/ BoldPlayp1)npProblemsp1stp2(n/ Timidp2(nd 1 pDeterministicd pStochasticProblemsSystem, uk ,1wk ) uk µk (xk ) µk wkCh.2nGamenn1)1) Stochastic1 2fk1(xkCh.Game/ TimidPlay (n1st1)(nGame/p(nBoldPlayProblemspdwp 11 ppwdFinitepwProblems1Horizonpw xk 1me / Timid Play 1st Game / Bold Play pdPerfect-State1 pDeterministicw 1wd pPerfect-StateInfoCh.1 30.5 1 1 0.5 1.5 .0 2Problems2 1.5Info30Ch. x31k Ch.Perfect-StateInfoCh.0001Systemx f(x,u,w)u µ(x)µw1k 1kkkkkkkkk.p0.5pnn1stGamePlay pd 1 .pd pw 1 p1) 0.51)(n1)nRepair211.5n1.51p(n0.5p111p112 1.5p1n2ndp1.5. n 2ndPerfect-StateInfo0epair12(n0 001)0 11p2(n1 0.50Ch.232(nGame/pGameTimidGame/ Bold/ BoldPlay0p2n00 1p1n h.p1stp1(nStochasticProblems112ndGamePlayProblems2 1) p2(n 1) .Perfect-StateInfo3 p12 1p1nCh.StochasticProblems0 0 00/1Timid0 Bertsekas0Play1.50.5 1.51/ Bold1 20.51.50Info2Ch. Deterministic1Game1 1.50.51 1(M.I.T.)1 0.50Perfect-StateApproximate Dynamic Programming13 / 24

layBoldPlaySystemx RepairfBold(x,1kRepairukpn,(nwPlay) 1u mid2ndGame/k2pDBPlayxuDemandPeriodatk1nk 1k/nkatk1knnk Periodk ockppwABS CBDAB22p2n2n121n1)1)1)(n1)(npDApRepairp1wpkCp12SB / CCC1)CCC22nn2(n2(n1)1)(n1) dPlay2ndGameBoldPlayADABABADCDBD C/DBABkpC/CD 1C1)DApatp2npDAp(nCDApnn .wk xk uk Demandp at Periodk Stockk2(nStockatCPeriod22 PeriodCCCC2(n1) p(n1)(n ndGame/CBoldPlay 1) .2(n1)(n(nCost of Period k Stock Orderedat02(nPeriodk0notInventoryDo not11.52 C1)(nnDA11)C1nCDp1PlaypnBD11121n1(n1)0 Repair1 1)0Repair1Repair0.51 21)n0.51.5C1stDo1p1.5pp0ppp212p1pk 1ABDB0Game02Bold1p/ Timid0Play0C0.51AB12(n0.51.5211) . p11.1(nPlay1) BoldpTimidppppp2nd/22GamePlay2ndGameBoldPlay cuk xk 1 xk u k1st wCGameCCCC2n.2(n1)1)(n1)(n1)(n1)nk notABRepairDACDDBABDoRepair1n1nppppp.1st/ TimidPlay1stGame/BoldPlayp1pp1p1112 C1nS/TimidSBPlayCABC//CACpC. CBCCDwwBC1(n1) C2(ndACCD nPeriodp111pd12pStock. pkd1)Stockk )1(n2ndTimidPlay/uPlay1stGame/k2Timidwk xk uk Demand at Periodkp2nStockat Periodk 2ndStockatPeriodd k1pxkpd pw p 1f ,Playu w1st)(xup,k µ)PlaywDo2k(xnkxGame1 pk k)(xkkpkkµpp1np22 Gamep2(np 2(n1112nn1(n1)2(n1)1)1)(n)1)(ncuuxpkk 1 u,n kk)(xwpkfnotpRepairp1, pwpµnn1xpRepairSystemxk 1,0pr(uu(n,0 µ)µwxCost of Period k StockOrderedatpSystemkk m(nkf1)n1)(n1)(n1)nk (xkkSystemkkkk 1kkkkkkkkk.1.50621.510581)(n900.511 /Game21.52nd/2(nTimidPlay2ndBoldPlay01 pC02(n1 Period1.51Timid113ABC0.50Play22/2ndwk atxkPerioduk Demandat0Periodkp02nat01stk0.5Stockat/ ir1pGamennp0.5p112tockk 1 InitialStateAStockABCACDw1)w 11)d111Game/17(nPlay1stBoldPlaypdp1(npd10

Simulation-based methods: reinforcement learning, neuro-dynamic programming A series of video lectures on the latter can be found at the author’s web site Reference: The lectures will follow Chapters 1 and 6 of the author’s book “Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control," Vol. I, Athena Scientific, 2017

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