A Current Bibliography Of Canadian Church History

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Document généré le 26 mars 2022 00:21Sessions d'étude - Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholiqueA Current Bibliography of Canadian Church HistoryBrian F. HoganVolume 45, 1978URI : https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/1007125arDOI : https://doi.org/10.7202/1007125arAller au sommaire du numéroÉditeur(s)Les Éditions Historia Ecclesiæ Catholicæ Canadensis Inc.ISSN0318-6172 (imprimé)1927-7067 (numérique)Découvrir la revueCiter ce documentHogan, B. F. (1978). A Current Bibliography of Canadian Church History.Sessions d'étude - Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique, 45,101–141. https://doi.org/10.7202/1007125arTous droits réservés Les Éditions Historia Ecclesiæ Catholicæ CanadensisInc., 1978Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d’auteur. L’utilisation desservices d’Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politiqued’utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en que-dutilisation/Cet article est diffusé et préservé par Érudit.Érudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé del’Université de Montréal, l’Université Laval et l’Université du Québec àMontréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche.https://www.erudit.org/fr/

CCHA, Study Sessions, 45, 1978, pp. 101-141A Current Bibliographyof Canadian Church HistoryNOTE : Within each section works are set out in alphabeticalorder under the name of the author. It will be noted, however, thatin sections 5, 6 and 8, the arrangement is first alphabetical bysubject, i.e., communion, place or person. Items are not repeated, butat the beginning of each section, reference is given to relevant items,if any, in earlier or later sections.Brian F. HOGAN, C.S.B.St. Basil's CollegeToronto, Ontario.List of AbbreviationsHPCHThe Canadian Historical Association / LaSociété historique du Canada, HistoricalPapers / Communications historiques (formerly CHAR).CahierLa Société historique acadienne, Cahier.CHRCanadian Historical Review.DissA bsDissertation Abstracts.RHAFRevue d'histoire de l'Amérique française.RUORevue de l'Université d'Ottawa.Sessions d'étudeLa Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Églisecatholique, Sessions d'étude.Study SessionsThe Canadian Catholic Historical Association, Study Sessions.TRSC/MSCTransactions of the Royal Society of Canada / Mémoires de la Société royale duCanada.UCCAUnited Church of Canada, Archives.— 101 —

1.GUIDES : bibliographies, descriptions of sourcesSee : 5B. Mennonite - Springer.6A. Okanagan, B.C. - King.ABLER, Thomas S., Douglas E. SANDER and Sally M. WEAVER. A CanadianIndian Bibliography, 1960-1970. Toronto : University of Toronto Press,1974. Pp. xii, 732.ALEXANDRIN, Barbara and Robert BOTHWELL. Bibliography of the MaterialCulture of New France. Ottawa : National Museum of Man, 1970.Pp. vii, 32.AUBRY, Serge et al. Guide sommaire des Archives du Séminaire de Sherbrooke."Publication du Service des Archives", No. 1. Sherbrooke : Service dePolycopie, Séminaire de Sherbrooke, 1975, Pp. ii, 115.BATES, Hilary and Robert SHERMAN, comps. Index to the Publications ofthe Ontario Historical Society, 1899-1972. Toronto : Ontario HistoricalSociety, 1974, Pp. x, 175.BEAULIEU, Victor Levy. Manuel de la petite littérature du Québec. Montréal :Éditions L'Aurore, 1974.BISHOP, Charles A. "Archivai Sources and the Culture History of the Indiansof the Eastern Subarctic", Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology/La revue canadienne de sociologie et d'anthropologie, 12,3(1975) 244-51.BISHOP, Olga B. Publications of the Government of Ontario, 1867-1900.Toronto : Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1976. Pp. xi, 409.Canada. Public Archives. Check list of Parish Registers. Marielle CAMPEAUand Patricia KENNEDY, comps. Ottawa : Public Archives, 1975.CARON-HOULE, Françoise. Guide to the Reports of the Public Archives ofCanada, 1872-1972. Ottawa : Information Canada, 1975, Pp. 97.CARRIÈRE, Gaston. Dictionnaire biographique des Oblats de Marie Immaculée au Canada. Tome I. Ottawa : Éditions de l'Université d'Ottawa,1976. Pp. 350, illus.Centre d'études Acadiennes. Inventaire générale des sources documentairessur les Acadiens, Tome I : 1975, Pp. 526 ; Tome IL Moncton : Éditionsd'Acadie, 1977, Pp. 463.CHASSÉ, Béatrice. "Actes Notariés du Régime français, Pièces diverses 16091760", Québec - Rapport des Archives Nationales, N 51, 1973. Pp.1-66.CODERRE, John E., Paul A. LAVOIE, comps. Parish Registers for the Provinceof Ontario. Ottawa : Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society,1974. 8 leaves.CODIGNOLA, Luca. L'America del nord nei documenti dell'archivio della sacracongregazione "De propaganda fide" (1754-1784). Nord americano/1,Marsilio Editori, Venezia, 1976. Pp. 127-147.— 103 —

D E GRACE, Eloi : Inventaire des journaux : 'Le Reflet du Nord', 'L'Analyste','Le Journal Acadien' et 'Le Pari'. Moncton : imprimé par l'auteur, 1975.Pp. 31.Dictionary of Canadian Biography. Frances HALPENNY, Ed. Vol. IX (18611870) and Vol. X (1871-1880). Toronto and Quebec City : Universityof Toronto Press and Les Presses de l'Université Laval, 1972 and 1976.Pp. xiv, 967 ; xxx, 823.DONALDSON, Helen. A Descriptive Bibliography of Manuscripts,Pamphlets,and Books on Education in Upper Canada particularly for the Years1791 to 1841. M.A. Thesis, University of Toronto, 1953. Canadian theseson microfiche 25472.DOSMOND, Jean. ''Inventaire de journaux et de microfilm de journaux conservés aux Archives Nationales du Québec", Québec — Rapport des archives nationales, n 51, 1973. Pp. 239-214.FLEMING, Patricia Lockhart. "A Bibliography of Canadian Directories to1867", Ontario Library Review, 59,2 (1975) 98-107.FOURNIER, Marcel. Guide des monographies de paroisses de la région Joliette-Lanaudière. Chertsey, Que. : (s.n.), 1974. Pp. 29, 1.HOGAN, Brian F., C.S.B. "A Current Bibliography of Canadian Church History", Study Sessions, 44'(1977) 111-144.International Bibliography of Historical Sciences. Vol. XLI. Paris : A. Colon,1975. Pp. xxiv, 397.KAYE, Vladimir, ed. Dictionary of Ukrainian Canadian Biography : PioneerSettlers of Manitoba, 1891-1900. Toronto : Ukrainian Canadian ResearchFoundation, 1975. Pp. 249.KLINCK, Carl F., ed. Literary History of Canada ; Canadian Literature inEnglish. 2nd. ed. Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1976. 3 Vols.LAMBERT, James. "Public Archives and Religious Records ; Marriage Proposals", Archivaria, 1,1 (1975-76) 48-66.LINDO, Millicent A. Making History : An AnthologyVictoria: (s.n.), 1975. Pp. 235.of. BritishColumbia.MACTAGGART, Hazel I. and Kenneth E. SUNDQUIST, eds. Publications of theGovernment of Ontario 1956-1971. Toronto: Ministry of GovernmentServices, 1975. Pp. xi, 410.MONTMINY, Jean-Paul et Stewart CRYSDALE. La religion au Canada : Bibliographie annotée des travaux en sciences humaines des religions(1945-1970) I Religion in Canada: Annotated Inventory of ScientificStudies of Religion (1945-1972). Québec : Presses de l'Université Laval,1975. Pp. viii, 192.— 104 —

NEMEC, Thomas F. comp. Index of Research Studies Conducted by Undergraduate Students Enrolled in "Newfoundland Society and Culture".St. John's : Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1975. Pp. 20.A Selected Bibliography of Sources of Newfoundland Society andCulture. St. John's : Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1974. Pp.17,1.NICKERSON, R., comp. "List of Archives of the Religious Society of Friends(Quakers) in Canada, microfilmed by the Archives of Ontario, Ms 303",Canadian Quaker History Newsletter, 13 (Sept., 1976) 1-37.Nova Scotia Historical Society, Comps. Collection of the Nova Scotia Historical Society. Facsimile edition.Vol. I (originally Vols. I-IV) : Pp. 796 ;Vol. II (originally Vols. V-VIII : Pp. 810;Belleville : Mika Publishing, 1977.POIRIER, Jean. "Répertoire numérique des fonds d'archives privées conservésaux Archives nationales du Québec à Québec - Rapport des ArchivesNationales, n 52, 1974.SIGNORI-LAFOREST, Monique. Inventaire analytique des Archives du diocèsede Saint-Jean-de-Québec 1688-1900. Coll. Dossier, 16. Québec : Ministère des affaires culturelles, 1976. Pp. ix, 751.WALLACE, W. Stewart, ed. The Macmillan Dictionary of Canadian Biography.Fourth Edition. Edited by W.A. McKay. Toronto : Macmillan, 1977.Pp. 950.2.See : 9.SOURCESBouchard ; Roy.Anglican Year Book, 1975, The General Synod, The Anglican Church ofCanada, 1975. Pp. 182, Ixii.BEL AND, Nicole V., et al. Répertoire des mariages de Saint-Thècle, 1800 à1977. Sainte-Thècle, Que. : G. Veillette, 1974. Pp. 144.BÉLANGER, Léonidas. "Mariages de Chicoutimi", Saquenayensia, 17,3-4 (1975)69-72; 17,5 (1975) 103-110.—."Mariages de la région", Saquenayensia, 17,2 (1975) 35-38 ; 17,6 (1975)127-130; 18,1 (1976) 11-14; 18,2 (1976) 35-49; 18,3-4 (1976) 69-72;18,5-6 (1976) 105-109.BOUCHARD, Gérard et Michel BERGERON. "Les registres de l'état civil deNotre-Dame de Latterrière (1855-1911)", Archives, 75,3,7,3 (Sept.Déc, 1975) 164-173.— 105 —

BOULIZON, Guy. Les Musées du Québec. Tome I : Montréal et l'Ouest duQuébec ; Tome II : La Vieille Capitale et l'Est du Québec. Montréal :Éditions Fides, 1976. Pp. 205, illus.Canada. Public Archives. Parish Registers for the Province of Ontario.John E. CODERRE and Paul A. LAVOIE, comps. Ottawa : Ottawa Branch,Ontario Genealogical Society, 1974.CARLOS, Lucien. "Collection Labelle", QuébecNationales, n . 52, 1974. Pp. 39-78.-RapportCHASSÉ, Beatrice. "Collection Baby", Québec - Rapporttionales, n 52, 1974. Pp. 1-13.desArchivesdes ArchivesNa-—. "Collection Girouard", Québec - Rapport des Archives Nationales, n 52,1974. Pp. 14-22.—. "Collection Neilson", Québec - Rapport des Archives Nationales,1974. Pp. 25-39.n 52,FELLOWS, Robert F., ed. The New Brunswick Census of 1851, CharlotteCounty, vol. 2, New Brunswick, Canada. Fredericton : Provincial Archives, 1975. Pp. 329.FRASER, Alex W. Gravestones of Glengarry.Mika Publishing, 1976. Pp. 250, illus.I : Williamstown.Belleville :GARON, Louis. "Inventaire Analytique du Fonds Félix-Gabriel Marchand",Québec - Rapport des Archives Nationales, n 52, 1974. Pp. 127-211.GODBOUT, Archange, O.F.M. "Vieilles Familles de France en NouvelleFrance", Québec - Archives Nationales : Rapport, 1975. Pp. 105-264.HAYWARG, George H., ed. 1851 Census, Sunbury County,Canada. The author, 1974. Pp. 136.NewBrunswick,HÉBERT, Léo, transe. Le Troisième registre de Tadoussac : MiscellaneorumLiber. Montréal : Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1976. Pp. xx, 340.JETTE, Irénée. Complément à St. Jacques-le-Mineur. Sillery, Que. : B. Pontbriand, 1874? Pp. 29. (Registres de naissances, etc. - Laprairie, Québec). Sillery, Que. : Benoît Pontbriand.LABRÈQUE, Lucile. "Collection Chapais - Papiers Langevin, 1843-1903",Québec - Rapport des Archives Nationales, n 52, 1974. Pp. 80-125.Avec des Papiers Langevin, Riel, Cartier et Chiniquy.LACERTE, Roger. "État des recherches sur la presse française en Acadie", LaSociété historique acadienne, Les Cahiers, 6,1 (1975) 25-42.PRUD'HOMME, François. "Les archives des Clercs de Saint-Viateur",chives, 76.1,8,1 (janv.-avril, 1976) 16-23.Ar-RIEDER, Milton P. and Norma Gaudet RIEDER. Acadian Church Records,Vol. 11; Beaubassin, 1712-1748. Métairie, L a : (s.n.), 1976. Pp. 153.ROBICHAUX, Albert J. Acadian Marriages in France : DepartmentVilaine, 1759-1766. Harvey, La. : (s.n.), 1976. Pp. 188.— 106 —of Ile-et-

ROY, Léon. "Les Terres de l'île d'Orléans : les terres de Saint-François, lesterres de Saint-Laurent", Québec - Rapport des ArchivesNationales,n« 51, 1973. Pp. 115-238.SMITH, Leonard H., éd. St. Mary's 1818-1829; 1840-1844; Catalogue ofFamilies, St. Mary's Bay Roman Catholic Parish, Clare, Digby CountyN.S. Father Jean-Mandé Sigogne, comp, Clearwater, Fla. (s.l. : s.n.),1975. 2 volumes. Pp. 353.TANGUAY, Cyprien. Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu'à nos jours. Montréal : E. Sénécal,1871-1890; Montréal: Éditions Elysée, 1975. 7 vols.THOMAS, Milton, ed. "Churches and Religious Organizations in the AtlanticProvinces", Atlantic Year Book. Fredericton : Unipress, 1974. Pp. 351357.Ukrainian Pioneers' Association of Alberta. Ukrainians in Alberta. Edmonton :Ukrainian Archives, 1975. Pp. 560, illus.3.See :G E N E R A L WORKS6A.Québec - Plourde ;Québec - Denault ;8A. Douville ;8B. Bourget ;1 1A. De Visser.11C.Anderson.ARES, Richard. Les positions - ethniques, linguistiques et religieuses - desCanadiens français à la suite du recensement de 1971. Montréal : LesÉditions Bellarmin, 1975. Pp. 210.BEAMENT, G.C. "Order of St. John in Canada", Heraldry(1976) 32-3.in Canada,10, 2BFAULIEU, André et Jean HAMELIN. La Presse Québécoise: Des Origines àNos Jours. I I : 1860-1879. Québec: Les Presses de l'Université Laval,1975. Pp. v, 352.CHOQUETTE, Robert. "Adélard Langevin et les questions scolaires du Manitobaet du Nord-Ouest 1893-1915, RUO, 46,2 (1976) 324-344.—. L'HOMME, les religions et la liberté Man Religions andOttawa : Éditions de l'Université d'Ottawa, 1974. Pp. 146.Freedom.—. Problèmes et mœurs et de discipline ecclésiastique : les catholiques desPrairies canadiennes de 1900 à 1930", Histoire Sociale - Social History,8,15 (1975) 102-119.COLLINS, Kenneth F. Cemeteries and Cemetery Recording.Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1974.Ottawa : OttawaCRYSDALE, Stewart and Les WHEATCROFT, eds. Religion in CanadianToronto : Macmillan of Canada, 1976. Pp. xi, 498.— 107 —Society.

DERRE, Jean-René, GADILLE, Jacques, D E MONTCLOS, Xavier, PLONGERONT,Bernard. Civilisation chrétienne. Approche historique d'une idéologieXVIIIe - XXe siècle, sous la direction de(Église nouvelle-Égliseancienne. Série ecclesiologie, 3). Paris : Éditions Beauchesne, 1975.Pp. 374.DÉSILETS, Andrée et Guy LAPERRIÈRE, éds. Recherche et religions populaires.Colloque International, 1973. Montréal : Les Éditions Bellarmin, 1974.Pp. 204.DE VILLIERS-WESTFALL. "The Dominion of the Lord : An Introduction tothe Cultural History of Protestant Ontario in the Victorian Period",Queen's Quarterly, 83,1 (1976) 47-70.FOUCART, Eric. La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Québec de sa fondation à1903 d'après ses archives. Thèse, M.A. Université Laval, 1975. Pp.lxxvi, 690.GAGNON, Serge. Idéologie et savoir historique : l'historiographie de la Nouvelle-France de Garneau à Groulx (1845-1915). D. es L. UniversitéLaval, 1974. Pp. xxxii, 838.GRANT, J.W. "Christianity in Canada". In : Robert CHOQUETTE, éd., L'Homme, les religions et la liberté. Ottawa : Éditions de l'Université d'Ottawa,1974. Pp. 146.HANDY, Robert T. A History of the Church in the United States and Canada.New York : Oxford University Press, 1977. Pp. 480, illus.HUEL, Raymond. "The French Language Press in Western Canada : Le Patriote de l'Ouest, 1910-41", RUO, 46,4 (1976) 476-499.JACKSON, John D. Community and Conflict : A Study of French-English Relations in Ontario. Toronto : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1975.JAENEN, Cornelius J. The Role of the Church in New France. Toronto :McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1976.KURELEK, William. Kurelek's Canada. Toronto : McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1975.Pp. 127, illus.LAMONDE, Yyan. Historiographie de la philosophie au Québec (1853-1970).Coll. Philosophie, Les Cahiers du Québec. Montréal : Éditions HMH,1972. Pp. 241.LEMIEUX, M. l'abbé Lucien. "La première caisse ecclésiastique du clergé canadien", Sessions d'étude, 44 (1977) 5-22.LOWER, A.R.M. "Religion and Religious Institutions", in : Welf H. Heickéd., History and Myth: Arthur Lower and the Making of CanadianNationalism. Vancouver : University of British Columbia Press, 1975.Pp. 75-96.MORRISON, Monica. "Wedding Night Pranks in Western New Brunswick",Southern Folklore Quarterly, 38,4 (1974) 285-97.NICHOLSON, G.W.L. Canadas Nursing Sisters. Toronto : Samuel StevensHakkert, 1975. Pp. 272, maps, illus.— 108 —

OuELLET, Fernand. Le Bas-Canada 1791-1840: Changements structurauxet crise. Ottawa : Les Éditions de l'Université d'Ottawa, 1976. Pp. 539.PARIZEAU, Gérard. La Société canadienne-française au XIXe siècle. Essaissur le milieu. Montréal : Fides, 1975. Pp. 550.PICHETTE, Robert et Jean-Jacques LUSSIER, "Armoriais des Chevaliers deMalte français en terre d'Amérique", RUO, 46,1 (1976) 40-67.POST, Arthur & Louise. "Researching Cemeteries and Granite Creek revisited", British Columbia Genealogist, 4,1 (1975) 19-25.RADECKI, Henry and Benedykt HEYDENKORN. A Member of a DistinguishedFamily : The Polish Group in Canada. Toronto : McClelland and Stewart,1976. Pp. 240.REID, W.S., ed. The Scottish Tradition in Canada. Toronto: McClellandand Stewart, 1976. Pp. 324.SHORTT, S.E.D. The Search for an Ideal : Six Canadian Intellectuals andtheir Convictions in an Age of Transition, 1890-1930. Toronto : University of Toronto Press, Pp. 216.WILSON, Keith and James B. WYNDELS. The Belgians in Manitoba. Winnipeg :Peguis Publishers, 1976. Pp. 100.YON, Armand. Le Canada français vu de France (1830-1914). Québec :Presses de l'Université Laval, 1975. Pp. x, 238, illus.4.See : 3.8B.CHURCH HISTORY : philosophy,principlesGagnon ;Groulx-Sherrin.5.THE COMMUNIONSA. GeneralBACKMAN, Milton V. Christian Churches of America. Origins and Beliefs.Provo, Utah : Brigham Young University Press, 1976. Pp. xvii, 230.BÉDARD, Marc-André. Les Protestants en Nouvelle France. Thèse M.A. Université Laval, 1973. Pp. xxiii, 165.VALIQUETTE, Stéphane, S.J. "Le mouvement oecuménique à Montréal Rapport du Groupe de Travail des Églises de Montréal", L'Églisecanadienne, 8,1 (1975) 14-19.B.Particular CommunionsAmishSee : 5B. Mennonite - Smucker.— 109 —

GINGERICH, Rev. Orland. "The Service'*, Waterloo(1975) 44-48.HistoricalSNYDER, Mrs. Lome. "A House Amish Wedding", Waterloociety, 64 (1976) 74-77.Society,63HistoricalSo-AnglicanSee :2.9.Anglican Year Book ;Headon.HEADON, Christopher F. The Influence of the Oxford Movement Upon theChurch of England in Eastern and Central Canada, 1840-1900. Ph.D.Thesis, McGill University, 1974.TALMAN, J.J. "The Position of the Church of England in Upper Canada,1791-1840", in : J.K. Johnson, ed. Historical Essays on Upper Canada.Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1975, Pp. 58-73.BaptistELLIS, Walter E. "Gilboa to Ichabord : Social and Religious Factors in theFundamentalist-Modernist Schisms Among Canadian Baptists, 18951934", Foundations, 20,2 (1977) 109-126.MCKERROW, Peter E. McKerrow, A Brief History of the Coloured Baptistsof Nova Scotia (1783-1895). Frank S. BOYD, ed. Halifax : Afro-NovaScotian Enterprises, 1976. Pp. 125.THOMPSON, Margaret E. The Baptist Story in Western Canada.Baptist Union of Western Canada, 1974. Pp. iv, 528.Calgary :WHIDDEN, Evan H. Pilgrimage from Yesterday : Lessons from History forAtlantic United Baptists. Saint John N.B. : Union Jubilee Committee,United Baptist Convention of the Atlantic Provinces, ca. 1969. Pp. 37.Disciples of ChristMCCALLISTER, Lester G. and William E. TUCKER. Journey in Faith : A History of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). St-Louis : BethanyPress, 1975. Pp. 505.DoukhoborBETKE, Carl. "The Mounted Police and the Doukhobors in Saskatchewan,1899-1909", Saskatchewan History, 27,1 (1974) 1-14.GALE, Donald Thomas. "Belief and the Landscape of Religion : The Caseof the Doukhobors". Burnaby, Simon Fraser University. UnpublishedM.A. thesis in Geography, 1974. Pp. 221. Canadian thesis on microfilm,No. 19253.MEALING, F.M. Doukhobor Life : A Survey of Doukhobor Religion, Historyand Folklife. Cas tie gar, B.C. : Kootenay Doukhobor Historical Societyand Cotinneh Books, 1975. Pp. 67, illus.TARASOFF, Koozma J. "Doukhobors - their Migration Experience", CanadianEthnic Studies, 4, 1-2 (1972) 1-11.— 110 —

WOODCOCK, George. "The Spirit Wrestlers : Doukhobors in Russia andCanada, Part I", History Today, 27,3 (1977) 152-158.HutteriteSee :5A.Mennonite - Smucker.BENNETT, John W. "Change and Transition in Hutterian Society", in :Western Canadian Studies Conference, 6th, University of Calgary, 1974.Anthony W. Rasporich, éd., Western Canada : Past and Present. Calgary : University of Calgary and McClelland and Stewart West, 1975.Pp. 120-132.FLINT, David. The Hutterites : A Study in Prejudice. Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1975. Pp. 193.KARL, Peter. "The Instability of the Community of Goods in the Social History of the Hutterites", in : 6th Western Canadian Studies Conference,1974. A.W. Rasporich, éd., Western Canada: Past and Present. Calgary :University of Calgary and McClelland and Stewart West, 1975. Pp.99-119.MACDONALD, Robert J. "Hutterite Education in Alberta : A Test Case inAssimilation, 1920-1970", in : Western Canadian Studies Conference,6th, 1974. Anthony W. Rasporich, éd., Western Canada: Past and Present. Calgary : University of Calgary and McClelland and Stewart West,1975. Pp. 133-149.MACKIE, Marlene. "Defection from Hutterite Colonies", in : E. Zureik andR.M. Pike, eds., Socialization and Values in Canadian Society, Vol. 2 :Socialization, Social Stratification and Ethnicity. Toronto : McClellandand Stewart, 1975, Pp. 291-316.Jehovah's WitnessesPENTON, James M. Jehovah's Witnesses in Canada : Champions of Freedomof Speech and Worship. Toronto : MacMillan of Canada, 1976. Pp.xi, 388.JewishSee :5A.Baillehache.BROWN, Michael Gary. Jewish Foundations in Canada: The Jews, TheFrench and the English to 1914. Ph.D. Thesis, State University of NewYork at Buffalo, 1976. Pp. 428. Diss. Abs. 76-16, 993.KAGE, Joseph. "The Education of a Minority : Jewish Children in GreaterMontreal", in : P.M. Migus, éd., Sounds Canadian : Languages andCulture in Multi-Ethnic Society. Toronto : Peter Martin Associates,1975. Pp. 93-104.KATZ, Jacob, ed. The Role of Religion in Modern Jewish History. Proceedings of Regional Conferences of the Association for Jewish StudiesHeld at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Torontoin March-April 1974. New York : Klav Publishing House, 1975. Pp.vii, 171.— Ill —

KURELEK, William and Abraham ARNOLD. Jewish Life in Canada. Edmonton :Hurtig, 1976. Pp. 96, illus.LUDWIG, Paul. "Requiem for Bibul", in : John Stevens, éd., The Urban Experience. Toronto : Macmillan, 1975. Pp. 93-104.SEAL, Mark. "Dialogue with Youth - 1", Viewpoint,8,3 (1974) 24-26.SHAFFIR, William. Life in a Religious Community. Toronto : Holt, Rinehartand Winston of Canada, 1974. Pp. 224. (Orthodox community, Montreal).SYRKIN, Marie. "Jews(1973) 12-30.andRevolutionaryMovements",WAX, Sydney. "Dialogue with Youth : II", Viewpoints,Viewpoints,8,18,3 (1974) 27-33.Latter Day Saints (Mormon)ALLEN, James B. and Glen M. LEONARD. The Story of the Latter Day Saints.Salt Lake City : Deseret Book Company, 1976. Pp. xii, 722.GURGEL, Klaus D. "Travel Patterns of Canadian Visitors to the MormonCultural Hearth", Canadian Geographer, 20,4 (1976) 405-418.LutheranEVENSEN, George O. Adventuring for Christ : The Story of the EvangelicalLutheran Church of Canada, Calgary : Foothills Lutheran Press, 1974.Pp. xi, 301.MennoniteEPP, George K. ed. Harvest : Anthology of Mennonite Writing in Canada,Winnipeg, Man. : Centennial Committee of the Mennonite HistoricalSociety of Manitoba, 1974. Pp. 182.FRETZ, J. Winfield. "The Plain and Not-So-Plain Mennonites in WaterlooCounty, Ontario", The Mennonite Quarterly Review, 51,4 (1977) 377385.FUNK, John F. "A Visit to Manitoba in 1873 : The Russian Mennonite Movement", in : Canada: An Historical Magazine, 3,1 (Sept. 1975) 48-61.KAUFFMANN, J. Howard and Leland HARDER. Anabaptists Four CenturiesLater : A Profile of Five Mennonite and Brethren-in-ChristDenominations. Scottdale and Kitchener : Herald Press, 1975. Pp. 400.KAUFFMAN, J. Howard. "Boundary Maintenance and Cultural Assimilationof Contemporary Mennonites", The Mennonite Quarterly Review, 51,3(1977) 227-240.KLIPPENSTEIN, Lawrence. Manitoba Pageant, 21,1 (1975) 13-18.—. A Visit to Manitoba in 1873 : The Russian Mennonite Delegation",Canada, 3,1 (1975) 48-61.LOHRENZ, Gerhard. The Mennonites of Western Canada : Their Origin andBackground And The Brief Story of Their Settling and Progress Herein Canada. Steinbach, Man. : Derksen Printers, 1974. Pp. vii, 52.— 112 —

SMUCKER, Donovan E. (ed). The Sociology of Canadian Mennonites,Hutterites and Amish : A Bibliography with Annotations. Waterloo, Ont. :Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1977.SPRINGER, Nelson P. "Mennonite Quarterly Review Cumulative Index, Vols.41-50 (1967-1976)", Mennonite Quarterly Review, 50,4 (1976) 314334.TOEWS, J.A. A History of the Mennonite Brethren Church : Pilgrims andPioneers. Fresno, California : The Board of Christian Literature, GeneralConference Mennonite Brethren Churches. Pp. xvi, 483.TOEWS, Julius G. and Lawrence KLIPPENSTEIN. Manitoba Mennonite Memories : A Century Past but not Forgotten. Altona, Man. : ManitobaMennonite Centennial Committee, 1974. Pp. 354.MethodistBROOK, W.H. "The Primitive Methodists in the North-West", SaskatchewanHistory, 29,1 (1976) 26-37.—."The Uniqueness of Western Canadian Methodism 1840-1922", TheBulletin, UCCA, No. 26, 1977. Pp. 57-74.EMERY, George N. "The Origins of Canadian Methodist Involvement in theSocial Gospel Movement 1890-1914", The Bulletin, UCCA, No. 26,1977. Pp. 104-118.KEWLEY, Arthur E. "The First Fifty Years of Methodism in Newfoundland,1765-1815: Was it Authentic Wesleyanism ?" The Bulletin, UCCA,No. 26, 1977. Pp. 6-26.LOWER, A.R.M. "Two Ways of Life : The Primary Antithesis of CanadianHistory", in : W.H. Heick, ed., History and Myth : Arthur Lower andthe Making of Canadian Nationalism. Vancouver : University of British Columbia Press, 1975. Pp. 339.PHINNEY, William R. "The New York Conference and Canadian Methodism",The Bulletin, UCCA, No. 26, 1977. Pp. 27-41.PresbyterianSee :6A. Cape Breton-Mackinnon ;6B. Wakaw, Sask. ;8B. Geddie.MOIR, John S. Enduring Witness : A History of the Presbyterian Church inCanada. Don Mills, Ontario : Presbyterian Publications, 1975. Pp. xii,311.PARKER, Ethel. "The Origins and the Early History of the PresbyterianSettlement Houses". In : Richard ALLEN, ed. The Social Gospel inCanada. Ottawa : National Museums of Canada, 1975. Pp. 86-121.PENFIELD, Janet Harbison. "Women in the Presbyterian Church - An Historical Overview", Journal of Presbyterian History, 55,2 (1977) 107-124.QuakerSee :1.Nickerson ;— 113 —

See : 11B.Newlands.Rome, Churches in Communion with: - LatinSee :3.Denault.L'Esprit des Fondateurs et notre renouveau religieux (Vita ev angelica,Ottawa : Conférence Religieuse Canadienne, 1976. Pp. 403.FITZPATRICK, Helen. "Catholic Women Speak Out", in : Branching(July/Aug. 1975) 30-31.9).Out, 2,4LEVESQUH, Benoît. Sociologie génétique des Clercs de Saint-Viateur 17931859 : d'un projet primitivement utopique à une congrégation religieuse.Sherbrooke : (s.n.), 1975 ; Paris, École pratique des Hautes Études,1975, 2 vols.Rome, Churches in Communion with: - Ukrainian (Greek Catholic)GORESKY, Isidore, tr. "Minutes of the Founding of One of the First UkrainianGreek Catholic Churches in Alberta, March 1900", Canadian EthnicStudies/Études ethniques du Canada, 6, 1-2 (1974) 67-9.The Ukrainian Catholic Women's League of Canada:T o r o n t o : (s.n.), 1957? Pp. 8, illus.Its Origin andActivity.Salvation ArmyMOYLES, R.G. The Blood and Fire in Canada : A History of the SalvationArmy in the Dominion, 1882-1976. T o r o n t o : Peter Martin, 1977. Pp.290.SwedenborgBIRD, Michael. "The Swedenborgian Community in Waterloo County - TwoReligious Approaches to Culture", Waterloo Historical Society, 63(1975) 69-74.United ChurchCLIFFORD, N.K. "The Interpreters of the United Church of Canada", ChurchHistory, 46,2 (1977) 203-214.HEWITT, Molly. Sixty Years of CGIT, 1915-1975. Toronto : AnniversaryTask Force of the National CGIT Committee, ( 1 9 7 5 ? ) , Pp. 48.SCHWARZ, E.R. Clergy Education and the 1925 Church Union. Master's Thesis,University of Alberta, 1974. Pp. viii, 264.6.A.REGIONAL HISTORYDiocese,Congregation,Synod,AcadiaSee :1.Centre . . . ; Université ; Inventaire ;2.Lacerte ; Rieder ; Robichaux ;— 114 —Region

6B.8B.Casgrain.Leloutre.GRANT, Helen M. "The Deportation of Acadians", Nova Scotia HistoricalQuarterly, Special supplement, 1975. Pp. 101-117.GRIFFITHS, Naomi. "Acadians in Exile : the Experiences of the Acadians inthe British Seaports", Acadiensis, 4,1 (1974) 67-84.NEERING, Rosemary. Life in Acadia. Toronto : Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1975.Pp. 64, illus.AlbertaSee :5B. Rome - Ukrainian - Goresky.Algoma, Ont.WADLEY, W. "The Diocese of Algoma, 1873-1973", Journal of the CanadianChurch Historical Society, 15,3 (Sept. 1977) 68-70.British ColumbiaRODDAN, Sam. Batter My Heart. (Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of theUnited Church in British Columbia). Vancouver : United Church ofCanada, British Columbia Conference, 1975. Pp. 177, ill.Cape Breton, N.S.See :5B. Presbyterian - MacKinnon.MACKINNON, Archibald D. The History of the Presbyterian Church in CapeBreton. Antigonish : Formac, 1975. Pp. 193, illus.Cornerbrook, Nfld.HIGGINS, G.E. "St. Stephen's Parish Celebrates Centennial, 1874-1974", Diocesan Review (Corner Book), 11 (1974) 7-8.EdmontonSee :8B. Newton.Esterhazy, Sask.See :11C. Kovacs.Gaspé, Que.See :7."Les 50 ans . . . " ;8B. Bourdages ; Landry ;11D. Poirier;1 IE. Bernard.DESCHENES, Père E.B. "Les noms en Gaspésie", Revue d'Histoire de la Gaspésie, 13,1 (1975) 11-15; 13,2 (1975) 71-80.Grosse île, QuébecMARCIL, Claude. "Le cimetière des Irlandais - Le témoignage silencieux dedouze mille Irlandais ensevelis à Grosse Ile", Québec Science, 14,12(août, 1976) 22-24.— 115 —

Hull, Que.See :11C. Lapointe.BOULT, Jean-Claude. "Bibliographie de l'histoire de Hull : Inventaire préliminaire", Asticou, 9 (1972) 31-42.BOUTET, Edgar. "Les journaux de Hull : Des origines à 1955", Asticou,10-11 (1973) 45-70.CARRIÈRE, Gaston. "La vie religieuse à Hull (1870-1880)", Asticou, 14(1974) 20-26.—. "Document d'époque : la célébration de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste à Hull, en1875", Asticou 14 (1974) 27-29.L'île d'Orléans, Que.See :2. Roy.Joliette - LanaudièreSee :1.Fournier.Kingston, Ont.PRITCHARD, James S. "Bishop Joseph-Octave Plessis' Pastoral Visit to Kingston,1816", Historic Kingston, No. 25, 1976. Pp. 78-84.Kootenay, B.C.See :8B. Doul.LabradorSee :6A. Newfoundland - Neorg ;8B. Burry ;10.Wilso

St. John's : Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1975. Pp. 20. A Selected Bibliography of Sources of Newfoundland Society and Culture. St. John's : Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1974. Pp. 17,1. NICKERSON, R., comp. "List of Archives of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Canada, microfilmed by the Archives of Ontario, Ms 303",

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