8/14/2013Mastering MSOW Day-to-DayBasicsEric Haugen, CPCSAdam MillerMorrisey AssociatesThis session will cover the most needto know pointers on masteringMSOW’s everyday functions.1MSOW Home ScreenCustomerWeb siteReports22013 Morrisey Technology & EducationalConference1
8/14/2013Customer Web SiteWorkstation requirementsHow toTrainingTrack your help desktickets3ReportsBefore you drive yourselfcrazy creating a new report;see if there’s a standardthat will work for you.42013 Morrisey Technology & EducationalConference2
8/14/2013Search for Practitioners1. Last name2. Last, First3. Last, *4. *,first5. Social Security #6. i Search by IDnumber7. # Search by PractIDVitals ScreenExtended Search5Extended Search62013 Morrisey Technology & EducationalConference3
8/14/2013Move betweenpractitioners duringyour work day usingthe Next andPrevious buttonThe clearpractitioner listbutton will clearthe current historyof practitioners forthe currentMSOW session.7The Facility gridThe facilities grid canbe modified todisplay informationthat is most useful toyour organization.Here is an exampleof the Nextreappointment andCQ expiration beingadded to the facilitygrid.This view can bemodified thru theAdministrative toolssetup, configurables.82013 Morrisey Technology & EducationalConference4
8/14/2013User DefinedUser defined fieldallows you to trackorganizationspecific information.User defined canbe at thepractitioner level orthe facility level.9User Defined at the Facility LevelHere is an example of a user defined screen at the Practitioner facility level.You can add radial buttons, text boxes, combination drop down boxes andmore.102013 Morrisey Technology & EducationalConference5
8/14/2013Response LettersResponse letters giveyou the ability to quicklyand efficiently reply torequests for information11Response Letter Select ScreenResponse letter select screen allows you to setup your response letter utilizingyour Hospitals, Universities, or Managed Care payers tables. You can also additems not in a table or send a letter to a practitioner in you MSOW.122013 Morrisey Technology & EducationalConference6
8/14/2013Batch LabelsBatch labels gives you theability to do labels quicklyon the fly.Batch labels give you theability to use the criteria tabto select a population youwant to create labels for.At the bottom of the screenyou have the ability todefine what address youlabels will have on them andthe order in which they willprint.You also have the option topick the type of labels youuse.13Criteria TabThe criteria tab isa fantastic tool tohelp selectpopulations ofproviders in yourdatabase withsimilar attributes.You can selectcriteria from asmany or as fewareas as youneed.The other sectioneven lets youselect your userdefined fields.142013 Morrisey Technology & EducationalConference7
8/14/2013Practitioner ExportPractitioner Export is used to collect information from the MSOW for use in aMicrosoft Word or Excel format. This can then be used in a Word Mail Merge, orfor creation of lists.15Batch Print ImagesWhen you need to printor view a particulardocument that pertainsto a population of yourProviders the ViewPractitioner Imagesbutton comes in handy.Select View PractitionerImages from the Imagesdrop down.Use the Criteria tab toselect the Populationyour interested in.162013 Morrisey Technology & EducationalConference8
8/14/2013Batch Print Image (continued)This is where you select the document or documents you are interested in viewing forthe population you selected.17Time to Clean upTables are always inneed to cleaning.The three Mergefunctions can helpwith this dauntingtask.BE CAREFUL!!Once you Merge twoentries there is noundoing it.182013 Morrisey Technology & EducationalConference9
8/14/2013Thanks for AttendingQuestions?192013 Morrisey Technology & EducationalConference10
2013 Morrisey Technology & Educational Conference 7 Batch Labels Batch labels gives you the ability to do labels quickly on the fly. Batch labels give you the ability to use the criteria tab to select a population you want to create labels for. At the bottom of the screen you have the ability to define what address you labels will have on them and
3. Mastering Tips 3.1 what is mastering? 3.2 typical mastering tools and effects 3.3 what can (and should) be fixed/adjusted 3.4 mastering EQ tips 3.5 mastering compressor tips 3.6 multi-band compressor / dynamic EQ 3.7 brickwall limiter 3.8 no problem, the mastering engineer will fix that!
Credentialing office week-long review of MSOW prior to on-site training Credentialing office assigned PDCA initiative for evaluation Health Plan carved out time to s pecifically address Apogee conversion issues What we missed Anticipation of impact of MSO "work arounds" on conversion Crystal Reports, learning, design and .
Mastering Intellectual Property George W. Kuney, Donna C. Looper Mastering Labor Law Paul M. Secunda, Anne Marie Lofaso, Joseph E. Slater, Jeffrey M. Hirsch Mastering Legal Analysis and Communication David T. Ritchie Mastering Legal Analysis and Drafting George W. Kuney, Donna C. Looper Mastering Negotiable Instruments (UCC Articles 3 and 4)
Mastering Adjusting Entries 2007 Mastering Internal Controls & Fraud Prevention 2007 Mastering Inventory 2007 Mastering Correction of Accounting Errors 2007 Mastering Depreciation 2016 Mastering Payroll 2017 AH134 online F/S/SU Medical Disorders McDaniel, K
contemporary mastering techniques. The following section, "A Guide to Common Practices in Mastering," lays the groundwork for this studies' investigation of the audio mastering process. A Guide to Common Practices in Mastering To reiterate, mastering is the most misunderstood step in the recording process.
Mastering Workshop and guides you through the whole mastering process step-by-step in about one hour, using the free bundle of five mastering plug-ins that was specifically developed to accompany the book: the Noiz-Lab LE Mastering Bundle. This eBook contains the full text of the One Hour Mastering Workshop from the book,
mastering display -it is crucial to select the proper master display nit value. (i.e. Sony BVM X300 is 1000-nits). Dolby Vision supports multiple Mastering Monitors that the colorist can choose from. If the mastering is done on multiple systems, the mastering display for all systems for the deliverable must be set to the same mastering display.
Mata kuliah mengenai bencana sudah ada diberbagai program studi pendidikan tenaga kesehatan. Akan tetapi, belum ada pendidikan resmi atau pelatihan bersertifikat untuk pengelolaan bencana. Buku-buku dan artikel-artikel penelitian mengenai bencana belum banyak diterbitkan. Berpijak pada pengalaman ini sudah selayaknya ilmu manajemen dipergunakan untuk penanganan bencana di sektor kesehatan .