Essex County Resource GuideResource Guide Key: Food ResourcesHealthcare ResourcesHousing ResourcesLegal & Financial ResourcesResources for Families & ChildrenResources for SeniorsFood ResourcesOrganizationApostles’ HouseResourceHousing, Food, ClothingBloomfield Presbyterian Church Food, Clothingon the GreenBridges Outreach, Inc.Food, Clothing, Utilities AssistanceCatholic CharitiesReferrals, Housing, Food, MentalHealth, Addiction Services, JobServices, Immigration ServicesFoodEmergency Food and NutritionNetwork of Catholic CharitiesEssex County Department ofCitizen ServicesHousing, Transportation, Food,Disability Services, Health Services,Veteran ServicesEssex County Senior ServicesHousing, Food, Health Services,Transportation, Mental Health,Home RepairsHousing, Addiction Services, Food,Utilities AssistanceFood, Clothing, Addiction Services,Housing (men only)Food, ClothingGarden State EpiscopalCommunity Development, Inc.Goodwill Rescue MissionHoly Trinity Episcopal Churchand Christine’s Soup KitchenHuman Needs Food PantryInterfaith Food Pantry of theOrangesIrvington NeighborhoodImprovement CorporationFood, Clothing, Health ServicesFood, ClothingHousing, Food, Addiction Services,Utilities AssistanceContact Information24 Grant Street, Newark Broad Street, Bloomfield Morris Ave, Summit North 7th Street, Newark Evergreen Place, East Orange nutrition.php465 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ces/900 Bloomfield Avenue, Verona Summit Avenue, Jersey City University Avenue, Newark Main Street, West Orange Label Street in Montclair Main Street, Orange 16th Avenue, Irvington
Isaiah HouseJewish Family ServicesJoi’s AnglesMeeting Emergency Needswith Dignity (MEND)New Hope Baptist ChurchNorth Jersey CommunityResearch InitiativeHousing, Food, Addiction Services,ReferralsFood, Case Management, MentalHealth, Utilities AssistanceFood, Housing, Addiction Services,Clothing, Job ServicesFood, ReferralsFood, Clothing, Mental HealthOheb Shalom CongregationFor AIDS/HIV Impacted: Food,Health Services, Case Management,Referrals, TransportationFood, Clothing, Job Services,Mental HealthFoodPierre Toussaint Food PantryFoodSaint Mary’s Roman CatholicChurchSaint Matthew AME ChurchManna from HeavenSalvation ArmyFoodSt. James Social ServicesHousing, Food, Clothing, CaseManagement, Health Services, JobServicesFood, health ServicesNutley Family Service BureauSt. John’s Feed the HungrySt. Rocco’s Emergency FamilyShelterThe Rock Christian FellowshipToni’s Kitchen at St. LukeEpiscopal ChurchFoodHousing, Clothing, Food, UtilitiesAssistanceFood, Housing, Mental Health,ReferralsFood, Clothing, Addiction Services,Mental ood-improvementcorporation/238 North Munn Ave, East Orangewww.isaiahhouse.org570 W. Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Suite 106,Livingston S. Arlington Avenue, East Orange Evergreen Place, East Orange Sussex Avenue, Newark Central Ave, Newark; VariousLocations Chestnut Street, Nutley Scotland Road, South Orange Martin Luther King rre-toussaint-food-pantryst-marys-church/?mpfy-pin 43017 Monsignor Owens Place, Nutley Oakwood Ave, Orange Trinity Place, Montclair45 Central Avenue, Newark430 Main Street, East y/604 Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard,Newark Mulberry Street, Newark South 7th Street, Newark Ferry Street, Newark South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair
United Community CorporationFood, Clothing, Housing, CaseManagementOrganizationsBabyland Family Services, Inc.ResourceHousing, health Services, mentalHealthReferrals, Housing, Food, MentalHealth, Addiction Services, JobServices, Immigration ServicesHousing, Mental Health, utilitiesAssistance, Veterans ServicesFor Youth: Housing, Mental Health,Job ServicesHousing, Health Services, JobServices, Referrals, Life Skills,Senior ServicesHousing, Mental Health, HealthServices31 Fulton Street, Newark ResourcesCatholic CharitiesCommunity HopeCovenant HouseEast Family Success CenterEast Orange Family SuccessCenterEssex County Department ofHealth and RehabilitationHealth Services, Mental HealthFamily ConnectionsHousing, Mental Health, DomesticViolence ServicesUtilities Assistance, Job Services,Health ServicesClothing, Health ServicesFOCUS Hispanic Center forCommunity DevelopmentHuman Needs Food PantryIronbound CommunityCorporationIsaiah HouseJewish Family ServicesLa Casa De Don PedroMental Health Association ofEssex CountyNew Community CorporationNew Hope Baptist ChurchHousing, Referrals, Health Services,Job Services, Life Skills, SeniorServicesHousing, Food, Addiction Services,ReferralsCase Management, Mental health,Utilities Assistance, FoodHousing, Job Services, HealthServices, Utilities AssistanceAddiction Services, Housing, JobServices, Legal Services, CaseManagementReferrals, Job Services, MentalHealth, HousingMental Health, Food, ClothingContact Information755 South Orange Avenue, Newark North 7th Street, Newark Locations Washington Street, Newark Cortland Street Newark, NJ 07105973-344-594960 Evergreen Place, 3rd Floor, Suite 307,East Orange Grove Avenue, Cedar -and-rehabilitation/7 Glenwood Avenue East Orange Board Street, Newark Label Street in Montclair Lafayette Street, Newark North Munn Ave, East Orange W. Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Suite 106,Livingston Clinton Avenue; Various Locations South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair973-509-9777233 West Market Street, Newark Sussex Avenue, Newark
Newark Emergency Services forFamiliesHousing, Health Services, JobTrainingNJ Citizen ActionHousing, health Services,WeatherizationFor AIDS/HIV impacted: food,health services, case management,transportation, referralsHealth Services, Referrals, Housing,Job ServicesFood, Clothing, Job Services,Mental HealthHousing, Case Management,Transportation, Addiction Services,Mental Health, Job Services,ReferralsFor Women: Housing, MentalHealthFor AIDS/HIV Impacted: housing,case management, Mental Health,Addiction ServicesHousing, Food, Clothing, CaseManagement, Health Services, JobServicesFood, Health ServicesNorth Jersey CommunityResearch InitiativeNorth Ward CenterNutley Family Service BureauProject Live, Inc.Sierra HouseSt. Bridget’s ResidenceSt. James Social ServicesSt. John’s Feed the HungrySt. Rocco’s Emergency FamilyShelterThe Rock Christian FellowshipTri-City Peoples CorporationHeadquartersUnited Way Essex CountyUrban Renewal CorporationVA Medical CenterWest Family Success CenterHousing, Food, Mental Health,ReferralsFood, Clothing, Addiction Services,Mental HealthHousing, Case Management,Transportation, Mental HealthHealth Services, ReferralsHousing, Legal Services, CaseManagement, Health Services, JobServices, Addiction ServicesFor Veterans: Health Services,Mental HealthHousing, Referrals, Health Services,Job Services, Life Skills, ia Human Services Plaza, 982Broad Street, Newark Broad Street, Suite 2080, Newark Central Ave, Newark; VariousLocations Mount Prospect Avenue, Newark Chestnut Street, Nutley Broadway, Newark South Maple Avenue, East Orange University Avenue, Newark bridget residence.php604 Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard,Newark Mulberry Street, Newark South 7th Street, Newark rocco.php483 Ferry Street, Newark Washington Street, East Orange Washington St. Newark South Hackensack Avenue, Kearny Tremont Avenue East tions.asp317 Elm Street, Newark
Housing ResourcesOrganizationAffordable Housing AllianceResourceHousingApostles’ HouseHousing, Food, ClothingBabyland Family Services, Inc.Housing, Health Services, MentalHealthReferrals, Housing, Food, MentalHealth, Addiction Services, JobServices, Immigration ServicesHousingCatholic CharitiesCircle of Life ShelterCommunity HopeEast Orange Family SuccessCenterHousing, Mental Health, UtilitiesAssistance, Veterans ServicesFor Youth: Housing, Mental Health,Job ServicesHousing, Referrals, Health Services,Job Services, Life Skills, SeniorServicesHousing, mental Health, HealthServicesEssex Community Land TrustHousingEssex County Department ofCitizen ServicesHousing, Transportation, Food,Disability Services, Health Services,Veteran ServicesHousingCovenant HouseEast Family Success CenterEssex County Division ofHousing and CommunityDevelopmentEssex County Senior ServicesHousing, Food, Health Services,Transportation, Mental Health,Home RepairsFamily ConnectionsHousing, Mental Health, DomesticViolence ServicesGarden State Episcopal CDC,Housing, Addiction Services, Food,Inc.Utilities AssistanceGoodwill Rescue MissionFood, Clothing, Referrals, AddictionServices, Housing (men only)Habitat for Humanity Newark & Housing, Home RepairsGreater ElizabethHANDS, Inc.HousingHomeCorpHousingContact InformationVarious Locations Grant Street, Newark South Orange Avenue, Newark North 7th Street, Newark Tillinghast Street, Newark 862 7634859Various Locations Washington Street, Newark Cortland Street, Newark Evergreen Place, 3rd Floor, Suite 307,East Orange South Fullerton Avenue, Suite 202,Montclair /20 Crestmont Road, ng-employment/900 Bloomfield Avenue, Verona Glenwood Avenue East Orange Summit Avenue, Jersey City University Avenue, Newark Locations South Essex Avenue, Orange Woodland Avenue Montclair
Interfaith Hospitality Networkof Essex CountyIronbound CommunityCorporationHousing (Families Only)Irvington NeighborhoodImprovement CorporationHousing, Referrals, Health Services,Job Services, Life Skills, SeniorServicesHousing, Food, Addiction Services,Utilities ServicesIsaiah HouseHousing, Food, Addiction, ReferralsJewish Community HousingCorporationJoi’s AngelsHousingNewark Emergency Services forFamiliesHousing, Food, Addiction Services,Clothing, Job ServicesHousing, Job Services, HealthServices, Utilities AssistanceHousing, Referrals, Job Services,Mental HealthHousing, Health Services, JobTrainingNewark YMCAHousing, ReferralsNewly Destined, Inc.HousingNJ Citizen ActionHousing, Health Services,WeatherizationHealth Services, Referrals, Housing,Job ServicesHousing, Case Management,Transportation, Addiction Services,Mental Health, Job Services,ReferralsHousing, Health Services, CaseManagement, Mental Health,Addiction ServicesHousing, Clothes, Food, UtilitiesAssistanceLa Casa De Don PedroNew Community CorporationNorth Ward CenterProject Live, Inc.Projects for Assistance inTransition from Homelessness(PATH)Salvation ArmySierra HouseFor Women: Housing, MentalHealth105 Main Street, Orange Lafayette Street, Newark 16th Avenue, od-improvementcorporation/238 North Munn Ave, East Orange Northfield Avenue, West Orange S. Arlington Avenue, East Orange Clinton Avenue; Various Locations West Market Street, Newark Human Services Plaza, 982Broad Street, Newark Broad Street, Newark Broad Street, Newark 973-2428088744 Broad Street, Suite 2080, Newark Mount Prospect Avenue, Newark Broadway, Newark Locations Trinity Place, Montclair45 Central Avenue, Newark430 Main Street, East /11 South Maple Avenue, East Orange
St. Bridget’s ResidenceSt. James Social ServicesSt. Rocco’s Emergency FamilyShelterSupportive Housing AssociationTri-City Peoples CorporationHeadquartersUnified Vailsburg ServicesOrganizationUnited Community CorporationUrban League of Essex CountyUrban Renewal CorporationWest Family Success CenterFor AIDS/HIV impacted: Housing,Case Management, Mental Health,Addiction ServicesHousing, Food, Clothing, CaseManagement, Health Services, JobServicesHousing, Food, Mental Health,ReferralsHousingHousing, Case Management,Transportation, Mental HealthHousingHousing, Food, Clothing, CaseManagementHousing, Job ServicesHousing, Legal Services, Casemanagement, Health Services, JobServices, Addiction ServicesHousing, Referrals, Health Services,Job Services, Life Skills, SeniorServices404 University Avenue, Newark bridget residence.php604 Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard,Newark South 7th Street, Newark rocco.php908-931-1131 Washington Street, East Orange Richelieu Terrace, Newark Fulton Street, Newark Central Avenue, Newark South Hackensack Avenue, Kearny Elm Street, Newark and Financial ServicesOrganizationCommunity Health Law ProjectResourceLegal ServicesLegal Services of NJLegal ServicesUrban Renewal CorporationHousing, Legal Services, CaseManagement, Health Services, JobServices, Addiction ServicesLegal ServicesVolunteer Lawyers for JusticeContact Information650 Bloomfield Avenue, Suite 210,Bloomfield Commerce Street, 2nd Floor, Newark South Hackensack Avenue, Kearny 973 645-1955 for Families &ChildrenOrganizationBabyland Family Services, Inc.ResourceHousing, Health Services, MentalHealthContact Information755 South Orange Avenue, Newark
Community HopeCovenant HouseEast Family Success CenterEast Orange Family SuccessCenterHousing, Mental Health, UtilitiesAssistance, Veteran ServicesFor Youth- Housing, MentalHealth, Job ServicesHousing, Referrals, HealthServices, Job Services, Life Skills,Senior ServicesHousing, Mental Health, HealthServicesEmergency Food & NutritionNetwork of Catholic CharitiesFoodFamily ConnectionsHousing, Mental Health, DomesticViolence ServicesUtilities Assistance, Job Services,Health ServicesHousing, Addiction Services, Food,Utilities AssistanceHousing (Families Only)FOCUS Hispanic Center forCommunity DevelopmentGarden State EpiscopalCommunity Development, Inc.Interfaith Hospitality Networkof Essex CountyIronbound CommunityCorporationJewish Family ServicesLa Casa De Don PedroMeeting Emergency Needswith Dignity (MEND)New Community CorporationNewark Emergency Services forFamiliesNewark YMCANutley Family Service BureauProject Live, Inc.Sierra HouseVarious Locations Washington Street, Newark Cortland Street Newark Evergreen Place, 3rd Floor, Suite 307,East Orange Evergreen Place, East Orange nutrition.php7 Glenwood Avenue East Orange Board Street, Newark Summit Avenue, Jersey City Park Street Montclair Lafayette Street, Newark, Referrals, HealthServices, Job Services, Life Skills,Senior ServicesCase Management, Mental Health, 570 W. Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Suite 106,Utilities Services, , Job Services, Health76 Clinton Avenue; Various LocationsServices, Utilities Services, Referrals37 Evergreen Place, East Orange, Referrals, Job Services,233 West Market Street, NewarkMental Health, Health Services, JobVictoria Human Services Plaza, 982 BroadTrainingStreet, Newark, Referrals, Children’s600 Broad Street, NewarkPrograms, Clothing, Job Services,155 Chestnut Street, NutleyMental Health, Case Management,465-475 Broadway, NewarkTransportation, Addiction, Mental Health, JobServices, ReferralsFor Women- Housing, Mental11 South Maple Avenue, East OrangeHealth
St. James Social ServicesUnited Way Essex CountyHousing, Food, Clothes, CaseManagement, Health Services, JobServicesHousing, Food, Mental Health,ReferralsHousing, Food, Clothes, CaseManagementReferrals, Health ServicesUrban League of Essex CountyHousing, Job ServicesUrban Renewal CorporationHousing, Legal Services, CaseManagement, Health Services, JobServices, Addiction ServicesHousing, Referrals, HealthServices, Job Services, Life Skills,Senior ServicesSt. Rocco’s Emergency FamilyShelterUnited Community CorporationWest Family Success Center604 Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard,Newark South 7th Street, Newark rocco.php31 Fulton Street, Newark Washington St. Newark Central Avenue, Newark South Hackensack Avenue, Kearny Elm Street, Newark for SeniorsOrganizationCommunity HopeEssex County Department ofCitizen ServicesIronbound CommunityCorporationMental Health Association ofEssex & Morris CountiesNewark Senior ServicesVA Medical CenterResourceHousing, Mental Health, UtilitiesServices, Veteran ServicesHousing, Transportation, Food,Disability Services, HealthServices, Veteran ServicesHousing, Referrals, HealthServices, Job Services, Life Skills,Senior ServicesAddiction Services, Housing, JobServices, Legal Services, CaseManagementTransportation, Senior DayPrograms, Social ServiceAssistance, Health ServicesFor Veterans- Health Services,Mental HealthContact InformationVarious Locations /432 Lafayette Street, Newark South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair William Street, 1st Floor, ervices385 Tremont Avenue East tions.asp
Essex County Resource Guide Resource Guide Key: Food Resources Healthcare Resources Housing Resources Legal & Financial Resources Resources for Families & Children Resources for Seniors Food Resources Organization Resource Contact Information Apostles’ House Housing
Town of Essex 2020 Property Tax Rates by Ward and Property Class Ward and Property Class Town of Essex - Base Municipal Tax Rate Town of Essex - Urban or Rural Tax Rate Town of Essex - Garbage Collection and Disposal Tax Rate Essex Centre Business Improvement Area Tax Rate Total Town of Essex Municipal Tax Rate County and Library Board Tax Rate .
OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF ESSEX COUNTY . HALL OF RECORDS - ROOM 247 . 465 DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. BLVD. NEWARK, NJ 07102 . Dear Essex County Resident: As the Essex County Clerk, I am pleased to provide this handy guide of County and Municipal services.
(609) 894-8288 BurLink B1 NJT Bus # 317 Burlington County Health Department 18 Pioneer Blvd Westampton, NJ 08060 (609) 265-3752 BurLink B1 NJT Bus # 413 . Essex County - Cody Arena 560 Northfield Ave West Orange, NJ 07052 (973) 877-8456 NJT Bus # 73 Community Coach Bus # 77 Essex County - Essex County College 303 University Ave
3. To amend Schedule 5 in The Essex County Council (Epping Forest District) (Prohibition of Waiting, Loading and Stopping) and (On-Street Parking Places) (Civil Enforcement Area) Consolidation Order 2019 to append the items set out in Schedule 2 of this notice. This Order will be incorporated into The Essex County C
SP version 27th April 2009 E0521/00010/57215975 v.1 CF/SYA/07 May 2009 1 INTER AUTHORITY AGREEMENT A DEED DATE 2009 PARTIES (1) ESSEX COUNTY COUNCIL of PO Box 11, County Hall, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 1LX (the
2013 Annual Report of Essex County Prosecutor's Office Executive Staff Left to right, first row: Acting Essex County Prosecutor Carolyn A. Murray, New Jersey Attorney General Jeffery S. Chiesa, First Assistant Prosecutor Robert D. Laurino. Second row: Chief Assistant Prosecutor Keith Harvest, Public Information Officer
Chatham County Chattahoochee County Chattooga County Cherokee County Clarke County Clay County Clayton County Cobb County Coffee County Colquitt County Columbia County Cook County Coweta County Crisp County 320 6 2 1 2 4 1 10 12 6 4 43 1 1 3 2 4 11 4 1 5 6 6 5 60 1 1 7 22 1 58 51 7 3 8 4 6 5 19.80% .37% .12% .06% .12% .25% .06% .62% .74% .37% .
Andreas Wagner Head of Building Science Group Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Department of Architecture. Background Occupant behaviour has a strong influence on building energy performance Reasons for occupants’ interventions: dissatisfaction with building automation interfaces are not designed/equipped for intended purpose designers / building managers do not fully consider –or .