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Approval of the thesis:SCHEDULE DELAY ANALYSIS IN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS:A CASE STUDY USING TIME IMPACT ANALYSIS METHODSubmitted by SONGÜL DAYI in partial fulfillment of the requirements for thedegree of Master of Science in Building Science in Architecture Department,Middle East Technical University by,Prof. Dr. Canan ÖzgenDean, Graduate School of Natural and Applied SciencesAssoc. Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SargınHead of Department, ArchitectureAssoc. Prof. Dr. Soofia Tahira Elias OzkanSupervisor, Architecture Dept., METUExamining Committee Members:Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe TavukçuoğluArchitecture Dept., METUAssoc. Prof. Dr. Soofia Tahira Elias OzkanArchitecture Dept., METUAsst. Prof. Dr. Ali Murat TanyerArchitecture Dept., METUAsst. Prof. Dr. Neşe DikmenArchitecture Dept., SDÜInstr. Dr. Ayşem Berrin ÇakmaklıArchitecture Dept., METUDate:December, 16th 2010

I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained andpresented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I alsodeclare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited andreferenced all material and results that are not original to this work.Name, Last Name: Songül DayıSignature:iii

ABSTRACTSCHEDULE DELAY ANALYSIS IN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS:A CASE STUDY USING TIME IMPACT ANALYSIS METHODDayı, SongülM.Sc., in Building Science, Department of ArchitectureSupervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Soofia Tahira Elias OzkanDecember 2010, 91 pagesInadequate or weak preparatory work before starting construction of any structuremay cause serious problems during the construction period. For example, projectswithout sufficient detailed drawings or construction schedules and a disorganizedbuilding site can create many problems in the management and completion of theconstruction works. Consequently, the cost of construction increases digressively,the construction duration of the project extends and the quality of construction isaffected adversely.This study dwells on the importance of construction schedules in achieving theaim of producing good quality construction work within the specified duration.Monitoring continuously the interactive relation concerning delays in constructionschedules and contractor demands is a complicated process. Here the simplest andbasic approach is that, both for owner and contractor, time is money and for thisreason construction schedule delays should be analyzed and corrective measuresshould be taken in a timely manner. The main purpose of this study is toinvestigate the causes of construction schedule delays and the methods ofschedule delay analyses. In this context completion construction works of aiv

covered swimming pool building in Ankara was selected as a case study foranalyzing project scheduling and the delays therein. The “Time Impact AnalysisMethod” (TIA) was applied to the case study project using PRIMAVERA software in order to determine the construction schedule delays; to measure theimpacts of these delays on the project completion duration; and to allocateresponsibility amongst the project participants for preventing delay claims.After the application of the delay analysis it was observed that the delays in thecritical activities extended the project duration by 57 days in total i.e. by 15.4 %of the estimated construction period. Fines should have been paid by thecontractor because of 31-days non-excusable delays. Also, the contractor shouldhave been given a time extension of 26-days due to 22-days excusablecompensable delays and 4-days excusable non-compensable delays which werebeyond the control of the contractor. These delays were caused due toorganizational deficiencies of the owner, the bureaucracy of the provincialmunicipality, the lack of detail drawings during the municipality application, thelack of experience of the contractor, problems in material procurement,unforeseeable weather conditions and shortages of qualified employees of thesubcontractors. It was observed that of these all except one correspond to theimportant causes of delays as reported in literature concerning public projects inTurkey.Keywords: Construction Management, Construction Delays, Schedule Analysis,Project Scheduling, Time Impact Analysis Method.v

ÖZİNŞAAT PROJELERİNDE İŞ PROGRAMI GECİKME ANALİZİ:ZAMAN ETKİSİ ANALİZ METODUNU KULLANARAK ÖRNEK BİRÇALIŞMADayı, SongülYüksek Lisans, Yapı Bilimleri, Mimarlık BölümüTez Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. Soofia Tahira Elias ÖzkanAralık 2010, 91 sayfaBir yapının inşaatına başlamadan önce bazı ön çalışmaların yetersiz veya eksikyapılması, inşaat aşamasında önemli sorunların doğmasına neden olabilmektedir.Örneğin, proje detaylarının eksik hazırlanması, şantiye organizasyonunun düzgünyapılmaması veya inşaat iş programının detaylı ve düzgün hazırlanmaması inşaatsırasında çeşitli sorunları gündeme getirmektedir. Sonuçta inşaatın maliyetigereksiz bir şekilde artmakta, işin gerçekleşme süresi uzamakta ve yapının kalitesiolumsuz yönde etkilenmektedir.Bu çalışma, inşaat iş programlarının kaliteli bir yapının belirlenen süre içerisindeimalatının yapılabilmesindeki önemi üzerinde durmaktadır. İş programlarındakigecikmelere ilişkin etkileşimin ve yüklenici taleplerinin sürekli takip edilmesioldukça karmaşık bir süreçtir. Burada en basit ve en temel yaklaşım, hem işverenhem de yüklenici açısından zamanın para demek olduğunu unutmamak; bunedenle, gecikmelerin derhal analiz edilip gerekli önlemlerin zamanındaalınabilmesini sağlamaktır. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, inşaat sürecinde yaşananiş programındaki gecikmeleri, nedenlerini ve bunları analiz etme yöntemleriniaraştırmaktır. Bu kapsamda Ankara‟da bulunan bir kapalı yüzme havuzu binasınınikmal inşaatı, proje programını ve üzerindeki gecikmeleri analiz etme açısındanvi

z”yöntemi(TIA)PRIMAVERA bilgisayar programı kullanılarak örnek proje üzerinde uygulandı.İnşaat iş programı gecikmelerini araştırıp ortaya çıkarmak, bu gecikmelerin projebitiş süresi üzerindeki etkilerini ölçmek aynı zamanda proje katılımcıları arasındagecikmelerin sorumluluğunu paylaştırmak elde edilmek istenen amaçlardır.Metodun uygulanması sonrasında kritik aktivitelerin üzerinde oluşan gecikmelerinproje süresini toplamda 57 gün diğer bir deyişle 15,4 % oranında uzattığı izlendi.31 günlük mazur görülemez gecikme karşılığında yükleniciye para cezasıuygulanması gerektiği belirlendi. Ayrıca 22 günlük mazur görülebilir tazminedilebilir gecikme ve 4 günlük mazur görülebilir ama tazmin edilemezgecikmelerin toplamı olarak 26 gün yükleniciye süre uzatımı verilmesi gerektiğibelirlendi. Bütün bu gecikmelerin sebepleri, işverenin yer teslimi sırasındakiorganizasyon eksiklikleri, yerel belediyeden kaynaklanan bürokratik sıkıntılar,belediyeye başvuru sırasında detay çizimlerinin eksik olması, ksiklikleri,malzemetedarikindekiproblemler, tahmin edilemeyen hava koşullarının oluşması ve taşeron firmalardakikalifiye eleman eksikliği olarak belirlendi. Bu gecikme sebeplerinden tahminedilemeyen hava koşulları hariç hepsinin Türkiye inşaat sektöründeki kamuprojelerinde oluşan önemli gecikme sebepleri ile çakıştığı gözlemlendi.Anahtar Kelimeler: İnşaat Yönetimi, İnşaat Gecikmeleri, İş Programı Analizi,Proje Programlaması, Zaman Etkisi Analizi Metodu.vii

To my late father,and to my husband,and our dearest son;with loveviii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSI would especially like to thank my supervisor Assoc. Prof. Soofia Tahira EliasOzkan, for her guidance, criticism, unforgettable helpfulness, encouragement andvaluable insight during the entire study. It has been a great pleasure and honor towork with her.I would also like to thank the examining committee members, for their invaluableideas.Thanks to my friends Gülşen Dişli and Elvan Odabaşı for their continual supportduring this study. I am also deeply thankful to all my friends for their motivation,interest and love.I would like to thank my most-beloved parents, Müşerref and Mehmet Ali Bal,and my sisters Vahide Bal and Birgül Yıldız for their endless support, greatsacrifices, never-ending love and encouragement not only during my thesis study,but also throughout my life.I gratefully thank my husband and my best friend, Ahmet Dayı, for his endlesssupport, immeasurable assistance, patience and love.Finally, special thanks are for my one year old son, Adnan Yusuf, for lettingmommy work on her thesis.ix

TABLE OF CONTENTSABSTRACT .ivÖZ .viACKNOWLEDGMENTS .ixLIST OF TABLES . xiiLIST OF FIGURES . . xiiiLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS . . xivCHAPTER1. INTRODUCTION . 11.1. Argument . . .11.2. Objectives . . .31.3. Procedure . . .31.4. Disposition . . . .42. LITERATURE SURVEY . . .62.1. Construction Project Planning . . . .62.2. Project Scheduling . . . .82.3. The Objectives of Project Scheduling . . .92.4. Construction Schedule Delays. . . .102.4.1. Causes of Construction Delays . .112.4.2. Types of Construction Delays . . . versus Noncritical Delays . versus Non-excusable Delays . . versus Non-compensable Delays . Delays . . . .242.4.3. Schedule Delay Analysis . . to Quantify Delay Impacts . . 27a) Bar Charts . .27b) Critical Path Method . . . .28x Delay Analysis Techniques . . .29a) As-planned versus as-built method . . .32b) Impacted as-planned method . . .33c) Collapsed as-built method . .33d) Window analysis method . .34e) Time impact analysis method . . .382.4.4. Other Techniques of Schedule Delay Analysis .392.4.5. Main Principles for Analyzing Schedule Delays.402.4.6. Float and Criticality in Project Schedules 452.4.7. Selection of Delay Analysis Methodology .463. MATERIAL AND METHODOLOGY . 483.1. Material . . .483.2. Methodology. . . .503.2.1. Collection of Information and Data . .513.2.2. Determination of Causes, Types and Liability of Delays . 513.2.3. Conducting the Schedule Delay Analysis with TIA . .544. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION . . .564.1. Determination of Delays .564.2. Allocation of Liability to Parties and Determining Types of Delays.594.3. Schedule Delay Analysis with TIA . . .614.4. Concluding Remarks . .635. CONCLUSION . . 65REFERENCES.68APPENDICESA. LIST OF CAUSES OF DELAY FROM LITERATURE . .72B. PRIMAVERA SCHEDULES .79xi

LIST OF TABLESTABLESTable 2.1Ten most significant causes of delays in the UAE constructionIndustryTable 2.2 Summary of previous studies on causes of delayTable 2.3 Divergent and inconsistent perspectives on concurrent delaysTable 2.4Names of existing delay analysis methodologies (DAMs)Table 2.5As-Planned ScheduleTable 2.6As-Built ScheduleTable 2.710 Day Extended Duration of Activity ATable 2.85 Day Late Start of Activity BTable 2.910 Day Delay Due to Interruptions to Activity CTable 2.10 No Delay to Activity DTable 2.11 As-Planned vs As-Built ScheduleTable 2.12 Summary of DelaysTable 4.1Summary of Delay IdentificationTable 4.2Summary of Allocation of Liability to Parties and Delay TypesTable 4.3Matrix of Construction Delays According to the CompensabilityTable 4.4Results of Primavera Software ApplicationTable 4.5Allocation of Project Delays to PartiesTable 4.6Summary of Project Delays According to Compensabilityxii

LIST OF FIGURESFIGURESFigure 2.1 Delay CategoriesFigure 2.2 Delay ClassificationFigure 2.3 Project Delays ClassificationFigure 2.4 Concurrent Delay RepresentationFigure 2.5 Mapping of Forensic Schedule Analysis TechniquesFigure 2.6 Chronological AnalysisFigure 2.7 Diagram of As-Planned versus As-Built MethodFigure 2.8 Summary of Windows Schedule Analysis ResultsFigure 3.1 Working Diagram of the Case Study ProjectFigure 3.2 Critical Path Method of the Case Study Projectxiii

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONSABBREVIATIONSCCDContractor Caused DelaysCDConcurrent DelaysCDCAComputerized Delay Claims AnalysisCPMCritical Path MethodCRContractor RelatedDADelay AnalysisDAMDelay Analysis MethodologiesDAMUDSDelay Analysis Method Using Delay SectionEDExcusable DelaysECDExcusable Compensable DelaysENCDExcusable Non-compensable DelaysEFExternal FactorFLORAFloat, Logic, and Resource AllocationIAPImpacted As-plannedIACImpacted Activity CodeIDTIsolated Delay TypeNCDNon-concurrent DelaysNEDNon-excusable DelaysOCDOwner Caused DelaysOROwner RelatedRIIRelative Importance IndexTIATime Impact AnalysisTPCDThird Party Caused DelaysUAEUnited Arab Emiratesxiv

are presented the literature survey with the following headings.CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONIn this chapter the argument for and the objectives of the study are presented,together with a brief overview of its procedure. The chapter is concluded with thedisposition of the various chapters within the thesis.1.1 ArgumentPlanning and control of resources within the framework of a project is the maintarget of construction management. Construction management procedures guidemanagers about how the resources can be best used during construction processand aims for the timely and efficient application of the resources in constructionprojects. Many issues should be carefully thought in order to conduct a projectsuccessfully (Halpin, Woodhead, 1998). Construction site activities are only thesecond part of the whole construction process. The first part is comprised of allkinds of office work. The planning, designing, estimating, negotiating,purchasing, scheduling, controlling, accounting, etc. should be done carefully inthe office before the work starts on the site to accomplish the objective of aquality project within budget and on schedule.Construction delays are widespread in most projects around the world. Somedelays may happen in the preconstruction phase which is defined as the periodbeginning from the initial conception of the project to the signing of the contract1

between the owner and the contractor; however some of them may happen in theconstruction phase that is the period when actual construction is under way.Project schedules are consistently dynamic and uncertain. Several controllable anduncontrollable factors can adversely affect the project schedule and cause delays.These delays definitely create negative impacts on project performance. Scheduledelay in the completion of a construction project may be a major difficulty forcontractors leading to costly disputes and adverse relationships between projectparticipants. The challenge is to measure the net impact of construction delaysaccurately. Otherwise, there may appear delay claims between all parties involvedin the construction process. The method of schedule delay analysis techniqueshould be acceptable to all participants through the project.There are many studies on construction schedule delays and several techniquesare proposed for analyzing schedule delays. Schedule delay analysis is used inorder to identify delays and to measure the net impacts of delays on a project.Basic tools which are used in the schedule analysis are known as bar chartschedules and critical path method (CPM) schedules. As stated before, manyarticles have presented common schedule analysis techniques and some of themalso have proposed new methodologies to the construction industry. However,there is no single method used for all kind of delay claims that is applicable in allkind of projects since each of the technique has its own advantages anddisadvantages. Common methodologies covered in the literature are; As-plannedversus as-built, Impacted as-planned, Collapsed as-built, Window analysis, andTime impact analysis. These methods were studied and one of them was appliedto the case study project.Delays in the completion of construction projects are often unavoidable. Theproject schedule which is planned at the beginning of the project is prone to beingchanged for many times and unfortunately causes delays. As a result, scheduledelays may be a major problem for contractors as well as the owners, resulting incostly disputes, controversial issues and adverse relationships between all the2

project participants. Therefore, the identification, quantification and analysis ofdelays become essential. Contractors are prone to see most of the delays in theresponsibility of the owner, while owners usually want to put the blame on thecontractor or third parties. Consequently, it is necessary to analyze scheduledelays and research the most significant causes of delay in construction projects toavoid or minimize their adverse impacts on the project and project participants.1.2 ObjectivesThe main objective of this research was to apply the most appropriate scheduledelay analysis technique to the case study project in order to analyze the netimpacts of construction delays on project completion duration and to allocateresponsibility amongst the project participants for such delays. The otherobjectives of the study were:To study and understand project scheduling,To determine the major types of construction delays,To determine general causes of construction delays through a literaturesurvey,To study the common schedule delay analysis techniques,To measure the impacts of construction delays on an as-planned projectschedule and discuss the results.1.3 ProcedureThe study was designed to apply the most appropriate schedule delay analysistechnique on the case study project. At first a literature survey was carried out onpertinent topics based on theses, books in libraries, scientific papers, articles and3

web sources. This literature survey was carried out on construction scheduledelays, causes of schedule delays, their types, and schedule delay analysistechniques and was used to understand the difference between the concepts ofproject planning and project scheduling, and also to determine the objectives ofproject scheduling.The Time Impact Analysis method (TIA) was selected for analyzing constructionschedule delays on completion construction works of a covered swimming poolbuilding complex in Ankara since the method could be used both in forward andretrospective analysis applications by adding impacts into the as-plannedschedules. The necessary data and documents were obtained from the relatedconstruction and consulting companies.1.4 DispositionThe study is presented in five chapters, of which this introduction is the first. Inthe first chapter, the argument, objectives and methodology of the study areintroduced. It includes also disposition of the chapters and their contents.In the second chapter, a brief literature survey is given on construction projectplanning and project scheduling. Thereafter, information on construction scheduledelays, causes and types of construction delays, as well methods of schedule delayanalysis are presented.In the third chapter, the case study project which is completion construction worksof a covered swimming

Table 2.4 Names of existing delay analysis methodologies (DAMs) Table 2.5 As-Planned Schedule Table 2.6 As-Built Schedule Table 2.7 10 Day Extended Duration of Activity A Table 2.8 5 Day Late Start of Activity B Table 2.9 10 Day Delay Due to Interruptions to Activity C Table 2.10 No Delay to Activity D

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