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4INPUT DATA DESCRIPTIONThe input to STARSTRUC is divided into five parts: Control definition. Geometry definition. Model definition. Load definition. Graphics definition.The language used to construct the model is oriented toward the finite element analysis method.It was designed to be flexible and simple.The control definition is a group of records specifying information about the analysis. This mayinclude the title, name of the engineer, how many cycles STARSTRUC is to perform, the runtype (data check, or execution run), and other pertinent run specifications.The geometry definition contains the records that specify or generate the nodes and elements.The model definition is a group of records that completes the description of the structural model.The load definition is a group of records specifying the load conditions on the structure. It alsomay contain instructions to STARSTRUC as to how the data should be generated.This chapter explains the syntax and conventions used to model a structure. A summarydescription of the commands is next, followed by a discussion on how the data should beorganized in a model. The organization of the data is based on what type of run is beingperformed. The last part of Chapter 4 is reference information on each command.

4.1RECORD DESCRIPTIONEach record, or line, in the input is in the following format:COMMAND separator FIELD1 separator FIELD2 .Commands, separators, and fields are described below. This section also explains how to placecomments in records. No more than one command is permitted on a line.4.1.1CommandsCommands are English-like reserved words that supply some data to STARSTRUC and/orinstruct it to perform some calculations on the data already supplied.Examples:TITLEOPTIMUMLOADAll command names require at least the first four characters. An error will occur if a commandis misspelled. The portion of the command required by STARSTRUC is underlined in theexamples.4.1.2SeparatorsSeparators differentiate a command name from a field; or two fields from one another.separator may be one or more blanks, or a comma.Examples:PRESSURE , 1, 7, 2, 200.PRES 1 7 2 200.PRES 1, 7, 2, 200.These three records are equivalent.A

4.1.3FieldsFields can either be numeric or alphanumeric. Alphanumeric fields are allowed only in TITLE,NAME and PROFILE commands. Numeric fields may either be integer or real values. Integer values are numbers which do not contain decimal points.Example: 10 -85 2164 Real values are numbers that contain decimal points and/or an exponential number.Example: 75.28 -.018 30.E6 2.83E-1The following rules apply to the fields:1. If a sign is omitted in a field, the field value is positive.2. An intermediate field may be skipped by entering an asterisk (*) in its place. If anintermediate field is skipped, the field may assume a default value if a default value exist;otherwise STARSTRUC will print an error message.Example:TEMPERATURE 1 10 * 200The value of the third field of the TEMPERATURE command will be a default value.3. Commands that have default values in the last field or in the last consecutive fields may beskipped by blanks. These skipped fields will assume the relevant default values.Example:ANALYSISDPARDCYC 0All the fields in the ANALYSIS and DPAR commands will assume default values; as will thesecond and last fields of DCYC.4.1.4CommentsComments may appear anywhere in the input, if they are preceded by a dollar sign ( ).Comments are especially useful to document the model input data. The comment will appearonly in the input data echo of the output. It will be ignored after that. Some examples are:OPTIMUM -1 This is a data check runLOAD 2 Pressure and gravitational loading.

4.1.5Command ContinuationIf the same command is used more than once in succession, then the command name need notbe repeated.Example:BEAM 1 1 2 52235The second record defaults to the command BEAM.

4.2LIST OF COMMANDSThis section includes a brief description of the four input groups with the available commands ineach group. The detailed description of the commands is given later in this chapter. The recorddescription of each command is summarized in Table 4.4.1.a. The following is a summary ofeach group with the specific commands in each group. The required portion of the commandsis underlined.4.2.1Control DefinitionNEWSList the new commands and corrections/amendmentsTITLEDefines the title of the projectNAMEIdentifies the name of the userANALYSISExecutes a finite element analysisOPTIMUMExecutes the optimization procedureDCYCLEDefines the starting and final design cycle numbersDPARAMETERSpecifies the values of the design parametersREFTEMPSpecifies the reference temperature of the structureRENUMBERSelects the execution of the bandwidth reduction algorithmVPARAMETERSpecifies the parameters of the vibration optimizationBPARAMETERSpecifies the parameters of the buckling optimizationLISTControls output listing and postprocessing operation

4.2.2Geometry DefinitionAXISDefines the local axis coordinate systemNODESDefines the coordinates of nodal pointsGENNODESGenerates nodesBEAMDefines the nodal connectivity of a beam elementSHELLDefines the nodal connectivity of a shell elementSPRINGDefines the nodal connectivity of a spring elementTRUSSDefines the nodal connectivity of a truss elementMEMBRANEDefines the nodal connectivity of a membrane elementSHEARDefines the nodal connectivity of a shear elementGENELEMENTSGenerates elementsMASSDefines the node of a mass elementSOLIDDefines the nodal connectivity of a solid element

4.2.3Model DefinitionDVARIABLESpecifies a design variable for a group of elementsSECTIONDefines the section properties of a beam elementDVLINKAssigns the design variables to the elementsPSPRINGDefines the properties of a spring elementPMEMBRANEDefines the properties of a membrane elementCODEDefines the design code for a group of elementsMATERIALDefines the material properties for a group of elementsMALINKAssigns the material properties to the elementsSUPPORTDefines the boundary conditions of the structureRELEASEDefines the end releases of beam elementsPMASSAssigns the mass properties of mass elementsVCONSTRAINTSpecifies constraints on the frequenciesPROFILEDefines the profile of a standard steel sectionTUBEDefines the shape of a tube beam elementPBEAMAssigns properties to a beam element defined by PROF or TUBE commandsDVGROUPAssign side constraints for standard steel sections

4.2.4Loading DefinitionLOADIdentifies the start of a load caseTEMPERATUREDefines the nodal temperature of thermal loadingPRESSUREDefines the pressure on shell or membrane elementsGRAVITYDefines the gravity vectors for gravity loadingBLOADSpecifies the beam loadingNLOADSpecifies the nodal forces and momentsDCONSTRAINTSpecifies the upper and lower limits of displacementCOMBINEDefines a linear combination of load casesBCONSTRAINTSpecifies lower bound constraints on buckling load factorENDFILEEnds the input file

4.3 WINSTARWINSTAR is a Graphics User Interface that adds new dimension to using STARSTRUC. Itallows users to easily and rapidly develop structural models interactively with an On-line help forall the commands. WINSTAR provides menu driven, dialog boxes with On-screen buttons, andgraphical scroll bars. WINSTAR provides users with standard features of file management suchas open, save, close, print, browse, delete, copy, change directory, and execute.WINSTAR builds all the required files to run STARSTRUC, i.e. TEST.DAT, TEST.PLT, andTEST.IDB when activating Save from the File menu. Executing STAR.BAT, STARGR.BAT, andSTARSDB.BAT can also be performed by selecting the Execute menu item from File, Graphics,Sdbase from the menu bar respectively. WINSTAR requires Microsoft Windows 95 or above. Torun WINSTAR on a micro, you need to type the following:WIN WINSTAR at the DOS prompt C:\STAR.To display the geometry of the model from WINSTAR before selectingExecute from the Graphics menu, the minimum commands in TEST.DATshould be as follows :1- NEWS 22- NODES and ELEMENTS ( BEAM, SHELL, TRUSS, etc.)3- ENDFand the minimum commands in TEST.PLT should be as follows :1- MODE 22- SELE 2

4.4RECORD DESCRITION SUMMARY TABLESThe tables in this section give the record description for the commands in the control group, thegeometry group, the model group, the load group, and the graphics group of records.4.4.1 Records description for Control Definition ACMETHV ACCMETHB Records description for Geometry Definition CEYLYICOUNKKZLZINCDXDYDZKLKLICOUNT 4.7.12

4.4.3Records description for Model Definition description for Load Definition 94.9.10

4.4.5Records description for Graphics Definition SPLOTDRAWIDEFNDESNIETNOFROMLOADD d8V1SHRKV2DISTV3KODER

4.5COMMAND SPECIFICATIONSThe following sections present a detailed description for each command. Some commands arerequired for all run types, while most commands are optional depending on the problem beingsolved. Some commands, such as NAME, may appear once in the input data, while others,such as NODE, may be repeated. The field type in the descriptions is assigned either I, R or Afor integer, real or alphanumeric fields.

4.6CONTROL DEFINITION COMMANDS4.6.1 NEWSDescription:List the new commands and corrections/amendmentsStatus:OptionalSyntax:NEWS KEYWhere the fields are defined as ----------------------------------Field FieldNo.NameType DefaultMeaning1KEYI0Code for NEWS ---------------------------------Remarks:1.The code for NEWS command (KEY) is assigned as follows:0 Default value, print NEWS information and input file.1 NEWS information is not printed, print input file.2 NEWS information and input file are not printed.2. The user is asked to look at this NEWS information at least once, with KEY 0.3. Printing the input file on the screen will show any error in any of the input commands.Therefore, it is recommended to use KEY 1, unless the user is sure that there are noproblems in the input file.4. In some computers, printing input files on the screen takes a space in memory. If the userruns many consecutive large models, there may not be enough disc space. Therefore, KEY 2 will help in this situation by not printing the input files on the screen, thus saving somedisc space. Processing the input file will also be extremely fast, since it is not printed on thescreen5. This command should the first command in the input before the TITLE command.

4.6.2TITLEDescription:Defines the title of the project; title appears in the heading of the output.Status:RequiredSyntax:TITLE titleExample:TITL DESIGN OF TRUCK BODY. PROJECT NO. 5001004-ARemarks:1. TITLE entries may be continued on more than one line using comments (see Section 4.1.4).2. Only the first line of a continued title appears on the output heading. A maximum of 75characters is allowed.

4.6.3NAMEDescription:Identifies the name of the user; name appears in the heading of the output.Status:RequiredSyntax:NAME nameExample:NAME JOE A. SMITHRemarks:1. The name may also be used for additional title information, A maximum of 75 characters isallowed.

4.6.4 ANALYSISDescription:Causes a single finite element analysis to be performed.Status:Optional (see Remark 2)Syntax:ANALYSIS MODEWhere MODE is as defined --------------------------------Field FieldNo.NameType DefaultMeaning1MODEI0Mode of -----------------------------------Example:ANAL 0The user requests an execution run of the finite element analysis.Remarks:1. The ANALYSIS command performs the finite element analysis only. It does not proceed intothe optimization module.2. Either ANALYSIS or OPTIMUM must appear in the input.3. Permissible values of MODE are:MODE -2 requests a plot-only run.MODE -1 indicates a data check run.MODE 0 indicates an execution run.

4.6.5OPTIMUMDescription:Executes the optimization procedure.Status:Optional (see Remark 2)Syntax:OPTI MODEWhere MODE is as defined --------------------------------Field FieldNo.NameType DefaultMeaning1MODEI0Mode of -----------------------------------Example:OPTI 0The user requests an execution of the optimization procedures.Remarks:1. The OPTIMUM command performs the optimization run with the finite element analysis ofthe initial trial identified in the FROM field of the DCYCLE command.2. Either ANALYSIS or OPTIMUM must appear in the input.3. Permissible values of MODE are:MODE -2 requests a plot-only runMODE -1 indicates a data check runMODE 0 indicates an execution run

4.6.6DCYCLEDescription:Defines the starting and final design cycle number for the optimization run.Status:Required with the OPTIMUM command.Syntax:DCYCLE FROM TOWhere the fields are as defined --------------------------------Field FieldNo.NameType DefaultMeaning12FROMTOII04FROM design cycle numberTO design cycle --------------------------------Example:DCYCLE 0 3The user requests three design cycles in the optimization redesign after the initial analysis andevaluation.Remarks:1. The FROM field should be 0 for the first optimization run.2. The value of the TO field must be larger than or equal to the value of the FROM field.3. The TO field is limited to a maximum value of 8 in STARSTRUC. If the convergence to theoptimum design is not reached in 8 cycles, the user must examine the structural model aswell as the side and behavior constraints.

4.6.7DPARAMETERDescription:Specifies the values of the design parameters which control the iterativeprocedure of the optimization algorithm.Status:Required with the OPTIMUM command.Syntax:DPARAMETER NSHIF SFCOD BAND RWT RDST OFACWhere the fields are defined as ----------------------------------Field FieldNo.NameType DefaultMeaning1SFCODI3Shifting factor code2BANDR.1Specifies band of cutoff criteria3RWTR.1Ratio of the weight increase of the cutoff criteria4RDSTR.8Ratio of the maximum design ratio to the maximumstress ratio5OFACR.5Optimization convergence --------------------------------Example:DPAR 0 .1 .15 .85 .25In this example, SFCOD 0; BAND .1; RWT .15; RDST .85; and OFAC .25.Remarks:1. Please see Section 3.13 for an explanation of each field used in this command.2. If SFCOD 0: omit the uniform shifting operation.If SFCOD 0: carry out the uniform shifting operation whenever the design is not critical andanalyze the shifted design. Use this value when shifting is not exact.If SFCOD n where n 0: n is the exponent of the design variable in the stiffness matrix.Uniform shifting will be carried out, but the shifted structure will not be analyzed. Use onlywhen shifting is exact.3. The default value of the SFCOD field is well suited to shell structures dominated by bending,since the exponent of the design variable (shell thickness) in the stiffness matrix is 3.

4.6.8REFTEMPDescription:Specifies the reference temperature of the structure.Status:OptionalSyntax:REFT VALwhere VAL is defined as ----------------------------------Field FieldNo.NameType DefaultMeaning1VALR0Value of the reference -------------------------------------Example:REFT 10Remarks:1. The reference temperature is the temperature of the stress-free state of the structure.2. All nodes of the structure will assume the reference temperature unless they are otherwisedefined with a TEMP command.3. This command is optional. If it does not exist in the input of a model with thermal loading,the reference temperature will be assigned a zero value.

4.6.9RENUMBERDescription:Selects the execution of the bandwidth reduction algorithm.Status:OptionalSyntax:RENU KEYWhere KEY is as defined --------------------------------Field FieldNo.NameType DefaultMeaning1KEYI0Code for bandwidth -----------------------------------Example:RENU -1The user does not request the execution of the bandwidth reduction algorithm.Remarks:1. The code, KEY, for bandwidth reduction is assigned as follows:for executing the bandwidth reduction algorithm-1 for not executing the bandwidth reduction algorithm2. This command is optional. If it does not exist in the input, STARSTRUC will execute thebandwidth reduction algorithm in either a data check or execution run.

4.6.10 VPARAMETERDescription:Specifies the values of the vibration parameters that control the design forvibration constraints.Status:OptionalSyntax:VPAR MODEV METHV ACC MITVWhere the fields are defined as --------------------------------Field FieldNo.NameType DefaultMeaning1MODEVI2METHVI3ACCR4MITVIextracting eigenvalues00386.420Vibration execution modeCode for eigenvalue extraction methodThe acceleration of gravityMaximum number of iterations ------------------------------------Example:VPAR 0 0 32.2The user selects the default values for MODEV and METHV but changes the value of ACC to32.2 ft/sec2; i.e., the run will be an optimization run using subspace iteration and theacceleration of gravity is 32.2.Remarks:1. Please read Section 3.11 for the description of the vibration parameter.2. Permissible values of MODEV are:MODEV 0process.indicating that frequency constraints are applied in the optimizationMODEV -1indicating that vibration analysis be performed in the last design cycle, butno vibration constraints are actually applied.

For either value of MODEV, command VCON must be included.3. The code for the eigenvalue (natural frequency) extraction method METHV may assume avalue of 0 for subspace iteration or 1 for Rayleigh-Ritz analysis. Subspace iteration may beselected if the mode shapes of vibration are not expected to change from one design cycleto another. However, if the mode shapes of vibration are expected to change, thenRayleigh-Ritz is recommended. The change of the mode shapes is due to the change in thestiffness and mass distribution of the structure from one design cycle to another.In either method, the user should obtain the same results, but one method may be moreefficient than another.4. The default value of the acceleration of gravity ACC is 386.4 in/sec2. Therefore, if otherunits are chosen in describing the structural model, this value must change accordingly.5. Solution methods of extracting eigenvalues and eigenvectors are iterative until convergenceof eigenvalues is achieved, see Section 3.11.4. The default value of this maximum numberof iteration MITV to achieve this convergence is 20. For well-defined structural stiffness andmass matrices, while optimizing for the first few frequencies, this default value of MITV isadequate. Otherwise it needs to be increased.6. Only one VPAR command is permitted in the entire input. Omitting the VPAR commandaltogether will result in default values for all parameters.7. To use this command properly, the user MUST read the important decision part of Section3.2.1.

4.6.11 BPARAMETERDescription:Specifies the values of the buckling parameters that control the design forbuckling constraints.Status:OptionalSyntax:BPAR MODEB METHB MITBWhere the fields are defined as ----------------------------------Field FieldNo.NameType DefaultMeaning1MODEBI2METHBI3MITBIextracting eigenvalues0020Buckling execution modeCode for eigenvalue extraction methodMaximum number of iterations -------------------------------------Example:BPAR -1The user requests that a buckling analysis of the last design cycle be performed.Remarks:1. Please read Section 3.11 for the description of the buckling parameters.2. Permissible values of MODEB are:MODEB 0 indicating the buckling constraints are applied in the optimization process.MODEB -1 requesting that a buckling analysis of the last design cycle be performed,but no buckling constraints are actually applied.For either value of MODEB, command BCON must be included.3. The code for eigenvalue (critical load factor) extraction method METHB may assume a valueof 0 for subspace iteration, or 1 for Rayleigh-Ritz analysis. Subspace iteration may be

selected if the mode shapes of buckling are not expected to change from one design cycleto another. However, if the mode shapes of buckling are expected to change, thenRayleigh-Ritz analysis is recommended. The change in the mode shapes is due to thechange in the stiffness and geometric stiffness behavior of the structure from one designcycle to another. In either method, the user should obtain the same results, but one methodmay be more efficient than another.4. Solution methods of extracting eigenvalues and eigenvectors are iterative until convergenceof eigenvalues is achieved, see Section 3.11.4. The default value of the maximum numberof iteration MITB to achieve this convergence is 20. For well-defined structural stiffness andstress stiffening matrices, this default value of MITB is adequate. Otherwise it needs to beincreased.

4.6.12 LISTDescription:Controls listing of the output results, and writing the post processing fileStatus:OptionalSyntax:LIST DIS FORC STRES SE REAC BUCK VIB LPOSTWhere the fields are defined as ----------------------------------Field FieldNo.NameType shapes7VIBshapes8LPOST9LFRIII000Controls listing of node displacementsControls listing of element forcesControls listing of element stresses and codeIII000Controls listing of element and total strain energiesControls listing of reaction forcesControls listing of buckling load factors and modeI0Controls listing of vibration frequencies and modeII00Controls writings on the post processing fileCode for the POST ------------------------------Example:LIST 0 1 1 2 0 2 2 123In this example, the user requests listing of the full displacement tables, the maximum values offorces, stresses, and beam code checking. The strain energy table is not required, while the fulltable of reactions is requested. Vibration and buckling results are not required. The postprocessing file (file number 25) will include all displacements, forces, stresses, and codechecking results.Remarks:1. The value of each of the first seven (7) fields may be assigned as follows:0lists the full corresponding table.

1lists only the maximum values of displacements for each load case, the maximum valuesenergy and total strain energy density for each load case, the summation of the reactionof forces, stresses, code checking results and the corresponding load case, the totalstrain forces for each load case, the buckling load factors with the maximum values ofmode shapes of buckling, and the frequencies of vibration with the maximum values ofmode shapes of vibration.2eliminates the full corresponding table.The user may request the maximum values of the forces without the maximum values ofthe stresses. However, the maximum values of the stresses should be requested withthe maximum values of the forces because the load case number is written only with theforces.Usually the optimization results are quite long, especially if the model is big, and theconvergence is slow. Therefore, proper usage of these fields will help the user to limitthe computer printout.2. The LPOST entry in this command has a limit of 6 digits combined together in an ascendingorder, ranging from 1 to 6 to correspond for displacements, forces, stresses and codechecking, reactions, buckling, and vibration results respectfully, as follows:1Displacements23forces stresses4weight5buckling6vibrationAs shown in the above example, the entry of LPOST is combined together, and is equal to123. The tables of the results are written on file 25 for all design cycles, which should besaved by the user in the job control language if STARSTRUC is run on a main frame, whereas in mini or micro computers file 25 will appear in the users directory under the namePOST. This file is a formatted file, the full description of it is detailed in Appendix A. Thisfield can be extremely useful if the user wants to do his own post processing or include aconstraint that does not exist yet in STARSTRUC, e.g. to compute fatigue results at somepoints across the span of a beam element.3. LFR is a code for the POST file to select the status of the POST file to be formatted (ASCIfile, can be viewed) or unformatted (binary file, can not be viewed). LFR may be assigned asfollows: 0 default value. POST file number 25 will be unformatted, this will reduce the size ofthe POST file. This choice is useful if the user is dealing with one computer, andPOST file is not required to be transferred to another computer. 1 POST file number 25 will be formatted. In this case, the POST file can be transferredto another computer easily, or can be viewed.

4.6.13 LASTDescription:Controls the size of the output and Post filesStatus:OptionalSyntax:LAST LASTO LASTPWhere the fields are defined as ----------------------------------Field FieldNo.NameType DefaultMeaning11LASTOLASTPII00Code for Output fileCode for the Post ------------------------------Remarks:1.The values for either LASTO and LASTP can be zero or one, as follows:0 the file is written for all design cycles.1 the file is written for the last design cycle only, with no intermediate results.2.This command is extremely useful, if used with or without the LIST command, to controlthe size of the output and the POST file if the user has limited disk space.

4.7GEOMETRY DEFINITION4.7.1AXISDescription:Defines a local coordinate system.Status:OptionalSyntax:AXIS CSN CST XL YL ZLWhere the fields are defined as ----------------------------------Field FieldNo.NameType DefaultMeaning12345CSNCSTXLYLZLIIRRRCoordinate system numberCoordinate system typeGlobal X coordinate of the local systemGlobal Y coordinate of the local systemGlobal Z coordinate of the local ---------------------------------Example:AXIS 3 1 15. 20. -35The user defines local coordinate system number 3 to be a cylindrical system, with origincoordinates of 15., 20., and -35. with respect to the global Cartesian system.Remarks:1. Each local coordinate sys

4 INPUT DATA DESCRIPTION . The input to STARSTRUC is divided into five parts: Control definition. Geometry definition. Model definition. Load definition. Graph

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