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Message from the Vice ChancellorGreetings!SASTRA was established in 1984 as Shanmugha College of Engineeringand conferred with Deemed-to-be-University status by the Ministryof Human Resource Development (MHRD) in 2001. SASTRAoffers various undergraduate, postgraduate & doctoral programmes in Engineering, Science,Management, Law and Arts. SASTRA is re-accredited (III cycle) by the National Assessment& Accreditation Council (NAAC) with ‘A ’ grade (CGPA: 3.54/4.00).SASTRA has acquired major national and international recognitions this year. First, SASTRAhas been placed under Category 1 by the University Grants Commission through theCategorization of Universities for Grant of Graded Autonomy Regulations, 2018. SASTRAbecomes one of the 33 Universities in the country and one of the three universities in TamilNadu to be accorded this status. SASTRA is one of the Institutions to be featured in TimesHigher Education – World University Ranking 2018, QS Asia Ranking 2018, Times HigherEducation Asia Ranking 2017 and also in the QS BRICS Ranking. In the National InstitutionalRanking Framework of the MHRD, Government of India, SASTRA has been ranked 54thin Overall, 36th in University and 33rd in Engineering categories. Amongst the privateInstitutions, SASTRA has been ranked 8th in Overall and University and 5th in Engineeringcategories. These multiple National and International recognitions, I believe, has positionedSASTRA at a higher plane.UNESCO in its 1973 report said that country, which has the highest percentage of educatedpersons would be considered as the wealthiest Nation in the world. Since 2002, SASTRAhas been conducting Distance Education Programmes with the approval of the competentauthorities. The Distance Education programmes help to compensate missed opportunities inlearning and enables career development for all in our Educational rhythm. As per the recentdirections of the Distance Education Bureau, SASTRA offers only those programmes that areoffered in the Face-to-Face mode. We follow the rules and regulations of the University GrantsCommission (UGC) and statutory bodies.With adequate infrastructure, dedicated teaching faculty, updated curriculum and syllabus,we strongly believe that the learners will have value addition to their degree and competencies.Moreover, the self instructional materials for each course has been written by experts in therespective subject. Content development and Multimedia facilities are available with us toenhance self learning.The Directorate of Distance Education also helps students to achieve academic excellence,professional competence and social status. We are very happy to invite you to join the DistanceEducation Programme of SASTRA Deemed to be University.Prof. R. SethuramanVice-Chancellor3


Directorate of Distance EducationThe Directorate of Distance Education at SASTRA was started in collaboration with Distance EducationBureau (DEB), New Delhi to offer Higher Education through Distance Mode. The Objectives of theDirectorate of Distance Education programmes are: To provide an alternative non-formal channel through distance mode for those who seek highereducation To supplement the effort of Campus based conventional higher education system To provide updated knowledge and skills to those who are already employed including persons inserviceTo identity and design innovative programmes to meet the local and global needs The following are the programmes offered in Distance Mode along with the duration and eligibility:ProgrammeDurationEligibilityDiploma in Sanskrit1 yearPass in X Standard or equivalentDiploma in Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam2 yearsPass in X Standard or equivalentBachelor of Arts (Vaishnavism)3 yearsPass in Plus Two or equivalentBachelor of Business Administration3 yearsPass in Plus Two or equivalentBachelor of Computer Applications3 yearsi. Pass in Plus Two or equivalentii. Students should have studiedMathematics / Business Mathematics /Statistics or equivalent inPlus Two or equivalentBachelor of Education2 yearsi. Pass in Plus Two and Degreeii. Pass in D. TEd. is mandatoryBachelor of Fine Arts (Bharatanatyam)4 yearsPass in Plus Two or equivalentMaster of Business Administration2 yearsPass in UG degree or its equivalentMaster of Computer Applications3 yearsi. 60% in UG degree or its equivalentii. Students should have studiedMathematics / Business Mathematics /Statistics or equivalent in Plus Two or in UGMaster of Arts (Sanskrit)2 yearsPass in UG degree or its equivalentMaster of Arts (Divyaprabhandam)2 yearsPass in UG degree or its equivalentMaster of Fine Arts (Bharatanatyam)2 yearsPass in UG degree or its equivalentMedium of Instruction will be English for all programmes except Sanskrit, Vaishnavism andDivyaprabhandam5

Instructions Study Material will be supplied to the students in batches of blocks (for Management Studies) For students of Bharatanatyam, Study Material will be supplied in the form of CD Study materials will be supplied in the form of books and DVDs for B.C.A. and M.C.A. For students of B.Ed., books will be supplied at the time of admission For Sanskrit and Divyaprabhandam books will be supplied Selection to all programmes will be done based on merit Applications that are not received before the last date will be summarily rejected. Those who haveprovided incomplete or false information will be rejected. Address for Correspondence: Your address must be complete in all respects, as the Institution willcorrespond with you in this address only. If you change your address, you should inform us aboutyour new contact address.Checklist of Enclosures1. Attested recent passport size photo affixed in the first page of the application2. Copies of Mark Sheets for SSLC / X Std., 2 / PUC / Diploma, U.G. and P.G.3. Proof of Date of Birth (Copy)4. 6 Self Address slips for communications5. Cost of Application for Diploma is Rs.250/- (in person) and Rs.300/- if downloaded, with aDemand Draft favouring SASTRA Deemed University, payable at Thanjavur.6. Cost of Application for Under Graduate is Rs.300/- (in person) and Rs.350/- if downloaded, witha Demand Draft favouring SASTRA Deemed University, payable at Thanjavur.7. Cost of Application for Post Graduate is Rs.600/- (in person) and Rs.650/- if downloaded, with aDemand Draft favouring SASTRA Deemed University, payable at Thanjavur6

Higher Education – World University Ranking 2018, QS Asia Ranking 2018, Times Higher . The Directorate of Distance Education at SASTRA was started in collaboration with Distance Education Bureau (DEB), New Delhi to offer Higher Education through Distance Mode. The Objectives of the

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