New historical 5769070DOCUMENT IDENTIFIERASTM E 2112aISO 430ISO/R 430ISO/R 537ISO 540ISO/R 643ISO/R 6032A-A-55057A-A-1505VSM 12138VSM 12139VSM 12140VSM 12149ISO 1151-1ISO 1161ISO/R 1161ISO/R 1269ISO 1496-1ISO/R 1513ISO 1574ISO 1585ISO/R 1878ISO 1887ISO 2013ISO 2508DIN 86DIN 70-2DIN 103-2DIN 103-5DIN 103-5AS 1635.1.1AS/NZS 4441 AMD 1AGMA 1012-FAGMA 2003-BAGMA 6110-FAGMA 9004-AAGMA 900-ETGL 18790/01TGL 18791/01TGL ISO 505ISO/R 676ISO 699PUB. 8-231994-10-311975-051968-031974-091
8685741US88685808US88685814DOCUMENT 5A-A-1505VSM 12134VSM 12150VSM 12151SNV 37103ISO 776ISO 965-3ISO 1042ISO/R 1482ISO/R 1516ISO/R 1524ISO 2236ISO 2734ISO 2758ISO 2932DIN 76DIN 103-3DIN 57750-2 Abschnitt AAAS 1869ICAO 7910AGMA 2101-CAGMA 6030-CAGMA 6123-AAGMA 6133-BAGMA 9003-AAGMA 6011-HLBG B28NEMA C 78.380TGL 18790TGL 600TGL 24300/01TGL 24300/06ISO/R 454ISO 668ISO/R 668ISO/R 691ISO/R 732A-A-113A-A-56032VSM 12132VSM 12133VSM 12147ISO/R 776ISO 1207ISO/R 1724DIN 103-1DIN 103-3DIN 103-9AS 1722.2AGMA 2010-AAGMA 9002-AAGMA 900-FPUB. 2-0519891994198619962
5769125IX45769138DE45666689DOCUMENT IDENTIFIERAGMA 6011-GTGL 18710/01VdTÜV BP ARMA 0052NEMA WD-AG 1TGL 18780/02TGL 18780/06TGL 18790/02TGL 59601A-A-59601A-A-59601A-A-59606/1A-A-59828ISO A-56032VSM 12146VSM 12154ISO 1127ISO 1496-1ISO 2234ISO 2322DIN 86AS 1418.9AGMA 2009-AAGMA 9005-DAGMA TGL 24300/12ISO 471ISO/R 540ISO/R 646ISO/R 668ISO 691ISO 722ISO 732A-A-52080A-A-59163A-A-711ISO 927ISO/R 1207ISO 1227ISO 1269ISO 1496-1ISO 1724ISO 1879ISO/R 1879ISO/R 1880ISO 2503DIN 76PUB. 74-071970-081970-081972-101924-093
8683647US88683656CH88683795DOCUMENT IDENTIFIERAS 1722.2ASTM A 955/A 955MaAGMA 2005-CAGMA 2001-BAGMA 2113-AAGMA 6023-ATGL 18740TGL 601TGL 24300/04ISO 667ISO/R 667ISO/R 722A-A-52084A-A-208A-A-59178VSM 12131ISO 965-2ISO/R 1127ISO 1513ISO 1524ISO/R 1585ISO 1708ISO/R 1708ISO 1880ISO 1923ISO 2017ISO 2471DIN 101DIN 102DIN 103-1DIN 103-1DIN 103-2DIN 103-7ICAO 7910AGMA 2001-CAGMA 2004-BAGMA 923-ATGL 18710/02DIN 105-3A-A-59105A-A-59213A-A-59215A-A-59828TGL 24300/02TGL 24300/09ISO/R 471ISO/R A-59474A-A-694A-A-694A-A-56032VSM 12135PUB. 5-301996-09-3019374
5666724DE45666726DE45666728DOCUMENT IDENTIFIERISO 1042ISO 1496-2ISO 1708ISO 1798ISO/R 1887ISO 2322ISO 2699ISO 2742DIN 101-1DIN 103-2DIN 103-4DIN 103-10AS 1684 Supplement 1 to 6, 9 to 14 CorrigendumICAO 8585AGMA 6001-DAGMA 1003-GAGMA 2008-BAGMA 6004-FAGMA 6017-EAGMA 6033-BAGMA 9001-ATGL 6A-A-59606/2TGL 24300/03ASTM F 3123ISO/R 505ISO 562ISO/R 562ISO 646ISO -1898SN EN 61010-1/CORRVSM 12141VSM 12142VSM 12143VSM 12148SNV 37107SNV ISO 2045ISO/R 927ISO/R 965-2ISO/R 1042ISO 1161ISO/R 1219ISO/R 1574ISO 1878ISO 1894ISO/R 1894ISO 2575ISO 2575DIN 103-6DIN 103-8DIN 103-9PUB. 76-051971-111971-121960-095
8687294US88687313DE88687354DOCUMENT IDENTIFIERAGMA 2110-AAGMA 2114-AAGMA 900-GAGMA 900-DTGL 18206TGL 18710/02DIN 105-4TGL 372A-A-59600A-A-59601A-A-59606/4TGL 24300/03PUB. 04-05-272007-02-282002-08-231985-066
us88685733 agma 1012-f 1990 us88685736 agma 2003-b 1997 us88685805 agma 6110-f 1997 us88685810 agma 9004-a 1999 us88685815 agma 900-e 1995 de88686925 tgl 18790/01 1972-09 de88686928 tgl 18791/01 1982-06 de88686929 tgl 18791/02 1983-07 us88687101 a-a-20079 2002-08-20 us88687113 a-a-50800 1981-04-23 us88687199 a-a-59173 1998-03-04 us88687222 a-a-55106 1992-07-15 us88687243 a-a-20155 1992-11-16 .
Tibetan Buddhist Wheel of Life Identifier: 141748 Yarmulke Identifier: 2004.53.4 Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) Identifier: 2004.23.1 Prayer Rug Identifier: 2005.31.1 Tibetan Lama’s Crown Identifier: 113860 Rama Figurine Identifier: 121085 Ganesh Figurine Identifier: 116859 Qu’ran Identifier: 2005.31.2 Creche Identifier: E2006.1.25a-b Torii .
Protocole / Moyens du centre Les points clefs Identifier toutes les spécialités médicales, paramédicales, techniques nécessaires. Identifier les locaux et sites concernés (imagerie, laboratoire, stockage des échantillons, pharmacie). Confidentialité Identifier le circuit des UT. Identifier le matériel et équipements nécessaires .
in this field, enter the new identifier here. If there has been no change in the identifier, enter the same identifier as in RREL4. The reporting entitymust not amend this unique identifier. NO RREL6 Data Cut -Off Date The data cut off date for this data submission. NO RREL7 Pool Addition Date The date on which the underlying exposure was .
The Cisco UDI provides a unique identity for every Cisco product. The UDI is composed of thr ee separate data elements which must be stored in the entPhysicalTable: Orderable product identifier (PID)—Product Identifier (PID). PID is the alphanumeric identifier used by customers to
UDI. The medical device UDI system is slightly different, consisting . of two identifiers: a unique device identifier and a unique production identifier. The GS1 GTIN-14 provides the unique device identifier (the manufacturer's ID and product ID). The production identifier can include a serial number, lot or batch
product itself. If required, lead free certification identifier text will be included next to the mark: If required, the lead free certification identifier text will be in one location near the certifier mark as free text or text enclosed in a box: 2. Certifier's. Identifier text. Mark Identifier text to left of mark. Certifier's Mark. I .
Cable Labeling Standards 1. Cable Identifier will consist of a two character group identifier followed by a six-digit number, for example, EC000221 or ID000093. System Identifier is the second line, beneath the Cable Identifier. It describes to what system the cable belongs. This is an English description of what the cable is used for.
HBCU Alabama Agricultural & Mechanical University Normal AL Pub 4yr HBCU Alabama State University Montgomery AL Pub 4yr HBCU Bishop State Community College Mobile AL Pub 2yr HBCU Concordia College Alabama Selma AL Pri 4yr HBCU Gadsden State Community College Gadsden AL Pub 2yr HBCU H. Councill Trenholm State Community College Montgomery AL Pub 2yr HBCU J. F. Drake State Community and Technical .