Human Resources 0 Solid Hazardous Waste Management

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ILNorth Carolina Department of Human Resources 0 Solid & Hazardous Waste Management BranchP.O. Box 209"; 0 Ralefgh, N.C 27602-209l 0 (919)733-2178USED OIL. t wAG?zMENr-Why.Regulate U s e d Oil?R e g u l a t i o n of used oil developed due to the for hharmfulproperties o r chemicals it m t a i n s as a result of its use a s a lubricant.These harmful c h m i c a l s are released to the enxinment by duqing the oilinto sewers, drains and other water supplies; %d oiling* for dust c c a t r o l ;uncontrolled burning for heat; and storage ih confined spaoes- whenimproperly " a g e d o r disposed of, q e d o i l can,endangerhuman k a l t h and haveTherefore, the.EPA intends t od e v a s t a q effects on the mirormSntregulate used o i l within a systiem designed t o recycle o r reci t with t'n least a " t of r i s k on health and t k e n v i r m t .* Inthe p a s t used oil has been spread a s a dust scy?pressant; bosJever,t h i s activity is prohibited i f the oil has been mixed with'a l i s t e dhazardous waste o r .Contains heavy rnetals i n concentrations exceedingthe r"m levels establistd for the hazardous w a s t e characteristicof EP toxicity.W b Generates UsedOil?U s e d o i l means any oil that has been refined hcrude oil, used and asa result of such use, is contaminated by physical or chemical impurities.There are two broad categories of used oil generators:o Autamtive Generatorso Industrial GeneratorsAutanotive generators include service stations, repair shops, autodealers, fleet s b p s and recycling centers. Recycling centers are thoseservice stations offering an accumulation service t o do-it-yourselfers forcrankcase o i l .Industrial generators produce compressor, turbine, and bearing oils,h y d r a u l i c o i l s , metalworkng o i l s , gear oils, electrical o i l , refrigeratoroils, railroad drainings a n d s p e n t industrial process oils.

Qneral Requirements:ON-SPECIFICATION USED OIL FUELo.The f i r s t person claiming t h e o i l t o be "on-specification" must analyzeo i l destined f o r burning t o determine s p e c i f i c a t i o n . I f t l l e generatorburns his own f u e l he must analyze it t o prove t h a t i t i son-specification (see burner requirements). R e t a i n c M c a l a n a l y s i s f o rrecords.TRANSPORTERoNoneoMust analyze or have proof of analysis t o determine c l a s s i f i c a t i o n or?mille as o f f - s p e c i f i c a t i o n .oM u s t have a n a l y s i s performed or proof of o i l s composition t o determinespecification.oMust n o t i f y the S o l i d and Hazardous Waste Management Branch w i t h EPA form8700-12 (Rev. 11-85) if f i r s t t o claim on-specification.oMust be permitted with Department of Environmental M a r m g m t (DEM) t o-b u m (Air Quality Stindards) .oThe generator my burn o f f - s p e c i f i c a t i o n o i l on site:(a) Without notifying the S o l i d and Hazardous Waste M a n a g e n t Branch o rEPA i f burned in an oil fired space heater i f :- capacity is less than 500,000 m/hr.- combusti& gases vented to ambient a i r(b) I n i n d u s t r i a l furnaces and boilers i f the Solid and Hazardous WasteManag-tBranch i s n o t i f i e d w i t h EPA form 8700-12oI f generator sells d i r e c t l y t o the burner, he m u s t ccxnply w i t h thefollowing marketer standards:- m u s t n o t i f y the S o l i d and Hazardous Waste Management Branch w i t h EPAForm 8700-12- must invoice shipments- m u s t o b t a i n one time c e r t i f i c a t i o n from burner w h i c h states he hasn o t i f i e d and w i l l b u m only in i n d u s t r i a l b o i l e r s o r furnaces;- must 'keep required c e r t i f i c a t i o n 3 years mini".

How DoI DisDose of Mv Used O i l ?Used o i l s can be recycled - as fuel either d i r e c t l y on-site of generationo r a f t e r it lzas been reprobessed by a marketer. Independent marketersgenerally process the o i l i n t o either on-specification or off-specificationused o i l f u e l . Independent c o l l e c t o r s ( i . e . , transporters) pick up bothautomotive and industrial used o i l s and sell it t o processors and re-refiners,o r s e l l it d i r e c t l y t o end-users (i.e. , burners, f u e l o i l dealers).Processors and re-refiners of used o i l c o l l e c t , process and sell improvedproduct o i l t o end users. Nearly 50% of collected w a s t e o i l is burned i nb o i l e r s , kilns, d i e s e l engines and w a s t e oil heaters.Marketers of used o i l are those who sell used o i l d i r e c t l y . t o t h eend-user, o r other marketers.,What is the Classification of Used O i l ?The EPA regulations c u r r e n t l y address only used o i l burned f o r energyrecovery. used o i l i s classified as either "on-specification" o r* ' 0f f - specif ication' II.U s e d o i l fuel is considered "off-specification" i f i t exceeds thefollowing standards :ConstituentAllowable LevelArsenicCadmiunar&mleadflash pointTotal Halogens* Presumption - I fyou have oil w i t h total halogens between lo00 and 4oooppm-kd you can prove t h a t the halogen content did not cane from mixingspent solvents o r other l i s t e d wastes (i.e. , t-he virgin o i l could havechlorinated paraffins) then you have "on-specification",solid wastefuel.-How is U s e d O i l Remlated in N o r t h Carolina?North Carolina has adopted by reference the federal regulations publishedon Novembx 29, 1985; Therefore, used o i l i s regulated under the hazardouswaste management rules when burned f o r energy recovery. Listed below are thegeneral requirements f o r each individual normally associated w i t h used o i lf u e l , The actual regulations 40 CFK P a r t s 266 . a - 2 6 6 . & codified i n 10 LXACLOF .039 -6 - .0039-3 should be consulted f o r compliance requirements.

I f a generator has previously received an P A I.D. N u m b e r , ne i s s t i l lrequired t o f i l e a revised form to report used o i l a c t i v i t i e s .NOTE:. .oMust take part in invoice recordkeeping system.m R E c 3 "oM u s t n o t i f y the Solid and Hazardous W a s t e Manag-t8'700-12.oM u s t receive c e r t i f i c a t i o n frmcustmr that states:Branch with EPA Form- I f a burner, they w i l l-burn only in i n d u s t r i a l boilers and furnaces;t k y . h a v e notified the Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Branchs t a t i n g location and description of activities.oMarketer/recycler rmwt keep this c e r t i f i c a t i o n f o r 3 years minimum.0 .Must take p a r t in invoice recordkeeping system.oHust n o t i f y the Solid and Hazardous W a s t e Management Branch with EPA Form8700-12.oIllegal t o burn i n non-industrial boilers and furnaces.oMust inform s u p p l i e r s that he, the burner, has notified and w i l l burno f f - s p e c i f i c a t i o n . o i 1 in an industrial b o i l e r o r furnace only.oMust keep invoices of a l l shipments received.oWaste fuel must exceed 5000 BTU/lb t o be legitimately burned as fuel.oMust be permitted with Department of Ehvirotnnental Manageuent (DEM) t oburn (Air Quality Standards).U s e d oil mixed w i t 5 hazardous w a s t e may c l a s s i f y as a hazardous w a s t e fuel.Generator ( l a r g e or small) - If a generator (ie. hazardous w a s t e ) mixes usedo i l with l i s t e d haz ardous w a s t e , the mixture is regulated as a hazardous w a s t eo r hazardous waste fuel.If the halogen content o f used o i l i s greater than 1 W ppm and has been mixedw i t h listed hazardous waste, i t i s regulated as hazardous w a s t e o r hazardouswaste fuel.If the used o i l has been mixed with a c h a r a c t e r i s t i c hazardous w a s t e , and t h eresultant rnixture exhibits the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c , i t i s regulated as hazardouswaste o r :wardous waste f u e l .

- IConditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (SQ.2) - If a small quantitygenerator ( i e . hazardous waste) mixes used o i l w i t i i any hazardous waste andthe mixture i s destined t o be burned for energy recovery, the mixture i sregulated as a used o i l . However, if the resulting m - k t u r e i s unsuitable forenergy recovery a n d / o r not.accepted by a used o i l ;handler, it may end uphaving t o be handled as hazardous waste o r hazardous waste f u e l . (See generalguidelines and recommendations). The regulations for hazardous w a s t e fuel, 40CFR Parts 266.30 - 266.35 codified in 10 NCAC 10F .0039-2- -0039-3 should beconsulted for coapliance requirements."Goo'Must notify the S o l i d and Hazardous Waste Management B r a n c h w i t h EPA Form8700-12, and obtain an EPA I D nunber.Comply with 40 CJ?R 262 codified in 10 NCAC 10F .0030-1 - .0030-14, whichincludes the following:(a)Complete a hazardous w a s t e manifest:(b)Meet pre-transport requirements:I- package p e r Dcrr regulations;- label and mrking per DOT and EPA;(c)meet accmlation and time requirements.Keep records and report shipments.TRANSPORTERoooMeet a l l DOT standardsMust n o t i f y the Solid and Hazardous Waste Management B m c h w i t h EPA Form8700-12 and obtain an EPA I D Number.Comply with 40 'CER 263 codified i n 10 NCAC 10F -0031-1 - .0031-5 whichincludes the following:with an EPA regulated manifest system.(a) Campliance(b)oI f a discharge occurs during transporting, the transporter mustn o t i f y EPA and take appropriate a c t i o n t o protect human health andthe environment.Must n o t i f y the Solid and Hazardous Waste haagement Bramh w i t h P A Form8700-12 and obtain a n EPA I D Number.

Must f i l e f o r a p a r t A peixnit t o s t o r e .Can s e l l f u e l o n l y t o persons who have obtain& an Ab u m waste in i n d u s t r i a l furnaces or b o i l e r s .I D n e r and whoMust receive c e r t i f i c a t i o n from customer s t a t i n g :- They-w i l l bum w a s t e only i n i n d u s t r i a l boilers and furnaces;They have obtained an EPA ID N m b e r .Must keep t h i s c e r t i f i c a t i o n for 3 years mini".BURNERoMust'notify the Solid and Hazardous W a s t e Management B r a n c h w i t h EPA Form8700-12 and obtain an EPA I D Number.oM u s t f i l e RGlA Part A on all storage tanks.oBurner rrmst c e r t i f y t o marketer t h a t :- He has obtained an-oEPA I D Number;H e w i l l burn w a s t e only i n i n d u s t r i d b o i l e r s o r finmces.Must be permitted w i t h DEM t o 6urn (Air Qualitsy Standards).General Guidelines and Recmmxdations-U s e d o i l generators should not mix hazardous w a s t e s such as spent--?ZlTeZZ w i t h used o i l f o r many reasons.a. I f you are a large qyantity generator of hazardous w a s t e , used o i lmixed w i t h listed hazardous w a s t e s becomes a hazardous waste fuel ifi t is destined t o be bum& f o r energy recovery.b. M i x i n g l i s t e d hazardous w a s t e o r even certain c'haracteristic hazardousw a s t e w i t h used oil can r e s u l t in a non-acceptable esuitablefor energy recovery.c. M o s t used 0-il handlers w i l l not accept used o i l s that have been mixedwith hazardous w a s t e .d. The higher the halogen content in the used o i l the mre l i k e l y theused oil w i l l be rejected by a used o i l handler.e. I f the used o i l mixed w i t h hazardous waste i s not accepted by a usedo i l handler, the mixture must then be burned o r disposed as ahazardous w a s t e o r hazardous waste fuel.

Generators t h a t dispose of used o i l a t a hazardous waste f a c i l i t y may besubject t o hazardous waste generator regulations i f tile o i l meets any ofthe hazardous waste c r i t e r i a ( i . e . , l i s t e d o r cimracteristic).The Solid and Hazardous Waste Nanage-wnt Branch encourages used o i lgenerators t o m a i n t a i n a record of volume and disposition of used o i l .Recycle used o i l . H m e i t picked up by a reputable collector who takesit t o a used o i l processor.Store used o i l in non-leaking, covered containers, drums or tanks.I f used oil 5s burned in a space heater designed t o burn used o i l(on-spec, off-spec) , make sure it i s vented outdoors.Collect used o i l from vehicle maintenance.o i l in the trash, sewers o r on the grouiid.Do not dispose o r dump usedVehicle maintenance and r e p a i r shops could b l p prolnote used o i lrecycling by accepting used o i l from the vehicle owner and encourage thevehicle owners not to- mix other substances i n t o the used o i l .O t h e r S t a t e r u l e s and regulations i n addition t o RCRA regulations affectingmanagement of used o i l .--Ban on disposal of o i l on land o r w a t e r without a permit from N.C.Deparbrent of Natural F-sources and Ccm”‘ty Development (NRCD) (Article21-A: 143-215.83)B a n on liquid o i l being disposed in sanitary l a n d f i l l s or dumped i n t osewers.-Disposal of o i l s p i l l residue in a sanitary l a n d f i l l m u s t be pre-approvedby the Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Bran&a) F i n a l acceptance in the landfill is up t o the l a n d f i l l owner/operatorb) Virgin oil and gasoline residue w i l l not need pre-approval from thiso f f i c e a s long as the t o t a l amount does not exceed 50 cubic yards o r 100gallons.c) O i l filters and o i l y rags can be disposed of in a sanitary l a n d f i l lonly if they are d r i p free and are not contaminated w i t h combustible o rf l d l e solvents o r o t h e r hazardous w a s t e . (Many businesses contract alaundry service f o r cleaning o i l y rags.)-R e p o r t i n g a l l o i l s p i l l s t o NECD (919) 733-5291.--Air Quality regulations (NKD) (919). 733-7014.Regulation f o r USHI o i l storage tanksAbove grouid t a n k (a)must meet c e r t a i n requirements by tne NFPAProtection Association-National Fire

- IUnderground tanks ( N E D ) -(a) r e q u i r e s n o t i f i c a t i o n t o P K D by owners of underground s t o r a g etanks(b) prohibition on i n s t a l l i n g unprotected new taks(c) technical standards for a11 new and e x i s t i n g tanksFor more information call the N o r t h Carolina Solid and Hazardous WasteManagement Branch, Technical Assistance and Support U n i t a t (919) 733-2178.

AOil Is presumed to bea hazardous wastevDetermine i f amyFOO1, F002%[vent orAppendix Wl1i.acompound 100 ppmIOetermine As, Cd,Cr,Pb;-flashpointlevels*IfiBum in nonindustrialDo not bum inboiler as specifiationUS& oil fue[iionindustrial boiler,oil is off specificationused oil fuelIFigure 1. Analysis decision flow c h a r t for regulation o f burningo f used oil in nonindustrial boilers.rIDo not b u m inonindustrial boiler. oil is hazardous

10.U S E D OIL H A N K E R ST h e f o l l o w i n g l i s t was compiled by Mary N. Payne, R e c y c l i n g C o o r d i n a t o r , C i t yo f Raleigh, i n November, 1983, ana r e v i s e d i n February o f 1986 t h r o u g h t e l e phone i n t e r v i e w s w i t h t h e waste o i l handlers. Ne t a k e no r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r 't h e l i s t ' s completeness o r f o r . t h e q u a l i t y o f s e r v i c e s o f f e r e d by t h e s e f i r m s .ACE WASTE OIL510 Robinson S t r e e tL o w e l l , NC 28098(704) 824-3146Contact: Herb B u l l o c kFOUR SEASONS TANK CLEANING, INC.( c o n t i nued)Other S e r v i c e s : clean-up o fhazardous waste s p i l l s ; c l e a n - o u to f above and below ground tanks;cleaning transport tankers,c a u s t i c wash, and steamingBAUMGARDNER OIL COMPANY1514 Black Gap RoadF a y e t t e v i 11e, PA 172221-800-233-0960Contact: D i rk BaumgardnerWastes Accepted: a l l p e t r o l e u m baseo i l s ; non-hazardous w a t e r s ando i l y waters ; r e g u l a r l y scheduledp i ck-up s e r v i ceR e c y c l i n g S e r v i c e s i reprocesses o i 1i n t o h e a t i n g f u e l and l u b e o i l ,L a b F x c i l i t i e s : yesTransport: yesCHEROKEE OIL COMPANY1201 B e r r y h i l l RoadC h a r l o t t e . NC 28208(704) 332-3023Contact: K e i t h EldsonHENDRI CK MOTOR COMPANYP.O. Box 2508H i c k o r y , NC 28601Contact: Vern E i shenhower(704) 3-22-5640 o r(704) 324-8048.DI L L I NGHAM, C R A I GHERITAGE ENVI ROWENTAL S E R V I C E S INC. .4132 Pompano S t r e e tC h a r l o t t e , NC 27216(704) 392-6276Contact: Lynn P h i l l i p sServices: hand1 es a1 1 t y p e s o f oi l y .wastes and waste o i l s ; w a t e r s o l u b l e o i l s , s y n t h e t i c and p e t r o l e u mbase, o i l - w a t e r emulsions, waste,c o o l a n t s ; t r e a t o i l y sludges,waste waters.HOLSTON ENERGY , I NC.P.O. 69x 720Waynesvi 11e, NC 28786(704) 452-2836Contact:Max KimmelWastes Accepted: p e t r o l e u m baseo i l s ; minimum pick-up o f 2,000 t o6,000 gallons p e r t r i pR e c y c l l n g S e r v i c e s : Reprocesses oi 1i n t o No. 4 b o i l e r f u e l .EPAcertified3 1 Ambler RoadA s h e v i l l e , NC 28805(704) 298-4107FAY ETTEVILLE WASTE OX LCounty Road 22242, Box 64035F a y e t t e v i 11e, NC 28306(919) 485-4805Contact: W i 11iam Hayner, OwnerService: T r a n s p o r t s used o i 1FOUR SEASONS TANK CLEAN1NG, I NC.P.O. Box 7217Greensboro, NC 27407(919) 273-2718Wastes Accepted: Petroleum baseo i l s i n 500 g a l l o n o r morequantitiesTransport: yesJAMES WASTE OIL SERVICEP.O. Box 5651C h a r l o t t e , NC 28225(704) '332-8692Contact: Jack H o l d e rWastes Accepted: p e t r o i e m base andwater s o l u b l e o i l ; and i n d u s t r i a lwaste c o o l a n t s ; 150 m i l e r a d i u s o f*I.91-1-',182F"

USED O I L H A N K E R S ( c o n t . )Char1 o t t e ; 2,000 g a l 1 ons m i nimumon r e g u l a r b a s i sPRATT, F R E D272 White P i n e RoadFletcher,. NC 28732(704) 252-6771Services: Pump and t r a n s p o r t usedo i l and w a s t e w a t e r .Recycling S e r v i c e s : s e l l s o i l t o beburned a s f u e lLab F a c i 1 it i e s : noneTransport: yes,KEARNS, ELMER O., WASTE OIL COMPANYP.O. Box 967H i g h P o i n t , NC 27621RESOURCE RECOVERY OF AMERICA, I N C .1410 N. 2 1 s tTampa, FL 33065(813). 644-7700.Contact: E.V. P h i l l i p sServices: Recycles used o i 1s; t a n kremoval and c l e a n i n g ; s i t e c l e a n up and emergency response team.Transport: y e s(919) 869-3311Wastes Accepted: spent o i l s ; nop a i n t ; 2000 g a l l o n t a n k or 1 5drums m i nimumRecycling Services: s e l l s o i l t oreprocessorsLab F a c i l i t i e s : noneTransport: yesNOBLE OIL SERVICEP.O. Box 52113Raleigh, NC 27612(919) 846-0018Contact: Jim 'NobleWastes -accepted: Used o i 1 s ,, coolants,waste waterOther Services: T r a n s p o r t i n g andtank c l eani ngPIERIONT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES I N C .P.O. Box 8861Greensboro, NC 27419(919) 668-4821Contact: Thad ChessonWastes Accepted: Petroleum baseoilsRange: 70 m i l e r a d i u s o f GreensboroTransport: Yes.Lab: NoO t h e r Services:Pumping o f under. ground and above' ground t a n k s ,removing and i n s t a l 1i n g underground tanks, s p i l l c l e a n up andcontainment , and A i s p o s i ng o fi n f e c t i o u s wastes -throughin c i n e r a t i on.PIEOMONT OIL SALVeGE, I N C .Route 1, Box 100Seagrove, NC 27431(919) 879-3366Cont-act: Paul CoxKenneth Temp1 eServices: T r a n s p o r t used o i 1iSELLARD, EDDIERoute 2, Box 200Elon College, NC 27244(919) 227-1614 ( o f f i c e )(919) 421-3854 (home)' Contact:Eddi e S e l l a r dWastes Accepted': petroleum baseo i l s and w a t e r s o l u b l e o i l s ; drumso r tanksRecycling S e r v i c e s : o i l s d i r t roadsLab F a c i l i t i e s : noTransport: y e s STATEWIDE S E R V I C E & SUPPLY I N C .P.O. Box 5503Spartanbu r g , SC 29304(803) 439-9330Contact: R a l p h H i g g i n sJ e r r y JohnsonWastes Accepted: petroleum base041s o n l yR e c y c l i n g S e m i ces: reprocesses o i li n t o No. 5 f u e l o i l ; EPA c e r t i f i e dTransport: o n l y i n South C a r o l i n aSTRAYHORN, LEO2219 G1 o v e r RoadDurham, NC 27703,(919) 596-2580Contact: Leo S t r a y h o r nWastes Accepted:petroleum baseo i l s ; drums o r tanks;.200 g a l l o nminimumR e c y c l i n g S e r v i ces: s e l l s t oreprocessors and paving companies183IC

-IUSED O I L HANDLERS (cont.)L a b Facilities:Transport:noyesSUPER1 OR PRODUCTSP.O. Box 106Greensboro, NC 27402(919) 375-5811!WASTE OIL SERVICE427 Vann S t r e e tGoldsboro, NC 27530(919) 735-1231Contact: Willy JohnsonTransport: yes!WATSON, HAROLD WASTE O I L SERVICE,I NC.S t a r Route, Box 7 7 - ASwansboro, NC 28584(919) 393-8747Contact: Harold WatsonServing Eastern North CarolinaWastes’ Accepted: o i l from s e r v i c estations, industrial plants,t rucki ng companies, 200 gal 1onminimum.Transport: y e siiYARBROUGH ROAD CIL SERVICE1405 Chickasha DrivePfafftown, NC 27040(919) 724-1420Contact: Henry L. YarbroughWastes Accepted: oi 1 f r o m s e r v i c e .stations, industrial plants,trucking companiesRecycling Services:- s e l l s . o i l f o rreprocessing. Temporary storagef aci 1i t yLab Fact1 i t i es: noneTransport: yes,.!i184c

The higher the halogen content in the used oil the mre likely the . hazardous waste or hazardous waste fuel. Generators that dispose of used oil at a hazardous waste facility may be subject to hazardous waste generator regulations if tile oil meets . If used oil 5s burned in a space

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