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These Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and BridgeConstruction, July 2015, are hereby approved for application on highway and relatedconstruction contracts as referenced in the contract plans or specifications, and they shallapply as noted and amended by those documents.Virgil Y. Tillander III, P.E.Manager, Program Management OfficeI hereby certify that these Standard Specifications were prepared by me or under myresponsible charge, compiled from specifications prepared, examined, adopted andimplemented by the Florida Department of Transportation in accordance with establishedprocedures, and as approved by the Federal Highway Administration.The official record of this document is the electronic file signed and sealed under Rule61G15-23.003, F.A.C.Daniel Scheer, P.E.State Specifications Engineerii

TABLE OF CONTENTSDIVISION IGENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND COVENANTSSection123456789PageDefinitions and Terms . 1Proposal Requirements and Conditions . 10Award and Execution of Contract . 16Scope of the Work . 20Control of the Work . 32Control of Materials . 52Legal Requirements and Responsibility to the Public . 56Prosecution and Progress . 80Measurement and Payment . 93DIVISION II CONSTRUCTION DETAILSGENERAL CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS100101102103104105107108Construction Equipment - General Requirements . 104Mobilization . 106Maintenance of Traffic . 107Temporary Work Structures . 125Prevention, Control, and Abatement of Erosion and Water Pollution. 126Contractor Quality Control General Requirements . 134Litter Removal and Mowing . 149Protection of Existing Structures . 151CLEARING CONSTRUCTION SITE110Clearing and Grubbing. 154EARTHWORK AND RELATED OPERATIONS120121125145160162175Excavation and Embankment . 162Flowable Fill . 179Excavation for Structures and Pipe . 181Geosynthetic Reinforcement. 190Stabilizing . 196Prepared Soil Layer . 203Cracking and Reseating Existing Concrete Pavement . 205BASE COURSES200204210Rock Base . 207Graded Aggregate Base . 214Reworking Limerock Base . 217iii

230234283285286287288290Limerock Stabilized Base . 219Superpave Asphalt Base . 221Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Base . 224Optional Base Course . 226Turnout Construction . 229Asphalt Treated Permeable Base . 231Cement Treated Permeable Base . 236Granular Subbase . 240BITUMINOUS TREATMENTS, SURFACE COURSES AND CONCRETE 353355370Prime and Tack Coats . 242Hot Mix Asphalts – Plant Methods and Equipment . 247Milling of Existing Asphalt Pavement. 255Hot Mix Asphalt – General Construction Requirements . 259Superpave Asphalt Concrete . 270Asphalt Rubber Binder . 290Asphalt Concrete Friction Courses . 294Value Added Asphalt Pavement . 303Miscellaneous Asphalt Pavement . 310Asphalt Rubber Membrane Interlayer . 312Portland Cement Concrete . 315Portland Cement Concrete - Class NS . 336Cement Concrete Pavement . 340Grinding Concrete Pavement . 353Concrete Pavement Slab Replacement . 358Value Added Portland Cement Concrete Pavement . 363Bridge Approach Expansion Joints. 40443446449Concrete Structures . 368Three-Sided Precast Concrete Culvert . 407Precast Concrete Box Culvert . 414Epoxy Injection of Cracks in Concrete Structures. 422Sealing Cracks and Concrete Structure Surfaces . 425Reinforcing Steel . 432Installation of Post-Installed Anchor Systems and Dowels .for Structural Applications in Concrete Elements . 438Inlets, Manholes, and Junction Boxes . 441Pipe Culverts . 444Pipe Liner . 455Structural Plate Pipe and Pipe Arch Culverts . 457Trench Drain . 459Underdrains . 461French Drains . 463Edgedrain (Draincrete) . 465Precast Concrete Drainage Products . 467iv

450451452453455458459460461462470471Precast Prestressed Concrete Construction . 472Prestressed Soil Anchors . 501Precast Segmental Bridge Construction . 516Epoxy Jointing of Precast Segments . 532Structures Foundations . 538Bridge Deck Joints . 603Bitumen Coating and Polyethylene Sheeting on Concrete Piles . 611Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Metals . 613Multirotational Bearings . 640Post-Tensioning . 643Timber Structures . 665Fiber Reinforced Polymer Fender Systems . 668INCIDENTAL hear Connectors . 671Steel Grid Floors . 676Bridge Drainage System . 678Navigation Lights for Fixed Bridges . 679Plastic Filter Fabric (Geotextile). 684Concrete Gutter, Curb Elements and Traffic Separator . 686Concrete Barriers, Traffic Railing Barriers and Parapets . 689Concrete Sidewalk and Driveways . 693Patterned Pavement. 695Concrete Ditch and Slope Pavement . 698Asphalt Concrete Curb. 700Architectural Pavers . 701Detectable Warnings . 703Riprap and Articulating Concrete Block Revetment Systems . 705Noise and Perimeter Walls . 711Guardrail . 714Resetting Guardrail . 719Crash Cushions . 721Rumble Strips . 722Retaining Wall Systems . 724Fencing. 738Directional Bore . 742Jack and Bore . 747Coating New Structural Steel . 756Coating Existing Structural Steel . 762Repair of Galvanized Surfaces . 770Anti-Graffiti Coatings . 771Performance Turf . 773Plastic Erosion Mat . 778TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALS AND DEVICES603General Requirements for Traffic Control Signals and Devices .

AGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association AIA American Institute of Architects. AISI American Iron and Steel Institute ANSI American National Standards Institute, Inc. AREA American Railway Engineering Association ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM American Society for Testing and .

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